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Thanking and responding


Prof. Lopez: That's it for today. Anyone who wants to discuss the topic for their papers,
please send me an email! See you next week.

Andy: I'm going to the store now.

Max: Oh...could you get me some tea?

Andy: Sure, no problem!

Max: Thanks! See you later.

Prof. Lopez: Hi, Max. Have a seat.

Max: Thanks for meeting with me.

Prof. Lopez: Sure! So, tell me about your topic.

Max: Right. I'm thinking about interviewing my art professor.

Prof. Lopez: Professor Armstrong? He's famous!

Max: Yeah! He's a great artist.

Prof. Lopez: Excellent. It sounds like an interesting paper!

Max: Thanks a lot, Professor Lopez.

Prof. Lopez: You're welcome, Max. Bye.


Prof. Armstrong: There's a lot of competition in art, Max.

Max: I understand. more question. How do you feel about teaching painting?

Prof. Armstrong: Actually,'s one of my favorite things to do.

Max: OK, thanks for your time, Professor. I really appreciate it.

Prof. Armstrong: It’s my pleasure. Good luck.

Andy: did it go?

Max: Thanks for giving me the idea, Andy.

Andy: Any time! Just ask Andy the Idea Man!

Cathy: Excuse me.

Andy: Oh, hello! How are you?

Cathy: Hi. I'm I know you? You look familiar.

Andy: Yes, I'm Andy. I, uh, met you at the career fair last spring. You're Ms. Edwards,

Cathy: Of course! Andy! Please, call me Cathy. are your studies?

Andy: They're going well, thanks.

Cathy: That's great. So...what are you studying?

Andy: Political science...

Cathy: I see.

Andy: But I'm also on the pre-law track.

Cathy: Is that right!?

Andy: Yeah. It's great. Uh, have a law firm, right?

Cathy: Yes, I do. And we're having a party for our tenth year on Main Street! That's
why I'm here...buying healthy snacks.

Andy: Really? Ten years! That's amazing. you like being a lawyer?

Cathy: Actually...yes! Most of the time!

Andy: So...I was wondering...

Cathy: Yes?

Andy: Does your firm have internships?

Cathy: a matter of fact...I'll have an opening next semester.

Cathy (cont'd): Here. This is my business card. Send me an email.

Andy: That's great! Thanks! I'll do that. Good to see you, Cathy.

Cathy: You too, Andy. I hope to hear from you soon.

Dave: Thanks.

Andy: Hey...Dave. How's it going?

Dave: Hello, Andy.

Andy: Nice work.

Dave: Huh?

Andy: Yeah. It looks amazing!

Dave: Really? Thank you.

Andy: Are you OK? You seem nervous.

Dave: Well...the exhibit does begin in 15 minutes. Where is everyone?

Andy: Don't worry. A lot of people are coming to your show.

Dave: Are you sure?

Andy: Yeah... Hey, Max...come here!

Dave: Max.

Max: Dave.

Andy: Look at these. Cool, right?

Max: Yeah. Very! Cool.

Dave: Hmm. Thank you, Max.

Andy: Your art class will be here, right, Max?

Max: Uh-huh. Yeah

Dave: Do you really think so?

Andy: You always do well, Dave. There's nothing to worry about. You did really well
last year.

Dave: Thank you, Andy. You know, Max...with a little more practice, maybe next
time, Professor Armstrong will select your work.

Max: Yeah.

Andy: Uh...Max...let's go look at the rest of the paintings, OK? Good luck, Dave!

Dave: Thank you, Andy. Max.

Andy: Don't worry, Max. Next time, your work will be in the show.
Max: OK, Mum. Thanks. I'll call you back later.

Andy: Morning! What's going on?

Max: Bad news. I'm not going home for spring break.

Andy: What? Why not?

Max: My mum just called. My parents are going to go meet my uncle in Japan. They
want me to go join them.

Andy: Wow! You should go!

Max: I can't go. It's really far away! And tickets are expensive!

Andy: Oh...that's too bad. Would you like some breakfast?

Max: Yeah, yeah, thanks.

Andy: Hey, Max, I have an idea. I can lend you some money for a ticket to Japan. You
could pay me back this summer.

Max: That's very nice of's OK, I can stay here. I can draw!

Andy: That sounds like a good idea.

Max: Oh, have you…have you seen my phone charger? I need to call my mum.

Andy: Uh, no, sorry. But you can use mine.

Max: Great, thanks! Uh, where is it?

Andy: Oh, of course. Kevin borrowed it!

Andy (cont'd): Hey, Kevin! Can you bring my charger back? Thanks!

Max: Hi, Andy!

Andy: I have great news! Cathy offered me the summer internship!

Max: That's amazing!

Andy: Oh...right, yeah...I said I'd come to London. Sorry, Max. This internship is really
Max: Yeah, I know. But you shouldn’t give up your vacation.

Andy: Uh, I don’t know. If I don’t do the internship, I won’t get a good job.

Max: I’m not sure about that. There are other internships. And you’ll feel bad next term
if you don’t have a proper vacation.

Andy: I see your point, but getting a good job is more important than vacation. Hey, I’ll
come to London next time!

Max: Why don’t you just ask Cathy for the time off? Maybe you can work and then
come to England? I’m pretty sure interns get vacations!

Andy: Yeah, I know. But…

Max: Come on, Andy, you have nothing to lose!

Andy: Oh, OK. I'll ask her.


Cathy: So...what did you want to talk about?

Andy: Well, I’m really excited about the summer internship.

Cathy: So are we!

Andy: Uh, just one thing. So, I was wondering...

Cathy: Yes?

Andy: Would it be possible to have the last two weeks off?

Cathy: Two weeks?

Andy: Well, I'd like to take a little...

Cathy: Vacation?

Cathy (cont'd): Absolutely! It's very important to have time off before you go back to

Andy: Well, I totally agree with that!

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