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6. The temporary secretary .................

so poorly
since she started that I ................. forward to
the day when Miss Clark'll return.

1. When the English settle In A) has been performing/am looking

Australia in 1788, other countries already B) will have performed/looked
......... about this big southern island. C) performed/would look
D) was performing/was looking
E) had performed/have looked
A) begin/know
B) had b egu n /wo uld kno w 7. such a
C) were beginning/h ad known This is the first time I
D) would begin/have known formal letter.
E) b eg an /k n ew
B) had written
A) have written C) will D) write
2. Ever since the collapse of the Soviet write
Union, rapidly changing political E) wrote
boundaries in Eastern Europe ...........
mapmakers busy. Sheher job three times just in the
last three months. I think she ought to
A) kept stick to Just one thing.
B) were keeping A) was changing
C) will have kept B) is changing
D) have been keeping C) had changed
E) are keeping D) has been changing
E) has changed
3. The entire audience........... in applause 9.
the minute the final curtain ............. It was revealed at the trial that the
accu sed man .......... out on the night of
A) had risen/was falling the murder.
B) has risen/falls A) won't have gone
C) was rising/had fallen B) hadn't gone
D) rose/fell C) doesn't go
E) is rising/has fallen D) hasn't gone
E) wouldn't have gone
4. The tooth for quite some time
when, at last, I ........... to see my dentist. 10. I'm really sorry to have broken your
crystal vase. It ........... out of my hand as I
A) bothered/had resolved ......... it into the room.
B) was bothering/resolve
A) was slipping/was bringing
C) had been bothering/resolved
B) had slip ped/brou gh t
D) has been bothering/have resolved C) slipped/was bringing
E) bothers/will resolve D) would slip/brought
E) has slipp ed/am bringing
5. I hope you ............the accounts by
midday, because the director general is to 11. He dropped back one semester, so by the
arrive then. time he ...........from school in two
months, his friends ........... law for about
A) have checked five months.
B) will have checked
A) will graduate/are practising
C) had checked B) has graduated/will be practising
D) will be checking C) graduated/have been practising
E) have been checking D) graduates/will have been practising
E) had graduated/were practising

ELS ü 81

12. Have you decided In which sector you 18. Until the disaster, no one huge that the
........for a job when you ...........? oceanliner Titanic ...
A) looked/graduated A) h ad th o ug h t/wo u ld sink
B) will look/have graduated B) thought/sank
C) have been looking/graduate C) was th in k in g /can sin k
D) look/are graduating D) has thought/will sink
E) had looked/would graduate E) will think/has sunk - ...

13. When the police arrived, the diver ........... 19. I didn't notice as I ........... the car in the
already ...........the body out of the river garage that fuel ........... from u nd ern eath
and it .......... on the ground. it.

A) has/pulled/lay A) have left/dripped

B) is/pulling/has been lying B) was leaving/will drip
C) would/pull/were lying C) leave/is dripping
D) was/pulling/had lain D) left/was dripping
E) had/pulled/was lying E) would leave/had dripped

20. He still can't sleep properly because of

14. "How long ............. in Ankara?" the bad memories of the war, although it
"For a few days only. I expect to be back ......... nearly a year since he...........
here before the weekend." home.
A) did/sta y A) is/wou ld return
B) were/staying B) h as b e en /re tu rn ed
C) have/been staying C) will be/returns
D) do/stay ' D) w a s /h a d r e t u r n ed
E) will/stay ' E) h ad b een /was retu rn ing
15. "How long ........... you ............for that 21. The population of the city ........... so
company?" rapidly in recent years that the
"For more than ten years now." municipality ......... difficulty supplying
infrastructure services for all the people.
A) will/be working
B) have/been working A) has increased /is hav ing
C) had /work ed B) increased/will have had
D) are/working C) is in creasing /has h ad
E) did/work D) was in creasing /h ad
E) wou ld h av e increased /h ad had
16. They ........... three meetings on this
subject in the last two months, but still 22. Can you hear what Alan and Jack . agreement. about so intimately in that corner?

A) held/don't reach A) were talking

B) had h eld /d idn 't reach B) had been talking
C) will have held/hadn't reached C) have talked
D) are holding/can't reach D) talked
E) have held /haven't reached E) are talking

at the 23. After the accident, the taxi driver.......

17. Do you know how fast he the bicyclist of not looking where he
time of the accident?

A) has been driving A) accused/was going

B) drove B) will have accused/went
C) was driving C) had accused/would b e goin g
D) will have driven D) was accu sing /h as g on e
E) had driven E) would accuse/has been going

82 ELS

24. When the thieves ...........Into our house, 30. The children playing noisily in the garden
they ........... £ 5,000 and all my jewellery. a few seconds when the old man
on the second floor them
A) were breaking/had stolen angrily.
B) broke/stole
A) v an i sh ed / sh o u t ed
C) are breaking/will steal B) will vanish/h ad shouted
D) have broken/have stolen C) h av e v an ish ed /sh ou ts
E) had broken/would steal D) are v an ish in g /h as sho u ted
E) h ad v an ish ed /was sh ou ting
25. I recognized the boy at once, because I
......... him In our neighbourhood several 31. Despite the sluggishness of world trade,
times before. the volume of Latin American exports 9 % In each of the past two
B) met years.
At would meet C) had D) have met
E) meet A) will have grown
B) grows
C) has grown
26. They........... something so Intently that D) used to grow
they .......... me. E) would grow

A) are d iscu ssing /h adn't h eard 32. The workmen ........... a valuable old coin
B) were discussing/didn't h ear while they........... the foundation of the
C) discussed /h av en't h eard house.
D) have discussed/wouldn't h ear
E) would be discussing/won't hear A) have found/are digging
B) h ad f o u n d / d u g
C) find/have been digging
27. Look at those children running barefoot! D) found/were digging
They .......... to mind that they ............ E) could find/had dug
33. With the memory of a painful defeat In
A) didn't seem/were not wearing mind, the ex-champion .......... that he
B) won't seem/don't wear ......... his revenge.
C) don't seem/are not wearing
D) wouldn't seem/didn't wear A) would swear/took
E) hadn't seemed/wouldn't be wearing B) will swear/has taken
C) swore/is taking
D) has sworn/will take
28. Never drive your car before you............ the E) had sworn/was taking
34. You should cut down on your smoking.
A} had checked This is the sixth cigarette you........... In
B) checked the last two hours.
C) are checking
D) will check A) smoked
E) have checked B) have smoked
C) had smoked
D) are smoking
29. On the way to work yesterday, one of the E) will smoke
tires of the minibus burst suddenly.
Obviously, the driver em in five
properly before he 35. It was the first time they
years of marriage.
A) didn't check/had set
B) hasn't checked/has set A) quarrelled
C) wouldn't check/was setting B) have quarrelled
D) doesn't check/has been setting C) are quarrelling
E) hadn't checked/set D) were quarrelling
E) had quarrelled

ELS Q 83

36. It's only a fortnight since he........... here, 42. The president .......... for over an hour
so he .......... much sightseeing yet. when we finally .......... on the television to
A) has come/didn't do
B) is coming/can't do A) will be speaking/will turn
C) came/h asn 't d o n e B) will have b een speaking/are turning
D) will come/doesn't do C) h as b een sp eak in g /h av e turn ed
D) h ad b een sp eak in g /turn ed
E) h ad co me/h ad n 't d on e
E) will have spoken /turned
37. We .......... almost half of the book so far, 43. When the teacher suddenly ...........the
and I think the other half topic of our term paper, we...........
another two days. material for it for days already.
A) read/can take A) changes/have been compiling
B) have read/will take B) will change/will have compiled
C) will read /h as tak en C) changed/had been compiling
D) had read /wou ld tak e D) has changed/will be compiling
E) are read ing/should tak e E) had changed/would have compiled

38. The professor ...........monotonously and 44. It was the first time I............that dish, so
most of the students ............. it ......... as delicious as I thought it
A) talked /have slep t
B) used to talk/h ad been sleeping A) cooked/wasn't tasting
C) had been talking/had slept B) was cooking/wouldn't taste
C) had cook ed/didn't taste
D) was talking/were sleeping
D) wou ld cook /h ad n't tasted
E) has been talking/would be sleeping E) have cooked/doesn't taste
39. While we ........... down the path, we 45. We ........... relatively few problems since
unexpectedly .......... a deer. we .......... over this job.
A) were cycling/saw A) h ad h ad /were tak in g
B) cycled/were seeing B) h ad / h av e t a k en
C) had been cy cling/h ad seen C) are h av ing /tak e
D) had cycled/would see D) will have/are taking
E) have been cycling/see E) h av e h ad /to o k

40. The ab andoned ship ........... at sea for 46. So far In our discussion, I must confess,
weeks when a passing ship by we ...........our attention on the trivial
chance. problems rather than on the major ones.

A) drifted/had spotted A) have concentrated

B) was drifting/was spotting B) concentrated
C) has been drifting/spots C) are concentrating
D) would have drifted /has spo tted D) concentrate
E) had been concentrating
E) had been drifting/spotted
47. I .......... a day off tomorrow, but
41. Make sure that everybody ........... the unfortunately, I chance by
building before you ...........the main door. coming late today.
A) leaves/locked A) am requesting/am going to miss
B) has left/lock B) requ ested/was missing
C) left/had locked C) have been requesting/miss
D) was leaving/would lock D) h ad req u ested /h ad b een missin g
E) is leaving/have locked E) was going to request/missed

8 4 E LS

48. By the end of November, the television 54. She promised to fax me the document
company............this soap opera for twelve ........she got to the office.
A) at present C) no B) currently
A) has been broadcasting sooner D) the more
B) is broadcasting E) the
C) will have been broadcasting moment
D) was broadcasting
E) will be broadcasting 55. Our new partner was unwilling to sign
the agreement.......... he was completely
49. Can't you do anything about that tap in satisfied with all the conditions.
the kitchen? It ........... constantly for over B) by the time
A) because
a week and the sound ........... me crazy. C) nevertheless D) until
E) after
A) had been dripping/will be driving
B) will be dripping/has driven 56. The director is glad he chose her for the
C) was dripping/had driven position, for the profits have been rising
D) has been dripping/is driving steadily ........... she was put in charge.
E) is dripping/will have driven
A) as soon as C) even B) since
50. A friend of mine believes that they ............ though D) during
a way to stop aging before she ........... too E) by the
old. time

A) have found/got 57. The police took strict preventive measures

B) will have found/gets in order not to allow any incidents ...........
the demonstration.
C) have been finding/was getting
D) were finding/has got A) while B) besides D) during
E) are finding/will get C) where E) when

58. In Europe and America,

young people
often start to live on their own ........... they
reach the age of 18.

A) so that B) while .
51. He had always been quite fond of meat C) by the time D) as if
......... he witnessed, in disgust, the E) once
slaughter of a sheep.
59 ............. I tried Indian food was on my last
B) afterwards birthday. I've been to the same restaurant
A) as soon as C) during D) when
E) until man y times ..............

A) Wh e n / u p t o t h en
52. He has been a vegetarian..........he B) At last/afterwards
witnessed the slaughter of a sheep. C) The first time/since
D) At first/so far '. .
A) B) since D) as E) The last time/before
after C) E) while
for 60. We had great difficulty sending magazines
53. Students usually find it really difficult to to our subscribers ........... the postal
workers' strike.
understand the grammar, but .........
they've grasped the principles, they begin A) for
to enjoy it. C) while B) as
D) despite
A) once B) by the time D) hardly E) during
C) until E) no sooner 61..............I go to that restaurant, I'll try a
dish I've never tasted before.

A) The last time B) Wherever

C) Besides D) The next time
E) The sooner

ELS 85

62. The burglars stole the old lady's most 69 ........... he was told about the cancellation
treasured possessions, and she became of the design, the architect was well
very distressed ......... she described them advanced on it.
to the police.
B) After
A) Hardly
A) as B) since C) As soon as D) By the time
C) owing to D) despite E) As
E) by the time
70........... the beginning of history, hunger
63. He had already lost confidence in himself has never been far from people's lives.
a long time ..........his wife abandoned
him. A) When B) For
A) ago B) before C) Since D) While
C) after D) immediately E) Despite

E) earlier
64............civilization began, gold has been
regarded as a symbol of power and
71. As the plane flew across the Atlantic,
A) Since B) After
C) When D) As soon as
E) The sooner A) the cabin crew will serve refreshments
B) we are unable to see very much
65. The student worked ..........four o'clock in C) because of the air-turbulence
the morning trying to finish the project, D) a hijacker threatened to blow it up
but he still had to hand it in incomplete. E) the pilot has told us to fasten our
A) until B) before
C) during D) since 72. When I was sitting by the stream all
E) as long as alone the other day ............
66. My father decided to take up jogging A) the dark shade of the trees had
......... his doctor warned him that he was sheltered me from the glaring
terribly unfit. afternoon sun
B) the sound of the flowing water will
A) even if B) by the time have taken me into the world of
C) owing to D) in contrast with dreams
E) after C) I found the deep silence really
67. It was ..........less than 500 years ago that D) I'm really fascinated by the scenery
astronomers were able to show that our there
world, together with the other planets, E) I've been trying to be able to do it
revolves around the Sun. again ever since
A) even B) only when D) no 73. He's been strictly observing the principles
then C) not sooner of a healthy diet .........
until E) immediately after
A) so that he would be able to recover
68 ........... the people of an area cut down his good health to some extent
trees and turn the land over to grazing or B) when his doctor warned him about a
farming, they reduce the local animals' probable heart attack
food supply and destroy their natural C) after he received severe criticism from
habitat. his doctor about his eating habits
D) until he has lost as many kilos as his
A) Although C) Thus B) When doctor advised
E) By the time D) Whereas E) since he went to see his doctor about
the pains in his chest

86 Q ELS

74 ........... for some time after the chairman 78. Ever since the government banned
closed the session. smoking In public places,..........

A) The members went on discussing A) there were protests every week for the
next 5 years
among themselves B) suppliers were furious and demanded
B) The decision won't have been made a change
public C) nobody knew what the outcome for
C) He has sat in his office, reflecting on the tobacco industry would be
the outcome D) the plan for which was drawn up by
D) We all agree that there should be the Minister of Health
E) smokers have felt that their freedom
another meeting
is restricted
E) They have been informing all the
workers concerned 79. In the explosion at the mine last week,
75 ............when the police took action to
break up the demonstration. A) the owner has decided to sack most of
the old workers
B) that might have been caused by a
A) More and more demonstrators are
fault in the hydraulic lift system
now crowding into the area C) the trade union had already warned
B) The crowd began to disperse rapidly the authorities of the danger
in all directions D) being similar to past underground
C) The rioters have formed a chain disasters
around the furious crowd E) eight miners lost their lives and a lot
of machinery was damaged
D) The media is to blame for printing
provocative headlines 80............ , but now I realize that we couldn't
E) The uncontrollable crowd seems to be cope without it.
marching towards the city centre
A) The new secretary seemed rather
76. You'll certainly lose your prejudices about incompetent at first
Mr. Jamison ............ B) I can't decide whether we really need
a burglar alarm
C) For a long time I thought electrical
A) unless you liked him immediately
appliances were unnecessary
B) despite your previously favourable D) I was absolutely against our buying a
opinion second computer
C) once you've got to know him better E) I don't know how I'd survive without
D) because he's always so inconsiderate my washing-machine <
E) after you realized that he wasn't as
bad as you thought

77. He had been riding horseback for many

81. It's more than a couple of years since I
last went there.
A) and had many more before him until
he reached his destination A) I have never stayed there for longer
B) otherwise, another mode of than two years.
transportation would be available B) I have visited them twice over the last
C) that has been his biggest dream ever two years.
since he was a boy C) It was only after two years that I went
D) without the horse it would have taken there again.
D) I had never been there until the year
days to come so far
before last.
E) where he could stop and have a good E) I haven't been there since my visit
rest over two years ago.

ELS Q 87

82. I get the impression that it will take some C) All that couple have done since they
time for the family to overcome their grief. arrived at this hotel is complain.
D) They've only made a couple of
A) It appears to me that the family will complaints about this hotel so far.
take some time before they are able to E) Since they got to this hotel, nothing
cope with their sorrow. has caused that couple to complain.
B) Nothing I could say at the time could
have helped the family through their 85. He never sings except when he's taking a
sorrow. shower in the morning.
C) As far as I can see, the family have
A) It is very rare to hear him singing out
been suffering now for quite some
of the shower in the morning.
B) He thinks that singing whe n you take
D) The only thing that will heal this
a shower is a very common occurrence.
family's suffering, as we can all see, is
C) Whenever he goes into the bathroom
for a shower, he starts to sing.
E) Apparently, the family have taken a
D) Unless he is taking a shower, in the
very long time to deal with their morning, it is impossible to hear him
sorrow. singing.
E) In or out of the shower, at any time of
83. In spite of the recent improvements in the day, he hardly ever sings.
political situation, Nigeria still has a long
way to go before it returns to full 86. It was only after she had overcome her
democracy. shyness that she started to make some
A) Although the political situation in
Nigeria has never appeared more A) As her shyness gradually decreased,
hopeless, there are still some people more people wanted to be friends with
who long for a return to full her.
democracy. B) Before becoming less shy, nobody had
B) Nigeria's government has changed for wanted to be friends with her.
the better recently, but they still have C) She felt much more confident when
a lot to do before complete democracy she had a few friends.
is achieved. D) Her ability to make friends helped her
C) Following recent developments for the to overcome her shyness.
better, Nigeria now looks poised for a E) Until she overcame it, her shyness
return to demo cracy in the near had prevented her from ma king
future. friends with anyone.
D) The political situation in Nigeria has 87. Since the 1960s, water pollution has
been so bad recently that a return to increased, leading to a reduction in the
full democracy appears to be number of fish species.
E) If only there were an improvement in A) Despite sea pollution dating back to
Nigeria's political situation, people the 1960s, the number of fish in the
there could look forward to a return to seas has increased.
full democracy. B) Sea water was cleaner and there were
more varieties of fish before the
84. So far during their stay at this hotel, that 1960s.
couple have done nothing but complain. C) It was at the beginning of the 1960s
that fishing was limited.
A) Throughout their time at this hotel, D) There was a sharp decrease in the
that couple have had no complaints. number of fish because of a sudden
B) Up until now, that couple haven't had rise in sea pollution in the 1960s.
anything to complain about at this E) The drop in the number of fish in the
hotel. sea is directly connected with the
increase in sea pollution.

88 a ELS

88. He allowed his garden to become overrun C) Tile-making as a craft grew in Đznik
with weeds during the time that he was and Kütahya, but later it declined in
focusing on growing his business. both towns for unknown reasons.
D) While fewer and fewer craftsmen were
A) While concentrating on expanding his producing tiles in Đznik, more and
company, he let his garden become more people were taking up the
overgrown with weeds. business in Kütahya.
B) His garden got flooded because he E) Both Đznik and Kütahya are famous
wasn't watching what he was doing as tile-making centres, but the craft
when he was working in it. became popular in Kütahya much
C) When building a business up, it is later than in Đznik.
easy to become tied down with work
and neglect domestic chores such as
weeding the garden.
D) He shouldn't have left his garden
unattended while he tried to expand
his company.
E) He didn't notice that his garden
91. The French artist Rodin had an influence
on almost every sculptor who came after
needed weeding because he was too him.
busy concentrating on his business.
A) Fransız sanatçısı Rodin'in
89. Throughout history, people have helped kendisinden sonra gelen he men her
the needy, but social work didn't begin In heykeltraş üzerinde etkisi olmuştur.
an organized fashion until the 19th B) Kendisinden sonra gelen bütün
century. Fransız heykeltraşları üzerinde
Rodin'in etkileri vardır.
A) When people started helping the C) Kendisinden sonra gelen bütün
needy during the 19th century, social heykeltraşlan etkilemeyi başarmış tek
work began to be organized. Fransız sanatçısı Rodin'dir.
B) Since history began, the needy have D) Rodin'in en büyük özelliği
been helped by others, yet not until kendisinden sonra yetişen tüm
the 19th century was social work Fransız heykeltraşları etkilemiş
organized. olmasıdır.
C) The beginning of organized social E) Fransız sanatçı Rodin, ken dinden
sonra gelen tüm heykeltraşlar için bir
work came in the 19th century, esin kaynağı olmuştur.
shortly after the rich started helping
the poor. 92. In our rapidly-changing society, we see
D) Social work organizations, which help that our dependence on our traditions is
look after the poor, were badly gradually decreasing.
organized before the beginning of the
19th century. A) Toplumumuzda en hızlı gerçekleşen
E) Historians believe that poor people değişimlerden biri de geleneklerimize
began being helped by organized olan bağlılığımızın azalmasıdır.
social workers during the 19th B) Toplumumuz büyük bir hızla değişir
century. ken, geleneklerimizdeki değişimin
daha yavaş seyrettiğini görüyoruz.
90. At the same time as tile-making In Đznik C) Toplumumuzun hızlı bir şekilde
was declining, the trade In Kütahya was değişmesiyle birlikte geleneklerimize
growing. verdiğimiz önemin de azaldığı
D) Görülen o ki, toplu mu muz un hızla
A) Demand for tiles has fallen in Đznik, değişmesi giderek geleneklerimize olan
but has at the same time increased in bağlılığımızın azalmasına neden
Kütahya. olacak.
B) Once the trade of tile-making in Đznik E) Hızla değişmekte olan toplumumuzda,
had disappeared, some tile craftsmen geleneklerimize olan bağlılığımızın
moved to Kütahya. giderek azaldığını görmekteyiz.
ELS Q 89

93. It's feared that the hard economic 96. Curiosity has always been the driving
conditions In the country will increase force behind man's need to invent.
the suicide rate.
A) Đnsanoğlunun icatlar yapması hep
A) Ülkenin içinde bulunduğu güç
ekonomik koşulların, intihar oranını merakı sayesinde mümkün olmuştur.
artırdığı görülmektedir. B) Đnsanoğlunun icat etme ihtiyacının
B) Đntihar olaylarının artmasına neden arkasında merak her zaman itici güç
olarak ülkede yaşanan zor ekonomik olmuştur.
koşullar gösterilmektedir. C) Yapısında var olan merak,
C) Ülkedeki ağır ekonomik koşulların insanoğlunu hep icatlar yapmaya
intihar oranını artırmasından
korkulmaktadır. itmiştir.
D) Ülkede yaşanan ağır ekonomik D) Đnsanoğlunun yaptığı tüm icatların
koşullar devam ederse, intihar temelinde, çevresine karşı duyduğu
olaylarının artacağı tahmin merak yatmaktadır.
edilmektedir. E) Đnsanoğlunun icatlar yapmasında
E) Đntihar oranının artmasının ülkedeki sadece ihtiyaç değil merak da önemli
ağır ekonomik koşullarla yakından bir itici güç olmuştur.
ilgili olduğu ileri sürülmektedir.
94. Until the late 1940s, control of the entire 97. I was really glad that I'd seen and
film industry was in the hands of a few rectified my mistake before anyone
major Hollywood producers. noticed.
A) 1940'ların sonlarından itibaren, tüm A) Hiç kimse farketmeden yanlışımı
film endüstrisini yönlendiren birkaç
büyük Hollywood yapımcısı olmuştur. görüp düzelttiğim için çok
B) 1940'larda, tüm film endüstrisinin me mn u n d u m.
kontrolü hala birkaç büyük Hollywood B) Kimse farketmeden yanlışımı görüp
yapımcısının elindeydi. düzeltebilseydim çok memnun
C) 1940'ların sonlarına doğru, birkaç olurdum.
büyük Hollywood yapımcısı tüm film C) Neyseki yanlışımı önce kendim
endüstrisinin kontrolünü ele geçirdi. farkettim ve hiç kimse görmeden
D) 1940'ların sonlarına kadar, bütün film
endüstrisinin kontrolü birkaç büyük düzelttim.
Hollywood yapımcısının elindeydi. D) Hiç kimsenin yanlışımı farketmemiş
E) 1940'lardan sonra, film endüstrisinin olması çok sevindiriciydi.
kontrolünü ellerinde tutan birkaç E) Herkesten önce yanlışı benim
Hollywood yapımcısının yerini yenileri farketmiş olmama gerçekten çok
almaya başladı. sevindim.
95. Even with our current level of technology,
we still do not have the power to respond 98. Very often, the products we purchase
to every human need. don't have all of the features claimed in
the advertisements.
A) Đnsanların bütün ihtiyaçlarına yanıt
verebilmesi için teknoloji şu anda A) Aldığımız ürünlerde reklamlarda
bulunduğu düzeyden çok daha ileride belirtilen özelliklerin tümünü
B) Bugün gelinen noktada teknoloji bulabileceğimizi ummamalıyız.
henüz insanoğlunun tüm ihtiyaçlarını B) Çoğunlukla reklamlar satışa sunulan
karşılayacak kadar güçlü değildir. ürünlerin özelliklerim abartırlar.
C) Şu anda sahip olduğumuz teknoloji, C) Alışveriş yaparken çoğu zaman
ne kadar gelişmiş olsa da, insanın her reklamlarda ileri sürülen iddiaların
türlü ihtiyacını karşılayacak güçte etkisinde kalırız.
D) Bugün sahip olduğu teknolojiyle D) Çoğumuz, aldığımız ürünün
insanoğlu, her türlü ihtiyacını reklamlarda iddia edilen özelliklerin
karşılayacak güce sahip değildir. hepsine sahip olmadığını biliriz.
E) Şu anki teknoloji düzeyimizle bile, E) Çoğu zaman, aldığımız ürünler
insanın her türlü ihtiyacına yanıt reklamlarda iddia edilen özelliklerin
verecek güce sahip değiliz. tümünü taşımama ktadı r.

9 0 E LS

99. It's planned that the dam will be C) If the scientists were on the right
completed and will have started track, they would have found a
producing electricity by the end of July. solution to this problem by now.
D) Scientists are sure to find a solution
A) Plana göre baraj, temmuz sonunda once they've clearly identified the
tamamlanıp elektrik üretmeye problem.
başlayacak. E) This problem hasn't caught the
B) Baraj en geç temmuz sonunda
elektrik üretmeye başlayacak şekilde
attention of the scientists yet, but it
planlandı. definitely calls for an immediate
C) Planları tamamlanan barajın, temmuz solution.
sonunda elektrik üretmeye başlaması
beklenmektedir. 102. Kuzey Kutbu'nun üzerinde uçarken,
D) Barajın temmuz sonuna kadar hepimiz aşağıda kilometrelerce uzanan
tamamlanıp elektrik üretmeye buzulların güzelliğine hayran kaldık.
başlaması planlanmaktadır.
E) Herşey planlandığı gibi giderse, baraj A) The view of the North Pole from the
temmuz sonunda elektrik üretmeye plane was spectacular owing to the
başlayacak. beauty of the glaciers spreading over
many kilometres.
100. Interest In fuel conservation In recent B) While we were flying over the North
years has stimulated the development of Pole, we were all amazed at the
modern wind machines for generating beauty of the glaciers below,
electricity. stretching for many kilometres.
C) We were flying over the North Pole,
A) Son yıllarda yakıt tasarrufuna olan admiring the beauty of the glaciers
ilgi, elektrik üretimi için modern which covered an area of many
rüzgar makinalarının geliştirilmesini
teşvik etmiştir. kilometres. '
B) Yakıt sıkıntısının baş göstermesiyle D) The sight from the plane of the North
birlikte tüm ilgi, rüzgarla çalışan Pole, with many kilometres of
modern elektrik üretme makinalannın stretching glaciers, impressed us all.
geliştirilmesine yönelmiştir. E) During our flight over the North Pole,
C) Son yıllarda yaşanan yakıt we all admired the beauty of the
sıkıntısından sonra rüzgarla çalışan glaciers stretching as far as the eye
modern elektrik üretme makinaları could see.
daha çok ilgi görmeye başlamıştır.
D) Yakıt tasarrufuna gösterilen ilgi son 103. Osmanlı Padişahları, I. Abdülmecid
yıllarda o kadar artmıştır ki elektrik devrine kadar yaklaşık dört yüzyıl
üretimi için rüzgarla çalışan boyunca Topkapı Sarayı'nda yaşadılar.
makinaların kullanılması kaçınılmaz
olmuştur. A) Except for Abdülmecid I, Topkapı
E) Elektrik üretiminde kullanılan Palace was inhabited by the Ottoman
makinalar, son yıllarda artan yakıt Sultans for more than four hundred
tasarrufu bilinci sayesinde daha da years.
modernleştirilmiştir. B) Until the reign of Abdülmecid I,
Topkapı Palace had been the regular
residence of the Ottoman Sultans for
over four centuries.
C) Until the reign of Abdülmecid I, the
Ottoman Sultans lived in Topkapı
101. Bilim adamları bu soruna henüz tam bir Palace for a period of nearly four
çözüm bulamadılar, ama doğru iz centuries.
üzerinde olduklarından eminler. D) For four hundred years, until the
reign of Abdülmecid I, Topkapı Palace
A) Although scientists have not found a had been the residence of all the
solution to this problem yet, they will Ottoman Sultans.
probably work it out in a short time. E) Topkapı Palace, which the Ottoman
B) Scientists have not yet found an exact Sultans inhabited for almost four
solution to this problem, but they are centuries, was not used during the
confident that they are on the right reign of Abdülmecid I.
ELS Q 91

104. Turizm sektörünün gelişmesiyle, B) None of the machines that man has
bölgenin ülke ekonomisine katkısı her created works as perfectly as the
geçen gün artmaktadır. human body does.
C) No machine that man has created has
A) The more the tourism sector grows in yet reached the perfection of the
the region, the bigger its contribution human body.
to the economy of the country will be. D) Whatever man does, he cannot create
B) The growth of the tourism sector in a machine that will match the
the region has contributed greatly to perfection of his own body.
the improvement of the country's E) Of all the machines that man has
economy. created so far, none of them is as
C) After the growth of the tourism sector perfect as the human body.
there, the region was able to
contribute greatly to the country's 107. Şiddetti tipi yüzünden bölgedeki birkaç
economy. köy bir haftadır ulaşılamaz olmuştur.
D) As the tourism sector grows, the
contribution of the region to the A) Most of the villages couldn't be
economy of the country will increase reached for a week due to the severe
considerably. blizzards in the region.
E) With the growth of the tourism sector, B) It was such a severe blizzard that
the region's contribution to the some village roads were blocked for a
economy of the country is rising with
each day.
C) Owing to the severe blizzards in the
region, it took us a week to get to the
105. Araba ithaliyle ilgili yasadaki son village.
D) The severe blizzards, which have cut
değişikliklerden sonra, yeril üreticiler off several villages for a week, are still
kaliteyi yükseltmek zorunda kalacaklar. continuing.
E) Because of the severe blizzard, several
A) After the recent changes in the car villages in the region have not been
importing laws, domestic reached for a week.
manufacturers will have to improve
quality. 108. Mağaranın içine doğru biraz daha
B) The recent changes in the law have ilerleyince suyun açık havaya değil
made it easier to import cars, so içeriye doğru akmakta olduğunu
domestic manufacturers are trying to fark ettik.
produce better quality cars.
C) Domestic car manufacturers could A) It was only after we had advanced for
better cope with the recent changes in a little while in the cave that we
the laws on car imports if they were to realized the water was not flowing
produce better quality products. towards the open air, but inwards.
B) We were astonished, as we proceeded
D) With the recent changes in the laws
into the cave, to see that the water
on car imports, domestic was moving in the direction of the
manufacturers have been left with no open air.
choice but to improve quality. C) To our astonishment, the water was
E) The only way for domestic car flowing from the open air into the
manufacturers to compete with cave, not vice versa as we had
imported cars is to raise quality. expected.
D) As we moved a little farther into the
106. Đnsanoğlunun yarattığı hiçbir makine cave, we noticed that the water was
henüz insan vücudunun mükemmelliğine moving inwards and not towards the
ulaşamamıştır. open air.
E) We advanced a little further in the
A) No machine that man creates can be cave to see whether the water was
as perfect as the human body. flowing inwards or towards the open
92 Q ELS

109. Eski çağlardan beri Çin übbının önemli 110. Akciğer kanserinin erken bir aşamada
bir parçasını oluşturan akupunktur tespit edilmesi çok zor çünkü genellikle
Batı'da, ancak 1970'lerden sonra ilgi belirtiler hastalık çok ilerleyene kadar
görmeye başlamıştır. görünmüyor.

A) Acupuncture, which has formed a A) The reason why lung cancer is

significant part of Chinese medicine difficult to notice at an early stage is
since ancient times, began to receive that the symptoms are not detectable
interest in the West only after the before the disease is well-advanced.
B) Lung cancer is often detected at a
B) Although acupuncture has been very
important in Chinese medicine since well-advanced stage, when symptoms
ancient times, it gained recognition in appear clearly; otherwise, the disease
the West only in the 1970s. is difficult to notice at an early stage.
C) Physicians in the West became C) When lung cancer is at an early stage,
interested in acupuncture, an ancient the symptoms are not apparent
Chinese medical treatment, in the enough to detect the disease with
1970s. ease.
D) An ancient Chinese method of D) The symptoms of lung cancer are not
treatment, acupuncture has been apparent until the disease is well-
receiving great interest in the West advanced, so it's not easy to detect it
since the 1970s. at an early stage.
E) In ancient times, acupuncture was of E) Lung cancer is very difficult to detect
great significance in Chinese at an early stage because the
medicine, but since the 1970s, it has symptoms often do not appear until
had an important part in the West as the disease is well-advanced.

ELS a 93

1-60. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan , 6. \vnen you .......... a product in a foreign
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi country, you ...........customs and cultural
bulunuz. differences into consideration.

1. Because I had missed quite a few classes A) have marketed/might have taken
due to my Illness, I...........very hard for B) market/have been taking
my exams In order to make up for what C) are marketing/ought to take
I'd missed. D) will market/have to take
E) were marketing/would rather take
A) used to study
B) had better study 7. Fortunately, everybody ........... their
C) had to study belongings to safety by the time the flood
D) would rather study waters .......... the whole village.
E) will have studied
A) had carried/inundated
2. "Have you decided where to go on holiday B) had to carry/have inundated
this summer?" C) used to carry/could inundate
"Not yet, but we .......... to the same place D) could have carried/had inundated
as we did last year." E) was carrying/had to inundate

A) might go . 8. You........... so many clothes on holiday.

B) would go You only wore half of them.
C) will go
D) could have gone A) must not have taken
E) should have gone B) had better not take
C) ought not to take
3. We are all surprised at his eloquence. He D) needn't have taken
......... a speech defect when he was E) might not have taken
9. Judging from the damage to the car, she
A) could have ......... really fast at the time of the
B) used to have accident.
C) would rather have
D) has had A) would rather be driving
E) might have B) must have been driving
C) may have driven
4. Because It's your day off tomorrow, you D) is supposed to drive bed early tonight. Why don't we E) should have been driving
go to the pub together?
10. When the pain from her broken leg
A) shouldn't go became unbearable last night, the doctor
B) haven't had to go .........her a pain-killing injection.
C) couldn't go
A) might give B) used to give D) can give
D) mustn't have gone
C) should give E) had to give
E) needn't go

5. It ...........a disaster, but fortunately, he 11. I feel terrible. Something we ate at the at the time. restaurant sick.

A) might be/didn't drive A) must have made

B) must be/won't be driving B) would make
C) was supposed to be/hadn't driven C) should have made
D) could have been/wasn't driving D) had to make
E) will be/hasn't driven E) might make

ELS a 131

12. You ......... about the offer carefully if you A) can't see
don't want to be sorry later. B) mu stn't see
C) don't have to see
A) should have thought D) shouldn't see
B) had better think E) needn't see
C) would think
D) had to think 19. Fortunately, we..........for a long time to
E) must have thought get the tickets, there being only a few
people in line.
13. When my boss asked me to work
overtime, I, even though I A) weren't supposed to wait
......... a prior arrangement for the B) shouldn't have waited
evening. C) couldn't have waited
D) didn't have to wait
A) shouldn't say/was having E) needn't have waited
B) needn't say/should have
C) couldn't say/had
D) mustn't say/have had
20. We can't hire that girl just because she's
E) haven't said/could have
your friend's daughter. Any prospective
employee ......... certain requirements for
14. The decision is yours, but I'd rather you the position.
........ their offer.
A) should have fulfilled
A) wouldn't accept B) must fulfil
B) not to have accepted C) might fulfil
C) don't accept D) had to fulfil
D) not to accept E) can fulfil
E) didn't accept
21. Why did you bother so much trying to
15. I can't think why you insist on buying a change your money? You ......... It, you
big car. I'd prefer you......... a small, know, as they accept US dollars In
economical one. Mexico.
A) bought B) buy A) couldn't have changed
C) having bought D) had bought B) haven't changed
E) to buy C) needn't have changed
D) didn't use to change
16. Even light drugs ......... toxic when taken E) can't change
in excessive amounts, so you..........the
prescribed dosage.
22. He.......... safety goggles, but he wasn't,
A) ought to be/may observe and as a result, the hot steel badly
B) can be/should observe damaged his eyes.
C) have been/used to observe
D) should have been/can observe A) could have been wearing
E) would be/would observe B) must have been wearing
C) had been wearing
17. I don't think it Is a. good idea to make D) should be wearing
arrangements for a picnic tomorrow. E) ought to have been wearing
According to the weather forecast, it
.........rain. 23. Oh no, look at the sign! We ............ here.
These spaces are for doctors and
A) must B) has to emergency patients only.
C) had better D) might
E) would rather A) needn't have parked
B) won't be parking
18. In some spots, the Amazon is so wide C) haven't got to park
that you..........both banks at the same D) couldn't have parked
time. E) aren't supposed to park


24. When I was a child, collecting stamps 30. He ........... the business to go so badly;
and sticking them into an album .......... otherwise, he wouldn't have invested all his
my favourite hobby, and I still have some money in it.
of them now.
A) shouldn't have expected
A) ought to be C) has B) used to be B) had better not expect
been D) could be C) wasn't supposed to expect
E) would be D) would rather not expect
E) can't have expected
25. It's no use complaining now. You
the consequences before. 31. A: Isn't that Alice over there?
B: No, it ........... her. She is out of town at
A) should have considered the moment, and won't be back until
B) could consider Friday.
C) must have considered
A) had better not be
D) would consider
B) can't be
E) were able to consider C) couldn't have been
D) hasn't been
26. For the last two weeks, we.......... E) may not be
overtime in order to finish the project we
........ last month. 32. I only realized that I ............ going to the
interview when I saw the irritating
A) have h ad to work/under took attitude of the interviewer.
B) will have to work/undertake
C) have to work/h ave undertaken A) must not have bothered
D) h ad to wo rk /h ad u nd er tak en B) couldn't have bothered
E) would have to work/were to undertake C) hadn't had to bother
D) needn't have bothered
27. "This student has circled the mistakes in E) didn't have to bother
the text, but he hasn't corrected them, so
he'll only get half marks." 33. You...........some money by buying a
"He ......... the instructions properly." cheaper bag instead of this expensive one.
Now you'll be hard up for the rest of the
A) would rather not read
B) had better not read A) could have saved
C) must not h ave read B) would save
D) shouldn't have read C) had saved
E) needn't have read D) ought to save
E) must have saved
28. I don't really like to go shopping alone.
Because I often need advice on what to 34. " ..........I have a look at your magazine if
buy, I .......... company while shopping. you at the moment?"

A) used to have A) Will/don't read

B) should have had B) May/won't be reading
C) have had C) Should/didn't read
D) would rather have D) Can/aren't reading
E) mu s t h av e h ad E) Did/weren't reading

29. I ............overtime, because Alice came to 35. There is something slightiy peculiar about
help me and we left the office at the usual this one hundred dollar bill. Do you think
hour. that it ........... a forgery?

A) would have been

A) needn't have worked
B) used to be
B) must not have worked C) could be
C) couldn't have worked D) needs to be
D) might not have worked E) should be
E) didn't need to work
ELS Q 133

36. I friends as often as I'd wish 42. The rescue party........... six of the crew off
ever since I accepted the managerial before the ship ..............
A) could tak e/was sinking
A) won't have met B) h as b e en ab l e to t ak e /h as su n k
B) shouldn't have met C) could have taken/would sink
C) didn't use to meet D) was ab le to tak e/san k
D) must not have met E) had been ab le to take/would have sunk
E) haven't been able to meet
43. Look! Those to be so cold;
37. That professor is teaching my friend's otherwise, they wouldn't be wearing such
history class this year, so she ...........yet. thin clothes.
Maybe you misunderstood her.
A) shouldn't have expected
A) shouldn't have retired B) don't have to expect
B) can't have retired C) didn't have to expect ;
C) didn't use to retire D) must not have expected
D) doesn't have to retire E) would rather not expect
E) ought not to retire
44. Jane: Did you tell your parents that you
38. Today agricultural machines of great size
and complexity, some even computerized, got an F on the test?
......... in hours what ........... people and Mary: Yes, but I .......... them anything
animals days to complete previously. about it. They got very angry.

A) will be accomplishing/has taken A) must not have told

B) have accomp lished/tak es B) should not tell
C) can acco mplish/used to tak e C) would rather not have told
D) are accomplishing/should take D) couldn't have told
E) had accomplished/was taking E) didn't need to tell

39. In the end, she ........... her son from being 45. After driving for two hours along the
a drug addict, but she really had to unfamiliar road, we suddenly realized
sacrifice a lot of her own life to do so. that we ........... a wrong turning.

A) would rather save A) could be taking

B) ought to save B) used to take
C) used to save C) should have taken
D) is supposed to save D) ought to take
E) was able to save E) mu st h av e tak en

40. I'm not sure why Molly didn't come to the 46. He............ to the speed limit at the time of
party, but it .......... because she knew her the accident. Look, the car is in a terrible
ex-husband ...........there as well. state.
A) might have been/was going to be A) shouldn't have been keeping
B) will be/should have been B) isn't supposed to keep
C) was/must have been C) hadn't kept
D) has been/will have been ' D) can't have been keeping
E) should be/has to be E) hasn't been keeping
41. Today, far more Information ........... 47. The other day, I ............the man who
available on the Internet than anyone ......... the president's speeches before he
.........a few years ago. got fired.
A) beco mes/has imag in ed A) had met/has b een writing
B) will become/ought to imagine B) hav e met/h ad written
C) had become/used to imag ine C) meet/could have written
D) became/will have imagined D) was meeting /h as written
E) has become/could have imagined E) met/used to write

134 Q ELS

48. When I was In high school, I 54. I don't know why he's been delayed; he
leg while I ...........In a cross-country race. .........hours ago.
A) was b reak in g /h ad ru n A) must have arrived
B) h ad b ro k en / r an B) has to arrive
C) b rok e/was ru n n ing C) might be arriving
D) used to break/would be ru nning D) should have arrived
E) h av e b rok en /am ru n n ing E) ought to arrive

49. John's been outside for half an hour now. 55. They ...........their business by taking on a
He ...........trouble getting the car started few employees, but due to a lack of
because it ...........outside In the cold for finance, they had to keep it a family
most of the winter. concern.

A) mu st b e h av ing /has b een stand ing A) must hav e expanded

B) will be having/will have stood B) may have expanded
C) h as h ad /is stan d in g C) have expanded
D) shou ld h av e/h ad b een stan din g D) would rather have expanded
E) could have had /was standing E) are able to expand

50. The enemy troops .......... some of our 56. I am working on my thesis at the
ammunition during the last attack. moment, so I ...........not be disturbed
unless something urgent crops up.
A} have seized
A) would like B) would rather D) would
B) used to seize C) would prefer mind
C) may seize
D) seized . E) would have
E) would seize
57. Despite the many hardships they ..........
51. I know he ........... on the school football during the journey, the expedition to the
team, but he must be out of practice now South Pole ..........the camp safe and
as he ...........for years. sound.

A) used to b e/h asn't p lay ed A) encountered/was able to reach

B) was/wasn't playing B) had encountered/ought to reach
C) must hav e been /didn't play C) were encountering/reached
D) should be/won't be playing D) encounter/used to reach
E) has been/doesn't play E) might have encountered/reaches

58. You........... this essay from somewhere

52. He didn't expect that she............ when he
since I know you ...........write English this
arrived home, so he ........... the bell
instead of using his key.
A) ought to have copied/should not
A) was sleeping/was ringing
B) should copy/may not
B) would be sleeping/rang
C) have to copy/don't have to
C) may h av e slep t/h as ru n g
D) should have copied/will not
D) used to sleep/h ad to ring
E) must have copied/cannot
E) had to sleep/could ring
59. Relatives of the victims are suing the
53. In the central plains of the country, the airline company, which they believed
corn and soy far as the ..........the accident if it had had stricter
eye............ safety procedures.
A) stretch/can see A) would prevent
B) are stretching/should see B) may be preventing
C) stretch/is seeing C) could have prevented
D) will be stretching/has seen D) must have prevented
E) have stretched/used to see E) will have prevented

ELS Q 135

60. Our new employee ..........much In his 65. Dr Johnson could never again practise
training course, judging from the way he medicine in his country...........
seems unable to do anything correctly.
A) should not learn A) after the medical association had
B) must not have learned b an n ed h im
C) might not learn B) as his university records showed him
D) did not have to learn to be a brilliant student
E) did not use to learn
C) even though the injured victim was
taking him to court
D) because he would try to be more
careful next time
E) ever since he was involved in the drug
61. People with fair skin should try to stay In scandal at the hospital
the shade .............
66 ..............but, after a while, it is possible to
A) because many of today's suntan get used to it.
lotions are extremely effective
B) for it offers no real protection from the
sun A) The teacher can't understand why all
C) as a healthy suntan looks so the studen ts keep laughing at h er
attractive B) When Sue first began her university
D) but the sun at midday is more intense course, she found things very difficult
E) when the sun is as hot as it is today C) Nobody wanted to eat the food which
62 ............If all sectors of society work had been in the fridge for ages
D) Camels can travel for many miles in
together towards realizing it.
the desert without food or water
A) Any plan to save the environment will E) The incessant noise from traffic is one
only be effective major problem of living in a big city
B) The attempts of environmentalist
groups will certainly fail 67........... as this can pollute their water and
C) Humans couldn't have preserved the
environment properly cause illness.
D) The fate of all living things on earth is
unclear A) More and more shipping firms are
E) There are many threats facing tightening their safety measures
humanity today B) In extremely hot weather, sunbathers
should use a good quality skin
63. Private couriers are reliable and prompt
in delivering packages ............. protector
C) Owners should take care not to
A) so people would prefer to use air mail overfeed their pet goldfish
more often D) The council is undertaking extensive
B) but the cost is often extremely high repairs on the sewage system
C) that they drive very fast to their E) Microbacteria are often found in slow-
D) how many times they go back and moving rivers
E) in fact they do not always give the 68 ............. then we must be late for the
best result meeting already.
64. The meeting was cancelled .............
A) The chairman said not to worry about
A) thus, nobody had come by the being a few minutes late
scheduled time B) If the time by my watch is right
B) how much work all the employees had C) Unless we can catch a taxi to the
done for it station
C) that annoyed many people who took D) The newsletter says that the
hours to get there
D) just when the manager ought to leave convention will begin later than usual
E) because the boss decided that it was E) The traffic doesn't seem to be getting
unnecessary any lighter

136 Q ELS

69. In order to Install the new heating 73 ............ , you should check the taximeter \
system............. carefully.

A) that will considerably reduce the bills A) Make sure that the route is definitely
this winter the right one
B) there won't be enough hot water to B) When the driver offered a short-cut to
tak e a b ath you
C) Since there is no way to check petrol
C) which the upstairs neighbours highly levels
recommended to us D) Because all vehicles are equipped with
D) the builders had to make a number of modern speed devices
holes in the wall for the pipes E) If you want to avoid paying more than
E) this is the coldest winter we've had for the journey really costs
74 ..............until I actually tried them for
70 ............. or it might be stolen by a myself.
A) I used to think the French habit of
A) Using a handbag is a practical way of eating snails was disgusting
carrying many essential items B) My father accuses me of not being
B) In certain banks customers are given C) I doubt that your jeans will be big
access to a safety deposit box enough for me
C) Thieves used to be hanged at the D) I've always enjoyed eating dishes from
gallows until the law was changed other countries
D) You must be careful about where you E) On television, skiing looks easy
keep your wallet
E) Usually big department stores employ 75 ............., but I'd guess he must be about
guards to carry out safety checks sixty.
A) My husband will phone the tour
71. As the flavour of coffee deteriorates company and ask the price of the trip
rapidly after It is ground ............... to Egypt
B) I don't remember how much the shop
A) the farmers should have consulted the assistant told us those jean s cost
authorities about how to cultivate the C) Tom may be heavier than you, but
plant don't forget that he is also taller
B) many drinkers buy whole-roasted D) Frank weighed himself and was
horrified to see he is eighty kilos
beans and grind th em at ho me E) I don't know exactly how old Tim's
C) the grinding machine has seen father is
significant changes since its invention
D) it now takes just a few minutes to
have a large amount of coffee beans
E) I found the taste of the coffee rather
strange without any milk in it 76. She may be better paid than me, but I
can type twice as fast as she can.
72. You may find it difficult to operate the
mach ine.............. A) Because of my better typing ability,
my wages should be double hers.
A) or it is best to leave it to someone else B) It isn't fair that I should be given less
B) no matter how complex its certain money than her when I do twice as
much work.
functions are C) In spite of her higher salary, her
C) even though there is a good typing is half the speed of mine.
instruction booklet with it D) No matter how hard she may try, she
D) as if you knew which button to press can't type as fast as me, yet she still
in order to start it earns more.
E) be sure to contact the manufacturer E) My typist is a hundred percent
immediately quicker than hers, regardless of how
much money she gets.

ELS Q 137

77. He might have been Joking when he said B) As it looked totally different, he
he was planning to leave home. couldn't find his old house when he
went back to visit.
A) The idea of leaving home probably C) He found it hard to identify the house
amused him a great deal. after his long absence as it did not
B) He could have made a joke about the look the same at all.
situation when he left home. D) Because he was unfamiliar with the
C) He said he was going to leave home, area, it was difficult for him to locate
but it turned out to be only a joke. his old home.
D) l don't know if he was serious when E) When he saw the house again, it was
he expressed his intention of leaving hard for him to believe that anyone
home. lived there.
E) He didn't tell me the truth about
81. He might have forgotten the place you'd
when he left home. arranged to meet at.
78. Unless they comply with the rules, they A) You planned to meet him at a place
won't be allowed back into the club. that he'd forgotten about.
B) He must have forgotten where it was
A) They can only enter the club again if that you met previously.
they behave in accordance with the C) Perhaps he didn't remember where
rules. you were going to meet.
B) As long as they refuse to behave, it D) He couldn't remember where the
doesn't seem possible for them to be meeting place was.
accepted into the club. E) He didn't remember meeting you at
C) The club refuses to admit people who that place.
don't behave appropriately.
D) They can't enter the club because 82. You are certain to encounter difficulties
they have violated the rules. adapting to a new environment.
E) They can go to the club once more,
but only if they obey the rules. A) I don't think you'll find it easy to get
used to your new environment.
79. You're not obliged to sign the contract B) You can't settle into a new
now, but a delay may mean losing the environment without having problems.
position. C) Even if you're adaptable, you'll still
find it hard to change your
A) The company offering the contract environment.
D) It's possible that you'll find your new
would like you to think carefully environment a little strange for a
before signing the document. while.
B) The job will certainly be given to E) This new environment will require you
somebody less hesitant if you do not to make a lot of adjustments.
sign at once.
C) You must sign the contract now for it 83. Everybody believes that he shouldn't have
to be legal, or action will be taken trusted the people around him so much.
against you.
D) You must wait before signing a A) All the people around him used to
contract even if you feel you should have so much confidence in him.
accept employment straightaway. B) The general opinion is that he made a
E) You do not have to sign the contract mistake by having so much faith in
immediately, but the company doesn't the people around him.
promise to reserve the job for you. C) He now admits that some of the
people around him didn't deserve to
80. When he returned home years later, with be trusted at all.
so many changes to the house, he was D) Nobody thinks that any of the people
barely able to recognize it. around him are honest enough to be
A) He completely changed the E) He was so credulous that all the
appearance of his house a few years people around him could easily
after he came home. deceive him.

138 Q ELS

84. The government couldn't have passed this A) The expression on your face makes it
law without the support of several clear that you'll never eat Indian food
members from the opposition. again.
B) I don't think you like Indian food as
A) Only a few members from the there is a strange look on your face.
opposition supported the law, so the C) What I understand from the look on
government couldn't pass it. your face is that this won't be the last
B) I don't believe that the government time you eat Indian food.
will be able to pass this law if some D) The first time I tried Indian food, I had
members from the opposition don't the same expression on my face as
back it. you do now.
C) The government was only able to pass E) You can't have tried Indian food
this law because some members from before, as far as I can gather from the
expression on your face.
the opposition backed it.
D) No one from the opposition will back 88. Ian has no intention of coming to the
this law, so it doesn't seem possible party, so we may as well not invite him.
for the government to pass it.
E) The government managed to pass the A) As he doesn't mean to come anyway,
law even without the support of any we needn't ask Ian to the party.
members from the opposition. B) Even if he wants to come, we aren't
going to ask Ian to the party.
85. He needn't have hurried as the meeting C) Let's not invite Ian to the parry unless
didn't start until quite a while after the he promises to come.
time for which it had been planned. D) Because he never wants to come, we
never ask Ian to parties with us.
A) He had to hurry in order to arrive at E) None of us wants Ian to be at the
the meeting before the arranged time. party, so we aren't inviting him.
B) The meeting started rather later than
scheduled, so it wasn't necessary for 89. The holiday might have been cheaper, but
him to hurry. at least we were fortunate with the
C) He didn't need to hurry as he already weather.
knew that the meeting wouldn't start
as scheduled. A) We didn't realize the holiday would be
D) He wouldn't have arrived at the so cheap, and the climate was nice,
meeting on time if he hadn't hurried. too.
B) We can be thankful that the weather
E) There was no need for him to hurry was good, although the holiday was a
because he had plenty of time before little expensive.
the scheduled time of the meeting. C) The holiday should have been less
expensive as we hardly had any nice
86. I was amazed that my ordinarily weather.
humourless boss could come up with D) Due to the poor weather, the price of
such a hilarious Joke. the holiday should have been reduced.
E) Despite the favourable weather, we
A) It was so uncharacteristic of my boss still paid too much for the holiday.
to tell a really funny joke that I was
thoroughly surprised. 90. The fire must have been started on
B) My boss's jokes are usually funny, but purpose; otherwise, it couldn't have
this one was even funnier than usual. caused so much damage.
C) Since my boss has such a great sense
of humour, I was astounded to hear A) Once the blaze had begun, it spread
him tell such a bad joke. quickly and did a lot of damage.
D) If anyone can tell a good joke, then B) If someone were to start a fire there, it
my normally stern and unsmiling boss could prove highly damaging.
can, too. C) No one can say for sure how the fire
E) The surprising thing about my boss is broke out, but the harm it did is
the way he can suddenly seem to have obvious.
no sense of humour at all. D) Seeing that it destroyed so many
things, the fire can't have been
87. From the look on your face, I'm sure this accidental.
Is the first time you've eaten Indian food. E) The fire might have been very serious
if nobody had tried to prevent it.

ELS Q 1 39

A) On sekiz yıl süren bir uğraşıdan sonra
Robert E. Peary, sekizinci
denemesinde, Kuzey Kutbu'na ilk
ulaşan kişi unvanını almıştır.
B) Sekizinci denemesinde Kuzey
91. Make sure you take your identification Kutbu'na ilk giden kişi olmayı
card with you, or you won't be able to başaran Robert E. Peary, bunun için
enter the building. tam on sekiz yıl uğraşmıştır.
C) Robert E. Peary, on sekiz yıl süren bir
A) Sadece kimlik kartı yanında olanların uğraşıdan sonra, sekizinci
binaya girmelerine izin veriliyor. denemesinde Kuzey Kutbu'na
B) Mutlaka kimlik kartını yanma al, ulaşmayı başarmıştır.
yoksa binaya giremezsin. D) Kuzey Kutbu'na ilk giden kişi olan
C) Kimlik kartın yanında olsun, çünkü Robert E. Peary, on sekiz yılını alan
binaya girerken sorabilirler. bu amacına, ancak sekizinci
D) Binaya girebilmek için kimlik kartı denemesinde ulaşabilmiştir.
göstermek gerektiğinden eminim. E) Robert E. Peary, Kuzey Kutbu'na
E) Eminim kartını yanına almışsındır, giden ilk kişi olma amacına ulaşmak
çünkü girişte kimlik yoklaması için on sekiz yıl uğraşmış, ancak
yapıyorlar. bunu sekizinci denemesinde
92. In order not to regret it later, you'd better
consult a few more people before you 95. We must all contribute to the fight
make your decision. against erosion so as to prevent the earth
from becoming a naked planet.
A) Birkaç kişiye daha danışmadan karar
verirsen, sonradan pişman olabilirsin. A) Dünyanın çıplak bir gezegene
B) Kararını vermeden önce birkaç kişiye dönüşmesini önlemek için hepimiz
dah a d an ışsayd ın , so nrad an p işman erozyona karşı mücadeleye katkıda
olmazdın. B) Erozyona karşı mücadelede herkes yer
C) Daha sonra pişman olmak almadıkça dünyanın çıplak bir
istemiyorsan, birkaç kişiye daha gezegene dönüşmesini önleyemeyiz.
danışmadan sakın karar verme. C) Hepimiz erozyona karşı sürdürülen
D) Birkaç kişiye danışırsan daha iyi mücadeleye katk ıda bulun ursak,
karar verebilirsin ve böylece sonradan dünyanın çıplak bir gezegene
pişmanlık duymazsın. dönüşmesini önleriz.
E) Sonradan pişman olmamak için, D) Şunu bilmeliyiz ki dünyanın çıplak bir
kararını vermeden önce birkaç kişiye gezegene dönüşmemesi, hepimizin
daha danışsan iyi olur. erozyonla mücadelede yer almasına
93. By making a much simpler explanation, E) Dünyamızı çıplak bir gezegene
you could have prevented any dönüştürmek üzere olan erozyona
misunderstanding. karşı hepimiz mücadele etmeliyiz.
A) Herhangi bir yanlış anlamaya neden 96. We have to obtain all the members'
olmamak için çok daha basit bir approval in order to be able to alter any
açıklama yapman gerekirdi. term in the agreement.
B) Açıklamalarını daha basit bir dille
yaparsan, herhangi bir yanlış A) Üyelerin tamamının onayını almadan
anlamayı önlersin. sözleşmenin hiçbir maddesini
C) Çok daha basit bir açıklama yaparak değiştirenleyiz.
herhangi bir yanlış anlamayı B) Sözleşmenin herhangi bir maddesini
önleyebilirdin. değiştirebilmek için bütün üyelerin
D) Daha basit açıklamalar yapsaydın bile onayını almak zorundayız.
yanlış anlamayı önleyemeyebilirdin. C) Ancak bütün üyeler onay verirse
E) Herhangi bir yanlış anlamayı ancak sözleşmenin herhangi bir maddesinde
basit bir dille açıklama yaparak değişiklik yapabiliriz.
önleyebildin. D) Sözleşme maddelerinde bir değişiklik
yapabilmek için üyelerin hepsinin
94. Robert E. Peary, the first man to reach onayı gerekmektedir.
the North Pole, was only able to achieve E) Sözleşmenin maddelerinde değişiklik
yapabilmek için bütün üyelerle
this aim, which took him eighteen years, görüşmek zorunda kalacağız.
on his eighth attempt.
140 D ELS

97. There are so many dally activities we B) Mezun olmadan önce, kalıcı etkiler
simply do through habit that we don't bırakabilen çocuk hastalıkları üzerine
even need to think when performing bir tez hazırlamak istiyorum.
them. C) Mezun olmak için hazırlayacağım
tezin konusunu, kalıcı etkiler
A) Bir gün içerisinde yapmak zorunda bırakabilen çocuk hastalıkları olarak
olduğumuz o kadar çok iş var ki, belirledim.
bunların hepsini düşünerek D) Mezuniyet tezimi, kalıcı etkiler
yapmamız mümkün değil. bırakabilen çocuk hastalıkları üzerine
B) Günlük yaşamımızda sürekli hazırlamak niyetindeyim.
yaptığımız, bu yüzden de alışkanlık E) Niyetim, kalıcı etkiler bırakan çocuk
halini almış pek çok işimizin hastalıklarını, mezuniyet tezimin
olduğunu çoğu zaman düşünmeyiz konusu olarak kullanmak.
100. The Inspectors concluded that the fire
C) Sadece alışkanlıktan dolayı yaptığımız might have resulted from a cigarette butt
o kadar çok günlük iş var ki, bunları that h ad not been extinguished properly.
yaparken düşünmeye bile gerek
duymayız. A) Müfettişlerin tahminine göre yangın
D) Günlük yaşamda yaptığımız işlerin iyi söndürülmemiş bir sigara
çoğu, düşünmemizi bile izmaritinden kaynaklandı.
gerektirmeyen, basit, alışkanlık halini B) Müfettişler yangını iyice
almış işlerdir. söndürülmemiş bir sigara izmaritinin
E) Yapmak zorunda olduğumuz günlük başlattığına inanıyorlar.
işlerimizin çoğunu, alışkanlık halini C) Müfettişlerin vardığı sonuca göre,
aldıkları için, hiç düşünmeden yangını iyice söndürülmeden atılmış
yapanz. bir sigara izmariti başlattı.
D) Müfettişler yangının tam olarak
98. If society allows the cloning of people, it söndürülmemiş bir sigara
has to bear the consequences It will izmaritinden kaynaklanmış olabileceği
produce. sonucuna vardılar.
E) Müfettişler yangının çıkış nedeninin
söndürülmeden atılmış bir sigara
A) Đnsanların kopyalanmasına izin
olabileceğini düşünüyorlar.
verilirse, toplumun kaldıramayacağı
sonuçlar ortaya çıkar.
B) Đnsanların kopyalanması, toplumda
çok büyük karışıklıklara yol açacaktır.
C) Kopyasının üretilmesine izin veren
birinin, toplumun göstereceği tepkiye
karşı hazırlıklı olması gerekir.
D) Đnsanların kopyasının üretilmesi
toplumun rızasıyla olmalıdır, çünkü 101. Benden yazmamı istediğin raporun
sonuçlarına katlanmak zorunda olan günlerce sürebileceğinin farkındasın
odur. değil mi?
E) Eğer toplum insanların kopyalanmasına
izin verirse, onun doğuracağı A) You're aware that the report you've
sonuçlara katlanmak zorundadır. asked me to write might take days,
aren't you?
99. I Intend to prepare my graduation thesis B) Do you know that this report may
on childhood Illnesses that may leave take me days to write?
permanent effects. C) Are you sure the report I'll write will
take so many d ays?
D) Aren't you aware that the report I've
A) Sanırım mezuniyet tezimin konusu,
been asked to write could take days?
kalıcı etkiler bırakabilen çocuk E) You don't realize that I may have to
hastalıkları olacak. spend days on this report, do you?

