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Received May 10, 2020, accepted May 13, 2020, date of publication May 18, 2020, date of current

version June 1, 2020.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2995298

Grid-Forming Power Converters Tuned Through

Artificial Intelligence to Damp Subsynchronous
Interactions in Electrical Grids
GREGORY N. BALTAS 1 , (Student Member, IEEE), NGOC BAO LAI 1,2 , (Student Member, IEEE),
LEONARDO MARIN2 , (Student Member, IEEE), ANDRÉS TARRASÓ2 , (Student Member, IEEE),
1 Loyola Institute of Science and Technology (Loyola.TECH), Universidad Loyola Andalucía, 41704 Seville, Spain
2 Renewable Electrical Energy Systems (SEER), Technical University of Catalonia, 08222 Terrassa, Spain
Corresponding authors: Gregory N. Baltas ( and Ngoc Bao Lai (
This work was supported in part by the European Commission under Project FLEXITRANSTORE—-H2020-LCE-2016-2017-SGS-
774407, and in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science under Project ENE2017-88889-C2-1-R.

ABSTRACT The integration of non-synchronous generation units and energy storage through power
electronics is introducing new challenges in power system dynamics. Specifically, the rotor angle stability
has been identified as one of the major obstacle with regards to power electronics dominated power systems.
To date, conventional power system stabilizer (PSS) devices are used for damping electromechanical
oscillations, which are only tuned sporadically leading to significant deterioration in performance against
the ever-changing operating conditions. In this paper, an intelligent power oscillation damper (iPOD) is
proposed for grid-forming converters to attenuate electromechanical inter-area power oscillation. In partic-
ular, the iPOD is applied to a synchronous power controller (SPC) based grid-forming power converter to
increases gain of the active power control loop at the oscillatory frequency. Predictions regarding the mode
frequency, corresponding to the current operating points, are given by an artificial intelligence ensemble
model called Random Forests. The performance of the proposed controller is verified using the two area
system considering symmetrical fault for random operating points. In addition, a comparison with PSS
installed in each generator reveals the individual contribution with respect to the inter-area mode damping.

INDEX TERMS Artificial intelligence, ensemble modelling, inter-area power oscillation, random forests,
synchronous power controller.

I. INTRODUCTION Conventionally, the PSS has been used to damp low fre-
Renewable-based Energy Systems (RES) and Energy Storage quency oscillations in a system by regulating the synchronous
Systems (ESS) are widely adopted to reduce green house generator’s excitation voltage.Among the standardized PSS
gas emissions and improve efficiency. These systems, due to schemes, the classical PSS1 controller consists of three main
their incompatibility with synchronous frequency (50/60 Hz), blocks: gain, washout filter and phase compensation. Consid-
require power electronic devices to act as an intermedi- ering inter-area modes, the time constant of the washout filter
ate before connection with the rest of the network is pos- needs to be carefully chosen, since it captures the low fre-
sible. Consequently, as the presence of power electronics quency oscillations [3]. The PSS1 uses a single input signal,
increases, the power system dynamics are affected intro- typically the speed deviation 1ω. More sophisticated designs
ducing new challenges regarding power system stability [1]. are the PSS2B and PSS4B controllers. In PSS2B, speed
In fact, ENTSO-E has identified the angular stability of transducers are added to improve reactive power modulation
power systems as one of the key challenges related to High during mechanical power changes and eliminate torsional
Penetration of Power Electronic Interfaced Power Sources forces that can harm the generator shaft. PSS4B builds on
(HPoPEIPS) [2]. top of the PSS2B by incorporating low, intermediate and high
frequency bands to broaden the range of targeted modes [4].
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and One major limitation of the PSS is the high number of
approving it for publication was Xiaorong Xie . parameters that need to be tuned for attenuating system

