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If you’re ready to create your online business and serve countless others while 
generating a full-time income for yourself; I have the perfect all-in-one tool for you. 
I have tried so many tools from website builders to email marketing platforms over the 
past 12 years I’ve been exposed to the online business world. 
My conclusion is to choose a tool that does 80% of what you want it to do with only 
20% of the effort. Kajabi is the one tool I recommend most often for new online 
business owners that want to create a professional online business without letting 
technology be a barrier to their success. 
Kajabi is the Apple equivalent of online business tools. It is designed to work intuitively 
and contains everything you need to serve others at the highest level while generating 
substantial income to support yourself. 
Although I don’t have specific numbers to back this up other than Kajabi’s members 
have collectively made over $1.5 billion in sales, I believe more online business owners 
have had success and fun using Kajabi than any other online business creation platform. 
If you would like to learn more and start a 14-day free trial of Kajabi, ​Click Here. 
Kajabi is the all-in-one tool that will help you build a professional website that is 
optimized for mobile devices, manage your email list, and create beautiful online 
courses and community memberships that will serve as the cash cow foundation to your 
online business. 
I have used Mailchimp, Activecampaign, Wordpress, Teachable, Thinkific, Podia, 
Wordpress, Udemy, Skillshare, Youtube, Samcart, Thrive Themes, and countless other 
online business services throughout my 12 years of experimenting in the online business 

After all of the knowledge gained in working with all these different platforms, I myself 
use Kajabi as my favorite personal tool and recommend it more than any other tool to 
anyone who asks me which tool they should use when starting their online business. 
Click Here​ to use my affiliate link and start your free 14-day trial of Kajabi. Immediately 
after beginning your free trial you will receive an email with lifetime access to my online 
Copywriting Masterclass inside of my own Kajabi website. This is an amazing 
opportunity to learn one of the most important online business skills and see what 
Kajabi is capable of at the same time! You get to keep lifetime access to my 6+ hour 
Copywriting Masterclass even if you cancel your Kajabi trial before signing up for a 
paid plan. 
I would like to share that Kajabi is genuinely my favorite tool and not one I’m 
recommending just to make money as an affiliate. Most of the major tools I’ve come 
across to start an online business have an affiliate program that often pay the same 
percentage commission (of 30%). This means when you use my link I receive 30% of 
your monthly price as a thank you for recommending you to them, but you pay the 
exact same price you would normally pay. 
Kajabi is the tool I’m most often recommending to anyone who asks whether or not I 
receive an affiliate commission from them. I encourage you to try out this tool for two 
weeks and see if it feels like a good fit for you and your business. 
Click Here​ to start your free two-week trial and receive lifetime access to my 6+ hour 
Copywriting Masterclass that is built on Kajabi’s platform. 
John Campbell 

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