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" End Racism, Build Peace"

Can we achieve peace? I think that is one of the difficult question to answer, it is because, we
cannot feel it or see it in this world full of noise and chaos. As the world changes, peace is the hardest
thing to obtain by a human. We experience the feeling of being an outcast because of our physical
appearance, color, and race. How can we achieve peace if there are people who are trying to prevent
the freedom, rights, and happiness of others. I think racism is one of the biggest contributing factor that
prevent us from achieving a peaceful living.

As the time passes by, a percentage of racial inequality increases. Racism is an ideology that
divides people into races based on which some people are thought to be morally and intellectually
superior to others. Racism's occurence can be anywhere. According to research, workplaces, shops, and
the neighborhood are the most common places where racism occurs. It also takes place in schools,
online, and on public transportation. The media occasionally expresses racism. This occurs when certain
racial groups are portrayed unfairly or negatively in media coverage or commentary. Another form of
racism is viewed by many as the media's lack of cultural diversity. In the case of George Floyd, he was
being murdered by a police officer by suffocating him and the reason is his race. If those people like the
police officer are present this day, how can we achieve the peace that we want? In this present day,
neighbors, students, teachers, president, and all individual living in this world must educate themselves
and be more cultural diversed. It is not for a one person's pleasure but it is for the world's unification.

As we celebrate the " International Day of Peace", we must fight for our rights, freedom, and
happiness despite of our race. For those people who felt the feeling of being an outcast, do not just sit
and stay silent but instead, raise your voice, express your feelings, and combat the wrong aspects of this
world. We are not born just to discriminate by others, we are born to appreciate and love this world. We
maybe black or white, American or Filipino, it is not the race that dictates our way of living but, it is how
we understand the life's true value. We breath the same air and live as a living matter and cultural
diversity is one of the essentiality. Let's be brave, stand and end racism to achieve the peace and the
worry will ease.

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