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Listen and fill in

In …………………. King James I passed new laws against Roman Catholics.

A group of Catholics decided to destroy ……………………… and kill the …………….
They put thirty-six ………………. of explosives under the Palace of
………………. Fawkes guarded the explosives.
But the King’s ………………………. discovered the plot and found Guy Fawkes
They took him to the ………………………………………. and later they hanged him
and the other plotters.
Another name for Guy Fawkes Night is …………………………….. Night.
It is called this because in Great Britain people celebrate Guy Fawkes Night
with big …………………………….. and ……………………………….
True or false
1. Bonfire night takes place on 4th Thursday of November
2. It is an Amarican event.
3. A group of people wanted to blow up Parliament on 5 November
4. The King ’s soldiers discovered the plot.
5. Guy Fawkes was caught outside Parliament.
6. Guy Fawkes was not punished.
Answer the questions
1. Who was the King of England in 1605?
2. Why did the plotters want to blow up Parliament?
3. How many barrels of explosives were there?
4. Where did the soldiers arrest Guy Fawkes?
5. What do the British do on Bonfire Night?
Listen and fill in.

Remember, remember the …………………… of November,

Gunpowder Treason and ………………….,
I ………………… no reason
For Gunpowder Treason
To ever be forgot.
……………………………………….., Guy Fawkes, it was your intent
To blow up the King and ………………………………….
Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring
God save the ……………………………….!

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