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 8, 2020 93369
G. N. Baltas et al.: Grid-Forming Power Converters Tuned Through Artificial Intelligence

oscillations [5]. For instance, a typical PSS has 8 parameters: components of the targeted mode of oscillation as it moves
gain, time constant of wash out filter, and four constants for according to the current operating conditions. The main con-
lead-lag compensator. These parameters usually are tuned at tribution of the system, presented in the following, is a novel
commissioning of the power plant and remain fixed despite control scheme that incorporates intelligence by exploiting
the changes of operating conditions [6]. There is an open the ability of AI to predict the characteristic values of an
discussion in the literature on possible methods for adaptive oscillatory mode in real time and uses this information to
PSS and optimal tuning [3]. This becomes even more relevant adaptively tune a dedicated loop of the SPC to damp oscilla-
now, as power electronics can alter the oscillatory profile of tions and enhance the system stability i.e. iPOD. In this work,
a given system, changing or creating new modes. special focus is put on describing all the steps for developing
Currently, the number of synchronous generators is slowly the AI models in detail. The proposed approach is verified
phased out [7] and as a result so will the number of PSS. Yet, under a symmetrical fault for random operating points as
power electronic interfaced generation units can provide a well as against conventional PSS devices using the well-
fast response to the grid and assist the system in maintaining known two area system described in [21]. The AI predictor
its stability in case of a disturbance [8]. Such grid friendly is trained for tracking the inter-area mode between the two
response can be produced by means of the currently well- areas, however the same principles can be applied to develop
known grid-forming power converters. In general, the control multiple AI predictors to predict more than one inter-area
system of a grid-forming converter can either be based on modes.
droop [9] or on virtual synchronous machine (VSM) [10]. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows.
In the former case, the contribution of the power converter is Section II provides a detail description regarding the test case.
usually limited to primary frequency and voltage regulation. Section III presents the proposed AI-based adaptive SPC
To add grid-supporting functionalities, e.g. inertia emulation model. Section IV analyse the results and Section V discusses
and power oscillation damping, the VSM implementation can the conclusions.
be adopted in the grid-forming power converter [11].
Among the various VSM strategies, reported in the lit- II. TEST CASE
erature, the Synchronous Power Controller (SPC) has been A popular power system to analyse the behavior of an inter-
widely used mainly due its simple yet effective control area mode is the two-area system [21], depicted in Fig. 1.
structure [12]. By employing the SPC, power converters can The system consists of two areas with one load (L07, L09),
provide virtual damping and synthetic inertia to the grid, one shunt capacitor (C7, C9) and two generators (G1-G2,
increasing its dynamic flexibility to improve local and inter- G3-G4), respectively. Each generator is equipped with IEEE
area stability [13], [14]. In fact, the SPC with multiple power Type AC4A Excitation System (AVR), steam turbine gov-
loop controllers (PLC) has been presented in [15]. By com- ernors (GOV) and PSS type 1. These areas are connected
bining a band-pass filter with a modified swing equation, through a weak tie-line where 400MW are flowing from Area
the inter-area oscillations at a predefined frequency can be 1 to Area 2. Modal analysis reveals two local modes with
attenuated. However, to ensure the system in [15] works frequencies of 1.05Hz and 1.08Hz in Area 1 and Area2,
effectively, the center frequency of its band-pass filter has respectively, as well as an inter-area mode with frequency of
to be tuned properly to match the frequency of the inter-area approximately 0.55Hz.
oscillation mode, which is usually not accessible due to the The specific design of this system not only allows for
dynamic behavior of the power system. studying the behaviour of electromechanical oscillations
Recently, data-driven methods based on artificial intelli- between two areas, but also on demonstrating the effective-
gence (AI) are studied for accurately and efficiently deter- ness of control methods (such as the iPOD) for attenuating
mining the state of the power system in real time and thereby them. To demonstrate the impact of the iPOD, a virtual-
avoid instability [16]. Specifically, the relationship between synchronous generation unit equiped with an SPC is con-
system variables and stability indexes can be modeled to pre- nected at bus 7, through two step-up transformers. The rated
dict the post-fault state of the system. For instance, an ensem- apparent power of the aforementioned unit is 100MVA, equal
ble approach based on extreme learning machines is adopted
in [17] to predict stability after a disturbance, while a recur-
rent neural network with long short term memory (LSTM)
cells is trained in [18] for the same task considering time
dependencies in the data. Furthermore, prediction of damping
state (i.e. well or poorly damped) is proposed by [19] using
decision trees and by [20] using neural networks.
Driven from the above, this paper presents an intelligent
Power Oscillation Damper (iPOD) that enables the SPC to
adapt for maximum -oscillatory- mode attenuation. The iPOD
is based on an ensemble AI predictor called Random Forests
(RF), which is trained to predict the real and imaginary FIGURE 1. Modified two area system.

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FIGURE 2. Block diagram of RF-SPC.