ELS Q 141

102. Görüşmelerden olumlu sonuç 105. Bu uzman raporu iddialarımızın ;
çıkmayacağını bildiğimiz halde doğruluğuyla ilgili duyabileceğiniz tüm
toplantılara katılmak zorundayız. kuşkulan ortadan kaldıracaktır.

A) We know that we can't get a positive A) This report by the experts indicates
result from the negotiations, but we'll that your doubts as to whether our
still attend the meeting. claims are true or not are totally
B) There's no point in our attending the needless.
meetings when we all know that the B) We claim that this testimony by an
outcome of the negotiations will be expert will eliminate any doubts you
negative. are likely to have about our product.
C) In order to get positive results from C) This expert testimony will dispel all
the negotiations, we'll all have to the doubts you may have about the
attend the meetings. truth of our claims.
D) We're going to attend the meetings in D) There's no doubt that th is expert
the hope that some positive results report is reliable enough to convince
can be reached during the you of the truth of our claims.
negotiations. E) After you've read this expert
E) We have to attend the meetings even testimony, you'll become convinced
though we know that no positive that our claims are true.
results will come out of the
negotiations. 106. Vahşi hayvanları kapalı yerlerde izlemek
yerine kendi doğal ortamlarında izlemeyi
103. Çevrenizdeki insanlarla sürekli bir uyum tercih ederim.
içerisinde yaşamanız mümkün değildir. A) I find watching wild animals in their
A) It doesn't seem possible to me that natural habitats far more exciting
you can live in harmony with others than watching them in captivity.
forever. B) I believe that wild animals should be
B) You can't possibly be in complete left in their natural habitats rather
harmony with those people around than kept in enclosures.
you. C) I would rather observe wild animals in
th eir n atural h ab itats th an in
C) It's impossible to have harmonious enclosures.
relations with all of the people around D) Instead of seeing wild animals in
you. captivity, I'd like to see them in their
D) It's not possible to live in constant natural hab itats.
harmony with the people around you. E) I'd prefer wild animals to roam in
E) Maintaining harmonious relations their natural hab itats rather than be
with all of the people around you is kept in enclosures.
107. Grip salgını yüzünden büroda çok az
104. Mesleğiniz ne olursa olsun, en azından eleman olmasına rağmen, fazla mesai
kendi alanınızdaki gelişmelere ayak yaparak yeni siparişlerin hepsini
uydurabilmek için düzenli olarak karşılayabildik.
okumanız gerekmektedir.
A) Although there were few employees at
A) Regular reading is a necessity no the office due to the flu epidemic, by
matter what your profession is; working overtime, we were able to
otherwise, you'll fall behind with the meet all the new orders.
latest developments. B) Despite the flu epidemic, which meant
B) Regardless of your profession, reading fewer employees at the office, we
the new publications in your own field eventually delivered all the new orders
will enable you to catch up with the by working overtime.
latest developments. C) With the employees present at the
C) Depending on your profession, you office, we managed to send out all the
may need to follow the new new orders despite the flu epidemic,
publications regularly so as to learn of but we had to work overtime.
the latest developments in your field. D) While several employees were absent
D) It's necessary to read every new due to the flu epidemic, the remaining
publication in your field if you're staff worked overtime to ensure that
aiming to advance in your profession. all the new orders were met.
E) Whatever your profession is, you E) Despite having fewer employees than
should read regularly to keep pace at normal at work due to the flu
least with the developments in your epidemic, the company was able to
own field. meet all its new orders.

14 2 Q EL S

108. Büyükannem balkona serpiştirdiği B) The actor should have used a
ekmek kırıntılarını yiyen kuşları stuntman while the scenes which
izlemekten büyük zevk alırdı. required special abilities were being
A) My grandmother used to scatter bread C) The actor must have used a stuntman
crumbs on the balcony and, with while these scenes were being shot, as
great pleasure, watch the birds eating performing those actions certainly
them. requires special abilities.
B) My grandmother used to derive great D) In order to shoot these scenes, the
pleasure from watching birds eating actor had to use a stuntman with
the bread crumbs she'd scattered on special abilities to perform those
the balcony. actions.
C) Scattering bread crumbs on the E) Special abilities were needed to
balcony and watching birds eating perform some of the actions, so a
them were the things that gave my stuntman was used when certain
grandmother the greatest pleasure. scenes were being shot.
D) It was a great pleasure for my
grandmother to scatter bread crumbs 110. Biraz daha gayretle, sınavda en yüksek
on the balcony and then watch birds notu alabilirdi.
happily eating them.
E) Birds often used to come to my A) With a little more effort, she could
grandmother's balcony to eat the have got the highest mark in the
bread crumbs she'd scattered for exam.
them with great pleasure. B) She was able to achieve the highest
mark in the exam with very little
109. Bu sahneler çekilirken aktör dublör effort.
kullanmış olmalı, çünkü o hareketleri C) She could have done even better in
yapmak kesinlikle özel yetenekler the exam with a little more work.
gerektiriyor. D) If she had tried a little harder, she
would have got a higher mark in the
A) These scenes couldn't have been shot exam.
without using a stuntman with special E) She could score top marks in the
abilities to perform those actions. exam if she tried hard enough.

ELS Q 143


A) is brought/may find
B) has brought/could find
C) were brought/would be found
D) had brought/might have found
1. It says on the packet that these tablets E) would have brought/had found
.........out of children's reach.
7. The driest place on earth is In the
A) will have kept Atamaca desert of Chile, where no rainfall
B) ought to keep at all ........... between 1570 and 1971.
C) should have kept
D) must be kept A) was recorded
E) had better keep B) has been recorded
C) were recording
2. The students write a summary D) had recorded
of approximately 300 words after they E) would have recorded
.........the story.
8. Rakı, the most famous Turkish alcoholic
A} ask/are reading beverage,............white when water .............
B) are asking/were read to it.
C) have been asked/will read
D) had asked/have read A) has turned/will be added
E) were asked/had read B) is turning/has added
C) was turning/added
3. hi arranged marriages, the parents . D ) tu r n s /is add ed
who their daughter or son .............. E) turned/had added
A} are choosing/are married 9. Scientists say that a great deal of work
B) had chosen/would have married ..........before a cure for AIDS ..............
C) have chosen/married
D) chose/marry A) mu s t do / h a s b e en f ou nd
E) choose/will marry B) has to be done/is found
C) should have done/found
4. Only a small number of survivors ............ D) is being done/has found
by the emergency services so far since the E) has been done/was found
A) were rescued/had collapsed 10. When I .......... at the building site, the
B) are being rescued/is collapsed central heating ............
C) have been rescued/collapsed
D) had rescued/was collapsed A) was called/installed
E) were rescuing/has collapsed B) was calling/had installed
C) called/was being installed
A lot of houses ..........In the area during D) am called/has been installed
the summer months, so it's a good idea to E) have called/will have installed
double-lock your windows and doors.
11. The loan period for library books is two
A) burgled weeks, but books ........... for a second
B) are burgled time, which effectively means that you
C) were burgling keep them for one month.
D) have burgled
E) had been burgling A) can be renewed/are allowed
B) should renew/have been allowed
6. Unless this outbreak of cholera ........... C) have been renewed/have allowed
rapidly under control, we ........... D) are renewed/ought to allow
ourselves with an epidemic on our hands. E) are supposed to renew/allow

ELS Q 173

12. Before the Aswan High Dam ............. 18. It is hoped that the new scheme which
agriculture In Egypt ........... on the annual .......... into operation next month .............
flooding of the Nile. prisoners occupy themselves usefully.

A) had built/was depending A) puts/is going to help

B) was built/had depended B) was put/has helped
C) was being built/has depended C) is putting/is helping
D) is built/has been depending D) will be put/has helped
E) has been built/depended E) is being put/will help

13. No details.......... to the press until all the 19. As the letter ........... only yesterday, I
winners ..........of the results personally. doubt that It ........... by tomorrow evening.

A) will be given/have been informed A) has been posted/is arriving

B) had posted/would have arrived
B) would have given/had been informed
C) had been posting/has arrived
C) have given/are informed
D) would be posted/would arrive
D) had been given/informed E) was posted/will have arrived
E) are given/will be informed
20. ha France, as In other European
14. Though the book ........... yet, many people countries, wine production and marketing
.......... it from the publisher already. processes ........... strictly ............ by the
government to assure consistent high
A) wasn't published/will have ordered quality.
B) won't be published/ordered
C) isn't publishing/are ordering A) are/regulated
D) hasn't been published/have ordered B) have/regulated
E) won't have published/order C) have been/regulating
D) were/regulating
15. I'm glad that our iron ............ itself off If it E) will have/regulated
.......... too hot, because I very often leave
It plugged In. 21. African elephants ............from their
Indian cousins by the size of their ears.
A) will be switched/is getting
B) switched/would get A) have distinguished
C) switches/gets B) will distinguish
D) is switching/will get C) used to distinguish
E) has switched/got D) should have distinguished
E) can be distinguished
16. I hope that by the time our rivals ........
out about this deal, we ...........all the 22. The police suspect that the burglars
contracts. .......... in while the guards ............ shift.

A) found/had been signed A) break/have changed

B) will find/are signing B) had broken/would change
C) find/will have signed C) are breaking/will change
D) have found/will be signed D) broke/were changing
E) are finding/have signed E) would break/had been changing

23. By the time the ruins of Angkor Wat

17. Recently, a number of new rules . .......... , there was nothing left of the great
In our company to encourage the civilization that ........... them.
employees to arrive punctually.
A) discovered/would have produced
A) are implementing B) were discovered/had produced
B) have been implemented C) have been discovered/was producing
C) will be implemented D) were discovering/produces
D) were being implemented E) had been discovered/has produced
E) have implemented

174 Q ELS

24. It was not until the 20th century that A) will see/have been evacuating
engineers ...........the principles of flight B) see/are being evacuated
that birds .......... for millions of years. C) had seen/will have evacuated
D) have seen/are evacuated
A} had understood/were using
B) understood/have been using E) saw/were being evacuated
C) have understood/had been using
D) would understand/are using 31. A large portion of man-made fibre ...........
E) could understand/will be using from cellulose, which ........... from cotton,
a natural fibre.
25. The way he........... so promptly shows he
.......... that the police were on the way to A) has been produced/obtains
his hideout. B) was produced/has obtained
C) is produced/is obtained
A) escaped/had been warned D) will have produced/was obtained
B) was escaping/would be warned E) was producing/obtained
C) has escaped/has warned
D) had escaped/was warning
E) would escape/is being warned 32. Preschool education .......... from day-care
centres in that the latter are primarily
26. Isn't it amazing that journeys that.......... places where parents ..........their
many months ..........In only a few hours children during working hours.
A) differs/leave
A) have taken/will be completing B) differed/will leave
B) were taking/have completed C) had differed/were left
C) took/could have completed D) will differ/are left
D) used to take/can be completed E) has differed/were leaving
E) had taken/are completing
27. By the time the mistake ............ several 33. Admittedly, we........... much progress at
hundred copies of the brochure ........... the moment, but by the middle of next
out. week, most of the major points..........
A) had been noticed/would have sent
B) has noticed/will have sent A) haven't made/have been dealing
C) was noticed/had been sent B) weren't making/would be dealing
D) is noticed/will send C) don't make/are going to deal
E) would be noticed/were sent D) aren't making/will have been dealt
28. My wallet.......... at the station while I E) hadn't been making/are dealt
.......... for the train. 34. One theory suggests that the civilization
A) must have been stolen/was waiting of ancient Crete an earthquake
B) should have stolen/had been waiting and volcanic eruption.
C) will be stolen/have been waiting
D) might be stealing/am waiting A) could have destroyed
E) had to steal/would be waiting B) may have been destroyed
C) could be destroying
29. The new manager ........... down very strict D) is supposed to destroy
rules as soon as he ..........over the E) must have destroyed
35. Stringent laws to stop the waste and
A) had laid/would take destruction of natural resources..........
B) has laid/is taking
C) will lay/took by the majority in order for them to be
D) laid/had taken effectively enforced.
E) is laying/will take
A) should be supporting
30. When we........... the number of people on B) have to support
the road with all their possessions, It was C) must be supported
clear that the villages in the path of the D) will have supported
Hood............ E) have been supporting

ĐLS a 175

36. It appears that, In the future, vast sums 42. Since all the seats on the train............ , we
of money ............In order to solve the ..........all the way here.
problem of air pollution.
A) will be occupied/should have stood
A) is going to spend B) occupied/will have to stand
B) has been spending C) were o ccup ied /h ad to stan d
C) have been spent
D) could have spent D) have occupied/were to stan d
E) will have to be spent E) had o ccup ied /mu st h ave stood

37. Many of the relics of early Mesopotamia, 43. The injured woman ........... quite loudly
one of the areas where civilizations first while the ambulance.
..........,............ from their sites over the
years, and are now on display in A) screamed /h ad b een carried
Europ ean mu seu ms. B) had screamed /h ad b een carryin g
C) has screamed/would be carried
A) used to develop/were removed D) wou ld scream/h as b een carryin g
B) had developed/have removed
C) have developed/would have removed E) was screaming/was being carried
D) developed/have been removed
E) were developing/had removed 44. Nowadays, the use of recycled paper
........... which .............conserve the world's
38. The best grapes ............near the diminishing forest resources.
Mediterranean Sea, and they............ there
for centuries. A) is increasing/helps
B) would increase/h ad help ed
A) are produced/have been grown C) had increased/will help
B) are producing/are grown D) will increase/has helped
C) produced/have been growing E) has in creased/help ed
D) have produced/are being grown
E) have been producing/are growing 45. Peter simply ............ any of the winter
39. Phosphate mining on the Pacific island of vegetables no matter how they ..............
Nauru ........... 80% of the island barren
and deposits run out very A) wouldn't eat/have cooked
shortly. B) wasn't eating/were cooking
C) isn't eating/h ad been cooked
A) leaves/were expected D) won't eat/are cooked
B) left/will expect E) doesn't eat/will have cooked
C) has left/are expected
D) is leaving/have expected 46. In the 1890s, physicians ............ that
E) will leave/expect people suffering from scurvy, a vitamin
deficiency disease ............. by drinking the
40. The rate at which the average adult juice of oranges or other citrus fruits.
.......... wh en und er stress about
100 breaths per minute. A) were fo und /shou ld h av e cu red
A) is breathing/rose B) would find/have been cured
B) breath es/may rise C) used to fin d/had been cured
C) is b reath ed /h as risen D) found/could be cured
D) has b reath ed /was risin g E) were finding/would have cured
E) breath ed /shou ld rise
47. Some of the longest ancient sea voyages
41. Th e Jap an ese .............a very healthy diet, the Polynesians, who .............
but for the last few decades, many young from Hawaii to New Zealand without any
people ............their health with American navigational instruments.
fast food.
A) had b een mad e/h av e sailed
A) were eating/are destroying B) have made/were sailing
B) used to eat/have been destroying C) mad e/h ad b een sailin g
C) have been eating/destroyed D) wou ld h av e made/h ad sailed
D) should have eaten/have destroyed
E) had eaten/will be destroying E) were made/sailed

176 a ELS

48. Scientists .-. ........ many ways of predicting 54. The medicine............In use for many
exactly when earthquakes will happen, years when it ........... to have a number of
but th ey ........... to actually predict them deleterious side-effects.
on only a few occasions.
A) will be/has declared
A) are trying/had man aged B) has been/will be declared
B) have tried/have managed C) was/had declared
C) had tried/are manag ing D) is going to be/declares
D) were trying/would manage E) had been/was declared
E) tried/will have managed
55. He ........... there on the highway, but
49. Social drinking, If it .......................... to instead he ........... to follow the scenic
alcoholism. country road.
A) isn't controlled/can lead A) had driven/would decide
B) doesn't control/must lead B) must hav e driven/had d ecided
C) didn't control/might lead C) should have driven/decides
D) hasn't controlled/has led D) could have driven/decided
E) wasn't controlled/had led
E) was driving/has decided
50. Temperature ............b y a th ermo meter, a
glass tube In which the height of a 56. I'm afraid some of the goods while
column of mercury or alcohol............ with they...........onto the lorry.
variations In temperature.
A) will have damaged/are loading
A) is measu ring /h as ch ang ed B) have damaged//have been loaded
B) measu res/h as b een ch an g ed C) were damaged/were being loaded
C) measu red /h ad ch an g ed D) would be damaged/are being loaded
D) is measu red/ch ang es E) had damaged/were loaded
E) h as measu red /is ch an g ed
57. I wonder whether the hotel
51. Under UK equal opportunity laws, an with towels or not.
employee ............against on the grounds
of race, religion or gender. A) will provide
B) was provided
A) didn't use to discriminate C) had provided
B) should not discriminate D) is provided
C) won't have discriminated E) is being provided
D) hasn't been discriminating
E) cannot be discriminated
58. Sugar-free chewing gums ............ In the
52. A great deal of research ............ out In the 1950s, and by the 1980s several brands
field of genetic engineering In recent .......... on the market.
A) were introducing/were appearing
A) is being carried B) have been introduced/would be appearing
B) has been carried C) had been in troduced/will appear
C) will be carrying D) would have in troduced/app eared
D) will be carried E) were in tro du ced/h ad ap p eared
E) would have carried
59. It's true that happin ess ............. with
53. Vandalism........... as the wanton money, but it's also undeniable that some
destruction of other people's property. money ........... life easier.

A) can be defined A) mu s tn ' t b e b o u g h t / mad e

B) should define B) can 't b e b o u gh t/mak es
C) had better define C) sh o u ld n ' t b u y /h as mad e
D) is defining D) doesn't buy /is mak in g
E) has been defining E) h asn 't b een b ou g h t/is made

ELS a 177

60. A dirty or stained woollen rug ............with 64. He will never be satisfied with himself
mild soapy water. This ........... the dirt
without damaging the rug.
A) whenever his parents praise him for
A) might be washing/may remove something he's achieved
B) will have to be washed/is removed B) as he has finally got the highest mark
in class
C) will be washed/has removed C) although all the others were ready to
D) should be washed/removes leave for the trip
E) has been washing/removed D) until he has learnt to speak English
like a native speaker
E) when he found out that he didn't get
61-75. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun the job
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
65 some of them had been held up
In rush hour traffic.
61. Just as the townspeople were celebrating
their narrow escape from the typhoon, A) The team failed to get together at the
arranged time
B) There is an urgent need for new roads
A) having caused massive destruction in the area
C) Both delegates from the trade ;.••
less than fifty miles to the north association missed the start of the
B) they know the people who live in a conference
neighbouring town are not so lucky D) Motorists often display violent
C) they were hit by a gigantic tidal wave tempers not seen when they are away
that completely destroyed the place from the wheel
D) the storm had actually caused a E) The lorry was unable to make its
significant amount of property delivery on time
E) they have a point though, as it could 66 ............. so it failed because of the extreme
have caused great damage cold on the morning of the launch.

62 .............. he was fired from his job at the A) She had missed the last days of term,
grocery store. during which the teacher helped the
class revise
B) Not having any interest in
A) Ever since he was chosen the best mathematics, he decided to study
employee literature at university
B) While the economic situation seems to C) It was a great shock for the team of
be improving scientists to watch their invention
C) Though there were no positions explode in the sky
available D) We advised Tom to have the car
D) Every time he applies for a position in thoroughly serviced before he left for
a big firm his holiday
E) The moment he was caught stealing E) The equipment on the space shuttle
was not designed to work at very low
63. When George was offered this teaching
position at the university................ 67. Though they were brought up by the
same parents in the same way..............
A) he had always thought that he should
go back and finish high school A) Harry and George like all the same
B) he was just about to accept a job as a things
security guard B) they have the same birthday as well
C) he no longer wants to work as an C) Uncle John and my mother are very
administrator different people
D) he hasn't got a postgraduate degree D) Fred is much older than his cousin
E) he may continue to work here until Arthur
his retirement E) you would think they were exactly the
same age

178 Q ELS

68. Even though the job vacancy was first 72. As the weather conditions worsened and
advertised only yesterday ............... daylight began to fall...............
A) we have already received several A) the climbers are beginning to wonder
applications if they will ever reach the top
B) the salary is high and there are good
benefits B) much earlier than the climbers were
C) we can't hold the interviews until next used to in their own country
week C) the climbers began considering
D) I really hope that James will apply for possible alternative routes
the job D) then the climbers would have no
E) there have actually been very few choice but to come back
phone calls E) there has been only one alternative
left to the climbers
69 .............. but one that Is teased will quickly
inflict a nasty peck.
73. Even before all the votes had been
A) Voice training methods are the same counted, .............
for a parrot as those for a budgie
B) The cat has been used as a pet since A) we are confident that our party will
the days of ancient Egypt win
C) The size of the cage for your canary B) less than forty percent of voters had
depends upon the individual bird participated
D) A gently handled parrot can become a C) violence has broken out in some areas
clever and affectionate companion D) there has been nothing we can do but
E) Few pets became popular as quickly
as parakeets, also called budgies
E) the rival party was already celebrating
70. Though government figures show a their victory
gradual decrease in the rate of Inflation,
74 .............for his role in the plot to kill the
A) it's just the target determined by the
government A) The spy was sentenced to death by
B) this is, of course, what everyone
C) few people think the targets will ever B) The novelist won a literary award
be reached C) An unknown actor was chosen in the
D) this is a problem for many of the audition
developing countries D) The actor was applauded
E) the fall was particularly apparent in enthusiastically by the audience
food prices E) The fact that the alleged gunman
acted alone
71. The union leaders achieved a
breakthrough In the tricky negotiations
with managemen t.............. 75 .............. the last native Inhabitants were
evacuated from the island in 1930.
A) just when it seemed that there was no
hope A) Before the island is allowed to be
B) when they decide to drop their repopulated
unreasonable wage demands B) After having lived there for over 2000
C) since the last pay rise the employers years
agreed to give to the workers C) Although no longer inhabited
D) whenever they devise a plan that their D) Despite the threat of a hurricane
members will accept
E) In spite of being better off on the
E) until it appeared that the entire plan
would fail main land

ELS a 179

A) The only reason that Australia is
civilized today is because the original
population has been removed.
B) The growth of civilization in Australia
76. I have almost no doubt that the mall will couldn't have been achieved without
have been delivered to us by three o'clock the ethnic cleansing of the entire
this afternoon. continent.
C) The existence of Australia's natives
A) The post might be here by three was the biggest obstacle in the effort
o'clock this afternoon, though I very
much doubt it. to advance the modern way of life.
B) Without doubt, the letters are going to D) If the native Australians had not been
be posted before three o'clock today. exterminated, there would be no
C) I'm pretty sure that we will have got civilization on the continent today.
the mail at or before three o'clock E) To allow for the expansion of
today. civilization, entire groups of
D) I want to make sure that the mail is Australia's aboriginal people were
delivered today no later than 3 p.m. killed.
E) It's a little doubtful that the mail we
sent will have arrived by three o'clock 80. In England, as in Turkey, many
today. surnames are derived from the skills and
professions of ancestors.
77. Unless the problem is corrected
Immediately, it will only continue to get A) Most sons in England, as in Turkey,
worse. are named after their father's
A) Although the crisis has been profession.
addressed, things have not begun to B) Surnames in most countries,
get better as yet. including England and Turkey, are
B) We're only causing more problems by based on the names of former skills
allowing the crisis to grow and get out and professions.
of hand. C) Surnames in England can o ften be
C) We must fix it right away; even so, it traced back to the skills and
might not make the situation get any professions of ancestors, as is also the
better. case in Turkey.
D) The situation is bound to deteriorate D) Differently than in Turkey, the
even more if it is not rectified without ancestors of many English people
delay. were named after their skill or
E) The fact that the problem seems to be profession.
getting worse suggests that it was E) Many skills or professions in both
identified incorrectly. England and Turkey are named after
78. For an allergic person, a bee-sting can be the surnames of the ancestors who
very serious, often resulting in a severe carried them out.
reaction or even death.
81. Although she said otherwise, I felt certain
A) Allergies to bee-stings usually result that she'd been offended by my remark.
in the death of the person stung, but
sometimes they survive. A) I didn't feel that what I'd said was
B) Bees can cause extreme allergies in insulting, but she said it was.
people, some of whom may even die B) I was convinced that she'd taken my
as a result. comment as an insult despite her
C) Getting stung by a bee needn't be claim to the contrary.
serious, but it does affect some people C) I was sure my words had caused her
more than it does others. no offence; otherwise, she'd have told
D) It's hardly possible for one who is me.
allergic to bees to survive a sting.
E) A person who is allergic to bees might D) I was in no doubt, because of her
get very ill and can possibly die if later attitude to me, that she was
stung. insulted by my comment.
E) Even though my remark was
79. Whole populations of Australia's natives offensive, she assured me that it
were wiped out in order that civilization hadn't bothered her.
could advance.

180 Q ELS

82. Due to unforeseen circumstances, our 85. No one under eighteen is allowed in the
group's scheduled visit to the museum club, and you will be no exception.
has been called off.
A) The club is only for people over
A) The trip to the museum that we'd eighteen, so you might not be allowed
planned is now cancelled because in.
something unexpected has happened. B) If you are over eighteen, then it is
B) The museum cancelled our visit, but legal for you to go into the club.
we don't yet know why. C) No one in the club is under eighteen,
C) We are no longer going to the but you are an exception.
museum because there is no time on D) The rule that those under eighteen are
our schedule. forbidden from entering the club is
D) We cannot go to see the museum at applicable to you, too.
the arranged time because it will be E) Now that you are eighteen, you will be
closed. allowed in the club.
E) Something happened at the museum,
so they cancelled our visit.
86. The link between smoking and cancer
83. The level of unemployment In this district had never been acknowledged before that
is said to be far higher than anywhere research.
else In the country.
A) The results of that research
A) This area is worse than the rest of the represented the first time anyone had
country, especially in terms of the acknowledged the link between
quality of work that gets done. smoking and cancer.
B) Compared to other places around the B) Despite extensive research, the
country, this district has much less connection between smoking and
industry. cancer hadn't yet been proved.
C) Because of its position, this region C) The connection between smoking and
has fewer jobs on offer than other cancer hasn't been acknowledged yet,
places in the country. and requires plenty of further
D) People believe that the lack of work is research.
not so keen in the rest of the country D) The aim of the research was to find
as it is in this area. whether there was a link between
E) People talk about losing their jobs smoking and cancer.
much more around here than E) No one has yet fully accepted that
elsewhere in the country. there is any connection between
smoking and cancer.
84. Native Americans have always struggled
to protect their culture from the 87. We can't speak of our economy as healthy
onslaught of Western influence. when there Is a widening gap between the
rich and the poor.
A) After the coming of Europeans to the
New World, Native Americans fled
west in order to preserve their culture. A) Our economy is improving, so there
B) It is not easy to be a Native American will be less difference between the rich
living in a westernized world that and the poor.
offers no shelter from the difficulties B) If our economy were better handled,
of modern life. there would be less of a gap between
C) American Indians have been attacking the rich and the poor.
Europeans for decades in the hopes of C) The strength of our economy is
keeping their world unchanged. reflected in the increasing equality
D) Millions of American Indians were between the rich and the poor.
slaughtered after the European D) It is possible that our economy is in
invasion which followed their good shape, but many people are still
discovery of the continent. poor.
E) It has been an ongoing fight for the E) Our economy can't be called healthy
American Indians to keep their way of as long as the rich are getting richer
life from becoming westernized. and the poor poorer.

ELS G 181

88. A quarter of all bird species In the world D) While industry was increasing, there
are known to have become extinct during was also a growing need for
the past two hundred years. immigrants to work in the newly-
created jobs.
A) It is estimated that one-fourth of all E) The city drew in a lot of immigrants,
bird species will become extinct within although industry grew only slowly
the next two centuries. and thus job vacancies were scarce.
B) It is known that two centuries ago the
number of birds living on the earth
was 25% greater than it is today.
C) It has been acknowledged that one-
fourth of all bird species have ceased
to exist over the last two centuries.
D) We are likely to cause the extinction
of one-fourth of all bird species during 91. Industrialization, which greatly changed
the next two hundred years. human life, was founded through the
E) It is clear that we risk causing the application of scientific discoveries in
extinction of 25% of all bird species
during the next two centuries.

89. Tom Hlgdon was dismissed from his job A) Đnsanlığın kaderini değiştiren
as a teacher in 1911 for suggesting that sanayileşme, bilimsel buluşların
the children of farm workers should be teknolojiye aktarılması sonucu
educated. mümkün olmuştur.
B) Bilimsel buluşların teknolojide
A) Tom Higdon was fired from his uygulamaya konulması sanayileşme
teaching job in 1911 when he refused sürecini çok hızlandırmıştır.
to educate the children of agricultural C) Bilimsel buluşların teknolojide
workers. kullanılmasıyla kurulan sanayileşme
B) In 1911, the teacher Tom Higdon was insanlığın kaderini tümüyle
fired because he proposed that farm değiştirmiştir.
workers' children be educated. D) Đnsan yaşamını büyük ölçüde
C) Tom Higdon's suggestions in 1911 değiştiren sanayileşme, bilimsel
that the children of farm workers buluşların teknolojiye uygulanmasıyla
didn't deserve to be educated led to kuruldu.
his dismissal. E) Đnsan yaşamını değiştirecek bilimsel
D) In 1911, Tom Higdon was fired from buluşların teknolojide kullanılması,
his post as a teacher for teaching the sanayileşmeyi sağlamıştır.
children of farm workers, who
shouldn't have been educated. 92. The participation and cooperation of all of
E) After being fired from his teaching the citizens is essential for achieving a
position in 1911, Tom Higdon speedy and error-free census.
suggested that the children of farm
workers ought to be educated. A) Nüfus sayımının hatasız
gerçekleşebilmesi için bütün
90. As the city grew Industrially, more and vatandaşların sayıma katılmaları
more Immigrants were attracted to the gerekmektedir.
newly-created jobs. B) Bütün vatandaşların katılımıyla
gerçekleştirilen nüfus sayımı çok kısa
A) The number of citizens in the city bir sürede tamamlanır.
remained very low as long as there C) Bir ülkenin vatandaşlarıyla ilgili bilgi
was a limited amount of industrial
toplamak için en seri ve hatasız bir
work available.
B) The more the city's industry grew, yöntem, nüfus sayımıdır.
making new jobs available, the more D) Bütün halkın katılımı ve katkıları
immigrants arrived to fill them. sayesinde hiçbir olayın yaşanmadığı
C) It was the immigrants who brought bir nüfus sayımı gerçekleştirildi.
new businesses and industries to the E) Hızlı ve hatasız bir nüfus sayımı
city, transforming it into an industrial yapabilmek için bütün vatandaşların
centre. katılımı ve yardımı gereklidir.

182 Q ELS

93. Due to having Irregular, shallow beds and D) Tartışılan konuyla ilgili hiçbir somut
seasonal depth changes, most of the öneri getiremeyince konuşmacı utanıp
rivers In Turkey are not navigable. kızardı.
E) Getirdiği önerinin tartışma kapsamına
A) Düzensiz, sığ yatakları ve mevsimlere alınmayacağı söylenince konuşmacı
göre değişen derinlikleri yüzünden, çok bozuldu.
Türkiye'deki nehirlerin çoğu ulaşıma
elverişli değildir. 96. Keep your backpack as light as possible
B) Düzensiz nehir yatakları ve so that you aren't disturbed by it during
mevsimlere göre değişen derinlikleri
the long hike.
Türkiye'deki pek çok nehirin ulaşım A) Uzun yürüyüşlerde sırta asılan
amacıyla kullanılmasını çantalar büyük kolaylık sağlar.
engellemektedir. B) Sırt çantan yeterince hafif olmazsa,
C) Türkiye'de çok az nehir ulaşım uzun yürüyüş sırasında rahatsız
amacıyla kullanılmaktadır, çünkü olursun.
düzensiz sığ yatakları ve sürekli C) Sırt çantan mümkün olduğu kadar
değişen derinlikleriyle nehirlerimiz hafif olsun ki bu uzun yürüyüş
buna uygun değildir. sırasında seni rahatsız etmesin.
D) Türkiye'deki nehirlerin çoğu ulaşıma D) Sırt çantanı olabildiğince hafif
elverişli değildir, çünkü derinlikleri hazırlamazsan bu uzun yürüyüş
mevsimden mevsime değiştiği için sırasında rahatsız olursun.
düzensizdirler. E) Uzun yürüyüş sırasında rahatsız
E) Türkiye'deki nehirlerin çoğunun olmamak için sırt çantanı mümkün
ulaşım için kullanılamamasının olduğu kadar hafif tut.
nedeni, sığ ve düzensiz oluşları ve
derinliklerinin mevsimden mevsime 97. Because the thieves had put a fake In
değişmesidir. place of the painting theyM stolen, the
burglary wasn't noticed for a long time.
94. Although not as common as In the past, A) Tablonun çalındığı uzun süre sonra
arranged marriages are still performed In farkedilebildi çünkü hırsızlar onun
our country. yerine sahte bir tablo koymuşlardı.
B) Çok geçmeden hırsızlar çaldıkları
A) Eskiden ülkemizde evlilikler görücü tablonun sahte olduğunu farkettiler.
usulüyle yapılırdı, ama artık bu C) Hırsızlığın uzun süre farkedilmemesi
yöntem o kadar yaygın değildir. için soyguncular tablonun yerine
B) Eskiden olduğu kadar yaygın sahtesini koydular.
olmamasına rağmen, ülkemizde hala D) Bir süre sonra, bir tablonu n sahte
görücü usulü evlilikler yapılmaktadır. olduğu ve bunun hırsızlar tarafından,
C) Eskiden çok daha yaygın olan görücü çaldıkları tablonun yerine konduğu
usulü evlilikler ne yazık ki ülkemizde anlaşıldı.
hala devam etmektedir. E) Hırsızlar çaldıkları tablonun yerine
D) Eskiden ülkemizde görücü usulü sahtesini koydukları için, hırsızlık
evlilikler çok yaygın olduğu halde uzun süre fark edilmedi.
günümüzde bu yöntem çok az
kullanılmaktadır. 98. Dogs, which have an acute sense of
smell, are said to be able to recognize
E) Ülkemizde hala görücü usulü evlilikler over a thousand scents.
yapılmaktadır, ama bu eskiden olduğu
kadar yaygın değildir. A) Çok güçlü koku alma duyuları
sayesinde köpekler, binden fazla
95. The speaker blushed with embarrassment kokuyu rahatlıkla ayırt
when he was told that his proposal had edebilmektedirler.
nothing to do with the topic under B) Binin üzerinde kokuyu ayırt
discussion. edebildikleri söylenen köpeklerin çok
keskin bir koku alma duyuları vardır.
A) Konuşmacının öfkeden kıpkırmızı C) Güçlü koku alma duyuları köpeklerin,
kesilmesinin nedeni getirdiği önerinin binlerce kokuyu birbirinden ayırt
tartışmaya açılmamasıydı. etmelerini mümkün kılmaktadır.
B) Tartışılmakta olan konuyla ilgili D) Çok keskin bir koku alma duyuları
yaptığı hiçbir önerinin rağbet olan köpeklerin binin üzerinde
görmemesi konuşmacıyı çok kokuyu tanıyabildikleri
öfkelendirdi. söylenmektedir.
E) Binlerce kokuyu tanıyabildikleri
C) Önerisinin tartışılan konuyla hiçbir söylenen köpeklerin en büyük özelliği
ilgisinin olmadığı söylenince, keskin koku alma duyularıdır.
konuşmacı utancından kızardı.

ELS D 183

99. Sporting events are considered to be one B) The structure of medieval thought and
of the most effective ways to promote society was thoroughly changed by
peace and brotherhood among nations. the discoveries made during the
Renaissance period.
A) Sportif etkinlikler, uluslar arasındaki C) The medieval structure of thought and
barış ve kardeşliği geliştiren en etkili society was greatly influenced by the
yollardan biri olarak kabul discoveries made during the
edilmektedir. Renaissance.
B) Uluslar arasındaki banş ve kardeşliği D) The Renaissance, with its numerous
discoveries, influenced the medieval
geliştirmede sportif etkinliklerin çok way of thinking and life a great deal.
önemli bir yeri vardır. E) The discoveries of the Renaissance
C) Uluslar arasındaki barış ve kardeşliği period significantly changed the
pekiştirmenin en güzel yolu sportif structure of medieval thought and
etkinliklerdir. society.
D) Sportif etkinliklerin uluslar arasındaki
barış ve kardeşliği geliştiren en etkili 102. Đstenmeyen alışkanlıkların sona
yöntem olduğu düşünülmektedir. erdirilmesinde yaygın olarak kullanılan
E) Sportif etkinlikler, uluslar arasındaki bir yöntem, davranışın kişi bitkin düşene
barış ve kardeşliği geliştiren en etkili dek tekrarlanmasıdır.
yollardan biridir.
A) One of the methods used to get rid of
100. For passengers travelling by plane, there unwanted habits is to rep eat th e
behaviour at certain intervals.
are restrictions on the amount of B) Repeating the unwanted behaviour
baggage they can take with them. until you feel exhausted is a common
way of breaking a bad habit.
A) Uçakla seyahat eden yolcular C) The best way to break unwanted
yanlarına belli bir miktardan fazla habits is to control yourself whenever
bagaj alamazlar. you feel like repeating the behaviour.
B) Yolcular için uçakla seyahat etmenin D) One method widely used to break
bir dezavantajı, yanlarına unwanted habits is repeating the
alabilecekleri bagaj miktarının kısıtlı behaviour until the person falls
olmasıdır. exhausted.
C) Uçakla seyahat eden yolcuların E) One can get rid of a bad habit by
yanlarına alabilecekleri bagaj miktarı repeating the behaviour so many
konusunda kısıtlamalar vardır. times that one becomes fed up with it.
D) Yanlarına alabilecekleri bagaj 103. Birleşmiş MlUetier'ln bütün önemli
miktarının kısıtlı olması uçakla belgeleri, kuruluşun resmi dilleri olarak
seyahat etmek isteyen yolcular için kabul edilmiş olan altı dilde
sıkıntı yaratmaktadır. yayınlanmaktadır.
E) Bagaj sınırı yüzünden, uçakla seyahat
etmek isteyen yolcular yanlarına A) Only major documents are published
ancak belli miktarda eşya in the six languages which have been
alabilmektedirler. officially accepted by the United
B) The United Nations has six official
1(51-110, cümleye anlı Tor] languages, and all major documents
cümleyi bulunuz, of the organization are translated into
these six languages.
C) Apart from the official languages
accepted by the organization, the
101. Rönesans dönemindeki keşifler, ortaçağ United Nations publishes major
düşünce ve toplum yapısını önemli documents in six other languages.
ölçüde değiştirmiştir. D) All major documents of the United
Nations are published in the six
A) The discoveries made during the languages accepted as the official
Renaissance period played an languages of the organization.
important part in the medieval way of E) All major documents of the United
thinking. Nations are translated from the official
language of the organization into six
other languages.
184 Q ELS

93. Due to having Irregular, shallow beds and D) Tartışılan konuyla ilgili hiçbir somut
seasonal depth changes, most of the öneri getiremeyince konuşmacı utanıp
rivers In Turkey are not navigable. kızardı.
E) Getirdiği önerinin tartışma kapsamına
A) Düzensiz, sığ yatakları ve mevsimlere alınmayacağı söylenince konuşmacı
göre değişen derinlikleri yüzünden, çok bozuldu.
Türkiye'deki nehirlerin çoğu ulaşıma
elverişli değildir. 96. Keep your backpack as light as possible
B) Düzensiz nehir yatakları ve so that you aren't disturbed by it during
mevsimlere göre değişen derinlikleri the long hike.
Türkiye'deki pek çok nehirin ulaşım A) Uzun yürüyüşlerde sırta asılan
amacıyla kullanılmasını çantalar büyük kolaylık sağlar.
engellemektedir. B) Sırt çantan yeterince hafif olmazsa,
C) Türkiye'de çok az nehir ulaşım uzun yürüyüş sırasında rahatsız
amacıyla kullanılmaktadır, çünkü olursun.
düzensiz sığ yatakları ve sürekli C) Sırt çantan mümkün olduğu kadar
değişen derinlikleriyle nehirlerimiz hafif olsun ki bu uzun yürüyüş
buna uygun değildir. sırasında seni rahatsız etmesin.
D) Türkiye'deki nehirlerin çoğu ulaşıma D) Sırt çantanı olabildiğince hafif
elverişli değildir, çünkü derinlikleri hazırlamazsan bu uzun yürüyüş
mevsimden mevsime değiştiği için sırasında rahatsız olursun.
düzensizdirler. E) Uzun yürüyüş sırasında rahatsız
E) Türkiye'deki nehirlerin çoğunun olmamak için sırt çantanı mümkün
ulaşım için kullanılamamasının olduğu kadar hafif tut.
nedeni, sığ ve düzensiz oluşları ve
derinliklerinin mevsimden mevsime 97. Because the thieves had put a fake in
değişmesidir. place of the painting they'd stolen, the
burglary wasn't noticed for a long time.
94. Although not as common as In the past, A) Tablonun çalındığı uzun süre sonra
arranged marriages are still performed In farkedilebildi çünkü hırsızlar onun
our country. yerine sahte bir tablo koymuşlardı.
B) Çok geçmeden hırsızlar çaldıkları
A) Eskiden ülkemizde evlilikler görücü tablonun sahte olduğunu farkettiler.
usulüyle yapılırdı, ama artık bu C) Hırsızlığın uzun süre farkedilmemesi
yöntem o kadar yaygın değildir. için soyguncular tablonun yerine
B) Eskiden olduğu kadar yaygın sahtesini koydular.
olmamasına rağmen, ülkemizde hala D) Bir süre sonra, bir tablonun sahte
görücü usulü evlilikler yapılmaktadır. olduğu ve bunun hırsızlar tarafından,
C) Eskiden çok daha yaygın olan görücü çaldıkları tablonun yerine konduğu
usulü evlilikler ne yazık ki ülkemizde anlaşıldı.
hala devam etmektedir. E) Hırsızlar çaldıkları tablonun yerine
D) Eskiden ülkemizde görücü usulü sahtesini koydukları için, hırsızlık
evlilikler çok yaygın olduğu halde uzun süre fark edilmedi.
günümüzde bu yöntem çok az 98. Dogs, which have an acute sense of
kullanılmaktadır. smell, are said to be able to recognize
E) Ülkemizde hala görücü usulü evlilikler over a thousand scents.
yapılmaktadır, ama bu eskiden olduğu
kadar yaygın değildir. A) Çok güçlü koku alma duyuları
sayesinde köpekler, binden fazla
95. The speaker blushed with embarrassment kokuyu rahatlıkla ayırt
when he was told that his proposal had edebilmektedirler.
nothing to do with the topic under B) Binin üzerinde kokuyu ayırt
discussion. edebildikleri söylenen köpeklerin çok
keskin bir koku alma duyuları vardır.
A) Konuşmacının öfkeden kıpkırmızı C) Güçlü koku alma duyuları köpeklerin,
kesilmesinin nedeni getirdiği önerinin binlerce kokuyu birbirinden ayırt
tartışmaya açılmamasıydı. etmelerini mümkün kılmaktadır.
B) Tartışılmakta olan konuyla ilgili D) Çok keskin bir koku alma duyuları
yaptığı hiçbir önerinin rağbet olan köpeklerin binin üzerinde
görmemesi konuşmacıyı çok kokuyu tanıyabildikleri
öfkelendirdi. söylenmektedir.
E) Binlerce kokuyu tanıyabildikleri
C) Önerisinin tartışılan konuyla hiçbir söylenen köpeklerin en büyük özelliği
ilgisinin olmadığı söylenince, keskin koku alma duyulandır.
konuşmacı utancından kızardı.

ELS Q183

99. Sporting events are considered to be one B) The structure of medieval thought and
of the most effective ways to promote society was thoroughly changed by
peace and brotherhood among nations. the discoveries made during the
Renaissance period.
A) Sportif etkinlikler, uluslar arasındaki C) The medieval structure of thought and
barış ve kardeşliği geliştiren en etkili society was greatly influenced by the
yollardan biri olarak kabul discoveries made during the
edilmektedir. Renaissance.
D) The Renaissance, with its numerous
B) Uluslar arasındaki barış ve kardeşliği discoveries, influenced the medieval
geliştirmede sportif etkinliklerin çok way of thinking and life a great deal.
önemli bir yeri vardır. E) The discoveries of the Renaissance
C) Uluslar arasındaki barış ve kardeşliği period significantly changed the
pekiştirmenin en güzel yolu sportif structure of medieval thought and
etkinliklerdir. society.
D) Sportif etkinliklerin uluslar arasındaki
barış ve kardeşliği geliştiren en etkili 102. istenmeyen alışkanlıkların sona
yöntem olduğu düşünülmektedir. erdirilmesinde yaygın olarak kullanılan
E) Sportif etkinlikler, uluslar arasındaki bir yöntem, davranışın kişi bitkin düşene
barış ve kardeşliği geliştiren en etkili dek tekrarlanmasıdır.
yollardan biridir.
A) One of the methods used to get rid of
unwanted habits is to rep eat th e
100. For passengers travelling by plane, there behaviour at certain intervals.
are restrictions on the amount of B) Repeating the unwanted behaviour
baggage they can take with them. until you feel exhausted is a common
way of breaking a bad habit.
A) Uçakla seyahat eden yolcular C) The best way to break unwanted
yanlarına belli bir miktardan fazla habits is to control yourself whenever
bagaj alamazlar. you feel like repeating the behaviour.
B) Yolcular için uçakla seyahat etmenin D) One method widely used to break
bir dezavantajı, yanlarına unwanted habits is repeating the
alabilecekleri bagaj miktarının kısıtlı behaviour until the person falls
olmasıdır. exhausted.
C) Uçakla seyahat eden yolcuların E) One can get rid of a bad habit by
repeating the behaviour so many
yanlarına alabilecekleri bagaj miktarı times that one becomes fed up with it.
konusunda kısıtlamalar vardır.
D) Yanlarına alabilecekleri bagaj 103. Birleşmiş Mllletler'in bütün önemli
miktarının kısıtlı olması uçakla belgeleri, kuruluşun resmi dilleri olarak
seyahat etmek isteyen yolcular için kabul edilmiş olan altı dilde
sıkıntı yaratmaktadır. yayınlanmaktadır.
E) Bagaj sınırı yüzünden, uçakla seyahat
etmek isteyen yolcular yanlarına A) Only major documents are published
ancak belli miktarda eşya in the six languages which have been
alabilmektedirler. officially accepted by the United
B) The United Nations has six official
languages, and all major documents
4 en yafan l of the organization are translated into
these six languages.
C) Apart from the official languages
accepted by the organization, the
United Nations publishes major
101. Rönesans dönemindeki keşifler, ortaçağ documents in six other languages.
düşünce ve toplum yapısını önemli D) All major documents of the United
ölçüde değiştirmiştir. Nations are published in the six
languages accepted as the official
A) The discoveries made during the languages of the organization.
Renaissance period played an E) All major documents of the United
important part in the medieval way of Nations are translated from the official
language of the organization into six
thinking. other languages.

184 Q ELS

104. Yeni düzenlemeyle, müşterilerin B) We should compile data about broken
karşılaştıkları sorunların en azından bir marriages and write a report
bölümü ortadan kaldırılacaktır. afterwards.
C) We were asked to write our reports
A) The aim in putting this new regulation after we'd collected enough data about
into operation is to reduce the broken marriages.
number of problems the customers D) We've been asked to compile data and
encounter. prepare a report on broken marriages.
B) With the new regulation, at least some E) We were required to collect data about
of the problems the customers come broken marriages in order to prepare
up against will be eliminated. a report on them.
C) The new regulations have been put
into operation in order to eliminate 107. Yıllardır devam eden araştırmalara
some of the problems our customers rağmen bilim adamları henüz insan
come across. beynini tümüyle keşfetmiş değillerdir.
D) A new system could at least have been
started to eliminate the problems of A) Despite years of research, scientists
the customers, even if only in part. have not yet fully explored the human
E) After the introduction of this new brain.
system, at least half of the customers B) The human brain hasn't been entirely
will no longer encounter any major explored yet although scientists have
problems. been doing research for years.
C) In order to discover all the functions
105. Bugünün piyasasında rekabet edebilme of the human brain, scientists have
leri için üreticilerin tüketici eğilimlerini been doing research for years.
dikkate almaları gerekmektedir. D) In spite of the research that has been
carried out over the years, the human
A) Today's market economy requires brain still contains some unexplored
manufacturers to compete with each areas.
other to satisfy consumer needs E) For years, scientists have been
better. carrying out research on the human
B) Besides consumer trends, brain, yet they still haven't discovered
manufacturers have to consider other all its functions.
things as well, since the competition
in today's market is so keen. 108. Denizlerdeki petrol kirliliği bazı bakteri
C) The trend in today's economy is for türlerinin büyümesini hızlandırmaktadır.
manufacturers to consider consumer
needs very carefully. A) Due to petroleum pollution in the sea,
D) Considering the competitive nature of some types of bacteria are growing
today's market, it's important that incredibly fast.
manufacturers be aware of consumer B) Because of the pollution caused by
trends. petroleum, certain types of bacteria
E) In order to compete in today's market, have emerged in the sea.
manufacturers must take consumer C) The growth of certain bacteria types
trends into account. resistant to petroleum pollution is
becoming more and more of a threat
to sea creatures.
106. Parçalanmış evliliklerle ilgili bilgi
D) Some sea-dwelling bacteria help to
toplayıp rapor yazmamız istendi. decrease petroleum pollution.
E) Petroleum pollution in the sea
A) The report we've been asked to write accelerates the growth of some types
will be on broken marriages. of bacteria.

ELS Q 185

109. Yazarın 1865'te yayınlanan ilk kitabı, 110. Büyük bir özenle korunması gereken
nükteli ve öğretici anlatım biçimiyle göz, en hassas organlarımızdan biridir.
büyük hayranlık uyandırdı.
A) in 1865, the author published his first A) Our eyes are such delicate organs
book, which was greatly admired for
its witty and didactic style. that they need special care.
B) When the author's first book, which B) The eye, which needs to be protected
was full of wit and didactic comments, with great care, is one of our most
came out in 1865, it received great
praise. delicate organs.
C) The author's first book, published in C) The most delicate of our organs is the
1865, evoked great admiration for its
witty and didactic manner of eye, which is why it should be well-
expression. protected.
D) The author used a witty and didactic D) We should protect our eyes with great
way of expressing himself in his first
book, which came out in 1865. care as they are our most delicate
E) It was in 1865 that the author organs.
published his first book and received
great admiration for his witty and E) The eye, one of our most delicate
didactic way of expressing himself. organs, requires special care.




BUT why should IOVE srop AT The bcmdtR?


1-50. sorularda, 7. I......... you a lift home every day provided
yerlere 'uygmijd'üşeiisözcük,,ya da If you ........ to pay for half the gas.
A) used to give/agreed
ı. Can you imagine the chaos there .......... if B) can give/agree
every individual in the world.......... a C) may have given/had agreed
different language? D) had given/would have agreed
E) should give/will agree •
A) is going to be/has spoken
B) would be/spoke 8. The gangster claimed that he ........ off my
C) were/could speak finger if I ........him less than what I owed
D) has b een /migh t sp eak to him.
E) will be/had spoken

2. If nothing unexpected ......... then at this A) was cu tting/would pay

time tomorrow, we ........ down the side of B) had cu t/wo u ld h av e p aid
a mountain. C) migh t b e cutting /h ad p aid
D) wou ld cu t/p aid
A) would happen/were skiing E) will have cut/have paid
B) happens/will be skiing
C) had happened/may be skiing 9. Have you ever wished you ........ this car?
D) happened/will have been skiing I mean, it's obviously causing you a lot of
E) might happen/could be skiing trouble.
3. These plants ......... as though they . A) wouldn't buy
for a couple of weeks. B) aren't buying
C) hadn't bought
A) are looking/aren't watered D) haven't bought
B) looked/hadn't watered E) didn't buy
C) have looked/weren't being watered
D) had looked/didn't water 10. I ......... for that awful man even If he
E) look/haven't been watered
........ me ten times my current salary.
4. If you ......... your glasses, you .......... that
I'm standing next to a bull in this A) haven't worked/has offered
photograph, not a cow! B) hadn't worked/might offer
C) am not working/were offered
A) are wearing/have seen D) don't work/will offer
B) would wear/were going to see E) wouldn't work/were to offer
C) were wearing/would be able to see
D) will be wearing/might have seen 11. I wish we ........ him more support, but we
E) might wear/could see were short of money at the time.
5. People who wish they .........a different A) could have given
person will probably never be happy as B) were giving
themselves! C) have been giving
A) had been born D) should have given
B) would be born E) were able to give
C) are born
D) can be born 12. If there ..........a petroleum shortage In the
E) were being born future, solar and wind power ........ a
partial solution.
6. I really wish you.........waiters such large
tips afi the time. We are not that rich! A) would be/have provided
B) was/used to provide
A) wouldn't give B) hadn't given D) haven't C) has been/had to provide
C) don't give given D) is/could provide
E) won't give E) will be/would provide
ELS Q 221

13. You must be wishing you ......... 19. The shops around here ......... you a 15%
tomorrow's reception, as I know how discount If you..........In cash rather than
much you dislike such formal gatherings. by credit card.

A) haven't been attending A) give/pay

B) won't be attending B) have given/are paying
C) didn't have to attend C) will give/had paid
D) can't attend D) will have given/will pay
E) hadn't been attending E) are giving/were paying

14. Piercing a sponge cake with a knife will 20. If he love with her, he in
Indicate whether it is ready. If nothing drugs and alcohol still.
....... to the knife, it means that the cake
....... through. A) didn't fall/would have involved
B) hadn't fallen/might be involved
A) will stick/is cooking C) doesn't fall/will involve
B) is sticking/had cooked D) weren't falling/has been involved
C) has stu ck /wou ld cook E) hasn't been falling/were to be involved
D) sticks/has been cooked
E) stuck/was being cooked 21. She.........much more seriously if she
........her seatbelt at the time of the
15. I wish I ....... a flight to Iraq so long in accident.
advance - now a war's broken out there,
and I ...... my money if I cancel my booking. A) could have hurt/wouldn't have worn
B) h as b een h u rt/d idn 't wear
A) didn't book/have lost C) migh t h av e b een hurt/h adn 't b een
B) wouldn't have booked/lost wearing
C) wouldn't book/am losing D) will have been hurt/wasn't wearing
D) haven't booked/would lose E) was going to hurt/h asn't been
E) hadn't booked/will lose wearing
16. He ......... at the party last night, or I
22. If the old bridge over the river ..........last
him. spring, we ......... the 200th anniversary of
its construction next week.
A) weren't to b e/h ad seen
B) shou ldn 't h av e b een /saw A) didn't collapse/will have celebrated
C) hasn't b een/was supp osed to see B) hasn't collapsed/are celebrating
D) had n't b een /o ugh t to see C) wouldn't collapse/were celebrating
E) couldn't have been/would have seen
D) hadn't collapsed/would be celebrating
17. Ideally, a country's exports.......... worth E) won't have collapsed/will celebrate
the same as, or slightly more than, its
imports, and if this ...........the country is 23. Your belongings ......... while you're
said to have a favourable balance of swimming in the sea if you.......... them
trade. here on the beach unattended.

A) sh o u ld b e/h ap p en s A) could have stolen/had left

B) have been/were happening B) have been stolen/are leaving
C) will be/happened C) will have stolen/have left
D) migh t b e/wo uld happ en D) are stolen/were leaving
E) can be/will happen E) might be stolen/leave

18. I'm sure your headache ......... if you lie 24. You must be wishing that you
down for a while after redecorate the living room, now that all
aspirin. your friends have gone to the cinema.

A) would have disappeared /had taken A) weren't helping

B) might disappear/took B) wouldn't help
C) will disappear/have taken C) mu stn't h elp
D) has disappeared/were takin g D) haven't been helping
E) disappears/will have taken E) aren't helping

2 2 2 Q ELS

25. Practically all teenagers ......... wh en 32. A person ......... if there ...........a
they're treated as If they ......... children. continuous supply of blood to the brain.
A) are off ended/have been A) dies/weren't -. ..
B) will be offended/were B) died/wouldn't be
C) might offend/would be C) ha d die d/w o ul d n't h av e be en
D) have been offended/will be
E) would be offended /had been D) will have died/won't be
E) will die/isn't
26. Have you ever wished you ......... your job
after you got married? 33. She..........a much better job; however,
she preferred the one which allowed her
A) haven't quit more free time.
B) won't have to quit
C) don't have to quit A) must have found
D) hadn't had to quit B) had to find
E) wouldn't quit
C) may have found
27. If it ......... here in the valley at this time of D) could have found
year, it usually means that it ......... at the E) ought to find
top of the mountain.
34. Unless all motorists caught driving under
A) used to rain /had been snowing the influence of alcohol......... immediately,
B) rained/will have snowed
C) is raining/is snowing little ......... to deter this dangerous habit.
D) was raining/would snow
E) has been raining/snowed A) were banned/would have d one
B) are b an n ed /can b e d o n e
28. If we ......... to expand into the European C) will be banned /should do
market, we..........carrying out our market D) b an /is d o n e
research as soon as possible. E) have banned/will do
A) planned/will start
B) are p lann ing /ou gh t to start 35. If you encounter problems when making
C) were planning/will be starting a long distance phone call, you..........the
D) have planned/would have started code properly as you ......... an Incorrect
E) had planned/will have started number.
29. I well as I did without all the A) are checking/might have dialled
coaching you gave me. B) will check/would dial
C) should check/could be dialling
A) mustn't do D) mu st ch eck /mu st b e d ialled
B) weren't to do
C) can't be doing E) might check/should have dialled
D) didn't have to do
E) couldn't have done 36. I wish you ......... all day tomorrow. Then
we..........Amy and Tim for the hike.
30. We..........into a lot more problems if we
....... this situation sorted out soon. A) aren't working/will be joining
B) won't work/can join
A) w o uld r un/ m a y n ot g et C) weren't working/could join
B) should run/hadn't got D) didn't work/are joining
C) may have run/wouldn't get .* E) wouldn't work/have joined , - ;
D) are going to run/don't get
E) have run/won't get
37. Our neighbours always have their music
31. If a person......... in more food than is on so loudly that it sounds as if it .........
required to meet the body's needs, the right here in our own house.
excess calories fat.
A) is played
A) takes/are converted B) had been playing
B) will take/have converted
C) is taken/convert C) has been playing
D) has taken/were converted D) would be played
E) was taken/had converted E) were being played

ELS LJ 223

38. Many delays In the post.........If people 44. From what the manager has just implied,
........ their letters and parcels correctly. it seems as if we .........a wage increase if
we ........ this project successfully.
A) might be avoided/were to address
B) could have been avoided/have addressed A) get/have finished
C) can be avoided/would have addressed B) were getting/are finishing
C) will get/finished
D) will be avoided/were addressing
D) have got/would have finished
E) would avoid/could address E) are going to get/finish

39...........the someone from 45. If anyone ..........abo ut ou r p rodu ct rang e

this department, the management......... while I'm at lunch, ......... you please give
of favouritism. him or her a brochure?

