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Hana Dzikra Radinda¹, Herdina Saputri², Rasyid Ramdhani³

¹²³Public Relations and Digital Communication, LSPR, Bekasi, Indonesia

Research Background
Culinary business is one of the fast-growing business industries in recent years.
There are businessmen that build their business in the culinary industry to thrive and
survive. These can be a threat for some businessmen, so they have to prepare strategies
to deal with and minimize threats from new entrants. One of the culinary businesses
that is experiencing development is coffee shops. Mostly, people have lifestyles that are
more advanced making them prefer something that is faster and more practise
(Hardiyanto & Sitohang, 2022).
Traditions about drinking coffee in the world have been around for centuries.
Coffee was the second biggest export commodity in the world. Therefore, coffee has
been the type of important drink for most people in the world. Not only about the coffee
consumer's enjoyment, but also about economic value for countries that produce and
export coffee beans like Indonesia. Indonesia itself is the fourth country that produces
the biggest coffee bean in the world, and the first producer is in Brazil. Even Though,
Indonesia is still far away from increasing the incomes from coffee commodities. Based
on data from International Coffee Organization (ICO) in 2019, Indonesia is in fourteenth
place in the incomes from those coffee and the first place is from the United States of
America (USA).
In JABODETABEK itself, there are more than 3.000 coffee shops scattered in
various areas of Jakarta. Based on Kementrian Perindustrian, this phenomenon occurs
throughout Indonesia. However, it is undeniable that JABODETABEK areas are
experiencing the highest growth by having many branches and coffee shops.
(Perindustrian, 2017). Coffee shops can also be shared based on customer segments,
namely: upscale coffee shops and coffee shops (Cakranegara, 2020).
Based on the Center for Agricultural Data and Information Systems of the
Ministry of Agriculture, consumption of national coffee in 2016 reached around 250
thousand tons and grew by 10.54% to 276 thousand tons. Indonesia's coffee
consumption during the 2016-2021 period is predicted to grow by an average of
8.22%/year. By 2021, coffee supply is predicted to reach 795 thousand tons with
consumption 370 thousand tons, resulting in a surplus of 425 thousand tons
(Hardiyanto & Sitohang, 2022).
Problem Identification
Kopi Kenangan
Kopi Kenangan was established in 2017 by Edward Tirtanata, James Prananto,
and Cynthia Chaerunnisa. Their progress of making coffee shop Kopi Kenangan does not
always succeed like nowadays, which only sells 700 cups of coffee. But day by day, the
development of Kopi Kenangan grew so fast until in 2020, they succeeded in selling 30
million cups of coffee and nowadays have their 500 branches in 32 cities in Indonesia.
With that achievement, there is an appropriate concept or strategy, so, within 5 (five)
years, Kopi Kenangan already became a famous coffee shop brand in Indonesia.
Kopi Kenangan claimed to be the coffee brand non-franchise system with the
fastest growth rate in Indonesia. Not only about selling, but their outlets also increased
because Edward Tirtanata, founder of Kopi Kenangan, with his friend, James, started to
make an expansion strategy super aggressive to multiply their outlets. Kopi Kenangan
was also chosen for the brand name because it included local content and any
differentiation strategies to make it different from other local coffee shops that have
multicultural name brands. In their opinions, “Kenangan” word in their brand can
reminisce people’s memories of their unforgettable exes. Because of that, Kopi Kenangan
got a low impression from some people but potential to make them curious and tried
the coffee.

Literature Review
Services Quality
According to Lewis and Booms from Tjiptono and Chandra (2016), they define
service quality as a measure of how good the level of service is able to meet customer
expectations (Subarto & Kurniawaty, 2021).
Good and excellent service quality to fulfill services is able to protect and
improve service levels or services it provides, so that the services or services of the
company will continue to be used by customers because they feel happy (Ismail & Yusuf,
2021). Good service quality is not from the company that started it, but from
understanding and fulfilling consumer expectations (Putri & Utomo, 2017).
Products Quality
Products is a subjective understanding of the producer or something that can be
offered as an effort to achieve organizational goals through meeting consumer needs
and activities, according to competition and organizational capacity, and market
purchasing power.
Based on Kotler and Amstrong's statement, product quality is a character of the
products or services that has their ability to fulfill their needs and wants. Product
quality is also one of the main means of market positioning. Product quality reflects the
product's ability to carry out its duties including durability, reliability, or progress,
strength, convenience, in product repair packaging and its characteristics. (Kotler &
Amstrong, 2015)
Mentioned by Tjiptono (2016), he stated that a product is anything that can be
offered by a producer to be noticed, requested, sought, purchased, used, or consumed by
the market to fulfill the needs or desires of the relevant market.
Price is the amount of money paid or the amount of value that consumers
exchange in order to benefit from owning or using goods or services (Kotler & G., 2018).
Price is the value of an item or service expressed in money. The right pricing strategy is
very important for companies to do. The right price is a price that is in accordance with
the quality of the product or service and that price can lead to satisfaction for
consumers (Alma, 2016).
Satisfaction Level
Product quality is how a product is able to meet consumer expectations. This will
affect consumer satisfaction, where consumers will feel satisfied if the products offered
have good product quality. Vice versa, if the company is not able to meet consumer
expectations to be able to provide good quality products, then consumers will feel
This is in accordance with previous research conducted by Hayuningtyas (2020),
Regina and Seno (2019), and Febriani and Fadili (2021) which stated that product
quality had a significant effect on customer satisfaction. From the journal titled Strategi
Kopi Kenangan Dalam Membangun Loyalitas Pelanggan that written and researched by
Muhammad Abdhu Setyawan show the results of analysis of customer satisfaction, as


The majority of customers of 54% stated that they agreed with the satisfaction of
products and services from the Kopi Kenangan brand, in our opinion based on these
results that Kopi Kenangan still needs further development for products and services so
that the quality of the brand is further improved.