FIGURE 3. Intelligent power oscillation damper (iPOD).

to 3% of the total apparent power of the four synchronous
generators together.


For mitigating inter-area oscillations, a conventional SPC is
equipped with an iPOD as shown in Fig. 2. Generally, the SPC
consists of four main control blocks, namely, the current
controller, the virtual admittance, the reactive controller, and
the PLC. In the SPC, the reference for the current control loop
is generated by means of a virtual admittance whose transfer
function is
Y (s) = (1)
Ls + R
FIGURE 4. Frequency response of the conventional PLC and the
where R and L are the virtual resistance and the virtual proposed PLC.
inductance, respectively. As shown in Fig. 2, the virtual elec-
tromotive force eemf is generated by combining the outputs
shown in Fig. 3. Essentially, the iPOD includes two propor-
of the active and reactive control loops through a voltage-
tional gains k1 and k2 , and a second-order band-pass filter.
controlled oscillator (VCO) as
The gain k1 is set to −1 for removing the targeted frequency
eemf = Vref sin(θ). (2) component from the signal before acted on the PLC, whereas
k2 defines the damping factor provided by the iPOD at the
In (2), the magnitude of the electromotive force is regulated specified frequency. The reason behind the choice of a band-
through the reactive power controller as follows: pass filter is that the frequency of the oscillation is considered
Z to be a known parameter. Indeed, the oscillation frequency is
Vref = VBase + kp (Qref − Qm ) + ki (Qref − Qm )dt (3) predicted by the AI predictor which will be explained in the
following subsections. The transfer function of the band-pass
where kp and ki are the proportional and integral gains of the filter can be given as
reactive power controller, and Vbased is the nominal voltage.
Likewise, the phase angle θ used in (2) is produced by the GBPF (s) = (5)
active power loop controller (PLC). In this implementation, s2 + Bs + ωc2
although any other controller structure could be used [8], where ωc is centre frequency and B is passing band. From (4)
the PLC is implemented through the conventional swing and (5), the augmented transfer function of the active power
equation whose transfer function is controller can be derived as follows:
1 Gp (s) = GPLC (s) + GBPF (s) [k1 GPLC (s) + k2 ]
GPLC (s) = (4)
2Hs + D = GPLC (s) + GBPF (s)Gll (s)
where H and D are the inertia constant and the damping coef- (2BHk2 + 1)s2 + (B + Bk1 + BD k2 )s + ωc2
ficient respectively, while ωbase is the grid nominal frequency, =
2Hs3 + (D + 2BH )s2 + (2H ωc2 + BD)s + Dωc2
which acts as a feed-forward term to improve the dynamic (6)
performance of the SPC.
Aiming to increase damping to inter-area oscillation From (6), the combined frequency response of the PLC
modes, the PLC is incorporated with the proposed iPOD as and the iPOD is obtained, as depicted in Fig. 4 for different

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values of gain k2 . As shown, the iPOD adds a significant

