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Mother and the mouse

1. Is the mother scared of anything? Mention two things.

A. The mother is not scared of anything. She is not scared of thunder and darkness.

2. Why does the speaker never there to ignore her mother's instructions?

A. The speaker does not dare to ignore her mother's instructions because she is very strict and

3. What did the speaker see when she rushed to the kitchen upon hearing her mother's scream?

A. Then she rushed into the kitchen the speaker saw her mother sitting on the edge and she was
squealing like a baby bat.

4. What did the speaker fear might have happened?

A. The speaker thought that the pressure cooker might have had first or the oven might have had
burned her mother's hand.

5. Mention three phrases that the speaker uses to describe her mother's fright?

A. High pitched scream, squealing, frightening a few of the phrases that the speaker's uses to
describe her mother's fright.

6. What had really scared the speaker's mother?

A. The mouse scared the speaker's mother.

Reference to context

" I don't like mice", she whispered her big eyes round with fear oh, I felt like superheroes do. So glad
that I was here!

1. Who did not like the mouse

A. The narrator did not like the most.

2. Why did the speaker feel like a superhero?

A. The speaker felt like a superhero because she was able to help her mother.

3. What assurance did the speaker give her mother to put her mind at peace.

A the speaker assured her mother by telling her that she was at war with mice. She promised her
that children are there to keep their parents safe.

She whimpered………. Into our house

1. who is “she” referred to here?

A. she refers to the mother here.

2. was her behaviour expected?

A. This behaviour was not expected as the mother was a brave woman.


1. what condition was the mother in when the speaker found her?

A. the mother was shook and was sitting on the kitchen sink. She was squealing like a baby bat.

2. Do you think the speaker was amused to see her mother in a state of fear? Give reason to support
your answer.

A. the speaker was amused to see her mother in a state of fear. She had never seen her mother
scared in her life ever. She asked her mother what the problem was. She also helped her mother.

3. If you had to give the poem another title, what would it be? Give reasons.

A. I would give the title “Fear” to poem because it deals with the concept of fear and frightened

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