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MCQ Advanced Application Development

1. What does "Mean" stand for in Mean Stack?

2. Mongodb, Express, Angular, Node.js
3. MySQL, Express, Angular, Node.js
4. Mongodb, Ember.js, Angular, Node.js
5. MongoDB, Express, AJAX, Node.js
Answer: MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.js

2. Which component of Mean Stack is used for server-side scripting?

1. Angular
2. Node.js
3. Express
4. Mongodb
Answer: Node.js

3. Which component of Mean Stack is used for front-end development?

1. Angular
2. Node.js
3. Express
4. Mongodb
Answer: Angular

4. What is Mongodb in Mean Stack?

1. A front-end framework
2. A server-side scripting language
3. A database management system
4. An API Framework
Answer: A database management system

5. Which component of Mean Stack is used for building APIs?

1. Angular
2. Node.js
3. Express
4. Mongodb
Answer: Express

6. Which of the following is not a benefit of Mean Stack?

1. Single language for a full-stack development
2. Simplifies the development process
3. Offers high scalability and flexibility
4. Offers a wide range of design templates
Answer: Offers a wide range of design templates

7. What is Express in Mean Stack?

1. front-end framework
2. A server-side scripting language
3. A database management system
4. A web application framework
Answer: A web application framework
8. Which component of Mean Stack is used for real-time web applications?
1. Angular
2. Node.js
3. Express
4. MongoDB
Answer: Node.js

9. Which component of Mean Stack is used for building dynamic single-page

1. Angular
2. Node.js
3. Express
4. MongoDB
Answer: Angular

10. What is the purpose of Angular CLI?

1. To create and manage Angular projects
2. To manage MongoDB databases
3. To create and manage Node.js projects
4. To create and manage Express applications
Answer: To create and manage Angular projects

11. _____ is an interactive shell that processes Node.

Answer : REPL

12. The command to install nodemon in NodeJS is?

1. npm install -g nodemon
2. npm install nodemon
3. npm install -g nod
4. npm nodemon
Answer : npm install -g nodemon

13. Which command is used to install Mongoose?

1. npm install mongoose
2. npm install -g mongoose
3. npm install mongoose.js
4. npm install -g mongoose.js
Answer : npm install mongoose

14. What is the purpose of the HTTP module in Node.js?

1. It provides a way to interact with the file system on the user's computer.
2. It provides a way to interact with the file system on the server.
3. It provides a way to interact with the user's web browser.
4. It provides a way to create HTTP servers and make HTTP requests.
Answer: It provides a way to create HTTP servers and make HTTP requests.

15. What does the following code do in Express.js?

1. Starts the Express.js application and listens for incoming requests on port 3000
2. Sets the response status code to 404 (Not Found)
3. Sends an HTTP response with an HTML file
4. Creates a server
Answer: Starts the Express.js application and listens for incoming requests on port

16. Which of the following HTTP methods is used for creating a new resource in
1. GET
3. PUT
Answer: POST

17. Which of the following is used for routing in Mean Stack?

2. CSS
3. JavaScript
4. ExpressJS
Answer : ExpressJS

18. Which command is used to delete data from a MongoDB collection?

1. db.delete
2. db.collection.remove
3. db.deleteCollection
4. db.dropCollection
Answer: db.collection.remove

19. Which command is used to insert data into a MongoDB collection?

1. db.insert
2. db.collection.insert
3. db.insertCollection
4. db.createCollection
Answer: db.collection.insert

20. Which command is used to update data in a MongoDB collection?

1. db.update
2. db.collection.update
3. db.updateCollection
4. db.modifyCollection
Answer: db.collection.update

21. Which command is used to start a Node.js application?

1. node app.js
2. npm start
3. start app.js
4. run app.js
Answer: node app.js

22. Which command is used to create a new AngularJS project?

1. ng create
2. angular create
3. create-ng
4. ng new
Answer: ng new
23. Which module is used in Node.js for working with databases?
1. fs
2. net
3. http
4. Mongoose
Answer: Mongoose

24. Which command is used to start a MongoDB server?

1. mongod
2. mongo start
3. start-mongo
4. mongo server

23. What is the role of Node.js in the MEAN stack?

1. To create and manage MongoDB databases
2. To provide an ORM for MongoDB
3. To create REST APIs for MongoDB
4. To serve as the web server for the application
Answer : To serve as the web server for the application

24.Which method in the MongoDB driver is used to find documents in a collection?

