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Juliana Isabella D. Magno
11 – STEM – Lakas

Ways to Tackle Global Warming

Global Warming is definitely the single greatest environmental challenge that the planet earth is facing at present.
The Earth is warming up at a steady pace. As the world warms, extreme weather events are becoming more
frequent and intense, sea levels are rising, and many animals and plants are becoming extinct. Health, Ecological,
and Humanitarian crises are happening and we ourselves are the reason for this. The fuel which you use in order to
power your homes, cars, businesses and more is heating up the planet faster than expected. Addressing global
warming will require many solutions. We should practice ways and even the littlest things that help prevent global
warming from worsening.

We must all work to adopt a greener and healthier lifestyle. This is the first step in preventing our planet from
getting warmer and warmer. Avoid unnecessary use of single use products and goods. Recycling will help reduce
the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators and prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect new
raw materials.

Cars are one of the biggest contributors to climate change: 82% of emissions from transportation come from cars.
Commuting allows a less number of private cars on the road. This prevents more emission of greenhouse gases.
Electric and plug-in hybrid cars are often touted as climate friendly because they have no tailpipe emissions. With
several fully crash-tested electric car models now available, having a car with zero-emissions at the point of use is
now a realistic option.

The single biggest way you can make an impact on global climate change is by voicing your concerns. Inform others
with the knowledge you have. Let people around you know how and why global warming is happening so that they
can be a part of the movement to a cooler and greener earth. We should advocate for a healthier planet and
support climate legislations by talking to friends and family about the importance of voting for climate action.

Adopting a sustainable life isn’t easy, especially since it’s difficult to feel that your actions are truly making a
difference. Even though we cannot stop global warming overnight, or even over the next several decades, we can
slow the rate by doing things that are not harmful to our planet. We only have one planet that we can live on so we
should take good care of it. It only gets worse from here if we don’t stop it now. The time is now to do something
to prevent global warming, otherwise, it will be irreversible. Thus, remember, the change begins with you.

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