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This is the story of Estevan Caster.

Who ruled a small town as a house building master.

Those who have met him say he makes bad banter.
But really, he is undoubtingly a recipe for disaster.

Then came along one Daniel Dwight.

He was 10 and already 5’0 in height.
He was also scared of things that went bump in the night.
When he met Caster, he just knew something wasn’t right.

When Caster met Daniel, he gained a new obsession.

And Daniel knew that Caster lacked the skills of socialization.
Nevertheless, it wasn’t weird that Daniel found out about Casters oscillation.
That was the day Daniel gave chase and started to get into action.

Caster drove near the house of Ms. Klaus.

Into the house he made as quiet as a mouse.
Daniel watched from behind a tree he couldn’t even pronounce.
And in shock he watched Caster drag Ms. Klaus’s body on the sprouts.

In the trunk of his blue SUV is where Caster placed her.

Daniel waited no longer, and the run home happened in a blur.
He burst into his parents' room screaming about how he took her.
But they told him it was a dream and it only happened because he didn’t like Mr. Caster.

In the morning, he ran outside screaming at everyone that Ms. Klaus was at death's
But all everyone did was ignore.
Because they all saw Ms. Klaus a few minutes ago at the store.
For this humiliation Daniel thought it was the start of a war.

5 years later and Daniel was almost ready.

He had gained evidence after evidence with his best friend Eddy.
The two had been following Caster and were quite stealthy.
The whole town wasn’t ready to see the true face of the dark and gloomy.

Later that day the two were at Daniels house ready to present on the lawn.
But when they looked at their receipts, they found them gone.
The two looked at Caster and found him mid yawn.
And the little smirk he did after, told them Caster thought he won.

In the middle of the night, and in his bed, Daniel had awoken.
When he looked to the side, he saw that his full body mirror was open?
That had confused him until the voice near to his bed had spoken.
And just like that, with no one to notice Daniel had been stolen.

Caster placed the knocked-out Daniel on a mattress.

As a reward for entertaining him these past years Caster had given him a kiss.
If Daniel were awake, he would cry and hiss.
After tomorrow Caster was sure, while Daniel would be missed, Caster would live in
pure bliss.

That morning Daniel’s parents woke and found a paper full of writing.
They needed to find their son, for poor Mr. Caster needed saving.
They along with the neighbors who heard the news rushed to Mr. Casters' housing.

When they arrived, they saw Mr. Caster in his room dead.
And Daniel laid bloody right next to his bed.
Daniel was charged with murder, never saw the light of day again. I guess that didn’t
rhyme, but just to save time, I'll give you the gist of Daniel’s never after.
Daniel was one of the many boys Caster had tricked and didn’t actually go after Ms.
Klaus, he just wanted to see the look on little Daniel’s face simply because he didn’t go
after adults. Caster went after little boys, whether they liked him or not and touched
them in their sleep. Caster, the sick bastard, didn’t die. He faked his death and changed
his name. His next story went a little something like this.

This is the story of Mark Carter.

And he was not a house building starter.
In this town he was full of banter.
He made everyone’s hearts go pitter patter.

Then he met a boy named Kyle Feign.

And the story started all over again.

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