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2022/10/21 17:52 Emulating a GameBoy Cartridge with an STM32F4.

Part 1 · Dhole's blog

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Emulating a GameBoy Cartridge with an STM32F4. Part 1

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Categories:

stm32f4 gameboy

The following project consists on emulating the functionality of a GameBoy
cartridge with the development board STM32F4.
The system is fully functional
and is able to emulate real cartridges (as well as homebrew games) of the type
ROM Only and
MBC1 (Memory Block Controller 1). In this post I will explain
how I managed to achieve this.

Current flashcart systems commonly use a design consisting on a FPGA or CPLD
controlling the logic of the emulated
cartridge (memory banking, RAM access,
etc.), a media storage (flash chip or SD card) and an SDRAM chip.

The way this flashcarts work is that upon booting the console, they present a
small program that list the ROMs available in
the media storage. The user selects
a game and the FPGA copies it from the media storage to the SDRAM to allow
access. Once the ROM has been copied, the FPGA acts as a gateway mapping
the contents of the SDRAM to the original
cartridge mappings.

Since the GameBoy cartridges use small ROM chips for which one can find
compatible FLASH chips in the market, it is a
viable alternative to the FPGA
to take an original cartridge with a MBC5 and swap the original ROM chip with
a compatible
FLASH memory. A cartridge with MBC5 is often selected because with
it, games with ROM Only and games using MBC1 can
also be run (There is
compatibility). With this setup, the user is able to reprogram the FLASH many
times with different
games and play them on the GameBoy.

This procedure is detailed here:

DIY Nintendo GAMEBOY Classic Flash Cartridge

The FPGA system seems to allow much more freedom but it also involves more work:
the MBC5 (or the supported Memory
Block Controllers) must be implemented in
hardware, an interface to access the media storage must be designed, the circuit
must be designed too with all the components (FPGA/CPLD, FLASH/SD Reader, SDRAM,

An alternative to this one can think of would be to use a microcontroller

instead, interfacing the cartridge pins through the
GPIO. This design can have
many complications since the timings to perform a read / write operation are
quite tight. The
microcontroller should be fast enough to perform this operations
at the bus speed. When adding the functionality of the
Memory Block controller
the timings could be hard to achieve.
Alex from Inside Gadgets
attempted to
achieve this using an
Arduino. The low frequency of the Arduino made this project
infeasible, although Alex was able to achive the emulation of
the Nintendo logo,
due to the fact that when the gameboy boots, the first read of the Nintendo logo
from the cartridge is
timming predictable and not too fast:

My aim was to try to implement a cartridge emulator using a faster microcontroller.

The hardware
For this project I choosed the STM32F4 Discovery. This development board features
an ARM Cortex-M4 which can run at
168MHz, with 1 MB Flash, 192 KB RAM and more than
70 GPIO. The GPIO are accessed through a peripherials bus that can
run at 100MHz.
I also considered other boards such as the Teensy 3.1 but I ended up choosing
the STM32F4 because it had
more Flash and RAM and because it was unexpensive (14€). 1/6
2022/10/21 17:52 Emulating a GameBoy Cartridge with an STM32F4. Part 1 · Dhole's blog

On the other side, the GameBoy CPU runs at 4MHz. The comercial cartridges have
up to 512 KB of ROM and 128 KB of RAM,
although the MBC5 is capable of handling
bigger ROMs. Many cartridges have a MBC (Memory Block Controler) such as the
or the MBC1. This controller allows the catridge to handle ROMs that don’t fit
into the GameBoy memory area
reserved for the cartridge ROM by means of bank
selection. This selections are performed by writting into specific areas of
memory map reserved for the ROM (So that the MBC can handle them).