A) Had/been given/accused A) h ad ask ed /co u ld

B) Should/give/could be accused B) asks/wou ld
C) Will/give/accuses C) h as a sk ed /d id
D) Would/be given/was accused D) is asking /may
E) Were/to be given/might be accused E) ask ed / sh o u ld

46. The rescue team ..........more victims of

40. Unless the missing books .......... by the earthquake if they..........better
Wednesday morning, no further equipment.
borrowing ...........
A) cou ld h av e sav ed /had h ad
A) return/allows B) would be saved/were having
B) had been re turned/was allowed C) had saved/mig ht h av e
C) are re turned/will be allowed D) will have saved/had
D) were returned/allowed E) have been saving/will have
E) have returned/is going to allow
47. Listening to the travel agent talking about
41. Isn't it good luck? If I .......... th e p lane th at the resort, you......... as if it .......... a
evening, I ......... alive now. paradise.
A) think/has been
A) would catch/weren't
B) may think/will be
B) had caugh t/wou ldn 't b e C) thought/was being
C) caught/ am not D) had thought/can be
D) catch/won't be E) would think/were
E) have caught/couldn't be
48. I'm glad that I ..........all my shares in that
42. He didn't go to see the apartment which company in the previous session;
John showed him in the newspaper, but otherwise, I......... a considerable loss
he ........ it anyway, as he doesn't have during the crisis.
the required deposit.
A) was selling/am suffering
A) wasn't able to rent B) have sold/will be suffering
B) hasn't rented C) sold/would have suffered
D) could sell/may suffer
C) doesn't have to rent E) am selling/will have suffered
D) couldn't have rented
E) needn't have rented 49. I wish I .......... you before you left home.
You wasted both time and money coming
43. I wish you......... coming in and out of the here, as the meeting has been cancelled.
room - I'm trying to concentrate on my
homework! A) must hav e contacted
B) will have contacted
A) would stop C) had B) have stopped C) ought to contact
stopped D) will stop D) could have contacted
E) stop E) have contacted

224 Q ELS

50. How I wish you ........for such a big 57. The lecture had already started ........ we
responsibility! You've been working so found out which room it was in.
hard that I fear you'll make yourself ill.
A) as soon as C) even if B) even thout
A) don't volunteer E) in case D) by the time
B) aren't volunteering
C) won't have volunteered
D) hadn't volunteered 58. The Smiths took lots of
E) haven't volunteered food with them on
holiday........ prices were very high at the
51-65. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan resort.
yere uygun düşen sözcüğü bulunuz.
A) so that B) even if
51. Handicapped people should be taught C) in order to D) thus
how to carry out certain daily tasks for E) in case
themselves ......... they'll be dependent on
other people for everything. want to go surfing and sailing,
........just relax and sun yourself on the
A) so that B) although D) beach, Hawaii is the Ideal place for your
C) likewise nevertheless holiday.
E) or else
A) Neither/nor
52. We have to obey the rules here.........we B) No sooner/than
approve of them or not. C) Whether/or
D) Both/as well
A) even if B) even though D) in case E) Not only/but also
C) whether E) as if
60. The residents watched In despair ....
53.......... you fail to be punctual when you go huge flames engulfed their building
for your job Interview, you will definitely together with all their possessions.
not get the position.
B) as if
A) Whereas C) In case B) If A) while C) thus D) yet
E) despite
E) Due to D) Unless
61.......... his work Improves, there is no
54. You can't expect to be chance of his contract being renewed at
eat a balanced diet and take regular
exercise. the end of the year.
A) Since C) B) While
A) as long as C) B) unless However D) As if
in order to D) without E) Unless
E) if only
62. You always believe that bad things can
55.......... your work meets the required only happen to other people ..........they
standard during the probationary period, happen to you.
you will be offered a two-year contract.
B) As far as A) until B) thus
A) Providing that
C) Whenever D) While C) in case D) by the time
E) Even if E) in order that

56. When in an unfamiliar city, she always 63. I was only going away for two months,
carried a street plan of the city with her but my mother cried while seeing me off,
....... she lost her way. ....... she would never see me again.
A) if B) in case A) as though B) since
C) so that D) however C) before D) even if
E) while E) despite

ELS a 225

64. She claims to be an expert on classical 69. It would have been more sensible to have
music ..........she doesn't even know how delayed the privatization program ............
many symphonies Beethoven wrote.
A) as if A) so the economic situation has become
C) in case B) therefore D) yet more stable
E) despite
B) thus it turned out to be quite
65. She could never have made it through successful
her difficult emotional period.........the C) while there is still time to reverse it
support of her parents. D) until public opinion favoured such a
B) due to move
A) even though C) D) unless E) unless they sincerely want it to be a
E) upon success

70............there's no way I would have made

66-80. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun such a stupid decision.
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) As I've never been known as the
66.........., as long as you haven't worn the cleverest of people
item and as long as you provide the B) If I had known then as much as I
original receipt. know now
C) Since I'm always making lots of
A) It may be possible that you won't
enjoy your meal at the new restaurant careless mistakes
B) The company will give the money you D) I just couldn't decide whether I was
spent on the flight here back to you doing the right thing
C) You'd better remember to ask for a E) Until you tell me everything I need to
receipt when you buy your new jeans know about the case
D) It's not a good idea to go shopping
just before a long holiday
E) Our store gladly accepts returns and 71............ if it weren't for the existence of
will refund your entire purchase price speed limits on motorways.
67. Had the automobile not been invented, A) My car can go up to three hundred
kilometres per hour
B) In cities in England, it's illegal to
A) we won't be able to travel so far or so
quickly exceed 25 miles per hour
B) I wonder what our lives would be like C) Car insurance protects against loss
today when vehicles crash
C) how many people would have chosen D) Even more people would die in traffic
to buy one accidents each year
D) petrol sources are rapidly running dry
E) pollution will be less of a problem E) In 1992, the state of Montana raised
worldwide its maximum speed limit

68. I didn't want to share the house with her 72 ........... in case you find yourself in a place
a n ym o r e ............. where no one accepts credit cards.
A) since the day I had a terrible quarrel
with her A) It's quite difficult to go shopping in
B) as I had lost confidence in her parts of Central America
following the last incident B) If your card gets stolen, you must
C) if she hadn't kept on treating me as if report it to the bank immediately
I were her maid C) Some nations prefer US dollars to
D) unless she never picks up after their own currency
herself and leaves the house in a D) In general, it's best to pay by cheque
E) provided she didn't listen to her music or electronic cash transfer
so loudly while I was studying E) I'd recommend that you make sure
you've got some cash in hand

226 Q ELS

73. You should have no problem Impressing D) they could never have been persuaded
potential employers at job interviews to give so much money towards our
E) the media also helped relay our
A) once you had decided to stop rebelling messages about world peace
and wear a tie
B) in case you forget to take your 78............when we finally arrived, we felt it
recommendation letters with you had all been worthwhile.
C) as long as you dress properly and
appear confident A) Though we'd had a pleasant flight
D) provided that you did not arrive late with excellent food and drink
B) Even after I was told that it takes
for the appointment more than twenty hours to get to
E) if only you had not worn that Sydney
ridiculous Mickey Mouse tie C) While I usually can't stand waiting in
the arrivals lounge
74 ...........unless, of course, you don't mind D) Although the journey to southern
waiting for an hour, in which case I can Portugal was long and exhausting
give you a lift. E) If we had travelled by plane instead of
on such an uncomfortable coach
A) You might as well take a bus home
B) I have no idea when I'll be finished at 79............ many of the world's deserts would
the doctor's still be cultivable.
C) You're lucky to have brought your
own car A) Since the growing world population
D) All of you seem to be in much more of h as p u t su ch pressu re on th e lan d
B) Unless something is done to preserve
a hurry than I am th em
E) It usually takes approximately an C) Provided they are well cared for
hour to get there D) Until the beginning of the 20th
75. Thousands of people could starve to E) If their fertility hadn't been destroyed ,
death in Ethiopia ........... by over-farming
A) when the rains failed for the third 80. Had the tour guide not told us what we
year in a row were looking at .............
B) if food aid doesn't reach them soon
C) even if they hadn't asked for food aid A) he was very good at explaining the
D) unless the crops fail again history of the place
E) as long as the economy improves B) I don't think I would have understood
half of what we saw
C) I agree that it was pretty obvious
76 ........... , travelling In once-dangerous parts nobody was that interested
of the world is generally quite safe now. D) we had to pay him a lot of money for
his services
A) Unless you respect local customs and E) we were able to figure out more or
traditions less everything for ourselves
B) Had you remembered to take
sufficient money
C) As long as you take a few basic
precautions en yakın oîan seçeneği tbtdutrozT
D) Since it is among the greatest of
adventures 81. There is little pleasure to be gained from a
E) Until you learn to take care of yourself gift given unwillingly.

77. Without your talent for public speaking, A) It's really difficult to give a present to
someone whom you don't like much.
B) Presents should only be given if you
think it'll make the receiver happy.
A) a wide-scale advertising campaign C) Unless a present is given freely, it
plays an important role won't bring much happiness.
B) first of all, people's awareness about D) You will certainly not enjoy giving a
cruelty to animals should be raised present to a person you don't like.
C) we wouldn't now be about to give up E) More enjoyment can be found in
on the idea giving a present than in receiving it.


82. Should you choose not to continue with D) There are some things I can't say over
your education, we will still support you. the phone, so I'll meet you at the
cinema to discuss them.
A) We are prepared to stand by you even E) I'll only call to inform you if I can't
if you decide to give up your make it to the cinema tonight.
B) Had you quit school early, we would 86. IVe booked a table for eight in case you
still have backed you. should change your mind and decide to
C) If you don't carry on with your join us.
education, we'll be unable to help you.
D) Even though you've stopped studying, A) I've reserved a table for eight because
we still have confidence in you. you should reconsider your decision
E) We would be willing to support you if and join us for dinner.
you needed help with your studies. B) If you change your mind and join us
for dinner, let me know as we'll have
83. Only by staying In the city for at least a to arrange a table for eight then.
week would it be possible for one to see C) You can change your mind and decide
all the sites. to join us, if you wish, as I can always
change our booking to a table for
A) It's such a large place that it takes eight.
D) So that we have a large enough table
several weeks to get through it. if you decide to join us after all, I've
B) If you wanted to look at all the sites in reserved one for eight people.
the city, you would need to be there E) There'll be eight people, including you,
not less than a week. so I should reserve a table for eight if
C) A week at the most was enough to you have decided to join us.
visit all the sites in the city.
D) You should extend your stay here for 87. We narrowly avoided an accident with a
another week if you want to see all coach by managing to stop quickly.
the sites in the city.
E) Even though you may stay there A) If the coach hadn't stopped so
longer, it only needs a week to see all suddenly, we wouldn't have had the
the attractions. accident.
B) The gap we had left between us and
84. In general, restaurants with a good view the coach was too narrow to avoid an
charge very high prices even If they don't accident.
serve good food. C) We would have had a collision with a
coach if we hadn't come to a stop so
A) The general view is that restaurants swiftly.
don't deserve the money they charge D) The accident could have been avoided
for the food they serve. by leaving a wider gap and stopping
B) The view from the restaurant is sooner.
wonderful, but the food they serve E) It was su ch a n arrow road that we
isn't as good. nearly had an accident with a coach.
C) People don't mind paying large bills at
scenic restaurants, as they know 88. Whether you like it or not, my aunt is
they're paying for the view as well. coming to stay for the next two weeks.
D) If a restaurant has a good view,
generally it is the view that attracts A) I wonder if you'd rnind if my aunt
customers, not the food served there. came here to stay for the following two
E) Whether the food they serve is good or weeks.
not, dining at scenic restaurants is B) If it doesn't bother you too much, my
usually very expensive. aunt would like to stay here for the
next two weeks.
85. Unless I phone and tell you otherwise, I'll C) I don't know if you'll like her or not,
be waiting at the cinema tonight. but my aunt is going to stay for the
next couple of weeks.
A) I'll be at the cinema tonight, but I'll D) In two weeks' time, my aunt will be
telephone you to finalize details. coining to stay and I wonder how you
B) I will only be at the cinema if I tell you feel about it.
for certain over the phone. E) My aunt will be staying for the next
C) As soon as I arrive there, I'll phone fortnight, regardless of your feelings in
from the cinema and let you know. the matter.

228 Q ELS

89. Without the necessary equipment and D) Sandalyeye çıkıp ampule yetişmeye
expertise, rock climbing is a very çalışacağına, komşusundan yardım
dangerous activity. isteyebilirdi.
E) Ampule yetişmek için sandalyeye
A) Rock climbing is only safe if you have çıkmayı deneseydi, belki de
an expert climbing with you. ko mşu sund an y ard ım istemek
B) Rock climbing is not safe unless you zorunda kalmazdı.
have the right tools and enough
knowledge. 92. If all the nations of the world don't unite
C) It is illegal to go rock climbing if you against countries that prey upon tigers,
don't know enough about the sport. these magnificent creatures will soon
D) It is obligatory to go rock climbing become extinct
with an expert.
E) Sports such as rock climbing need a A) Bütün uluslar ellerinden geleni yapıp
lot of expensive materials and kaplanları avlayan ülkelere karşı
training. birleşmeselerdi, bu muhteşem
yaratıklar kısa sürede yok olurlardı.
90. They can't have been told the news, or
B) Muhteşem yaratıklar olan kaplanların
they would have rung us immediately.
yok olmaması için bütün uluslar,
A) As they haven't called us, we can onları avlayan ülkelere karşı mücadele
assume that they don't know what's etmelidirler.
happened. C) Eğer bütün dünya ulusları, kaplanları
B) They couldn't tell us what had avlayan ülkelere karşı birlik olmazsa,
happened, although we talked on the bu muhteşem yaratıklar yakında yok
phone. olacak.
C) In spite of the fact that they phoned D) Muhteşem yaratıklar olan kaplanların
us as soon as possible, we weren't neslinin tükenmesi ancak bütün
able to give them the news. dünya uluslarının, onları avlayan
D) They probably didn't phone us ülkelere karşı birlik olmasıyla
because they didn't want to tell önlenebilir.
anyone what happened. E) Eğer bütün dünya ulusları,
E) The moment they called us, we knew kaplanların avlanmasına karşı birlik
th at they h adn't heard abo ut wh at oluşturmazsa, bu muhteşem
had happened. yaratıkların yakında nesli tükenecek.

91-100, sorulanda, verilen Đngilizce 93. I don't agree with the idea that the crime
cümleye anlamca en yatan Türkçe rate would increase if capital punishment
cümleyi were abolished.

91. Even standing on a chair wouldn't have A) Suç oranındaki artışı azaltmak için
helped her reach the light bulb, so she ölüm cezalarının uygulanması
had to ask her neighbour for help. gerektiği düşüncesine karşıyım.
B) Ölüm cezalarının sadece ağır suç
A} Sandalyeye çıktığı halde ampule işleyenlere uygulandığına
yetişemeyince, komşusuna gidip inanmıyorum.
ondan yardım istedi. C) Ölüm cezalan uygulanırsa, suç
B) Ampule yetişmek için sandalyeye oranında düşüş olacağı görüşünü
çıkması bile işe yaramazdı, bu yüzden doğru bulmuyorum.
ko mşu sund an y ard ım istemek D) Ölüm cezası kaldırılırsa suç oranının
zorunda kaldı. artacağı görüşüne katılmıyorum.
C) Ampule yetişmek için sandalyeye E) Ölüm cezasının kaldırılması suç
çıktı, ancak o da işe yaramayınca oranını etkilemez diyenlerle aynı
ko mşu sund an y ard ım istemek fikirde değilim.
zorunda kaldı.


94. If they are to be looked after In a flat, B) Zaten yeterince işimiz yokmuş gibi,
small or medium-size dogs should be bir de sürekli olarak gereksiz
preferred because large dogs need telefonlarla rahatsız ediliyoruz.
considerable exercise over a large area. C) Bu gereksiz telefonlar bizim
zamanımızı boşa harcıyor, çünkü
A) Bir apartman dairesinde zaten yeterinden fazla işimiz var.
bakılacaklarsa, geniş bir alanda bir D) Sanki kendi işimiz bize yetmiyormuş
hayli egzersiz gereksinimleri olan gibi bu durmadan çalan telefonlara
büyük köpekler yerine küçük ve orta bakma işini de bize verdiler.
boy köpekler tercih edilir. E) Bu kadar işimizin arasında bu
B) Büyük köpeklerin geniş bir alanda durmak bilmeyen telefonlarla bizim
epey egzersize gereksinimleri olduğu ilgilenmemiz gerçekten çok gereksiz.
için, bir apartman dairesinde
bakacaksanız, küçük ya da orta boy 97. We couldn't have afforded a skiing
köpekleri tercih etmelisiniz. holiday in Austria even if we'd received a
C) Bir apartman dairesinde bonus of a month's salary for Christmas.
bakılacaklarsa, küçük ya da orta boy
köpekler tercih edilmelidir, çünkü A) Noel'de bir maaş tutarı ikramiye
büyük köpeklerin geniş bir alanda bir alsaydık bile Avusturya'da kayak
hayli egzersize gereksinimleri vardır. tatiline gücümüz yetmezdi.
D) Bir apartman dairesinde B) Noel'de maaşımız dışında bir ikramiye
bakacaksanız, küçük ve orta boy alamayınca kayak tatili için
köpekleri tercih edebilirsiniz; çünkü Avusturya'ya gidemedik.
büyük köpeklerin egzersiz C) Noel için aldığımız bir maaş tutarı
yapabilmeleri için geniş bir alana ikramiye bile Avusturya'da bir kayak
ihtiyaç vardır. tatiline yetmedi.
E) Bir apartman dairesinde bakmak için D) Maaşımızla birlikte ikramiye
küçük ve orta boy köpekleri seçmek almasaydık Noel'de kayak tatili için
gerekir, çünkü büyük köpeklerin Avusturya'ya gidemezdik.
geniş bir alanda bir hayli egzersiz E) Avusturya'da kayak tatiline gitmemiz
yapmaları gerekir. ancak Noel'de bir maaş tutarı
ikramiye almamızla mümkün
95. I could have been injured much more olabilirdi.
seriously, had my seatbelt not been
fastened at the time of the accident. 98. If applied soon after the accident, drug
treatment can reduce the risk of paralysis
A) Bu kadar ağır yaralanmamın nedeni, in serious spinal-cord injuries.
kaza sırasında emniyet kemerimin
takılı olmamasıydı. A) Kazadan hemen sonra uygulanırsa,
B) Kaza sırasında emniyet kemerim takılı ilaç tedavisi ciddi omurilik
olsaydı, bu kadar ağır yaralanmazdım. zedelenmelerinde felç riskini
C) Yaralarımın çok ağır olmamasını, kaza azaltabiliyor.
anında emniyet kemerimin takılı B) Ciddi omurilik zedelenmelerinde ilaç
olmasına borçluyum. tedavisi ancak kazadan hemen sonra
D) Emniyet kemerimin takılı olmaması, uygulanırsa felç riskini ortadan
kazada çok ağır yaralanmama neden kaldırabiliyor.
oldu. C) Ciddi omurilik zedelenmelerinde felç
E) Kaza anında emniyet kemerim takılı riskinin azaltılabilmesi için kazadan
olmasaydı, çok daha ağır hemen sonra ilaç tedavisinin
yaral anabilirdim. başlaması gerekiyor.
D) Kazadan hemen sonra ciddi bir ilaç
96. As if we don't have enough work already, tedavisi uygulanırsa, omurilik
we are constantly being plagued by zedelenmelerinde felç riski
unnecessary phone calls. azaltılabilir.
E) Omurilik zedelenmelerinde felç riski
A) O kadar çok işimiz var ki bu vardır, ancak k azadan hemen sonra
durmadan çalan telefonlar bizi boş uygulanan ilaç tedavisi bu riski çok
yere meşgul ediyor. aza indirebilir.

230 O ELS

99. He could never have learnt to stand on C) Provided they are discovered early
his own If I had helped him in his time of enough, many forms of cancer can
trouble. now be treated successfully.
D) Today, most forms of cancer can be
A) Başı dertteyken ayakta durabilmesi
successfully treated unless, of course,
için ona yardım etmek gerekirdi. they are discovered too late.
B) Başı derde girdiğinde ona hep yardım
E) The stage at which cancer is
ettiğim için, kendi başına direnmeyi discovered is very important in terms
asla öğrenemedi.
of whether it can be treated or not.
C) Başı derde girdikçe ona yardım etmek
yerine, tek başına direnmeyi
102. Salon bitkilerinizi düzenli sulamaz,
onlara gerekil vitaminleri vermezseniz,
D) Başı dertteyken ona yardım etseydim,
sağlıklı görünmelerini bekleyemezsiniz.
kendi başına ayakta durmayı asla
E) Sorunlarının üstesinden gelmesi benim A) Even if you water your indoor plants
yardımım olmadan asla mümkün regularly, you mustn't expect them to
olamazdı. look healthy if you don't give them the
necessary vitamins.
100.1 wish there were a system that would B) If you water your indoor plants
make It possible to divide the world's regularly, it is not necessary to give
food resources equally among all nations. them vitamins if you think they are
looking healthy.
A) En büyük dileğim bir gün, dünyadaki C) Unless you water your indoor plants
yi yecek ka ynaklarının bütün uluslar regularly and give them the necessary
arasında eşit olarak dağıtıldığını vitamins, you can't expect them to
görmektir. look healthy.
B) Dünyadaki sistem değişmedikçe, tüm D) Even if you water your indoor plants
ulusların yiyecek kaynaklarından eşit regularly and give them the necessary
şekilde yararlanması bana pek olası vitamins, you can still fail to make
gelmiyor. them look healthy.
C) Bütün dünya uluslarının yiyecek E) Only if you don't water your indoor
kaynaklarından eşit olarak plants regularly or forget to give them
yararlanmasını sağlayacak bir the necessary vitamins should you
sistemin olmasını çok isterdim. expect them to look unhealthy.
D) Dünyanın yiyecek kaynaklarının
bütün uluslarca eşit şekilde kullanımı 103. Yeni kaynaklar bulunup üretim
ancak yeni bir sistemin kurulmasıyla artınlmazsa, çok yakında ülkede enerji
mümkün olabilir. sıkınası baş gösterecek.
E) Keşke dünyanın yiyecek kaynaklarını
bütün uluslar arasında eşit olarak A) To avoid the emergence of an energy
bölmeyi mümkün kılacak bir sistem shortage, either new resources must
olsaydı. be found or production must be
B) In the absence of new resources and
101-110, sorularda, verJflen Ttirkçe increased production of energy, an
cümleye anlamca en yakın Đngilizce energy shortage will emerge in the
C) We have an energy shortage in the
101. Erken teşhis edildiği takdirde pek çok country because we haven't found any
kanser türü artık başarı yla tedavi new resources, nor have we increased
edilebilmektedir. production.
A) In order for any form of cancer to be D) The finding of new resources, thus
treated successfully, it has to be increasing production, has prevented
discovered when still at an early an energy shortage in the country.
stage. E) An energy shortage will emerge in the
B) Some forms of cancer can be treated country very soon unless new
successfully if they are not discovered resources are found and production is
too late. increased.


104. Eğer doğru programladıysam, videonun B) Modern artificial lighting would be
iki dakika sonra kayıt yapmaya virtually as effective as daylight if it
başlaması gerekir. weren't for the glare.
C) Avoiding the glare of modern artificial
A) If I had programmed the video lighting is necessary, but, apart from
correctly, it would have started that, it is very effective.
recording in two minutes. D) So long as glare is avoided, modern
B) The video should start recording in artificial lighting is almost as effective
two minutes, providing I've as daylight.
programmed it correctly. EJ Modern artificial lighting is a lot more
C) Whether it is correct or not, I should effective than daylight except that it
at least try to programme the video for causes one to be dazzled.
a period of two minutes.
D) I ought to programme the video 107. Elinizde bir harita yoksa, Paris'in
correctly as it will start recording in labirent misali metro istasyonlarında
two minutes. yolunuzu bulmanız neredeyse imkansızdır.
E) Had I known the principles of how ı
programme a video, it would only A) In order to be able to find your way in
have taken two minutes to record the complicated metro stations of
that. Paris, make sure you take a map with
105. Çiğ kahve uzun süre dayanır, ancak With the metro stations being so
kavrulmuş ya da öğütülmüş kahve, complicated, you can't possibly find
havayla temas ettiği takdirde, tadır your way in Paris without a map.
güzel kokusunu hemen yitirir. C) If you don't have a map, it is
impossible not to be confused by the
A) Green coffee keeps for a long time, metro stations in Paris, as they are
while roasted and ground coffee such a maze.
quickly loses its flavour and aroma if D) The labyrinthine metro stations of
exposed to air. Paris will require you to have a map
B) Unlike green coffee beans, which keep with you, or you'll definitely lose your
for a long time, roasted and ground way.
coffee beans lose their flavour and E) It's nearly impossible to find your way
aroma rapidly if exposed to air. in the maze-like metro stations of
C) Exposure to air makes roasted and Paris unless you have a map with
ground coffee quickly lose its flavour, you.
but green coffee can be kept for a long
D) Once green coffee has been roasted 108. Keşke yeryüzündeki bütün kötülükleri
yok edebilecek doğaüstü güçlere sahip
and ground, it loses both its flavou.
and aroma quickly if exposed to air
but in its green form it keeps a long A) I really wish I possessed supernatural
time. powers; then I could eradicate all evil
E) Green coffee beans can be kept for from the earth.
longer than they can after they have B) If I had supernatural powers, I'd first
been roasted and ground, when they eradicate all the bad things from the
lose their flavour and aroma quickly. earth.
C) There are so many bad things on the
106. Göz kamaştırıcı parlaklıktan kaçınıldığı earth that I can't help wishing I had
sürece, günümüzde yapay aydınlatma some supernatural powers.
hemen hemen günışığı kadar etkilidir. D) If only I had supernatural powers that
could eliminate all evil from the earth.
A) As long as one can avoid being E) I wish I could eliminate all the evil
dazzled, modern artificial lighting is things from the earth, but I need
even more effective than daylight. some supernatural powers for that.

432 Q ELS

109. Yetkililer çeşitli kuruluşların uyanlarını 110. Gerçekle bağınızı koparmadığınız sûrece
dikkate almış olsaydı, felaket önlenebilirdi. iyimser olmak iyi bir niteliktir.
A) The disaster was the fault of the
authorities, who hadn't listened to the A) It's a good thing that you are
warnings of the various organizations. optimistic, but try not to lose touch
B) It would be possible to prevent a with reality.
disaster if the authorities did not
ignore the warnings of various B) You shouldn't be so optimistic as to
organizations. close your eyes to reality.
C) If the authorities had listened to the C) Being optimistic is a good quality so
warnings of the various organizations,
the disaster could have been long as you don't lose touch with
prevented. reality.
D) Several organizations had warned the D) You mustn't let your optimism keep
authorities of a possible disaster and
how to prevent it, but they ignored you away from reality.
them. E) As long as you are in touch with
E) The authorities didn't listen to the
reality, there is nothing wrong with
warnings of the various organizations,
so the disaster couldn't be prevented. being optimistic.


NuclEAR WAR is ĐMpossibU, SAys îhs OPTĐMĐST;

ĐMpossible, SAys ThE REALĐST.



bE FotjqhT, buT WoRld WAR IV will b E FouqkT
\\h\\ siicks ANd STONES.



"-. T3 T .-T

8. We didn't notice.......we had strayed off

the path until we were deep in the forest.
A) how often C) how B) so far
1 do you think the weather will be like In long D) how far
the afternoon? Should I take an umbrella E) so long
with me? 9. While trying to decide.......road to take,
B) How we made a wrong turn, and got
A) When C) Which completely lost.
E) What D) Why
A) which C) how B) when
2. I have asked around, but no one seems to E) whom D) what
know ...... the ferry leaves for Yalova.
10. Can you give us a rough estimate on.......
A) how long C) how B) how far we'll pay for the repairs?
much D) how often
E) how A) how many C) how B) how much
many long D) how often
E) how far
3. Perhaps the driver's manual says ...... air 11. The spy was instructed to stay.......he
pressure you should have In each tyre. was until he had been given further
A) how much B) which
C) whether D) how often A) that B) whose D) which
E) how long C) whom E) where

4. It's not clear ...... he is going to leave his 12. There are two vacancies at the company,
house to in his will. and the manager says he'll support
Harold for.......position he applies for.
B) whom
A) whose C) which D) that B) wherever
A) whichever C) whoever D) however
E) what E) whatever
5 you are going on holiday is probably 13. Are you prepared to go with your
the best place to go in Turkey at this time of husband.......his company sends him?
A) B) wherever D) no matter
A) Why B) Which D) What although C)
C) When E) Where E) whereas
6. Andrew hated his daughter's hairstyle so 14. By asking him a few questions about the
much that he said he would pay for her topic, I tried to understand ...... advanced
to go to the hairdresser ....... the cost. my son was with compiling information
7 for his term paper.
A) how else B) how much D) wherever
C) whatever E) what for A) whether C) how far B) which
D) that
E) whose
he only attended about half of the
classes contributed to his poor 15........ they obtained the information from
examination results. remained secret, though the newspapers
published theories for days afterwards.
A) Why B) The fact that
C) How much D) Whether A) Where B) How
E) When C) How much D) When
E) That
258 Q ELS

16........ has spilled this Coke over my new 23. The author acknowledges.......he got the
tablecloth will clean it up right away. idea from another writer, but he won't
agree to pay the royalties.
A) Whomever C) B) Whoever
D) Whatever A) where C) who B) when
Whenever D) why
E) Wherever E) that
17. The Turks have many traditional dishes 24. I r>"".'t know ...... longer I can stay here.
made with mlnced meat, such as köfte,
which explains ...... McDonald's A) how much " B) how D)
restaurants are overwhelmingly popular C) where how far
here. E) when
A) why B) that
C) where D) what 25. Do you know...... coat this is that I'm
E) whether holding?

18. In order to solve the world's problems, we A) whom B) whose

need a greater understanding of the C) where D) that
human mind works. E) when

A) that B) why 26........ do you think has decided to hold the

D) how annual meeting at such an expensive
C) when hotel?
E) where
A) B) Where leave home, make sure that all When C) D) How
the doors and windows are properly What E) Who

B) Whomever 27. Nomadic tribes travel aimlessly and sleep

A) How long C) ......they find themselves at nightfall.
Everywhere D) Whenever
E) Either A) whichever B) whoever
C) whenever D) wherever
20. In response to the rising problem of ...... E) whatever
to do with millions of tons of plastic
waste, the plastics Industry and 28. A government body Is
environmental groups are searching for to be left between construction sites in
ways to recycle plastics. built-up areas.
A) B) how A) how much B) how long
when D) which C) how many D) how often
C) what E) why E) how far
21........ Tim made his mistake was In the 29 of you took my dictionary had
way he chose to remain silent instead of better give It back right now.
defending his rights In the first place.
A) Whatever B) Whoever
A) Which B) What D) Whose C) Whichever D) Whenever
C) Where E) Why E) However
22. You can obtain the Information from the 30. It seems like an easy task, but you can't like, but I want it by six Imagine.......time it takes to put the
o'clock today. newsletters Into envelopes and send them
A) B) whoever D) whatever out
wherever C) E) whichever A) how much B) what
however C) whom D) whose
E) how long

ELS u 259

31. Thousands of years ago, during the 39........ you give the money to must be
Neolithic period of prehistory, people someone you can trust. mold and bake clay to
form bricks and pottery. A) Wherever B) Whenever
C) Whomever D) However
A) what B) whom D) how E) Whatever
C) which E) when
40 was that was troubling her, she
32. It doesn't really matter now...... fault It seems to be over it now.
was, because arguing about it is not
going to help solve the problem. A) Whenever B) Whichever
C) However D) Whatever
A) which C) when B) how E) Wherever
E) whose D) that
41. Please wake me up before you leave ......
33. It rained during our entire holiday and I time it is.
did not take enough to read, so I had to
read ...... I could find at the hotel. A) whatever B) wherever
C) whichever D) whenever
A) however C) whenever B) wherever E) however
E) D) whatever
whichever 42 ........well stay there is not certain as yet,
but it won't be more than two weeks or
34. We couldn't decide ...... it was the salary so.
or the travelling involved that Impressed
her about the job. A) How long B) How far
C) Wherever D) Whether
A) B) why E) The more
which D) whether
C) what 43. The diet on that island consists mainly of
E) how ..... the Inhabitants raise In their
35........ do you think you're doing? You can't A) that B) which D) what
put olive oil in that, you'll ruin it! C) how E) where
B) How on earth
A) Why D) Wherever 44. The Robinsons had no idea .......they
C) What on earth E) were going to travel to their destination
How until last week.
A) who
36. Oh, David! .......a lovely necklace! Are C) what B) which D) where
these real emeralds? E) how
That C) B) What D) This 45. She didn't ask him.......he had been the
How E) Why week before as she didn't want to appear
too curious.
37. The lawyer wants to know...... your B) who
family has owned this manor. A) where C) when D) what
E) that
A) what B) when
C) where D) whom 46. After coming back from Africa, he realized
E) how long ..... difficult life was for people in poor
38. Do you know exactly.......your family
bought this manor?
A) which C) B) how long A) what B) which
how often D) what C) when D) how
E) when E) why

26O a ELS

47. It is difficult to define exactly 55. It doesn't say on the Invitation ....... the
begins, because the atmosphere does not party will start, so we'd better phone and
end abruptly but simply grows thinner check.
and thinner the higher one goes.
A) B) which
A) how B) when whose D) why
C) where D) which C) what E) when
E) how long

48. I want you to follow him ........he goes and

56 ........ a relief it was ... the plane finally
find out........he's meeting. landed safely!

A) however/that A) What/when B) Such/so D)

B) wherever/who
C) whenever/which E) Whom/while
D) whatever/whom
E) whomever/whose 57 .........dreadful! I think you must all have
been petrified.
49. He proudly says he Is contented with ....... C) Why/because How/that
he's achieved in life.
A) How C) B) What D)
A) B) when D) where Which
which C) E) what E) Who
who 58. Both of these paths lead to the old
50 ........ she was pleased with the conditions fisherman's house, so you can follow........
or not couldn't be understood from her one you like.
A) however B) wherever
A) B) Whether D) What C) whichever D) whenever
That E) When E) whatever
51. Oh, look ........... marvellous the pyramids 59. She told him ........he was the most
are! I must take some photos of them. wonderful person she had ever met.
A) how B) what D) whose When
C) which E) where B) where
A) who D) that
E) what
C) when
60 .........In the room you place that sofa, it
52. As our only witness, you'll be helping us won't go with the rest of the furniture.
greatly with our Inquiries if you describe
exactly ....... happened on the night of the
murder. A) Whenever B) Whomever
C) Whatever D) Whichever
A) when B) what D) where E) Wherever
C) which E) how

53. Until the 19th century, 61-80. sorularda, verilen cümleyi «ygun
agricultural s iamamli
education was limited to........practical
Information a father might hand down to 61. The main reason for tourism is ..........
his son.
A) as most of them are young and full of
A) wherever C) B) however the energy needed for such activities
whatever D) whoever B) since people's leisure hours have
E) increased
whomever C) when it first began in the 18th
54. Do you know .......deep the hotel D) however the environment is destroyed
swimming-pool Is? for the sake of earning money
E) that people feel they need a change
A) why B) how from their ordinary lives
C) what D) how long
E) how far

ELS a 261

62 ....... why they had cancelled the wedding 67 ........ why the hole in the ozone layer
at the last moment. causes global warming.
A) The marriage counsellor advised them A) It is a big problem today
B) There seems to be no apparent B) Scientists are extremely worried
problem C) "Greenhouse gases" such as carbon
C) Everybody was extremely curious to dioxide
find out D) Using wind power is a good way to
D) There is, of course, an explanation combat
E) Naturally, their parents will be E) Many people have trouble
worried understanding
63. We hope the results of this research will 68. Industry observers are wondering ........
Indicate .......
A) which teaching methods are best for A) whether environmentalists will force
adult learners them to stop operations
B) until we had analyzed all of the data B) whenever their product does not sell
C) then appropriate measures will be very well
taken to correct the situation C) unless there is another bad period in
D) how long have you been experiencing the market
this problem D) that production has been lower this
E) whenever somebody comes into the year than in the previous year
clinic for treatment E) provided that they observe the
environmental protection laws
64. As the office is in an excellent location,
we're sure ....... 69 ........ how to read the script of the ancient
Indus Valley civilization.
A) for it will require us to spend less
than an hour commuting every day A) There is an interesting alphabet that
B) when it will be suitable for us to move no o ne u nd erstand s
in B) We would understand so much more
C) that it'll be worth paying such a high about ancient history
rent C) One of the great archaeological
D) why don't we compare it with those in
the city centre discoveries of the late 20th century
E) whether or not it would be to our D) The Indus River is sometimes
benefit in the long run compared to the Nile
E) Archaeologists have still not found out
65. Will you please find out and let me know
70. They haven't decided yet ..........

A) where is the meeting going to be held A) that two employees had been
B) that I'll be waiting for them in front of dismissed for misconduct
the theatre B) and he is one of the best directors
C) how many representatives shall we we've had so far
send to the conference C) nor have I been able to understand
D) who is going to meet me at the airport what's going on
E) when was the furniture going to be D) when is the next meeting going to be
delivered held
E) whether to open the office on
66. When used for a country, the term Christmas Eve or not
"melting pot" implies .......
A) some nationalities, however, retain 71. Will you please warn her ....... ?
their cultural identities
B) that various cultures have blended A) why she had simply ignored what we
together to form a single society said the first time
C) so the problem of ethnic differences B) if she can be more careful next time
within a country has been solved in C) that her present attitude will not be
various ways tolerated for much longer
D) it can be really boring, though, when D) how many people has she upset with
everyone is exactly the same her comments
E) yet ethnicity has long been a cause of E) how grateful we are for all her
rivalry, hostility and discrimination assistance

262 Q ELS

72 .........that the damp in the flat would be D) shows what a great threat the
attended to. competition now poses
E) had revealed a marked drop in both
A) If only he had had the leak in the sales and production
bathtub fixed
B) Why didn't the tenant ask his 77. Whenever there is an international
landlady incident .........
C) How long had the couple been waiting
for A) powerful nations try to use it to their
D) Mostly around the window frames and advantage
the balcony B) the United Nations was not able to
E) What they were promised by the solve it
landlord was C) few people have ever expected too
much of the United Nations
73. I don't suppose you happened to see .... D) athletic competitions have certainly
stimulated good-will between nations
A) how much will it cost in total E) it also includes such music contests
B) what was John arranging for the as Eurovision
C) whether I were in your position or not 78. Despite the meticulous study of
D) who had been included on the guest
list scientists, we can never know for sure
E) where did he put all the money

74. What h er bosses admire most about her A) that the explosion at the Chernobyl
nuclear plant caused great
A) she is so beautifully dressed at all B) why did the dinosaurs become extinct
times C) what life was actually like a thousand
B) is the way she is always so organized years ago
C) I wish she would boast about herself D) how long will the human race
less continue to inhabit the earth
D) most of us wish we were a bit like her E) unless some quite advanced
E) haven't prevented her from coming to technology is used in the experiments
work late
79. Scientists are unable to predict
75. Research carried out recently suggests accurately ..........

A) what caused the dinosaurs to become

A) that one or two glasses of red wine extinct
every day is good for your heart B) how fast are the polar ice-caps
B) which involved many well-known melting
doctors and nutritionists C) when the volcano will erupt next
C) to eat five small meals a day instead D) how much of the rainforests will man
of three big ones destroy in the twenty-first century
D) so we can be sure that grape juice is E) which is directly affected by the "hole"
the best nutrient for the brain in the ozone layer
E) as some people do not believe there
can be any benefit in eating 80 ......... remains undecided.
vegetables raw
A) What shall we do for the end-of-term
76. The fact that the company has decided to party
increase their advertising this year.......... B) Whenever there was any
misund erstan ding
A) were welcomed by all the members of
C) If there had been enough money
the board
B) will be fully completed by the end of
the month D) Who will take over when the chairman
C) have brought about a radical change retires
in their approach to marketing E) The fact that the meeting ended in an
argu men t

ELS Q 263

81-90, somlarda, vedlea cümleye1" '"" A) The storm continued for quite a while,
anlamca e» yakın oto seçeneği bulunuz. contrary to what Janet had expected.
B) Jan et h ad n 't th o ug h t th at th e sto rm
81. I'm not sure whether I can make it for the would arrive at such great speed, but
start of the meeting, so you don't have to it did.
wait for me. C) Even after the storm was over, the
bad weather continued for many
A) You had better hold the meeting hours, as Janet expected.
without me as I won't be able to D) From where Janet stood, it seemed
attend it at that hour. the storm was much stronger than it
B) You are not to commence the meeting actually was.
until you are sure as to whether I am E) For several hours, Janet had to wait
coming or not. where she was until the storm was
C) The meeting ought to open at the completely over.
scheduled hour regardless of my being
delayed. 85. It's impossible to escape from America
D) I certainly won't be there for the completely as its culture has spread to
beginning of the meeting, but I'll try to every comer of the globe.
join you later.
E) You can start the meeting without me A) Many people have tried to run away
as I may not be able to get there for from America but find that they can't
the beginning of it. because there are Americans on every
82. We're still hesitating about which school B) If you want to travel round the world
and see different cultures, you may be
our son ought to go to. disappointed as every place has
A) Choosing the most suitable school is become Americanized.
one of a parent's most important C) Wherever you go, you will encounter
decisions. some aspects of American culture, so
B) We haven't yet decided where we there's no way to get away from the
should send our son to school. country entirely.
C) We won't send our son to any school D) Though a lot of people are attracted to
American culture, there are those who
unless we are certain that it is the one wish to escape from it, which can't
we want. really be done.
D) We are not sure whether we should let E) American culture has been so
our son choose a school for himself. successful that it's spread all over the
E) We had great difficulty deciding upon world and no place can avoid being
which school our son should attend. influenced by it.
83. We weren't entirely convinced, in spite of 86. I don't understand how you could have
his explanation, that his action hadn't survived all those years in China without
been deliberate. speaking a word of the language.
A) He tried to explain the exact reason A) Now that you are moving to China,
why he'd acted like that although he you had better begin to study the
knew that we wouldn't believe him. language since it will be difficult to
B) He was able to convince some of us survive without it.
that he hadn't acted intentionally, but B) It must have taken a lot of
not all. determination to go to a country as
C) We were sure that he'd intended to do different as China without speaking
what he actually did, so his any of the language at all.
explanation was quite unnecessary. C) Living in China for so long without
D) Even after he explained, we still had learning any of the language, as you
some doubts about whether he'd have done, is something beyond my
acted unintentionally. imagination.
D) Chinese is so difficult that I
E) His explanation was not sufficiently understand you had to survive for a
convincing to make all of us change long time without speaking it while
our minds about his action. you learnt the basics.
E) Since I don't understand any Chinese,
84. Whereas Janet had thought the storm maybe you can help me because you
would be over in a short time, in fact, it have been here for so many years.
went on for several hours.
364 Q ELS

87. Essentially, there are two ways of solving 90. Regardless of Bob's opinion in this
this problem, but the question is: which matter, I think I've done the right thing.
one will provide the ideal solution for us?
A) I've thought about Bob's views on this
A) It is essential that we solve this issue, but I think I'll do as I want.
problem one way or another, so let's B) Until Bob told me I was wrong, I
choose one way and start. thought I was right about this issue.
B) While we basically have two ways to C) I acted without regarding Bob's
solve the problem, we should decide opinions, as they don't matter to
on the one offering a better result. anyone.
C) Whether this problem can be D) I'm sure I have acted correctly in this
fundamentally solved in one of the instance, whatever Bob may think.
two available ways is questionable. E) My opinion that Bob had done the
D) We must question the solution to this wrong thing in this case turned out to
problem, or we may regret it later if be right.
we find we haven't taken the right
E) No matter how simple it may seem,
verile» Đngilizce
cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe
there are always two sides to every
91. Whether high blood pressure is a disease
88. What began as a pleasant hike ended up or a symptom is a much debated
being a fight for survival. question.
A) When they started asking strangers A) Yüksek tansiyonun ne gibi
for lifts, they didn't realize the danger hastalıklara yol açtığı hala
that lay ahead. tartışılmaktadır.
B) The fight that nearly cost them their B) Yüksek tansiyonun bir hastalık mı
lives was initiated during a hike in the yoksa belirti mi olduğu çok tartışılan
woods. bir konudur.
C) They started the day hiking together C) En çok tartışılan konu, yüksek
and finished it trying to kill one tansiyonun bir hastalık olup olmadığı
another. ve belirtilerinin neler olduğuydu.
D) Though they had planned to spend D) Yüksek tansiyonun bazı hastalıkların
the day walking, they ended it with a belirtisi olup olmadığı bir tartışma
nasty fight. k o n u su du r.
E) It started as an enjoyable walk in the E) Yüksek tansiyon hastalığının
country, but resulted in a nearly fatal nedenleri pek çok tartışmanın konusu
92. Thanks to television, there seem to be
89. I've been through this kind of weather hardly any people who are not aware of
before, and I think we should take what is going on in the world.
A) Hemen herkes, dünyada neler olup
A) The last time I passed through this bittiğini televizyon sayesinde
town, there was no shelter to be öğrenebilmektedir.
found. B) Televizyon, bütün insanların, dünyada
B) I know that the weather will get olup biten olayları öğrenmelerini
worse, and we have nowhere to take sağlamaktadır.
shelter. C) Çok az insan dünyada olup biten
C) Since we can't do much in this olaylardan televizyon sayesinde
weather, we should just go back into haberdar olduğumuzun farkındadır.
the house. D) Televizyon sayesinde, dünyada neler
D) Experience has taught me that in olup bittiğinden haberdar olmayan
such weather, we had better look for a insan hemen hemen yok gibidir.
safe place. E) Televizyona düşkün olan insanlar, bu
E) Though the weather is good, we need sayede dünyada neler olup bittiğinden
a roof over our heads for the night. haberdar olduklarını ileri

ELS a 265

93. We don't know where African art started, C) Neyin güzel olarak kabul edildiği
how it grew or how much it was tarihin her döneminde çok
influenced by other cultures. değişmiştir; bu nedenle, iyi dizaynın
evrensel ilkelerini tanımlamak çok
A) Afrika sanatının nerede başladığını, güçtür.
nasıl geliştiğini ya da başka D) Neyin güzel olarak kabul edildiği
kültürlerden ne kadar etkilendiğini
bilmiyoruz. tarihin her döneminde çok fazla
B) Afrika sanatının nerede başladığı, değiştiği için, iyi dizaynı evrensel
nasıl geliştiği ve başka kültürlerden ilkelerle tanımlamak neredeyse
ne kadar etkilendiği bilinmemektedir. imkansızdır.
C) Nerede başladığı ve nasıl geliştiği E) Güzellik kavramı tarihin her
bilinmeyen Afrika sanatının, başka döneminde farklı bir anlam
kültürlerden bir hayli etkilendiği kazanmıştır ve bu, iyi dizaynın
bilinmektedir. evrensel ilkelerle açıklanmasını
D) Bildiğimiz kadarıyla, nerede başladığı zorlaştırmıştır.
ve nasıl geliştiği bilinmeyen Afrika
sanatı başka kültürlerden 96. Though I didn't personally see who was
etkilenmiştir. responsible for this mess, I think I can
E) Afrika'da başlayan sanatın nasıl
geliştiği ya da farklı kültürlerden nasıl make a guess.
etkilendiği konusunu tam olarak
bilemiyoruz. A) Bu karışıklığın sorumlusunun kim
olduğunu kesin olarak bilmiyorum
94. Luxembourg owes its high standard of ama tahmin edebiliyorum.
living, in part, to the fact that the labour B) Bu karışıklıktan kimin sorumlu
force makes up almost half of its olduğunu bizzat görmediğim halde,
population. sanırım hemen tahmin edebilirim.
C) Bu karışıklıktan kimin sorumlu
A) Lüksemburg'da, nüfusun yandan olduğunu bizzat görmemiş olsam da,
fazlasını çalışan kesimin oluşturduğu sanırım bir tahminde bulunabilirim.
bölgelerde hayat standardı son derece D) Kesin olarak bilmesem de, bu
yüksektir. karışıklığın sorumlusunun kim
B) Nüfusun neredeyse yansını çalışan olduğu hakkında bir tah minde
kesimin oluşturduğu Lüksemburg'da, bulunabilirim.
özellikle bazı bölgeler yüksek yaşam E) Sanırım bir tahminde bulunabilirim,
standardına sahiptir. ama bu karışıklıktan kimin sorumlu
C) Lüksemburg'da yaşam standardı çok
yüksektir, çünkü nüfusun hemen olduğunu bizzat görmüş değilim.
hemen yarısı çalışan kesimden
oluşmaktadır. 97. It is vital that parents know when to
D) Yüksek yaşam standardını punish their children and when to reward
insanlarının çalışkanlığına borçlu olan them.
Lüksemburg'da, nüfusun yandan
fazlası çalışmaktadır. A) Ebeveynler, çocuklannı ne zaman
E) Lüksemburg, yüksek yaşam cezalandırmak ne zaman
standardını kısmen, nüfusunun ödüllendirmek gerektiğini çok iyi
neredeyse yarısını çalışan kesimin bilmelidirler.
oluşturmasına borçludur. B) Ebeveynler için önemli olan,
çocuklannı ne zaman cezalandırıp ne
95. What is regarded as attractive has zaman ödüllendireceklerini bilmektir.
changed so much in each period of C) Ebeveynlerin, çocuklarını ne zaman
history that this makes it difficult to cezalandınp ne zaman
define universal principles of good design. ödüllendireceklerini bilmeleri çok
A) Neyin güzel olarak kabul edildiği D) Ebeveynlerin mutlaka bilmesi gereken
tarihin her döneminde o kadar çok bir konu, çocuklarını ne zaman ceza
değişti ki, bu, iyi dizaynın evrensel landınp ne zaman ödüllendirecekleridir.
ilkelerini tanımlamayı güçleştiriyor. E) Ebeveynler, çocukların ne zaman
B) Đyi dizaynı tanımlamak için evrensel
ilkeler belirlemek zordur, çünkü tarih cezalandırılıp ne zaman
boyunca güzellik kavramı sürekli ödüllendirileceğinin önemini
değişmiştir. bilmelidir.

266 Q ELS

98. The fact that certain animal species have E) Zekamız bizi diğer tüm yaratıklardan
become, or are about to become, extinct üstün kılmaktad ır, ama bu, onları
today Is entirely man's responsibility. kendi çıkarlarımız için acımasızca
kullanabileceğimiz anlamına
A) Đnsanoğlunun sorumsuzluğu gelmemelidir.
yüzünden bazı hayvan türlerinin yok
100. A film isn't worth watching, whatever its
olduğu, bazılarının ise yok olmak subject, unless it engages the viewer's
üzere olduğu ne yazık ki doğrudur. mind and makes him think.
B) Şu bir gerçek ki insanoğlunun
sorumsuz davranışları bazı hayvan A) Konusu ne olursa olsun, bir filmin
türlerinin neslini tüketmiş, bazıları seyircinin zihnini meşgul edip onu
nın ise varlığını tehlikeye atmıştır. düşünmeye zorlaması gerektiğine
C) Günümüzde bazı hayvan türlerinin
B) Bir film, seyircinin zihnini meşgul
neslinin tükenmiş ya da tükenmek edip onu düşünmeye zorlamıyorsa,
üzere olmasından insanoğlunun konusu ne olursa olsun, seyretmeye
sorumlu olduğu bir gerçektir. değmez.
D) Bugün bazı hayvan türlerinin neslinin C) Konusu ne olursa olsun, seyircinin
tükenmiş ya da tükenmek üzere zihnini meşgul edip onu düşünmeye
zorlayan bir film her zaman için
olmasından tamamen insanoğlu
seyretmeye değer.
sorumludur. D) Bir filmin izlemeye değer olabilmesi
E) Đnsanoğlu, bugün bazı hayvan için seyircinin zihnini meşgul etmesi
türlerinin tamamen tüken miş ve onu düşündürmesi gerekir.
bazılarının ise tükenmek üzere E) Pek çok film, seyircinin zihnini meşgul
olmasından kendini sorumlu edip onu düşünmeye zorlayamadığı
için seyretmeye değmeyecek filmlerdir.

99. Our intelligence makes us superior to all 101-1101

the other creatures, but this shouldn't cümleye anlamca en yakın ingilizce
mean that we can use them ruthlessly for cümleyi bulunuz.
our own interest.
101. Yetiştirdiği ürün için hangi gübreyi ne
kadar kullanacağı konusunda çiftçi bir
A) Zekamız bizi diğer tüm yaratıklardan uzmana danışmalıdır.
üstün kılabilir, ama bundan, onlan
kendi çıkarlarımız için acımasızca A) A farmer should consult an expert
kullanabileceğimiz anlamı about how much and which type of
fertilizer to use for the crop he grows.
çıkarılmamalıdır. B) A farmer's decision about which type
B) Zekamız bizi diğer tüm canlılardan and how much fertilizer to use for his
üstün kılsa da, bu durum, onların crops is best done with the help of
kendi çıkarlarımız için acımasızca experts.
kullanılmasını gerektirmez. C) It is often necessary for a farmer to
seek the advice of an expert about
C) Bizi diğer tüm yaratıklardan üstün
how much and which type of fertilizer
kılan zekamızdır, ama bu, onları to use for his crop.
kendi çıkarlarımız için acımasızca D) Experts are consulted by farmers
kullanmamıza neden olmamalıdır. wishing to know how much and which
D) Zekamız bize diğer canlılar karşısında type of fertilizer to use for growing
their crops.
üstünlük sağlasa da, bundan, onların
E) Experts help farmers decide how
kendi çıkarlarımız için acımasızca much and which type of fertilizer to
kullanılabileceği anlamı çıkarılamaz. use for the best yield of their crop.
ELS Q Z6 7

102. Hangi parti iktidara gelirse gelsin, köklü 105. Ferdinand de Lesseps Fransız diplomatı
değişiklikler yapılmadığı sürece ülkedeki olarak 24 yd çalıştı, ama ona dünya
huzursuzluk devam edecektir. çapında ün kazandıran, Süveyş
Kanalı'nın inşasmdakl başarısı oldu.
A) None of the parties can eliminate the
unrest in the country if they don't A) In Ferdinand de Lesseps' 24-year-long
alter things radically. career as a French diplomat, the
B) It doesn't matter whether this or that project that brought him th e most
party comes to power, for none of fame worldwide was the successful
them can make radical changes. completion of the Suez Canal.
C) Whichever party comes to power, the B) After having worked as a French
unrest in the country will continue, diplomat for 24 years, Ferdinand de
unless radical changes are made. Lesseps built the Suez Canal, which
D) The party which will come to power earned him worldwide fame.
should make radical changes if their C) Ferdinand de Lesseps worked 24
aim is to stop the unrest in the years as a French diplomat, but it was
country. his success in building the Suez
E) The unrest in the country will persist Canal that earned him worldwide
as long as the party which comes to fame.
power makes only slight alterations, D) Although it was the building of the
instead of radical ones. Suez Canal that brought worldwide
fame to Ferdinand de Lesseps, this
103. Son getirilen düzenlemelerin yararlı olup was only one success in a 24-year-
olmayacağı konusunda kuşkularımız var. long diplomatic career in France.
E) Of all the projects Ferdinand de
A) We are not sure if the latest Lesseps completed in his 24-year-long
regulations will bring any benefits. diplomatic career in France, it was the
B) We have our doubts about whether Suez Canal that brought him the most
the recently implemented regulations fame.
will be beneficial or not.
C) They've recently implemented new 106. Đsveçli tenisçi Björn Borg'un nabzının
regulations, but we are doubtful of dakikada sadece 35 attığı biçimindeki
their benefits. yaygın olarak bilinen hikaye abartıdan
D) The recently-implemented regulations başka bir şey değildir.
have aroused doubts among us as to
whether they will be beneficial or not. A) Although it is true that the Swedish
E) For many of us, it's doubtful that the tennis player Björn Borg did have an
regulations implemented recently will extremely low pulse rate, the widely-
be of any benefit. circulated figure of 35 beats per
minute was an exaggeration.
104. Beni en çok şaşırtan, kendisine B) It was widely believed that the
yöneltilen o kadar hakaretten sonra bile Swedish tennis player Björn Borg's
gülümsemeye devam etmesiydi. pulse rate was only 35 beats per
minu te, b ut th is app ears to b e an
A) I was surprised that he managed to exaggeration.
keep smiling after such insulting C) The Swedish tennis player Björn Borg
remarks. admits that the widely-held belief that
B) I was so surprised to see him smiling his pulse rate was as low as 35 beats
despite so many insults. per minute was an exaggeration.
C) The fact that he just smiled after so D) The Swedish tennis player Björn
many insults had been directed at Borg's pulse rate was sometimes as
him was what surprised me most. low as 35 beats per minute and this is
D) What surprised me most was that he no exaggeration.
kept smiling even after so many E) The widely-known story that the
insults directed at him. Swedish tennis player Björn Borg's
E) It was really surprising that he did pulse rate was only 35 beats per
nothing but smile at the insulting minu te is no more than an
remarks uttered about him. exaggeration.

268 a ELS

107. Oraya ne zaman gittiğimizi tam olarak B) Natural resources have been, and still
hatırlamıyorum, ama oldukça uzun bir are, abused to such an extent that it
zaman önce olduğunu biliyorum. is essential to use them carefully from
now on.
A) Though I can't recall clearly when we
went there, I'm sure it has been quite C) The careful use of natural resources
a long time. will be important from now on, due to
B) I can't remember exactly when we the abuses of the past as well as
went there, but I know that it was those of the present.
quite a long time ago. D) From now on, at least, the past and
C) Because it was quite a long time ago present abuses of natural resources
that we went there, I can't recollect
will make their careful use essential.
the exact date.
D) I don't know for sure how long it has E) If natural resources are used carefully
been since we went there, but it was from now on, the abuses of the past
quite a long time ago. and the present can be compensated
E) Although it was such a long time ago for, at least, to a certain extent.
that we went there, I can tell you the
precise date. 110. Fernand Braudel eserlerinde, coğrafya,
iklim ve kültürün bir bölgenin siyasetini
108. Yaşınız ne olursa olsun, bir şekilde
düzenli egzersiz yapmaya başlamak için etkileyen temel gerçekler olduğunu net
asla geç kalmış değilsiniz. bir şekilde göstermiştir.

A) No matter how old you are, don't A) The fact that the politics of a region is
think that it is too late for you to start deeply affected by its geography,
taking regular exercise. climate and culture is strikingly
B) Whatever your age, it's never too late proved in Fernand Braudel's works.
for you to start taking some form of
B) Fernand Braudel's works successfully
regular exercise.
C) You can start taking regular exercise show that geography, climate and
at any time of life as it is never too culture influence the realities and
late. politics of a region significantly.
D) It's a mistake to think that you are C) In his works, Fernand Braudel vividly
too old to start taking some form of demonstrated that geography, climate
regular exercise. and culture are the underlying
E) If you are old and have never taken
any kind of regular exercise, don't realities that influence the politics of a
waste any more time starting one. region.
D) Fernand Braudel claimed in all his
109. Geçmişin ve hatta bugünün istismarları, works that geography, climate and
doğal kaynakların, en azından bundan culture are the fundamental realities
sonra, dikkatli kullanımını zorunlu that play the major role in shaping
kılmaktadır. the politics of a region.
E) Fernand Braudel's works have boldly
A) The abuses of the past, and even the
present, necessitate that natural demonstrated that the politics of a
resources be used carefully, at least region is closely connected to its
from now on. geography, climate and culture.

ELS Q 269

IV ------ .—

6. I know we .......our hotel rooms earlier,

1-25, sorularda, eüı yerlere uygun an but I didn't think there ...... so much
dûşeı demand for this resort.

1. The manager has just told me that he....... A) should have booked/would be
to be Interrupted today for anything B) mus t h a ve boo ked /had be en
unless It ...... absolutely necessary. C) were booking/has been
D) have booked/will have been
E) booked/is going to be
A) doesn't want/is
B) won't want/were 7. Sue asked me where I .......the dress that
C) hasn't wanted/was I....... at Peter's party the night before.
D) wouldn't want/had been
E) didn't want/has been A) bought/have worn
B) had bought/was wearing
2. We were told by the travel agent, who C) was buying/would be wearing
......very hopeful, that he ........ his best to D) have bought/am wearing
find tickets for us. E) had been buying/wore

A} hasn't sounded/was doing 8. Shortly before he heard he .......for the

B) didn't sound/would do position, he .......about his exceptional
C) wouldn't sound/will do talents.
D) doesn't sound/had been doing
E) hadn't sounded/does A) wouldn't be accepted/is boasting
B) hadn't been accepted/had been
3. I wouldn't advise you to apply for this job, C) hasn't been accepted/boast s
as It says here In the ad that applicants D) won't be accepted/has been boasting
..... at least two foreign languages E) wasn't accepted/will have boasted
9. The headmaster....... the parents of the
A) should be able to speak naughty student that he ....... him If his
B) ought to have been speaking conduct did not improve.
C) must have spoken
D) were supposed to speak A) warned/would expel
E) could be speaking B) was warned/were going to expel
C) was warning/were expelled
4. Sue said that she ....... me to the party D) will have warned/are expelled
with pleasure If she........a call from her E) had warned/have expelled
parents that night.
10. It was obvious that she ....... because
A) had accompanied/hadn't been expecting there.......tears In her eyes.
B) were to accompany /didn't expect
A) was crying/have been
C) would accompany/weren't expecting B) cried/would be
D) have accompanied/won't expect C) had been crying/were
E) might accompany/wouldn't be expecting D) would cry/had been
E) has been crying/are
5. I wonder how housewives........ with all
the housework before the machines we 11. It turned out that the house which I.......
have today.......... was for sale last week.......the week
A) had to cope/would have invented
B) should have coped/could invent A) think/was being sold
C) have been coping/had invented B) have thought/was sold
D) used to cope/were invented C) had been thinking/is sold
E) would have coped/have been invented D) was thinking/has been sold
E) thought/had been sold

ELS a 291

12. Tills book........that the Earth ......... by 18. The driver told the hitchhiker that he ........
aliens since ancient times. all the way to Birmingham, but that he
..... him as far as Manchester.
A) is claiming/was visited
B) claimed /has been visiting A) wouldn't go/will have taken
C) has claimed/was visited B) isn't going/has taken
D) had claimed/would be visited C) won't be going/might take
E) claims/has been visited D) hadn't gone/would take
E) wasn't going/could take
13. Please don't worry. I'm sure everybody
...... their opinion of you once the facts 19. Astronomers stated that if the comet that
hit Jupiter in July 1994 .......with the
Earth, It ....... life on the planet.
A) changed/have been known
B) will change/are known A) collides/is going to end
C) was ch ang ing /h ad k nown B) was colliding/had ended
D) is going to change/will have known C) could have collided/ended
E) would have changed/were known D) had collided/would have ended
E) might be colliding/will have ended
14. The officer said that everyone ....... for the
day, so they .......handle my enquiry until 20. Science fiction writers in the 1950s ........
the next day. that a permanent settlement on Mars
......a reality by the year 2000.
A) had finished/wouldn't be able to
B) was finished/hadn't been able to A) think/will become
C) has finished/weren't able to B) thought/would have become
D) is finishing/won't be able to C) have thought/is becoming
E) was finishing/aren't able to D) were thinking/becomes
E) h ad th o ug h t/h as b eco me
15. I ....... the deadline for this paper is
Friday, but there's no way I ....... it by 21. John was extremely nervous all day
then. yesterday because he ........his girlfriend's
father for the first time in the evening.
A) knew/have finished
B) have known/finished A) has been meeting
C) know/will have finished B) will have met
D) had known/would have finished C) was going to meet
E) will know/am going to finish D) should have met
E) will be meeting
16. He knew that he ........ a number of risks
by getting involved in this project, but he 22. Since David ........ his spelling before
......on going ahead anyway. handing in his homework, the teacher
said that the work ........again.
A) had b een taken /h ad insisted
B) was taking/insisted A) isn't checking/should be doing
C) is taking/insists B) won't have checked/may do
D) will take/is insisting C) didn't check/had to be done
E) takes/will have insisted D) hadn't checked/ought to have done
E) hasn't checked/will be done
17. Sebastian said that once he ........his
military service, his father........him a new 23. When I realized that my passport ......... I
car. ...... it to the local police immediately.

