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Presented by: Dumahel, Adrianne l.
Presented to: Mr. JimJun Ramas
To create a seat plan
for the 12 world leaders
based on knowledge of
their backrounds.
Being in charge of the overall
seating arrangement
of world leaders in an international summit.
It is in international summits that major world decisions
happen. Suppose that you were the overall in charge of the
seating in an international convention wherein 12 country-
representatives were invited. They are the prime ministers and
presidents of the countries of Canada, China, France, Germany,
India, Japan, Russia, Ukraine, Philippines, South Korea, USA, and
United Kingdom.
If these world leaders are to sit on a round table what is the
probability that the presidents of Russia and Ukraine will sit next
to each other?
1.) Since this is a round table, we will be using the circular permutation method, which
is (n-1)! for its sample space.
2.) We will use the following formula to determine the likelihood that people will be
seated around a circular table:
(n-m)!xm! n: being number of people
(n-1)! m: being the number of people that will sit together
3.) Now, we will first determine the number of m and individuals before applying the
algorithm to determine the likelihood that the presidents of Russia and Ukraine will be
seated next to one another at a round table with the other 10 world leaders.
(n-m)! x m! (12-2)! x 2! 10! x 2 ! 10! x 2 2
= = = = or 0.18
(n-1)! (12-1) 11! 11 x 10! 11
Being in charge of and qualified to place the presidents and national leaders of the twelve
participating nations in the international summit's seating arrangement, ensuring that there will be
no escalation in tension. I set them up so as to avoid any potential conflicts in the future. This will
increase the summits efficiency and increase the likelihood that meetings and discussions will go

Bilaterally connected nations, like Japan and the Philippines, are located close to one another.
additionally to each and every NATO member. I noted which nations had a poor reputation among
themselves in addition to noting the allies. Russia and Ukraine are engaged in combat,
according to the news I've seen. Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, claims that his country
and Ukraine are brothers and that Russia is the stronger and more powerful nation. I made the
decision to situate Russia far away from Ukraine after reading several publications. There is a good
likelihood that a greater war would start if I positioned Russia near Ukraine. Additionally, there has
been a long-standing animosity between Russia and the United States, so I chose to move the
United States back a little bit.
Although practically all of the spotlight is focused on Russia, Ukraine, and the USA.
Additionally, the territorial dispute between China and the Philippines is a problem that could
increase tension. The Philippines and China are currently in average condition, but the peril's roots
can spread, so I chose to put a country in between them. Conflicting nations will divide into
discussions that are secure, effective, and stable.

In conclusion, a good seating arrangement is important. Everything must be taken into account
because one error might set off an improbable scenario into which numerous nations could be
sucked. Making a good seat plan will always result in a good ending.

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