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Pseudo code
Conditional Statement and Iteration

1. Write a pseudo code to input few temperatures reading for a day. An

input of -1 will stop the input process. Display the average
temperature of the day.
2. Write a pseudo code to display all odd numbers between 1 to 100.
3. Using pre conditional loop, display the series in the range 1 to 100 as
below :
4. An algorithm to be written to accept a valid password. A valid
password is any number from 300 to 900.
5. A pseudo code to be written to accept few single character code such
as a, b or c. Count how many times a b or c occurs in given inputs. An
attempt of non-character (other than a, b and c) will stop the process.
6. A school arranges a Duke trip for grade 10 to 12 students with age
range 16 to 18. There is another requirement for the trip that is
vaccination for COVID’19. Write an algorithm to accept students’ age
and vaccination status to Display “Accepted” or “Denied “for the trip.
You are to use appropriate identifier names.
7. A password needs to be validated. Maximum attempts can be three.
Write a pseudo code to input password and display “Matched” if it is
matching the correct password, which is 1234. Display “Sorry! Time’s
up” if password is not matched within three attempts.
8. Write the pseudo code for the following problem given in structure English:
● REPEAT the following until the number input is zero
● INPUT a number
● Check whether number is positive or negative
● Increment positive number count if the number is positive
● Increment negative number count if the number is negative

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