A) had completed/would buy A) was stealing/had reported

B) was completed/bought B) was being stolen/was reporting
C) is completed/buys C) is stolen/will be reporting
D) will complete/is buying D) has stolen/have reported
E) would complete/was buying E) had been stolen/reported

292 Q ELS

We were fortunate that we .......the 31. None of my family was eager to move
beautiful town before it ...... by the new h o u se ......... as we'd got so used to the
dam. neighbourhood.
A) had seen/has been flooded A) and I did too
B) saw/would be flooding B) and nor was I
C) could have seen/had flooded C) but 1 hadn't
D) were able to see/was flooded D) but 1 did
E) have seen/will be flooded E) and neither did 1

5. To be honest, I didn't quite understand 32. Meg: I hope it's not true that you've been
his plan, because he ....... it to me while I transferred to the London branch!
......on something else. Tim: .......I have already started packing
my things and am moving next
A) will explain/have concentrated weekend.
B) explained/was concentrating
C) was explaining/had concentrated A) It is, I'm afraid. B) So do 1.
D) has explained/would be concentrating C) 1 have too. D) Is it really?
E) is explaining/concentrated E) You too, don't you?

33. It appears more unlikely than ever that

26-65. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan the Israelis and Palestinians will reach an
yere uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz. ,4 agreement, ....... ?

26. She can't bear not to be included in A) don't they B) won't they
everything we do .........? C) will they D) doesn't it
E) does it
A) is she B) does she D) don't we
C) can't we E) can she 34. The managing director didn't attend the
charity ball that was sponsored by our
27. We won't have time to company..........
call my mother
and tell her we've arrived, ...... we? A) and neither was anyone
B) and no one was
A) do B) have D) haven't C) and so did everyone
Q will D) but someone else was
E) won't
E) but everyone else did
28. The meal we had at that restaurant was
not so expensive ........ ? 35. Jill: Is Jim picking you up this evening?
Meg: .............but he hasn't phoned to
confirm it yet.
A) hadn't we C) was it B) did we
E) wasn't it D) hadn't it A) So does he B) I'm afraid not D) He
C) Neither is he isn't, though
29. Everybody in the queue E) I hope so
was getting
impatient as the time for the film to start 36. George rarely fails to visit us when he
drew nearer ........., believing they wouldn't comes to London on business......... the
start it before everybody got in. last time he was here, due to his strict
A) and so did 1
B) but I wasn't A) and nor does he
C) but I don't think so B) and neither was he
D) and 1 wasn't either C) but he did
E) and I'm afraid not D) but he doesn't
E) and he did too
30. You are not going to buy Mum that fur
coat she wants for her birthday ......... ? I 37. You wouldn't mind if I borrowed your
would hate to see her in it! lecture notes to study for my exam, .......1
A) isn't she B) doesn't she A) did I B) would you
C) don't you D) does she C) wouldn't you D) didn't I
E) are you E) did you

38. Let's ask If George can go out with us. 45. Make sure you take the medicine exactly
as the doctor instructed, ........ ?

A) won't B) can we A) will you C) B) did he D)

he C) can't D) shall we didn't you don't you
he E) don't we E) does he

46. My husband would like to live on a small

39. Everybody seems to have enjoyed the farm in the country I like the
party, ........ It could have been organized hectic life of the city.
much better.
A) and so would I
A) and so have I B) and I wouldn't either
B) but I have C) but I don't
C) and nor do I D) but I wouldn't
D) and neither did I E) and 1 do too
E) but I didn't
47. I no longer believed him after he had
40. The book doesn't say whether these broken his promise twice, and ........
plants will flourish In indoor conditions,
anyone else in the class.

A) so had B) so did D) nor had

A) will it B) won't they D) does it C) nor was E) neither did
C) do they E) doesn't it
48. John: Will you continue
to work on the
41 Nobody Is going to get a day project when you get home?
off until this Daisy: .......although I would rather go
project has been completed........ ? straight to bed.

A) hasn't he C) isn't it B) has it A) I suppose so

E) haven't D) are they B) So do 1
they C) Of course I am
D) Neither will I
E) I will too
42. After they realized that they had been
cheated, she wouldn't even consider 49. hi general, I found their acting rather
shopping at that store again ........... poor. The woman playing the leading role
was not so bad ..........
A) and nor would her husband
B) an d so h ad h er h u sb an d A) either C) though B) also
C) but h er hu sb and d id E)but D) too
D) but h er hu sb and wou ldn 't
E) and h er hu sb and h ad n't either 50. Jenny: Has Julia got that job she applied
43. You never believed that she would recover Bill: .......I saw her still looking
her stolen jewellery, .......? through the Job ads in the paper
the other day.
A) would she B) wouldn't you A) So has she.
C) did you D) hadn't she B) Has she, really?
E) didn't you C) I don't think so.
D) I hope so.
44. I doubt that he'll have time to help you E) I'm afraid so.
and, I'm afraid.........
51. There wasn't anyone around when you
A) I do, too entered the office ......... ?
B) nor have I
C) so will I A) weren't they C) didn't B) did you
there D) were you
D) neither am I
E) l won't either E) was there

Z9 4 Q E LS

52. My daughter has been feeling rather 59. Pam: Do you think you'll get the Job?
unwell since we returned from America Sam: ........ although the interview went
last week, and ........ quite well. There were so many
better-qualified applicants.
A) neither have 1
B) so have I A) I suppose so ,
C) so was I B) Neither will 1 \, ' /,
D) I did too C) I'm afraid not
E) I didn't either D) I don't either
E) So do I
53. I was deeply offended when she didn't
invite me to her wedding, and...... was 60. Gary: I thought the play was absolute
my sister. rubbish.
A) so Linda: ......I thought it was rather good.
C) too B) either D) nor
E) also A) Did you really?
B) Nor did I.
54. We really appreciated being picked up C) Neither was I.
from the airport, but my wife was terrified D) So did I.
by the chauffeur's awful driving and, E) Wasn't it?
frankly .........
61. Catherine isn't going to the conference
A) she did, too after all ....... , so that leaves only you and
B) so was I me to represent the company there.
C) we weren't though
D) she wasn't either A) but you will too
E) I did too B) and we shan't either
C) but the manager is
55. My mother is very worried about the D) and neither is Mary
results of the tests my father had last E) and so am 1
week .........
62. Everybody seemed to be pleased with the
A) but he didn't
B) but he hadn't outcome of the meeting ...........
C) and so am I
D) and I had too A) and nor did I
E) but she didn't either B) I hadn't though
C) and so am I
56. Tony doesn't think it's a good idea to go D) but I wasn't
to the pool on Sunday, and ....... as I E) but I did
agree that it will be too crowded.
63. Jack: Will Kate be able to afford to
A) so will it B) so does he come to that restaurant with us?
C) neither do I D) we do too Mary: ......., although she did say that
E) I'm not either she'd received some unexpected
bills this month.
57. Reading the translated version of a book
is never as satisfying as reading it in its A) Neither will she
original language, .......? B) I don't expect so
C) So will she
A) don't they C) are B) didn't it D) Nor do I
they D) is it E) I hope so
E) aren't you
64. I can't believe that your father has quit
58. I see that you've changed your hairstyle smoking! He used to smoke quite a lot,
since I last saw you........?
A) have B) haven't you A) wasn't he B) hasn't he
you C) do D) don't you C) didn't he D) did he
you E) did you E) can he

ELS Q 295

65. Terry: I don't suppose you know what's 69. He forgot to say In his letter ..........
on television tonight, ....... ?
Sally: ......... I haven't even seen a paper A} what time his train would arrive
today. B) had there been an opportunity to set
up a meeting
A) don't you/I suppose so C) how was he getting on in his new
B) aren't you/I expect not position
C) isn't it/1 don't suppose so D) which wasn't at all like him
D) do you/I'm afraid not
E) when I confirm it with him by
E) is it/It appears so

70. Jeff really had a hard time when he was

asked ........

66. Shortly after the meeting, the accountant A) whether he is going to spend his next
told me confidentially.......... holiday on his own or with someone
B) why he has been carrying a knife with
A) who was he going to back during the him
next campaign C) coming home so late every night was
B) if any financial difficulties arose from not very normal for a boy of his age
the expansion D) that he might find it difficult to pay
C) which members of the board had such a high price
planned the chairman's downfall E) to prove his whereabouts on the night
D) how little did he trust the head of the of the murder
sales department
E) where was the money for the takeover 71. A reporter asked the union leader ..........
coming from
A) that he was hopeful of the outcome of
67. Rather than have another argument, I
told them ......... the meetings
B) where is he intending to meet for
A) what the point in continuing was if we negotiations
couldn't agree C) how long he expected the strike to last
B) whether they came round to my way D) who could he recommend to take over
of thinking or not the leadership
C) where would I be should they wish to E) the fact that he'd been involved in
apologize several infamous incidents
D) how could they convince me to change
my mind 72. Her first question when we meet will
E) that I would go along with any certainly be ..........
decision they made
A) which one would you rather do
68. The salesman convinced us .......... B) what I had been doing recently
C) how is my mother doing
A} that this model was the best for our D) why I looked so pale
needs and would be economical to
E) what my decision about her proposal is
r un
B) if we wanted a medium-sized family
car or a large one 73......... that his dog had been poisoned by a
C) why should we buy this particular merciless neighbour.
make instead of the one we initially
asked for A) My son inquired with tears in his eyes
D) whether we were looking for a four- B) I wanted to ask the little boy
door station wagon or a sports model C) The next time I met him, he told
E) how many miles we would get to one D) As long as I live, I will always wonder
gallon of petrol if we bought this car E) The child said in a sorrowful voice

296 Q ELS

74. The doctor assured me .......... 78. I can't even remember how many times
I've told him .........
A) what I did just after the accident to
A) how dangerous is it in that part of
stop bleeding town
B) that the cut was a minor one and B) if that sharp knife isn't handled with
therefore my anxiety was pointless extreme care
C) why I'm insisting on having an C) why shouldn't he interrupt his father
operation without trying during the day
D) how much work will he need to do to
chemotherapy get through the exams
D) whether I'll be able to bear the pain if E) not to leave the lights on when he
I refuse to take a strong painkiller goes out
E) if I'm strong enough to hear the
results of my tests 79. Before I could ask her opinion on the
play, she had already remarked ..........
75. Nobody could understand why, after all A) what 1 myself thought of it
the time and effort he'd spent on it .......... B) why I hadn't invited her there before
C) that it was wonderful to have had the
A) Richard decided to give up his opportunity to see it
D) whether 1 would take her to the play
Spanish course again
B) Martin would be furious to see that E) that she is very fond of the style of the
his roller skates had been damaged leading actor
C) Dave had made so much progress in
his studies 80. The teacher asked us ..........
D) the manager tore up all the drafts
A) to take our exam papers to her table
E) the new secretary still hasn't learnt when we've finished answering the
the principles of the fax machine questions
B) whether we would rather have the
76. When you phone the hotel, don't forget to exam on Monday or on Friday
ask them .......... C) not to make too much noise while she
is off talking to the principal
D) that she would never forgive the
A) how far is the beach from the hotel students cheating on the test
B) do they supply towels and sheets for E) which subjects we want her to revise
the guests before the exam
C) that we'd like to extend our stay there
for another week 81-90. sorularda, verilen cümleye LĐâÜ!
D) whether the room where we'll be anlamca en yateı olan seçeneği bulunuz, l
staying has a sea view
E) is it necessary to state an exact day 81. Though he said he would be in touch, he
for our departure has neither phoned nor sent me an e-
77. The boss wanted to speak to the entire A) From his promise, I'd have expected a
staff .......... phone call or an e-mail from him, but
I haven't got either.
A) how they like their jobs after the B) Both the phone and the e-mail have
been out of order, so he could not
recent arrangement contact me.
B) in order to map out some plans for C) He writes the most touching e-mail
the coming year messages I have ever read, though he
C) which he called a meeting especially never phones.
for the purpose D) Despite modern technology like the
telephone and e-mail, he prefers to
D) that he was not happy with their keep in touch by post.
recent performance E) Nothing in either his phone messages
E) until they have finished working for or his e-mails has really touched upon
the day the main point.

ELS Q 29

82. My mother has told me not to accept lifts D) As far as I know, he was never more
from strangers whatever the reason. courageous than when he was told
that he was terminally ill.
A) My mother criticizes me severely E) He had no choice but to be brave over
whenever I get a lift from someone I his unusually serious condition.
don't know.
B) I've been advised by my mother that I
must never get into a car driven by 86. He had said he was only coming for a
someone I don't know. short visit, but by the time he left, he had
C) According to my mother, there is no been staying for six months.
reason for me to ask people I don't
know for lifts. A) Although he'd informed us that his
D) My mother criticized me for getting visit would be short, he ended up
into cars with strangers.
E) Unless I have a good reason, my staying for half a year.
mother says I shouldn't drive B) In contrast to what he had told us
anywhere with a stranger. initially, he has been staying with us
for six months now.
83. "I'm afraid we haven't received the results C) He told us that he would not stay
of your tests yet," said the doctor to her long, but now it appears that his visit
patient. / might last as long as six months.
A) The doctor told her patient not to be D) We ended up enjoying his company so
frightened of receiving the results of much that we asked him to stay with
his tests. us for another six months.
B) The doctor said she was afraid of E) He's always saying he'll only stay a
receiving the results of her patient's short time, but the last time he visited
tests. us, he stayed for half a year.
C) The patient understood that the
doctor had some fears about getting
the results of his tests. 87. Just which one of the two witnesses is
D) The doctor apologized to her patient telling the truth about the situation is
about not yet having got the results of unclear.
his tests.
E) The doctor was sorry because the A) People believe that both of the two
delay in receiving his patient's test witnesses could, in fact, be lying.
results meant there was something to B) Both witnesses are telling the same
fear. account of the event, which, some
84. He wanted to know If there was anything believe, is not true.
he could do to help. C) It is likely that neither witness is
giving us a truthful account of the
A) He asked us what he should do to situation.
assist us. D) Of the two witnesses, it is uncertain
B) If there were any way in which he whose account of the event is
could aid us, we'd tell him. truthful.
C) He was wondering whether his E) It is hard to tell whether the two
assistance was needed at all.
D) He said he could have done something witnesses are telling the truth or
if he had known we needed help. lying.
E) He insisted on helping us whether we
required his assistance or not. 88. I remember Jane telling him about the
meeting, even though he says she didn't.
85. His response to being told he was
terminally 111 was the most courageous I A) He says that I didn't remember to tell
have ever seen.
Jane about the meeting, but I did.
A) He tried hard to appear brave as he B) I reminded Jane to tell him about the
replied to the doctors after being told meeting, even if he claims she didn't
he had a serious disease. do it.
B) I have never seen anyone react more C) I remember Jane, who told him about
bravely than him to being informed the meeting, but he says he doesn't.
that he would die because of his D) I can remind Jane to tell him about
C) The doctors told him to be brave the meeting as he says she won't
about his terminal illness and he E) He denies having been told about the
replied that he would try to do his meeting, but I recall hearing Jane tell
best. him about it.

298 Q ELS

89. We were told that we should not travel to 92. Showing the salesman the flaw in the
Iran, but I'm glad we didn't listen. china vase, I asked him to make a small
discount in the price.
A} We should have listened to the people
who told us not to go to Iran. A) Satıcıdan fiyatta biraz indirim
B) We are happy to have gone to Iran yapmasını isterken, porselen vazodaki
despite being advised against it. defoyu da gösterdim.
C) If only we had done as we were B) Fiyatta biraz indirim yapmasını talep
advised and not gone to Iran. etmek için, satıcıya porselen vazodaki
D) We should not have minded the defoyu gösterdim.
advice of those who told us not to C) Porselen vazodaki defoya dikkatini
travel to Iran. çekerek, satıcıya fiyatta indirim yapıp
E) We just ignored the people who yapmayacağını sordum.
advised us against travelling to Iran. D) Satıcıya porselen vazodaki defoyu
göstererek, fiyatta biraz indirim
90. I'd suggest that we avoid telling any scary yapmasını istedim.
stories with Janet around, since she's a E) Satıcıya porselen vazonun defosunu
bit unstable and could get hysterical. gösterip, fiyatta ne kadar indirim
yapabileceğini sordum.
A) Janet is somewhat mentally
unbalanced and might easily become
uncontrollably emotional, so let's not 93. The doctor told me that the first sign of
tell frightening stories in her presence. the disease would be a slight feeling of
B) Janet h as trouble keeping her faintness.
emotions under control, especially
when she is told frightening stories. A) Doktor bana, bu hastalığın en yaygın
C) Since Janet is somewhat unbalanced, belirtisinin ani bayılmalar olduğunu
the only way to make her laugh is by söyledi.
telling stories, but we should avoid B) Doktor, bu hastalığın zaman zaman
scary ones as they might cause her to bayılmalara neden olabileceğini
panic. söyledi.
D) Janet's story is so frightening that I C) Doktor bana, hastalığın ilk belirtisinin
don't think we should tell it to anyone hafif bir baygınlık hissi olacağını
who could easily get hysterical. söyledi.
E) It is no fun to tell frightening stories D) Doktorun dediğine göre bu hastalık
to Janet, who is not very stable insanda hafif bir baygınlık hissi
mentally, because she only laughs yaratabilirmiş.
instead of getting scared. E) Doktor, bendeki hafif baygınlık
hissinin henüz teşhis edemediği bir
hastalıktan kaynaklandığını söyledi.
cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe 94. By not answering the journalist's
cümleyi bulunuz. question, the chairman implicitly
91. The manag er asked me to phone the
admitted to the accusations.
wholesaler and find out why the delivery
had been delayed. A) Gazetecinin sorularını yanıtlamaktan
kaçındığına göre, başkan bir anlamda
A) Müdür, teslimatın gecikmesiyle ilgili suçlamaları kabul etmiş sayılır.
olarak toptancıya telefon edip B) Gazetecinin sorularını yanıtlamaktan
etmediğimi sordu. şiddetle kaçınan başkan suçlamaları
B) Müdür, teslimat gecikince neden üstü kapalı reddetti.
toptancıya telefon etmediğimi sordu. C) Başkan, gazetecinin suçlamalara
C) Müdür, toptancıya telefon etmemi ve ilişkin yönelttiği sorularını
teslimatın ne zaman yapılacağını yanıtlamaktan şiddetle kaçındı.
sormamı istedi. D) Suçlamalara cevap vermeyeceğini ileri
D) Müdür, toptancıya telefon edip süren başkan, böylece gazetecinin
teslimatın neden geciktiğini sorularını da reddetmiş oldu.
öğrenmemi istedi. E) Gazetecinin sorusuna yanıt
E) Müdür, toptancıya telefon ettikten vermeyerek başkan, suçlamaları
sonra bana, teslimatın gecikeceğini dolaylı olarak kabul etmiş oldu.

ELS Q 299

95. Despite so much research, precisely to 98. It's wondered in business circles how
what extent emotions are produced by much longer both companies will be able
the brain is still unknown. to bear this keen competition.
A) Bunca araştırmaya rağmen, A) Şimdi iş dünyasında merak edilen,
duyguların tam olarak ne dereceye her iki şirketin de bu keskin rekabeti
kadar beyin tarafından üretildiği hala sürdürüp sürdürmeyeceğidir.
bilinmiyor. B) Đş dünyasındaki bu kıyasıya rekabete,
B) Birçok araştırma, duyguların ne bu iki şirketin dayanıp
kadarının beyin tarafından üretildiğini dayanamayacağı merak konusu.
gösteren kesin sonuçlar vermemiştir.
C) Yapılan tüm araştırmalar, duyguların C) Bu keskin rekabete her iki şirketin de
büyük ölçüde beyin tarafından daha ne kadar dayanacağı iş
üretildiğini kesin olarak söylemeye çevrelerinde merak ediliyor.
yetmiyor. D) Đş çevrelerinde herkes, iki şirket
D) Duyguların ne kadarını beynin ürettiği arasındaki bu kıyasıya rekabetten
konusunda yapılan araştırmaların hangisinin galip çıkacağını merak
hiçbiri henüz kesin bir sonuca ediyor.
ulaştırılamamıştır. E) Đki şirket arasındaki keskin rekabetin
E) Duyguların beyin tarafından üretilip sonucunu, tüm iş dünyası merakla
üretilmediğini anlamak için pek çok bekliyor.
araştırma yapılmıştır, ama sonuç hala
kesin değildiı. 99. Did you yourself ask to be assigned
temporarily to the sales department, or
96. Doctors point out that the increase in did the management decide it?
respiratory diseases is directly related to
air pollution. A) Yönetimin seni neden satış bölümüne
atamaya karar verdiğini biliyor
A) Doktorlar, hava kirliliğinin artmasıyla mus un ?
birlikte, solunum yolu hastalıklarında
da artış olduğunu belirtiyorlar. B) Yönetimin seni geçici olarak satış
B) Doktorlar, solunum yolu bölümüne atayacağını biliyor muydun?
hastalıklarmdaki artışın hava kirliliği C) Geçici olarak satış bölümüne atanma
ile doğrudan bağlantılı olduğuna talebini yönetime bildirdin mi?
dikkati çekmektedirler. D) Geçici olarak satış bölümüne
C) Doktorların özellikle dikkat çektikleri atanmayı sen kendin mi istedin,
nokta, solunum yolu hastalıklarmdaki yoksa yönetim mi karar verdi?
artışla hava kirliliği arasında çok E) Satış bölümünde geçici olarak
yakın bir bağlantı olmasıdır. çalışmak senin kararın mı, yoksa
D) Doktorlara göre, solunum yolu yönetimin mi?
hastalıklarının artmasındaki en
önemli etken hava kirliliğidir. 100. All the workers were disappointed to be
E) Doktorlar, solunum yolu told that there would be no pay-rise
hastalıklarmdaki artışı hava kirliliğine during the next six months.
A) Altı aydır ücret artışını bekleyen
97. I inquired if anyone had objected to the işçiler zam yapılmayacağını öğrenince
idea of combining the two companies. çok öfkelendi.
A) Đki şirketin birleştirilmesi fikrine B) Bütün işçiler, maaşlarına zam
kimler karşı çıkmıştı acaba? yapılmazsa en fazla altı ay
B) Đki şirketin birleştirilmesi düşünce çalışabileceklerini söylediler.
sine kimlerin karşı çıktığı konusun C) Bütün işçiler, öfke içinde, altı aydır
da bir soruşturma yaptım. ücretlerinde hiçbir artış olmadığını
C) Her iki şirkette de, birleşme fikrine söylediler.
karşı çıkanların olduğunu öğrendim. D) Altı ayda bir maaşlarına zam
D) Kimse itiraz etmeseydi, iki şirketin yapılacağı söylenen işçiler, hayal
birleştirilmesi düşüncesi gerçekle kırıklığı içinde, verilen sözün
şirdi sanırım. tutulmadığını gördüler.
E) Đki şirketin birleştirilmesi fikrine E) Altı ay boyunca ücret artışı
kimsenin karşı çıkıp çıkmadığını olmayacağı söylenince, bütün işçiler
sordum. hayal kırıklığına uğradı.


101-110. sorularda» , cümleye 104. Polis, yakalanan kişilerin soygunu
anlamca en vâfcm tnjfflizee cümleyi bı< bireysel amaçlarla değil, daha büyük bir
çete adına yapüklanndan kuşkulanıyor.
101. Geçen hafta gönderdiğini söylediği
mektubu hala almadık. A) Although the police have arrested one
man who committed the robbery, they
A) She asked if we had received the letter have not caught the other suspects,
she had sent the previous week.
who are from a large gang.
B) We still haven't received the letter she
said she mailed last week. B) The police have arrested one
C) She says she posted the letter last individual in connection with the
week, but we still haven't got it. robbery, but they believe he is a
D) We should by now have received the member of a larger gang.
letter which she said she had mailed C) The individuals that the police have
last week. arrested committed the robbery on the
E) Last week, we got the letter she had instructions of a larger gang.
sent the previous week. D) The police suspect that the men
arrested did not commit the robbery
102. Müfettiş tanıktan çevreye iyice for themselves but in the name of a
bakmasını ve ne gibi değişikliklerin larger gang.
yapılmış olduğunu söylemesini istedi. E) The police are suspicious that the
men they arrested for carrying out the
A) The inspector asked the witness to
robbery were working for a large
have a good look round and say what
changes had been made. criminal gang.
B) The inspector wanted to take the
witness to the spot in order to learn of 105. Bilimin henüz tam olarak açıklayamadığı
the ch anges th at had b een made. birçok konu olduğunu kabul ediyorum,
C) The witness looked round thoroughly ama bunları doğa üstü güçlerle
and talked to the inspector about the açıklamaya çalışmak doğru değil.
changes she noticed.
D) The witness was asked to investigate A) Admittedly, there are many points
the area thoroughly and inform the which science does not fully explain,
inspector of whatever changes had so you are justified in trying to
taken place. explain them as the result of
E) Upon having a good look round, the supernatural powers.
witness explained to the inspector
B) Just because science has not fully
what she observed had changed.
explained everything doesn't mean
103. Kendisinin gelemeyeceğini ama bize that it is correct to assume
yardım etmesi için birini göndereceğini supernatural powers are responsible
söyledi. for some phenomena.
C) It is admitted that there are many
A) When he had no time to help us, he points which science cannot
sent someone else in his place. satisfactorily explain, but it doesn't
B) He could have sent someone to help follow that explanations of these
us even if he himself wasn't able to which involve supernatural powers
come. are correct.
C) He told me that he'd arrange for D) I admit that the phenomena which
someone to help us as he himself science cannot yet fully explain are
wouldn't be able to come. probably correctly assumed to have
D) He said he wouldn't be able to come supernatural causes.
himself but would send someone to E) I admit that there are many points
help us.
E) He asked if he could send someone to which science cannot yet fully explain,
help us because he himself wouldn't but it is not right to try to explain
have time. them as the result of supernatural

ELS Q 301

106. Gruptan bazdan sinemaya gitmeye pek E) They received some complaints from
istekli olmadıklarını söyleyince, ben de people sitting at the back about not
hep birlikte canlı müzik olan bir yere being able to hear the speaker very
yemeğe gitmeyi teklif ettim. well.
A) When some of the group said they 109. Sigaranın zararlarını inceleyen ortope
were not very keen on going to the distler, yol açtığı diğer hastalıkların yanı
cinema, I suggested that we go for a sıra, sigaranın, kınlan kemiklerin iyileş
meal together at a place with live mesini de yavaşlattığını söylüyorlar.
B) Because some of the group were A) Orthopedists say that, in addition to
against going to the cinema, I the many other illnesses caused by
proposed that we go out for a meal at cigarettes, one hazard of smoking is
a restaurant where there was live the slow healing of broken bones.
music. B) Orthopedists studying the hazards of
C) I was very keen to go to the cinema, cigarettes say that, besides the other
but some of the group weren't, so we illnesses it leads to, smoking also
ended up going out for a meal at a slows the healing of broken bones.
place with live music. C) According to orthopedists studying
D) Some of the group said that they were the hazards of cigarettes, smoking
not interested in going to the cinema, leads to several illnesses, and it also
so in the end, we decided to go for a slows the healing of broken bones.
meal at a place offering live music. D) Researchers studying the hazards of
E) My suggestion to go to the cinema cigarettes from the standpoint of
together did not receive much interest orthopedics claim that smoking leads
from some of the group as they to several ilnesses, including the slow
wanted to go for a meal somewhere healing of broken bones.
with live music. E) Orthopedists studied the hazards of
cigarettes and found that smoking
107. "Gördüğünüzü mü resmediyorsunuz?" leads to many illnesses besides just
sorusuna Picasso, "Orada olduğunu the slow healing of broken bones.
bildiğim şeyin resmini yapıyorum,"
yanıtını vermiştir. 110. Albert Camus 1957'de Nobel Edebiyat
Ödülü'nü alınca, tipik alçakgönüllülüğüyle,
A) Although he never painted what he "Ödülü veren komitede olsaydım, oyumu
saw, in his words, Picasso said "I Andre Malraux'ya verirdim," demiştir.
paint what I imagine is there."
B) When questioned as to why he didn't A) When Albert Camus received the
paint what he saw, Picasso replied, "I Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957, he
paint what I know is there." said, with characteristic modesty,
C) To the question, "Do you paint what "Had I been in the awarding
you see?" Picasso replied, "I paint the committee, I would have voted for
thing that I know is there." Andre Malraux."
D) When Picasso was asked, "What do B) Albert Camus, who received the Nobel
you paint?" he explained, "I paint the Prize for Literature in 1957, remarked
thing that I imagine is there." afterwards, with characteristic
E) "I paint whatever is there," replied modesty, "Had I been in the awarding
Picasso to a question about whether committee, I would have selected
he painted what he saw. Andre Malraux."
C) "Had I been in the awarding
108. Arka sıralarda oturan izleyiciler, committee, I would have voted for
konuşmacıyı tam olarak duyamamaktan Andre Malraux," was what Albert
yakındılar. Camus said modestly, a trait which
was typical of him, when he received
A) The complaint of the viewers sitting at the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957.
the back was that they couldn't hear D) Modesty was a typical characteristic of
the speaker at all. Albert Camus, who said, when he was
B) Everyone except those in the back awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature
rows could hear the speaker perfectly in 1957, "Had I been in the awarding
well. committee, I would have voted for
C) The viewers sitting in the back rows Andre Malraux."
complained that they couldn't hear E) Albert Camus was so modest that
the speaker properly. when he received the Nobel Prize for
D) Some people were sitting in the back Literature in 1957, he said, "Had I
row, so they complained about not been in the awarding committee, I
being able to hear the speaker well. would have voted for Andre Malraux."

302 Q ELS

7. Dad, will you come ....... me ......... in the
school play tomorrow evening?

A) watch/having performed
l ........... an English newspaper every day Is a B) to be watching/to perform
sure way........your knowledge of the C) to watch/perform
language. D) watching/to be performing
E) watched/performing
A) Having read/to have improved
B) To read/improve
C) Read/improving 8. I wonder how she always manages ........
D) To be reading/have improved her furniture so thoroughly ........
E) Reading/to improve
A) keeping/dusting
2. Only ....... hardworking and determined B) to b e k ep t/d u st
can one hope ....... In the world of C) to k eep /du sted
business. D) to be keeping/to dust
E) keep /h av in g d usted
A) for being/succeeded
B) having been/succeeding
C) to have been/to have succeeded 9. The speech the Chairman made didn't
D) by being/to succeed help ...... the angry members.
E) on being/to be succeeding
A) soothe
3. The missing boy was last seen ......onto a B) soothing
bus In the city centre, but no one recalls C) to have soothed
..... him after that. D) having soothed
E) to be soothing
A) having got/to see
B) get/seeing
10. Although he doesn't particularly like It,
C) to be getting/see
D) getting/seeing my brother doesn't mind ........ the table
E) to get/to see for dinner, but he really
up afterwards.
4. After the bank robbery, the criminals
couldn't risk.......their hideout as they A) lay/to have cleaned
were worried about people.......them. B) laying/cleaning
C) to lay/having cleaned
A) to have left/recognize D) being laid/to clean
B) leaving/recognizing E) to have laid/cleaned
C) having left/to be recognizing
D) leave/recognize 11. I don't know how we'll cope today. The
E) to leave /to recognize
secretary is 111 and there Is a huge pile of
5. As we hadn't seen each other for ages, we reports........ and no one ......... them.
spent the first hour together ........ up o n
the latest gossip. A) to type/do
B) to be typed/to do
A) catching B) catch C) typing/doing
C) having caught D) to catch D) being typed/having done
E) to have caught E) having typed/to have done
6. In dental care, it is important ........ aware 12. I knew without ........ that things hadn't
of any decay as early as possible. gone according to plan.
A) having become B) becoming A) having told C) being B) to tell
C) to become D) become D) tell
E) have become told
E) to be told

348 Q ELS

13. She doesn't appreciate 20. WeVe arranged for a car ...... you up from
make sure you get there on time. the airport and ....... you to your hotel.
A) keeping/to wait A) to be picking/taken
B) to keep/to be waiting B) picking/having taken
C) to have kept/having waited C) being picked/take
D) being kept/waiting D) to pick/take
E) to be keeping/waited E) having picked/to take
14. I left him ....... at the train station as I 21. As the coach journey had taken so long,
didn't have time .......with him. all the passengers were beginning .......
irritable and bored.
A) stand/to be waiting
B) stood/waiting A) to feel
C) having stood/wait C) feeling B) be feeling D) having felt
E) to have felt
D) to stand/waited
E) standing/to wait
22. The old man was astonished ....... himself
15. That author, though not one of the top accused....... the horse.
sellers, Is generally acknowledged .......
one of the best-crafted books this decade. A) for finding/to kidnap
B) finding/to have kidnapped
A) to have written B) wrote C) to find/of kidnapping
C) writing D) to write D) in finding/to kidnapping
E) having written E) of finding/kidnapping
16. She watched the accountant ...... the 23. As I didn't want ......obliged to speak to
money and then made him .......It In the
safe while she was still there. him, I avoided ...... him at the conference.
A) counting/to lock A) being/to meet
B) to have counted/locking B) to have been/meet
C) cou nt/lo ck C) be/having met
D) counted/to be locked D) having been/to have met
E) to count/locked E) to be/meeting
17. I was vaguely aware of .......a noise 24. I'd advise you ....... your jewellery ........ in
during the night, but I was too sleepy your room until the party Is over.
......anything about It.
A) keeping/to lock
A) hear/do in g B) to have kept/locking
B) having heard/have done
C) heard/to be doing C) having kept/having locked
D) to h ear/do D) to keep/locked
E) hearing/to do E) on keeping/being locked

18. There are many books 25. Yesterday I went to the head office .......
how...... magic tricks. my work permit .........

A) to teach/to perform A) to have got/confirm

B) teaching/performing B) getting/to confirm
C) teach/to have performed C) having got/confirming
D) taught/to be performed D) to get/confirmed
E) to be teaching/performed E) get/having confirmed
19. I can't wait ...... out whether my parents 26. Our generation Is fortunate ....... born In
have agreed to my...... away with my an age neither too materialistic nor too
friends this summer. romantic.
A) finding/go A) to have been C) to B) being
B) to have found/to go being D) to be
C) being found/to be going E)be
D) find/having gone
E) to find/going

ELS a 349

27. I was Just beginning...... about my 33. I saw him ...... your diary out of your
daughter when she phoned...... me her drawer, but I don't know what he did with
whereabouts. it afterwards.
A) to worry/to tell A) has taken B) taking
B) worrying/telling C) being taken D) to take
C) worried/to have told E) to have taken
D) having worried/told
E) for worrying/having told 34. Had he stopped for one minute ....... at
the situation properly, he would have
28. It was very thoughtless of him not....... realized that we were very close....... a
you a lift home at such a late hour at workable solution.
A) to look/to finding
A) offering B) to offer B) to have looked/finding
C) having offered D) to be offering C) to be looking/to have found
E) to be offered D) looking/to find
E) having looked/having found
29. Don't try to dissuade me ....... overseas for
a few years, as I'm determined....... 35. With all those young hooligans ....... fights
different cultures for myself. on the terraces, I'd much prefer .......a
football match on TV at home.
A) upon going/to seeing
B) not to go/seeing A) start/having watched
C) for not going/for seeing B) starting/to watch
D) from going/to see C) started/watching
E) having gone/to have seen D) having started/watch
E) to start/watched
30. Let's concentrate .......a solution Instead
of Just....... each other for what
happened. 36. Winter is drawing near and we still
haven't had our roof.........We urgently
A) to find/to blame need to find someone ...... It for us.
B) finding/to be blaming
C) to have found/having blamed A) to repair/doing
D) to be found/being blamed B) repairing/having done '* _v '
E) on finding/blaming C) repair/to have done
D) repaired/to do
31. I know you'd rather....... the weekend E) be repaired/to be doing
with your friends, but this weekend you
should stay at home...... your 37. One of the biggest worries of our time is
grandparents. how ....... the earth's resources ..........

A) spending/pleased A) making/lasting :
B) to have spent/pleasing B) make/to last
C) spend/to please C) to make/last
D) to spend/having pleased D) to have made/lasted
E) spent/to be pleased E) having made/to last

32. The wedding ceremony of the two TV 38. We that, due to the
celebrities Is estimated.......around two current economic crisis, the company has
million US dollars, which I find rather no option but .......some of the staff
difficult......... redundant.
A) to cost/in believing A) to inform/to make
B) cost/to have believed B) to be informed/making
C) costing/having believed ; C) to have informed/to be made
D) having cost/believing D) informing/having made
E) to have cost/to believe E) being informed/make

r ı ELS

39. The minute I got home, I regretted....... 45. Although my lawyer has promised ......
this shirt as It didn't go with anything I with the case diligently, I still can't help
already had. ..... what the outcome will be.
B) buy
A) to buy A) having dealt/wonder
D) to be buying B) dealing/having wondered
C) have bought
E) buying C) for dealing/to wonder
D) to deal/wondering
40. Whereas modern explorers have all kinds E) to be dealing/to have wondered
of technical equipment .......them on their
journeys, early ones didn't even have any 46. I don't like....... late at night, so please
maps.......them the way. refrain from ...... me after eleven o'clock.

A) to have helped/showing A) having disturbed/being called

B) helping/to have shown B) to have disturbed/to have called
C) to help/to show C) being disturbed/calling
D) help/show D) to disturb/having called
E) helped/showed E) disturbing/to call

41. You won't regret ...... this car, for it's 47 statistically much safer than most
both economical and a pleasure ......... other forms of transport, but this fact
doesn't stop many people.......nervous
A) buy/to be driving
about it.
B) to buy/being driven A) To fly/feel
C) having bought/driving
B) To have flown/being felt
D) to have bought/drive
C) Having flown/to feel
E) buying/to drive
D) Flying/feeling
E) Being flown/to have felt
42. Although only a few of the staff were
suspected....... the accounts, others were 48. I clearly remember ...... the clock last
arrested ...... their colleagues to cover the night, so I have no idea why the alarm
A) in falsifying/to help A) setting/to go
B) of falsifying/for helping B) having set/going
C) for falsifying/in helping C) set/be going
D) to be falsifying/of helping D) to have set/go
E) to falsify/to be helping E) to set/to go
43. I would much rather .......about the 49. Isn't that Jack's mother the
situation than ...... in the dark, as I was. restaurant across the street? I'd like ......
A) have been told/kept
B) told/kept A) to sit/greeting
C) telling/keeping B) sitting/to greet
D) to tell/to keep C) sat/having greeted
E) be told/keep D) having sat/greet
E) sits/to have greeted
44. We are extremely grateful to the doctors
...... so promptly when my son was 50. The Inuit, a people of Mongoloid origin,
suddenly taken seriously ill. are believed ...... in the Arctic since their
first migration from Asia at least 10,000
A) with having acted years ago.
B) to acting
C) to be acting A) to have been living B) living
D) for having acted C) to live D) have lived
E) with acting E) having lived

ELS Q 351

51. The suspect denies ....... Into the house, 57. Would you dare ....... out If you heard
but there is quite enough convincing someone In the street ....... for help at
evidence ....... him guilty. night?

A) to break/proving A) going/to call

B) b reak /p ro v en B) to go/called
C) being broken/prove C) gone/to be calling
D) breaking/to prove D) go/calling
E) having gone/call
E) broken/having proven
58. British people, who are accustomed .......
52. "Stop ........ your sister and apologize to on the left side of the road, must find it
h er ........her notebook," shouted the difficult .......on the right In our country.
mother at her son.
A) driving/to be driving
A} to tease/to have torn B) to drive/drive
B) teasing/for tearing C) to driving/to drive
C) being teased/tearing D) having driven/driving
D) having teased/about tearing E) driven/to have driven
E) tease/having torn
59 ........ that h er mother wouldn't mind .........
53. His modesty prevents him .......about his them up, Jenny bought the trousers even
though they were too long.
great achievements.
A) Known/to take
A) to be speaking B) Having known/take
B) to have spoken C) Knowing/taking
C) from speaking D) Knew/having taken
D) spoken E) To know/to have taken
E) speaking
60. Haiti was the first nation In modern
54. We went to the reception without ........ , history ....... slavery.
and so they didn't even let us ........the
hall. A) abolishing C) B) abolish
abolished D) to abolish
A) inviting/to enter E) being
B) to invite/entering abolished
C) having invited/having entered
D) invited/entered 61. Space photography permits large areas of
the Earth's surface a glance.
E) being invited/enter
A) having seen B) to be seen
55. His ambition is........the head of a multi C) seeing D) to see
national company, and I'm sure he'll do E) to have seen
whatever is needed .it.
62. Judy did not exactly dislike dormitory
A) becoming/having achieved life, but she missed ...... with her mother
B) to have become/achieving as she was used ...... In the evenings.
C) become/achieve
D) having become/to have achieved A) chatting/to doing
E) to become/to achieve B) ch at/to h ave do n e
C) chatted/to be doing
56. I was furious when I saw rainwater ......... D) to ch at/to do
from the celling, because we'd Just had E) to be chatting/having done
the roof...... .
A) dripped/to be repaired
63. Nutritionists advise dieters never
diet ......meals.
B) dripping/repaired
C) drip/having repaired A) try/for skipping
D) to drip/to repair B) to be trying/skip
E) having dripped/repairing C) to try/by skipping
D) having tried/skipped
E) tried/without skipping

352 Q ELS

64. Before ....... for a visa, you have to get 69. People used to come to this temple from
your passport.......... far and near .........

A) apply/to extend A) t^. listen to the wise words of the holy

B) applying/extended man
C) to apply/extend B) because they have seen so many
D) having applied/extending advertisements
E) applied/having extended C) believing that they will be able to
learn something new
65. He doesn't hold a particularly high D) so that they can hear what the
position In the company, but he seems speaker says
...... extremely Influential when It comes E) providing there are enough spaces for
to........decisions. parking

A) having been/having made 70. My grandmother always wants us .........

B) being/being made
C) be/be making A) not to make any noise while she was
D) to be/making taking her afternoon nap
E) to have been/make B) to speak a little more loudly because
she is a little deaf
C) that we should add very little salt to
66-80. sorularda, verilen cümleyi u^ foods due to her hypertension
şekilde tamamlayan Đfadeyi bolunu. D) if we could turn the volume of the
television up a little more
E) whether we could do her shopping
66........ by lowering the risk of heart attack while we were doing ours
and some types of cancer.
71. During the film, he couldn't help .........
A) Eating a lot of fresh fruit and A) to be confident about how the money
vegetables can improve a person's is spent
health B) that his dog barked continually last
B) Becoming a vegetarian is one of the night when he got frightened by the
most healthy things a person can do fireworks
C) There is now a healthy trend toward C) eat cucumb er and to mato at breakfast
eating more fresh fruit and vegetables time but soon got used to it
D) Too much red meat and fatty food is D) thinking that he should be revising for
not good for you his final examinations
E) As you get older, you should watch E) listening to classical music to
your diet and consume less red meat watching the soap operas on TV
67. She wishes her father had lived long 72. I thought It would be Interesting ..........
enough ..........
A) where the pygmies live in Central
A) and she has been feeling terribly Africa
lonely ever since B) how far it is to the nearest star
B) despite the illness he has been C) to do some research about Central
suffering from for the last two years Africa
C) than her uncle, who caused her lots D) such a high attendance at the
of problems in the company conference
D) that he would be proud of his E) who will win the championship this
daughter's achievements year
E) to see that she had managed to save
the company from going bankrupt 73. Do you think he'd mind ........?
68. I can't believe that you'd rather .......... A) not to be included in the committee
that will investigate the embezzlement
A) I must help you when I have so much B) not being offered to take charge of the
to do of my own office while I'm away
B) working in the office at the moment C) whether we're making alterations to
than lying here on the beach
C) to reject such a good offer by one of the building without first asking his
the biggest companies in the country opinion
D) that you can live on your own away D) why didn't we tell him the secrets of
from all of your family the project
E) I wasn't doing voluntary work for the E) for not having been invited to the
local charity club family reunion

ELS Q 353

74. If you see him this evening, will you 78. All of us wondered ..........
please advise him .......?
A) whether I have been told about the
A) that he shouldn't take too long to get scandal involving the family or not
his application in B) to know if the family had overcome all
B) why he hadn't bothered to let us know the difficulties there
in advance C) that is because of the problems he is
C) where is the best place to go for a having at his current school
camping holiday D) why the whole family had suddenly
D) how much will he spend on the moved to Canada without saying
beverages anything
E) trying to do whatever he can to ensure E) the fact that his son actually managed
his interview is successful to become a doctor

75 .........without reducing the amount of 79. Don't forget..........

sugar and fat in your diet.
A) putting these books back in their
A) Do not increase the risk of your usual place after you've used them
developing heart disease B) where are they going to meet for the
B) The consequences of this illness are picnic
not so serious C) so that your boss will give you a
C) A healthy diet is one which includes a significant rise in pay
wide range of nutrients in it D) that he really wasn't so strict with you
D) As a qualified doctor, you should take before
E) what excuse will you tell your mother
my advice seriously
for being late
E) You can't expect to get any slimmer
80. The fog was too thick ..........
76. The sales manager always requires us
A) than I would dare to continue driving
B) that many drivers had to draw their
A) if you could add up all the cheques cars to the side and wait
and enter them into the bank book C) the faster he drove around the bends
B) because we have to check that the of the winding road
signature on the cheque matches the D) as the radio broadcasts the weather
one on the bank card report at certain intervals
C) whether he had enough money in the E) for the driver to see the road ahead
bank to cover the cheque very clearly
D) that you should keep your cheque
book and your bank card together
E) to write our initials on the back of a 81-90. sorularda, vertlm cümleye
customer's cheque once we have anlamca e» yalan olar» seçeneği bulunuz.
checked it
81. Not even a downpour would have
77. Motor vehicles ought to be serviced prevented them from going on their hike.
regularly ..........
A) It wasn't even pouring down when
A) but they cannot work properly they postponed their hike.
otherwise B) They didn't even attempt to go hiking
B) to ensure the best performance for as when it started to rain.
long as possible C) They wouldn't have cancelled their
C) as new models come onto the market hike even if it had rained heavily.
every day D) They would have been prevented from
D) because it gradually destroys the going on their hike even if it hadn't
bodywork poured down.
E) when they ran out of petrol on a E) It was only the torrential rain that
deserted road stopped them from going hiking.

354 Q ELS

82. The haircut, combined with her new style D) None of his work colleagues could
of clothing, made her look years younger. understand the actual reason for his
A) After having her hair cut, she started E) ne surprised all of his work
to wear stylish clothes. colleagues by taking so long to resign.
B) She looked well below her age after
the change in both her hair and the 86. Apart from being conveniently located
way she dressed. near the beach, that hotel has nothing
C) Had she insisted on wearing the same about it to make me recommend it to
clothes, she would not seem so young you.
D) Even though her clothes were modern, A) The hotel I've recommended to you is
she had an old-fashioned hair style very comfortable as it is near the
until recently. beach.
E) The haircut she had when she was B) As regards a hotel, nothing is more
younger was reflected in her dress. important for me than its being close
to the beach.
83. Arguing with the boss has considerably C) The beach near that hotel doesn't
reduced his chances of promotion. have anything special that I can
recommend to you.
A) The likelihood of his being promoted D) The only feature of that hotel that I
has significantly decreased because of
can recommend to you is that it's
his arguments with the boss.
close to the beach.
B) Despite his argumentative nature, the
boss is considering promoting him. E) The hotel is in a convenient location,
C) His promotion was certain until he with a beach very close to it.
had a dispute with the boss.
D) He argued with the boss about why he 87. For reasons of hygiene, it's forbidden to
wasn't considered for promotion. try on the earrings in the jewellery
E) He would definitely have been department.
promoted by now if he hadn't
quarrelled with the boss. A) Because it is not hygienic, customers
in the jewellery department are not
84. It was under a fortnight before his final allowed to try on the earrings.
exams when Jim began to regret not B) Customers who care for hygiene are
having studied sufficiently. advised in the jewellery department
not to try on any earrings.
A) Jim wouldn't have regretted studying C) Earrings are considered unhygienic
for the finals for more than a fortnight and so forbidden for sale in this
if he'd passed them all. jewellery department.
B) Although he worked hard for almost D) The jewellery department accepts no
two weeks before the finals, Jim still responsibility for earrings damaged by
didn't pass them. customers.
C) Jim felt sorry because he hadn't done E) Being hygienic in the jewellery
any work until two weeks before the department is the decision of the
final exams. customer and not the management.
D) There was less than a fortnight's time
before the finals, but Jim hadn't even 88. It's no use talking to her because she'll
started studying for them. do as she pleases whatever we say.
E) Jim started to wish, less than two
weeks before he took them, that he A) It makes no difference who talks to
had done more work for his finals. her because she refuses to listen to
either of us.
85. His giving in his resignation took his B) Nothing we can say will make her
work colleagues completely by surprise. change her ways, so it's pointless for
us to say anything.
A) His work colleagues all tried to C) She only listens to you, so I don't
dissuade him from giving in his bother talking to her any more.
resignation. D) We've told her it's not important, and
B) His co-workers hadn't expected him to we don't need to say anything more
resign from his job at all. about it.
C) According to his co-workers, his E) She only cares about herself and
resigning from his job was completely never talks to either of us.
ELS Q 355

89. Sometimes having professional assistance 92. In England, it snows very often in winter,
with your CV can increase your chances but it's quite rare for it to remain on the
of finding a Job. ground for more than a few days.
A) Having your CV professionally A) Đngiltere'de kışın çok sık kar yağdığı
prepared determines whether you'll için yerleri birkaç günden fazla karsız
get the job or not. görmek pek mümkün değildir.
B) Having a professional help you with B) ingiltere'de kışın çok sık kar yağar,
your CV is a sure way to find a job. ancak karın birkaç günden fazla yerde
C) The prospects for finding employment kaldığı çok enderdir.
can possibly be enhanced by a C) Kışın Đngiltere'ye çok sık kar
professionally-produced CV. yağmasına rağmen, yerlerde birkaç
D) You should not bother looking for a günden fazla kar göremezsiniz.
job until you have had professional D) Kışın Đngiltere'ye çok sık kar yağdığı
advice on your CV.
E) Without a professional CV, it is halde kann yerde birkaç günden fazla
impossible to find a job. kalmaması çok ilginçtir.
E) Đngiltere'de kışın çok sık kar yağar,
90. She never lets her daughter participate in fakat gariptir ki kar yerde ancak
an activity unless it is under the birkaç gün kalır.
supervision of an adult.
93. in safari parks, where wild animals roam
A) Her daughter is never able to get freely, visitors are forbidden to get out of
involved in activities, even if an adult their cars.
is present.
B) As long as she herself is present at A) Safari parklarında ziyaretçiler,
the activity, she permits her daughter arabalarında oturup çevrede özgürce
to join in. dolaşan vahşi hayvanları izleme
C) If an older person is in attendance, olanağına sahiptirler.
she usually agrees to her daughter's B) Safari parklarında vahşi hayvanlar
participation in activities. özgürce dolaştıkları için, ziyaretçilere
D) The only activities in which she allows arabalarından inmemeleri tavsiye
her daughter to take part are those ediliyor.
watched over by a grown-up. C) Vahşi hayvanların özgürce dolaştığı
E) She always takes her daughter to safari parklarında, ziyaretçilerin
activities which are supervised by arabalarından inmeleri yasaktır.
grown-ups. D) Vahşi hayvanların bulunduğu safari
parklarında ziyaretçilerin
91-100. sorularda, arabalarından inip özgürce
cümleye anlamca en dolaşmalarına izin verilmiyor.
cümleyi bulunuz. , E) Safari parklarında vahşi hayvanlar
vardır, bu yüzden ziyaretçilerin
91. The reason wh y he has been wandering arabadan inip özgürce dolaşmaları
around absent-minded for days is that he tehlikelidir.
can't in any way decide whether to
expand the business or not. 94. Some people derive great satisfaction
from doing things that no one has
A) Kafasında hep işi nasıl büyütebilir attempted before.
sorusuyla günlerdir dalgın dalgın
dolaşıyor. A) Bazı insanlar daha önce hiç kimsenin
B) Đşi büyütmeye karar verdiği günden denemediği şeyleri yapmaktan büyük
beri dalgın dalgın dolaşması, bunu
nasıl yapacağını tam olarak bilmemesi
zevk alırlar.
yüzündendir. B) Daha önce hiç denenmemiş şeyleri
C) Günlerce dalgın dalgın dolaştıktan yapmak bazı insanları çok ürkütür.
sonra nihayet işi büyütmeye karar C) Daha önce hiç kimsenin denemediği
verdiğini herkese açıkladı. bir şey i b aşarmak in san a b üyük
D) Nihayet işi büyütmeye karar verdiği mutluluk verir.
halde neden hala dalgın dalgın D) Bazı insanlar mutluluğu daha önce
dolaştığını kimse anlayamıyor. hiç denenmemiş bir şeyi
E) Günlerdir dalgın dalgın dolaşmasının gerçekleştirerek yakalamaya çalışırlar.
nedeni işi bü yütüp büyütmeme E) Daha önce birilerinin uğraştığı ama
konusunda bir türlü kara r gerçekleştiremediği bir şeyi başarmak
verememesidir. insana büyük mutluluk verir.

3 5 6 Q E LS

95. With hotel prices being too high for many A) Bugünkü görünümüyle hizmete hazır
people to afford, camping holidays are bir garsonu andıran penguenin
becoming more and more popular. milyonlarca yıl önce kanatları vardı.
B) Penguen, milyonlarca yıl önce sahip
A) Otel fiyatları çok yüksek olduğu için, olduğu kanatlarını yitirince, bugünkü
gittikçe daha çok insan kamp tatilini hizmete hazır garson görünümünü
tercih etmektedir. almıştır.
B) Kamp tatili, özellikle yüksek otel C) Milyonlarca yıl önce kanatları olan
fiyatlarını karşılayamayacak durumda penguen, şimdiki görünümüyle aynı
olan insanlar arasında çok popülerdir. garsona benzemektedir.
C) Pek çok insanın otel fiyatlarını D) Kanatlarını milyonlarca yıl önce
karşılamakta güçlük çekmesi, kamp yitirmiş olan penguen ilk bakışta,
tatilini daha popüler kılmaktadır. hizmete hazır bir garsonu
D) Kamp tatilinin gittikçe daha popüler andırmaktadır.
olması, otel fiyatlarının karşılanama E) Bugün görünüm olarak hizmete hazır
yacak kadar yüksek olmasından bir garsonu çağrıştıran penguen,
kaynaklanmaktadır. milyonlarca yıl önce kanatlarını
E) Otel fiyatları pek çok insan için yitirmiştir.
karşılanamayacak kadar yüksek
olunca, kamp tatili giderek daha 99. She deeply resents being told what to do
popüler olmaktadır. by someone in a lower position than her.
96. Some companies are trying to survive the A) Kendinden daha alt kademede olan
current economic depression by reducing kişilere emirler vermeyi çok seviyor.
the size of their workforce. B) Kendinden daha alt kademede bile
olsa, birine ne yapacağını söylemek
A) Devam etmekte olan ekonomik kriz onu rahatsız ediyor.
yüzünden bazı şirketlerin üretimi C) Alt kademede çalışanların ona
gittikçe düşmektedir. talimatlar vermesi onu çok
B) Bazı şirketler şu anki ekonomik öfkelendiriyor.
bunalımı, işçi sayısını azaltarak D) Ondan daha alt kademede biri
aşmaya çalışıyorlar. tarafından ne yapacağının
C) Bu ekonomik bunalım bazı iş söylenmesine çok içerliyor.
yerlerinde işten çıkarmalara neden E) Onu en çok öfkelendiren şey, kendinden
olmuştur. daha alt kademede olan birinin ona
D) Ekonomik krizi gerekçe olarak ne yapacağını söylemesidir.
gösteren şirketler çalıştırdıkları
işçilerin bir bölümünü işten 100. Public opinion polling alms to obtain a
çıkarmaktadır. close-to-exact analysis of the distribution
E) Şirketler çalıştırdıkları işçilerin bir of opinions on any issue within a specific
bölümünü işten çıkararak bu population.
ekonomik bunalımı aşmayı umuyorlar.
A) Belli bir topluluk içinde herhangi bir
97. Knowing how to manage one's time Is the konudaki görüşlerin dağılımını
most important asset one should possess öğrenmek için yapılan kamuoyu
today. yoklamaları genellikle tama yakın
sonuçlar verir.
A) Günümüzde herkesin mutlaka B) Herhangi bir konuda toplumdaki
öğrenmesi gereken bir şey zamanı iyi değişik görüşleri analiz etmek için
kullanmayı bilmektir. yapılan kamuoyu yoklamalarının
B) Zamanını nasıl kullanacağını bilmek amacı tama yakın sonuçlar elde
günümüzde kişinin sahip olması etmektir.
gereken en önemli özelliktir. C) Bir konuda toplumun görüşlerini
C) Bugün bir yöneticinin sahip olması tama yakın bir şekilde belirleyebilmesi
gereken en temel özellik zamanını iyi için kamuoyu yoklamalarının
kullanabilmesidir. toplumun değişik kesimlerinde
D) Günümüzde kişi insanları nasıl idare uygulanması gerekir.
edeceğini biliyorsa mutlaka başarılı D) Kamuoyu yoklamaları, belli bir
olur. topluluk içinde, herhangi bir
E) Günümüzde kişi zamanını nasıl konudaki görüşlerin dağılımının tama
kullanacağını bilmeli ve hedeflerini yakın bir analizini elde etmeyi
önem sırasına göre dizmelidir. amaçlar.
E) Toplumun çeşitli kesimlerinde hakim
98. The penguin, which, with its present olan görüşler kamuoyu yoklamalarıyla
appearance, resembles a waiter ready to toplanıp analiz edilir ve tama yakın
serve, had wings millions of years ago. bir sonuca ulaşılır.

ELS Q 357

i; 101-110» somlarda, verflert l^kçe C) People can sometimes do unwanted
''veüjnleye anlatnca en yakut Đngilizce things when circumstances are
cümleyi l beyond their control.
D) Even if he doesn't want to, sometimes
101. Bu kadar çok gelişmiş cihaz olmasına a person may have to do things just
rağmen keşif, bilinmeyen yerlerle ilgili because conditions force him to.
bilgi toplamada hala en iyi yöntemdir. E) A person is sometimes forced by
circumstances to do things he doesn't
A) Although there are so many advanced want to.
devices available, exploration is still
the best way of getting information 104. Yeni hazırlanan projeler, şehrimlzdeki
about unknown places. çarpık yapılaşmanın çözümü konusunda
B) Though the devices available can tell önemli ilerlemeler sağlayacak gibi
us a lot, exploration cannot be görünüyor.
improved upon as the best way to
gain information about previously A) The newly-prepared projects seem to
offer remarkable progress towards a
unexplored territories.
solution to the improper construction
C) There are a number of advanced in our city.
instruments available to scientists, B) It seems certain that the impro per
but the advantages of physically construction in our city will be
exploring unknown areas cannot be resolved to a considerable extent with
equalled. the help of these new projects.
D) When explorers are getting C) With the introduction of these new
information about unknown places, projects, a solution to the improper
there are a number of advanced construction in our city may be
devices available to help them. achieved.
E) Even though we can find out a lot D) It seems that the recently-prepared
from the many advanced devices projects will provide a certain amount
available, physical exploration of of progress in the problem of improper
unknown places is still necessary. construction in the city.
E) The recently-prepared projects will
102. Onun sağ salim yerine vardığını enable us to improve the improper
öğreninceye kadar endişelenmeden construction of the city noticeably.
105. Çok sıcak iklimlere giden turistlere,
A) I kept worrying till I'd heard about his sıcak çarpmasını önlemek için yeterli
safe arrival at his destination. miktarda sıvı almaya özen göstermeleri
B) It was only when I learnt that he'd tavsiye edilmektedir.
arrived there safely that I felt relaxed.
A) Tourists are advised that they should
C) I was able to relax only after I heard
be exceptionally careful to drink a lot
from him that he'd arrived there of fluids while travelling in very hot
safely. climates.
D) I couldn't stop worrying, as I hadn't B) In order not to suffer from heat
learnt yet whether he'd arrived at his exhaustion, it's advisable for tourists
destination safe and sound. who are travelling in very hot climates
E) I couldn't help worrying until I learnt to drink plenty of fluids.
that he'd arrived at his destination C) Tourists travelling to very hot climates
safe and sound. are advised to take care to drink
adequate quantities of fluid to prevent
103. Bazen koşullar insanı istemediği şeyleri heat exhaustion.
yapmaya zorlayabiliyor. D) Tourists in very hot climates may
experience heat exhaustion if they
A) Depending on the circumstances, a don't drink adequate amounts of fluid.
person sometimes has to do things he E) In very hot climates, tourists are
doesn't want to. subject to heat exhaustion unless the
B) Sometimes circumstances can make a amount of fluid they drink is
person do things he doesn't want to. sufficient.

