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STEP 7 -“Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

 Step of Humility (Ask) –

“Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues.” – Confucius


1. What does it mean to have humility?

2. How do I demonstrate humility in my life?

3. What imperfections am I asking God to remove from my life?

Be specific!

4. I believe that only God will remove my character defects or

Am I trying to do this myself?

5. In what areas of my life do I need to exercise patience and let go of receiving

immediate gratification?

6. In what areas of my life do I need to make constructive choices and let go of old
destructive habits?

7. Who do I need to show compassion for?

8. Am I asking God for help to remove my imperfections? Give examples.

9. Who are the people I can count on my journey of restoration?

Do I intentionally seek to walk with them?
Who else could I approach to learn from this person's experiences?

10. What changes can other people already see in my life?

11. Something positive can come out of something negative.

How do I see it in my life?

12. Is gratitude part of my restoration journey?

What can I be grateful for today?

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