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Name: Rohit Mukund Modak

Roll No.: 229667

Subject: Next Generation Technologies Practical

Sr No. Date Topic Page No.
1 MongoDB Basics
2 Simple Queries with MongoDB
3 Implementing Aggregation
4 Replication, Backup and Restore
5 Java and MongoDB
6 PHP and MongoDB
7 Python and MongoDB
8 Programs on Basic jQuery
9 jQuery Advanced
11 Create a JSON file and import it to MongoDB
Sr No. Date Topic Page No.
1 MongoDB Basics

1. Write a mongodb query to create and drop database:

2. Write a mongodb query to create, display and drop collection:

3. Write a mongodb query to insert, query, update and delete a document:
Sr No. Date Topic Page No.
2 Simple Queries with MongoDB

1. Insert the documents:

2. Update the country to UK for all female users:

3. Add the new field company to all the documents:

4. Delete all the documents where gender = “m”

5. Find out a count of female users who stay in either India or USA:

6. Display the first name and age of all female employees

Sr No. Date Topic Page No.
3 Implementing Aggregation
Sr No. Date Topic Page No.
4 Replication, Backup and Restore
Sr No. Date Topic Page No.
5 Java and MongoDB

1. Inserting the document:

2. Updating the document:
3. Retrieving the information from the document:
4. Deleting the document:
Sr No. Date Topic Page No.
6 PHP and MongoDB

1. Inserting the document:

2. Deleting the document:
3. Updating the document:
4. Retrieving the document:
Sr No. Date Topic Page No.
7 Python and MongoDB

1. Inserting the document:

2. Updating the document:
3. Retrieving data from the document:
4. Deleting the document:
Sr No. Date Topic Page No.
8 Programs on Basic jQuery

1. Write a jQuery to check the content of the element on button click:

2. Write a jQuery to select element by class name, id and element name:
3. Write a jQuery to show the use of click (), hover (), on (), trigger (), off () event:
4. Write a jQuery to create animated hide effect:
5. Write a jQuery to create a simple toggle effect:
6. Write a jQuery to create fade-in and fade-out effects:
7. Write a jQuery to create fade toggle effects:
8. Write a jQuery to create a slide-up and slide-down effects:
9. Write a jQuery to create slide toggle effects:
Sr No. Date Topic Page No.
9 jQuery Advanced

1. Write a jQuery to create Animation effects:

2. Write a jQuery animate multiple CSS properties:
3. Write a jQuery to perform method of chaining:
4. Write a jQuery effects method with callback function:
5. Write a jQuery to get and set text contents of the elements:
6. Write a jQuery to get and set HTML content of the elements:

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