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The Old man and the Grand Son

There was once a very old man, whose eyes had become dim, his ears dull of hearing, his knees trembled, and when
he sat at table he could hardly hold the spoon, and spilt the broth upon the table-cloth or let it run out of his mouth. His
son and his son's wife were disgusted at this, so the old grandfather at last had to sit in the corner behind the stove,
and they gave him his food in an earthenware bowl, and not even enough of it.

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The Golden Gate Bridge

When it was designed and constructed, the Golden Gate Bridge was a one of a kind venture both in design and
engineering. The first design proposed by Joseph B. Strauss was dismissed on the grounds of its unsightly architecture.
And so the chief engineer changed his project and designed the bridge as a suspension span.

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Reading Comprehension: A brief history of Social Media

This reading comprehension exercise focuses on a written passage about the history of social media. It's followed by a
list of key vocabulary relating to social networks and technology you can use to review what you've learned.

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Languages of Alaska
Alaska’s indigenous people are broadly called Alaska Natives. The name includes five major groups: Aleuts, Northern
Eskimos (Inupiat), Southern Eskimos (Yuit), Interior Indians (Athabascans) and Southeast Coastal Indians (Tlingit and
Haida). Naturally, this division is based on cultural and linguistic similarities of peoples who live in different regions of

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I love that Thanksgiving is a true American holiday as old as our country. When we celebrate today, it feels great to
play football or get a morning workout before the cooking and feasting begin. After the meal, it’s time for ....

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Men who walked on the Moon

o say that art and science are far apart and that the mind of a scientist focuses on facts while an artist has his head in
the clouds is an ill-grounded simplification. Jules Verne, among many others, proves that artists not only are fascinated
by science, but also can give it direction and inspiration. His book From the Earth to the Moon was published in 1865,
one hundred and four years before American astronauts walked on the surface of the Earth’s only satellite.

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Honesty is one of man kind’s most cherished virtues. But what is honesty? Honesty is the process of recognizing,
accepting and expressing our authentic, true self. And this process starts with you. Nothing is more important than
being honest with your self. All too often, we fall into the trap of deceiving ourselves with rationalization. The culprit
that hides behind the skirts of dishonesty is fear.

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How strong is the Louisiana Super Dome Roof?

In August 2005, the Louisiana Superdome became a shelter of last resort as Hurricane Katrina set sights on New
Orleans. Although 30 years old and built in a floodplain, the structure stood firm and saved the lives of thousands of
people. How strong IS the Louisiana Superdome?

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Best ways to stretch your money

Money is one of the most important material things that a person can have. As a matter of fact, it is pretty much the
most important material thing that a person can have. This is because money lets us buy things we need. It gets us a
car that will take us places. It gets us a house that we turn into a home.

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Standing up for animals rights

The first historical supporter of animal rights is thought to be the ancient Greek thinker Pythagoras. Based on his belief
that humans can return after death in animal bodies, he argued for treating animals the same as humans.

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