35 8 Q E LS

106. Hayatin güzel şeylerine ilgi duymak D) It mu st b e th e go vern men t's obligation
zenginlik ya da sosyal statü değil, zeka to p ro tect th e p u blic, as far as
ve duyarlılık meselesidir. possible, fro m the wily arts of the
in sid iou s ad vertiser.
A) Being intelligent and sensitive rather E) Th e go v ern men t h as an o b ligatio n ,
than being wealthy and influential b u t on ly wh en p o ssib le, to alert th e
plays a great role in leading an gen eral population to the wily arts o f
interesting life. th e in sid iou s ad vertiser.
B) The beauties of life interest the person
who is intelligent and sensitive, not 109. Eski bir Sovyet jimnastikçisi olan Olga
rich and famous. Korbut, Chernobyl faciasından sonra,
C) To be interested in the finer things in nükleer tehlike bilincini yükseltme ve
life is not a question of wealth or kazazedelere yardım etme konusunda
social standing, but of intelligence aktif rol almıştır.
and sensitivity.
D) Not only wealth or social status but A) Following the Chernobyl disaster, a
also intelligence and sensitivity are former Soviet gymnast, Olga Korbut,
required in order to be interested in decided to use her high profile to raise
the beauties of life. awareness of nuclear dangers and the
E) An intelligent and sensitive person as fate of victims.
well as a wealthy or influential one B) After the Chernobyl disaster, Olga
has the right to have an interest in Korbut, a former Soviet gymnast, took
the finer things of life. an active part in raising awareness of
nuclear danger and helping victims.
107. Amerikalı fotoğrafçı Ansel Adams, C) It was the Chernobyl disaster that
kariyeri boyunca, fotoğrafçılığın güzel inspired Olga Korbut, a former Soviet
sanatların bir kolu olarak kabulünü gymnast, to become actively involved
sağlamak için çalışmıştır. in raising awareness of nuclear
danger and helping victims.
A) It was the American photographer D) Following the Chernobyl disaster,
Ansel Adams who, during his career, Olga Korbut, famous as a Soviet
worked to increase public acceptance gymnast, played an active role in
of photography as a fine art. raising awareness of nuclear dangers
B) The American photographer Ansel and the plight of the victims.
Adams dedicated his career to E) After the Chernobyl disaster, Olga
promoting the acceptance of Korbut, a. former Soviet gymnast, gave
photography as a fine art. up sport to take an active part in
C) During his career, the American raising awareness of nuclear danger
photographer Ansel Adams tried to and helping victims.
persuade people to accept
photography as one of the fine arts. 110. Argo deyimler genellikle bir sözcük
D) The photographic work of the oyunu içerdiği için bunları, orijinalinin
American Ansel Adams helped to tadını yitirmeden başka bir dile çevirmek
increase the acceptance of zordur.
photography as a branch of the fine
arts. A) Slang expressions, which often involve
E) Throughout his career, the American a. play on words, are difficult to
photographer Ansel Adams worked to translate because they lose the flavour
promote the acceptance of of the original when translated.
photography as a branch of the fine B) There's no way to translate slang
arts. expressions into another language
without losing the flavour of the
108. Halkı, sinsi reklamcının kurnaz original, since they include a play on
kandırmacalanndan mümkün olduğunca words.
korumak, devletin görevi olmalıdır. C) Because slang expressions often
A) People can 't exp ect th e go vern ment to
involve a play on words, they are •
protect the public fro m th e wily arts o f
difficult to translate into another
th e in sid iou s ad vertiser, since it is
language without losing the flavour of
the original.
B) Th e go v ern men t h as a d u t y, as far as
D) If a slang expression involves a play
it is ab le, to safe gu ard co n su mer s
on words, it's difficult to translate into
fro m the wily arts o f the insidious
another language because it often
loses the original flavour.
C) People have a right to expect the
E) Translating a slang expression into
go vern men t, as far as po ssib le, to
another language without spoiling the
protect them fro m the wily arts o f th e
original flavour poses great difficulty if
insidious advertiser.
it contains a play on words.

ELS Q 359

I-6Ü îsorularda, cümlede beş biratala» 7. There are few things............. for
a teacher
yerlere uygun düsen sözcük va da seeing the majority of his/her
bulunuz. students pass their exams.
1. Today, most people prefer to wear clothes A) as satisfied/as
made of natural materials............. cotton, B) so satisfying/that
wool or silk. C) the most satisfied/as
D) too satisfying/as
A) either C) like B)as E) more satisfying/than
E) such D) both
8. The unbearable heat of the midday sun
2. Of the two rooms offered us In the hotel, was of the many things he was
we decided to choose............. one because it trying to get accustomed to in India.
had a balcony. A) as B) the worst D)too bad
B) too small
bad C) E) so bad
A) the smallest C) worse
small enough D) the smaller
E) so small 9.
In almost all countries, life expectancy is
3. I don't remember having ever watched .....for women ....... it is for men.
game.............. the one we went to
yesterday. A) higher/than B) the highest/as
C) too high/for D) such high/as
A) a more excited/than E) so high/that
B) as exciting/as you,
C) such an exciting/as 10. Mrs. Smith is almost.......age
D) so exciting/that but you look much younger.
E) too excited/that B) as/as
A) more/than C) the
4. Business was going ............. that the same/as D) similar/to
company went bankrupt only a few E) so/like
months after it opened.
11. Her account of the accident was rather
A) worse C) the worst B) so badly exaggerated, so it led us to think that it
was ...... it actually was.
E) too badly D) as bad
A) so bad B) the worst of D) too bad
5. At the seaside resort where we had our that C) as bad for
holiday last summer, the food prices were
E) worse than
...... more expensive than we had
12. The survivors reported that it had been
A) fairly ......ordeal they had ever been through.
C) quite B) very D) rather
E) greatly A) such a terrified
B) the most terrifying
6. Of the two films recommended in the TV C) a lot more terrified
Guide, one Is a love story and the other is D) far too terrified
a horror movie. Shall we watch ...... as E) so terrifying
you know I hate violence?
13. Because of the treacherous conditions,
the captain decided that it was
make the crossing.
A) the former B) formerly A) such risky B) so risky D)
C) lately D) the latest C) riskier the riskiest
E) the latter E) too risky

ELS a 411

14. Josephine soon realized that starting 22. She had washed her new dress in hot
one's own business was not ...... easy water because she didn't realize.......
...... it might seem. delicate the fabric was.

A) so/that B) the most/for D)too/so A) how C) such B)

C) so/as E) more/than E) what as D)
15. Sally's new flat is very 23. The doctor says that if
ours, but her the patient's
bathroom and kitchen are a little larger. condition gets any........he'll have no
choice but to operate.
A) similar to B) different from
C) far more than D) rather than A) bad B) so badly
E) the same as C) the worst D) worse
16. Often when a snake bites in self-defense, E) badly
it injects.......venom........when it attacks
its prey. 24. He was qualified for business
administration, but the company
A) much/that C) B) less/than employed him.......a marketing
little/as D) as/as representative.
E) most/for B) like
A) as
17. Do you think she will attain the same C) such as D) just
success with her new film ...... she did E) for
with her previous one?
25. Would you like some of these vegetables,
A) just B) such as I seem to have bought.......than I
C) like D) as actually need?
E) much
18. The swimming season in Turkey becomes A) too much C) so many B) far more
.....the further north you go. E) such a D) the most
A) shorter B) shortest
C) too short 26. Of the many treasures excavated in
D) short enough
E) so short Egypt, the limestone head of Queen
Nefertiti is one of ........
19. They'd made ...... radical changes to the
scheme ...... it scarcely resembled the A) a finer B) fine enough D) too fine
original concept. C) the finest E) as fine as
A) more/than B) the most/than D) 27. British author Graham Greene wrote......
C) so/as such/that extensively ...... once he forgot about a
E) too/that novel he wrote in 1944. Rediscovered in
1984, "The Tenth Man" was published a
20. My aunt carries her jewellery with her year later.
wherever she goes, as she thinks it's .......
leaving it at home. A) more/than C) B) as/as
so/that D) such/that
A) too safe for B) just as safe E) too/than
C) safer than D) the safest
E) safe enough 28.
21. I found parachute-jumping ...... When you begin Job-hunting, it is
experience ...... I don't think I'll ever try it important to remember that.......the
again. salary, the more responsibility the Job is
likely to entail, and that may include
A) as frightened/as working longer hours.
B) such a frightening/that
C) more frightening/than A) so high B) the highest
D) so frightening/that C) high enough D) such high
E) the most frightened/as E) the higher

412 Q ELS

29. The problem of erosion has grown to ...... 37. Jane and Fay are identical twins, but
bewildering can only because Fay is noticeably ....... , it is easy
be corrected by coordinated government to distinguish between them.
A) the thinnest B) thinner
A) the most/as B) such/that C) too thin D) thin enough
C) too/that D) so/as
E) more/than E) as thin as

30. Dentists regard pulling a tooth........a last 38. Though some people prefer visiting Nepal
resort in dental care. during the monsoon season, when there
are few tourists, at that time there is .......
A) as rain to make trekking in the mountains
C) like B) just D) even
EJyet enjoyable at all.

31. Though I tried....... I could, I was only A) the most C) many B) such a lot of
able to come second in the race. more D) too much
E) far more

A) as hard B) so hard that D) harder

than 39. Bioengineers have been striving to create
as C) too an artificial heart that functions ....... a
hard E) hard enough
natural one.
32. Considering how little they've got in
common, it's amazing that they get on A) so efficiently that
B) more efficient than
C) as efficiently as
A) the least B) too badly D) much less D) efficient enough
C) as good E) so well E) the most efficient

33. I find the weather today 40. Satellites revolving around the planets
simply......................................................... to follow...... laws of orbital motion........ do
play tennis - let's go swimming instead. the planets.
A) the hottest C) too hot B) so hot as
E) hotter D) as hot A) not only/but also C) B) either/or
than both/and D) such/that
E) the same/as
34. My sister and I couldn't decide which film
to see since the love story was....... 41. Starring ...... actors in the country didn't
appealing to her...... the action film was prevent the film from being a iailure.
to me.
A) so
A) the same/as B) such/that well C) B) as good D) too well
C) similar/with D) as/as E) the best
E) much/than
42. He doesn't try ...... to develop a close
35. Among....... brilliantly coloured of all relationship with his students.
birds, macaws can be distinguished by
their pointed wings and exceptionally B) such a hard
long tails. A) so hard D) harder than
C) hard enough
A) the most C) too much B) far more E) as hard
E) such a D) so much
lot 43. I thought I was ...... person working here,
but now IVe learnt that Cltve is even . . . .
36. If we finish this job soon, we can get catch the beginning of the A) the oldest/older
match. B) so old/too old
C) too old/as old
A) earlier B) so early D) D) very old/so old
C) early enough the earliest E) the older/oldest
E) too

ELS a 4X3

44. The Sino-Tibetan family has many groups 52. If, tomorrow morning, it's is now,
of languages. Of these ........ widely our flight will probably be cancelled.
spoken Is the group called Chinese.
A) A) so foggy that C) B) too foggy
B) such foggy enough D) as foggy as
more C) D) too much
so E) less
E) the most foggy
45. Because the main slopes face northward, 53. Peter's not bad at maths, but he's not
Mount Tremblant Is.......colder........other ..... his brother, who's a scientific genius.
ski resorts In Canada.
A) as/as B) less/that A) so well that B) the best of
C) more/than D) much/than C) well enough D) as good as
E) so/that E) rather good

46. You're quite fast, but not expect to 54. If Frank gets any ........I'm afraid he won't
represent your country in the Olympics. be able to fit through the door. He
already weighs 180 kilos!
A) as fast B) so fast that A) fattest B) fatter
C) faster than D) the fastest C) so fat D) fat enough
E) fast enough
E) too fat
47. The castle was ...... heavily fortified ........
the enemy even to consider attacking it. 55. We were treated with ...... kindness at
that small fish restaurant .......we would
A) so/that C) as/as B) very/so really like to go back again.
E) too/for D) so/as
A) B) so/as
48 ........building in Seville, Spain, is the enough/that C) D) much/than
Alcazar, a castle built by the Moors in the same/as
1181 for King Abu Yakub. E) such/that

A) As old B) The oldest D) The older 56. We were not pleased to discover that our
C) So old E) Too old hotel was.......from the beach ........ the
travel agent had told us.
49. We'll have to get a taxi. These bags are
just ...... heavy for us to carry all the way A) far th er /th an
to the station. B) so far/that
C) too far/like
B) so D) the farthest/as
A) much C) very D) as
E) too E) too far/that

50. Still having a sore throat and a terrible 57 ........ witnesses that come forward to help
cough, Lorna was barely...... to get out of the police, .......the Investigation will
bed, but she managed to make it to work. progress.
A) as good B) well enough D) the best A) So few/the slowest
C) too good E) so well that B) As less/too slowly
C) The fewest/so slow
51. Over half the farmers in the world Irrigate D) The fewer/the more slowly
their crops because they need ...... water E) The least/rather slower
for their crops ...... is available from
rainfall. 58. Unfortunately, of all the dresses I tried
on, the one that suited me ....... was ........
A) most/that B) much/as for me to buy.
C) a lot of/as
D) so much/that
E) more/than A) better/so expensive
B) so well/more expensive
C) the best/too expensive
D) as good/the most expensive
E) good/expensive enough

414 Q ELS

59. My uncle has done....... different jobs In
his life ...... he now has a veiy diverse
range of skills.
A) too much/as 66........that only the most experienced
B) such a lot of/for
C) too little/so applicants can be considered.
D) so many/that
E) more/than A) There is a wide range of adhesive
products on the market
60. IVe been to both "EuroDlsney" In Paris B) The response to the job advert has
and "Disney World" In Florida, and been so great
though they are very similar, of the two, C) The business world now has many top
......Is........better. management positions open to women
A) th e latter/so mu ch D) Even if people pass all three initiative
B) the latest/more tests
C) lately/much E) The government is expected to begin a
D) later/far more new job training scheme
E) late/a lot
67. The best salads are made from fresh
61. When he was young, my son had an produce ........
Imaginary friend, who seemed ...... to him
..... anyone else. A) because often maggots attack the
roots of the vegetables if left untreated
A) very real/such as B) as vegetables are at their tastiest just
B) as real/as after they've been picked
C) real/that C) for it provides nourishment for plant
D) more real/like growth
E) so real/than
D) when there might be a shortage of
62. He played his role ...... the other actors In land in the future
E) since there have been no potatoes
the film, don't you think? cultivated in this area for ten years
A) the most convincing of
B) more convincingly than 68........that the river is in danger of
C) so convincingly that flooding.
D) as convincing as
E) too convincing for A) The recent rain has caused the water
to rise to such a level
63. Watching him trying to mend the plug B) The winter snow had melted so swiftly
was very frustrating because I could have that year
done it twice ...... myself. C) It was too late to do anything by the
A) too quickly B) far quicker D) quick time we realized
C) the quickest enough D) It is due to the recent drought in this
E) as quickly E) The villagers all regretted ignoring the
64. I was ......out of place in my clothes at
the party...... I felt as if I came from 69 .........weVe had since we started this
another planet.
A) as/as B) more/than
D) so/that A) She is by far the most efficient
C) such/that
E) the most/for B) The manager wishes everyone to
65. It was ......likely that she would be attend this afternoon's staff meeting
accepted at the academy than not; C) We seem, as yet, unable to find a
nevertheless, she was anxious to receive solution
confirmation of her place. D) Both the value and the quantity of the
A) so B) much D) rather E) We ought to invest in some better
C) most E) more equipment

ELS Q 415

70. Apparently, the firm's advertising D) Not being in direct sunlight is also as
campaign didn't reach a wide enough beneficial
area......... E) As well as paying attention to the type
of the soil you use
A) consequently, production has been
stepped up to meet the increased 75. The goldfish have seemed a lot happier
B) for it was seen by families across the
nation A) while we were putting them into their
C) and the images it portrayed had a new aquarium
profound impact on many people B) since we cleaned the tank and
D) to carry their sales to the desired level changed the water
E) though the rate at which new orders C) before we bought it at a fair in London
have come in has been disappointing D) when they were fed some worms this
71......... as the ones I bought at the sales last E) than it did when it was on its own in
year. th e tan k

A) These shoes seem as if they won't be 76. She'd been given such a detailed
so durable description of the American
B) The shops are offering some amazing representative.........
C) Your new cups are very similar A) that she had no difficulty recognizing
D) Sale prices this year aren't nearly as him among the crowd at the airport
cheap B) as he'd been travelling for more than
E) I can't find anything I like in the fourteen hours to get to the
shops this year conference
C) but she didn't find him as attractive
72.......... the less likely It Is to fall. as the other secretaries claimed
D) she caught a glimpse of him just as
A) As they needed to put in more and she was about to leave the airport
more effort E) and, at the end of the conference,
B) The more carefully thought-out the everybody seemed pleased with the
plan is outcome
C) Having closely inspected even the
smallest of details 77. The most Interesting thing about the
D) The deeper he found himself in debt twins was..........
E) Frankly, so much attention was paid
at each stage A) the more I found it hard to tell them
73. His opinions are quite similar to mine .... B) who wore identical clothes in
accordance with their mother's wishes
A) just as we were on the point of C) you can easily see it when they talk
starting an argument together
B) that makes up for the differences in D) only after we've seen them together for
our backgrounds a certain period of time
C) and we rarely find anything which we E) how they always seemed to know each
agree on other's thoughts
D) in that we are both deeply concerned
about environmental issues 78 the one you purchased In Spain.
E) for us to be able to have a discussion
without falling out A) My mother bought me some very nice
shoes, which she says are genuine It doesn't thrive In very damp leather
conditions. B) I've been saving up for quite some
time now to buy a painting
A) Considering its preference for growing C) I'm trying to get informed about the
in the shade historical sites in different countries
B) You should have given nutritive D) I really wish I could find a similar
fertilizers to your indoor plants necklace
C) It's important not to water this plant E) The skates I bought for my son only
too frequently cost half as much

416 D ELS

79. Fortunately, the storm hadn't caused as D) The machines w ere making such a
much damage to the house ......... loud noise that we couldn't hear each
A) than the people who lived across the E) We tried hard to hear each other
road above the deafening machines.
B) that we were forced to move out
during the repairs
C) as we first feared when we saw all the 83. There was far too much evidence to the
mess contrary for the judge to believe his story.
D) at that time, we weren't insured
against it A) The judge believed his story because
E) so we managed to get it mended quite ^= presented so much information in
cheaply his own favour.
B) The proof against him was not
80. The longer she puts off going to the sufficient for the judge to convict him.
dentist .......... C) The judge pronounced him guilty,
A) though I admit she had a bad though there were few facts to
experience as a child support this decision.
B) the more money she had to pay for all D) While the judge wanted to believe his
the fillings story, there was just not enough
C) the worse the condition of her teeth evidence to support it.
will become E) The facts presented against him were
D) it has eventually started to cause her so overwhelming that the judge
more discomfort discounted his story.
E) because her teeth have grown a lot
more sensitive 84. Not all societies share the same ideas on
family life and the correct way to raise
81-90, sorul children.
anlamca en
A) Attitudes towards family life and
81. Considering this shop is the most children's education vary according to
expensive in town, the quality of its the society one is in.
products is of a very low standard. B) Societies have different attitudes
A) The products of this shop are about family life and how children
considered to be very low quality, yet should be brought up.
it is among the most expensive shops C) The role of the family and methods of
in town. bringing up children are changing in
B) It's not surprising that the prices in society.
this shop are very low because its D) The accepted ideas in one society
products are not good quality. about raising children may be
C) Among the town's most expensive unacceptable in another.
ones, this shop is renowned for the E) There are cultural differences
high standard of its products. concerning how families should
D) Because of the high standard of its discipline their children.
products, this shop is the one with
the highest prices in town.
E) One would expect higher quality 85. The price of the blouse was too tempting
products from this shop as it is more for me to resist buying it.
expensive than all the others in town.
A) I couldn't resist buying the blouse
82. The sound of our voices was completely despite the fact that it was too
drowned by the roar of the machinery. expensive.
B) I had enough money on me to buy the
A) We could only just hear each other blouse, so I decided to get it.
above the loud noise of the C) I bought the blouse because it was
B) We knew that the machines would just what I was looking for.
drown out our conversation, so we D) I'd have bought the blouse if the price
didn't try to speak. hadn't been so high.
C) Because the machines were so E) I ended up buying the blouse as it
deafening, our voices seemed rather was such a bargain.

ELS a 417

86. istanbul is undeniably an old city, yet A) The fact that meat causes weight gain
when Istanbul was founded, Jerusalem is dangerous to an individual's well-
was as old as Istanbul is now. being.
B) Eating meat may promote health in
A) Since Jerusalem is a very ancient city, some ways, but harms it in many
Istanbul doesn't really seem so old more.
when you compare them. C) Consuming animal flesh can harm
B) Jerusalem and Istanbul are both you, but it's still an essential source
ancient cities, and have both been of nutrition.
around for a very long time. D) In order to be healthy, it's important
C) It's undeniable that Jerusalem is a to eat meat despite potential health
very ancient city, but it's only about risks.
half as old as the city of Istanbul. E) Though meat can be unhealthy, it's
D) Both Istanbul and Jerusalem are even more unhealthy to avoid eating
rather old, and they've existed for it.
more or less the same time.
E) Istanbul is indeed an ancient city; 90. I must admit this is the most spectacular
however, the city of Jerusalem is view IVe ever seen during my extensive
about twice as old as Istanbul is. travels.
87. The more I hear about him, the less I A) So far on this journey, we've seen a
want to meet him. lot of beautiful places, but this one is
by far the most attractive.
A) Each time I'm told something else B) I can't help but remark that the
about that man, my desire to meet reason why I travel so extensively is
him decreases. not to miss such marvellous places as
B) People keep telling me things about this one.
him, and so I've decided never to meet C) I've travelled quite a lot in my life, and
him. admittedly, have never seen such a
C) I don't know why people talk about breathtaking view as this.
that man so much, as I've met him D) I'm really excited about the prospect
and have little to say about him. that we may encounter many more
D) I've never really wanted to know him, such spectacular views on our travels.
but now, I've got a strong feeling that E) I don't think we'll ever encounter a
I really should. more beautiful view in our lives than
E) I had wanted to meet the man, but this, since it is so breathtaking.
now I know so much about him that I
don't think it's necessary.
88. Although London is far from being an cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe
">"jŞ','jtt S*: r , 4. - "H* . - ' "„, * ' •

unpolluted city, the problem isn't as bad

as it used to be.
A) Compared to its situation in the past, 91. It's an undeniable fact that tree-planting
these days there is hardly any is the most effective means in the fight
pollution in London. against erosion.
B) London is undoubtedly still polluted,
but it's less of a problem because A) Erozyona karşı mücadelede
people are accustomed to it now. ağaçlandırmanın en etkili yöntem
C) In the past, London's pollution spread olduğu inkar edilemez bir gerçektir.
even to faraway cities, but that is no B) Ağaçların erozyonu önlemede en etkili
longer a big problem. yöntem olduğunu hiç kimse inkar
D) While the problem definitely hasn't edemez.
disappeared, there is less pollution in C) Erozyonla mücadele etmek için ağaç
London nowadays. dikmekten daha etkili yöntemler
E) London isn't as polluted as it was in bulmak zorunda olduğumuzu kabul
the past; in fact, the pollution etmeliyiz.
problem has been solved. D) Daha çok ağaç dikilmediği sürece
erozyona karşı verilen mücadelenin
89. Any health benefits gained by eating meat etkili olamayacağı açıktır.
are far outweighed by the hazards of E) Erozyona karşı mücadelede en yaygın
doing so.
olarak kullanılan yöntem
418 Q ELS

92. Various studies have shown that women 95. Though they show great variety in
suffer depression more often, yet the appearance, all cars basically have the
suicide rate is higher among men. same technical features.

A) Çeşitli araştırmalar, kadınların daha A) Görünüş olarak büyük çeşitlilik

sık depresyona girdiğini ama intihar göstermelerine karşın bütün arabalar
oranının erkeklerde daha yüksek temelde aynı teknik özelliklere sahiptir.
olduğunu göstermiştir. B) Arabaların hacmi büyüdükçe
B) Kadınların daha sık depresyona görünüşlerinin yanı sıra sahip
girdiği bilindiği halde, intihar oranının oldukları teknik özellikler de önemli
erkeklerde daha yüksek olduğu ölçüde değişmektedir.
görülmektedir. C) Đlk bakışta arabalar birbirlerinden çok
C) Bu araştırmadan, kadınlar arasında farklıymış gibi görünse de, aslında
depresyonun çok yaygın olduğu, ama teknik açıdan hepsi aynıdır.
intihar oranının erkeklerde daha D) Önemli olan arabaların büyüklüğü ya
yüksek olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. da görünüşü değil, teknik bakımdan
D) Kadınlar daha sık depresyona girdiği taşıdıkları özelliklerdir.
halde neden intihar oranının E) Teknik açıdan temelde aynı özellikleri
erkeklerde daha yüksek olduğu taşıdıkları halde arabalar büyüklük ve
konusunda çeşitli araştırmalar görünüş bakımından çeşitlilik gösterir.
E) Kadınlar daha sık depresyona 96. One of the earliest known human
girerken, intihar oranının erkeklerde diseases, malaria is a widespread and
daha yüksek olmasının nedenleri often fatal disease.
A) Çok eski zamanlardan beri bilinen bir
93. As we advanced into the forest, the trees hastalık olan sıtma pek çok insanın
became almost so dense as to hinder our ölümüne yol açmıştır.
walk. B) Bilinen en eski insan hastalıklarından
biri olan sıtma, yaygın ve çoğu zaman
A) Ormanın iç kesimlerinde ağaçlar o ölümcül bir hastalıktır.
kadar sıktı ki güçlükle C) Eskiden çok yaygın olan sıtma, en
yürüyebiliyorduk. , ölümcül insan hastalıklarından
B) Ormanın içine doğru ilerledikçe, biriydi.
ağaçlar neredeyse yürümemizi D) Eskiden genellikle ölümle sonuçlanan
engelleyecek kadar sıklaştı. sıtma, hala en yaygın ve tehlikeli
C) Ormanın iç kesimlerinde ağaçlar çok insan hastalıklarından biridir.
sık olduğu için o tarafa doğru
yürüyebilmemiz neredeyse imkansızdı. E) Eski insanların en çok korktukları
D) Ağaçların çok sık olması ormanın hastalıklardan biri olan sıtma, çok
içlerine doğru ilerlememizi çabuk yayılan ölümcül bir hastalıktır.
E) Ormanın iç kesimlerine doğru 97. It is felt at once that the author has used
ilerleyince, ağaçların yürümemizi a different language in his latest book
engelleyecek kadar sık olduğunu from in his others.
A) Yazar son kitabında, diğer eserlerinde
94. The greater the damage to an antique olduğundan daha duygulu bir dil
item, the more it diminishes in value. kullanmıştır.
B) Yazarın son kitabına bakınca hemen
A) Antika bir eşyanın değeri hasarın hissedilen bir şey, farklı bir dil
büyüklüğüne bağlıdır. kullanmış olmasıdır.
B) Antika bir eşyada hasar büyükse o C) Yazarın önceki eserlerinde kullandığı
parça değer kaybeder. dil son kitabında kullandığından
C) Bir antika parçanın değer oldukça farklıdır.
kaybetmemesi için hasarın çok büyük D) Yazarın, son kitabında, diğerlerinde
olmaması gerekiyor. olduğundan farklı bir dil kullandığı
D) Bir antika eşya hasarlı bile olsa yine hemen hissedilmektedir.
de değerlidir. E) Yazar ilk kez son kitabında
E) Antika bir parçanın hasan ne kadar diğerlerinde olduğundan farklı bir dil
büyükse değeri o kadar düşer. kullanmıştır.
ELS G 419

98. As it is the means of transport least E) Şirket yeni bir şube açmak için henüz
damaging to the environment, people yeterince güçlü değildi, ama üç saatlik
should be encouraged to use the train bir tartışma dan sonra, açılmasına
more. karar verildi.

A) Tren çevreye en az zarar veren ulaşım 101-110, sorularda, verilen Türkçe

cümleye anlamca '— f—*n-~~
aracı olduğu halde nedense insanlar cümleyi bulunuz
onu pek tercih etmemektedir.
B) Đnsanların treni daha çok kullanmaya 101. Genellikle insanlar, gerektiği kadar
teşvik edilmelerinin nedeni, trenin başaramadıkları duygusuna kapılınca
çevreye daha az zarar veren bir ulaşım kendilerini baskı altında hissederler.
aracı olmasıdır.
C) Đnsanların, tren gibi, çevreye fazla A) Generally speaking, not achieving as
zarar vermeyen ulaşım araçlarını daha much as one should makes one feel
çok kullanmaları sağlanmalıdır. under pressure.
D) Đnsanların çok fazla tercih etmedikleri B) In general, people begin to feel
tren, aslında çevreye en az zarar veren stressed when they become aware
ulaşım aracıdır. that they are not achieving as much
E) Çevreye en az zarar veren ulaşım as they used to.
C) People who generally feel stressed
aracı olduğu için insanlar treni daha don't achieve as much as they should.
çok kullanmaya teşvik edilmelidir. D) People feel that they don't achieve as
much when they are feeling under
99. Few inventions in recent times have pressure as they do when they are
influenced daily life so profoundly as the not.
electronic calculator. E) People generally feel under pressure
when they have the feeling that they
A) Son zamanların en önemli birkaç are not achieving as much as they
buluşundan biri olan elektronik hesap should.
makinalarının etkisi günlük yaşamın 102. Rüşvet olaylarına o kadar alıştık ki, bir
her alanında hissedilmektedir. yenisini duyduğumuzda artık hiç
B) Son zamanlarda, günlük yaşamı yadırgamıyoruz.
doğrudan etkilemiş çok az buluştan
biri de elektronik hesap makinalarıdır. A) Hearing of a bribery case is nothing
C) Son zamanların en büyük buluşu, new to us as we are so used to them.
günlük yaşamın her alanına işlemiş B) Being accustomed to hearing of
olan elektronik hesap makinalarıdır. bribery cases all the time, we were not
D) Son zamanlarda yapılan çok az buluş astonished at this one at all.
günlük yaşamı elektronik hesap C) We've got so accustomed to bribery
makinaları kadar derinden cases that we no longer find it strange
etkilemiştir. to hear about a new one.
D) As bribery cases are so common
E) Çok az buluş, elektronik hesap nowadays, we've learnt not to be
makinalarının son zamanlardaki surprised upon hearing of a new one.
durumu gibi günlük yaşamın her E) Since we've been exposed to so many
alanına işlemiştir. bribery cases, it's not surprising that
we don't find them strange.
100. At the end of a three-hour discussion, it
was decided that the company was not 103. Burayı bu çevrenin en çok tercih edilen
yet strong enough to open new branches. restoranı yapan kesinlikle personelinin
A) Üç saatlik tartışmanın sonunda, A) The staff of this restaurant are so
şirketin henüz yeni şubeler açacak sincere that it has become the most
kadar güçlü olmadığına karar verildi. preferred restaurant in the area.
B) Şirketin yeni şubeler açabilecek güçte B) This restaurant is preferred more than
olup olmadığı konusunda çıkan all the others in the area because of
ta rtı ş m a t a m ü ç s a at s ü r d ü . its sincere staff.
C) Üç saat süren bir tartışman ın C) The sincerity of its staff makes this
sonunda şirketten, yeni bir şube restaurant one of the most preferred
açabilecek kadar güçlü olmadıkları in the area.
kararı çıktı. D) W hat makes this the most preferred
D) T artı ş m a ü ç s a at s ür d ü v e s o n u n d a restaurant in this area is certainly the
şirketin kararı, yeni şubeler açmak sincerity of its staff.
E) The staff in other restaurants are not
için henüz yeterince güçlenmedikleri as sincere, so people prefer this one
biçimindeydi. more than the others.


104. Esas olarak ürünlerin dağıtımı A) Like all great inventors, the inventor
sorununu çözmek için yaratılmış olan of the locomotive improved it by
fuarlar, bugün de aynı amaca hizmet accumulating data from different
etmektedir. inventions.
B) Once the locomotive had been
A) Fairs, which were originally created to invented, like all great inventions, it
solve the problem of the distribution was improved by a series of later
of goods, still serve the same purpose C) Like all great inventions, the
today. locomotive grew through the
B) The original problem of the fair accumulation of improvements made
distribution of goods, which was by different inventors.
created on purpose, is still the same D) The modern locomotive was un
today. invention which grew out of an
C) Fairs, which originally provided the accumulation of improvements made
solution to the problem of the by a great inventor.
distribution of goods, still have the E) After the invention of the locomotive,
same purpose today. as with all great inventions, it was
improved upon by a number of
D) The problem of the distribution of
different inventors.
goods, which fairs were originally
created to solve, still exists today. 107. Ayrıntılara yeterli özen gösterilerek
E) Fairs, which created and solved the hazırlanmadığı için gezi sırasında bir
problem of the distribution of goods, hayli karışıklık yaşadık.
still have a purpose today, all the
same. A) The confusion during the trip was
because some details had b een
105. Havalandırma, kimyasal işlem fabrikaları overlooked when it was being
ve boya dükkanları gibi zehirli ya da organized.
yanıcı gazların birikebileceği yerlerde B) Not every detail had been considered
before the trip, so the chaos we
experienced was inevitable.
C) It wouldn't have been so chaotic
A} The accumulation of combustible or during the trip, had it been organized
poisonous gases in chemical with more attention to detail.
processing plan ts and pain t shops D) The trip didn't go very well because
makes good ventilation essential. the organizers hadn't planned it
B) Ventilation is essential in such places carefully enough as regards all the
as chemical processing plants and details.
paint shops, where poisonous or E) As it hadn't been organized with
combustible gases can accumulate. enough attention to detail, we had
C) Such places as paint shops or quite a lot of mix-ups during the trip.
chemical processing plants should 108. Rakiplerimizin ileri sürdüğü koşullar
have ventilation; otherwise, poisonous kabul edemeyeceğimiz kadar katiydi.
or combustible gases will accumulate.
D) Poisonous and combustible gases A) Our rivals put forward such heavy
accumulate in chemical processing terms that we didn't accept them.
plants and paint shops, creating a B) We'd have accepted the terms stated
need for ventilation. by our rivals, had they not been so
E) If a ventilation system is not fitted in strict.
such places as chemical processing C) The terms stated by our rivals were so
plants or paint shops, poisonous or unacceptable that we had to reject
combustible gases may accumulate. D) None of the terms that our rivals set
were reasonable enough for us to
106. Bütün büyük icatlar gibi, lokomotif de accept.
farklı mucitler tarafından yapılan E) The terms our rivals put forward were
düzeltmelerin bir araya gelmesiyle too strict for us to accept.

ELS Q 421

109. Çağdaş edebiyatta anlam eski yazılarda 110. Đngiliz filozof Herbert Spencer, Darwin'in
olduğundan daha derin ve karmaşıktır, "güçlünün ayakta kalması" teorisinin,
çünkü yaşamın kendisi çok karmaşık bir biyolojik dünyada olduğu kadar toplumda
hal almıştır. da geçerli olduğuna inanıyordu.

A) Meaning in modern literature is deep A) The English philosopher Herbert

Spencer took Darwin's theory of "the
and complex, which reflects the survival of the fittest" and applied it to
intricate nature of modern society society, in addition to the biological
compared with earlier eras. world.
B) Meaning in modern literature is B) The English philosopher Herbert
deeper and more complex than in Spencer developed Darwin's theory of
earlier writing because life itself has "the survival of the fittest", believing it
become exceedingly complex. was valid both in the biological world
C) The reason for the complexity of and in society as a whole.
modern literature when compared C) The English philosopher Herbert
with earlier styles is that society itself Spencer argued that Darwin's theory
of "the survival of the fittest" was valid
has developed into an exceedingly not only in the biological world but in
complex framework. society as well.
D) As life itself becomes more and more D) The English philosopher Herbert
complicated, this is reflected in Spencer believed that Darwin's theory
literary meaning, which has steadily of "the survival of the fittest" was valid
become deeper and more complex. in society as well as in the biological
E) Although modern life has become world.
more complicated than earlier times, E) The English philosopher Herbert
meaning in literature has always been Spencer didn't believe that Darwin's
deep and complex. theory of "the survival of the fittest"
was limited to the biological world,
and so he extended it to include society.


9. The trophy ........ to the winning team at 15. Penguins ............ like funny little men in
the award ceremony, was taken back so black and white evening clothes, live In the
that It could be engraved with the team's icy waters of the Antarctic Ocean.
A) to look B) to be looking
A) presents C) having looked D) looking E)
B) to have presented to have looked
C) presented
D) to be presenting 16. The Spice Islands, now the East
E) presenting Indies, was the name ..........In the Middle
Ages to the region from which spices
10. On November 1, 1755, Lisbon was struck
by a tremendous earthquake, ....... two A) knowing/to give
thirds of the city. B) known/given
C) to know/giving
A) destroyed D) being known/gave
B) to destroy E) to be known/having given
C) to have destroyed
D) being destroyed 17. What's the name of that new film .......
E) destroying Bruce Willis?
11. It was the necessity of war that first led A) to have starred
women In Britain to work in technical B) starred
areas previously ....... by men. C) to be starring
D) starring
A) to dominate B) having dominated E) having been starred
C) dominated D) dominating
E) to have dominated 18. Under British law, if someone .............of a
serious crime pleads Innocence, he or she
12. Armadillos ........ In both North and South Is tried before a jury ............. of 12
America, are nocturnal mammals with members of the public.
distinctive armour-encased bodies.
A) to-accuse/consisted
A) finding C) find B) found B) being accused/consists
D) to find C) accused/consisting
E) having
D) accuses/to be consisted
found E) accusing/having consisted
13. There are many different theories .......the 19. Gregory, not ....... of cigarette smoking,
nature and development of personality always asks his guests to smoke outside
and the causes of personality changes. on the balcony.
A) concerning A) to approve
B) concerned B) approved
C) to concern C) approving
D) being concerned D) to have approved
E) to be concerned E) being approved

14. The best person ....... us some Information 20. Air France's jets, ........specially for the
about Cyprus Is Ellf because she used to World Cup with designs featuring football
live there. stars, transported the various teams
around France during the event.
A) to give B) given
D) have given A) to paint B) painting
C) being given C) to be painted D) painted
E) to be E) having painted
ELS a 449

21. Hawks,....... eagles In the same bird 28. The Great Wall of China......... for 2,400
family, come In many different sizes. kilometres along the Mongolian plateau,
was built to prevent invasions from the
A) having resembled North.
B) to resemble
C) resembled A) extended B) to extend
D) to have resembled C) to be extended D) have extended
E) resembling
22. extending
Until the 20th century, the chief raisin
producers were Turkey, Iran and Greece. 29. The Spanish Armada was made up of 130
By mid-century, however, the United ships........ altogether 30,493 men, of
States had taken the lead In production, whom 18,973 were soldiers.
with Australia....... second.
A) carried B) carrying
A) ranking B) rank C) being carried D) to carry
C) to rank D) be ranked E) to have carried
E) to have ranked
30. The training program ....... by all of our
23. Formerly ...... as Slam, Thailand is one of new employees will cover the areas of
the most popular tourist spots in Asia. safety, company procedure and filing.
A) to know C) knowing B) known A) undertaking
E) having D) knew B) undertook
known C) having undertaken
D) to undertake
24. The Koh-1-noor diamond, have E) to be undertaken
been taken from the rajah of Malwa in
1304, measures 191 carats and is one of 31. The name of the doctor .......with your
the most famous diamonds In the world. daughter is Dr. Bennett.
A) having believed A) dealt B) deals
B) believed
C) believing C) deal D) dealing
D) to believe E) being dealt
E) to have believed
32. The topic ....... at the moment concerns all
25. Students .......a foreign language can the members closely, so we expect all of
always benefit from visiting the country you to participate In the discussion.
whose language they are trying to learn.
A) having discussed
A) to study B) studied B) discussing
C) studying D) to be studied C) to discuss
E) being studied D) being discussed
E) to be discussing
26. The professor....... to Mrs Wilson over
there is head of the history department at 33. I'm not sure If George is the sort of
our university. person....... on with such an important
A) to be talked B) talked
C) having talked D) to talk
E) talking A) relying B) to be relied
C) rely D) having relied
27. Paul ........ himself for the delay, E) to be relying
apologized to everyone .......In the project.
34. I need a large bag........ all this stuff in.
A) blamed/involving
B) to blame/to involve A) putting B) being put
C) being blamed/involve C) to put D) put
D) blaming/involved E) having put
E) blames/having involved


35. Listeni The poem ....... by the narrator on A) to be reached B) having reached
TV Is by my favourite poet. C) to reach D) being reached
E) to be reaching
A) to read B) reading
C) having read D) to be reading 39. The kitchen In a modem home, unless It
E) being read Is combined with a dining area, is a
relatively small room ....... with cooking
36. Whenever you need someone ....... your equipment.
problems with, I'm here to listen to you.
A) to fill
A) to share B) sharing
C) shared B) to be filling
D) being shared C) filled
E) having shared D) having filled
E) being filled
37. In the Cairo Museum, whole rooms are
given over to treasures ....... from the 40. Jean Jacques Rousseau argued for
tomb of Tutankhamen. freedom in music, and he pointed to
A) to recover B) recovering Italian composers as models .........
C) having recovered D) recovered
E) have recovered A) having followed
B) following
38. Because of the hostility of the local tribes C) followed
In that area, Erie was the last of the D) to be followed
Great Lakes ...... by white men, In 1669. E) to have followed


After voting on the election day, I stopped at a bakery. As the

cashier rang up some cinnamon rolls and doughnuts for the man standing
ahead of me, the customer joked, "Do you guarantee these don't have any
Straight-faced, the cashier responded, "Absolutely no calories."
"You know where you'll go if you lie like that, don't you?" the man
"Yes," said the cashier, "to the Parliament."
(from Reader's Digest)


a) Cleft sentence Türkçe'ye "bölünmüş cümle" biçiminde çevrilebilir. Đngilizce'de cleft
sentence, basit ya da düz bir cümlenin bir bölümünü ya da bir öğesini vurgulamak
için, cümleyi "clause" içerecek biçimde yeniden ifade etmektir. Bu cümle yapısında
genellikle cümleye "it" ile başlanır ve devamında bir relative clause kullanılır.
Vurgulamak istediğimiz öğe insan ise, "It is/was someone who/that...."; insan dışında bir
varlık ise "It Is/was something that...." kalıbı kullanılır.
Nikola Tesla actually invented the radio, (simple statement)
(Radyoyu aslında Nikola Tesla icat etti.) It was Nikola Tesla
who/that actually invented the radio. (Radyoyu icat eden
aslında Nikola Tesla idi.)

ELS Q 451

1-75, sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan 8. My father requested a transfer weeks ago,
yerlere uygun düşeö sözcük ya but ...... manager still hasn't given.........
an answer.

1. Nearly ...... contemporary Latin American A) herself/them C) B) her/hers D)

writer uses magical realism, but ...... ours/us
uses it In an Individual way. him/himself
E) his/him
A) none/all B ) much/none
C) most/many D) all/some 9.
E) every/each The annual prize won't be awarded this
year as .......of the candidates.........a high
2. Next weekend, some relatives of.......are enough standard.
coming to visit.........
A) one/have reached
A) us/ourselves B) them/theirs B) some/were reached
C) hers/they D) himself/her C) few/is reaching
E) mine/us D) none/has reached
E) much/r eached
3 ...........of the players........ contributed to the
victory In his own way. 10. He'd made....... a mess of the form that
A) One/have he had to get another one.
B) All/were B) even
C) Each/has A) enough C) too D) such
D) Every/will have E) so
E) A few/will be
11. My mother won't have a dog
4...........English are not as reserved as people unless we have a garden to put
of ...... countries often believe.
A) B) us/it
A) Some/others B) The/other our/itself C) D) me/myself
C) Another/the D) All/whole
E) An/some E) it/them

5. The hotel won't supply any towels, so 12......... more people came by car than we
you'll have to bring......... had expected, so there weren't enough
parking spaces.
A) your B) themselves D) their
own C) your E) itself A) Such B) A little D) Many
C) Quite E) So
6 ...........number of people
using public
transport is steadily declining, and this, 13. There were a lot of people on ...... sides of
in turn, will almost certainly lead to ....... the road waiting to welcome the Prime
rise in fares. Minister.
A) both
A) A/the C) none B) whole D) either
B) A great/another E) neither
C) More/some
D) The / a 14. Since only a few of us are in the mood to
E) A small/much see this film now, shall we go and see it
7 .......... applicants performed well at the ..... time?
Interviews even though they'd ...... sent in
excellent CVs.
A) B) Either/both A) other B) whenever
C) what else D) what
E) None/each E) another
Every/none C) D) Some/neither
516 a ELS

15. The teacher told the twins that she didn't 22. Since ....... people are smoking now than
want .......of them In the same class as it a couple of decades ago, one would expect
would be difficult to tell them apart. a corresponding drop In the rate of cancer
and heart disease, but unfortunately, this
A) B) neither D) some is not the case.
either C) E) every B) a little D)
A) much more C) fewer not many
16. We had thought we would E) the least
have ............................................................ time
before the train left, but we were wrong, 23. We spent hours looking for ........hotel that
as we barely caught It. wasn't fully booked, and finally ended up
at .......Royal.
A) very little B) plenty of D) many more
C) hardly any E) quite a bit A) the/- B) any/some D) the/the
C) some/- E) a/the
17. Although Alice and
Janice are twins, they
don't look a bit like..........
24. My sister's shoes aren't big enough for
A) theirs C) oneself B) the other ..... , so I can't borrow ..........
E) D) each other
themselves A) mine/hers C) B) I/their
my/theirs D) me/them
18. Why are you trying to do everything by E) my self/her
..... instead of asking for ....... help?
25 ........item is carefully checked before
A) yourself/others' , : dispatch, and.......with even the slightest
B) y o u /th e o th ers defect are put aside. . « ..
C) y o ur o wn /an o th er
D) yours/so meon e's A) All/the other -,•• - „ ;_,
E) yourselves/anyone B) The whole/the ones '/j. "
C) Either/none
19. I'm afraid I won't be able to say D) Each/some
I've got....... opinion on the matter. E) Every/any ' ... "

A) nothing/some B) anything/no 26. Ron wants to get ...... car because his old
C) someone/none D) any one/any one keeps breaking down.
E) everything/few
A) another C) other B) every
20. Are you sure you can carry all this E) some D) each
luggage .......?

A) yours C) yourself B) itself 27. I can't believe that you ate .......loaf of
E) D) them bread all by yourself!
A) every B) a whole D) most
21. He is one of my favourite authors C) plenty E) either
because, although he has written ........
books.........of them leaves a different 28. The belief that ...... dead
Impression on you. can return to
haunt and even hurt the living has long
A) so many/each been.......element of fiction.
B) a lot of/all
C) too many/some A) a/the B) the/an D) a/an
D) many more/every C) -/the E) the/the
E) plenty of/both


29. It Is difficult to decide which of those 36. Although as deputy chairman It was .....
language schools to attend, because ...... Job to argue In favour of the company's
have a good reputation, and...... is policy, he realty didn't agree with it......
cheaper than the other.
A) theirs/itself
A) all/either B) most/some B) him /t he m
C) both/neither D) none/all C) mine/him
E) neither/one D) your/yourselves
E) his/himself
30. I have seen Monet's painting "Sunrise"
reproduced on cards and posters many 37. I can't stand just sitting here In the
times, but when I saw the painting........I shade! Let's go
was astonished at ...... beauty. somewhere.

A) myself/him B) him/his A) all C) B) some

C) his/itself D) himself/mine whole D) a few
E) itself/its E) much

31. Though there were about a dozen of us 38........ of my children Is very keen on their
with cameras and binoculars........ of us school subjects. They are ...... more
actually managed to photograph the Interested In social or sporting activities.
A) Both/all B) Neither/both
B) neither C) Some/neither D) One/either
A) whoever C) anyone D) none
E) nobody E) All/none

32. There are ...... new films showing at the 39. A: Would you like your steak well-done or
new cinema complex, but.......appeals to medium?
me. B:....... way is fine for me. I really don't
A) several/none C) B) both/either A) Both B) All
no/all D) few/neither C) None D) Neither
E) E) Either
40. hi the rehearsal process, the actor thinks
33. Today almost...... places In the world are of the character ........ is to play.
connected to ...... by communications
networks. A) them/himself
B) it/itself
A) whole/the rest C) himself/he
B) all/one another D) him/his own
C) every/anywhere E) theirs/it
D) each/elsewhere
E) many/somewhere 41. My brother is earning quite a lot as a
stockbroker, but he says he can't do this
34. Fm really Interested In ........archaeology. job for .......another two years, since it's
Do you have ...... other books on the so stressful.
subject that I can borrow?
A)the/one B) the/some D) an/the A) any more B) so long
C)-/any E) -/much C) longer than D) long enough
E) the longest
35. There weren't ...... people to make up two
complete teams, so we played football 42.........research papers were due last week,
with nine players on ...... side. but Jane still hasn't handed In ....... yet.
A) any/all B) such/any D) A) Theirs/it
C) many/every enough/each B) O ur /h er s
E) no/both C) Our own/her
D) Ourselves/its
E) Her/herself
518 G ELS

43. Nell doesn't resemble .......of his parents 50. My brother, who has always been jealous
at all. He looks completely different than of....... is saving to buy a car just like
..... of them.
A) either/both B) neither/any A) me/mine B) mine/my D) myself/I
C) none/all D) any/some C) my/me E) I/myself
E) both/either
51. The Scandinavian countries are .....
44. From a young age, children should be admired all over the world for their
allowed to make some of ...... decisions enlightened social policies.
for ...... so that they may grow up to be
self-confident. A) too B) much D) enough
C) such E) either
A) themselves/theirs
B) their/themselves
C) theirs/itself 52. It is widely believed that, despite
D) it/them disadvantages such as pollution and
E) its/himself overcrowding, cities nonetheless provide
people with.......opportunities than they
45. With so many changes both in the town would have in the country.
...... and in people's attitude in general,
my hometown was I A) the B) much more D)less
remembered it. least C) E) a lot more

A) its own/no more 53. The exhibition received .......of attention

B) its/any more in the press, for the paintings were by the
C) itself/no longer most famous artists of the 19th century.
D) themselves/any longer
E) of their own/some more A) much more
B) a large number
46. I have decided to subscribe to that C) a good many
magazine so that 111 be sure of receiving D) a great deal
......edition as soon as it's published. E) the whole
A) all B) whole D) each 54. Advertisers discovered years ago that all
C) both E) either of us love to get ...... for ........ so an
advertisement which begins with the
47. Since you're the first person here, you magic word "free" can rarely go
can choose.......of the rooms you want unnoticed.
A) anywhere B) everywhere D) wherever A) everything/something
C) anyone E) whichever B) nothing /any th ing
C) anything/everything
48 .........problems arose D) nothing /no th ing
during the E) something /nothing
conference that by the end of it, the
organizers had exhausted ....... just trying 55. Please concentrate on.......driving and
to put them in order. don't allow anything to distract ........
A) Su ch a lo t/th em A) your/you B) yourself/me
B) The most/their
C) mine/yourself D) him/yours
C) So many/themselves
D) Too much /they E) our/mine
E) Much more/theirs
56. Even if it Is a little more expensive, I
49. When the United States first invaded think we will go by train since we live
Vietnam, few people expected........ a long, ......closer to the station.
drawn-out war.

A) very B) so D) A) enough B) too

C) much such C) so much
E) too D) the most
E) much more
ELS Q 519

57. If the English language had exactly 26 64. Through unwise investment, he lost .......
sounds, one for.......letter of the that he had accumulated over the years.
alphabet, there would be .......spelling B) whole D)
problems. A) all anything
C) whichever
A) more/many B) each/no E) each
C) all/fewer D) every/less
E) either/much 65. The hotel, which was at the top of a hill,
had fabulous views on ...... sides.
58. She had planned to read six books during A) each B) all
her holiday, but having been tempted by C) every D) neither
her friends to go out frequently, she
couldn't finish ........ E) either
66. Don't forget to look in ....... directions
A) more than C) enough B) so much before crossing the road.
E) that D) plenty of
many A) every C) both B) most
E) either D) each
59. My son does not like to eat the peach
...... but he likes........ juice. 67. I believe that ...... person holding a
driving licence should have his driving
A) its/them B) itself/its ability retested once ....... five years.
C) its own/its own D) himself/their
E) his own/itself A) every/every
B) any/all
60 ....... research needs to be done before the C) all/each
D) some/whole
product can be launched onto the E) each/several
68. I must have looked very sad yesterday
A) B) A good many D) More because, although there was .......wrong,
Fewer C) E) Any more ..... kept asking me what the problem
Many was.
61. My daughter can write with ....... hands
equally well, but she usually prefers her A) no one/something
left. B) nothing/everybody
Q nowhere/someone
A) both D) somebody/nobody
C) some B) neither D) all
E) either E) any thing/no one

62. Do not undervalue or others will do 69. A: Would you like us to order the hardback
or the paperback version of that book,
the same to......... Madam?
B:....... will be fine, but, as I need it for
A) him/he B) us/ours my course, I would prefer whichever
C) yourself/you D) theirs/they will arrive earlier.
E) myself/mine
B) Both
A) None C) Neither D) All
63. It gets on my nerves that Jenny always E) Either
approves of what...... say, as if she has
no ideas of......... 70. She was prepared to do the job for $200
per week, so she was pleasantly surprised
A) another/herself when they offered her twice ..........
B) whenever/hers
C) anyone/her A) so many B) many more D) as much
D) whoever/hers C) enough E) the most
E) others/her own


71. Her background was nothing like C) My father always instructs me to
we found ....... with very little to talk consider how people want to be
about. treated and behave accordingly.
D) I have always behaved towards people
A) my/us B) us/herself
C) mine/ourselves D) our/ours as I wish to be treated myself,
E) our own/myself because this is what my father taught
72. Epic poetry has been used by peoples In E) It's my father's belief that you ought of the world to transmit their to behave towards other people the
traditions from one generation to .......... way you want them to behave towards
A) every/the other
B) a l l/ anot he r 77. The committee rejected his application for
C) each/other a fund for his project on the grounds that
D) either/an y other
his research wouldn't benefit people
E) whole/the others
73. With ...... place to expand but upwards,
Hong Kong has ...... of the world's tallest A) The committee considered his project
buildings, outside New York City. totally useless, particularly because
the majority of people wouldn't profit
A) no/some B) every/several from his research.
D) each/many
C) neither/a few B) As his research wouldn't help people
E) none/most in a practical way, it was not
surprising that the committee
74. I had wanted to go to Australia last declined his application.
summer, but the plane ticket was too C) The committee was not very interested
expensive, so I had to go ...... closer to in his project because they believed
home. his research had no scientific value.
A) D) He believes his project to be very
B) where else D) somewhere
whenever E) anyone important, but the committee has
C) anything decided that his research is only
75. If a runner does not pace himself and useful to a few people.
uses up .......his energy in the early part E) Stating that his research would be of
of a race, he will have.......left for the little use to people, the committee
final sprint. refused to provide him with a fund.

A) mo s t / a n y 78. The museum is visited mainly by those

B) more of/plenty who are interested in the Impressionist
C) all/none painters.
D) half/a few
E) any of/some A) Most of the visitors to the museum
have an interest in artists from the
era of Impressionism.
B) The museum, which displays mainly
Impressionist art, attracts visitors
with a serious interest in art.
76. My father says that you should treat C) A lot of visitors to the museum who
people how you wish to be treated are interested in Impressionism buy
yourself. paintings.
D) The museum, which displays only
A) If you had listened to my father, you Impressionist paintings, receives lots
would always treat others with the
of visitors.
consideration you expect from them
towards yourself. E) The museum, which attracts large
B) My father told me that you deserved numbers of visitors, has a particularly
to be treated how you had treated interesting display of Impressionist
others previously. paintings.

ELS Q 521

79. Some countries require tourists to receive 82. There was no occasion on which their son
certain vaccinations before entry, while called them and didn't request money.
others do not.
A) Their son rang them many times to
A) Vaccinations are given to tourists at ask for money.
the border by some countries, but not
by all. B) Occasionally their son needed money
B) Many countries vaccinate tourists and so contacted them by telephone.
after they have entered, whereas C) Sometimes they rang their son in case
many others don't. he needed money.
C) While many tourists get vaccinated D) Their son's requests for money were
upon entry to some countries, many always made by phone.
others do not. E) Whenever their son phoned them, he
D) Tourists need not be vaccinated to asked for money.
enter certain countries, but other
nations may demand this.
E) Other countries require vaccinations
83. It's nearly impossible to voice your
for tourists before they enter, but ours opinion on this matter without offending
doesn't. someone.

80. Though I had known about it well in A) You will most likely make someone
advance, I pretended to be surprised at upset if you say what you think about
having a birthday party. this issue.
B) Whether you state them or not, your
A) Despite only pretending to be feelings on this subject are probably
surprised at the birthday party, I had upsetting.
actually been completely unaware of
C) There's no way that anyone can
B) I was quite surprised at their throwing possibly be upset by your simply
me a birthday party, though I could saying what you think.
have found out about it well before. D) Though not everyone will be pleased
C) I acted surprised about being given a with what you say, you should say
birthday party, but I had known what you think.
about it a long time before. E) It should be possible for you to solve
D) I knew about the birthday party a this problem without making everyone
long time before, yet I wasn't angry.
pretending when I acted surprised.
E) Even though they had thrown me
birthday parties before, I was still 84. There are few truly natural places left In
quite surprised anyway. the world, and most of them are
practically inaccessible.
81. Despite not being widely known In her
own tune, Jane Austen had a small band A) It's hardly possible to gain access to
of dedicated followers. most of the few remaining genuinely
natural places on this planet.
A) Even during her own lifetime, Jane B) There's no way to get to most of the
Austen had gathered a sizeable band world's nature spots, and so, they
of devoted admirers.
remain almost intact.
B) Until after her death, not many people
who read Jane Austen's work liked it. C) It's true that the number of official
C) Despite the quality of her work, Jane nature areas is declining, but you can
Austen didn't become popular with visit them with some effort.
readers until after her death. D) It isn't very practical to try to go to
D) A small devoted group admired Jane natural places any more as there are
Austen's work, in spite of her simply too few left.
obscurity during her lifetime. E) Most of the world's easily accessible
E) Ever since her death, Jane Austen green places have already been badly
has had a small but dedicated circle
of readers. spoilt.


85. I was hardly upset that she did not want 88. The only criticism I can put forward
to see me again since the feeling was about the film is that it could have been a
entirely mutual. little shorter.

A) Having once loved her, I found it hard A} The film is great, although some
to tell her that I no longer wished her people may find it a little too long.
to be part of my life. B) I'm sure the film will receive a lot of
B) I was glad when she broke off our criticism because of how long it lasts.
relationship, as I was thinking of C) Apart from the fact that it was a little
doing the same but finding it hard to too long, I can't say anything bad
tell her. about the film.
C) It was hard on me when she said she D) The film is a little boring because it is
never wanted to see me again, in spite too long; otherwise, it is worth seeing.
of our mutual affection. E) Even though it was such a long film, I
D) As I didn't want to see her any more don't think it really deserves any
than she wanted to see me, I didn't
mind much when she told me so. 89. Had it not been for the timely
E) Because of the feelings we had once intervention of a helpful passer-by, he
shared, I was terribly upset to hear would have been robbed of all his money.
that she no longer wished to see me.
A) He was saved from having all his
86. I have visited almost all of the countries money stolen when a person who
In Europe, and Portugal Is my favourite. happened to be going by intervened
just in time.
A) Portugal is the country that I have B) A helpful passer-by intervened just
always wanted to see most in Europe. when a thief was trying to rob him of
B) Having visited practically every all his money, but he failed to stop
country in Europe, I find that Portugal him.
is the one I enjoy most. C) Had it not been for someone who got
C) Although there are few countries that in the way while trying to be helpful,
I have not visited in Europe, Portugal he would have recovered his money.
is one of them. D) All his money was stolen by a passer
D) I have visited many countries, but I by, who pretended to be helping him.
have enjoyed few as much as the E) The burglar would have got away with
European country of Portugal. all his money if there had not been a
E) I feel that Portugal is the most timely knock on the door by a helpful
interesting country in Europe. neighbour.

87. Any cough that persists for more than a 90. The part of the day when one person
week should be looked at by a doctor. works most effectively may not be the
same for another.
A) Some coughs may continue for weeks,
whether or not a doctor is seen. A) Nobody can possibly work very
effectively throughout the day.
B) If you have a weak cough, you
B) The time of day which is best for
probably don't really need to visit a working varies from individual to
doctor. individual.
C) You ought to see a doctor if you have C) You may be able to work efficiently at
a cough that doesn't stop within a any time of day, but not everybody is
week. so.
D) Coughs that have lasted for more D) It is important to discover at what
than a week may be an underlying time of day you can work most
symptom of a more serious condition. effectively.
E) You don't have to go to a doctor if you E) People who do their best work in the
think your cough will stop within the morning also tend to do well at other
week. times.

