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Political Party – is a group of people seeking to control government by gaining office in election
and determining public policy.
2. Political Parties do -
1) Nominate Candidates
2) Inform and activate supporters
3) Act as bonding agent
4) Govern
5) Act as watchdog
3. 2 Major Political Parties in America – Democrats and Republican
4. Democrats – are generally considered as liberal.
5. Republican – are seen as conservative.
6. Two-Party System – is a political system in which only two parties have a realistic opportunity to
compete effectively for control.
7. Third Parties – they are parties that organized to compete against the two Major American
Political Parties.
8. Poll – is a survey used to gauge public opinion concerning issues or to forecast an election.
9. Party Identification – it refers to an individual voter’s psychological ties to one party or another.
10. Party Activists – are partisans’ people who contribute time, energy and effort to support third
party and its candidates.
11. Gender Gap – it is a distinctive pattern of voting behavior reflecting the differences in views
between women and men.
12. A Majority Party – is the party that holds the majority of legislative seats in either the House or
the Senate.
13. A Minority Party – is the party that holds the minority of legislative seats in either the House or
the Senate.
14. Public Policies – are laws or statutes which affect the society at large.
15. Public Opinion – refers to the attitudes shared by a significant number of people on social and
political views.
16. Grand Old Party or “GOP” refers to what party – the term Grand Old Party or “GOP” is a
nickname for the Republican Party.
17. Cadre or Elite Party – A Cadre is a party where membership is restricted to political elites.
18. The 3 Basic Types of Political System
1) Dominant Party System
2) Two Party System
3) Muti- Party System
19. Dominant Party System – only one party control the government. There is no competition. Ex.
Communist Party
20. Two Party System – two major parties struggle for power.
21. Multi- Party System – more than two parties participate in election. The emphasis in on the
22. Political Turncoatism – is when a people shift allegiance from one political party to another.
23. Political Campaign – is an organized effort to win an election, that is, to strive for elected office.
24. Partisan – means a strong supporter of a party, cause or person.
25. Bipartisan – refers to a cooperative effort by two political party.

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