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Summer University
to Biomechanics
Program: Introduction
WiSe 2019/20 to Biomechanics
Course instructor: Prof. Checa

Seminar week 6:
Biomechanics ofBiomechanics
Movement Tutorial
of movement

Researchers are interested in 3D kinematics & kinematics using homogeneous transformation matrices to obtain the 3D
translations & rotations of body segments. In some circumstances, they are just able to use a planar model to answer
clinical questions. This tutorial is designed on gait and motion analysis. You are strongly encouraged to solve Question 5
onwards using computer program (e.g. Matlab).

1-The x1x2 x3 coordinate system is obtained from the x1 x2 x3 coordinate system by a positive (counter clockwise)
rotation of  about the x3 axis. Find the (full three-dimensional) transformation matrix Q. A further positive rotation 
about the x2 axis is then made to give the x1 x2 x3 coordinate system. Find the corresponding transformation matrix
P. Then construct the transformation matrix R for the complete transformation from the x1 x2 x3 to the x1 x2 x3
coordinate system.

2-In a static situation, a person is standing on one foot on a force plate. The
ground reaction force is found to act 4 cm anterior to the ankle joint. Note that
convention has the ground reaction force Ry1 always acting upward. We also
show the horizontal reaction force Rx1 to be acting in the positive direction (to
the right). If this force actually acts to the left, it will be recorded as a negative
number. The subject’s mass is 60 kg, and the foot mass is 0.9 kg. Calculate the
joint reaction forces and net muscle moment at the ankle.

Figure 1. Anatomical diagram of foot

during weight bearing.

3- From the data collected during the swing of the foot, calculate the muscle moment
and reaction forces at the ankle. The subject’s mass is 80 kg and the ankle-metatarsal
length is 20 cm.

Figure 2. Free-body diagram of foot during swing showing the linear accelerations of the center of
mass and the angular acceleration of the segment. Distances are in centimeters.

4- For the same instant in time in question 3, calculate the muscle moments and
reaction forces at the knee joint. The leg segment is 43.5 cm long.

Figure 3.Free-body diagram of leg at the same instant in time as the foot in Figure 2. Linear
and angular accelerations are shown. Distances are in centimeters.

Dr. Melika Mohammadkhah E-mail:

Summer University
to Biomechanics
Program: Introduction
WiSe 2019/20 to Biomechanics
Course instructor: Prof. Checa

Seminar week 6:
Biomechanics ofBiomechanics
Movement Tutorial
of movement

Supplementary Problems
5-In a motion capture laboratory, you are presented with the 3-D marker convention shown in Figure 4. Markers 3-5 are
used to establish a Segment Coordinate Frame (Shank) and markers 1, 2, 6, and 7 are used to establish the Skeletal
Coordinate Frame (Tibia).
I. The markers 3-5 form the Shank Coordinate Frame. Marker 4 is used as the origin. The x-axis is directed from
marker 4 towards marker 3. The y-axis is normal to the x-axis and the vector from marker 4 towards marker 5.
The z-axis is normal to both the x-axis and the y-axis. Using the values for the location of the markers in the Lab
Coordinate Frame shown in Figure 4, please derive the 4*4 transformation matrix that expresses the Shank
Coordinate Frame (defined using markers 3-5) with respect to the Lab Coordinate Frame for the conditions shown
in Figure 4.
II. The markers 1, 2, 6, and 7 form the Tibia Coordinate Frame. The origin for the Tibia Coordinate Frame is the
midpoint of markers 1 and 2. The z-axis is directed from the origin towards the midpoint of markers 6 and 7. The
y-axis is directed anteriorly and is normal to the z-axis and a temp vector from marker 1 to marker 2. The x-axis
normal to both the y-axis and z-axis and is directed medially (Note: numerous labs use this convention.) Using the
values for the location of the markers as shown in Figure 4, please derive the transformation matrix that expresses
the Tibia Coordinate Frame (defined using markers 1, 2, 6, and 7) with respect to the Lab Coordinate Frame for
the conditions shown in Figure 4.
III. Derive the transformation matrix that expresses the Tibia Coordinate Frame (defined using markers 1,2,6, and 7)
with respect to Shank Coordinate Frame (defined using markers 3-5 using your solutions to parts I and II.
IV. You know that the markers used to establish the Tibia Coordinate Frame (defined using markers 1, 2, 6, and 7) are
frequently removed from a subject during a motion analysis study. Find the knee flexion angle (θx), the knee
varus/valgus angle (θy), and the internal rotation angle (θz) using a Body-fixed X-Y-Z rotation sequence for some
future instance in time (assume the Femur is the fixed frame “A” and that the Tibia is the moving frame “B”).
Please provide your answer in degrees. To solve for the angles, please use your answer to part III and the following
additional information:

Figure 4. Reflective Makers on a Right Leg

Dr. Melika Mohammadkhah E-mail:

Summer University
to Biomechanics
Program: Introduction
WiSe 2019/20 to Biomechanics
Course instructor: Prof. Checa

Seminar week 6:
Biomechanics ofBiomechanics
Movement Tutorial
of movement

6-Here, you will perform a planar analysis using the “6 marker set” as shown in Figure
5 which is frequently used by motion capture labs. With this marker convention, a
reflective marker is placed on the iliac crest, the greater trochanter (the hip), the lateral
epicondyle (the knee), the lateral malleolus (the ankle), the calcaneus (the heel), and the
fifth metatarsal (bone by the little toe).

