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You are Chase Fairs, a lawyer who is upcoming in the world of Ace Attorney.

meet your lawyer accomplice, Phoenix Wright. Phoenix Wright will help you in court,
also Phoenix Wright is one of the best lawyers of all time. You meet him the the
defendent lobby.

The two of you have a lot to talk about and then it's time for the trial. The
prosecutor is Jim Guilty.

> You say "So Mr. Wright?"

"Yes, what is it Chase?"

"What do we have here?"
"It's a man known as James Black. He has been charged with the brutal murders of
his three daughters."

> You say "So, who is the prosecutor of this case?"

"The prosecutor of this case is Jim Guilty." replied Phoenix Wright. "Now, Black
admits he killed his three daughters but claims it was in an accident where they
fell into a well."


Before Mr. Phoenix Wright could say a thing. The bailiff comes through the door and
says that we have to go into the courtroom right now. "Well, we need to go into the
courtroom now. How are you feeling about this, Chase?" said Phoenix Wright. "Oh,
ummmmm." you reply. "Now now, there's no need to be so worried about your first
trial, Chase! All you need to do is to go forward!" relied Phoenix Wright. "Yeah, I
guess you're right!" you reply, feeling more confident than ever! "Well, see you in
court, don't get nervous because I'm by your side. Okay?" said Phoenix Wright.
"Okay.." you reply as you and Mr. Wright go into the courtroom.

When you enter the court room, you see that the place is packed. You are so nervous
that your hands sweat and you feel faint. Then you remember Mr. Wright by your
side. He's the man who defended your aunt in her last trial and he won, so you feel
a bit more encouraged. The judge enters and the court is now in session.
The judge says "Court is now in session for the trial of James Black"

> You "The prosecution is ready, Your Honor." said Jim Guilty. "The, uh, defense is
ready, Your Honor." you say nervously. "Ahem, Mr. Chase. This is your first trial.
Correct?" said the judge. "Um, yes, Your Honor." you reply.

"Mr. Chase. You may proceed." said the judge.

"Thank you, Your Honor." said Mr. Chase.
"You may begin."
Mr. Wright looks towards you. He quickly tells you to what to do in your case and
finishes by telling you to check your Court Record. "Thank you for your advice, Mr.
Wright." "No problem, Chase." replies Mr. Phoenix Wright.

> You check your Court Record.

You read the facts of the case. You see that you are supposed to argue whether or
not James Black killed his daughters in an accident or on purpose.
"Please turn to case number twenty-seven." said Mr. Wright.
You turn to the appropriate page and read the facts about the trial. You see the
name of the judge, the prosecution, the defense and the witnesses. You also see the
results of the trial.

The first thing you notice the name of the defense, which is you. You feel shocked.
Then you notice the witnesses for the prosecution. There's James Black, the
defendant and the father of the victim.

There's also Dimitri K. and Brenda B., who were witnesses to the accident. You
also notice that the list of evidence so far is just the autopsy report for the

You read the autopsy report to find out that the lungs of Jennifer Black were
completely destroyed and her heart was enlarged, indicating she drowned. You also
notice that Cecilia Black died of asphyxiation, meaning her airways were blocked.
This could only happen if she aspirated some water into her lungs.

As for the cause of death, the report simply says Accident or Undetermined. This
is going to be a tricky one. You look towards the defendant, James Black. He sits
emotionless in his chair. You remember that you have to argue how this accident
Just then, Mr. Pursuit calls the first witness for the prosecution: Mrs. Brenda.
Mrs. Brenda walk up to the witness stand.

"May the witness state her name and occupation?" says Mr. Pursuit. "My name is
Brenda B. and I am the mother of Cecilia Black." replies Mrs. Brenda.

"What is your occupation, please?" asks Mr. Pursuit. "I am a waitress at Nick's
Off Broadway." "How long have you known the defendant, James Black?" asks Mr.
Pursuit. "For about, 16 years." "How do you know the defendant?" "I'm his wife."
"What is your relationship to the defendant?"

"He's my son's father."You think to yourself. "Why is she referring to herself as

the mother of specifically Cecilia Black and James Black as her son's father."
You've never really thought about this before, but you do find it weird.

"What did you say your name was?" asks Mr. Pursuit.
"Brenda B."Mrs. Brenda cries.
"Can you tell us what happened two days ago, on Wednesday." you ask. "My children
and I had just went to the doctor's office. We picked up new shots for my daughter,
Cecilia." says Mrs. Brenda.