amplification to the active power control loop at the tuned
frequency. Such a high gain implies that the proposed PLC
with iPOD control structure can provide higher damping to
low-frequency inter-area oscillation.
It is worth noting that the augmented transfer function
(6) has two parts. While the first term is conventional PLC,
the second term reflects added effects of the iPOD. In fact,
the second term can be rewritten in a form of a lead-lag
compensator as follows:
2k2 Hs + (k1 + k2 D)
Gll (s) = . (7)
2Hs + D
Equation (7) reveals that the two gains k1 and k2 make it
possible to adjust not only gain but also phase lag of the active FIGURE 5. Feature space segmentation of a regression tree.
power control loop at the specified frequency. In practice,
the inter-area modes depends on the operating condition of is not found in other machine learning models.
the electrical grid. Therefore, in order to predict the oscilla- (
tion modes in real-time, the AI-based algorithm called Ran- B09 Yes ⇒ PF B09 ≤ −0.991
Vm ≤ 0.963 ⇒ (8)
dom Forest is employed. No ⇒ PF B10 ≤ 0.987
Generally, the purpose of the splitting criterion is to divide
the feature space into as pure as possible sub-spaces. Hence,
The structure of the proposed iPOD requires up to date for every candidate split criterion the resulted impurity is
information regarding the targeted mode’s frequency to pro- calculated as the mean squared error, see (9), between the
vide additional damping. Therefore, its imperative to develop true value y(i) and predicted value ŷt for patterns in subset St
a model that will be able to relate the systems operating averaged over all training patterns Nt at node t. The predicted
condition to the specific movement of the targeted mode. value at node t is calculated according to (10).
Although this can be a challenging task, following a purely
mathematical approach, data-driven methods based on AI and 1 X (i)
I (t) = (y − yˆt )2 , (9)
machine learning are able to approximate this relationship Nt
without any knowledge about the inner mechanics of the 1 X (i)
system. ŷt = (y ) (10)
Among the plethora of machine learning models, such i∈St
as the neural network in [22] to improve damping control The efficiency of a split criterion is further validated by cal-
for Static Synchronous Series Compensator, the decision culating the drop of impurity at the ancestor nodes, as in (11).
tree (DT) stands out due to its robustness against feature Here, tY and tN are the two ancestor nodes corresponding to
scales or types, meaning that it is possible to process pat- the Yes and No branches, while NtY /Nt and NtN /Nt are the
terns with metric and non-metric data at the same time [23]. portion of samples at each of the these two nodes. Ultimately,
In addition, the decision making process of the DT is highly at each node, the final splitting rule is chosen to be the one
interpretable, e.g. as in Fig. 5, and is able to remove redun- that reduces the impurity at the ancestor nodes the most [24].
dant system variables, thus performing an intrinsic feature
The basic principle of DTs is to classify patterns based on 1I (t) = I (t) − I (tY ) − I (tN ), (11)
a series of ‘‘questions’’, where the given answer determines Nt Nt
the next ‘‘question’’ being asked and so on. This top-down Despite their straightforward interpretation and intuitive-
process can be displayed in the form of a tree, consisting ness, DTs tend to overfit the data demonstrating poor gener-
of nodes and branches as illustrated in Fig. 5. The process alization. Moreover, errors propagate from higher level nodes
begins at the root node and it ends at the leaf nodes, where towards lower level nodes [24] resulting in a different DT if
the process stops. The ‘‘question’’, more formally known as changes to the training data occur.
the split criterion of the node, resembles an ‘‘if-then-else’’ To overcome the avove limitations, an ensemble AI model
statement that describes a specific rule. For instance, the root called Random Forest (RF) is adopted, which integrates mul-
node of the DT depicted in Fig. 5, reveals a threshold value tiple DTs into a single predictor, as in Fig. 6. The individual
for the Voltage magnitude (Vm ) at bus 09. Depending on the DTs are trained, based on the principle describe above, for
answer the subsequent question can be either about the Power the same task but separately from each other, using random
Factor (PF) at bus 10 or at bus 9, as in (8). This rule based subsets of patterns (i.e. system snapshots) and/or features (i.e.
approach is the core of the high level of transparency, which system variables). The random sampling is widely known as

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Algorithm 1 Generate Data-Set

1: input M
2: while m < M do
3: Randomly Set P and Q
4: Calculate Power Flow
5: if Success then
6: Perform Modal Analysis
7: Store Results
8: m←m+1
9: end if
10: end while

TABLE 1. Monitored system variables.

FIGURE 6. Bagging ensemble - random forests.

