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Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the production

and sales of Wuliangye and its series of wines. At the same time, it
also produces and operates precision plastic products, modern
manufacturing industries of large, medium and small high-precision
injection and stamping molds, as well as bioengineering,
pharmaceutical industry, printing industry, electronic device
industry. A modern enterprise group with profound corporate culture
in logistics, transportation and related service industries. Mainly
engaged in the production and sale of Wuliangye and its series of

始建于 1950 年,是在整合了明清 36 家古老酿酒作坊群的基础上发展起来,酿
酒历史可以追溯到十六世纪,公司拥有始建于公元 1573 年的 1619 口老窖池,
自明清时期沿用至今,连续 400 多年从未间断过酿酒生产,窖泥微生物不断驯
最为完整、连续使用时间最长的酿酒窖池。主要经营活动:“国窖 1573”、

Luzhou LaoJiao is one of China's four famous liquor, The originator of Luzhou flavor Baijiu.
Luzhou LaoJiao is located in Luzhou, Sichuan Province. It was built in 1950 and developed on the
basis of integrating 36 ancient brewing workshops in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The brewing
history can be traced back to the 16th century. The company has 1619 old cellars built in 1573 AD
since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has never stopped brewing production for more than 400
years, and pit mud microorganisms have been domesticated and enriched. It forms a huge
microbial system and is non renewable and reproducible. It is the wine cellar with the longest
history, the most complete preservation and the longest continuous use in China. Main business
Luzhou LaoJiao and "1573 old Baijiu" series of research and development, production and sales.
戈登模型揭示了股票价格、预期基期股息、 贴现率和股息固定增长率之间的关系,又称为
Gordon model reveals the relationship between stock price, expected base dividend,
discount rate and fixed dividend growth rate, also known as constant growth model,
which is a special case of dividend discount model. The model has three assumptions: 1
The payment of dividends is permanent in time; 2. The growth rate of dividends is a
constant; 3. The discount rate in the model is greater than the dividend growth rate.

Gordon model is a widely accepted and used stock valuation model. The model
determines the internal value of stocks by calculating the present value of dividends
expected to be paid to shareholders in the future. It is equivalent to the sustainable inflow
of future dividends.

P0=D1/ (rs – g)根据这个模型,公司的股利政策会对股票价值产生影响。它使投资者可以确

P0 = D1 / (RS – g) according to this model, the company's dividend policy will
have an impact on the stock value. It enables investors to determine the
absolute value or "intrinsic value" of a company that is not affected by the
current stock market situation. Gordon model measures future dividends (not
earnings) and pays attention to the actual cash flow expected by investors,
which is helpful for comparison between different industries.
股息增长率等于后一年总股息减去前一年总股息之差除以前一年总股息乘以 100%。最后
再将六年内的五个年增长率用算术平均数的方法求和除以 5 计算得出平均年增长率。
Growth rate of the dividend is equal to the difference between the total
dividends of the latter year and the total dividends of the former year divided
by the total dividends of the former year multiplied by 100%. Finally, the five
annual growth rates in six years are summed by the arithmetic average and
divided by 5 to calculate the average annual growth rate.

通过以上数据来源找到两家公司的 AB,计算出 C。



The Gordon model determines the intrinsic value of stocks based on a series
of dividends that will grow at a constant rate in the future. We can use it to
estimate the fair value of stocks and determine the feasibility of investment.

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