1. find
2. search
3. get
4. locate
Answer: find

24. Which of the following is NOT a feature of MongoDB?

1. It is a NoSQL database.
2. It stores data in tables.
3. It uses JSON-like documents for data storage.
4. It can handle large amounts of data.

Answer : It stores data in tables.

25. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using Node.js in the MEAN stack?
1. It is fast and efficient.
2. It allows for real-time communication between clients and servers.
3. It uses a single-threaded, event-driven architecture.
4. It is easy to learn and use.

Answer : It is easy to learn and use.

26. What is Flutter?

1. A programming language
2. A mobile application development framework
3. A database management system
4. A cloud computing platform
Answer: A mobile application development framework

27. What is Dart?

a. A mobile application development framework
b. A programming language
c. A database management system
d. A cloud computing platform
Answer: A programming language

28. Which company developed Flutter?

1. Apple
2. Google
3. Microsoft
4. Facebook
Answer: Google

29. Which company developed Dart?

a. Apple
b. Google
c. Microsoft
d. Facebook
Answer: Google

30.Which programming paradigm can’t be used in Dart?

a. Object-oriented programming
b. Functional programming
c. Imperative programming
d. Fast programming
Answer: Fast programming

31. What is the extension of Dart source code files?

a. .dart
b. .js
c. .py
d. .java
Answer: dart

32. What is the name of the package manager used in Dart?

a. Brew
b. Aptitude
c. npm
d. pub
Answer: pub

33. What is the name of the tool used for building and managing Flutter projects?
a. Dart Build
b. Flutter Build
c. Gradle
d. Maven
Answer: Flutter Build

34.Which programming language is used to write Flutter applications?

1. Dart
2. Swift
3. Java
4. C++
Answer: Dart

35. Which operating systems are supported by Flutter?

a. Windows, Linux, and macOS
b. iOS and Android
c. iOS, Android, and Linux
d. iOS, Android, and Windows
Answer: iOS, Android, and Linux

36. What is the name of the widget used to create a button in Flutter?
a. TextButton
b. Button
c. Clickable
d. Pressable
Answer: TextButton

37. What is the name of the widget used to create a text field in Flutter?
1. TextField
2. TextEntry
3. TextInput
4. InputField
Answer: TextField

38. What is the name of the widget used to create a list view in Flutter?
1. ListView
2. List
3. ScrollList
4. ScrollableList

Answer: ListView

39. What is the name of the widget used to create a grid view in Flutter?
a. GridView
b. Grid
c. ScrollGrid
d. ScrollableGrid
Answer: GridView

40. What is hot reload in Flutter?

a. A feature that automatically deploys your code changes to a remote server
b. A feature that reloads your app's UI without restarting the app
c. A feature that optimizes your app's performance
d. A feature that automatically generates code for you
Answer: A feature that reloads your app's UI without restarting the app

41. What is the name of the tool used for debugging Flutter applications?
a. Dart Debugger
b. Flutter Debugger
c. Chrome DevTools
d. Visual Studio Code
Answer: Chrome DevTools
42. What is the name of the feature in Flutter that allows you to easily add animations to
your UI?
a. AnimationController
b. TweenAnimationBuilder
c. AnimatedBuilder
d. AnimatedContainer
Answer: AnimatedContainer

42. What is a Flutter widget?

1. A visual element that is used to build the user interface of a Flutter application
2. A piece of code that performs a specific function in a Flutter application
3. A library of pre-written code that can be used to build a Flutter application
4. A tool that is used to debug a Flutter application
Answer: A visual element that is used to build the user interface of a Flutter application

43. How do you create a stateful widget in Flutter?

1. By extending the StatefulWidget class and implementing a createState() method
2. By extending the StatelessWidget class and implementing a createState() method
3. By calling the createStatefulWidget() method
4. By calling the createStatelessWidget() method

Answer: By extending the StatefulWidget class and implementing a createState()


44. What is the purpose of the 'Navigator' widget in Flutter?

a. To create a new widget
b. To update the state of a widget
c. To navigate to a new screen
d. To build the widget tree

Answer: To navigate to a new screen

45. What is the primary benefit of using Flutter for app development?
a. Cross-platform compatibility
b. Faster development time
c. Higher app performance
d. Larger developer community

Answer: Cross-platform compatibility

46.What is the purpose of the MaterialApp widget in Flutter?