bootstrap aggregation (or bagging for short [23]) when the

subsets are not unique. The ensemble paradigm demonstrates
higher performance both in terms of accuracy and general-
ization: a direct consequence of the diversity promoted by
the randomness of the different subsets that are used for
developing each of the individual prediction models.
Frequently, the final output of the ensemble is given
through a majority voting scheme [25] or by averaging
the probabilistic prediction (i.e. soft voting). Nevertheless,
the core of RF are the individual DTs where the development the set of eigenvalues the most dominant mode is extracted,
process is the same, albeit the variations of the feature-pattern in this case the inter-are mode. Hence, each pattern is labeled
space. with the target variable comprised of the real and imaginary
component i.e. y ∈ R22000×2 .
C. ENSEMBLE AI PREDICTOR TRAINING AND TUNING The behaviour of dominant inter-area mode for the random
1) DATABASE DESCRIPTION operating points is revealed in Fig. 7. From the figure it
To generate a sufficient amount of measurements, an auto- becomes apparent that there are many instances were the
mated simulation process is designed to parse through a dominant inter-area mode moved to the, unstable, right hand
wide range of probable operating scenarios, and to store the side of the real axis. In addition, the frequency of the dom-
variables of interest. In other words, this automated process inant inter-area mode varies significantly, as the conditions
will formulate a database D ∈ RM ×N , where M ∈ Z+ is the change, from 0.45Hz up to 0.76Hz. Interestingly, from Fig. 8
total number of patterns and N ∈ Z+ is the total number of it appears to exist a relationship between voltage magnitude
features. and voltage angle that can be used by the RF to map system
DigSilent’s PowerFactory is the selected platform to run variables to the inter-area mode. For example, almost every
the simulations and Python 3.7 for executing Algorithm 1. voltage magnitude that corresponds to the unstable inter-area
The loading of the system (line 3 of Algorithm 1) is chosen mode is less than 1 p.u. Similar patterns can be seen in other
from (12), where r1,2 ∼ U (0, 1) are random coefficients locations of the system not presented here for brevity.
drawn from a uniform distribution between the open set 0 and
1, µ is the distribution mean and σ is the standard deviation. 2) PREPROCESSING
The processing time on a machine with 20 processors and The simulated environment assumes full observability of
a single Powerfactory licence requires around 50 minutes the system, that is, measurements of system variables are
per 1000 simulations. Our final dataset consists of about recorded in every location of the system. However, in reality
22000 patterns and 122 features, i.e. D ∈ R22000×122 . A sum- this can be costly and impractical. In addition correlated
mary of the system variables constituting our feature vector features can impair the ability of a prediction model to make
can be found in Table 1. accurate predictions. Therefore, several methods are used for
reducing the size of the feature vector to include only relevant
β = µ + σ −2 log(r1 ) cos (2π r2 )
and uncorrelated features. In general, the objective of data
For each pattern in the dataset there exists a set of eigen- preprocessing is mainly two-fold; to improve the accuracy of
values that corresponds to a random operating point. From the model and its training speed [26].

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The inherent ability of DTs and RFs to perform feature

elimination is exploited to analyse the individual contribution
of each feature in the prediction process. Typically, greedy
search algorithms like the Sequential Feature Selection (SFS)
are preferred as they require less time and computational
resources to eliminate features [26]. Fortunately, the size
of the feature vector in hand allows the implementation of
exhaustive search algorithms such as the Recursive Feature
Elimination (REF), which guarantee optimal feature elimi-
nation. In this study, the REF algorithm is used alongside the
RFs to decrease the size of the feautere vector even further to
only 22.
(xi,j − xj )(xi,p − xp )
r = qP i=1 (13)
M 2 (x − x )2
i=1 (xi,j − xj ) i,p p

The RFs are trained in python 3.7 using the scikit-learn

FIGURE 7. Modal analysis results of algorithm 1. package [27]. Although it is possible to predict both real
and imaginary parts of eigenvalues with a single RF, here
it is preferred to train a separate RF for each component.
Therefore, if performance drops for one of the two target
variables, the problematic model can be still retrained without
losing the predictions for the other variable.
The optimal parameters, valid for both RF models, are esti-
mated using grid search and summarized in Table 2. Notice
that three out of five parameters refer to the development
of the individual DT. Specifically, the minimum patterns per
split define a lower bound to the number of patterns needed
to make a split, the maximum features define the number
of features to be considered for the split criterion at each
node, while the maximum depth sets an upper bound to the
DT growth. Finally, the Bootstrap implies feature and pat-
tern sampling selection is done with replacement. The RF is
evaluated using a 10-fold cross validation, recording both the
R2 score, in (14) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE), in (15).
The former measures how well the features explain the target
FIGURE 8. Kernel density estimate of voltage magnitude in bus 08 for variable with values ranging from 0 (worse) to 1 (best).
random operating conditions.
(yi − ŷi )2
R2 (y, ŷ) = 1 − Pi=1
n 2
i=1 (yi − ȳ)
npatterns −1
1 X
yi − ŷi .

MAE(y, ŷ) = (15)

FIGURE 9. Data preprocessing workflow.

Learning curves are showing the performance of a machine
The typical workflow followed for processing a dataset learning model as a function of the training set’s size.
consists of three steps: filter, select and re-scale as in Fig. 9.
However, due to the robustness of DTs to features of different
scale and type last step can be omitted, as indicated by the TABLE 2. Random forests parameters.

dashed lines in Fig. 9.