A list of characteristics of the comercial cartridges can be found here:

GB Cart List
It is important to notice that the GameBoy
works at 5V whereas the STM32F4 works
at 3.3V. Connecting 5V signals to the GPIOs of a 3.3 microcontroller can be
dangerous and damage the GPIO peripherials. Luckily the STM32F4-Discovery has
5V tolerance for most of the pins. To see
which ones you can check the

With these characteristics it seems this project can be doable. If we consider

that the gameboy will perform at most a read /
write per CPU cycle (We will later
see that this is not the case), we are left with 42 cycles of our dev board to handle
operation. Taking into account that the GPIO bus is clocked at 100MHz, there
will be some delay which will leave us fewer

Analyzing the bus

In order to get an idea of how the bus used by the GameBoy to access the
cartridge works I decided to perform some
captures using a Logic Analyzer. Since
I don’t have any hardware logic analyzer, I used a an awesome project
which consists
of an implementation of a logic analyzer for the STM32F4, which
uses the SUMP protocol to interface with the PC (SUMP is a
standard protocol for
hardware logic analyzers to interface with the client side). The logicdiscovery
allows to sample up to
20MHz on 16 channels, with up to 24k samples:


The client used is the Logic Sniffer, an open source Java client compatible with
the SUMP protocol:

Logic Sniffer

In order to analyze the bus while the GameBoy was performing reads and writes to
the cartridge, I soldered an FDD ribbon to
the main board of the GameBoy,
intercepting the cartridge pins as follows:

Back of the GameBoy PCB with the cartridge pins soldered to a FDD ribbon.

Since only 16 channels are available for the logicdiscovery I decided to monitor
the CLK, RD, WR, CS, DATA {0-4} and ADDR
{0-8}. (That is, the lower 4 bits of
the data and the lower 8 bits of the address). With this we should be able to
get information
about the timings of the different operations. 2/6
2022/10/21 17:52 Emulating a GameBoy Cartridge with an STM32F4. Part 1 · Dhole's blog

The GameBoy cartridge pinout is well known, so it’s easy to figure out what every
pin on the PCB of the GameBoy does
from a pinout picture:

GameBoy cartridge pinout. Image from

Upon analyzing the bus with the BATMAN game (ROM Only cartridge), the following is obtained:

Logic capture overview

The first thing I noticed is that the CLK is at 1MHz, this is good news for us:
we have more cycles for each operation. One
oddity I found with the capture is
that we can see that the WR goes low a few times (WR is active on low). The
cartridge doesn’t have RAM nor Memory Block Controller, so it doesn’t make
sense to write into it. Since we only have
half of the adressess, we can’t say
for certain where the data is being written, but my guess is that we are seeing
being done to the internal GameBoy RAM.

We can take a closer look to a read and a write and analyze what’s happening and
when. This information will give us an
idea on when should we perform the reading
of the adresses for a write/read operation, and when to output the data on a
read operation.

Notice that we have a 20MHz sampling rate, this means that a sample is being
taken every 50 ns, leading to an error of +/-
25 ns. 3/6
2022/10/21 17:52 Emulating a GameBoy Cartridge with an STM32F4. Part 1 · Dhole's blog

Read timings

Write timings

We can see that for a read operation, the GameBoy leaves WR and CS unactivate
(high) and the RD active (low). This is the
default. The GameBoy sets the
address 150ns after the CLK rise, and the data is available in the bus
(coming from the
cartridge) 200 ns later. We can’t say when the GameBoy reads
the data, but a guess would be around the CLK fall.

For the write operation, the RD is set to unactive at the same time the address
and the data is set in the bus (150 ns after CLK
rise). 100 ns later the CS is
activated. At the CLK fall, the WR is activated, allowing the cartridge to perform
the write for 300
ns. On the next cycle, we can see that RD and CS are reset to
the default state (low and high, active and unactive
respectively). Notice that
the CS (Chip Select) is not strictly needed, although it seems to be used only
when accessing RAM
(this is not clear). 4/6
2022/10/21 17:52 Emulating a GameBoy Cartridge with an STM32F4. Part 1 · Dhole's blog

The writing timing analysis are sound with the analysis found in the unnoficial
GameBoy CPU Manual:

RAM timings, taken from the Game Boy CPU Manual. Click for detailed timings.

Now that we know that the information seen in the bus is not only the communication
between the GameBoy and the
cartridge but all the read/write operations of the
GameBoy to its memory map, we can understand the following capture,
which shows
a DMA operation (The GameBoy has a DMA functionality to allow to fast copy contents
from RAM or ROM to
the OAM (Object Atribute Memory), used by the screen to draw

DMA in action

In the following post I will write about the implementation of the cartridge
emulator. Stay tunned!

Continuation: Emulating a GameBoy Cartridge with an STM32F4. Part 2

Written by Dhole 5/6
2022/10/21 17:52 Emulating a GameBoy Cartridge with an STM32F4. Part 1 · Dhole's blog

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