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Ferrera, Josef Edward N.



a) Give at least three (3) key fundamental principles affected in the case above. Explain your

- In the given case, three (3) of the key fundamental principles were affected:

 Objectivity
 Professional competence and due care
 Professional behavior

Objectivity was affected under the circumstance of the case given wherein there has been a
conflict of interest which as displayed by the manager where it appears that there has been
a given complicated task given to Jacob of which Jacob himself felt that he is not sufficient
to get the work done alone considering that he does not have the experience required for
it, hence, making the deadline of the task given before his decided live would seem

Professional competence and due care were also present given that Jacob was well aware
with the task given to him, he had a proper estimation as to the completion of the work to
be done, the work given was not at his level of expertise as Jacob explains that he needed
supervision for the work to fall within the required standard.

Lastly, Professional Behavior was also affected given the fact that Jacob was intimidated by
the manager which plays a significant role that could affect Jacob’s interest.

b) If you were Jacob, what possible courses of action are you going to take concerning the
fundamental principles affected?

- First, If I secured my study leave, I would see to it that my manager knows that fact, and I
would humbly ask if he could give tasks to me of which would not deliberately affect my
leave. Given in the case, a complex task was assigned of which seemed beyond my pay
grade, therefore, it would be appropriate if supervision was given to me to complete the
given task. But it was also stated that no supervision nor support was given, so with that I
will be forced to report to HR for the unjust behavior of which could have affected the
quality of work which could greatly affect the company. In addition, I would also report the
signs of threat that was given to me by the manager considering that it would affect my
interest and it is not an appropriate practice in the workplace.

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