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5, R@lizs ard adftdleds.: .l*rrs d€d for me and lhal He e.

@ a@in and
"For whos@ver shalt cau uoon the naG of lhe tlal He alone can s3ve mv soul fiom Hell N@. i
Lod .hall b? sa@d ' Romits 10 13 acd JesG rn mv hearl'as mv neBonal Sator
,nd l.rd Th:nk viu rorelemafll'ain HcaFn ln


Th6 s a promse. The word vlnosoeve/'
means vou. Not. .u,,hosoe€ris a chu(h
membei, or s b6ptzed, orrakes 6mdunion, or
does the besr he er bul *tlos@ver shall @ll Northside Bible BaDtist Church
A .hurch for lhe wh'ole fam -vl
'Bit as-manv as Ecetved him la hem oave he Flo6nte ventLd - Paslor
the DoM.6 benne the sms al Golt-e@n to 7? Don S Hernando St.. ComerMabini. LC
the;a that bel€w.n h's n.m .t1thn I 12 Tel (077)773 1586; (0771770 3679
HeEs howvouca. be 100% sue ofHeaven: Schedule of Setuices:
6.Confe$;nd accept Jesus in Prayer: SundavSchool ar30 rm
Lod. I confess m You lhai I am a sinner and Momrn6 Seru'e - I30 am
that I deerye ro 9o ro Hell. Bd I believe ihat Evenn; Seruice - 4 30 om
Prayerfueel'nq - 530 pm
l. Relia and &knowl.dge: "...tha htk wlidl vih t@ ad He boughl elemal lib ior sll. Je.B owft and
".. .an have sinned, ad 6nE shon of he glory brlrsbr,€i r4,bh ,ir lt. i!@nd dralt. " feely gtues etema'lib. ln facl, He plomll€€
lha! '.../li,'? tl€t con lrlrae Iwllinnovi,,

sin sepalates hoin 3, R@lizo and ackndledg.:

"Chtist died fq ow sins" 1 Cdinlh€ns 1r3 We aE sv€d frcm rhe se@nd death by a living
Saviod Chnsl is ariE rodsyl He died, s€s
s ,GoD- 3r b,lrq ?r€rnel des*
buded and rcse again. He has porrer and
viclory o!€r dsalh and sln snd the€by offer3
I\ lhe same lo you ss a gifr, nol a tE$Ed.
s GoD*
Yes, you too have fall€n shorl oi Heaven l\
bedu* ofyoursin. You may be befter than N\
marry otheB, bui @mpaEd lo Js6 "...1terc ts
Mre that doeth goo.!..." Romns 3:12
Jes6 paid the enliE prie for you by His dealh MAN GOD
2. Roallzo and ackndledgs: on lhe c.oss. A Holy and jusl God set lhe pne
"-..lhe wages ol sit is cleath: Rmahs 6:23 for sin and then in love, paid lhe pde tor sin
In€le alE t'^o kinds ol deatn, plrysical and Hims€rln lhe peBon ofChdst.
spinlual. We inh€dled both lype3 of dealh frm
Adam's sin. So, bdause of sin, re musl die 4. R€€li2e .nd .ctnowl.dge:
a se@nd death elemally in Uell, unles E find '.. .the 9n ol God is .le@l ftb th@ugh Jesus Salvalio. i! a glfr b bo @ived,
anolher w€y to pay for our sir Chnsr at' Rffins 6:23 ndt a Ewtrd to be €trFdl

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