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House M.D. Season 5, Episode 18 HERE KITTY ( up to 16.

21 min)
1) Watch the video and find the English equivalents of the following
a) Повторный прием, последующее наблюдение врача________________
b) Чувствовать себя уставшим, слабым________________________
c) Биться в припадке_________________________
d) Стоит ли нам брать это дело?__________________________
e) Дальнейший, последующий ___________________
f) Представляющий угрозу жизни__________________
g) Определяться, оцениваться, квалифицироваться как ____________________
h) Быть обдуренным________________
i) Опровергнуть теорию_______________________
j) Светить фонариком в лицо__________________________

2) Dr Taub and Neil Zane. Match the words with the definitions and retell the story using them

1. To trip 1. Very small

2. Dizziness 2. To strike sharply/hurt
3. Entrepreneurship 3. To miss a step and nearly fall
4. An inner ear 4. Having a sensation of spinning
5. To shift around around and a tendency to fall
6. (calcium) deposit 5. The part of the ear which form the
7. Tiny organs of balance and hearing
8. To bang one’s leg 6. The state of being a businessman,
activities connected with business
7. A layer of a substance that has
formed naturally
8. To change place, to move

3) What do these abbreviations stand for?

a) CT _____________________
b) CEO_______________________
c) CBC______________________________

4) Give examples of mentioned in the episode


5) Translate in Russian so that the phrases made sense in the episode

a) A notable side-effect__________________
b) To fake a seizure___________________
c) To spot a fake seizure_____________________
d) To know the dosage____________________
e) Consecutive_______________
f) Airing disagreements doesn’t qualify as arguing____________________
g) To inhale accidentally____________________
h) Zip!_____________________
i) To segue into making a point_________________
j) Extrapolating from the fact that_________________________
k) To have quirks_____________________
l) It’s just related to your money worries___________________________
m) It’s just a coincidence_____________________________
n) To downsize___________________________
o) A gold digger___________________________

6) Answer the questions

a) What was Dr House doing when Dr Cuddy brought a patient?
b) What made Dr House interested in this patient?
c) What do we learn about the patient?
d) What are Dr House and Dr Taub arguing about? Who was right in the end?
e) How does Dr Taub comment on the friendship with his colleague?
f) What kind of person can be considered as a Munchausen?
g) How does Dr Taub explain green urine? And how Dr House does?
h) What does Dr House do to disprove Dr Taub’s fake seizure theory?
i) How is the cat related to the story? What’s so special about the cat according to the

1) A – a follow-up, b- to feel run –down, c-to seize, to have a seizure, d-Is it worth us taking
this case?, e-subsequent, f- life-threatening, g-to qualify as, h-to get conned, i- to
disprove one’s theory, j – to flash some lights in front of the face
2) 1-3, 2-4, 3-6, 4-5, 5-8, 6-7, 7-1, 8-2
3) A – computer tomography, B- Chief executive officer, C- complete blood count
4) Diseases: a cold, a pseudomonas infection, an adult-onset epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, a gout,
phenol poisoning, labyrinthitis, bronchitis, emphysema, cancer, visceral larva migrans,
Symptoms: a green urine, a sore throat, a runny nose, a seizure, a fever, a
bronchospasm, a cough, an acid reflux, laryngospasm, welts
Medical tests: CBC, head CT, thyroid uptake, abdominal ultrasound, shin test,
methacholine challenge
Treatments: charcoal hemoperfusion, antibiotics

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