ELS Q 523

91-100» sorutoî^ ^ cümleye B) Tıp alanındaki gelişmeler,
anlamca eti yakın Türkçe cümleyib yaşlanmanın getirdiği sorunlardan
bazılarının geciktirilebileceğini
91. Besides being a sport In Itself, hiking is göstermektedir.
basic to several sporting activities, such C) Tıp yaşlanmayı durduracak kesin bir
as mountaineering and hunting. çözüm bulamamıştır, ama en azından,
geciktirmeyi başarmıştır.
A) Avcılık ve dağcılığın temelini D) Yaşlılığın getirdiği bazı tıbbi sorunlara
oluşturan hiking, aslında kendisi de karşı büyük ilerlemelerin olduğu
bir spor dalıdır. gözlenmektedir.
B) Hiking, kendisi de bir spor olmasına E) Tıp alanındaki bunca ilerlemeye
rağmen, daha çok dağcılık ve avcılık rağmen yaşlılıkta hala pek çok
gibi sportif etkinliklerin temelim sorunla karşılaşılmaktadır.
C) Dağcılık ve avcılık gibi bazı sportif 94. It's an undeniable fact that the gap
etkinlikler için temel olan hiking, between the rich and the poor In our
bunun yanı sıra kendisi de bir spor country is becoming wider.
D) Kendisi de bir spor olmasının yanı A) Şu bir gerçek ki, ülkemizde yoksullar
sıra hiking, dağcılık ve avcılık gibi bazı giderek daha çok yoksullaşmakta,
sportif etkinlikler için de temeldir. zenginler ise daha da
E) Hiking, kendisi de bir spor olsa da, zenginleşmektedir. .
esas olarak dağcılık ve avcılık gibi bazı B) Ülkemizde zenginlerle yoksullar
sportif etkinliklerin temelidir.
arasındaki uçurumun giderek
92. No library, no matter how large, can büyüdüğünü herkes kabul
possess every book, so libraries, through etmektedir.
borrowing and lending, share materials C) Ülkemizde zenginlerle yoksullar
with one another. arasında çok büyük bir uçurum
olduğu çok iyi bilinmektedir.
A) Ne kadar büyük olursa olsun bir D) Ne yazık ki ülkemiz zenginleri,
kütüph an en in bü tü n k itap lara sah ip yoksulların giderek daha da
olması mümkün olmadığı için, yoksullaştıkları gerçeğini inkar
kütüphaneler materyal ödünç alma ve ediyorlar.
verme yöntemini geliştirmişlerdir. E) Ülkemizde zenginlerle yoksullar
B) Kütüphaneler, ödünç alma ve verme arasındaki uçurumun giderek
yöntemiyle materyalleri paylaşırlar, derinleştiği inkar edilemez bir
çünkü çok büyük bile olsa bir gerçektir.
kütüphanenin bütün kitap lara sah ip
olması imkansızdır. 95. Adolescents are taught to be honest In
C) Ne kadar büyük olursa olsun hiçbir their relations with other people, yet they
kütüphane her kitaba sahip olamaz; often see deceit In adult relationships.
bu yüzden kütüphaneler, ödünç alma
ve verme yoluyla, materyalleri A) Gençlere diğer insanlarla olan
paylaşırlar. ilişkilerinde dürüst olmaları gerektiği
D) En büyük kütüphaneler bile her öğretilirken, onlar yetişkinlerin
kitaba sahip olamayacağından, ilişkilerinde aldatmacayla tanışıyorlar.
kütüphaneler kendi aralarında ödünç B) Gençlere diğer insanlarla olan
kitap alıp vererek materyalleri ilişkilerinde dürüst olmaları
paylaşırlar. öğretiliyor, ama onlar yetişkinlerin
E) Kütüphanelerin ödünç alma ve verme ilişkilerinde çoğunlukla aldatmaca
yoluyla materyallerini paylaşmalarının görüyorlar.
nedeni, çok büyük bile olsa hiçbir C) Yetişkinlerin ilişkilerinde aldatmaca
kütüph an en in bü tü n k itap lara sah ip görmelerine rağmen gençler, kendi
olamayacağıdır. ilişkilerinde dürüst olmayı
93. Progress In the area of medicine Indicates D) Yetişkinlerin ilişkilerinde gördükleri
that some of the problems produced by
aging can be delayed. aldatmacaya rağmen gençler, diğer
insanlarla olan ilişkilerinde dürüst
A) Yaşlanmayı durdurmak tıbben olmaya zorlanıyorlar.
mümkün olmasa da, onun getirdiği E) Yetişkinler kendi ilişkilerinde
sorunlardan bazılarını geciktirme yaşadıkları aldatmacaya rağmen
konusunda ilerleme kaydedilmiştir. gençlere, diğer insanlarla olan
ilişkilerinde dürüst olmayı
524 Q ELS

96. The science of psychology has come a C) Çok az insanın severek yediği
long way since the days when severe karnabahar aslında çok yararlı bir
mental Illnesses were hidden from sebzedir.
society. D) Pek çok insan karnabaharın
yararlarını bildiği halde bu sebzeyi
A) Psikoloji bilimi, ağır akıl hastalarının çok az yemektedir.
toplumdan gizlendiği günlerde E) Karnabaharın çok besleyici bir sebze
gelişmeye başlamıştır. olduğu bilindiği halde, çok az insan
B) Psikoloji bilimi, ağır akıl onu severek yer.
hastalıklarının toplumdan
gizlenmesine rağmen büyük gelişme 99. As even the skilled workers are being
göstermiştir. made redundant in this economic crisis,
C) Eskiden ağır akıl hastalıklarının it seems really hopeless for the unskilled
to find employment.
toplumdan gizlenmesine rağmen
psikoloji bilimi ilerleme kaydetmiştir.
A) Bu ekonomik kriz sadece vasıfsız
D) Psikoloji bilimi, ağır akıl
işçilerin değil vasıflı olanların da iş
hastalıklarının toplumdan gizlendiği
bulma ümidini hemen hemen ortadan
günlerden bu yana çok yol kaldırmıştır.
katetmiştir. B) Bu ekonomik krizde vasıflı işçilerin
E) Ağır akıl hastalarının toplumdan bile iş bulması zorken vasıfsız olanlar
dışlandığı günlerden bu yana psikoloji için durum gerçekten çok
bilimi çok büyük değişime uğramıştır. umutsuzdur.
C) Bu ekonomik krizde vasıflı işçiler bile
97. A certain amount of the total sum should işten çıkarılırken vasıfsız olanların iş
be paid when the initial application is bulması gerçekten ümitsiz görünüyor.
made. D) Bazıları bu ekonomik krizi, vasıflı
işçileri işten çıkarıp yerlerine daha
A) Đlk başvuru yapıldığında, toplam ucuz olan vasıfsız işçiler alarak
miktarın belli bir bölümünün aşmaya çalışıyorlar.
ödenmesi gerekmektedir. E) Görünen o ki, bu ekonomik kriz
B) Başvuru sırasında, toplam miktarın vasıfsız işçilerin iş bulmasını imkansız
bir bölümünü ödemeniz gerekir. kılarken vasıflı olanları da işlerini
C) Toplam miktarın önemli bir kaybetme tehlikesiyle karşı karşıya
bölümünün başvurudan hemen sonra bırakmıştır.
ödenmesi gerekir.
D) Başvurudan önce, toplam ödemenin 100. The most important feature you must
belli bir miktarını yatırmanız possess In order to succeed in anything is
gerekecek. perseverance.
E) Başvuru için öncelikle, önemli bir
A) Azimli olamadığınız sürece hiçbir
miktar ödeme yapılması gerekir.
şeyde önemli bir basan elde
98. Although the cauliflower is known to be a B) Azimle çabalamadıkça herhangi bir
very nutritious vegetable, few people eat it şeyde başarılı olmayı bekleyemezsiniz.
with pleasure. C) Hangi alanda olursa olsun, başarmak
için mutlaka azimli olmanız gerekir.
A) Bazı insanlar karnabaharı, sevdikleri D) Herhangi bir şeyde başarılı olmak için
için değil besleyici bir sebze olduğu sahip olmanız gereken en önemli
için yer. özellik azimdir.
B) Ne kadar besleyici bir sebze olduğunu E) Azim, herhangi bir alanda başarıyı
bilselerdi, herhalde çok az insan yakalamak için gerekli olan en önemli
karnabahar yemeyi reddederdi. özelliktir.

ELS Q 525

C) The same unit of currency is now
being shared by several countries,
CUUucyj. which had never been seen in history
before the Euro was introduced.
101. 1996'da bilim adamları, dünyanın D) Since the historic moment of the
çekirdeğinin kendisinden daha hızlı introduction of the Euro, several
döndüğünü gösteren kanıtlar bulduklarını countries have been using the same
duyurdular. unit of currency.
A) According to evidence discovered by E) The introduction of the Euro is a
scientists, the Earth's inner core spun historic event because it is the first
faster than the Earth itself in 1996. time that several countries have
B) In 1996, scientists announced that shared the same unit of currency.
they had discovered evidence
indicating that the Earth's inner core 104. Yardım kuruluşu, kendisine bağışlanan
was spinning faster than the Earth tüm paranın üçte ikisini, kendi yönetimi
itself. için harcamaktadır.
C) It was announced that in 1996
scientists had found evidence that A) The charity spends three times as
showed the Earth itself spins faster
than its inner core. muc h on internal administration as it
D) In 1996, a scientist announced that does on the needy.
he had uncovered evidence that the B) Two-thirds of the money donated to
Earth's core was spinning faster than the charity is spent on internal
the Earth itself. administration.
E) A 1996 announcement by scientists C) The charity spends two-thirds of all
confirms that the core of the Earth is the money donated to it on its own
spinning faster than the planet itself. administration.
D) Three quarters of the money donated
102. Đngiltere'de parfüm satışları, Noel'den to the charity meets the expenses for
önceki alü hafta içinde yıllık toplam its own administration.
miktarm neredeyse yansını bulmaktadır. E) It costs two-thirds of the money
A) Perfume sales in England in the six received in donations to administer
weeks before Christmas amount to the charity's services.
almost half of the yearly total.
B) More than half of the perfume 105. Acemi sürücülerin ilk kazalarını
purchases in England are made in the genellikle, kendilerine olan aşın güven
six weeks before Christmas. yüzünden yapüklan söylenir.
C) Nearly half of the people who buy
perfume in England do so in the six A) Inexperienced drivers often don't have
weeks leading up to Christmas. enough confidence in themselves,
D) Almost half the perfume sold in which can result in their first
England is sold in the six weeks accident.
leading up to Christmas. B) Usually it is the overconfidence they
E) Perfume sales in England are
concentrated in the weeks around ha v e in the ms elv es that ca us es
Christmas time, which amounts to inexperienced drivers to have their
nearly half the yearly total. first accidents.
C) It is believed that lack of experience,
103. Euro'nun kullanıma girmesiyle birlikte, combined with overconfidence in
tarihte ilk kez, birkaç ülke ortak bir para themselves, very often leads drivers to
birimi kullanmaya başladı. have an accident.
D) Inexperienced drivers often say that it
^ With the introduction of the Euro, for was their lack of confidence in
the first time in history, several themselves that led to their first
countries began to use one common accident.
unit of currency. E) It's said that inexperienced drivers
B) Before the introduction of the Euro, usually have their first accidents due
never before in history had several to the overconfidence they have in
countries shared the same unit of
currency. themselves.

526 D ELS

106. Kendilerini nehir ya da okyanuslar B) By using colloquial language in his
kadar hızlı bir biçimde temizleyemedikleri books with great mastery, Mark Twain
için göller kirliliğe karşı özellikle created a unique style in American
savunmasızdırlar. literature.
C) Mark Twain, who encouraged the
A} Unlike rivers or oceans, which can creation of a typical American
cleanse themselves quickly, lakes are literature, was a master of employing
more or less defenseless against colloquial language in his books.
contamination. D) Mark Twain, who was a master of
B) Defenseless against pollution, lakes using colloquial language in his
are more prone to contamination than books, created a style typical of him
rivers or oceans, which can cleanse in American literature.
themselves more rapidly. E) Using colloquial language in his books
C) Lakes, which cannot cleanse with great mastery gained Mark Twain
themselves in the same way that a distinctive place in American
rivers or oceans can, are particularly literature.
susceptible to pollution.
D) Because lakes are defenseless against 109. Sihirbazların, Melerini gerçekleştirme
pollution, they become unclean more lerine yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmış
rapidly than rivers or oceans, which pek çok alet vardır.
are self-cleaning.
E) Since they cannot cleanse themselves A) Magicians have specially designed
as rapidly as rivers or oceans, lakes equipment to help them perform their
are especially defenseless against tricks.
pollution. B) Magicians use a great deal of
equipment to be able to perform their
107. Sıcak yaz günlerinde, yolun her iki tricks.
tarafındaki uzun ağaçlar, yürüyüşçüler C) A great amount of equipment has
için serin bir ortam oluşturuyor. been designed to assist magicians in
performing their tricks.
D) Magicians have at their command lots
A) The road bordered with tall trees
of equipment designed exclusively for
along both sides is used by walkers their performances.
on hot summer days because of the E) There is a great amount of equipment
cool environment. designed to help magicians perform
B) On hot summer days, the tall trees their tricks.
along both sides of the road provide a
cool environment for walkers. 110. Atalarının hemen hepsi çiftçi ya da
C) During the hot days of summer, the çoban olan Azerbaycanlıların bugün
tall trees of the avenue provide a cool, yandan fazlası şehirlerde yaşamaktadır.
shady walk.
D) The cool environment there, which A) By tradition, Azerbaijanis are farmers
walkers take advantage of on summer and herders, although today over half
days, is created by the tall trees which of them live in cities.
line the road. B) Nearly all Azerbaijanis used to be
E) On hot summer days, walkers cool farmers or herders, but today the
down under the tall trees along each majority of the people live in cities.
side of the road. C) More than half of the Azerbaijanis,
almost all of whose ancestors used to
108. Kitaplarında gündelik dill kullanma be farmers or herders, live in cities
konusunda usta olan Mark Twain, today.
Amerikan edebiyatında kendine özgü bir D) The Azerbaijanis are farmers and
tarz yaratmışür. herders by tradition, with less than
half of the population living in cities.
A) Mark Twain created his own style in E) The ancestors of the Azerbaijanis used
American literature through his skilful to be farmers or herders, although
use of colloquial language in his more than half of the population lives
books. in cities today.

ELS Q 527

1-35. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan 7. Recently, new conservation methods .......
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da Đfadeyi and it is hoped that these prevent
bulunuz. further erosion of the soil.
1. He....... so fast that he ........the tractor on A) developed/may have helped
the road ahead until It was too late. B) were developed/were helping
C) have been developed/will help
A) has driven/doesn't notice D) will be developing/have helped
B) had driven/wasn't noticing E) are developing/are helping
C) was driving/didn't notice
D) drove/won't have noticed 8. I was relieved when, after........ for an
E) drives/isn't noticing hour, I ....... in starting the car.
2. If our travel plans ....... unchanged, we A) being tried/would succeed
......on the beach In Cuba this time next B) trying/have succeeded
month. C) to be trying/could succeed
D) to have tried/h ad succeeded
A) remain/will be lying
B) have remained/are lying E) having tried/succeeded
C) are remaining/have lain
D) will remain/will have lain a "no-parking" zone, the boss's car
E) had remained/were lying was towed away.

3. Though I........with his ideas at first, by A) To be parked

the end of the meeting, th at B) Parking
he was correct. C) To park
D) Having been parked
A) won't agree/would convince E) To be parking
B) didn't agree/had convinced
C) wouldn't agree/convinced 10........ by the doctor, my father was
D) haven't agreed/was convincing prescribed some tablets and told to eat
E) don't agree/would have convinced foods containing little or no fat.
4. Now that a higher position,
A) Having been examined
she ...... more satisfied with her Job. B) To examine
C) To be examined
A) was promoted/wo uld be
B) will be promoted/had bee n D) Examining
C) had promo ted/was E) Having examined
D) p r o m o t e d/ h a s b e e n
E) has been promoted /will be 11 ......... the required score in the qualifying
round, the former champion will not be
5. It's highly probable that, unless ........with competing in the final.
great care, this glassware .......during the
move. A) Not to reach
B) Not having reached
A) handling/might break C) Not having been reached
B) handled/will break D) Not being reached
C) to h an dl e/br ea ks E) Not to be reaching
D) to handling/is broken
E) h a n d l e/ h a s b r o k e n 12......... of the dangers many times by his
mother, Cameron never swam in the river.
6 ......... for over an hour, the lifeboat men
finally spotted the small rubber boat ...... A) To warn
up and down in the rough sea. B) To be warning
A) Having searched/bobbing C) To have warned
B) Searching/to be bobbing D) Having warned
C) Being searched/having bobbed E) Having been warned
D) To have searched/bobbed
E) To be searched/to bob ELS a 575

588 the Roman, Byzantine and 19 ........ there for years, the curator of the
Ottoman civilizations, Syria has some museum was very Informative about all
striking architecture which.......the the exhibits.
influence of all the three.
A) To be working
A) To be occupied/reflected B) Having been worked
B) Occupying/has reflected C) To have worked
C) To be occupying/will reflect D) Having worked
D) Having occupied/is reflecting E) Worked
E) Having been occupied/reflects
20. Although Patrick O'Brian ....... writing
14. When you ....... here for a few more weeks, until he was over 60, he ....... more than
you....... how to behave In every situation. 20 novels up to now.

A) are living/know A) hasn't started/has been writing

B) lived/will have known B) couldn't start/writes
C) will have lived/know C) hadn't started/was writing
D) have lived/will know D) wasn't starting/is writing
E) live/have known E) didn't start/has written

15 ........ to a house closer to our office, now 21 .........of affection during his childhood,
we ....... a long way to work every day. that boy has difficulty forming proper
relationships with his classmates.
A) Having moved/don't have to travel
B) Moving/can't have travelled A) Depriving
C) To move/ought not to travel B) To be deprived
D) To be moved/haven't travelled C) Having deprived
E) To be moving/didn't use to travel D) To deprive
E) Having been deprived
16 ........ all our options, the board has
decided that expansion Into the European 22. Seeing that the horses .......heavily, I
market would not be feasible at this time. thought they ...... for a considerable
A) To consider
B) Considered A) have sweated/will be galloping
C) Having considered B) were sweating/had been galloping
D) To have considered C) have been sweating/are galloping
E) Being considered D) had sweated/will have galloped
E) sweat/have galloped
17. Traffic ...... to the adjacent street while
the natural gas pipes ...... In our street. 23. According to the police report, the
robbery about one hour after
A) has been diverted/are laying the gallery .........
B) will be diverted/are being laid
C) diverted/were laid A) has taken/closed
D) was diverted/laid B) would take/has closed
E) had diverted/were being laid C) took/had closed
D) is taking/will close
18. I don't know whether she....... the E) had taken/would close
demonstration or not, but certainly no
one .......seeing her there. 2 4 ......... this opponent on two previous
occasions, the player Is quite confident of
A) attends/is reporting victory tomorrow.
B) attended/reported
C) had attended/will have reported A) Having beaten B) To beat
D) is attending/was reporting C) Beating D) Beaten
E) will have attended/reports E) To have beaten

57* Q ELS

25. Just as I .......the comer shop the other 31. Their boat ...... in the rough sea as they
day, I...... Mary, an old friend of mine ..... it to a nearby port to get it repaired.
from high school.
A) had capsized/would be taking
A) had entered /was encountering B) was capsizing /h ad taken
B) was en tering/encountered C) would capsize/have been taking
C) have entered/would encou nter D) capsized/were taking
D) en tered /h ad en coun tered El has capsized/have tak en
E) would enter/could en counter
32. Because she has never moved house
26. While our host ...... our drinks, we........ since she.......married, my mother........
an Incredible amount of junk over the
out on to the terrace to watch the sunset. years.
A) has poured/were wandering A) g o t/h as accu mu lated
B) had been pouring/have wandered B) had got/will accumulate
C) was pouring/wandered C) was getting/accumulates
D) will be pouring/wander D) would get/would accumulate
E) is pouring/had wandered E) h as g o t/accu mu lated

27 .........his proposal to the board of 33. Their house....... a magnificent sea view
directors, the young manager stood In before those tall buildings .........
front of them awaiting their reaction to it.
A) used to have/were erected
A) To have presented B) was having/erected
B) Presented C) h as h ad /are erected
C) To present D) h ad h ad /h a d ere c ted
D) Having presented E) should have/have been erected
E) Being presented
34 ........ three best sellers, he feels it is now
safe ...... his job and live on the Income
28. Fortunately, everyone ..... from the from his writing.
building before the bomb
A) To have written/quitting
A) had been evacuated/exploded B) Having been written/quit
B) evacuates/will explode C) Having written/to quit
C) has been evacuated /explodes D) Writing/to have quit
D) will be evacuated/is exploding E) To be writing/having quit
E) was evacuating/has exploded
35 India, the spinning wheel reached
29 ....... their daughter because of their Europe via the Middle East sometime
obsession with their careers, the parents during the Middle Ages.
are responsible for her bad behaviour. A) To have invented
B) Having invented
A) Neglected C) To be invented
B) Having been neglected D) Having been invented
C) Having neglected E) Inventing
D) To be neglected
E) To neglect
36-60. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan
30. Do you know whether someone from the ygun düşen sözcüğü bulunuz.
main office ...... at the airport when we
36. There were no Instructions Included with
the computer, .......was there a phone
A) waits/have arrived number for a helpline.
B) waited /had arrived
A) for C) such B) so
C) will be waiting/arrive
D) has been waiting/are arriving E) nor D) yet
E) will have waited /arrived

ELS a 577

37. It's a good idea to keep water in your car 44. Minerals always have the same
when you drive through the desert ...... composition and structure ........they are
your car breaks down and you get found ........ rocks are usually made up of
stranded. a mixture of minerals that is dependent on
their locations.
A) in case B) instead of D) however
C) so that E) whereas A) however/since
B) wherever/while
C) even if/despite
38. Tourists are allowed to stay in the D) h o w/u n less
country for three months........ theyVe got E) in case/therefore
enough money to live on without taking a
job. 45. Hawaii has ....... raw materials ......... a
manufacturing industry, so it must
A) whereas B) provided that depend on tourism and agriculture to keep
D) besides its economy afloat.
C) even though
E) by the time A) not only/but also
B) either/or
39. The airline only allows 20 kilos of C) neith er/nor
baggage per person, so you should pack D) wh eth er/o r
your bags carefully ...... exceed the limit. E) both/and
A) as much as B) unless 46. In the end,........reluctantly, he admitted
C) no longer D) in order to that he had been wrong all along.
E) so as not to
A) such B) despite D) though
40. Today's cameras have automatic devices C) in case E) as well as
that relieve the picture taker of any
thoughts ...... concentrating on his or her 47. Having finished making her ghost
subject. costume for the party, she put it on to
test ...... she would feel comfortable in it
A) no matter C) in case B) whereas all night.
E) other than D) however
A) as if B) because D)
C) since thus E)if
41. Everybody knew that the experiment
failed.......poor planning by the team that 48......... a great deal more
had carried out the research. information about
A) due to Mars has been obtained will it be possible
C) until B) just as D) instead of to plan a manned trip to this planet.
E) while
A) Even though B) Ever since
42. Elvin drove through the rough mountain C) Only when D) Provided
path .......he was driving on a smooth E) Hardly ever
paved road.
A) provided that C) as B) whereas ...... a tunnel has been built through the
though D) in case mountains, the Great St Bernard Pass, in
the Swiss Alps, is much less dangerous
E) just when than before.
B) However
43 ........ the risk an insurance company A) No matter C) Now D) Therefore
takes........the premium you will have to that
pay. E) Due to

A) No soo n er/than 50. The Czech novelist Milan Kundera's novel

B) Th e mo st/th e le ast "The Unbearable Lightness of Being", first
C) Wh atev er/th at published In 1984, was banned in
D) Wh eth er/o r Czechoslovakia ...... 1989.
E) The bigger/the higher A) since B) until D) unless
C) while E) when

578 ü ELS

51......... how large the enemy may be, from a 58. Let's go and have a quick game of tennis
hawk to a human, the parent birds will .....there's still enough light.
try to drive the enemy away from their
chicks. A) yet C) before B) after
E) otherwise D) while
A) B) No matter D) Rather than
Whereas E) Except that 59. It'» really quite easy to program videos,
...... complicated the instructions may
52 ......... the match was about to start, there seem at first.
was an announcement instructing
everyone to evacuate the stadium. A) however B) in spite of
C) nevertheless D) even if
AS Just as B) Instead of D) Despite E) though
C) Besides E) Until
60. The road to the top of the hill looked
extremely steep and winding; ........ we
53 ........ increase sales, the company is decided to go ahead with our plan to
launching a major new advertising cycle up It.
campaign next week.
A) otherwise C) B) furthermore
A) B) Owing to D) In order to nevertheless D) even though
Whereas E) while

E) In view of
61*80. sorularda» verflea cümleyi uygun
54 ........ reading a book on the train, I looked sekflde tanas?—1 --------- ««*•*—*
up and suddenly realized that I was
sitting next to a famous pop star. 61. For a thousand years after Hagia Sophia
was completed...........
A) As B) Although D) Unless
C) Even if E) While A) it was the largest enclosed space in
the world
55. Joanna is a strict B) it still attracts tourists from all over
vegetarian, so she the world
never eats....... C) the plans for which had been drawn
up by Anthemius of Tralles, a noted
A) whether/or C) B) neither/nor mathematician
hardly/when D) both/also D) countlesö numbers of visitors have
E) either/or been filled with awe at its
56. Jason refuses to stop riding his E) there has been nothing to rival it ever
motorcycle,....... having already had three since
serious accidents.
62. The hairdresser left me sitting in the
A) B) however chair .........
although C) D) consequently
despite A) where I had never seen so many
E) though customers before
B) if only one of her assistants had
57. The shop-owner left the couple on their washed my hair in the meantime
own....... they could decide privately C) to go and talk to the customers who
whether to buy the refrigerator or not. are waiting for their turns
D) while she checked another customer's
A) as soon as C) so as B) so that hair
to D) due to E) because she sa ys she has to deal with
E) in order her other customers

ELS a 579

63 ........ until the Inspector let them go. D) the more the current seemed to pull
her out to sea
A) Everybody who has witnessed the E) but no one was aware of her frantic
murder will have to stay here efforts
B) No one was allowed to leave the scene
of the crime 68.......... but by late afternoon, most of it had
C) It's difficult for the children to stand melted.
D) Obviously, you can't expect all these A) I got very wet during the
people to follow your instructions thu nd erstorm
E) The police have demanded that B) Nearly a foot of snow fell overnight
everyone stay in their offices C) I treated each of the children to an
64. As a consequence of its widespread use, D) We left the cola in the fridge all day
E) It was absolutely freezing this
A) English is a required language for
those working in business 69 ........ ; nonetheless, the two recognized
B) many people are forced to work longer each other the instant they met.
hours than before
C) computers are becoming more and A) The twin brothers had been separated
more necessary to industry at birth, nearly fifty years earlier
D) profits are generally increasing B) Though they never managed to find
E) robots are replacing manual labour in one another at the conference
factories C) Stanley spent the entire day trying to
find one of his friends at the festival
D) Tom and Sheila had been dating each
65 .......... and this is causing a lot of other for several months already
resentment, especially among those who E) Gerry and Leon, who had never spent
are older than him. a whole day apart in their lives
A) The new supervisor is the youngest 70 .......... for you may lose concentration
person on the staff when reading too slowly.
B) The boss had promised to give
everyone a bonus and a raise A) When they are learning to read,
C) All of the employees at the company I children find silent reading rather
now work for are really competent difficult
D) The whole staff have decided not to B) Despite the prevalence of TV, there
work overtime this week are still people for whom reading is
E) New graduates have a lot of the greatest pleasure
theoretical knowledge but no practical C) To keep pace with our rapidly
experience changing world, reading is essential
D) Try to do as much reading as possible
66. Having been In a really bad mood in the language you're learning
recently, ......... E) To get more out of the printed page,
fast reading is recommended by many
A) all his colleagues try to stay away experts
from Jon ath an
B) the reason was never understood by 71. As well as being cheap to manufacture
any of his family and providing many years of protection,
C) he has become too irritating to talk to
D) it was the same attitude as that of the
others on the project A) the umbrella industry was
E) not only his colleagues but also his experiencing a sharp rise in profits
B) builders have to wear hard hats when
wife is disturbed working
C) the vaccine produced remarkably few
67. The harder she tried to swim back to side-effects in those injected
shore .......... D) the increase in skin cancer
encouraged many people to buy the
A) the colder the water has become new sun cream
B) the waves grew bigger and bigger E) the popularity of the water-proof paint
C) she got even more tired and panicky has been increasing

72. Completely unaware of the chaos they D) Passengers may like to take advantage
were causing ........... of the duty-free prices
E) Not all of the candidates we interview
A) the workers' strike won't end until can be offered employment
next week
B) the authorities have ordered new 77 ........ until he caught a boy using it.
drains to be laid in the town centre
C) the football fans usually delay the
traffic for many hours A) Peter has always taken his lucky pen
D) the group have obviously been into exams with him
drinking far too much B) The police searched everywhere for
E) the elderly couple continued to the missing diamond
wander across the busy road C) Matthew didn't know what had
happened to his pencil sharpener
73. Having not eaten or drunk anything for D) The man had expected to recover his
three days,......... stolen possessions
E) No matter how much we looked for
A) the travellers were relieved to see the neighbour's cat
camp fires in the distance
B) the cooks prepared a really fantastic
meal for the starving climbers 78. Prepositions are one area which students
C) there was not even a drop of water in of English find quite hard,.........
their flasks
D) her diet was very strict as she wanted A) another being to gain an
to fit into her new dress quickly understanding of articles
E) crossing the desert seemed almost B) because native speakers find them
impossible in the circumstances very easy to use
C) as the rules for them are so logical
74 ........... we expect loyalty and commitment and clear
from them In return. D) once they have memorized all of them
by heart
A) In addition to having a very intelligent E) yet they have never really understood
and motivated workforce th em
B) Even though the manager works quite
short hours for high wages
C) Since we cannot hire more employees 79 .........can they really understand how
than we actually need dreadful the disease is.
D) As we treat our employees well and
pay high salaries A) By taking blood tests and urine
E) However difficult it is to find the right samples
people for the job B) Patients encountering sickness at first
75. Should you have any further difficulties C) Although scientists working on a cure
with the product .......... for AIDS are optimistic
A) you ought to have thrown it away and D) Not until people have suffered from
got a new one cancer themselves
B) let us know and we will be happy to E) People who have personally
help you experienced the virus
C) you didn't remember that it was
under guarantee for two years 80 ......... because the cliffs it's situated on are
D) it wouldn't be very easy to fix it, slowly crumbling Into the sea.
E) you might have bought a better one
instead A) The lighthouse on the point is now
und er threat
76 as to avoid any problems with the B) Many species of wildlife are
cargo. endangered
C) The swimmers screamed and tried to
A) The children's parents told them to run away
lock their bedroom door D) More money needs to be raised to
B) The truck carrying chemicals was fight erosion
secured and properly checked E) The sea is polluted and the beaches
C) The huge ocean liner hit an iceberg are a disgrace
with a tremendous crash
ELS a 581

84. It was nearly dark when our bus finally
arrived, after what seemed like an endless
81. It's only with his last novel that he's
attained any notice In the literary world. A) It was a long, dark journey through
the night, which made us quite
A) The literary world has proclaimed his impatient.
most recent novel his best, B) Though the bus trip took a long time,
B) His most recent novel is also his most since we arrived before dark, it did
successful so far and has made him a not seem that long.
very well-known author. C) Our bus trip seemed to take forever,
C) His latest book is so outstanding that
but finally ended at dusk.
it has even impressed the literary
world. D) Though it was not far, the darkness
D) Only his latest novel has achieved the made the trip seem much longer than
honour of being praised by all the it actually was.
literary world. E) There is nothing quite so depressing
E) Until the publication of his last book, as arriving at your destination just as
he hadn't been acknowledged in the it gets dark.
literary world.
85. The moment Samantha felt the need for a
82. No sooner had we signed the contract change In her life, the first thing she did
than we began to feel It was a mistake. was quit her Job.
A) It quickly turned out that we'd made a A) Since Samantha was not at all happy
mistake by signing the contract. with her job, she was sure that
B) It didn't take us long to become aware anything else would make her
of the mistake in the contract. happier.
C) We discovered a mistake in the B) As soon as Samantha realized that
contract as soon as we'd signed it. she needed to change her life, she
D) Immediately after we'd done it, we gave up her job first thing.
started to think that we shouldn't
C) Now that she has lost her job, the first
have signed the contract.
E) We thought there was an error in the thing Samantha should do is to make
contract, so we didn't sign it until a radical change in her life.
later. D) Samantha resigned from her position
because she felt it demanded a
83. Not having realized that Frances, cycling change in her lifestyle.
behind, had lost track of him. Peter E) Samantha's job was so tedious that
continued travelling without stopping at she wanted to look for something
the comer. active.

A) Peter waited until Frances appeared 86. Workers are expected to dress
around the corner cycling, and then appropriately, as described In the
continued travelling. company rules, while on the premises.
B) Peter wouldn't have stopped at the
corner if he'd realized that Frances A) Employees need to wear their official
was following him at a close distance uniforms only when in company-
behind. owned buildings.
O) As he was under the impression that B) All jobholders are asked to get dressed
Frances was following him on her in the correct place while at the
bike, Peter did not stop to wait at the factory.
corner. C) It is preferred that workers wear their
D) Peter forgot what he'd arranged with best clothes when they visit the office.
Frances, and cycled past the corner D) It is better if workers put on their
without checking whether she was
following or not. uniforms before they get to work, as
E) Peter and Frances had arranged that this is more appropriate.
the one who had got to the corner first E) When at the workplace, employees
would wait for the other. must wear clothing in accordance
with company regulations.

87. I write to my friends overseas on a B) Not only are the standards of
regular basis so that we don't lose touch. education good in this school, but it
has maintained those standards over
A) In order to maintain contact with my the years.
friends abroad, I correspond with C) It may be typical that the school has
them regularly. set itself such a high average for this
B) It is important for me to send letters year, but it certainly isn't proper.
to my friends abroad to keep them up D) It isn't fair to deny that this school is
to date on events in my life. successful, as it has had the same
C) I keep in touch with my friends in high standards for many years now.
foreign countries by writing to them E) The standard of education is not high
from time to time. in this school, but at least all the
D) My friends struggle not to lose contact students are at the same level.
with me by writing very often.
E) I normally lose touch with my friends
when they move overseas. ;0Ş-ĐOO; sorularda, verâeaîngifizce
\.şcttoıleye anlamca,e
88. She may have made an apology, yet it
was far from being a sincere one.
91. Grape juice quenches thirst promptly,
A) She made by far the most sincere even when taken in small amounts.
apology I've ever heard.
B) It is unlikely that any apology she A) Az miktarda içilen üzüm suyunun
makes will be genuine. susuzluğu bastırdığı bilinmektedir.
C) She sounded as if she was really sorry B) Çok az miktarlarda alınsa bile üzüm
for what happened. suyu susuzluğa yol açmaktadır.
D) Although it's true she said she was C) Eğer az miktarda içilirse, üzüm suyu
sorry, she wasn't sincere at all. susuzluğa neden olmaz.
E) She could at least have apologized, D) Çok az miktarlarda içildiğinde bile
even if unsincerely, for what she did. üzü m suyu susu zluğ u derh al
89. There had been prior warning of the E) Çok az miktarda üzüm suyu bile
flood; nevertheless, it came as a shock to susuzluğu hemen söndürmek için
the people living in remote villages. yeterlidir.

A) There had been warnings about the

92. I can't bear people who try to conceal
flood, so the people in isolated villages
their own shortcomings but very much
enjoy revealing others'.
must not have been surprised by it.
B) Even though the flood had been A) Bazı insanlar kendi kusurlarını
predicted, inhabitants of isolated görmezler ama başkalarının hatalarını
villages were taken by surprise by it. yüzüne vurmayı çok severler.
C) The flood had been predicted, so even B) Kendi kusurlarını görmeyip,
those people living in isolated villages başkalarının kusurlarını açığa
were prepared for it. çıkarmaya çalışan insanları hiç
D) The flood had been predicted, yet the çekemiyorum.
people in isolated villages were struck C) Kendi kusurlarını gizlemeye çalışan
before they received the warnings. ama başkalannınkini açığa
E) The inhabitants of the isolated villages çıkarmaktan büyük zevk duyan
found it hard to believe that their insanlara katlanamıyorum.
villages could be affected by floods. D) Bazı insanlar, kendi kusurlarını
gizlemek için ellerinden geleni
90. It isn't just that the level of education of yaparlar fakat başkalannınkini açığa
this school is high, it's that it's also been çıkarmaktan büyük mutluluk
consistent for years. duyarlar.
E) Benim katlanamadığını şey,
A) The level of education in this school, başkalarının kusurlarıyla uğraşan ve
which is usually quite high, shows only bunları açığa çıkarmaktan büyük zevk
slight variations from year to year. „,„„ * ----- ]ardır

87. I write to my Mends overseas on a B) Not only are the standards of
regular basis so that we don't lose touch. education good in this school, but it
has maintained those standards over
A) In order to maintain contact with my the years.
friends abroad, I correspond with C) It may be typical that the school has
them regularly. set itself such a high average for this
B) It is important for me to send letters year, but it certainly isn't proper.
to my friends abroad to keep them up D) It isn't fair to deny that this school is
to date on events in my life. successful, as it has had the same
C) I keep in touch with my friends in high standards for many years now.
foreign countries by writing to them E) The standard of education is not high
from time to time. in this school, but at least all the
D) My friends struggle not to lose contact students are at the same level.
with me by writing very often.
E) I normally lose touch with my friends
when they move overseas. ;
:Ö3i yalan'Türkçe
88. She may have made an apology, yet it
was far from being a sincere one. 91. Grape juice quenches thirst promptly,
A) She made by far the most sincere
even when taken in small amounts.
apology I've ever heard. A) Az miktarda içilen üzüm suyunun
B) It is unlikely that any apology she susuzluğu bastırdığı bilinmektedir.
makes will be genuine. B) Çok az miktarlarda alınsa bile üzüm
C) She sounded as if she was really sorry suyu susuzluğa yol açmaktadır.
for what happened. C) Eğer az miktarda içilirse, üzüm suyu
D) Although it's true she said she was susuzluğa neden olmaz.
sorry, she wasn't sincere at all. D) Çok az miktarlarda içildiğinde bile
E) She could at least have apologized, üzü m suyu susu zluğ u derh al
even if unsincerely, for what she did. gidermektedir.
E) Çok az miktarda üzüm suyu bile
89. There had been prior warning of the susuzluğu hemen söndürmek için
flood; nevertheless, It came as a shock to yeterlidir.
the people living In remote villages.
92. I can't bear people who try to conceal
A) There had been warnings about the their own shortcomings but very much
flood, so the people in isolated villages enjoy revealing others'.
must not have been surprised by it.
B) Even though the flood had been A) Bazı insanlar kendi kusurlarını
predicted, inhabitants of isolated görmezler ama başkalarının hatalarını
villages were taken by surprise by it. yüzüne vurmayı çok severler.
C) The flood had been predicted, so even B) Kendi kusurlarını görmeyip,
those people living in isolated villages başkalarının kusurlarını açığa
were prepared for it. çıkarmaya çalışan insanları hiç
D) The flood had been predicted, yet the çekemiyorum.
people in isolated villages were struck C) Kendi kusurlarını gizlemeye çalışan
before they received the warnings. ama başkalarmınkini açığa
E) The inhabitants of the isolated villages çıkarmaktan büyük zevk duyan
found it hard to believe that their insanlara katlanamıyorum.
villages could be affected by floods. D) Bazı insanlar, kendi kusurlarını
gizlemek için ellerinden geleni
90. It Isn't Just that the level of education of yaparlar fakat başkalannınkini açığa
this school Is high, it's that it's also been çıkarmaktan büyük mutluluk
consistent for years. duyarlar.
E) Benim katlanamadığını şey,
A) The level of education in this school, başkalarının kusurlarıyla uğraşan ve
which is usually quite high, shows only bunları açığa çıkarmaktan büyük zevk
slight variations from year to year. alan insanlardır.

ELS a 583

93. Before you set out to look for ways to C) Yiyeceğinin yaklaşık yüzde doksanını
eliminate a problem, you need to find its diğer eyaletlerden ithal eden
source. Alaska'nın topraklarının çok azı
tanma elverişlidir.
A) Bir sorunun kaynağını bulmadan onu D) Topraklarının neredeyse yüzde
ortadan kaldırmaya çalışmanın pek doksanı tanma uygun olmayan
yararı olmaz. Alaska, yiyecek gereksiniminin büyük
B) Bir sorunu tamamen ortad an bir bölümünü diğer eyaletlerden
kaldırabilmeniz için önce sorunun E) Topraklan tarıma pek elverişli
kaynağını bulmanız gerekir. olmayan Alaska'nın diğer eyaletlerden
C) Bir sorunun kaynağını bulmadan, o ithalatının neredeyse yüzde doksanı
sorunu ortadan kaldıracak yöntemleri yiyecek maddesidir.
D) Bir sorunu ortadan kaldırmak için en 96. In contrast with the speed of
iyi yöntem, önce sorunun kaynağını technological changes, changes In
bulmak, sonra onu yok etmenin traditions take a considerable amount of
yollarını aramaktır. time.
E) Bir sorunu ortadan kaldırmanın
yollarını aramaya koyulmadan önce A) Gelenekler, teknolojinin değiştiği
sorunun kaynağını bulmanız gerekir. kadar hızlı bir şekilde
B) Teknolojik gelişmelerdeki hızın aksine,
94. The cost of scientific research can be geleneklerin değişmesi bir hayli
extremely high, especially if it involves zaman almaktadır.
the use of expensive equipment. C) Teknoloji hızla değiştiği halde,
geleneklerin değişmesi oldukça uzun
A) Bilimsel araştırmaların maliyetinin sürmektedir.
çok yüksek olmasının başlıca nedeni D) Geleneklerin değişmesi uzun zaman
pahalı ekipman kullanılmasıdır. alırken, teknolojik değişmeler büyük
B) Özellikle pahalı ekipman kullanılması bir süratle gerçekleşmektedir.
zorunlu olan bilimsel araştırmalar çok E) Teknolojinin hızla ilerlemesi
pahalıya mal olmaktadır. geleneklerin de büyük ölçüde
C) Bilimsel araştırma, çok pahalıya mal değişmesine neden olmuştur.
olsa da, özellikle pahalı ekipman
kullanmayı gerektirmektedir.
97. Unlike many other cities, Canberra, the
capital of Australia, was first planned and
D) Bilimsel araştırmada çok pahalı then established.
ekipman kullanılması gerekiyorsa
doğal olarak maliyet de çok yüksek A) Avustralya'nın başkenti Canberra,
olur. önce plan lanmış, sonra kurulmuş
E) Özellikle pahalı ekipman kullanmayı olduğundan diğer birçok şehirden çok
gerektiriyorsa, bilimsel araştırmanın farklıdır.
maliyeti çok yüksek olabiliyor. B) Diğer birçok şehrin aksine,
Avustralya'nın başkenti Canberra
95. Since very little of Its land is suitable for kurulmadan önce planlanmış bir
farming, Alaska imports about 90 percent şehirdir.
of its food from the other states. C) Avustralya'nın başkenti Canberra'nın
diğer birçok şehirden farkı, önce
plan lan mış, so nra k uru lmu ş
A) Topraklarının çok azı tarıma elverişli olmasıdır.
olduğu için Alaska yiyeceğinin D) Avustralya'nın başkenti Canberra,
yaklaşık yüzde doksanını diğer diğer birçok şehirden farklı olarak,
eyaletlerden ithal eder. önce planlanmış, sonra kurulmuştur.
B) Tarıma elverişli topraklan çok az olan E) Avustralya'nın başkenti Canberra,
Alaska'nın yiyecek gereksiniminin kuru luşund an ön ce p lan lan mış
hemen hemen yüzde doksanı diğer olmasıyla diğer birçok şehirden farklı
eyaletlerden ithal edilmektedir. bir özelliğe sahiptir.

584 Q ELS

98. Much of the progress In the natural D) Đnsan işinde ne kadar deneyimliyse,
sciences during the 18th century was due tek başına çözemeyeceği bir sorunla
to the work of the Swedish botanist Carl karşılaşma olasılığı o kadar azdır.
von Llnne. E) Kişi işinde ne kadar deneyimli olursa
olsun bazen tek başına üstesinden
A) Tabii bilimler alanında en hızlı gelemeyeceği bir sorunla
gelişine, 18. yüzyılda Đsveçli botanikçi karşılaşabilir.
Carl von Linne'nin çalışmaları
sayesinde olmuştur.
B) 18. yüzyılda, Đsveçli botanikçi Carl von
Linne'nin çalışmaları sonucu tabii cümleye anlamca en yakın ingilizce W-
bilimler alanında çok büyük
ilerlemeler olmuştur.
C) 18. yüzyılda tabii bilimlerdeki 101. Edgar Allan Poe, Amerikan karakterler,
gelişmelerin çoğu, Đsveçli botanikçi temalar ve mekanlar yerine, belli bir
Carl von Linne'nin çalışmaları zamanı olmayan yerler ve insanlar
sayesinde olmuştur. hakkında yakmıştır.
D) Đsveçli botanikçi Carl von Linne'nin
çalışmaları sonucu 18. yüzyılda tabii A) Rather than placing his characters in
bilimler çok büyük gelişme American settings and using
göstermiştir. American themes, Edgar Allan Poe
E) isveçli botanikçi Carl von Linne'nin chose to write about timeless places
çalışmalarının, 18. yüzyılda tabii and people.
bilimlerdeki gelişmelerin çoğuna B) Instead of American characters,
katkısı olmuştur. themes and settings, Edgar Allan Poe
wrote of timeless places and people.
99. A sure sign that you are absorbing the C) The places and people Edgar Allan
language you are studying Is when you Poe wrote about are not typically
begin to dream In it. American; rather, they are timeless.
D) Although he himself was American,
A) Öğrenmekte olduğunuz dili the characters, themes and settings
özümsediğinizin kesin bir işareti o that Edgar Allan Poe wrote about were
dilde rüya görmeye başladığınız timeless.
zamandır. E) Instead of writing about his
B) Ne zaman ki öğrenmekte olduğunuz contemporary Americans, Edgar Allan
dilde rüya görmeye başlayacaksınız, Poe chose his characters, settings and
işte o zaman o dili özümsediğiniz themes from the American past.
C) Bir dili tam olarak özümsediğinizin 102. Asit yağmuru sadece kaynağının
kesin işareti, rüyalarınızı bile o dilde bulunduğu bölgeyi tehdit etmekle
görmeye başlamanızdır. kalmaz, çünkü rüzgar kimyasal
D) Eğer öğrendiğiniz dilde rüya görmeye maddeleri dünyanın her yerine taşır.
başlamışsanız, bu o dili tam olarak
özümsediğinizi gösterir. A) The area is under the threat of acid
rain, which has been transported by
E) Ancak öğrenmekte olduğunuz dilde the wind from its source on the other
rüya görmeye başlarsanız, o dili side of the globe.
özümsediniz demektir. B) Acid rain does not threaten only the
area around its source, for the wind
100. However experienced a person Is In his transports the pollutants around the
Job, he may sometimes be confronted by globe.
a problem he cannot handle on his own. C) The pollutants in acid rain are
transported around the world from
A) Kişinin işiyle ilgili deneyimi arttıkça, the source, thus threatening even
tek başına üstesinden gelemeyeceği distant places.
problemlerin sayısı giderek azalır. D) Acid rain is a threat throughout the
B) Kişi işinde çok deneyimli bile olsa, world because pollutants are
zaman zaman çözemeyeceği transported from the source to other
sorunlarla karşılaşabilir. areas by the wind.
C) Đnsan bazen işinde problemlerle E) Acid rain threatens not only the areas
karşılaşabilir, ancak tek başına around its source but also distant
bunların üstesinden gelmek kişinin places where the pollutants are
deneyimine bağlıdır. carried by the wind.

ELS o 585

103. isveç'in tarafsızlık politikası ve huzurlu C) The career of the prominent 20th-
bir ülke görüntüsüne karşın, silahlı century photojournalist Robert Capa
kuvvetleri son model silahlarla was suddenly ended when he was
donatılmıştır. fatally wounded by a land mine
during the Vietnam War.
A) Even with a military equipped with D) The tragic death of Robert Capa after
the latest arms, Sweden manages to detonating a land mine in the
keep its policy of neutrality and its Vietnam War brought an abrupt end
image as a peaceful country. to the career of one of the most
B) In spite of having an armed forces promising photojournalists of the 20th
equipped with modern weapons, century.
Sweden is a neutral country with a E) The sudden death of Robert Capa
peaceful image. after stepping on a land mine in the
C) Despite Sweden's policy of neutrality Vietnam War ended the career of one
and its image as a peaceful country, of the ablest photojournalists of the
its armed forces are equipped with the 20th century.
latest arms.
D) The image of Sweden is of a peaceful 106. Bir zamanlar Orta Doğu'nun en güzel
country with a policy of neutrality; şehirlerinden biri olan Beyrut, 1975'ten
nevertheless, its armed forces use the 1991'e kadar devam eden iç savaş
latest military equipment. sırasında harabeye döndü.
E) The peaceful and politically neutral
country of Sweden has an armed A) Now one of the most beautiful cities in
forces which uses some of the latest the Middle East, Beirut had been
equipment. devastated during the civil war that
continued fiercely from 1975 until
104. Dikkatli koleksiyoncular, nem ya da kir 1991.
ile zarar vermekten kaçınmak için B) A civil war that lasted from 1975 until
pullara parmaklarıyla dokunmazlar. 1991 reduced Beirut, a once very
attractive city in the Middle East, to
A) Collectors should be careful not to ruins.
handle stamps with their fingers in C) Once one of the most attractive cities
order to avoid damaging them with in the Middle East, Beirut was
moisture or grime. reduced to ruins during the civil war
B) Careful collectors advise people not to that raged from 1975 until 1991.
handle stamps with bare fingers so as D) Beirut was the most beautiful city in
not to cause any damage through the Middle East, but between 1975
moisture or grime. and 1991, most of the city was
C) Stamp collections can be damaged by reduced to ruins by civil unrest.
moisture or grime from fingers, so E) Beirut had been the most attractive
care is required when handling them. city in the Middle East until it was
D) Careful collectors do not handle destroyed in the civil war, which
stamps with their fingers in order to lasted from 1975 until 1991.
avoid damaging them with moisture or
grime. 107. Takım sporlarında, bireysel yeteneklerin
E) Serious collectors are careful not to yanı sıra oyuncuların birbirleriyle uyumu
touch stamps with damp or dirty da çok önemlidir.
fingers, which can ruin them.
A) In team sports, success depends not
105. Robert Capa'nm, Vietnam Savaşı only on the individual talents of the
sırasında bir kara mayınına basmasıyla players but also on the harmony
gelen ani ölümü, 20. yüzyılın en between them.
yetenekli foto muhabirlerinden birinin B) In team sports, besides the individual
kariyerine son verdi. talents, the harmony between the
players is also of great importance.
A) The death of Robert Çapa, caused by C) Harmony is very important in team
a land mine during the Vietnam War, sports no matter how talented the
brought a sudden end to the career of players are individually.
one of the most famous D) The harmony between the players of a
photojournalists of the 20th century. team is as important as their
B) The unexpected death of Robert Capa individual talents.
after stepping on a land mine during E) The harmony between the players, as
the Vietnam War ended the life of the well as their individual talents, is
most talented photojournalist of the important in order for a team to be
20th century. successful.

586 Q ELS

108. Tahıl ve süt birlikte yendiği zaman, bazı D) When the psychologist Bruno
önemli besinler bakımından birbirlerini Bettelheim was imprisoned by the
tamamlarlar. Nazis, he personally observed the
effects of terrorism on concentration
A) Cereal and milk, when eaten together, camp inmates.
complement one another in several E) The psychologist Bruno Bettelheim
important nutrients. observed the effects of terrorism on
B) When cereal is eaten with milk, it has concentration camp inmates who had
several additional nutrients. been imprisoned by the Nazis.
C) When cereal and milk are served
together, they complement one 110. Günlük olaylarda mizah görebilme ve
another and provide very important bunları başkalarını eğlendirecek biçimde
nutrients. anlatabilme yeteneği, iyi bir konuşmacı
D) Cereal is often eaten with milk, which obuanın temel gereğidir.
complements it by providing several
important nutrients. A) A good conversationalist is someone
E) Cereal with milk makes an ideal who has the ability to spot the
combination, supplying several humorous sides of everyday events
important nutrients. and to talk about them in a wa y
which keeps an audience amused.
109. Psikolog Bruno Bettelhelm Naziler B) The ability to see humour in everyday
tarafından hapse atılınca, terörün incidents and to talk about them in a
toplama kampındaki insanlar üzerindeki wa y that amuses others is a basic
etkisini bizzat gözlemlemiş oldu. requirement of being a good
A) Bruno Bettelheim used his time of C) In order to be a good
imprisonment in a Nazi concentration conversationalist, one must have the
camp to study the effects of terrorism ability to see the humorous side of
on his fellow prisoners. everyday incidents and to be able to
B) When the Nazis imprisoned him, the talk about them in such a manner
psychologist Bruno Bettelheim that listeners are amused.
experienced the effects of terrorism on D) The ability to spot humour in
concentration camp inmates for everyday incidents and to describe
them in an amusing way is the mark
C) After he was imprisoned by the Nazis,
Bruno Bettelheim was observed by a of a truly good conversationalist.
psychologist studying the effects of E) Humorous aspects of everyday events
terrorism on concentration camp retold in a manner that amuses
prisoners. others are an essential element of
good conversation.



ELS a 587

EXERCISE 25: Choose the correct answer.

1. Many people live ............ of large cities A) For instance B) Under control
because It's cheaper to live there than in C) In a moment D) From now on
the city centre. E) In particular
8. Though they may be less happy, animals
A) out of doors B) in sight generally live longer.............than in the wild
C) on the outskirts D) on their own because they don't have to worry about
E) on average struggling for survival on a daily basis.
2. They give weather reports .............from 7 A) on their own C) out B) in captivity
p.m. to midnight, and I find it really of reach D) at length
annoying to hear the same things every E) in danger
sixty minutes.
9. When the two gangs started fighting,
A) on B) on the hour D) at random everyone involved was .............of alcohol and
time C) in E) without warning didn't realty know what they were doing.
A) out of practice
3. B) at an y rate
Karl got tired of living with his parents C) on the increase
and went to a small flat in D) for a change
town. E) under the influence

A) in a hurry B) for the moment 10. No one was expecting an attack that day,
C) out of doors D) out of place but ....... enemy troops appeared from
E) on his own nowhere, and their victory was quick and
4. Carmen studied her lines until she knew A) by accident
them...... and could say them without B) for instance
stopping. C) all of a sudden
D) under the impression
A) on the whole C) at B) without delay E) for the time being
least D) by heart
E) at once 11. The train sped ....... along the track until
it eventually derailed and killed dozens of
Henry's new Persian carpet looked A) without delay B) at length
beautiful in the shop, but in his C) out of control D) in time
ultramodern apartment, it looked a bit E) in contrast he decided to sell it.
12. Arnold had been wanting to visit the Iraqi
A) by mistake B) all the same D) as a capital, Baghdad, during his holiday, but
C) out of place whole since he had an American passport, and
the two countries were at war, that was
E) in fashion
6. After their huge row, they continued their A) in great trouble B) for the time being
dinner.............. since they couldn't think of C) far from any risk D) on the whole E)
anything else to say. out of the question

A) on the whole C) out B) on guard 13. It's true that, ........women live longer
of order D) in silence than men, but there are many men who
E) for once do outlive their wives.

7. They've
A) without fail B) in the circumstanc'-"
changed the payday .............. , we'll C) at random D) from time to tim
get paid on the fifteenth, not on the first of E) on average
the month.

14. I prefer to buy my clothes ........because. 23. Jeremy is .......the most successful player
In this way, I save quite a lot of money. the team has had in the last few years.
A) in debt B) out of doors A) without doubt B) under control
C) under guarantee D) on sale E) C) at random D) in common
out of luck E) on the increase
15. David is so deeply .......Julia that he can't
24. There must have been.......two hundred
really imagine life without her. people at that party last night. It was
A) in the habit of B) on the point of packedl
C) in love with D) on behalf of
E) in return for A) for instance C) on B) in vain D)
purpose by chance
16. The car was running smoothly, when E) at least
...... , the engine exploded.
25 ........the music, which was wonderful, I
A) in particular B) on time thought it was an absolutely awful film.
C) for a while D) all at once
E) by no means A) Rather than C) In B) Apart from
addition to D) For instance
17 ........their need for water and lumber for
pulp, paper mills are often located on the E) Instead
banks of rivers, in remote forest areas. of
A) On account of C) In B) In addition to 26. I didn't like our next-door neighbours
spite of D) Even though
E) In case ....... but eventually we became good
18. Many recreational outdoor sports-angling A) by no means B) out of doors
and rowing .............. - are C) in popular
very advance but D) in common
get very poor coverage ı ; on TV. E) at first
A) by no means B) for instance 27. We could tell .......that someone had been
C) all at once D) on occasion
E) in the least trying to force the door open.

19. The secretary attended the monthly A) by heart B) on purpose

meeting ...... her boss, as he was away on C) under repair D) at a glance
holiday. E) on occasion
A) in place B) in addition to D) in 28. If the men .......had been doing their jobs
of C) in spite return for properly, the break-in would never have
of E) in case of occurred.
20. The new government has to change many A) by force C) on guard B) off duty
things, but....... , it should concentrate on D) in debt
the economic situation. E) under
A) first of all B) on average D) at the rate
C) all at once E) in return 29. I sincerely hope that she Isn't.......
treating customers so discourteously.
21. Susie lent Jim her book, and .... he let
her borrow his computer game.
A) on behalf of B) in common with
A) on B) at least C) for the sake of D) in the habit of E)
average C) in on good terms with
return D) for instance
E) out of luck 30. I'm glad you managed to.......his speech
22. Hers is ...... a difficult Job. She just because I had absolutely no idea what he
answers the phone and takes down notes meant.
- that's all.
A) play a trick on
A) first of all B) all at once B) make contact with
C) at any rate D) by no means C) make sense of
E) without doubt D) pay a compliment to
E) lose count of
ELS Q 615

31. The British Broadcasting Corporation, or 39. Is there anything ...... you want to talk to
the BBC ....... , is renowned ........ the Jim about, or are you phoning just for a
wildlife programmes It produces. chat?
A) for short/for A) on occasion B) on the whole D) by
B) at first/to C) in particular chance
C) on occasion/of E) in progress
D) from now on/about
E) at length/with 40. I'm staying at a friend's house........until
32. Although his condition has Improved the re-decoration of mine is finished.
considerably, the doctor says he isn't yet
A) from time to time
B) out of the question
A) under guarantee C) at any rate
B) without fail D) for the time being
C) on the increase E) all at once
D) in tune
E) out of danger 41. The food was disgusting, the people were
boring, the music was irritating and the
33. She has always been an excellent pianist weather was horrible - ........ it was a
and, even though she is ...... now, I'm terrible evening.
certain she can still play better than most A) at last
people. B) by chance
C) on average D) on the contrary
A) at any rate B) at last E) in short
C) out of practice D) out of order
E) without doubt 42. I don't see Alison much any more, but
......, we meet up and have a meal
34. "See you at the party on Friday then. Oh, together.
......, could you bring some CDs?"
A) in time B) on purpose
A) at all costs B) by the way C) by the way D) on occasion
C) at any rate D) in no way E) without delay
E) on the way
43. There's a very annoying child who keeps
35. Swan's Is a very popular restaurant and phoning us - it seems he just picked our
almost always packed, so you should number ...... out of the phone book. What
book a table ......... a pity he chose ours out of all the
millions of numbers listed there.
A) with ease B) in advance
C) by accident D) at random A) at random C) in B) in order
E) under pressure demand D) at once
36. Are you sure she spilt the coffee ...... ? It E) on
seemed to me as if it was an accident. average

A) by no means B) at present 44 .........I find television programmes quite

C) without warning D) in advance useless; there are only a few programmes
E) on purpose which I think are reaUy worth watching.

37. He was ...... that he was going to get a A) All at once B) On the whole D) At first
promotion, so he was really disappointed C) Rather than E) In progress
when he didn't.
45. When his prototype car failed to start,
A) on good terms Professor Tumpy realized that all his
B) out of control efforts had been .........
C) under the impression
D) on the increase A) in silence C) in public B) in vain
E) in the circumstances E) in D) in debt
38. The directors knew that the real reason common
for the fall in productivity was that most 46. I explained the concept to him........
of the factory equipment was......... illustrating it by concrete examples, but
A) in vain B) without delay he still didn't understand what it really
C) for a change D) out of date meant.
E) on the increase A) for short B) on average D) at length
C) at least E) by far

616 Q ELS

47. Rice consumption varies widely from 54. I don't think the demonstration received
country to country. The United Arab as much interest as they'd thought. There
Emirates' usage rate........ , Is 447 pounds must have been five hundred people.......
annually compared to The Netherlands' 8
pounds. A) at least B) out of sight
C) in appearance D) at random
A) at least B) at first
D) for once E) at the most
C) for instance
E) at any rate 55. He is such an avid reader that he reads
whatever he can find,....... the wide
48........ being England's capital city, London differences in quality or theme.
Is also the cultural centre of the country,
with many theatres, museums and A) in addition to
galleries. B) without regard to
C) on the strength of
A) In touch with B) For the sake of D) for the sake of
C) In addition to D) In return for E) in comparison with
E) In spite of
56 .........the most important of all the recent
49........ I'm concerned, the new regulations technological advances is the continuing
In the factory will Increase the production development of computer applications.
A) On the way B) By far
A) At the most C) At B) As for D) C) As far as D) At last
least The more E) With any luck
E) As far as
57. As for the possibility of extending our
50. The company tried hard to overcome its holiday a few days more, I'm afraid it's
financial problems but, had to ........ We're almost completely out of
declare bankruptcy. money.
A) after B) at least D) by the time A) in other words
all C) at E) in the end B) in any case
most C) on the one hand
51. It's very difficult to keep D) out of the question
the trains E) under any circumstances
running ...... schedule in the winter.
58. He'll give up the presidency if he fails to
A) up to date B) in order to have his project adopted ........ that's what
C) according to D) as far as he told me.
E) on account of
A) Regardless of B) At a guess
52. How are we going to carry all this C) At any rate D) Irrespective of
shopping up to tenth floor if the lift is E) By all means

59. I found this beautiful picture quite ........

A) on purpose as I only went into the shop to shelter
B) under control from the rain.
C) in the circumstances
D) by mistake A) on purpose B) by chance
E) out of order C) out of luck D) at random
E) without hesitation
53. I don't usually drink alcohol, but I think
I'll have some ....... 60. The project is agreeable.........but there
are some points that I think should be
A) for the time being thought over.
B) by no means
C) out of the question A) in particular B) in progress
D) on this occasion C) by far D) on the whole
E) in my opinion E) on occasion
ELS Q 617

8. The entire plot of his book came to the
1-80, sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan author .............. a moment ...... Inspiration.
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi
bulunuz. A) for /at B) at /with C) with/for
There was a great shortage ........ food ....... D) in/of E) from/about
9 I gained so much weight . my summer
the Second World War.
.. - • . j; ;
A) with /in B) of /during C) for
1. /through D) about/ since E) in/for
holiday that I can't get ......... my clothes
I've been looking ......... the want ads ...... a
any more.
A) at/through B) for/on C) since/in
D) over/into E) in/off
10. The police arrested two more people ........
2. suitable Job, but I can't find anything.
A) in/at B) for/with C) at/of
D) through/for E) around /about
I'm really fond the song that was lust the company In connection ......... the
playing ......... the radio. bribery case.
A) of/on B) with/by C) A) in/about B) around/for C)
to/over D) for/from E) of/to D) for/from E)
3. about/with from/with
I'm afraid you have to take the
application form to the company yourself 11. The Shetlands, a group of islands ........
because It says here that applicants are
requested to apply ...........
the coast of Scotland, are famous ........
woollen sweaters made there.
4. A) for once B) on behalf C) in A) on/with B) from/in C) off/for
return D) at times E) in person
At a time when little freedom was gtven to D) along/about E) over /from
students to talk In class, his 12. Here is your notebook. I picked it up ........
"conversational" method of teaching was
far ......... of his time.

yesterday, thinking it was mine.

