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Lina Apriliana, NIM 048439589

1. In English writing there are several components that must be considered, namely grammar,
punctuation, and capitalization
English grammar or commonly known as grammar is the science of the rules that govern the use
of language properly and correctly. Mastery of grammar is important in writing English because
the use of proper grammar will produce clear sentences and paragraphs so that what is meant is
easy to understand. There are eight components that must be understood in mastering grammar
or what is known as part of speech, including:
• Noun (noun).
• Pronouns (pronouns).
• Adjective (adjective).
• Adverb (adverb).
• Verbs (verb).
• Prepositions (prepositions).
• Conjunction (connection words).
• Interjection (exclamation).

Another important component that must be considered in English writing is punctuation

Punctuation marks are used in English writing sentences to create meaning, clarity, and emphasis
in a sentence.
In addition to grammar and punctuation, the use of capital letters or capitalization must also be
considered in English writing. Capital letters in English writing are used so that the information
conveyed in a sentence is easier to understand.
Capital letters are used in English writing sentences with the following conditions:
• The beginning of the sentence.
• Initial quote.
• Title.
• Titles of books, films, publications.
• Language, ethnicity, nationality, race.
• Names of people and places.
• Profession.
• Day and month.
However, the use of capital letters in English writing sentences should be avoided in some words,
such as articles (a, an, the), conjunctions (and, or, but), and prepositions (in, at, on, etc).
Reference source :

2. KPPN (Kantor pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara) Bekasi is the office of the power of the state
general treasurer to channel funds from the state treasury to several work units under other
ministries/institutions or under the ministry of finance itself. KPPN Bekasi was established on
August 1, 2003 which was originally located at Jl. Lt. Gen. Sarbini No. 1-2 Bekasi but on February
20, 2008 KPPN Bekasi occupied a new building with the address at Jalan Pramuka No. 63 Bekasi.
This office has 2 floors, on the 1st floor there is a receptionist, service room, waiting room, sports
and art room, while the 2nd floor is for structural and functional office space. What's interesting
about this office is the sports and art room, there are available sports equipment such as a
treadmill, skipping, table tennis and there are photo spots for selfies or photo shoots.
When I visited to deliver the report, I was very impressed/surprised after entering, I was very
satisfied with the services provided in the form of a clean, aesthetic and beautiful waiting room
or gym and a fairly simple but comfortable exercise room. This office looks unattractive, but after
looking inside, it is very attractive and very comfortable and can be used as an example for other
offices. But unfortunately I did not take or find a picture of the gym.
Refence source: Sejarah KPPN Bekasi ( , KPPN Bekasi - Kanwil 12 DJPbn Bandung
Picture source: @kppnbekasi • Instagram photos and videos
Reference Book: Modul Bahasa Inggris MKW14201/MODUL 2 page 2.28-2.29

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