> You say "Why did you take Cecilia to take shots?"
"I take my daughter to get shots, on a regular basis. It's part of her treatment."

"What kind of shots?" you ask. "She has leukemia."

You're a bit surprised. "Cecilia Black, your daughter, has leukemia?"
"Yes, it's a very serious disease." "How long has she had it?"

"She was diagnosed when she was three years old."

You see a bit of confusion in the faces of the defense.
"Why does she need to get shots?" you ask. "She needs a transfusion almost every
two weeks."

"Can't you borrow someone else's blood?" you ask. "Objection!" said Mr. Pursuit.
"None of this conversation is relevant to this case.". Now, witness. How did you
come across the scene of the crime?"
"I was walking to my car, when I noticed a circle of blood."
"What color was the blood?" asks Mr. Pursuit.
"It was red."
"What else did you notice?"
"There were footprints leading away from the circle of blood."
"What did you do?"

> You say "What do you mean by "circle of blood", Mrs. Brenda?"
"The circle of blood was in the gravel. The gravel had been disturbed."
"Was it a large circle or a small circle?" you ask.
"It was a medium size circle."
"What did you do?"
"I called the police."

> You say "Was the blood near a well?"

"Yes. Well, it was in a ditch, actually."

> You say "What do you mean in the ditch?"

"The blood was in a ditch that leads to our well."

> You say "what is a ditch doing in the path to the well?"
"The ditch was beside the path leading to the well."
"Why do you say was? Why do you think it is now?" you ask.
"I don't know."
"Did you notice anything else?"
"I noticed that trees had been broken and pushed over near the scene of this
"Anything else?"
"There were beer bottles at the scene of this crime."

You notice that you're getting closer and closer to the point: you can feel the
energy building up in it. You're eager to reach it.
"Anything else?" you say, with a voice full of emotion. "Tell us!" you say in a
low, intense voice.

"Nothing else," she says, "except that I'm sorry." You think to yourself. "She's
hiding something, I know it!" "That's all for now," the judge says. "You may step
down, Mr. Chase."

"But I haven't finished my questions!" you say. "I want to know what she's sorry
"I don't know, Mr. Chase," says the judge. "You did ask her that."
You turn to look at the criminal. She looks at you, her eyes full of fear.

> You say "Your Honor, what do you mean by I did asked her that?"
"I mean, you asked her if she was sorry. She said she was sorry. What more do you
want from her?"
"I want her to tell me what she's sorry for!" you say, turning back to look at

"What did you do?"

"I'm sorry," she says, the words bursting from her lips in a torrent, "I'm sorry,"
she says. "I didn't want him to die."
"What do you mean? You caused his death?"
"Yes," she says, The courtroom stares at Mrs. Brenda in shock and disbelief. "Mrs.
Brenda! What do you mean by yes?" says the judge in disbelief.
"Yes! I caused my daughters death!" she says. "I was scared and angry. I hit
them!" she says. "I am so sorry!"
You can't believe what you just heard.

> You say "So you hid their bodies and dumped their bodies into the well?"

"Yes, I did. Then I hid and threw their bodies into the well. The crime scene!!!!"
She replied. "I panicked. I wanted to forget. I tried to block out everything, but
I can't anymore. It's all coming back. The memories are getting stronger and
stronger. I'm scared, I need help!"
"Sorry what?" you ask.
"I was in a hurry and I hit the brakes too hard. I didn't mean to kill them. I'm
You stare at this frantic woman in shock.
"Hmmmmm. This has been an unexpected turn of events." the judge said with his eyes
closed. "So the witness, Mrs. Brenda killed her two daughters when she accidentally
hit them with her car. This court finds the defendant, James Black..." Suddenly,
just as the judge was about to place the verdict.... "Objection!!" shouted Mr.
Pursuit. "Your Honor! How do we know that the witness is telling the truth? Also,
what happened to the blood of her daughters' on the "supposed" street where she hit
them. Finally, we have another witness to disprove these claims!!"
"Another witness??" the judge said. You couldn't believe it, you almost proved
your client guilty but there had to be another witness. "So who is this mysterious
witness?" asked the judge. "The prosecution would like to bring Dimitri K. as a
witness." replied Mr. Pursuit. "Go ahead," responds the judge. "Mr. K., you may
take the stand." You look at Brenda as she leaves the stand.A few moments later,
Dimitri K. takes the stand.

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