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Psicolingüística III:

Estrategias de Aprendizaje

Activity 3.
Analysis of a particular case.

Unit 2 - Learning Strategies as

Cognitive Skills

Rosa María Quijada Maldonado

June 2022
1. What learning strategies did/does the girl use to learn

From the need for communication in a new country with a different culture
and different language, she decided to start learning English. With this decision
taken, Yejin Started with a metacognitive process, planning the way she was going
to take, almost the whole process was self–learning, she used to monitor her
approach by having self-monologues and she evaluated herself by recording short
videos with her talking about anything.
She worked in the cognitive field asking her parents for books and movies
and she read, listen, and watched a ton of different stories and I suppose different
contexts and accents. Finally, her social strategy was to speak with her friends to
talk to each other and with this activity, she practiced and learned in order to
improve her communicative skill.
It's important to say that she was supported by her family and she spent her
time around English speakers and the school context that feed her learning and
reinforce her knowledge and communicative proficiency.

2. What is/are the learning style(s) the girl operates?

During her learning process, she operated with different styles and
interacted with different learning strategies. She suffered bullying so that was an
unfortunate motivation but it was the trigger she needed to start learning.
She is an extrovertive person so she talked with other people in a social
context. She is open in her approaching tasks because she used different activities
and materials, and used to look for new ways to learn, and in the use of physical
senses, she operated auditory by listening and speaking the new language.
As she was a self-learner, she tried to find new ways to practice and
improve her skills
3. Based on her learning experience and learning style, what
additional learning strategies would you suggest to?

As she explained that she used a lot of papers for practice and tests, I would
suggest that a professional could evaluate her approach and give feedback in
order to get a formal record of her process.

4. What learning strategies do you promote in the classroom?

In my classroom, every class I try to practice the five abilities and produce at
least two of them. In order to get involved with the students in the class, is
important to review the last topic with an engaging activity, and when they are
focused, we can learn a new topic and, practice and, produce.
My students practice during a lesson and in its different stages:
 Reading comprehension.
 Listening comprehension.
 Speaking production
 Writing production
 Use of language practice
How do you promote/implement them?
The students improve their skills on different levels of the topic, first, they
match words with pictures and practice the pronunciation by listening. Then they
interact with the grammatical forms in a story or in some didactic text and then,
they can do exercises that help them to consolidate the grammatical structures and

When they have already developed a good knowledge of the new topic, they
can write a text by using the grammatical structures and the learned vocabulary
from past topics and the new one. During the level as the students’ progress, they
are able to write longer texts.
To close the topic the oral production is generated with a functional and real
situation that moves the students to communicate certain information and interact
with peers to model, improve and make more significant what is expressed in the
oral form.


Universidad IEXPRO. (2022). Learning Strategies

Jo, Y. (23 de 12 de 2018). Yejin Jo. Obtenido de YouTube:

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