The highly correlated features are filtered out by using
a minimum acceptance threshold and Pearson’s correlation
coefficient, as in (13), where {j, p ∈ [1, . . . , N ] | j 6 = p}
are feature indexes while the bar above the variable denotes
the sample mean. The uncorrelated features comprising
the feature vector reduced from 122 to just 36 features.

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Particularly, Fig. 10 depicts the learning curve of the RF

model developed to predict the ={λ} component of inter-
area mode. The figure clearly shows that after 8000 training
patterns there is no significant gain in the performance of
the RF model. Hence, by using fewer training patterns we
can limit the time spent for fitting the model to just 30s.
Furthermore, the cross-validation score seems to converge
to a certain value indicating that further addition of training
data cannot improve the model. Similar behaviour can be
viewed for the corresponding model of the <{λ} component
not shown here due to space limitations.
In addition to the metrics described in the previous section,
both training and testing CPU processing times are consid-
ered. The cross validated accuracy and speed of <-RF and
=-RF are listed in Table 3. The tables prove the high accuracy
of RF to predict both the real and imaginary values of the
inter-area mode. The error of the <-RF is slight lower than
the one calculated for =-RF however the difference is quite
small. On average a single RF model needs approximately
50s for training and 0.7s on a high performance computer
using 32 CPUs.

TABLE 3. Random forests performance.

FIGURE 10. Learning curves on ={λ} component.

Overall, both RFs demonstrate high accuracy on predicting

the inter-area mode using only 22 system variables. Con- system under contingencies given a random operating point
cretely, RFs can provide accurate information about the inter- (see Section III-C1), and compare it to the conventional PSS
area mode such as damping, frequency and damping ratio. performance in the well-known two area system used as a
Although the iPOD is designed for tracking and attenuating reference [21].
the inter-area mode between the two areas, the same princi-
ples can be applied to develop the iPOD for more than one A. SYSTEM RESPONSE TO DISTURBANCE
inter-area modes. This implies that the iPOD will be modified To excite the inter-area mode a 3-phase fault is defined in the
by integrating multiple AI predictors (or a single multi-output middle of the upper transmission line that connects bus 7 and
1 . The fault is cleared by opening the breakers at
8 i.e. L7−8
AI predictor) and multiple band pass filters [15] as dictated by
the number of inter-area modes in the system. Multiple inter- both ends and re-closing them after 100ms. As mentioned,
area mode attenuation is however, out of the scope of this loads in areas 1 and 2 are set randomly to move the system
paper. The next step is to verify that this information allows at a new operating point. The snapshot of the system at time
the iPOD to realize mode attenuation and enhance system tm (before fault occurrence) is fed into RF, which makes a
stability. prediction about the inter-area to tune the SPC.
Note that in this study communication delays have not
IV. VERIFICATION been considered, hence all measurements at tm are in sync.
The intelligence of the iPOD scheme, proposed in this paper, In reality, however, this might not be the case. Typically,
for the SPC is based on the premises that a machine learning a data storing and preprocessing module handles the infor-
model, like RF, can predict in real time the dominant mode mation flow before they are passed on for further processing
real and imaginary components. Specifically, the SPC can [28].Communication protocols, such as the well known IEC
utilize the prediction about the mode’s frequency to re-tune 61850, which support timestamping are used for ensuring that
the iPOD band-pass filter to adapt in the new operating measurements can be sorted according to their corresponding
conditions. The gains of the iPOD are chosen as k1 = −1 time tags [29], [30].
and k2 = 0.018. This section, aims to verify that the iPOD Illustrated in Fig. 12 is the frequency recorded at buses 6
can improve the attenuation of power oscillations in the and 10 of areas 1 and 2, respectively. As a comparison the

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FIGURE 11. Frequency response in area 1 for a random operating point

and a 3-phase fault in L17−8 .

FIGURE 13. Modal analysis for random operating points.