5. A) on occasion A) in vain B) at random C) by
B) in public C) in
advance D) by mistake E) at heart D) by mistake E) in turn
once 13. The police have arrested a suspect ........
Bill took Nancy out for Ice cream, and thp arpniints nf two pw»-w1tn»»'a<5p.«
........ , we hurriedly prepared the birthday

cake to surprise her with when they

returned. A) i
A) for the record
B) in the meantime
C) for the time being c
D) by the way h
E) at the moment ; a
The fireman bravely went ........the g
burning building In order to rescue the e
children trapped .........
B) on the strength of
C) on the point of
D) in danger of
E) on the tip of

7. 14. It is that she will fail her exams,

because she hasn't done any work throughout the whole semester.
A) into/inside B) in/between A) in demand B) beyond doubt
C) about/within D) to/through C) by heart D) in advance
E) along/over
E) out of the question
15. The results.......your tests will be ready 23. There were many complaints....... the
...... aweek. factory which was polluting the area.......
its chemical waste.
A) for/since B) from/at
C) about/during D) in/throughout A) over/in C) B) through/away
E) of/in about/with D) with/up
E) for/over
16. Please deal...... this matter........delay as
It Is extremely urgent. 24. Steve has a lot of experience .......
teaching young children; moreover, he
A) about/out of B) on/from has considerable patience .......them.
C) with/without D) over/about
E) from/among A) at/from C) to/about B) for/for
E) D) in/with
17. The rope bridge didn't look very safe and
they wondered If they'd manage to get with/towards
...... the river using It with no mishaps.
25. It was a fantastic parly - ...... the guests
A) under B) along D) across were some of the country's most famous
C) beside E) above people.
A) across B) among
18. Today, the world's economic system relies C) between D) along
almost entirety....... trade ........countries. E) from
A) on/between C) B) to/among
for/upon 26. The company director was unavailable for
D) in/with comment as he was....... a business trip
E) at/from
..... the time.
19. Ted Is leaving ...... a conference ........
Friday afternoon. A) on/at B) for/in
C) to/for D) about/from
A) at/in
C) on/by B) to/at D) from/to E) at/about
E) for/on
27. The land .......the village is rocky, so it is
20. When I first .......her, she was so not very suitable....... farming.
beautiful that I didn't know what to say.
A) in/about B) towards/on D) along/to
A) kept an eye on C) around/for E) over/about
B) got on with
C) grew out of
D) set eyes on 28. The article in the business magazine was
E) put up with ......when It listed Simon as the sales
manager, as he Is actually the finance
21. Phil doesn't realty smoke, but he does manager.
enjoy a cigarette.......... B) out of place
A) on account C) in D) on the whole
A) for instance B) by no means fashion
C) at the time D) on the hour E) in error
E) from time to time
29. Douglas didn't want to ...... his mother's
22. Since she looked so young, the guard at good nature by asking her to help out
the door thought she was .......and didn't minding the children, as she had already
want to let her Into the disco.
babysat for her granddaughter the night
A) under the influence before.
B) under age
C) for short A) take advantage of B) play a trick on
D) out of sight C) take charge of D) take part in
E) in progress E) make sense of
622 Q ELS

30. There are many children all over the 37 ........her description, the victim said that
world who are ...... adoption because her attacker had a small, red scar.......
their parents were unable to provide his chin.
adequately for their needs.
A) In/on B) For/with
A) in touch with C) During/in D) By/through
B) in need of E) Upon/at
C) on behalf of 38 ........, everybody likes to be on their own
D) in return for
E) for the sake of in order to relax.
A) In touch C) For short B) At times
31. Mother Teresa Is Internationally respected D) By heart
......her work to relieve the suffering........ E) At once
the poor and dying. 39. The police believe that the street gang
B) towards/from ..... other youths in the area to join them.
A) by/about C) D) for/of
about/with A) catches sight of
E) on/in B) takes pleasure in
C) makes sense of
32. Cheetahs are capable.......running at a D) keeps pace with
speed equivalent ...... that of a car. E) puts pressure on

A) of/to B) with/about D) in/from 40. The common assumption ...... scientists

C) at/for E) for/with is that the energy crisis will deepen ......
the next few decades.
33. I rely...... Stephanie to tell me ....... the A) from/on B) for/by
best concerts to go to. C) among/during D) to/since
E) between/until
A) for/on B) against/for D) towards/to
C) to/with E) on/about 41. I don't approve .......punishing an
adolescent ...... cutting his or her pocket
34. When Mrs. Hemingway first arrived ....
Japan, she found It difficult to adapt.. A) of/by B) on/with D) for/without
the very different way of life there. C) about/for E) with/from
A) B) at/against D) from/with 42. I recommend that you
into/with C) E) at/for take no notice ...
him as he generally doesn't know what
he's talking.........
A) by/of B) of/about
35. I'm sure I won't get any sleep tonight C) from/over
because I have to hand In this report D) to/with
E) about/to
tomorrow ..........
43. They had expected a large crowd at their
A) in demand party, but........ their disappointment,
B) out of luck only a few people turned.........
C) under guarantee
D) without fail A) at/down B) with/out D) to/up
E) at length C) in/off E) among/on

36. About half of Alaska Is covered .......

44. Those going the
tundra vegetation, which consists mainly equipment. expedition will be
..... small plants and some high brush. all the necessary
A) in/from C) B) about/on A) to/of B) for/by
for/around D) along/with C) at/from D) in/to
E) with/of E) on/with

ELS Q 623

45. As we drove ....... the checkpoint at the 52. Although he was skilled........ using
border, we were aware ....... the guards' computers, he wasn't familiar ....... the
hostility. make and model used in his new job.

A) across/for C) B) into/from A) at/with C) B) in/for

through/of D) und er/at for/about D) from/along
E) over/by E) on/from

46. Surprisingly, Mark looks very old ....... a 53. The man standing in front of the shop,
man who is only ....... his mid-thirties. ...... the red anorak, was sitting ......... us
at the cinema.
A) with/at B) for/in
C) at/on D) to/around A) on/beside B) over/above
E) like/of C) from/next to D) in/behind
E) out of/below
47. The word was just ....... my tongue, but I
54......... the invention of movable type,
could not quite remember it. publishing involved the laborious and
time-consuming task of making copies of
A) in touch with books .......hand.
B) for the sake of
C) on behalf of A) Since/at C) For/with B) With/in
D) in common with D) By/from
E) on the tip of
48 ......... her experiments as an architect,
Catherina benefited greatly from the 55.
experience of her father, who was also a A river that is both beneficial and
prominent architect. destructive, the Brahmaputra deposits
large amounts of fertile alluvial soil while
A) On the point of ..... causing disastrous and frequent
B) In contrast with floods.
C) In the course of
D) In return for A) at the same time
E) In common with B) in favour of
C) for the time being
49. The fact that Tasman ia has been D) on the strength of
overlooked for so long ....... more obvious E) in common with
Australian attractions adds to its appeal.
56. Some plants that are poisonous ........
A) in the event of B) on occasion humans have little effect ....... animals.
C) in favour of D) at least
E) without doubt A) to/on
B) at/among
50. The beaches In Tasmania, particularly on C) with/over
the east coast near the Freyclnet D) about/through
Peninsula, are stunning, and also E) for/about
deserted ........ by British and
Mediterranean standards. 57. Yesterday, Frank made an appointment
......his lawyer......... three o'clock on
A) at least B) by far D) at times Tuesday.
C) at most E) on average
A) from/around C) B) with/for
51. "Blade Runner" Is an exciting science by/at D) to/by
fiction film based ........a novel .........Philip E) about/on
K. Dick.
58. Bill never heard .......Kris again .. the
big argument they had in public.

A) for/about B) on/by A) of/until B) with/against

C) with/from D) upon/with
E) from/of E) about/since
C) for/about D) from/after

624 Q ELS

59. It was Just ...... curiosity that I asked her 66. I really hope Janice is not serious.......
..... the meeting. I didn't have any bad leaving her Job, as I believe we'll never be
Intentions or anything. able to cope.......her in the office.
A) with/through C) B) out of/about A) for/with B) from/alon-
for/into D) from/for D) with/uprn
E) off/out C) about/without
60. The Increasing availability of guns and at/through
poisons is largely responsible ...... the
extermination.......many species. 67. When the train went ......the tunnel,
many of the passengers experienced a
popping sensation....... their ears.
A) B) over/for
with/in C) D) about/with A) near/from B) down/near
for/of E) at/among C) around/with D) through/in
E) about/at
61. Since airplanes and automobiles became
common, trains have not been........ 68. She looked almost exactly ...... someone I
knew from university, but I doubt there is
A) by all means C) on B) at random a relation ...... them.
loan D) in error
E) in A) at/through B) after/among
demand C) for/from D) over/towards
E) like/between
62. We seem to be proceeding very slowly.
....... we'll only get half of the 69. As he lay on the ground with a broken
preparations completed by the end of the leg, he watched his friend until she was
week. ......, hoping she would return with help
A) All at once C) shortly.
On average E) B) For the time being D)
From then on At this rate A) out of sight B) in touch
63. The manager has C) by heart D) out of control
said that we have got to E) under pressure
...... the new sales representative here
inside the office, but just where he is 70. The hiking team had to cross the stream
going to sit, we don't know yet. ......a log as they didn't have their canoe
with them.
A) make sense of
B) pay attention to A) in danger of B) by means of
C) make room for C) in touch with D) on behalf of
D) take advantage of E) on the strength of
E) take part in
64. According to statistics, the most frequent 71 ........ knocking out his opponent in the
cause of deafness in persons.......the first round, the reigning champion
ages of 20 and 50 is long exposure ...... retained his title ...... ease.
loud noise. B) Upon/about
A) For/towards C) D) Through/to
A) between/to B) about/over By/with
C) at/from D) from/for E) Into/for
E) during/with
72. Rich ...... iron ores and forest resources,
65. Fortunately, our dishwasher was still ...... Sweden is an advanced Industrial nation
guarantee when it broke down, so we .....a high standard of living.
didn't have to pay anything ...... the
A) under/for B) with/into A) for/of B) with/beside
C) in/about D) towards/on C) from/for D) about/towards
E) on/with E) in/with

ELS Q 625

73. Although she has a rare gift ...... music, 80. Thanks to the Internet, It's now easy to
the only career she's ever really been keep........ old friends.
Interested...... Is nursing.
A) in return for
A) for/in B) about/by B) for the sake of
C) at/with D) towards/from C) in common with
D) in touch with
E) into/about E) in favour of
74. We started off sailing ...... the lighthouse
but, because of the unfavourable wind,
we ended up going.......a different
A) away/on B) above/to 81. In Japan, as in Turkey, it is unthinkable
D) towards/in to enter a house wearing shoes.
C) around/across
E) inside/at A) The Japanese and Turks are
culturally very similar, an example of
75. In some equatorial countries, people sleep which is not wearing shoes inside.
..... nets to protect themselves ....... B) The Japanese often enter Turkish
mosquitoes. houses without thinking about taking
off their shoes.
A) from/across B) above/through C) What the Turks appreciate about the
C) under/from D) in/beyond Japanese is that, like them, they too
E) without/beside don't like wearing shoes in the house.
D) Japan and Turke y are exactly the
76. Everybody noticed the anger.......the same, even to the point that shoes are
manager's voice, but no one commented not worn in the house. E) Nobody even considers going into a
home with shoes on in Japan, and
A) at/to C) from/by B) in/on this custom is the same in Turke y.
E) of/about D) for/at
82. Taking photographs inside the museum
77. My friend sent me a Bavarian porcelain is strictly forbidden.
tea set from Munich, but, unfortunately,
it arrived all ......... A) There are no photographs showing
what the museum looks like inside.
A) in turn B) on the hour B) It's not advisable to try to bring a
C) without delay D) in conclusion camera into the museum.
E) in C) No one has ever taken a photo inside
pieces th e museu m.
D) People are not allowed to photograph
78. Bureaucrats are sometimes recruited for the interior of the museum.
a job not ...... qualifications such as E) We were only able to take photos of
education or experience, but rather the museum's exterior.
through their influential relations. 83. None of his classmates can compete with
A) on the basis of
him as regards his mathematical genius.
B) on behalf of
A) He is in competition with his
C) in charge of classmates for the position of
D) on the point of mathematical genius.
E) in common with B) In competitions, he usually beats the
others in his class when the subject is
79. The increased diversity of flowering plants maths.
is closely related ....... the increased C) Nobody in his class considers him to
diversity of insects, which carry pollen be a gen ius at maths.
...... flower to flower and thus ensure D) In mathematics, he is by far the best
reproduction. student in his class.
E) Most of the others in his class are
A) B) at/between D) with/over only just level with him in
in/with C) E) to/from mathematics.
626 a ELS

84. Of the people Interviewed, all were In C) She wasn't responsible for the
favour of the government proposal. accident since it took place after she'd
A) The government's proposal wasn't D) The car accident at the station was
unfavourably criticized by anyone. definitely not her fault.
B) They only interviewed people who E) She was too slow at stopping the car
were positive about the government's in time to avoid the accident.
C) Everyone who was interviewed 88. Quite apart from the fact that he Is
thought that the government's unattractive, Ben just doesn't have a very
proposal was a good idea. likeable personality.
D) Only the people who weren't
interviewed were against the A) Although he's fairly handsome, the
government's proposal. fact is that Ben has an unpleasant
E) No one was interviewed unless they character.
thought the government's proposal
B) Not only does Ben not like other
was advantageous.
people, he also looks ugly.
85. As opposed to being beneficial, too much C) Although it's not a very pleasant thing
sleep can actually lower a person's to say, Ben just isn't nice at all.
performance. D) Besides not being very good-looking,
Ben just isn't a nice person.
A) Sleeping a little more than necessary E) It's just because he looks ugly that
can greatly improve one's health. people don't like Ben.
B) An excess of sleep may be worse for a
person rather than better. 89. Ideally, the meal should be accompanied
C) People who are very active feel the by wine, but it is by no means essential.
benefit of rest more than those who
aren't. A) Without wine, the food can never be
D) When a person is under-performing, perfect.
he may benefit from more sleep. B) To get the most out of the food, serve
E) If a person is really tired, it is better it with wine, though it is still good
for him to sleep a little more than he without it.
really needs. C) It is best to prepare the food using
wine as this enhances the flavour.
86. So far, thanks to the fine weather, the D) One of the basic ingredients of the
project has gone according to schedule. meal is wine, in one form or another.
E) Wine on its own is perfectly good; it
A) There hasn't yet been any bad doesn't have to be with a meal.
weather to cause a change in the
project's schedule.
B) Unless the weather turns in our 90. The way a person decorates his house
favour, trying to keep to the schedule usually reflects something of his
is far from being realistic. personality.
C) Regardless of the bad weather we've
had up to now, the scheme has gone A) Everybody wants the furniture in their
as planned. house to be different from others'.
D) The project can only proceed as B) It's the personal belongings someone
scheduled if the climate permits. has used to decorate his house that
E) The plans could not have gone ahead give us some idea about his
so quickly if they hadn't been helped personality.
by good weather. C) Nothing reveals more about one's
personality than the way one's house
87. The accident wasn't her fault because her has been decorated.
car was stationary at the time. D) People like to decorate their houses
differently because, in this way, they
A) As her car wasn't moving when the can reveal their individual tastes.
accident happened, she wasn't to E) You can get some clues about a
blame for it. person's personality by looking at how
B) You can't blame her for not moving he's decorated his house.
when the accident occurred.

ELS Q 6*7

D) Çocuğun insanlara karşı tutumunu
cöıîfleye belirleyen ilk toplumsal deneyimler
cümleyi bültuı aile yapısı içinde gerçekleşir.
E) Çocuğun insanlara karşı tutumunu
belirleyen ilk toplumsal deneyimlerin
91. The body changes the calories In foods başansı aile yapısına bağlıdır.
Into energy, which Is necessary for every
movement we make, from blinking an eye 94. Some drugs, tranquilizers In particular,
to running. can result In death when taken with
A) Vücut yiyeceklerdeki kaloriyi, göz A) Bazı sakinleştirici ilaçlar, özellikle
kırpmaktan koşmaya, yaptığımız her alkolle birlikte alındığı zaman ölüme
hareket için gerekli olan enerjiye yol açmaktadır.
dönüştürür. B) Sakinleştirici ilaçların alkolle birlikte
B) Yiyeceklerdeki kalori, vücudumuz alınması ölümle sonuçlanabilir.
tarafından enerjiye dönüştürülür ve C) Đlaçlardan, özellikle de
bu enerji, göz kırpmak ve koşmak gibi sakinleştiricilerden kaynaklanan
pek çok hareket için kullanılır. ölümler, genellikle alkolle birlikte
C) Göz kırpmaktan koşmaya, yaptığımız alınmaları sonucu gerçekleşmiştir.
D) Bazı ilaçlar, özellikle sakinleştiriciler,
her hareket için gerekli olan enerji, alkolle birlikte alındığında ölüme
yediğimiz yiyeceklerden sağlanır. neden olabilmektedir.
D) Vücudun, göz kırpmak ve koşmak gibi E) Alkolle birlikte sakinleştirici ilaç
hareketleri yaparken kullandığı almanın sonu genellikle ölümdür.
enerjiyi, yiyeceklerin içerdiği kaloriler
sağlar. 95. By many critics, Mozart is acknowledged
E) Göz kırpmak ve koşmak gibi as the greatest musical genius of all time.
hareketleri yapabilmemiz için enerjiye
ihtiyaç vardır ve vücudumuz bu A) Mozart, pek çok eleştirmen tarafından
enerjiyi yiyeceklerden elde eder. tü m zaman l arın en b ü y ük mü zik
dehası olarak kabul edilmektedir.
92. By nature, man doesn't much value the B) Genel olarak eleştirmenler, Mozart'ın
gelmiş geçmiş en büyük müzik dehası
things that he's attained easily. olduğunu kabul ederler.
C) Mozart'ın çok büyük bir müzik dehası
A} Kolayca elde edilen şeylere değer olduğu konusunda eleştirmenler
vermemek insanın yaradılışında arasında fikir ayrılığı vardır.
vardır. D) Pek çok eleştirmen, Mozart'ın,
B) Kolayca elde ettiği şeylerin, doğal zamanının en büyük müzik dehası
olarak, kişi için hiçbir değeri yoktur. olduğu konusunda hemfikirdir.
C) Doğası gereği insan, kolayca elde ettiği E) Çoğu eleştirmenin de kabul ettiği gibi,
şeylerin değerini pek bilmez. Mozart döneminin en büyük müzik
D) Doğal olarak insan, hep kendisi için dehalarından biriydi.
değerli olan şeylere ulaşmak için 96. Throughout history, people have paid
çabalar. little attention to not disturbing the
E) Kendisi için değerli olan şeyleri quality of their natural environment.
kolayca elde etmek istemesi insanın
doğasında vardır. A) Tarih boyunca çok az insan yaşadığı
doğal çevreyi bozmamak için özel bir
93. The success of early social experiences, çaba göstermiştir.
which determine the child's attitude B) insanlık tarihine bakıldığında, doğal
çevreyi bozmamak için gösterilen
towards people, depends on the family çabanın çok az olduğunu
structure. görülmektedir.
A) Aile içindeki ilk toplumsal C) Tarih boyunca insanlar, doğal
çevrelerinin niteliğini bozmama
deneyimlerin başansı çocuğun konusuna çok az özen göstermişlerdir.
insanlara karşı tutumunu belirleyen D) Tarih boyunca, yaşadıkları doğal
bir etkendir. çevreye iyi bakmayan insanlar,
B) Çocuğun insanlarla başarılı ilişkiler sonunda onun tüm niteliğini bozmayı
kurabilmesi aile içindeki ilk toplumsal başarmışlardır.
deneyimlere bağlıdır. E) Tarih boyunca insanlar, yaşadıkları
C) Çocuğun insan ilişkilerinde başarılı doğal ortamı çok dikkatsizce
olmasını aile içinde yaşanan ilk kullanmış, böylece onun niteliğini
toplumsal deneyimler belirler. bozmuşlardır.

628 Q ELS

97. Louisa May Alcott, the author of the book 99. With its smoking volcanoes and frozen
Little Women, took an active part In the tundra, Its glaciers and virgin forests,
fight for woman's suffrage. Alaska Is a land of spectacular contrasts.

A) Küçük Kadınlar kitabında Louisa May A) Duman tüten volkanlar ve buz tutmuş
Alcott, kendisinin de aktif olarak yer tundura, buzullar ve bakir ormanlar
gibi tezatların bir arada bulunduğu
aldığı, kadınlara oy kullanma hakkının
Alaska, görülmeye değer bir ülkedir.
verilmesi mücadelesini anlatmıştır.
B) Bir tezatlar ülkesi olan Alaska'da,
J) Küçük Kadınlar kitabının yazarı duman tüten volkanlar ve buz tutmuş
Louisa May Alcott, kadınlara oy tundura, buzullar ve bakir ormanlar
kullanma hakkının verilmesi için bir aradadır.
mücadelede aktif rol almıştır. C) Alaska'da, duman tüten volkanlar ve
C) Küçük Kadınlar kitabıyla tanınan buz tu tmu ş tun dura, b u zu llar v e
yazar Louisa May Alcott, kadınlara oy bakir ormanlar harikulade bir tezat
kullanma hakkının verilmesi için çok oluşturur.
mücadele etmiştir. D) Duman tüten volkanları ve buz
D) Kadınlara oy kullanma hakkının tutmuş tundurası, buzulları ve bakir
verilmesi mücadelesini anlatan Küçük ormanlarıyla Alaska, görülmeye değer
Kadınlar, Louisa May Alcott bir tezatlar ülkesidir.
tarafından yazılmıştır. E) Alaska'da, duman tüten volkanlar ve
E) Kadınlara oy kullanma hakkının buz tu tmu ş tun dura, b u zu llar v e
verilmesi için aktif olarak mücadele bakir ormanlar gibi tezatları bir arada
görmek mü mkünd ür.
eden Louisa May Alcott, aynı zamanda
Küçük Kadınlar adlı kitabın da
100. Apparently, I was not the only person
yazandır. unaccustomed to the city's changeable
weather, for there were plenty of other
98. The use of sedatives Is common among people In the street not dressed suitably
Individuals who suffer serious problems for the weather.
In their social relationships and career.
A) Belli ki şehrin değişken havasına
A) Çok yaygın olan sakinleştirici alışkın olmayan yalnızca ben değildim,
kullanımı, aslında bireyin sosyal çün kü sok ak ta h av ay a uyg un
ilişkilerini ve mesleğini de ciddi giyinmemiş bir hayli başka insanlar
biçimde zedelemektedir. da vardı.
B) Sakinleştiricilere bağımlılık, sosyal B) Sokakta havaya uygun giyinmemiş bir
ilişkilerinde ve mesleğinde bireye ciddi sürü insan görünce, şehrin değişken
havasına alışamayan tek kişinin ben
sorunlar yaratır.
olmadığıma sevindim.
C) Sakinleştirici kullanımının en yaygın C) Benim gibi, şehrin değişken havasına
olduğu kesim, sosyal ilişkilerinde ve alışamamış insanlar sokakta, havaya
mesleğinde ciddi sorunlarla karşılaşan uygun olmayan giysileriyle hemen
kişilerdir. belli oluyordu.
D) Çok fazla sakinleştirici almak D) Galiba şehrin değişken havasına
alışkanlık yaptığı gibi, bireyin sosyal alışamayan bir tek ben değildim,
ilişkilerinde ve mesleğinde de sorunlar çün kü sok ak h av aya uy gun
yaratmaktadır. giyinmemiş insanlarla doluydu.
E) Sosyal ilişkilerinde ve mesleğinde E) Şehrin değişken havasına alışkın
ciddi sorunlar yaşayan bireyler olmadığım her halimden belliydi,
çün kü sok ak ta, h av ay a uy gun
arasında sakinleştirici kullanımı
giyinmemiş benden başka kimse
ELS Q 629


B) It's not always possible to get some
cümleye anlamca «a, yakın ingilizce idea about the content of a book just
cümleyi bulunuz. by looking at its title.
C) Trying to guess the content of a book
101. Şatoya giden dik yokuşu tırmanınca, from its title may sometimes mislead
genç yaşlı bütün turistler nefes nefese you.
kaldı. D) From the title of a book, you can't
always get a good idea of its content.
A) Not only the old but also the young E) The method of getting an idea about a
tourists were breathless after the book's content from its title does not
steep ascent to the castle. always lead you to the right
B) The path to the castle was so steep conclusion.
that it left all the tourists, old and
young alike, out of breath. 104. Nedense, normalde çok sakin olarak
C) Having climbed the steep hill leading bilinen insanlar bile direksiyon başında
to the castle, all the tourists, old and saldırgan bir tutum sergilemektedirler.
young, were out of breath.
A) For some reason, even people with a
D) The young tourists as well as the old
quiet nature become aggressive as
found the path to the castle too steep soon as they take their place behind
to climb. the wheel.
E) After they'd climbed the steep hill to B) Being behind the wheel can make
the castle, both the young and the old people act aggressively even if they are
tourists were trying to catch their normally very quiet.
breath. C) When behind the wheel, anyone may
go into an aggressive attitude,
102. Televizyonda yapılan uyanlar, sürücülere however quiet they may normally be.
emniyet kemeri takma alışkanlığı D) It's amazing that someone who is
kazandırmada çok etkili olmuştur. known to be very quiet in his normal
life can act so aggressively behind the
A) It was because of warnings on wheel.
television that drivers first got E) Somehow, even people who are
accustomed to the idea of wearing normally known to be very quiet
seatbelts. display an aggressive attitude behind
B) Thanks to the warnings made on the wheel.
television, wearing a seatbelt has
become a habit for most drivers. 105. Bence bu yeni sistemin en büyük
C) The warnings made on television have
sakıncası, çalışanlar arasında şiddetli bir
rekabet başlatacak olmasıdır.
proved very effective in getting drivers
into the habit of wearing a seatbelt.
A) As far as I'm concerned, the ruthless
D) Television's greatest contribution to competition between the workers was
drivers is that it reminds them to caused by this new system.
wear their seatbelts all the time. B) I believe that this new system is not
E) The aim of certain warnings made on advantageous as it causes an intense
television is to make drivers get into competition between the employees.
the habit of wearing their seatbelts all C) In my opinion, this ruthless
the time. competition between the workers
started after the introduction of the
103. Sadece adına bakarak bir kitabın içeriği new system.
hakkında fikir edinmek her zaman D) I'm not in favour of this new system
mümkün değildir. as it'll certainly start a competition
between the employees.
A) It isn't possible to get an idea about E) I think the major drawback of this
the content of a book by looking at its new system is that it'll start a fierce
title. competition between the employees.

630 G ELS

106. Kutlamalar, şehrin her yerinden görünen D) The number of beings on other
muhteşem bir havai fişek gösterisiyle planets who are waiting for us to
sona erdi. contact them might be quite high.
E) A large number of people believe that
A) The magnificent fireworks display at there is life on other planets which
the end of the celebrations could be can be contacted.
seen from everywhere in the city.
B) There were magnificent fireworks
displays everywhere in the city during 109. Britanya ile Fransa'yı Manş DenM'nin
the celebrations. altından birbirine bağlayan Channel
C) The fireworks displays all over the city Tunnel, tahmin edilenden 6 milyar dolar
at the end of the celebrations were daha fazlaya mal olmuştur.
D) The celebrations concluded with a A) It is estimated that the Channel
spectacular fireworks display that Tunnel, which connects Britain to
could be seen across the city. France under the English Channel,
E) At the end of the celebrations, the cost more than 6 billion dollars to
fireworks displays all over the city build.
were worth seeing. B) Costing 6 billion dollars more than
the original estimate, the Channel
107. Đngiltere'nin önde gelen 19. yüzyıl Tunnel, which lies under the English
yazarlarından biri olan Mary Ann Evans,
bir erkek ismi olan George Eliot takma Channel, connects Britain to France.
adıyla yazmıştır. C) The Channel Tunnel, connecting
Britain and France under the English
A) George Eliot was the masculine Channel, cost 6 billion dollars more
pseudonym of the writer Mary Ann than estimated.
Evans, who was among the foremost D) Britain and France are connected by
novelists of the 19th century. the Channel Tunnel, which runs
B) During the 19th century, Mary Ann under the English Channel and cost
Evans wrote using the name of George an estimated 6 billion dollars over
Eliot, who was one of England's budget to build.
prominent novelists at the time.
C) Mary Ann Evans, England's most E) The tunnel which connects Britain to
prominent 19th century writer, used France under the English Channel,
the masculine pen name of George and which cost 6 billion dollars to
Eliot. build, is known as the Channel
D) Writing under the masculine Tunnel.
pseudonym of George Eliot, Mary Ann
Evans became one of the most 110. Yeni alınan koltuklara yer açmak için
prominent writers of the 19th century. birkaç parça eşyayı eskiciye satmaya
E) One of England's foremost novelists of karar verdiler.
the 19th century, Mary Ann Evans
wrote under the masculine pen name
of George Eliot. A) If they were to buy some new
armchairs, they would have to sell
108. Diğer gezegenlerde, bizim kendileriyle some items to the junk shop to make
irtibat kurmamızı bekleyen canlıların room for them.
bulunduğuna inanan insanların sayısı B) In order to make room for the newly-
oldukça fazladır. bought armchairs, they decided to sell
a few items to the junk shop.
A) The number of people who believe C) The newly-bought armchairs took up
that there are beings on other planets so much space that they decided to
waiting for us to contact them is quite
high. sell some items to the junk shop to
B) The belief that there are beings on make room for them.
other planets who are trying to D) Selling a few items to the junk shop
contact us is held by a large number made room for the new armchairs
of people. that they had decided to buy.
C) A number of people are waiting to be E) They decided to sell their old
contacted by beings which they armchairs to the junk shop to make
believe live on other planets. room for some new ones.

ELS Q 631

1-80. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan 8. I am dissatisfied ...... the service I have
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da liadeyi received.......your company.

A) B) about/in D) with /from

ı. Dogs have been living side by side.............. for/with C) E) from/by
humans ..............prehistoric times. by/for
A) around/until B) for/at 9. The Central Intelligence Agency - known
C) with/since D) from/in as the CIA ............ - plays an unfortunately
E) beside/during major role In third world politics.
2. Their house is ............. the end of the road B) by all means
A) at least
..... the right-hand side. C) from now on D) at length
A} from/at E) for short
C) at/on B) to/in D) by/near
E) on/by 10. He had lived....... primitive peoples for so
long that he had trouble re-adjusting.......
3. Western values when he returned.
As more and more hopeful people are
drawn to the city ...... work, the slums on
the outskirts of the city grow. A) about/with B) from/for
C) to/from D) in/about
A) on the point of B) in search of E) among/to
C) on the tip of D) on behalf of
E) in common with 11. He was in Australia .......a business tour
..... the time of his father's death.
4. Most travellers find the Chinese cold and
unfriendly ....... the people of A) in/on B) on/at D) for/since
neighbouring Tibet, who are so affable. C) at/for E) with/to
A) in favour of B) in the habit of
C) in place of D) on the contrary 12. Mushrooms spring up amazing
E) as opposed to speed ...... moist or rainy periods.
5. A) at/during C) B) to/around
There was no possibility of finding seats through/in D) on/over
available.......a flight to Paris since so
many people were going there ...... the E) in/across
13. Instead of including this subject In
B) in/with today's agenda, I suggest that we discuss
A) on/for D) upon/on
C) with/about it ...... In another meeting, as it is
E) by/with apparently a matter of great significance.
6. A) in sight B) out of order D) by far
My nephew bought the best computer C) at length E) without warning
...... the market ........a very reasonable
14. The area ......the Bosphorus was once all
A) for/of B) with/on countryside, but now it Is full.......
C) to/around D) on/at concrete buildings.
E) during/into
7. The amusement park requires all children
the age of 10 to be accompanied..............
an adult.
A) of/to B) below/with D) A) B) along/of
in/from C) D) at/for
E) beneath/from of/with E) about/in
C) under/by from/alongside


15. London is linked ...... most parts of the 23. I don't quite agree ....... the notion that
country ...... roads and railroads. international sporting competitions
encourage friendship .......different
A) on/of countries.
C) in/off B) to/by
D) with/under
E) for/at
A) with/between B) about/to
C) to/from D) for/about
16. Hoping to find something valuable...... E) along/around
all the worthless Items, we spent hours 24. I hope to meet them ....... lunchtime if
searching ...... his belongings. nothing unexpected happens ...... the way
A) inside/between B) about/with there.
C) of/about D) through/into
E) among/through A) in/through B) until/by
C) on/along D) at/on
17......... all the students I have ever met, he E) around/to
is the worst one ...... maths. 25 .........captivity, dolphins are more willing
A) About/to C) From/in B) With/for
to cooperate ...... the trainer than are
D) Of/at most other mammals.
For/about A) With/from C) B) In/with
During/for D) For/along
18. It was a very important document and I E) From/to
would have been.......if I hadn't found it.
A) in trouble C) out of B) out of sight 26. Sitting outside and sketching the
order D) in vain surroundings seemed to be the only thing
E) on my that was able to.......the financial
way difficulties she was in.
19. Although we arrived ....... the city at A) keep an eye on
around 8 a.m., we didn't arrive ........the B) make a recovery from
hotel until 10, because we had got stuck C) take her mind off
in the rush hour traffic. D) catch a glimpse of
E) have an effect on
A) to/for C) over/to B) in/at
E) from/in D) by/on 27. Their current advertising campaign Is
misleading people.......thinking that they
20. Everyone on board the are going to get the service ...... free.
ship congratulated
the captain ......his success ........getting B) from/at
A) through/in C) D) out/with
the ship out of the storm safe and sound. down/from
B) to/from E) into/for
A) for/with C) over/on D) on/in
E) in/for 28. Some people are so superstitious, or
perhaps paranoid, that they find a hidden
21. A woman Jogging ......the river bank fell meaning ...... virtually everything........
..... the water when she tripped over a them.

A) around/out B) across/off D) A) in/around C) from/to B) about/in

C) over/upon under/down E) D) with/for
E) along/into for/without
22. Larry's not very good at music, and 29. Several attempts were made to stop the
moreover, his piano is ....... so when he epidemic.......spreading, but all ........
starts playing it, his wife usually decides success, and now the problem is getting
it's time to go for a walk. close to being a crisis.
A) by no means B) by mistake A) in to/for B) for/with
E) on its own E) without/in
C) out of tune D) in trouble C) against/from D) from/without
ELS Q 633

30. You must have heard.......her. She's the 37. This is Just another example.......his
woman who was.......the front page of incompetence. I doubt that he's ever done
the newspapers all last week. anything properly ...... his whole life.
A) to/in B) up/down B) on/upon
A) of/in D) at/to
C) from/during D) of/on C) without/since
E) round/over E) to/for
31. Bill can't come on the picnic because he's 38. I'd prefer to travel because you
...... a lot of ....... at work and has to can't see anything ...... night.
finish an Important project by Monday
morning. A) in/by B) by/at
AS under...pressure B) out of...luck C) at/on D) to/to
C) in...debt D) without...delay E) during/during
E) in...pieces
39. Because I am fair-skinned, I can lie on
32. Before opening the door, I looked........the the beach on a sunny day for half an
keyhole and saw a middle-aged woman hour.......; otherwise, I end up with
.....a fur coat sitting all by herself. sunburn.

A) at/with B) for/on A) out of doors C) at B) at least D)

C) after/into D) out/round most by mistake
E) through/in E) by far

33. My hotel room, rectangular in shape ...... 40. He must be upset.......something,

a white ceiling and green walls, was ...... because his behaviour today has been
the second floor. totally ...... character.
A) in/at B) on/to A) about/out of C) in/in B) for/to
C) below/onto D) with/on E) D) over/for
E) over/for at/around
34. I can't tell the wine
and expensive, so don't waste your money 41. Everybody,....... the exception ....... Claire, expensive bottle. who is ill, will be attending the conference
A) among/about C) B) of/for
between/on D) over/to A) B) without...for D) with...of
E) at...on C) E) on...about
42. I think that........ the circumstances, the
35. She's no different She just thinks company should offer to repair the
she's special because her father owns a machine free ...... charge.
house ...... a large garden and a
swimming pool.
A) among/in B) throughout/near D) A) at/to B) under/of D)
C) within/by from/with C) on/without during/from
E) between/at
E) in/off
36. Her main complaint, but...... her only
one, was that the airline refused to 43. If you are not entirely satisfied....... your
deliver her suitcases to her hotel after purchase, bring it back and we will
they had found them. refund your money ...... full.

A) by no means C) B) in common A) by/at B) about/for

out of reach D) at random C) over/to D) from/by
E) on a trip E) with/in
634 Q ELS

44. It was.......him to leave........thanking us. 51.......... his colleagues, he Is regarded .......
There must have been something wrong. the only person reliable enough to be
given such a responsibility.
A) unlike/without B) against/by A) Out of/to B) Among/as D) Between/at
C) among/for D) beside/out C) From/like E) Beyond/for
E) opposite/from
45. Since we had our car fitted ...... an alarm, 52. You cannot continue to blame everyone
else ...... your misfortunes. You must
our insurance premiums have fallen...... learn to take responsibility ...... your own
20%. actions.
A) to/at B) of/off A) for/for B) with/with D) about/of
C) with/by D) at/around C) at/over E) from/to
E) for/between
53. When it comes to cooking, Maureen's Is
46. Sssshh... We should keep our voices...... greatl She's ...... the best cook I know.
until we are quite certain that the others
are.......earshot. A) under guarantee B) at last
C) on average D) by far
A) off/from B) under/through D) E) for short
C) below/off down/out of
E) past/beyond
54. He is known ...... the business world ......
a man whose word can be trusted.
47. In many countries, basketball is normally
played in a sports hall, not it A) of/by B) in/for
often is here in Turkey. C) during/like D) with/by
E) throughout/as
A) in the suburbs B) on an expedition 55. He was deterred ...... accepting the post
C) at times D) out of reach due to the amount ...... overtime it would
E) out of doors entail.
48. I wouldn't be so envious.......her A)
off/in B) against/on D) without/to
promotion if she didn't keep boasting ...... C) by/at E) from/of
it. whole family, I would like to wish
A) from/in C) of/about B) to/up you many happy years together.
E) D) for/of
about/out of A) On behalf of B) In love with
C) For the sake of D) In favour of
49. Perhaps a few days away ......home will E) On the point of
enable you to take your mind ......your
problems. 57. After her leg has been operated....... she
should be able to walk ......a limp.
A) B) at/in B) on/without
from/off D) around/up A) in/at D) against/on
C) to/with C) over/above
E) beside/from E) by/to
50. The children were up hope 58. I always associate the scent ......roses
when someone phoned to say their dog grandmother's house, where we
had been found. used to spend our summer holidays.
A) in the habit of A) at/of B) for/to
B) on the point of C) from/by D) off/for
C) in return for E) of/with
D) for the sake of
E) in exchange for

ELS Q 635

59. After running halfway across town to 67. These watermelons were expensive, but
meet his girlfriend, Jim was so ...... that that's because they are ...... here and so
he could not speak for a few minutes had to be imported from Iran.
when he arrived.

A) without control C) on B) at random A) out of doors B) out of fashion D) out of

occasion D) out of breath C) out of luck season
E) on his E) out of debt
68. If you constantly translate .......the
60. The horse must have escaped ...... language you are learning ...... your
jumping ...... the fence. native tongue, you'll never make any
A) from/ about C) B) to/under
by/over D) with/up A) to/about B) from/into D) in/for
E) C) for/with E) about/from
69. Please wait.......silence........ my office
61. The cyclist was obviously.......control as until I'm ready to see you.
he hurtled headlong.......the hill.
A) B) in/outside D) at/opposite
A) without/with B) in/at for/on C) E) with/near
C) under/above D) from/up
E) out of/down
62. I was filled...... admiration when I
realized how much he'd achieved ......
such a short time.
A) at/for B) about/until 70. Just and me, I don't think Sarah
C) from/during D) by/at is very enthusiastic ...... the chairman's
E) with/in decision.

63. The kitchens are in an awful state this A) among/to B) about/from D) over/at
morning. I want to speak to whoever was C) from/with E) between/about
...... last night's restaurant staff
immediately. 71. The two leaders
A) under control B) in charge of agreed to put their differences aside
C) for the sake of D) in touch with for the meeting and
E) on good terms with concentrate on what they had ...... -
namely, a desire for peace in the area.
64. He walked up the road .......a determined
look ......his face. A) on time B) for short D) in common
C) in order E) for once
A) with/on C) in/in B) by/at
E) D) to/after 72. Are you acquainted ...... that tall man
through/for standing.......Angela?
65. Do you know whom the bicycle leaning A) to/beside B) with/next to D) over/in
..... the wall belongs ........? C) for/among front of
B) from/on E) about/on
A) against/to C) D) at/by
E) on/for 73. His reaction...... my suggestion was clear
when he said nothing, but simply walked
66. Several boats in the area responded....... ..... the meeting.
the from the captain of the
damaged yacht.
A) for/over B) towards/with A) to/out of C) B) with/into
C) to/for D) with/about by/through D) of/from
E) on/to E) at/over
636 a ELS

74. As he heard more and more ......his 81-90. sorularda, verile» cümleye
brother's successes, while he himself anlamca.
continued to achieve nothing, he
gradually became consumed ......jealousy 81. This supermarket sells products at prices
and hatred. suitable for people from all walks of life.
A) Those from the lower class, in
A) from/over B) of/to particular, shop at this supermarket
C) at/by D) about/with because of its reasonable prices.
E) for/up B) The products sold at this supermarket
are desired by people of all social
75. The superiority...... the latest model ....... classes.
C) Only those who can't afford the prices
the previous one is Immediately evident. elsewhere prefer to shop at this
A) for/from B) to/by D) Except for those from the upper class,
C) of/over D) about/at everybody likes to do their shopping
E) with/on at this supermarket.
E) People from any social class can
afford the prices at this supermarket.
76. I wish the people who design
supermarkets would make an effort to 82. Despite efforts being made to contain it,
put all products.......the reach........short the forest fire continues to spread
people, such as me. uncontrollably.

A) out of/to C) B) within/of A) Although people tried to stop the

D) at/for forest fire initially, the blaze soon grew
beyond/with out of control.
E) B) As it was not possible to penetrate
among/by into the forest, the fire increased in
size until it was unstoppable.
C) The forest fire still shows no sign of
77. As soon as the meeting is ...... progress, slowing down, regardless of attempts
no latecomers will be allowed ........ to get it under control.
D) Owing to the failure of the firemen to
A) under/among C) B) at/to arrest it early on, the forest fire went
out of control.
by/for D) within/at E) The fire is getting bigger so quickly
E) in/in that no one can possibly prevent it.
78. Knowing the dangers, she kept all her 83. Far more devastating for the author than
cleaning materials, such as bleach and the loss of his house to flre was the
disinfectant, well ...... of her children. destruction of the sole copy of his latest
A) out of reach B) in tears A) In his latest book, the author tells of
C) in danger D) on purpose the pain he suffered when he lost his
E) In public home in a devastating fire.
B) Even more difficult for the author
79. He might be known ...... his good sense than writing his only book was seeing
..... humour, but personally, I've always it destroyed when his house burnt
found him to be miserable and C) The only thing the author was able to
unpleasantly sarcastic. rescue from the flames which
A) as/for destroyed his home was the sole copy
C) with/in B) to/by D) like/with of his latest book.
D) Even the destruction of his home in
E) for/of the fire was not as hard for the author
to bear as the burning of the only
80. The area is subject ......earthquakes, so manuscript of his new novel.
local people are always...... the alert. E) The author was devastated to find his
house burnt down with everything in
it, among which was the only
A) by/for C) with/with B) for/at manuscript of his latest novel.
E) D) to/on
ELS a 637

84. I'm sure it was not by accident that she 88. The test is designed so that the questions
embarrassed him in the presence of get progressively harder.
A) The test has been set up to be more
A) Her embarrassment in front of us was difficult in order to test with precision
because of something he did the progress of those taking it.
intentionally. B) Though the exam may seem very
B) I feel no doubt that she deliberately challenging at first glance, if you've
caused him embarrassment in public. made progress, you can do it well.
C) I think that embarrassing him in C) Although this test looks difficult,
public was an accident on her part. you've made so much progress that
D) He was certainly embarrassed by the I'm sure you'll pass it easily.
mistake she made in front of D) The format of the exam is such that it
everyone. starts with easier questions and
E) Everyone who was present knew that continues by gradually increasing in
she'd embarrassed him on purpose. difficulty.
E) This test has been formatted in such
85. Scarcely had he returned from abroad, a way that only the most progressive
when he had to go on another extended students can do it.
business trip.
A) His business trip abroad was 89. For the companies which just want
extended because people like him profits, the morality of what they do is
were scarce. not so important to them.
B) Business abroad was so good that he
could scarcely finish everything on A) Although there are companies which
one trip. do care about morality, the concern of
C) After returning from abroad, he had most of them is just to make money.
hardly any work to do until he went B) Some companies don't care much
on another business trip. about whether what they do is right or
D) Since business was scarce, his time wrong because they only concentrate
abroad could not be extended. on making money.
E) As soon as he got back, business took C) Since big corporations often donate
him overseas again for a long time. huge amounts of money to charity,
they can be considered moral
86. She never eats cake except when she organizations.
celebrates her birthday. D) Wanting to make profits is quite
natural, but companies should also
A) Until her birthday, she will never taste consider the rights and wrongs of
even a small piece of cake. what they do.
B) At last, on her last birthday, she tried E) There are, unfortunately, companies
a piece of her birthday cake. which do lots of immoral things just
C) Although she celebrates her birthday for the sake of making profits, though
every year, she never eats any of her their number is not so high.
birthday cake.
D) The only occasion on which she eats 90. The only thing I really need at this very
cake is on her own birthday. moment is to be on my own for a while.
E) She has decided that, for the first
time in her life, she will try eating A) I'd really rather be by myself at the
cake on her birthday. moment than be among such a big
87. It wasn't the best film rve ever seen, but B) At the moment, nothing would help
it was definitely above average. me feel better than spending some
time by myself.
A) The film was better than most, though C) While I know I need to be alone at the
I have seen better ones. moment, I don't think it seems
B) I can only recall ever seeing one film possible.
better than that one. D) I don't know what to do about this
C) I've never seen such a good film in situation, so I suppose I'll think about
such an ordinary cinema. it alone for some time.
D) I've seen a lot of dull films, but that E) I'm not feeling very well at the
one is worse than most. moment, and I think it's because I've
E) Though the film was wonderful, it been on my own for so long.
lasted a bit longer than normal.

638 Q ELS

sorularda, C) Taş Devri kültürleri Güney
Amerika'nın cangıllarında ve Yeni
91. The effects of acid rain can be devastating Gine adasında hiç bozulmamış olarak
to many forms of life. Including human varlığını sürdürmektedir.
life. D) Bugün hemen hiç bozulmamış Taş
Devri kültürleri, sadece Güney
A) Asit yağmurlarının etkileri, insan Amerika'nın cangıllarında ve Yeni
yaşamı dahil, pek çok canlı türü için Gine adasında bulunmaktadır.
çok zararlı olabilmektedir. E) Güney Amerika'nın cangıllarında ve
B) Pek çok canlı türü için çok zararlı Yeni Gine adasında Taş Devri
olan asit yağmurları, insan yaşamını kültürleri neredeyse hiç bozulmamış
da etkileyebilmektedir.
C) Asit yağmurlarının zararlarından, biçimiyle hala vardır.
insan yaşamı dahil, pek çok canlı
türü etkilenmektedir. 94. Our speed, which was a little above the
D) Asit yağmurlarının etkileri, sadece Hmit, combined with the sudden stop of
insan yaşamı için değil, pek çok canlı the car in front of us, made the crash
türü için zararlıdır. unavoidable.
E) Asit yağmurlarının, insan yaşamı
dahil, pek çok canlı türü üzerinde A) Hızımız biraz limitin üzerindeydi ve
zararlı etkileri görülebilir. önümüzdeki araba da aniden
durunca, çarpışmayı önlemek
92. Man must have got the Inspiration for the imkansızdı.
Invention of the wheel from using logs as B) Çarpışmayı kaçınılmaz yapan bizim
rollers to move heavy objects. hızımızın limitin biraz üzerinde olması
değil, önümüzdeki arabanın aniden
A) Ağır nesneleri taşımak için kütüklerin
silindir gibi kullanılmasından durmasıydı.
esinlenen insanoğlu tekerleği icat C) Hızımız limitin biraz üzerindeydi, ama
etmiştir. önümüzdeki araba aniden
B) Tekerleğin icadında insanoğlunun durmasaydı, çarpışmayı kesinlikle
esin kaynağı, ağır nesneleri taşımak önleyebilirdik.
için kütüklerin silindir gibi D) Çarpışmayı önleyemezdik, çünkü biz
kullanılması olabilir. biraz limitin üzerinde bir hızla
C) Đnsanoğlu tekerleğin icadı için ilhamı, gidiyorduk ve önümüzdeki araba çok
ağır nesneleri taşımak için kütüklerin ani durdu.
silindir gibi kullanılmasından almış E) Limitin biraz üzerinde olan hızımız,
olmalı. önümüzdeki arabanın aniden durması
D) Tekerleğin icadında insanoğluna, ile birleşince, çarpışmayı ^açınılmaz
kütüklerin silindir gibi kullanılarak kıldı.
ağır nesnelerin taşınması ilham
E) Đnsanoğlu tekerleğin icadında esinini, 95. Practically every culture has its own
ağır nesnelerin taşınmasında traditional ceremonies related to birth
kullandığı silindir biçimindeki and death.
kütüklerden almıştır.
A) Bazı kültürlerde doğum ve ölüm
93. In tbjC jungles of South America and on törenleriyle ilgili çok ilginç adetler
the island of New Guinea, Stone Age vardır.
cultures still exist in almost unspoilt B) Hemen hemen bütün kültürlerde,
form. doğum ve ölüm olaylarında, yakınların
katıldığı törenler yapılır.
A) Güney Amerika'nın cangıllarında ve C) Bazı kültürlerin doğum ve ölüme
Yeni Gine adasında varlığını sürdüren ilişkin geleneksel törenleri çok
Taş Devri kültürleri, neredeyse hiç pratiktir.
değişim yaşamamışlardır. D) Hemen her kültürün doğum ve ölüme
B) Güney Amerika'nın cangıllarında ve ilişkin kendi geleneksel törenleri
Yeni Gine adasında bugün hala hiç
değişime uğramamış Taş Devri vardır.
kültürleri bulmak mümkündür. E) Doğal olarak her kültür, doğum ve
ölüm törenlerinde kendi adetlerini

ELS Q 639

96. Viewed as a whole, the country's economy D) Pazarlamacılığın süratle yayılan bir
has deteriorated noticeably over the past kolu da, ürünlerin televizyon ve bilgi
decade. sayar yoluyla alıcıya ulaştırılmasıdır.
E) Pazarlamacılığın yeni bir alanı olan
A) Genel olarak bakıldığında, ülke televizyon ve bilgisayar aracılığıyla
ekonomisi son on yılda hissedilir alışveriş yönteminde teslimat süratli
ölçüde kötüleşti. bir biçimde yapılmaktadır.
B) Son on yılda ekonomideki kötüleşme
ülkenin tümünde hissedilmektedir. 99. One significant benefit of travel to foreign
C) Tüm ülke genelinde, ekonominin son places is learning how customs differ
yıllarda giderek kötüleştiği from country to country.
D) Ekonominin son yıllarda bir hayli A) Yurtdışına seyahat etmek, ülkeler
kötüleştiği konusunda genel olarak arasındaki kültür farkını görmek
bir görüş birliği var. açısından çok yararlıdır.
E) Ülkenin genel durumuna B) Yurtdışında bulunmanın en önemli
bakıldığında, ekonominin son on yaran, çeşitli ülkelerin geleneklerini ve
yıldaki durumu oldukça kötüdür. bunlar arasındaki farkları
97. Caught In the villagers' trap, the fox C) Ülkeden ülkeye geleneklerin nasıl
struggled in vain for hours to free itself. değiştiğini görmek bakımından
yurtdışına seyahat etmek son derece
A) Tilki köylülerin kurduğu tuzaktan yararlıdır.
ancak saatlerce süren bir D) Bir ülkeden diğerine gelenekler o
mücadeleden sonra kurtulabildi. kadar farklı ki, bunlar ancak çok
B) Köylülerin tuzağına yakalanan tilki seyahat ederek öğrenilebilir.
kurtulmak için boş yere saatlerce E) Yurtdışına seyahat etmenin önemli bir
uğraştı. yararı, ülkeden ülkeye geleneklerin
C) Saatlerce köylülerin kurduğu nasıl değiştiğini öğrenmektir.
tuzaktan kurtulmaya çalışan tilkinin
tüm çabaları boşunaydı. 100. Before a city plan was adopted in 1889,
D) Köylüler tilkiyi tuzağa düşürmek için Sao Paulo looked more like a capital city
saatlerce boş yere uğraştılar. of colonial times.
E) Tilkiyi tuzağa düşürmek için saatlerce
uğraşan köylülerin çabalan boşa gitti. A) Sao Paulo, sömürge döneminin bir
b aşk en tin i an d ıran gö rün ümü n d en
1889'da, şehrin yeniden planlanma-
98. Shopping by means of television and sıyla kurtuldu.
computers is a recent but rapidly B) 1889'a kadar sömürge döneminin
expanding development in the area of başkenti olma özelliğini sürdüren Sao
marketing. Paulo, o dönemde planlı şehirleşmeye
A) Yakın zamanda çıkmış olan televizyon C) 1889'da bir şehir planı benimsenmeden
ve bilgisayar aracılığıyla ürün pazarla önce, Sao Paulo daha çok sömürge
ma yöntemi hızla yayılmaktadır. döneminin bir başkenti gibi
B) Pazarlamacılık alanında son bir gelişme görünüyordu.
de, alıcıyla televizyon ve bilgisayar D) 1889'da planlı gelişmeye başlamadan
yoluyla irtibat kurarak satış önce Sao Paulo, aynı sömürge döne
yapılmasıdır. minde bir b aşkent görünümündeydi.
C) Televizyon ve bilgisayar aracılığıyla E) Sömürge döneminde başkent olan Sao
alışveriş, pazarlamacılık alanında yeni Paulo, 1889'da şehir planı çizilene dek
ama hızla yayılan bir gelişmedir. çok düzensiz bir şekilde kentleşmişti.

64O ü ELS

' C) Before printing was invented, official
cümleye anlamca en, yakm ingilizce sources gave the public whatever
cümleyi bulunuz. information they thought was suitable
to release.
101. Kendi özgür iradeleriyle olmasa da, zenci D) It was only after the invention of
köleler, Amerika'nın ekonomik printing that the public began to
temellerinin atılmasında önemli bir rol obtain satisfactory information from
?fficial sources.
oynamışlardır. E) When printing was invented, it
became possible for the public to get
A) The foundation of the American satisfactory information from sources
economy was a role played largely by other than officials.
black slaves, though against their
desires. 104. Panik yaratmamak için yetkililer, tehlike
B) Though not of their own free will, tamamen geçinceye kadar halka hiçbir
black slaves played a major role in şey duyurmadılar.
laying the economic foundations of
America. A) The danger was completely over by
C) Although not of their own free will, it the time the authorities publicized
was the black slaves who laid the everything, so they didn't cause a
foundations of the American economy. panic.
D) They didn't actually desire to do so, B) The danger not being completely over,
but many of the black slaves played the authorities publicized nothing
important roles in laying the which could cause a panic.
foundation of America's economy. C) In order not to cause panic, the
E) The most important role in the laying authorities didn't publicize anything
of the foundations of the American until the danger was completely over.
economy was played by black slaves, D) The authorities chose not to announce
despite their reluctance. anything until the danger had
completely passed, in order not to
102. Araştırmalar, başarılı insanların sahip create panic.
olduğu ortak bir özelliğin azim olduğunu E) Nothing was announced until after the
göstermektedir. danger had completely passed
because the authorities didn't want to
cause panic.
A) If people want to be successful in
their research, they must persevere 105. Binalarının neredeyse tümü çevreden
and not give up. çıkarılan granitten yapılmış olduğu için,
B) Whether or not perseverance is iskoç şehri Aberdeen'e, Granit Şehri de
common to all successful people is denir.
still being researched.
C) According to the results of the A) Virtually all of the buildings in the
research, perseverance is one point in Scottish city of Aberdeen, also known
common among successful people. as the Granite City, were constructed
D) Research indicates that one quality using the granite which was quarried
successful people have in common is nearby.
perseverance. B) The granite out of which most of the
E) Researchers state that those who Scottish city of Aberdeen's buildings
want to be successful have to be are built and which gives the city its
persistent. other name, Granite City, is quarried
103. Matbaa icat edilene kadar halk, resmi C) Since nearly all of its buildings are
kaynaklar kendisine ne bilgi veriyorsa constructed from the granite quarried
onunla yetinmek zorundaydı. nearby, the Scottish city of Aberdeen
is also called the Granite City.
A) Until the invention of printing, the D) Virtually all of the granite which is
public had to be satisfied with
quarried close to the Scottish city of
whatever information official sources
Aberdeen, also named the Granite
gave it.
City, has been used to construct the
buildings there.
B) The only source of news the public E) The Scottish city of Aberdeen is called
had until the invention of printing the Granite City because all of its
was the information it received from buildings are constructed from the
officials. granite which can be found close by.
ELS Q 641

106. Sakarinin güvenil olup olmadığı B) We'll probably never know what
1970lerden beri tartışma konusu olsa happened to the old man, who
da, hala pek çok kişi şeker yerine onu vanished into thin air quite
ImlIanmalftaHır. unexpectedly.
C) The old man's disappearance without
A) There has been some controversy as a trace, which was quite unexpected,
to whether saccharin, which has been has left us wondering what happened
used since the 1970s as a substitute to him.
for sugar, is safe or not. D) Having disappeared into thin air quite
B) Many people still debate whether or unexpectedly, the old man will
not saccharin should be used as a probably never be heard of again.
substitute for sugar even though it E) We don't know what happened to the
was shown to be unsafe in the 1970s. old man because he vanished into
C) While the controversy, which started thin air quite unexpectedly.
in the 1970s, about whether or not
saccharin is safe goes on, lots of 109. Ülkenin ekonomisi esas olarak tanma
people still use it as a substitute for
sugar. dayanır, ama el sanatları, turizm ve
D) The controversy, which started in the balıkçılık da önemli unsurlardır.
1970s, about whether or not
saccharin is safe has led a lot of A) The country's economy relies most
people to abandon its use as a heavily on agriculture, supplemented
substitute for sugar. by handicrafts, tourism and fishing.
E) Although whether or not saccharin is B) In addition to agriculture, the
safe has been the subject of country's primary source of revenue,
controversy since the 1970s, many handicrafts, tourism and fishing are
people still use it as a substitute for also important to the economy.
sugar. C) The country's economy is based
primarily on agriculture, but
107. Mutlak doğruluğu lie bilinen John handicrafts, tourism and fishing are
Stuart Mill, kendlslnlnkllerle karşıt olan also notable components.
görüşleri sadece hoş karşılamakla D) Handicrafts, tourism and fishing are
kalmaz, ikna olursa, benimserdi de. notable industries in the otherwise
agricultural economy of the country.
A) It was for welcoming ideas opposed to E) The country has a mainly agricultural
his own and, if convinced, adopting economy, with handicrafts, tourism
them, that John Stuart Mill became and fishing also making important
known for his absolute fairness. contributions.
B) Not only did John Stuart Mill welcome
ideas in contradiction to his own, but 110. insanlar firtınalan kontrol altına
he also sometimes adopted them, alamıyorlar, ama onları önceden tahmin
which convinced everyone of his ederek, mal ve can kaybını mümkün
absolute fairness. olduğu kadar azaltabiliyorlar.
C) John Stuart Mill became known for
his absolute fairness by welcoming A) Humans cannot bring storms under
ideas from others and, when control, but by predicting them in
convinced, adopting them. advance, they can minimize loss of life
D) Known for his absolute fairness, John and property.
Stuart Mill not only welcomed ideas
that opposed his own but also, if B) Storms are phenomena which cannot
convinced, adopted them. be controlled by mankind, but the
E) Others were convinced of John Stuart amount of damage they can inflict has
Mill's absolute fairness as he not only been minimized by early warning
welcomed ideas that were against his systems.
own but also adopted them when C) Advanced warning systems have
appropriate. enabled humans to predict storms,
and thus minimize their potential for
108. Ansızın kayıplara karışan yaşlı adama damage and injury.
ne olduğunu belki de hiçbir zaman D) Humans are unable to control the
öğrenemeyeceğiz. weather, but the amount of damage a
storm can do has been minimized by
A) Quite unexpectedly, the old man accurate weather forecasting.
disappeared without a trace, so it is E) Although unable to control storms,
likely that we will never know what mankind does reduce the loss of life
happened to him. and potential damage by predicting
them well in advance.
642 ü ELS

EXERCISE 8: Choose the correct answer.

1. Whenever she Invites me to her house, I A) forming part of

have to ....... an excuse not to go, which I B) going in for
hate doing. I wish she'd just stop inviting C) taking place in
me. D) taking care of
E) coming up against
A) take In C) make up B) run into 9. We hadn't expected him the
E) put out D) call off
meeting as we thought he was abroad.

