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This is a simple statblock, you may create whatever background and Essen

context for this race, accordingly to your campaign world. Huma

Monkey People
As a monkey person, you gain the following traits: the fe
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity ability score and another
ability score of your choice increases by 1.
Age. Monkey people age similarly to humans, but they become
mature slightly earlier, and live slightly less than humans.
Size. Monkey people stand between 4 to just below 6 feet tall.
Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Naturally Athletic. You are proficient in either the Athletics skill,
or the Acrobatics skill.
Languages. You know how to read, write and speak Common and
one other language of your choice.
Monkey Limbs. You have a You can use your tail and feet as if
they were hands, you gain the following benefits:

You can carry up to 3 lbs and wield Light weapons with your tail
and feet. You can also attack with weapons worn this way.
As a bonus action on your turn, you can make an attack with a
Light weapon being held by your tail or feet, you don't add your
Ability score modifier to the attack damage.
As long at least two of your limbs are free, you retain your normal
walking speed. Otherwise, your walking speed is reduced to 10
You have a climbing speed equal to your base walking speed as
long as all your limbs are free. Otherwise, you have advantage on
any skill checks you make to climb as long three of your limbs are

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