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Tim and Tammy Teach


Phrasal Verbs that begin with the word GET


1. Charlie: Well, I just don’t seem to be getting much out of the classes.
a. enjoying the classes
b. finding the classes useful
c. both of the above

* 2. Charlie: I try to learn, but everything the teacher says goes in both ears and
out the other.
a. enters
b. blocks
c. both of the above

3. Charlie: I think the teacher is trying to get back at me for the time I put a frog
in her drawer.
a. do something unpleasant to me because I did something unpleasant to her
b. teach me a lesson that I will never forget
c. both of the above

4. Charlie: Well, Dad and Mom thought it would be good for the family to get
away for a few days; and they are planning a trip to Disney World.
a. escape from a problem
b. leave [house, city, etc.] and go somewhere to relax
c. both of the above

5. Charlie: Well, that’s my point. They said that if I don’t get my act together
and get good grades on my next set of tests at the end of the semester, I won’t
be allowed to go with them.
a. start to behave more appropriately or effectively
b. get organized
c. both of the above

6. Tammy: But how did you get so behind with your work, Charlie?
a. do so poorly
b. not do what you had to do by a particular time
c. both of the above
7. Tim: Have you been goofing off?
a. spending time doing nothing b. avoiding work c. both of the above

* 8. Tim: Have you been going out with friends all the time
a. leaving the house to go somewhere
b. doing things you shouldn’t do
c. both of the above

9. Charlie: I don't get out that much.

a. go out to different places and meet people in order to enjoy yourself
b. escape from difficult situations
c. both of the above

10. Charlie: Mom is always getting down on me for playing too much video
game and spending too much time on the Internet chatting with my friends.
a. making me discouraged by yelling at me
b. criticizing [me] because she thinks [I] am wrong
c. both of the above

11. Charlie: Dad’s always getting after me about the mess in my room and my
a. always telling [me] to do something [clean my room] in an annoying way
b. going in [my room] after I leave to see if my room is clean
c. both of the above

12. Charlie: Oh! I’ll be so glad when I get these exams over with.
a. get a good grade and pass a difficult test
b. complete [something unpleasant] that must be done
c. both of the above

13. Charlie: Well, here’s where I get off. See you guys later.
a. leave [the bus] b. stop talking c. both of the above

14. Tim: I think it’s time for us to get our gang together and see what we can
do to help him.
a. ask [our gang] for advice b. unite [out gang] for a meeting c. both of the

Answers: 1-c; 2-a; 3-a; 4-b; 5-c; 6-b; 7-c; 8-a; 9-a; 10-b; 11-a; 12-b; 13-a; 14-b
15. Coby: Ok! Let’s all stop talking and get down to business.
a. start [doing something] with a lot of our attention and effort
b. sit down and start our meeting
c. both of the above

16. Tammy: Well, our friend Charlie is going through a rough time.
a. experiencing [something unpleasant]
b. finishing [something unpleasant]
c. both of the above

17. Tim: We have to help him get through this somehow.

a. escape from this difficult experience
b. deal with [this] difficult experience
c. both of the above

18. Coby: He thinks he can get away with not doing any of his homework
assignments, not studying…
a. hide from the teacher even though he didn’t do what she told him to do
b. do something successfully even though it is not the best way of doing it
c. both of the above

19. Tim: Yes. He’s our friend and we can’t give up on him!
a. stop being [his] friend b. lose hope about [him] c. both of the above

20. Coby: But we can’t let him get away with laziness, either.
a. escape the consequences of b. continue to be full of c. both of the above

21. Coby: Oh, yes, I will! There’s no way he can get out of it.
a. leave the room without paying his debt
b. escape doing [this thing he should do] by giving an excuse
c. both of the above

* 22. Coby: He’ll go along with our plan. Believe me!

a. support and cooperate with [our plan]
b. go with me [when I execute our plan]
c. both of the above

Answers: 15-a; 16-a; 17-b; 18-b; 19-b; 20-a; 21-b; 22-a

23. Charlie: Here little guy. Let me get you out of there.
a. get something to help you
b. help you escape from
c. both of the above