Research Purpose (Objectives)

To conduct the research was to measure the level of customer satisfaction of Kopi
Kenangan with services and products, we see that Kopi Kenangan are able to compete
with competitors who even surpass them in several factors, moreover, Kopi Kenangan
companies are also able to survive during the lockdown period in 2020.
We want to analyze whether this has anything to do with public trust in the
services and products of Kopi Kenangan. so that it can survive until now, we will also ask
the public's opinion about what they see from Kopi Kenangan until they finally decide to
choose Kopi Kenangan as a brand they trust.

Research Methodology
According to Subagyo, quoted by Syamsul Bahry and Fakhry Zamzam,
methodology is a way to conduct research problem solving. Beside that, according to
Priyono, methodology is a way to do something based on researcher minds to achieve a
goal. Definition of research methodology according to Sugiyono, research methodology
is a scientific method to reach the data with goals and objectives. Based on this, there
are four keywords that need to be considered. There are scientific way, data, research
purposes, and uses. (Pratama, 2019)

Research type that will be used for this research is quantitative research with a
causal comparative method, which is one of the research types with issue characteristics
about causality between two or more variables that are collected after the facts and
events. Comparative causal research is a type of ex post facto research, which is a type of
research that is related to data collected after facts and events happened. (Hardiyanto &
Sitohang, 2022)
Sampling techniques that will be used for this research is cluster random
sampling, a technique that uses a certain area or cluster for population member
domicilies. The purpose itself is to research something in those certain areas or clusters.
Researchers want to analyze the customer satisfaction level of Kopi Kenangan products
and services in JABODETABEK (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi) area
(Abdhul, 2022).

Previous Research
Previous Research 1 Previous Research 2 Previous Research 3

Title Kepuasan Pelanggan Kualitas Produk, Strategi Kopi

Ditinjau Dari Kualitas Harga, Promosi dan Kenangan Dalam
Pelayanan dan Pengaruhnya Membangun
Produk Di Kopi Terhadap Kepuasan Loyalitas Pelanggan
Kenangan Cabang Rs. Pelanggan Kopi
Mayapada Lebak Kenangan BP Pemuda
Bulus Jakarta Selatan Surabaya

Background The phenomenon Product quality, price, Data from the Top
& Objective that occurs is that the and promotion can Brand Index in 2021
purchase of Kopi affect the level of shows the decline of
Kenangan from customer satisfaction. Kopi Kenangan which
2019-2020 is clearly The purpose of this previously ranked
declining because it study is to determine first but is now
is judged by buyers the influence of replaced by Janji Jiwa.
not to be in product quality, price, The purpose of the
accordance with their promotion on study is to measure
expectations in terms customer satisfaction the effect of service
of quality. The of Kopi Kenangan BP quality and product
objective of this study Pemuda Surabaya quality on customer
is to analyze satisfaction and
customer satisfaction loyalty.
in terms of service
and product quality.

Methodology Quantitative Quantitative Causal Quantitative

Descriptive Comparative
Strategic Public Relations
Various kinds of human activities must practice Public Relations, just like
humans who join an organization, attend an invitation, and others who are public
relations activities that influence people with different interests from other people.
Public Relations can identify problems that arise with communication activities carried
out by the company with an emphasis on identification of the level of consumer
awareness, consumer attitudes and perceptions of the product, and services offered by
the company.
Furthermore, Ahmad S. Adnan Putra, a public relations expert on the workshop
script entitled, "Public Relations Strategy” (Rosady 1999: 123) says that strategy is an
integral part of a plan (plan). The plan is the product of a plan (planning) that in the end,
planning is one of the basic functions of management. From the previous statement,
Public Relations itself has its own purposes to uphold and develop an image that is
profitable for the organizations, companies, or products and services to stakeholders as
related targets, namely the public internally and external.
To gain trust, mutual understanding, and a good image from society, then Public
Relations can implement the strategy that has been determined by the management
company. This is based on Kasali's theory in Soemirat and Elvinardo (2004; 92) stated
that Public Relations can contribute to strategic management through two ways, namely
performing tasks as part of the overall strategic management organization. The
involvement of PR in this comprehensive process will be of great benefit to the
organization and PR itself. Second, Public Relations can play a role in strategic
management in managing activities strategically.
To achieve this goal, the strategy of Public Relations activities should be directed
on the perceptions of stakeholders. So, that their attitudes and actions are in accordance
with what is desired. If this strategy is successful, favorable attitudes and actions will be
obtained by stakeholders which will eventually create an opinion and a good image.

Based on the data that we researched, product quality has a significant effect on
the customer satisfaction level of Kopi Kenangan products and services. These results
indicate that the higher the product quality of Kopi Kenangan in JABODETABEK areas,
the higher the customer satisfaction. Beside that, these results indicate that high and
low prices are not the main factor in customer satisfaction for Kopi Kenangan. Last,
these results indicate that the higher the promotional quality at Kopi Kenangan, the
higher the customer satisfaction.
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