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Cheerleading and skiing

Cheerleading is important to me because when I go to practice I don't feel judged and our team
is like a big family. Also cheer pushes my body and mind to its limits which i enjoy, i like hard
work. Generally I just like it because of the stunting, tumbling, and jumps that is what cheer is
made up of. To keep my cheer part of the island thriving go to practice 6 hours a week and go to
4 competitions a year. One of my favorite memories about cheerleading in the past was when I
won my hit zero pin , which means to have a zero deduction routine completely flawless.

Skiing is important to me because it’s my favorite winter sport and it is so beautiful up in the
snowy mountains. To maintain and keep my skiing part of the island I go skiing whenever I can.
One of my favorite memories about skiing was when I turned 12 and my friend spent all day
skiing. It was so fun.


Anxiety is not important to me, it's just a part of my personality. I get stressed almost everyday
over things like dirty floors or other things which keep my anxiety island up.I don’t have a
favorite memory but i can say that my stress has helped make sure that all my homework is


Adventure is important to me because it keeps both mentality and physically healthy. Going
hiking and exploring in nature keeps my adventure island thriving . My most memorable
adventure was when me and my mom went exploring off the trail and found a cool river.


Pets island is important to me because I love my dogs and my chickens bring me eggs. This
island stays thriving by spending time and taking care of my pets. My favorite memory with my
dogs is when they first saw snow.

My family is very important to me , they are always there for me and I love them very
much.Spending time and calling them helps keep the island favourite memory is
when me and moms side of the family had christmas in bc.

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