24. Charlie: How in the world did you get into this…ah…mess?
a. fall into [the toilet] and get messed up (messed up = dirty)
b. become (accidentally) involved in [this mess] (mess = difficult situation)
c. both of the above

25. Firepop: I think we can get around that by telling your teacher truthfully that
a Little Magic Fairy Dragon did your homework for you.
a. make your teacher believe something that is not true
b. avoid the consequences [of this rule], without breaking [this rule].
c. both of the above

26. Firepop: Great! I think we’ll get along just fine.

a. like each other
b. be friendly to each other
c. both of the above

27. Charlie: Why do I have to get up early tomorrow?

a. to wake up and get out of bed
b. start working
c. both of the above

28. Firepop: If you want to get ahead in life…

a. be better than other people
b. be successful
c. both of the above

29. Firepop: You’d better get into the habit of going to bed at a good time .
a. develop [a particular habit]
b. enter [your bed]
c. both of the above

Answers: 23-b; 24-b; 25-b; 26-c; 27-a; 28-b; 29-a

30. Charlie: Well, I’ve been meaning to clean it up, but I just never got around
to it.
a. find the time or occasion to [clean up my room]
b. had the strength and energy to [clean up my room]
c. both of the above

31. Firepop: Come on! Get to work!

a. begin doing [something ]
b. finish [with something]
c. both of the above

32. Firepop: Hey, Charlie! Get off that computer and come help me over here.
a. dismount b. stop using c. both of the above

33. Firepop: I’m a slow writer, so get out a piece of paper and write down these
sentences for English class.
a. put [something] on your desk to write on
b. take [something] out of a place (container, cover, etc.)
c. both of the above

34. Firepop: Hey! How did we get onto that subject?

a. start fighting about [a subject] that you are discussing
b. start talking about [a subject] after discussing something else
c. both of the above

35. Firepop: Let’s cut the chit chat and get back to work!
a. return to what we were doing or to what we were talking about
b. finish our work before it is too late
c. both of the above

36. Charlie: That little fairy dragon doesn’t let me get a word in edgewise.
a. manage to say something while someone else is talking too much
b. tell him what I think of a certain subject
c. both of the above

37. Charlie: Well, you’d better get down in my book bag then.
a. get [something] that is in [my book bag]
b. lower your body
c. both of the above
38. Charlie: If word gets around that I’m carrying a little fairy dragon, I’ll never
live it down.
a. someone discovers
b. a lot of people hear [about it]
c. both of the above

39. Firepop: Ok. And when we get back from the library…
a. return b. get [something] from [the library] c. both of the above

40. Firepop: I want you to get together a summary on the history of the Civil
a. prepare b. arrange c. both of the above

41. Firepop: Did you get down what the teacher just said
a. write what [the teacher] said
b. remember [what the teacher said]
c. both of the above

42. Charlie: Just get down and be quiet before someone sees you.
a. lower your body b. stop talking c. both of the above

43. Firepop: Get out a dictionary, Charlie, and look up the word for me; would
a. take [something] out of a place (container, cover, etc.)
b. put the dictionary on the desk and open it
c. both of the above

44. Charlie: That little fairly dragon is starting to get to me. (INFORMAL)
a. make me understand
b. irritate or upset
c. both of the above

* 45. Charlie: How come I always have to give in to you?

a. yield to [you]
b. give [you] what you want
c. both of the above

Answers: 30-a; 31-a; 32-b; 33-b; 34-b; 35-a; 36-a; 37-b; 38-b; 39-a; 40-c; 41-a; 42-a;
43-a; 44-b; 45-a
46. Friend: I just can’t get over how well you did on your tests and
a. I am very surprised
b. It’s hard to believe
c. both of the above

47. Friend: Who finally got through to you about the importance of studying?
a. succeeded in making [you] understand [something]
b. succeeded in making [you] believe [something]
c. both of the above

48. Charlie: What that little dragon really got across to me is that “Diligence is
the mother of good luck.”
a. successfully communicated [to me]
b. made clear
c. both of the above

Answers: 46-c; 47-c; 48-c

* These are not Phrasal Verbs that begin with GET, but with G

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