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My First Assessment Tool

NCBTS Domain 5 Strands 5.2;
LET-TOS Nos. 4 (4.1-4.5)

My Learning Episode Overview

This learning episode will give me the experience to devise
assessment tools for my learners. This may be in the form of quizzes, worksheet,
unit or chapter tests, activities and others. Creating these opportunities will help me
in preparing assessment tools to gauge the performance of my learners
My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I will be able to;

 Construct my first assessment tool.
 Follow the rules in constructing tests
 Improve the test based on the suggestions of my cooperating teacher.
My Map (Learning Episode Directions)

These are the things I needed to do:

Where can I get some
help to prepare my
Implement the tool
assessment tools?

Revise and make final draft,

Let my cooperating teacher evaluate/

review the assessment tool
Prepare the test items

Confer with my cooperating teacher regarding the assessment tool required

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

The process of collecting and documenting knowledge attitude values
and beliefs.
 Traditional Assessment – includes standardized tests and
teacher-made tests
- Usually employed by teacher with
essentialist and philosophies
 Authentic or Alternative Assessment – takes on a more student-
centered approach
- Includes classroom-based assessment
portfolios and designed assessments

My Tasks (Activities)

A. Write as many ideas about tests. Use the first letter of the word to give as
many concepts about tests.

B. Research on TIPS on constructing tests. Write them here and cite the
research you used

My Analysis

Complete these structured frames:

1. Assessment tools are needed because:
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
2. I consider the following things when I prepared my first assessment:
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
My Reflections / My Insights

How did my students / learners perform in the use of this assessment tool?
Check the corresponding box based on your choice. Explain

Exemplary Fair

Very Satisfactory Needs Improvement


How did I feel after preparing my first assessment tool?


My Applications (From Theory to Practice)

Read the situations and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Why do we need to give an assessment?
A. To identify who among our students will pass or fail?
B. To measure the performance of our students
C. To improve the quality of instruction
D. To comply with the requirements of the administration
2. What type of test must be given to assess the higher order thinking
skills of the learners?
A. Alternative response types of test
B. Essay tests
C. Enumeration type
D. Multiple-choice type
3. What test allows the learners to perform in real-life episodes
A. Paper and pencil type of test
B. Essay type of test
C. Traditional assessment
D. Authentic assessment

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