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Figure 2: Oil Production Schematic Diagram

Crude oil is shipped from the Tank Crude Oil Terminal (TCOT) to Single Buoy Mooring (SBM)
where the crude will be transported through underground pipeline into the refinery and then
stored inside the crude tanks.

Crude oil first enters the Crude Preheat Train (CPHT) for heating before sending to refinery
process units. Currently, only one powerformer (PF 2) is in use. Powerformer 1 is currently not
in operation. Any oil spillage will be drained to the skim pond via sewer system. The oil will be
recovered at skim pond and sent back to tank for future process. Excess gas or vented gas will be
burnt as flare gas. Small amount of fuel/refinery gas will be used as fuel for the refinery.
Refinery products include Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Motor Gasoline (Mogas),
Naphtha, Kerosene (Jet Fuel) and Automobile Diesel Oil (ADO). Low Sulfur Waxy
Residual (LSWR) is produced as refinery by-product. These products are stored in either
product tankages or LPG spheres (for LPG only).

Useful products are sent to Port Dickson Terminal (PDT) or other distribution centers. LPG
is sent to Bottling Plant before distributed to other distribution centers. LPG is also
transported from Shell Refining Company (SRC) via pipelines. Motor gasoline (Mogas) is
blended according to the specification such as UL 95 and UL 97. Jet fuel is transported out
via Multipurpose Pipeline (MPP). Mogas, naphtha, kerosene and ADO are mostly
distributed via trucks and marine vessels. LSWR is sent to Singapore for further process

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