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Warm-up exercise: Complete the conversation using who, which, whose

or where.


Exercise 1: Fill in who’s or whose.

who's who's

whose whose

whose Whose

Exercise 2: Fill in the correct relative pronoun. What part of sentence is each, subject or
object? Write S for subject and O for object, then state if the relatives can be omitted or
not in the box provided.
which O TN
which S
who O
who S
that S
which O
who S
who O
that S
which O
who S
that S
who S
who/that S
that S
who S
which O
who O
Khi mà danh từ chưa xác định ( có chữ the đứng trước ) --> quan trọng
khi danh từ là tên riêng thì mệnh đề quan hệ sẽ đứng giữa , , và ko qt
Exercise 3: Fill in the appropriate relative, say whether the relative clauses are essential
that không or not to the meaning of the main sentence, then add commas where necessary.
dùng khi có
dấu phẩy which essential
who essential
,who not
who essential
,who not
,who not
,which not

Exercise 4: Correct the mistakes.

which who when

where where where when
who which which

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