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Module 4 - Workshop 5

Let's go deeper into reading the image. Using the four planes of understanding that were discussed in
this module, criticize this artwork:

Title: Christina's World (1948)

By: Andrew Wyeth

Medium: Egg Tempera on Gessoed Panel

Dimensions: 81.9 cm × 121.3 cm

Location: Museum of Modern Art, New York City


With 4 members each group, What you are going to have to do is to use the four planes of understanding
an artwork and write a 6-8 sentence assessment or criticism for the artwork, for each of the four planes.
Just to clarify, it is 6-8 sentences per plane. It's up to you how you will divide the task.

Four planes of understanding an artwork:

NOTE: Read PPT Slides 34-46

1. Semiotic Plane - Canlapan

2. Iconic Plane - Ainah
3. Contextual Plane - Cath
4. Evaluative Axiological Plane – A.Pricess

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