FIGURE 12. Frequency response in area 2 for a random operating point

and a 3-phase fault in L17−8 .

system response with the proposed SPC equipped with the

iPOD is plotted against the base case (i.e. without SPC) and
the SPC-only case (i.e. without online tuning and attenuation
of low-frequency power oscillations).
The inherent capability of the regular SPC to damp oscil-
lations is revealed in the frequency response of both areas
[31]. Yet, by predicting the mode frequency and re-tune the FIGURE 14. Instantaneous active power of generators in area 1 for a
random operating point and a 3phase fault in L17−8 .
iPOD parameters the damping can be enhanced even further
when the SPC+iPOD is used, as it is shown in Fig. 12, forcing
oscillations to decay faster. TABLE 4. On-fault instantaneous peak power output (in MW).
Concretely, the stochastic variations of loads cause the
inter-area mode to vary in both frequency and damping,
therefore, it is vital to be able to monitor these changes.
The SPC can significantly improve damping of inter-area
modes as shown in Fig. 13 depicting the results of modal
analysis for random operating points. It is worth noting that
the effectiveness of the iPOD scheme reflects the accuracy of
the RF predictions.
As expected, the generators in area 2 are oscillating with
B. OSCILLATION DAMPING IMPACT OF iPOD TO higher amplitudes than those in area 1. Inter-area modes can
SYNCHRONOUS GENERATORS result in power fluctuations, which can stress the structural
In the two area system, the load L09 in area 2 is approxi- integrity of generator units. By integrating the iPOD in the
mately 1.5 times larger than L07 of area 1. As a consequence, conventional SPC, the system power oscillations decay at
area 2 relies on imported power to maintain power balance. a higher rate reducing the stress on generator shafts. This
The power dependence of area 2 can be seen by analysing becomes even more obvious in area 2 where a 100MW oscil-
the power oscillations in each generator. Specifically, these lation can damage generators 3 and 4. Furthermore, the output
responses during the symmetrical fault in L7−8 1 for a random power excursions during the on-fault period are reduced for
operating point are depicted in Fig. 14 for area 1 and in Fig. 15 all generators but generator 2, where there exists a slight
for area 2. increase of peak power as listed in Table 4. Nevertheless, it is

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FIGURE 15. Instantaneous active power of generators in area 2 for a

random operating point and a 3phase fault in L17−8 .

TABLE 5. Parameters of PSS. FIGURE 16. Eigenvalues of system per control scenario.

revealed in Fig. 16. As opposed, the SPC augmented by

iPOD seems to provide less damping than the previous two
PSS devices. However, as Fig. 16 shows, this amount does
not fluctuate much highlighting the damping capabilities of
the SPC with iPOD. Furthermore, it also dominates over
the contribution of both PSS2 and PSS4, which due to poor
TABLE 6. Averaged modal analysis results per control scenario.
tuning are unable to damp the inter-area mode corresponding
to the random operating points. Note that the nominal power
of the SPC is considerably lower to the nominal power of the
synchronous generators.

The connection of energy systems through power electronic
devices is adding to the complexity of power systems by
altering the overall behaviour of power systems. Rotor angle
stability is of primary concern as the presence of power elec-
worth emphasizing that the improved damping from the SPC tronics in power systems is rising. Conventional PSS are per-
based on iPOD is achieved with only 1/7 of the synchronous forming acceptably for attenuating oscillatory modes, how-
generator apparent power. ever, only for a narrow range of operating conditions. Power
converters controlled through grid-forming techniques, e.g.
C. iPOD COMPARISON WITH PSS a SPC augmented by an iPOD as in this paper, can provide
Commonly, the PSS is used to provide damping of critical an additional source for damping power oscillations with the
modes in a system. This section compares the individual use of data and AI.
contribution of each PSS device with the corresponding con- Random Forest is a powerful machine learning model,
tribution provided by the SPC augmented by the iPOD. For which exploit the inherent diversity of combing individual
the purpose of this study, the PSS parameters are considered decisions trees trained with random subsets of the original
fixed and their values are set following the methodology dataset. In this paper, two random forests have been devel-
described in [32] and listed in Table 5. Concretely, random oped for predicting the real and imaginary component of the
points are generated following the aforementioned process inter-area mode in the two are system. These predictions are
and for each control scenario modal analysis of the system used to tune the iPOD added to SPC for improving damping
is performed. The results, averaged over all random points, of the targeted inter-area mode. As it has been proven from
are listed in Table 6. thorough analyses, the SPC with iPOD can enhance the stabil-
Clearly, PSS1 and PSS3, on average, possess the highest ity of a power system by increasing the damping of the inter-
contribution towards inter-area power oscillation damping. area mode. In the test presented in this paper, the response
However, damping provided by PSS1 and PSS3 varies signif- of recorded frequency demonstrated significant improvement
icantly between each case. Particularly, PSS1 fails to provide when SPC is augmented by the iPOD scheme. In contrast to
damping for the inter-area mode for a random operating as conventional PSS, the iPOD does not have a phase lag and