Figure 5. Marker Convention

The Excel file associated with this homework contains the real gait data, and the calculations that you will be performing
are the same as the biomechanists do in a gait analysis laboratory. The Excel file is made of the following worksheets:
• Demographics: Information about the height and weight of the subject, locations of joint centers, and dimensions
of the markers. All dimensions are in meters.
• Raw Marker Data: The x, y, z positions of various markers expressed in the global coordinate system. All
dimensions are in meters.
• Force Plate Data: The x, y, z components of the ground reaction force, the resultant force, the free torque (you can
ignore it for this assignment), and the x and y location of the center of pressure (COP) (i.e., the point that represents
the location of the GRF). All dimensions are in SI units.
I. Calculate and plot the hip, knee, and ankle flexion angles as a function of time. (Note that you have more than 1
gait cycle in the data file.) To do so, follow these steps:
a. Get the joint center for the hip, knee, and ankle joints. To get joint centers from marker position, all you
need to do is subtract the values of the joint center correction factor (j cf) of the x-coordinate of the hip,
knee, or ankle marker.
b. Establish the vectors that represent the HAT (head, arms, torso), thigh (femur), shank (tibia and fibula),
and foot. Please have all vectors originating at the distal point and being directed proximally. (For
example, the femur is defined by hip - knee).
c. Normalize the vectors that represent the HAT, thigh, shank, and foot.
d. Calculate the angle between the y-axis in the global coordinate system and vectors representing the HAT,
femur, and tibia. (Figure 6). (Hint: use the dot product)
e. Calculate the angle between the z-axis and vector representing the foot.
f. Calculate the hip, knee, and ankle angles with the following formulas

Dr. Melika Mohammadkhah E-mail:

Summer University
to Biomechanics
Program: Introduction
WiSe 2019/20 to Biomechanics
Course instructor: Prof. Checa

Seminar week 6:
Biomechanics ofBiomechanics
Movement Tutorial
of movement

i. Hip angle=thigh angle-HAT angle

ii. Knee angle=thigh angle-shank angle
iii. Ankle angle=foot angle-shank angle
a. Plot your results.
II. Label when heel strike and toe off occur on the three plots you just created.
III. Differentiate your angles for the foot, shank, thigh, and HAT to obtain the appropriate angular velocities and
accelerations. Use the following formulas to conduct this numerical differentiation. The camera samples at 120
Hz. You do not need to find the velocities and accelerations for the first and last data points.

IV. Numerically differentiate your knee and ankle position data to obtain the appropriate linear velocities and
accelerations for these markers. You don’t need to find the velocities and accelerations for the first and last data

Figure 6. Linkage Model

7. Anthropometric information (see last page) is used to calculate the mass of the segment, the length of the segment, the
position of the center of mass (COM) in the segment, and the moment of inertia about the center of mass for the foot, shank
(tibia and fibula), thigh (femur), and HAT. Assume linear segments as shown in Figure 6. The height of the subject is
1.7526 m, and the mass of the subject is 66.7 kg. Moment of inertia of a segment is defined as: I = mass * (radius of
gyration)2. Regarding the location of the origin of the coordinate system, you are measuring positions, velocities, and
accelerations with respect to a fixed laboratory reference frame.
I. Plot the vertical and horizontal ground reaction forces during the stance phase as a percentage of body weight.
II. Draw a free body diagram for the foot, shank, thigh, and HAT segments. You may ignore the mass and moment
of inertia of the foot, as they can be assumed negligible compared to the mass of shank.

Dr. Melika Mohammadkhah E-mail:

Summer University
to Biomechanics
Program: Introduction
WiSe 2019/20 to Biomechanics
Course instructor: Prof. Checa

Seminar week 6:
Biomechanics ofBiomechanics
Movement Tutorial
of movement

III. Derive the equations necessary to solve for the torques about the hip, knee, and ankle joints during the stance
phase of gait for this model. For simplicity, you may ignore the mass of the foot.
IV. For the given data, use the equations you just derived in section III to calculate the torques for the hip, knee, and
ankle joints during the stance phase of gait. (Note: in calculation, remember that all angular velocities and
accelerations need to be in radians). Plot your results and normalize them with respect to body mass (i.e., units are
Nm/kg). Why is it important to perform this normalization instead of just reporting a raw value in N.m?
V. Now you are suggested to use motion data to determine segment length (the distance between any 2 markers could
give you the appropriate segment length) instead of the anthropometric data. Plot the magnitude of the vector
between the hip and knee for all of the time points in this study. Comment on the behavior of the curve you just
plotted and compare this to the length of the thigh determined in problem 7. Comment on some possible
explanations for the observed differences.
VI. Which joint moment has the greatest magnitude (hip, knee, or ankle)? Explain why this is the case?

Dr. Melika Mohammadkhah E-mail:

Summer University
to Biomechanics
Program: Introduction
WiSe 2019/20 to Biomechanics
Course instructor: Prof. Checa

Seminar week 6:
Biomechanics ofBiomechanics
Movement Tutorial
of movement

Dr. Melika Mohammadkhah E-mail:

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