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Initial Write your goal here.

Reduce procrastination while doing homework.
Your goal should be well defined, detailed and clear.
I can be more specific by being specific on which time in the day.

Is your goal measurable? You should be able to tell when you reach your goal.
It is not so I will add a specifici amount of time that I need to be completely focused on just homework.


Can you reach the goal, taking into account your available time, skills, and financial
My goal just tells me to reduce procrastination but isn’t specific enough for me to actually know if my procrastinating is decreasing.


Is your goal realistically achievable within the given time frame and with the
available resources?
Yes my goal should be realistic as I just need to regulate what I do during the day.

Set a start and finish date for your goal.
Sep 10 Dec 20
Timely Start Date: ___________________Finish Date_____________________

SMART Revise your goal based on the answers to the questions above.
Set aside 3 hours a day to just homework and no social media to decrease
Goal procrastination while doing homework after school.

Action Plan
What steps do you need to take to get you to your goal?

Action Items Expected Actual

Completion Date Completion Date
Use the ‘do not disturb’ button to pause notifications and pings
Fix bad habits like checking phone every other minute. Dec Dec

Potential Obstacles and Solutions

Potential Obstacles Potential Solutions

Bad habits Use self control app to regulate websites
Notifications/pings Use the ‘do not disturb’ feature to mute notifications

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