To define the root of the widget tree
To define the color scheme for the app
To define the font style for the app
To define the screen navigation for the app

Answer: To define the root of the widget tree

47. WidgetsApp is used for basic navigation

1. No
2. Yes
3. Can be Yes or No
4. Can not Say
Answer: Yes

48. Which of the following is false regarding Flutter?

1. Flutter is free and open-source.

2. Flutter is a UI toolkit for creating fast, beautiful, natively compiled mobile applications
3. Flutter use one programming language and a single codebase
4. Flutter uses javascript as the programming language.
Answer: Flutter uses javascript as the programming language.

49. Flutter is mainly optimized for 2D mobile apps that can run on?

1. iOS & Android

2. Symbian
3. Blackberry
4. Windows
Answer: iOS and Android

50. Which is not a widget of the following?

1. Row
2. Text
3. Column
4. Main
Answer: Main

51. When you build the Flutter app the first time, does it will take a longer time?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Can be Yes or No
4. Cannot say
Answer: Yes

52. Which of the following works with a small r key on the terminal or commands prompt?

1. Cold Reload
2. Cold Restart
3. Hot Reload
4. Hot Restart
Answer: Hot Reload

53. Streams can be of __________ types.

1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3
Answer: 2

54. Release mode allows us to optimize the codes and generate them without any debug
data in a fully optimized form

1. True
2. False
3. Can be True or False
4. Can not Say
Answer: True

55. Which of the following tests a single widget ?

1. Widget Test
2. Integration Test
3. Interactive Test
4. Unit Test
Answer: Widget Test

56. Which of the following used to develop the native hybrid app from a single codebase?

1. Flutter
2. React Native
3. Keras
4. Both Flutter and React Native
Answer: Both Flutter and React Native

57. pubspec.yaml file does not contain?

1. Project general settings

2. Project assets
3. Project language
4. Project dependencies
Answer: Project language

58. It is very necessary to learn Dart language for building Flutter application?

1. No
2. Yes
3. Can be Yes or No
4. Can not Say
Answer: Yes
59. Which of the following takes more time to compile and update the app?

1. Hot Reload
2. Hot Restart
3. Depends on Compiler
4. Cold Restart
Answer: Hot Restart

60. The Flutter tooling supports _____ modes while compiling the application

1. 4
2. 5
3. 2
4. 3
Answer: 3

61. What is Flutter?

1. Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit

2. Flutter is an open-source programming language for cross-platform applications
3. Flutters is a DBMS toolkit
4. Flutter is an open-source backend development framework
Answer: Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit

62. Which programming language is used to build Flutter applications?

1. Dart
2. Java
3. Kotlin
4. Go
Answer: Dart

63. How many types of widgets are there in Flutter?

1. 4
2. 6
3. 8
4. 2
Answer: 2

64. When building for iOS, Flutter is restricted to an __ compilation Strategy ?

1. JIT (Just-in-time)
2. Transcompilation
3. Recompilation
4. AOT (ahead-of-time)
Answer: AOT (ahead-of-time)
65. Access to a cloud database through Flutter is available through which service?

2. SQLite
3. Firebase Database
Answer: Firebase Database

66. What element is used as an identifier for components when programming in Flutter?

1. Keys
2. Widgets
3. Serial
4. Elements
Answer: Keys

67. What type of test can examine your code as a complete system?

1. Widget Test
2. Integration Test
3. Interactive Test
4. Unit Test
Answer: Integration Test

68. Which component allows us to specify the distance between widgets on the screen?

1. SizedBox
2. Table
3. AppBar
4. SafeArea
Answer: SizedBox

69. What language is Flutter’s rendering engine primarily written in?

1. C++
2. Java
3. Dart
4. Kotlin
Answer: C++

70. What widget would you use for repeating content in Flutter?

1. ExpandedView
2. ArrayView
3. Stack
4. ListView
Answer: ListView
71. Flutter developed by?

1. Oracle
2. Google
3. Facebook
4. IBM
Answer: Google

72. The first alpha version of Flutter was released in?

1. 2017
2. 2016
3. 2019
4. 2018
Answer: 2017

73. Flutter is not a language; it is an SDK.

1. False
2. True
3. Can not say
4. Can be True or False
Answer: True

74. A widget that allows us to refresh the screen is called a ___________

1. Stateless widgets
2. Statebuild widget
3. Stateful widget
4. Scaffold widget
Answer: Stateful widget

76. Which function is responsible for starting the program?

1. runApp()
2. main()
3. run()
4. flutter()
Answer: main()

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