VOLUME 8, 2020 93377

G. N. Baltas et al.: Grid-Forming Power Converters Tuned Through Artificial Intelligence

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93378 VOLUME 8, 2020

G. N. Baltas et al.: Grid-Forming Power Converters Tuned Through Artificial Intelligence

GREGORY N. BALTAS (Student Member, IEEE) ANDRÉS TARRASÓ (Student Member, IEEE)
received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineer-
from the Technological Educational Institute of ing from the Technical University of Catalonia,
Central Greece, Chalkis, Greece, in 2015, and the Barcelona, Spain, in 2017. He is currently pursu-
M.S. degree in power engineering from the Univer- ing the Ph.D. degree with the Technical Univer-
sity of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. He is currently sity of Catalonia, Barcelona. From 2017, he has
pursuing the Ph.D. degree in data science with the been a Research Assistant with the Department
Universidad Loyola Andalucía, of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of
Since 2018, he has been a Research Assistant Catalonia, where he has been a Researcher and an
with the Loyola Institute of Science and Tech- Assistant Professor with the Department of Elec-
nology (Loyola.TECH), Universidad Loyola Andalucía. His research inter- trical Engineering. His current research interests include power electronics,
ests include applied artificial intelligence, power system stability, and photovoltaics, wind energy systems, and microgrids.
autonomous energy systems.

NGOC BAO LAI (Student Member, IEEE)

received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering
from the Danang University of Science and Tech-
nology, Da Nang, Vietnam, in 2014, and the M.S.
degree in electrical and information engineering
from the Seoul National University of Science and PEDRO RODRIGUEZ (Fellow, IEEE) received
Technology, Seoul, South Korea, in 2017. He is the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engi-
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical neering from the Technical University of Catalonia
engineering wtih the Universitat Politècnica de (UPC), Spain, from 1994 and 2004, respectively.
Catalunya (UPC). He was a Postdoctoral Researcher with CPES, Vir-
Since 2018, he has been a Research Assistant with Universidad Loyola ginia Tech, USA, the Department of Energy Tech-
Andalucía. His research interests include robust control, power electronics, nology, Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark, and
and distributed generation systems. the MIT Energy Initiative (MITie), Boston, USA.
He was a Co-Supervisor of the Vestas Power Pro-
gram, Denmark, from 2007 to 2011. He was a
Director of the technology on modern power systems at Abengoa Research,
LEONARDO MARIN (Student Member, IEEE) from 2011 to 2017. Since 2017, he has been a Full Professor with the Loyola
received the B.S. degree in industrial engineer- University Andalucia, where he is the Head of LOYOLA.Tech, leading a
ing from Cuenca University, Cuenca, Ecuador, Research Program on Intelligent Energy Systems. He is also linked with
in 2005, and the M.S. degree in automatic the UPC as a part-time Professor. He is in the Clarivate’s list of Highly
systems and industrial electronics engineering Cited Researchers in Engineering, from 2015 to 2018. He has coauthored
from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia one Wiley-IEEE book, more than 100 articles in ISI technical journals, and
(UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in 2015. He is cur- around 300 articles in conference proceedings. He is the holder of 16 licensed
rently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical engi- patents. He has participated in more than 50 projects with industrial partners
neering with the Renewable Electrical Energy and several EU projects. He is a IEEE Fellow for his contributions in the
System Research Centre, Universitat Politècnica control of distributed generation. He has served as an Associate Editor of the
de Catalunya (UPC). Since 2019, he has been a Research Assistant with IEEE TRANSACTION ON POWER ELECTRONICS, the IEEE JOURNAL ON EMERGING
Universidad Loyola Andalucía. His research interests include the dynamic AND SELECTED TOPICS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, the IEEE JOURNAL ON INDUSTRIAL
and stability analyses of power systems with high-penetration of renewable ELECTRONICS AND ENERGIES. His research interests include intelligent energy
energies, HVDC and hybrid systems, distributed generation systems, and systems, distributed generation, and universal energy access.

VOLUME 8, 2020 93379

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