2. The new boss ....... very strict rules as A) get over C) B) put off
pass away D) hand in
soon as he took over the position. E) turn up
A) cut across B) got over D) looked into 10. Everybody knows that the main idea
C) joined in E) laid down behind ....... the slums in certain areas is
3. to erect new apartment blocks for the
We missed two of our wealthy in their places, and then pocket
English classes last the profits.
week because of the teacher's illness, but A) sorting out B) pulling down D) putting
we'll ...... them this week. C) calling for up
A) go down with B) come up against E) getting into
C) make up for D) go in for 11. You should make more of an effort to
4. E) get on with your classmates. You're lagging far
behind them.
An epidemic that district last
week, presumably because of the A) get on with
unhealthy drinking water there. B) catch up with
C) look down on
A) broke out C) closed B) went off D) come up against
down D) cut across E) cut down on
5. E) turned
up 12. I don't think you'll ever be able to
completely give up smoking, but you
should at least try to ..........
You should keep milk in the refrigerator,
especially on hot days like this, or it will

A) make up B) put out D) cut down

A) blow up C) do B) go off D) C) set out E) call off
without keep out
E) break in 13. I was not in a hurry, so I
asked the taxi-
6. She fainted when we broke the news of driver to ....... so that I could admire the
her son's death, and only....... after we'd view.
thrown some water on her face. A) speed up B) switch off
C) break down D) cut across
A) brought about C) B) called at E) slow down
came round D) kept off
E) went on 14. Unfortunately, we are afford a
holiday this year.
7. She hasn't shown her face in public ever
since her son was a bus and A) well off B) let down D) locked in
killed. C) cut off E) hard up
A) run over C) B) passed away D) 15. Do you remember Greg, whom we met in
come round knocked out London? Well, I saw him yesterday and
8. E) fallen down he ...... you.
I was stunned to hear that she was ....... A) ran into B) thought over
the beauty contest, since she's really not C) asked after D) looked for
remarkably attractive. E) came across
ELS Q 651

16. Peter: Do you.......tidying the house A) getting on B) running across
today? Maureen: No, not C) breaking down D) turning off
really! I'm a bit tired. E) knocking over
A) get away with B) go in for 25. The vice president had made many good
C) keep up with D) feel up to
E) fall in with judgements in the past, but this time his
good sense ....... him ..........
17. When she didn't ...... her plan, no one
was surprised, because she'd very often A) tore...up B) put...across D)
failed to complete things before. C) picked...up E) let...down

A) go through with B) get back at 26. IVe always enjoyed reading this author,
C) give on to D) run up against ever since I of his books in a
E) face up to second-hand bookshop in London.
18. Why don't you .......your own work B) came across
A) turned over C) put D) took up
Instead of Interrupting me all the time? up
E) took off
A) get on with B) come in for
C) brush up on D) look up to
E) go through with 27. The moment Betty.......the candles on
her birthday cake in one big breath, the
19. My jeans must have shrunk quite a bit In others started singing "Happy Birthday".
the wash. I Just can't believe that I've ......
this much welghtl
A) taken off C) got over B) tried on A) took in B) brought up D) blew out
E) put on D) made up C) went over E) burnt down

20. I don't think you should ...... the park at 28. Previously, I had always ....... this author
night. It may be quicker, but it Isn't very with disdain, but after I'd actually read
safe. and enjoyed one of his books, I began to
reconsider my opinion.
A) drop off C) pick up B) get into
E) cut D)run out A) put away B) come across
across C) caught up with D) looked down on
E) taken after
21. Once pilots are in the air, they may
encounter weather conditions which 29. I really don't think you should go off on
quite unexpectedly. holiday until you've got some of these
A) get down C) look B) carry out
after D) come on A) tried on C) broken B) checked in
E) go off into D) laid down
22. Since he'd used a pen instead of a pencil, E) sorted
Felix couldn't ...... the wrong answer that out
he'd written down.
30. Jack couldn't wait for his friends to come
A) cross over C) fill in B)D)
rub out
cover up by his house because he was eager to
E) get into ......his new bicycle.
23. It Is Important for people who lead an A) go with B) get out of D) put on
inactive life to....... a sport like swimming C) show off E) take in
or jogging.
A) break down C) call B) take up 31. The Birmingham police....... the road to
off D) put out the square until they had dispersed the
E) turn into anti-war protesters.
A) turned over C) took B) blew up
24. The owner of the warehouse claimed that D) broke out
the fire was an accident caused by his up
dog ...... a gas lamp. E) blocked
652 Q ELS

32. We always ....... some of the profit from 39. my hotel, I was picked up by
our shop, as we are hoping to expand a driver from the company and taken to
sometime In the future. meet the chief executive.

A) look /V luuivmg IULU A) looking into B) setting out

B) throw away D) cut across
after C) get E) put aside C) breaking into "* * g into D)
carrying out
E) checking in
33. The local health service ....... tough
resistance from local residents, who didn't 40. This guide to vegetable growing explains
want a drug rehabilitation hospital In how to care for plants and what plant
their town. diseases to ........for in your garden.
A) look out C) put B) let out
A) went down with through D) close down
B) caught up with E) get up
C) made up for
D) came up against 41. As soon as you the airport In
E) looked forward to Hong Kong, you realize that you are
somewhere unique in the world.
34. We're all ........our annual holiday, which
A) watch out C) pour B) touch down
we'll be spending in Cyprus this year. into D) come up
E) turn out
A) running out of B) looking forward to
C) going in for D) putting up with 42. A hug from my son or daughter always
E) making up for ..... me ......... , no matter how unhappy I
35. I didn't want to do the health and safety B)
A) holds...on C)
training, but unfortunately, I couldn't cheers...up D)
find a way to ....... it. E)
A) cut down on B) come up against
C) catch up with D) get out of 43. Because we live in a busy town, we have
E) go down with decided to ....... from the noise and traffic
by driving to a restful mountain resort for
36. You'll never guess who I ........yesterday as the weekend.
I was waiting in line to get the concert
tickets. A) get back C) put B) do over
through D) get away
A) bumped into C) B) joined in E) think
called at D) took off over
E) counted
44. The receptionist recognized the actress
on when she was ...... other hotel and asked
her for her autograph.
37. The student group was ........anti-war
leaflets In most of the busier areas of the A) checking out C) B) setting out
city. pointing out D) carrying out
E) finding
A) finding out B) setting out D) carrying out
C) handing out out
E) coming out 45. You wouldn't think that Dave and Steve
are twins since they do not ....... each
other at all.
38. Once the uprising had been ....... , no
mercy was shown to the rebels: hundreds A) go with C) pass away B) take after
were shot without trial. E) put aside D) look after

46. When Dad suddenly collapsed, we ........

the doctor without delay, and he came
immediately and told us that Dad was
having a heart attack.
A) looked up C) B) taken in A) checked in B) pulled up
stood out D) given off C) sent for D) came across
E) put down E) called off

ELS G 653

47. Sandra is so dependable: IVe never seen 54. I told my manager that I would ....... his
her ........her Mends whenever they need suggestion and tell him my decision the
help. next day.

A) put up C) let down B) pick out A) carry on C) think B) turn down

E) pass over D) turn off over D) go in for
E) call off
48. Everybody believes that
it will be a 55. Hay fever is more common among young
miracle if she ever........the depression people than old, and what is more, most
she went into after her husband's death.
people........ of it by middle age.
A) turns down C) B) takes in
comes across A) find out C) grow out B) set out
D) gets over E) cross out D) pick out
E) sets off

49. 56. At the age of 28,

The school principal is planning to ....... £ Samantha suddenl y ...............................................
new student organization to help Bell's palsy, a disease that causes
students deal with the near-epidemic of temporary paralysis of the face.
suicides that have broken out in the
A) made up for
school this year.
B) ran out of
A) set up B) make out D) send for C) got on with
C) stand by E) look after D) went down with
E) looked down on
50. After the news
anchorperson had made a terribly 57. I knew Simon would ........ : he never
offensive racial remark on the misses a meeting as long as free lunch is
evening news, protest calls .........and the involved.
channel had to broadcast an apology.

A) poured down B) ran out A) grow up B) bring up D) pick up

C) left out D) went through C) show up E) take up
E) flooded in
58. I can't to put this
51. I can't believe that you buy all your computer
clothes, and even your shoes, without desk together, even though I've read the
even ........t he m ......... first. How on earth instructions twice.
do you know theyll fit you?
B) pick out
A) run out C) bring out D) work out
A) wearing...out B) E) let out
C) D) trying...on
E) putting...down 59. An abundance of water hyacinths growing
in the area flooded by the Aswan Dam in
52. More and more people are becoming Egypt occasionally ...... some of the
pacifists as governments continue ........ irrigation canals, thus not allowing the
the threat of violence to enforce their water to flow properly.

A) counting on C) B) bringing up A) sets up C) blocks up B) brings up

blowing up D) keeping out E) holds up D) takes up
E) putting
on 60. sister's two
children when she
53. I couldn't........why you took that route went to New York for two weeks'
it is much longer than the other, and management training.
much less safe!

A) take off C) B) figure out A) threw away B) came across

turn round D) come round C) looked after D) passed away
E) let out E) took after
654 Q ELS

EXERCISE 9: Choose the correct answer.

1. In the executive summary, I think we can 7. Hard as it may be to believe, since 1996
....... the section on background research, thirty-one people have died by watering
as I don't think the committee will be very their Christmas tree while the tree lights
Interested In that. were ..................
A) run out B) catch up C) take A) turned on B) taken up C) taken
up D) leave out E) go along in D) set off E) looked up
8. If I were you, I would do whatever I could
Carrying a bomb with him onto a bus, In order not to let this chance .................. You
2. the terrorist ........ himself ...... and killed

may never have this opportunity again.

dozens of other people In the process. A) turn round B) blow up C) cross
A) blew. ..up B) took... up C) out D) see off E) go by
brought. ..up D) turned. ..up E) 9. He couldn't ........ his mind which
made... up
3. The manager has made some
amendments to the official notes of the
meeting. In fact, she has ........ the entire university he should choose, so he sought the
advice of the school counsellor.
A) find out B) get off C) lay down
D) put on E) make up
section covering the discussion on holidays. 10. Fortunately, after struggling with the
A) got off B) brought in C) waves for a while, we managed to shelter in a
called on D) crossed out E) put bay, where we waited until the wind
4. I bought a few kilos of oranges off a stall
in the market, but the next day they were
all so rotten that I had to ........ most of
A) took on B) died down C)
pulled up D) got in E) broke
them .......... 11. The abbreviation WHO the World
A) get... in B) settle... down
C) make... up D) do... over E) Health Organization, which is part of the
5. throw... away
United Nations.
The experienced executive was hired by A) cuts down B) makes out C)
the company to ........ the possibilities of stands for D) looks up E) shows off
12. " ....... for just one moment, please. Ill
various different export markets and
recommend suitable countries to target.
A) put off B) hold on C) connect you to the sales manager about your
stand out D) look into E) look problem," said the telephone operator.
6. up A) Watch out B) Keep off C) Hold
Then our decision is this: we'll take a on D) Look up E) Let down
13. Don't come and pick us up at the hotel
boat trip on Saturday unless someone too early unless you want to wait a while
........ a better idea in the meantime. as we are .................
A) makes room for B) takes no notice of A) coming across B) checking out C)
C) takes pride in D) comes up with E) going off D) taking off E) pouring
keeps an eye on down

ELS Q 655

14. The liver is likely to suffer serious 21. The real estate agent was lying through
damage if It Is forced to ......the toxic his teeth about the terms of the contract,
effects of large amounts of alcohol. but I was able to.......him without any
trouble at all.
A) look for C) pour B) bring up
down D) cope with A) break into C) put B) see through
E) blow down E) D) go off
out run into
22. Since the new
15. In 1974, ten years after he first won the owners.....................................the company,
title, the legendary boxer Muhammad All profits have risen and wages have been
regained it by ...... George Foreman. increased.

A) bringing down B) knocking out A) passed away B) took over

C) blowing up D) putting off C) flooded in D) put away
E) counting on E) turned down

16. The military zone was surrounded with 23. You know how important this interview
razor wire, and every fifty metres along is, so ...... that stupid T-shirt and ....... a
the wire was a sign warning people to proper shirt and a tie!
A) put of/get on
A) set up B) come across D) bring about B) tak e away /p u t up
C) keep out E) look after C) take off/put on
D) get off/take on
E) put away /throw up
17. I left home early but ended up late for
work anyway, as I the heavy 24. This ointment is meant to ........
rush hour traffic. mosquitoes, but I guess It doesn't work
B) broken down very well, because I put quite a bit on last
A) put through C) D) thrown away night and still got bitten pretty badly.
flooded in
E) held up A) make up C) wipe out B) do over
E) keep off D) run into
18. In the past, those who ...... bypass
surgery used to be hospitalized for much
longer periods. 25. IVe ....... this word in my dictionary three
times, but I still can't remember what It
A) cut down B) laid down D) made up means.
C) took up E) went through A) made for B) turned on D) sorted
C) looked up out
19. As soon as we got to the spot, three of us
started to ...... the tent while the rest E) glimpsed at
went to gather sticks and twigs for the
fire. 26. No matter how hard we try, we can never
......our boss's unreasonably high
A) set B) lay down D) carry on expectations.
out C) E) bring down B) live up to
put up A) get into
C) get along with D) leave out of
20. He was always ready to ...... his friends
financially, and he even spent most of his E) take after
money to that end, yet when he himself
lost his Job, absolutely nobody showed up 27. Can you please.......all the bad apples
to help him out. ......of the basket so they don't spoil the
good ones?
A) hand B) back up D) go in for
in C) get E) come up A) hold...up B)
on C) take...over D) pick...out
E) bring...about

656 Q ELS

28. The guide ....... the sights to us as we 35. After hours spent trying to persuade him,
drove through town. I finally got the boss to ....... to my way of
A) left for B) came across
A) look out C) come B) call in
C) pointed out D) stood up
round D) run out
E) looked after
E) throw
29. away
Earthquake-resistant buildings have a
very strong framework that Is just flexible 36. A friend of mine ....... school when he was
enough to bend as the earthquake shakes fourteen but has nevertheless made a
the building, thus preventing the building very successful career for himself as a
from .......... translator in Spanish.

A) setting up B) laying down D) leaving A) caught up with

C) taking off out B) took charge of
C) made up of
E) breaking apart D) dropped out of
E) looked down on
30. The boss was really angry when he
discovered that Anthony had .......the day 37. My father said he would meet me for
..... to watch the football match on TV. lunch, but, for some reason, he didn't
...... for our date.
A) come...round C) B) passed...out D) worked...out A) pick up B) leave out D) turn up
E) C) get down E) join in
31. Since It's such a difficult decision, why 38. There is yet another new book
don't I ....... it and tell you tomorrow? month that will expose all the
embarrassing secrets of the British royal
A) sleep on B) put up with D) take over family.
C) look for E) get up
. A) bringing up B) dropping off
32. How did you manage to .......the number C) coming out D) breaking in
of the bus from such a distance? Either E) laying down
you have excellent eyesight, or mine is
very poor! 39. We........of the negotiations because the
other side was refusing to make even the
A) stand for B) get on slightest compromise.
C) make out D) go through
A) laid B) turned up D) pulled out
E) take in down C) put E) took off
33. Instead of chatting here, why don't you go 40. When Alex got fired, the
to your desk and ....... work? The boss boss told him to
wants that report ready before noon, you ..... his desk and leave within two hours.
A) put off B) shut down D) come round
A) make sense of B) get down to C) clear out E) break into
C) make room lor D) grow out of
E) put up with 41. We have recentiy.......some serious
problems which may well ruin all the
so plans we made so carefully.
34. The left front tire of your car Is
you should get a new one put.. A) looked forward to
B) looked up to
A) broken down...up C) come up against
B) worn out...on D) run o u t o f
C) broken E) made up for
D) turned
E) blown up...down

ELS a 657

42. George's new haircut looked so funny 49. Could you please wait a moment while I
that we couldn't help but ...... laughter ......your the managing
the second we saw him. director?
A) put B) try out D) take after A) B) D) turn...down
down C) E) break into get...back C) E) put...through
put on do...over
43. We need to first....... a 50. The fantastic skiing we
few had during the
final three days of our trip ........ou r
misunderstandings If our negotiations are disappointment earlier In the week, when
even going to begin to be successful. there had been no snow at all.
A) put down C) look B) go with A) looked down on
out D) run into B) made up for
E) clear up C) got on with
D) went down with
44. Fortunately, the person who found my E) ran out of
wallet was honest enough to .......
at the police station Intact 51. For many years the Eiffel Tower was In
the hands of a public firm, but In 1981
B) hold...up the government of the city of Paris ......
A) C) its management.
get...down D) sort...out
E) A) took over B) put away
C) settled down D) flooded in
45. Although I was completely exhausted, I E) crossed out
...... a brave face because I didn't want
anyone to notice my weakness. 52. Can you....... my proposals for the new
advertising campaign before I place the
A) put on B) came across D) went about order for them to be printed?
C) wore out E) lived on
A) go through C) point B) try on D)
46. Whatever the promises of the salesmen, out take over
every used car IVe ever bought has ...... E) look after
after about a month.
53. I don't think the students had quite ......
the rules of the third conditional, as they
A) pulled up B) turned up were all looking blankly at me by the time
C) passed away D) broken down I'd finished my explanation.
E) knocked out
A) seen off C) found out B) let down
47. My roommate Is very messy. She never E) checked D) taken in
...... after herself, which drives me crazy. in
A) goes away C) stands B) does over 54. The tickets for the concert'll probably ......
out D) takes in very quickly, so we'd better get to the box
E) picks up office early.
48. Aren't you : .....watching football every A) get away C) sell out B) run into
day? Why can't we watch a film or a E) turn off D) clear up
documentary for a change?
55. During Ramadan In Istanbul, the
A) looked down on illuminated minarets of the mosques
B) fed up with against the night sky.
C) taken over
D) counted upon A) stand out C) point B) look out
E) made up for out D) leave out
E) come out
658 Q ELS

56. I used the university's computer program A) run...out B) D) give...up
to.......the titles of all the previous C) cut...into E) get...down
research done In this area of psychology.
59. The police officer asked
A) close down C) make B) hold on Joe If he could
for D) look up ...... the thief ........of a line-up of ten men
E) carry out roughly similar in appearance.
57. Orphaned at an early age, Marco was A) set...up B) look...after D) put...down
...... by his grandfather on a small farm C) pick...out E)
not far from the city of Venice.

A) put off B) handed out D) brought up 60. It took us a while to get Into town
C) taken in E) turned down because we were the city's annual
gay pride parade.
58. He really needs to take a
break. Having to A) turned on C) held up B) blown off
work seven days a week Is beginning to E) handed D) set out
......him........... in
Two preachers were invited to dinner at the home of a farmer. The
'farmer's wife cooked a couple of chickens, and the ministers dined heartily.
Later the farmer showed his visitors around. In the barnyard, the rooster
began to crow.
"Seems mighty proud of himself!" commented one of the preachers. "No
wonder," said the farmer. "He's got two sons in the ministry!"
(From Reader's Digest)


Trying to teach our three-year-old son, Perry, that his sewer-dwelling S

cartoon heroes - Teenage. Mutant Ninja Turtles - had predecessors, I hauled
out an art book and showed him an illustration of Leonardo da Vinci's "Last
Supper". Then I turned to the "Mono Lisa" and to pictures by other turtle
namesakes - Raphael, Donatella and Michelangelo.
"Do you know," I summed up, "the real Raphael, Donatella, Michelangelo and
Leonardo were artists who lived a long time ago?"
With a puzzled look, Perry said, "/And then they moved to the sewer?"
(from Reader's Digest)

ELS Q 659

The manager has told me not to ...... any
calls while he is speaking with his guests.

A) pass away C) put B) cut across
1. Why don't you stay here a bit longer? It's through D) do over
absolutely ...... and you'll get soaked E) hold on
walking home.
A) pouring down B) flooding in It didn't take long for the other horses to
C) standing out D) getting over ...... the leader.
E) dropping off A) run out of B) grow out of
C) look down on D) go down with
2. Because all of the chemicals we use are E) catch up with
non-explosive, we are certain that this
experiment can be ...... in complete 9. It's very romantic to think that you can
safety. ...... love, but unfortunately, the reality is
that everyone needs money to survive.
A) put down B) blown up D) turned
C) carried out down A) try on B) look into
C) lay down D) live on
E) broken into E) turn off
3. In the interests of safety, all visitors were 10. The more money we ...... now, the more
requested to ...... their cigarettes before we'll have to spend in summer.
entering the exhibition.
A) look after B) put aside
A) break in B) put out D) turn down C) come across D) work out
C) pull up E) set off E) get away
11. Having both a full-time career and a
4. The plane roared along the runway and house to run really ...... me .......
.....into the glorious blue sky.
A) drops... off B) brings... up
B) put out C) wears . . . out D) closes ... down
A) came down C) D) picked up E) puts... on
touched in
E) took off 12. It's hard to tell how much of what he told
us was true and how much was .......
Edward bought a really expensive A) shown off C) laid B) worn out
Christmas present for his wife to ...... the down D) made up
fact that he'd forgotten her birthday. E) called off
13. I haven't seen Alison and David together
A) get on with since we all went out to the movies two
B) look forward to months ago. Do you think that they could
C) get out of have ...... ?
D) make up for
E) grow out of A) split up B) cut across D) come off
C) run out E) fallen off
6. We were relieved to see that the fire
14. After living a quite unconventional life
brigade ...... so quickly after we'd phoned throughout her twenties, Maureen
them. pleasantly surprised her parents when
she decided to ...... and have a traditional
A) turned up B) called off A) bring B) settle down
up C) drop D) carry on
E) broke down off E) set out
C) put out D) held on
66Oa ELS

15. It's not unusual to ...... fossils here 23. She ...... her mother In appearance, but
because this area was once home to not at all In personality.
many dinosaurs and other prehistoric
creatures. A) shows off C) takes B) grows up
after D) brings up
A) run out of C) put out B) do over
E) come D) take after E) looks
across after

16. You didn't have to.......his mistakes quite 24. Everybody was shocked when Mary and
so tactlessly, did you? they always appeared to be
a happuy married couple.
A) hand in B) try on A) got down B) divided into D) broke up
C) check in D) put through C) cut across E) turned off
E) point out
25. The police officer's
17. Those bookshelves .......far too much effort to............................................. his
space In this room. Can't we move them mistake was discovered by a reporter and
somewhere else?
turned Into a national scandal.
A) put away C) make B) get out of
up for D) take up A) put away C) get out B) cover up
E) do over E) pull D) turn off
18. I don't think 111 ever ...... the shock of
finding a. burglar In the house when I got
home. 26. I always get depressed by the long
winters here, but as soon as the first
A) get over C) come B) break in flowers of spring ........ my mood makes a
round D) let down big change for the better.
E) cut
across A) hold on B) come out D) take over
C) go with E) break in
19. Certain Ingredients In salad dressings,
such as lemon juice and vinegar, do not
..... well ........ wine.
27. We all wanted to go home, but the
A) break...down B) go...with director Insisted that we ........practising
C) D) lay...down the scene until It was perfect.
E) make. .up

20. Oh look! Someone's........that flower pot A) carry on C) break B) show up

and there's dirt everywhere. down D) take off
E) take over
A) seen off B) looked after
C) put through D) knocked over 28. We .......gas In the middle of nowhere and
E) broken into had to walk for miles to find some.
21. During the expedition, they .......more A) ran out of
difficulties than they had anticipated. B) looked down on
C) came across with
A) looked down on B) ran out of D) went down with
C) kept up with D) made up for
E) came up against E) kept up with

22. We were not really taken by surprise 29. Heidi was very surprised to........ that her
when the boss's wife ........ as she had father wasn't actually Swiss, but
been very 111 for a long time. Albanian.
A) got over B) passed away A) get B) live on
C) went off D) wiped out down C) D) find out
E) put aside
show off E) look into

ELS Q 661

30. Both of her parents were actors, so she 37. If Delia ever wants to get out of debt,
was virtually...... on the stage. she'll have to ...... a lot of luxuries, like
eating dinner In restaurants every night
A) asked out B) grown up and taking taxis Instead of buses home
C) brought up D) put out from work.
E) looked over
A) grow out of B) cut down on D) look
31. If you want to slim up a bit, you'll have to C) put up with into
.....your calorie Intake.
E) put aside
A) check B) live on
in C) go D) cut down on 38. The terrorists tried to ...... the embassy
with but were stopped when one of them was
E) get over
caught climbing the fence Into the
32. The basic rights of all children are ...... In embassy's garden.
the United Nations' Declaration of the
Rights of the Child. A) break down B) blow up
C) wear out D) turn off
A) laid down B) counted on E) carry on
C) looked after D) taken off
E) brought out 39. It was not the look but the smell of the
33. The region known as Latin America is dish that ...... me ........, so I just ate the
...... South America, Mexico, Central salad and a little cheese.
America and parts of the West Indies. B)
A) held...out D) took...up
A) looked down on C) turned...down
B) run out of E)
C) dropped out of
D) caught up with 40. The publishers.......Julian's book on the
E) made up of
grounds that it lacked excitement.
34. When walking In the Jungle, you should
......for snakes and spiders because they A) brought out B) crossed out
are often difficult to see. C) made up D) counted on
B) try on E) turned down
A) take up C) look out D) get into
E) see off 41. I'm sure that, with those funny clothes,
you'll certainly...... among all the people
35. With the growth of Industry and its at the party!
demand for coal and other minerals,
natural systems began to break down A) stand out B) come round D) count on
because they could not ...... the stresses C) see off E) put through
induced by human activities.
A) look down on 42. These apricots ought to they've
B) run o u t o f started to go bad.
C) come up against
D) put up with A) broken down B) thrown away
E) grow out of C) moved in D) shown off
E) turned around
36. I was really surprised when
elementary school teacher on the street in
Dubrovnlk - we were 6,000 miles and 25 43. When their supply of food........the
years away from the last time we saw explorers had to be satisfied with what
each other! they could find In the forest.

A) ran into C) B) came round A) flooded in C) broke B) got off

down D) ran out
E) looked out E) turned
threw away D) called off up
662 Q ELS

44. At first, there didn't seem to be many 51. Peter and Kate need to....... all of their
people around the stadium, but after the problems if they expect their marriage to
gates had been opened, they quickly last
began to .........
A) look up B) sort out D) set down
A) flood in B) bump into D) join in C) put off E) break in
C) look out E) run away
She sheltered from the rain in a cafe ...............
52. her hat and coat, and sat down at a table
45. When Sam lost his key, by the window.
he was forced to
..... his own house through the kitchen B) put out
A) left over C) turned on D) made up
window. E) took off
B) join in D)
A) bring down C) break pull down 53. After having been In a coma for three
into months, my grandmother briefly...... to
E) take up say good-bye just before she died.
46. Mike didn't realty want to go out with his A) counted on B) checked in D) came
co-workers, and he managed to by C) saw off round
saying that his parents were coming over E) passed out
for dinner.
54. It was such a long hike that I had ........ a
A) come down with pair of boots before it was finished.
B) come up with
C) get out of A) gone over B) put on
C) lived on D) come across
D) make up for
E) keep up with E) worn out

47. After fifteen years In prison, Charles was 55. The dress was much too big for me, so
finally.......when he had finished serving the tailor had a bit to
his sentence. make it fit.
A) handed in C) B) passed away A) break...into B) put...away
taken off D) taken in C) D) cross...out
E) let out E) pick...up
48. Apparently, almost all adolescents ... 56. Özgür speaks English fluently, but with a
phase during which they experience strong Glaswegian accent which he ......
conflicts with their parents. from his Scottish teacher.

A) take over C) B) run out of A) picked up B) brought out

go through D) put forward C) took after D) came across
E) put on E) ran into
57. To avoid serious crashes like the one in
49. Those who don't in times of 1987, the New York Stock Exchange
trouble cannot be counted as real friends. automatically....... whenever stock prices
drop by more than a certain percent.
A) stand by B) take in B) closes down
C) break into D) turn up A) picks out C) carries D) takes off
E) show off on
E) turns up
50. After being close friends for years, they
suddenly....... over some small 58. Seeing that there was no point In
disagreement and never spoke to each resisting any longer, she ...... to the
other again. wishes of her parents and agreed to
marry the old man.
A) looked around B) fell out A) went against B) got over
C) gave up D) turned down C) found out D) took after
E) took off E) gave in

ELS Q 663

59. Now that your son has returned, you 66. The rebellion seemed a serious one, but it
should ring the police and tell them to was ...... by the army in a relatively short
......the search for him. time.

A} turn down C) keep B) set out A) held on C) B) put down D)

up D) call off
E) start E) flooded in
67. Knowing that he was too busy, I didn't
60. The boss was so angry that everybody want to ...... too much of his time.
tried to.......his way that day in order not taken after done over
to be reprimanded.
A) hold up C) B) keep out D)
A) keep out of B) put through take up
C) do with D) come across E) get in
E) catch up with 68. I can't possibly.......all this work today
unless I get some assistance.
61. My mother doesn't mind if some guests
...... unexpectedly because she always get down
has something set aside to offer them. B) get through
A) keep on C) D) use up
A) show off B) take away D) come across run away
C) turn up E) run out
69. Ten years ago, there was a row of lovely
62. one-floor cottages in our street, but now
They'd meant to get married in June but they've ...... ugly tall concrete buildings in
decided to ...... it ........until September, their place.
when the weather would be a bit cooler, E) break in
and their relatives would all be back from B) set in
the summer holidays.
B) do...over E) stood up
A) get...into C) D)
set...aside 70. He had had to ...... so much stress lately
E) try...on that, in the end, he just collapsed right in
the middle of a meeting.
63. I'm going to.......the kettle ........for a
coffee. Would you like one? D) pulled down
A) put up C)
cut across
A) turn...out C) B) make...up A) go in for C) B) come across D) look
take...over D) get...down take part in down on
E) put...on E) put up with

64. The huge ocean liner Titanic was ...... 71. Now that you haven't kept your promise
America when she struck an iceberg and several times, we can no longer ...... you.
A) take after C) count B) hand in
A) making for C) B) showing up on
D) putting off D) turn up
breaking in E) call off
E) getting
over 72. What annoys me most about him is how
he thinks he can easily ...... everybody
65. Because of the carelessness of just a few ...... with his lies.
people who had dropped matches and
cigarettes, the whole forest.........
A) C) B)
A) burnt down B) put out turn...down
C) flooded in D) blew up D) put...on
E) cut down cross...out
664 Q ELS

73. With the decline in personal spending 80. Children .......their clothes so quickly that
power, many new newspapers have ...... it's really not very wise to buy them
recently, while the more established ones expensive outfits.
are suffering a drop in their circulations. A) put up with B) grow out of D) cut down
A) called off B) closed down D) joined In C) get out of on
C) tried on E) come out E) run out of

74. The profession of shoe-repairing is slowly 81-90, sortjJarda, ^^^^^^^^^^

...... because hardly any people have their anlamca en yakın olan seçeneği bulunuz.
shoes mended these days.
81. The present situation in the country calls
A) making up C) doing B) taking off for a change in government policy.
over D) dying out
E) falling A) The government is adapting its
approach to suit the national demand.
down B) Many people phone members of the
government regarding the country's
75. It took the firemen more than two hours present situation.
to ...... the fire........ because it had spread C) Government policy has changed as a
to the adjoining houses. result of the massive demonstrations
throughout the country.
A) C) B) hold...on D) There is a new government law which
bring...down D) is likely to be met with discontent by
the nation.
E) put...out E) The government's approach needs to
be altered because of the country's
76. The bomb ....... with a tremendous noise current circumstances.
and caused lots of damage to the nearby
buildings. 82. Seeing that the bad weather had set in,
we decided to find somewhere to spend
A) broke B) went off D) brought up the night.
down C) E) flooded in
A) Bad weather was approaching, so we
77. The World Health Organization was ....... started to look for a place to stay.
B) The bad weather prevented us from
in Geneva in 1948 as the health agency driving any further.
of the United Nations. C) We chose to find a place for the night
A) put once the bad weather had really
B) taken off D) run into begun.
out C) set E) made with D) Because the climate was so severe, we
were worried about what we'd do at
78. I think it's just the monotony of her job night.
that's .......Jessie ........ ; otherwise, she has E) Fortunately, we'd found a place to
no major problems in her personal life. stay before the weather got worse.

A) getting...down B) looking...up 83. His turning down the offer from the
C) D) making...out computer company surprised us all.
E) A) None of us had expected him to reject
the job offered by the computer firm.
79. You really needn't bother driving down B) We were amazed when the computer
this narrow little street. Just ........ firm rejected his offer.
here at the corner and I can walk the rest C) No one anticipated that he wouldn't
of the way. get an offer from the computer
A) B) put...away D) get...out of D) We were stunned that the computer
bring...out C) E) firm didn't make him an offer.
E) When he was turned down by the
computer company, we were all
ELS Q 665

84. Had the heating been turned down A) Parents have to be prepared to give up
sooner, the office wouldn't be so some things for their children while
Incredibly hot now. bringing them up.
B) Bringing up children is not always a
A) As soon as the heating was switched painless experience for parents.
off, the office became far too cold for C) If they are bringing up children,
comfort. parents shouldn't be surprised at how
B) Because it was surprisingly hot, the much their lives change.
heating was quickly turned down in D) Children expect their parents to make
the office. an awful lot of sacrifices for them.
C) As the temperature of the heating E) Raising a child is probably the most
system wasn't lowered in time, the self-sacrificing thing a person can do.
office is now extremely hot.
D) We only began to feel warm in the
office after the new heating system 88. No sooner had he recovered from the
was installed. effects of the car accident than he had a
E) It was difficult to believe that the heart attack.
office could be so warm without any
central heating. A) He had a heart attack just at the time
of the accident, which made the
85. Out of sheer mlschlevousness, the child situation much worse.
left the water running and flooded the B) Soon after the car accident, he had a
whole house. heart attack, making it more difficult
for him to recover from its effects.
A) The naughty child forgot to turn off C) He had an accident because of the
the tap, with the result that the entire heart attack that struck him while he
house was flooded. was driving.
B) It was purely due to the child's D) He'd hardly got over the effects of the
nau gh tiness th at h e cau sed th e car accident when he was struck by a
flooding of the entire house by not heart attack.
turning off the tap. E) He would have recovered from the
C) The naughty child played for so long effects of the accident sooner if he
in the running water that the whole had n't h ad a h eart attack in th e
house ended up being flooded. meantime.
D) It was the child's naughtiness that
made him turn on all the taps in the 89. Lawyers often win cases by playing upon
house to see if the water would flood the emotions of the Jury, which is the
E) The child, just in order to do
disadvantage of the jury system.
something naughty, left all the taps in
the house turned on and went out. A) The jury system is sometimes
disadvantageous because, if a lawyer
86. If you happen to run into Mona, tell her gets emotional enough in front of a
to give me a ring. jury, he may win the case.
B) The jury system has the drawback
A) If you are meeting Mona today, ask that frequently, a lawyer's appeal to
her to get in touch with me. the jury's feelings is what wins the
B) Could you tell Mona, if you see her, case.
that I want my ring back? C) In countries where the jury system
C) If you see Mona while you're out exists, a lawyer has to appeal to the
running, tell her I want to talk to her. emotions of the jury in order to win
D) Can you ask Mona to call me if by any the case.
chance you see her? D) Lawyers' using emotions rather than
E) Whatever happens today, please don't facts to win cases is regarded as one
forget to tell Mona to call me. of the biggest drawbacks of the jury
87. Parents can't expect to raise their E) In a jury system, whether a lawyer
children without making any sacrifices will win the case or not is up to how
for them. successful he is in convincing people.

666 Q EL S

90. An excessive consumption of sweets leads 93. The largest living group of reptiles, lizards
to obesity unless the energy obtained is are made up of more than 3,000 species.
used up.
A) Üç binin üzerinde türü olan
A) Be sure to do some exercise to burn
off the excess energy you'll get from kertenkeleler, yaşayan en büyük
eating sweets. sürüngenler grubudur.
B) People get fat as a result of eating far B) Üç binden fazla kertenkele türü, var
too many sweets and doing nothing olan sürüngenler içinde en uzun
energetic at all. yaşayanlar grubunu oluşturmaktadır.
C) If a person eats too many sweets but C) Kertenkelelerin, sayılan üç binin
doesn't burn the energy thus given, üzerinde olan en büyük türü, yaşayan
he'll become obese. en geniş sürüngenler grubudur.
D) Obesity comes about because far too
much sugar is consumed to be able to D) En geniş sürüngenler grubunu
use the extra energy. oluşturan kertenkelelerin, üç binden
E) The energy obtained from consuming fazla türü vardır.
sweet things is difficult for overweight E) Yaşayan en geniş sürüngenler grubu
people to use up. olan kertenkeleler, üç binden fazla
türden oluşmaktadır.
91-100, sorularda verÜesaJbgiîizce 94. Dentists want to be sure that there are
cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe
cümleyi fcuhmttz. no other solutions before they decide to
pull out a tooth.
91. Radical changes should be made so that
our educational system can keep pace A) Dişçiler bir dişi çekmeye karar
with our era. vermeden önce bunun tek çözüm olup
olmadığından emin olmaya çalışırlar.
A) Eğitim sistemimizin çağa ayak B) Dişçiler bir dişi çekmeye karar
uydurabilmesi için köklü değişiklikler
yapılmalıdır. vermeden önce başka hiçbir çözüm
B) Eğitim sistemimizin çağı kalmadığından emin olmak isterler.
yakalayabilmesi ancak esaslı C) Eğer başka çözümler bulabiliyorlarsa,
değişikliklerle mümkün olabilir. dişçiler bir dişi çekmeyi mümkün
C) Köklü değişiklikler yapılmadan eğitim olduğu kadar ertelemeye çalışırlar.
sistemimizin çağa ayak uydurabilmesi D) Genellikle dişçiler, ancak başka hiçbir
neredeyse imkansızdır. çözüm kalmadığına inandıkları zaman
D) Ancak eğitim sistemimizde köklü bir dişi çekmeye karar verirler.
değişiklikler yaparak çağı
yakalayabiliriz. E) Bir dişi çekmeye karar vermeden önce
E) Eğitim sistemimizde esaslı dişçilerin, başka hiçbir çözüm
değişiklikler yapılması çağı yakalamak kalmadığından emin olmaları gerekir.
açısından gereklidir.
95. More than half of the illegal buildings in
92. Photographers sometimes use filters to the area are reported to have been pulled
distinguish colours or to make a certain down in the last two months.
colour stand out.
A) Çeşitli filtreler kullanarak fotoğrafçılar A) Raporda, bölgedeki kaçak yapıların
renklerin ayrımını yaparlar ya da bir yandan fazlasının son iki ayda
rengi ön plana çıkarırlar. yıkıldığı bildirilmiştir.
B) Bazı durumlarda fotoğrafçılar filtre B) Bölgedeki kaçak yapılann en az
kullanarak, bir rengin diğer yansının son iki ayda yapıldığı
renklerden ayırt edilmesini sağlarlar. bildirilmektedir.
C) Fotoğrafçılar bazen, renklerin ayrımını C) Rapora göre, bölgedeki kaçak
yapmak ya da bir rengin dikkat
çekmesini sağlamak için filtre yapıların yandan fazlası son iki ay
kullanırlar. içinde yapılmıştır.
D) Renklerin ayırt edilmesinde bazen D) Son iki ayda bölgedeki kaçak yapıların
filtre kullanan fotoğrafçılar bu şekilde yandan fazlasının yıkıldığı
bir rengi belirginleştirirler. bildirilmektedir.
E) Bazı renkleri belirginleştirmek ya da E) Raporda, bölgedeki kaçak yapılann en
bir renge dikkati çekmek için az yarısının iki ay içinde yıkılacağı
fotoğrafçılar filtre kullanırlar. belirtümiştir.

ELS Q 667

96. He was so absorbed In his job that he D) Hindistan'ın bitki örtüsündeki
didn't even realize that it was causing the değişme asırlar boyu sürmüş, bu da
breakup of his marriage. beraberinde, hayvan yaşamında pek
çok değişiklik getirmiştir.
A) Đşine olan düşkünlüğü yüzünden evini E) Hindistan'ın hayvan yaşamındaki pek
ihmal edince evliliği bozuldu, ama o çok değişiklik, asırlar boyunca bitki
buna aldırmadı bile. örtüsünde görülen değişimden
B) Evliliğinin bozulması bile onun işine kaynaklanmıştır.
olan düşkünlüğünü azaltamadı.
C) Kendini işine bu kadar kaptırmasının 99. Analyses of the chemical composition of
sonunda evliliğini yıkacağını the blood are done by machines that can
düşünmesi gerekirdi. carry out many tests simultaneously on a
D) Evliliğinin yıkılmasına neden olacağını single blood sample.
bile bile işine olan düşkünlüğünü
sürdürdü. A) Kanın kimyasal yapısını incelemek
E) Kendini işine o kadar kaptırmıştı ki amacıyla geliştirilmiş, bir kan örneği
bunun evliliğinin dağılmasına yol üzerinde aynı anda pek çok işlevi
açmakta olduğunu bile fark etmedi. yerine getirebilen makinalar vardır.
B) Bileşiminde hangi kimyasal
97. Certain species of ants which live in arid mad d elerin b u lu n du ğ un u an lamak
environments feed almost totally on plant için kan, çeşitli makinalarla yürütülen
seeds. pek çok teste tabi tutulmaktadır.
C) Kanın kimyasal bileşiminin analizleri,
A) Kurak bölgelerde yaşayan bazı kannca bir tek kan örneği üzerinde aynı anda
pek çok test yürütebilen makinalarla
türleri, neredeyse tümüyle bitki
tohumlarıyla beslenmektedir.
D) Kan analizi yapan bazı makinalar,
B) Kurak bölgelerde yaşayanlar dahil,
aynı anda p ek çok test yürüterek
hemen hemen tüm karınca türleri kanın kimyasal yapısı hakkında
bitki tohumlarıyla beslenir. ayrıntılı bilgi verebilir.
C) Çeşitli bitki tohumları, kurak E) Pek çok testi aynı anda yapan
bölgelerde yaşayan karıncalar için makinalarla, bir tek kan örneği
neredeyse tek besin kaynağıdır. üzerinde, kanın tüm kimyasal
D) Kurak bölgelerde yaşayan karıncaların analizini yapmak mü mkündür.
en temel besin kaynağı bitki
tohumlarıdır. 100. Everybody Is amazed at how they
E) Karıncaların kurak bölgelerde yaşayan manage to get on so well despite the
türleri sadece bitki tohumlarıyla huge age gap between them.
beslenmek zorundadır.
A) Aralarında çok büyük bir yaş farkı
98. The alterations in India's vegetation over olduğu halde şaşılacak derecede iyi
the centuries have brought about many anlaşıyorlar.
changes in its animal life. B) Aralarındaki büyük yaş farkının
ilişkilerini hiç etkilememesi herkesi
A) Hindistan'ın bitki örtüsünde olduğu hayrete düşürüyor.
gibi hayvan yaşamında da, asırlardır C) Aralarındaki bunca yaş farkına
devam eden bir takım değişiklikler rağmen ilişkilerini bu kadar iyi
görülmektedir. sürdürebilmeleri şaşılacak şey.
B) Asırlar boyunca bitki örtüsünde büyük D) Aralarında çok büyük bir yaş farkının
değişikliklerin yaşandığı Hindistan'da, olması, ama buna rağmen çok iyi
hayvan yaşamı da değişmektedir. anlaşabiliyor olmaları herkesi
C) Hindistan'ın bitki örtüsünde asırlar şaşırtıyor.
boyu gerçekleşen değişiklikler, hayvan E) Aralarındaki büyük yaş farkına
yaşamında pek çok değişikliğe neden rağmen nasıl bu kadar iyi
olmuştur. anlaşabildiklerine herkes şaşıyor.

668 Q ELS

101-110, sorulardaTvl C) The opposition parties have decided to
cümleye anlamca en yata ingilizce;- co-operate for the common good and
cümleyi bulunuz. to defeat the existing government as
soon as possible.
101. Yapabileceği en akıllıca şey, arabayı D) Hoping to defeat the present
yolun kenarına çekip sis kalkıncaya government as soon as possible, the
kadar beklemekti. opposition parties have joined
together to form one party.
A} He thought it would be wise to wait E) Acting together with this single aim,
on the side of the road until the fog the opposition parties managed to
cleared away. bring the government down very
B) Because the fog was so heavy, the quickly.
only thing he could do was to wait on
the side of the road.
C) When the fog became too dense to see 104. Maktna çağı, seri üretimi teşvik ederek,
anything, he pulled the car over to the geleneksel el sanatlarını neredeyse
side of the road and waited. tümüyle yok etmiştir.
D) The wisest thing he could do was to
pull the car over to the side of the A) The machine age, which has fostered
road and wait till the fog cleared mass production, has greatly reduced
away. the demand for traditional crafts.
E) It was wise of him to pull the car over B) By fostering mass production, the age
to the side of the road and wait when of the machine almost entirely did
the fog came down. away with traditional crafts.
C) Traditional crafts are now almost
102. Soruşturmanın sonunda, soygunculara entirely done by mass production,
bir banka memuru tarafından yardım which has been encouraged by the
edildiği ortaya çıktı. machine age.
D) Owing to the popularity of mass
A) Towards the end of the investigation, production in the age of the machine,
they found out that an employee had
traditional crafts have totally
helped the bank robbers.
B) One of the bank's own employees had disappeared.
helped the robber at the end of the E) As a result of mass production in the
robbery, as was revealed by the machine age, traditional crafts have
investigation. almost entirely died out.
C) The inspectors eventually discovered
that the robbers were only able to rob 105. Yakınlarını uğurlamaya gelenler, tren
the bank with the help of a member of gözden kaybolana dek peronda durup el
the staff. salladılar.
D) The fact that one of the bank's
employees had helped the robbers A) Those who had come to see their
was, in the end, uncovered by an relatives off stood on the platform and
inspector. waved until the train was out of sight.
E) At the end of the investigation, it B) The relatives of those who were going
turned out that the robbers had been away had come to stand on the
helped by an employee of the bank. platform and wave until the train
103. Muhalefet partileri ortak bir amaç için C) Those who had relatives to come and
birlikte hareket etmeye ve en kısa see them off stood on the platform
zamanda hükümeti düşürmeye karar with them and waved at them as the
train left.
A) In order to bring the government D) Those whose relatives had come to see
down as early as possible, and acting them off waved at them, as they stood
for a common cause, the opposition on the platform, until the train was
parties came together. out of sight.
B) The opposition parties decided to act E) Those who stood on the platform
together for a common cause and waving until the train disappeared
bring the government down as soon had come there to see their relatives
as possible. off.

ELS Q 669

106. Kendi işini kurarken o kadar çok C) There was a fierce fight between the
bürokratik sorunla karşılaştı ki three brothers, who normally get
neredeyse vazgeçiyordu. along well, over the distribution of
their father's fortune.
A) The many bureaucratic problems that
D) The father was distributing his
he came across while he was setting
up his new company virtually made fortune to the three brothers, who
him give up. don't get along well, when they started
B) He gave up the idea of setting up his fighting.
own business because of the awful E) As they were distributing their father's
bureaucratic problems he fortune, a big fight arose between the
encountered. three brothers, who had always
C) He encountered so many bureaucratic seemed to get along very well.
problems as he was setting up his
own business that he nearly gave up. 109. Çok sert bir taş olmasına rağmen granit,
D) He had expected to encounter some diğer kayalar gibi, zamanla aşınır ve
bureaucratic problems when setting
up his own business, but not so many parçalanır.
as to cause him to give up.
E) He was almost fed up enough with the A) Granite is one of the hardest stones;
bureaucracy encountered in the nevertheless, like any other rock, over
setting-up of a new business to give time it will wear out and crumble.
up. B) In spite of being a very hard stone,
like other rocks, granite wears out
107. Konferansta ileri sürülen önerilerin and crumbles with time.
tümü, bölgenin sorunlarına kalıcı C) All rocks, even a very hard stone like
çözümler getirmekten çok uzaktı.
granite, wear out and crumble with
A} Not all of the solutions put forward at time.
the conference offered ways to bring a D) Being a very hard stone, granite takes
permanent end to the region's longer to wear out and crumble, just
problems. like other hard rocks.
B) The proposals put forward at the E) As time passes, granite wears out and
conference went some way to offering crumbles like most other rocks, even
permanent solutions to the region's though it is a very hard stone.
C) All the proposals put forward at the
conference offered a different way to 110. Çocuklarımızın çevre sorunlarına karşı
permanently solve the region's duyarlı olarak büyümelerini istiyorsak,
problems. önce kendimiz onlara iyi örnek olmalıyız.
D) All the proposals put forward at the
conference were a long way from A) Before we can expect our children to
bringing permanent solutions to the be as sensitive to environmental
region's problems. problems as grown-ups, we must be a
E) None of the proposals put forward at good model for them.
the conference came close to bringing B) We ought to be sensitive to
permanent solutions to the region's
problems. environmental problems so that our
children will adopt the same attitude.
108. Her zaman çok iyi anlasıyorlarmış gibi C) If we want our children to grow up to
görünen üç kardeş arasında, babalarının be sensitive to environmental
servetini bölüşürken büyük bir kavga problems, first of all, we ourselves
çıku. should set a good example for them.
D) Giving examples from our own
A) They were distributing their father's experiences is the best way of
fortune when the three brothers, who cultivating in our children sensitivity
normally got on very well with each to environmental problems.
other, began to fight.
B) The three brothers, who had always E) In order to bring up our children to be
got on very well, started fighting over sensitive to environmental problems,
the distribution of their father's our own attitudes should provide
fortune. them with a model.


1 A
•• »ı fiwpmtıımıııı... —

1. E 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. E 9. B 10. C
11. D 12. B 13. E 14. E 15. B 16. E 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. B
21. A 22. E 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. B 27. C 28. E 29. E 30. A
31. C 32. D 33. D 34. B 35. E 36. C 37.4 B 38. D 39. A 40. E
41. B 42. D 43. C 44. C 45. E 46. A 7. E 48. C 49. D 50. B
51. E 52. B 53. A 54. E 55. D 56. B 57. D 58. E 59. C 60. E
61. D 62. A 63. B 64. A 65. A 66. E 67. C 68. B 69. D 70. C
71. D 72. C 73. E 74. A 75. B 76. C 77. A 78. E 79. E 80. D
81. E 82. A 83. B 84. C 85. D 86. E 87. B 88. A 89. B 90. D
91. A 92. E 93. C 94. D 95. E 96. B 97. A 98. E 99. D 100. A
101. B 102. B 103. C 104. E 105. A 106. C 107. E 108. D 109. A 110. E

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41. B 42. C 43. E 44. A 45. D 46. D 7. E 48. B 49. A 50. D
51. E 52. B 53. A 54. E 55. D 56. C 57. A 58. E 59. B 60. D
61. C 62. E 63. B 64. D 65. A 66. E 67. C 68. A 69. D 70. C
71. A 72. C 73. E 74. A 75. B 76. C 77. D 78. E 79. E 80. C
81. B 82. A 83. D 84. E 85. D 86. A 87. E 88. C 89. B 90. B
91. D 92. E 93. A 94. B 95. C 96. E 97. E 98. D 99. A 100. C
101. E 102. D 103. D 104. B 105. E 106. D 107. A 108. E 109. C 110. B

';• ,,-!„• î i*

1. B 2. B 3. E 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. E
11. A 12. D 13. C 14. D 15. E 16. E 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. B
21. C 22. D 23. E 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. E 30. D
31. A 32. E 33. D 34. B 35. C 36. C 37.4 E 38. A 39. E 40. C
41. B 42. D 43. A 44. E 45. B 46. A 7. E 48. C 49. D 50. D
51. E 52. C 53. B 54. B 55. A 56. B 57. D 58. E 59. C 60. A
61. E 62. A 63. A 64. D 65. C 66. E 67. B 68. B 69. D 70. B
71. D 72. E 73. C 74. A 75. B 76. C 77. D 78. D 79. E 80. B
81. C 82. A 83. B 84. E 85. E 86. D 87. C 88. E 89. B 90. A

91. B 92. C 93. D 94. C 95. E 96. B 97. A 98. A 99. D 100. E
101. C 102. C 103. E 104. B 105. A 106. D 107. E 108. D 109. C 110. C

" • - " " • ' • TEST YOBR$ELF""5 (PART ONE)1- V^:: ': = - \
\, ; • ; % .... •• î ^" ^î •-.;:*,...•,•.••,•.•.•. ^ % •• \ •l --!;" '% .. ' i

1. E 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. E 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B
11. E 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. D 20. C
21. C 22. C 23. E 24. A 25. B 26. E 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. A
31. D 32. E 33. D 34. D 35. C 36. B 37.4 E 38. E 39. C 40. D
41. A 42. A 43. D 44. E 45. A 46. D 7. C 48. B 49. E 50. B
51. A 52. B 53. C 54. B 55. E 56. A 57. A 58. C 59. D 60. E

61. E 62. C 63. A 64. C 65. D 66. B 67. E 68. A 69. E 70. E
71. C 72. E 73. D 74. B 75. A 76. D 77. A 78. C 79. C 80. D
81. E 82. B 83. D 84. A 85. C 86. C 87. B 88. E 89. D 90. D
91. B 92. D 93. A 94. E 95. A 96. C 97. C 98. D 99. E 100. B
101. A 102. C 103. B 104. D 105. C 106. E 107. B 108. B 109. A 110. C

.. •• ; i

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. C
11. E 12. E 13. B 14. A 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. E 19. D 20. B
21. C 22. C 23. E 24. D 25. B 26. E 27. C 28. C 29. B 30. E
31. B 32. A 33. D 34. E 35. E 36. C 37.4 B 38. D 39. E 40. D
41. D 42. A 43. C 44. E 45. A 46. D 7. E 48. A 49. C 50. C
51. E 52. B 53. A 54. B 55. C 56. C 57. D 58. B 59. C 60. A

61. D 62. D 63. E 64. C 65. D 66. C 67. E 68. A 69. A 70. E
71. C 72. E 73. E 74. B 75. A 76. D 77. B 78. E 79. C 80. B
81. A 82. B 83. D 84. C 85. B 86. A 87. D 88. E 89. B 90. A
91. D 92. D 93. C 94. E 95. A 96. B 97. E 98. C 99. D 100. E
101. B 102. A 103. D 104. D 105. E 106. A 107. C 108. C 109. B 110. A

1. E 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. B

11. B 12. C 13. D 14. E 15. A 16. C 17. E 18. A 19. E 20. D
21. A 22. C 23. E 24. D 25. D 26. A 27. A 28. B 29. D 30. E
31. C 32. E 33. B 34. A 35. B 36. D 37.4 C 38. A 39. E 40. C
41. E 42. B 43. A 44. D 45. D 46. C 7. D 48. A 49. B 50. A
51. D 52. B 53. C 54. E 55. E 56. B 57. D 58. C 59. C 60. D
61. B 62. A 63. C 64. B 65. D 66. A 67. E 68. E 69. A 70. B
71. D 72. C 73. B 74. A 75. E 76. E 77. B 78. D 79. D 80. E
81. C 82. B 83. A 84. E 85. B 86. D 87. A 88. B 89. C 90. D
91. E 92. B 93. C 94. A 95. E 96. B 97. B 98. A 99. D 100. D
101. A 102. E 103. B 104. A 105. C 106. C 107. E 108. D 109. B 110. C

1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. E 8. B 9. A 10. C
11. E 12. B
13. E 14. C 15. A 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. D 20. C
21. B 22. A
23. D 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. C 28. E 29. B 30. A
31. A 32. E
33. C 34. D 35. A 36. C 37.4 B 38. D 39. C 40. E
41. E 42. C
43. A 44. E 45. D 46. E 7. E 48. B 49. E 50. B
51. E 52. D 53. D 54. B 55. E 56. A 57. D 58. C 59. D 60. A
61. B 62. B 63. E 64. D 65. E 66. B 67. B 68. A 69. A 70. D
71. A 72. B 73. D 74. C 75. B 76. A 77. E 78. B 79. C 80. C
81. E 82. D 83. E 84. B 85. E 86. E 87. A 88. D 89. B 90. C
91. A 92. A 93. B 94. E 95. A 96. B 97. D 98. E 99. D 100. A
101. E 102. C 103. D 104. A 105. B 106. C 107. E 108. E 109. B 110. D

:XV>4'v> ; ,'
10. A
1. B 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. E 7. C 8. E 9. D
11. E 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. E 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. E
21. C 22. C 23. D 24. E 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. D
31. D 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. D 36. E 37.4 D 38. B 39. E 40. C
41. A 42. B 43. E 44. A 45. C 46. D 7. E 48. C 49. D 50. B
51. D 52. E 53. D 54. C 55. A 56. B 57. E 58. D 59. B 60. C
61. E 62. D 63. A 64. E 65. A 66. C 67. D 68. B 69. A 70. E
71. C 72. B 73. A 74. D 75. C 76. B 77. E 78. A 79. E 80. A
81. D 82. C 83. B 84. C 85. C 86. A 87. B 88. D 89. B 90. E
91. A 92. C 93. E 94. E 95. D 96. D 97. A 98. B 99. C 100. C
101. B 102. E 103. D 104. A 105. A 106. C 107. D 108. E 109. C 110. A

1. E 2. E 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. E 9. D 10. D
11. B 12. D 13. A 14. E 15. C 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. C
21. A 22. C 23. E 24. D 25. E 26. A 27. B 28. B 29. C 30. E
31. D 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. D 36. E 37.4 A 38. B 39. E 40. C
41. C 42. B 43. A 44. B 45. C 46. D 7. E 48. C 49. D 50. A
51. B 52. E 53. D 54. E 55. A 56. C 57. B 58. E 59. B 60. D
61. A 62. C 63. E 64. A 65. B 66. C 67. A 68. B 69. E 70. D
71. C 72. B 73. A 74. D 75. C 76. E 77. E 78. A 79. D 80. C
81. D 82. E 83. A 84. A 85. D 86. B 87. C 88. C 89. A 90. B
91. D 92. C 93. B 94. E 95. B 96. D 97. A 98. E 99. C 100. D
101. B 102. A 103. A 104. C 105. E 106. E 107. B 108. D 109. E 110. C

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. E 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. E 9. D 10. A
11. B 12. E 13. E 14. D 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. B 19. D 20. E
21. E 22. B 23. C 24. A 25.
B 26. C 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. C
31. D 32. A 33. A 34. C 35.
D 36. E 37.4 A 38. B 39. E 40. E
41. A 42. C 43. E 44. B 45.
C 46. D 7. E 48. C 49. C 50. B
51. B 52. A 53. D 54. E 55.
E 56. C 57. B 58. D 59. A 60. C
61. A 62. D 63. B 64. A 65.
A 66. C 67. D 68. B 69. A 70. E
71. C 72. E 73. A 74. D 75.
B 76. B 77. C 78. A 79. D 80. A
81. E 82. D 83. C 84. C 85.
B 86. E 87. A 88. D 89. B 90. B
91. D 92. C 93. E 94. E 95. A 96. B 97. D 98. C 99. A 100. E
101. B 102. B 103. C 104. D 105. E 106. C 107. B 108. A 109. D 110. B

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. E
11. C 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. E 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. E 20. D
21. E 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. E 29. A 30. B
31. D 32. A 33. E 34. C 35. D 36. E 37.4 A 38. B 39. E 40. C
41. A 42. B 43. D 44. E 45. C 46. B 7. E 48. C 49. C 50. A
51. B 52. A 53. D 54. E 55. A 56. A 57. B 58. D 59. B 60. C
61. E 62. D 63. C 64. A 65. A 66. C 67. D 68. E 69. A 70. B
71. C 72. E 73. A 74. D 75. C 76. B 77. E 78. A 79. E 80. D
81. E 82. D 83. D 84. C 85. B 86. A 87. A 88. D 89. B 90. E
91. A 92. C 93. E 94. D 95. A 96. C 97. B 98. E 99. D 100. A
101. C 102. C 103. B 104. E 105. E 106. D 107. E 108. A 109. C 110. B

..,«* ...«;»•
r 3. B 4. E 5. A 10. E
1. B
C 2. C 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. E
11. 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. B 16. E 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. D
21. E 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. C 27. E 28. A 29. D 30. D
31. A 32. E 33. D 34. C 35. D 36. A 37.4 A 38. B 39. C 40. A
41. D 42. B 43. E 44. A 45. C 46. D 7. E 48. C 49. A 50. B
51. B 52. A 53. D 54. E 55. E 56. A 57. B 58. E 59. D 60. C
61. E 62. E 63. B 64. A 65. A 66. C 67. D 68. B 69. B 70. E
71. D 72. B 73. A 74. D 75. C 76. B 77. E 78. A 79. E 80. D
81. E 82. C 83. D 84. B 85. E 86. D 87. A 88. D 89. B 90. B
91. A 92. C 93. E 94. E 95. D 96. A 97. B 98. C 99. E 100. C
101. B 102. D 103. A 104. C 105. C 106. E 107. D 108. B 109. C 110. A

11. C 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. E 16. E 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. D
21. E 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. B 27. A 28. A 29. D 30. C
31. D 32. A 33. E 34. C 35. D 36. A 37.4 B 38. B 39. E 40. E
41. A 42. B 43. D 44. A 45. C 46. C 7. E 48. C 49. A 50. B
51. B 52. E 53. D 54. E 55. C 56. A 57. B 58. E 59. D 60. A
61. C 62. D 63. E 64. A 65. A 66. B 67. D 68. B 69. A 70. E
71. C 72. A 73. B 74. D 75. E 76. B 77. C 78. A 79. E 80. B
81. E 82. C 83. A 84. C 85. B 86. D 87. A 88. D 89. B 90. C
91. A 92. C 93. E 94. B 95. D 96. E 97. A 98. C 99. C 100. E
101. D 102. E 103. B 104. B 105. A 106. C 107. D 108. E 109. B 110. C


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