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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

—Nelson Mandela

We couldn’t have put it any better ourselves. Education really is a hugely powerful weapon, and that’s
why we should all take some time to celebrate World Teachers’ Day—to acknowledge, thank and
appreciate all the teachers that spread knowledge in the world around us.No matter where you are in
the world, chances are that you’ve had a teacher that you still remember for the positive impact that
they made in your life—someone that helped you finally grasp a challenging concept or experience a
learning moment that defined your classroom experience.

Every year on October 5, we celebrate World Teachers’ Day. It is a time to remember those special
educators who supported us when we were students, and show gratitude to those who inspired us in
the classroom. Not only that, but it’s also a day for you to realize how you may now impact students in
the same way!

World Teachers’ Day is an annual celebration across the globe.

Nine years have passed since UNESCO inaugurated October 5, 1994, as the first World Teachers’ Day.

October 5 commemorates the teaching profession’s contribution to educating the children of the world.
Therefore, it is fitting that this year’s World Teachers’ Day theme is “Teachers—Opening Doors to a
Better World.”

Teachers are the heart of public education. Opening doors to a world of knowledge is the challenge that
teachers in Alberta and worldwide undertake and fulfill every day in their schools, their communities
and their homes. Through their efforts and imagination, teachers inspire students to reach out and
move beyond their horizons. Good teaching results in ensuring that we, as a society, have
knowledgeable and forward looking citizens who can assume the mantle of leadership in the future.
On October 5, teachers in 92 countries around the world will celebrate World Teachers’ Day. Together
we are strong, and together we are opening doors for our students to the future. That’s something to

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