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Hi my dear friend,

Today I want to tell you about a wonderful holiday that I just went
on. I went with my family.
I went to sea. It started 10 days ago. I went for 3 days. On the first
day, I swam at the beach and I sunbathed on the beach. On the
second day, I went sailing with my family. On the third day, I went
fishing. I most enjoy going fishing. We went there by motorcycle.
It is very far from my home. It is about 40 km away, so we were
very tired. But at least we felt better when we saw the sea. The
holiday is really interesting. I am looking forward to a similar
wonderful holiday next year.
Thanks. I hope to hear from you soon.

Hi Jack,
I got your invitation. You have invited me to a party this Sunday
morning. But I am sorry. I cannot come because I will visit my
family on Saturday and Sunday. I know this party is really
important to you, but my family is most important to me. I have
promised them before. However, I will be free next Sunday, and
we can meet at the park.
I hope you can sympathize with me. I hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks. See you next Sunday.

Dear Charlie, how is your life?

I am writing to you to ask about a book, Conan . You will not give
me this book, will you? You can lend it to me after you've read it. I
really like it. The book you have is the latest, and I have
not read it yet. I will not need it for a long time. I borrow only
three days. Best wishes
Can I borrow it?
Thank you. I hope to hear from you soon. 
Hello Jolly, How is your life?
I watched a film in the cinema, and I want to tell you about it. It is
Detective Conan's Movie 24: The Scarlet Bullet. The Scarlet Bullet
is kind of a Japanese detective anime movie. This is the 24th
installment in the detective series
Conan.The film revolves around the Akai family.
This is a very special family.
This family has a close connection to the black organization.
When the mysterious mother Mary
is shrunken like Conan and Haibara,
After watching the movie, I found it really interesting. The details 
of the story are fascinating and thrilling. 

Dear Tom, How is it going?

I just made a new friend and wanted to introduce her to you. She
comes from Australia. Her name is Charlie. The first time we met
was on December 4, 2021. She is thon and slim. She has long and
beautiful hair. She has beautiful bright skin and big eyes. She is a
good student. She is very hard working. I think she's a good girl. 
Thank you. I will be free next Sunday, and we can meet at the
park. We can meet and talk. See you.

Hi my friend, How is your life?

I received some good news and wanted to tell you about it.
I received a college acceptance certificate. I got it last week.
I was happy to receive it. I was so happy that I jumped up and
screamed. Now,  I'm pretty shy about my actions at the time.
How is your family's life? Is the weather in Australia good?
Is it too cold? It's almost Christmas, Merry Christmas.
I hope to hear from you soon. 

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