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저의 주제는 중국 경제 성장의 시작: 중국 경제

개혁입니다. 이제 중국은 미국과 함께 G2 라고 불리며 세계 경제의 패권을 쥐고 있는 경제 대국이
되었습니다. 저는 중국 경제가 어떻게 놀라운 성장을 거두었는지 늘 관심을 가지고 있었는데 그
이유를 짜오 교수님의 강의를 통해 알게 되어 발표 주제로 정하게 되었습니다. 개혁 개방이 중국
경제 성장의 결정적인 요인이기 때문에 이에 초점을 맞추어 발표를 진행하겠습니다. 우선 개혁 전의
중국 경제 상황을 보고, 경제 개혁의 바탕인 덩샤오핑 이론을 본 후, 개혁의 대표 정책을 보고, 개혁의
결과를 본 후 발표를 마치겠습니다. 지금부터 발표 시작하겠습니다.

Before 1978, Chinese economy was regulated by Government. In agriculture

sector, Peasant could not possess their produce so they could not sell their
produce. Thus Chinese agricultural performance was extremely poor. Also
business sector is similar with agriculture. Government monopolized foreign trade.
It was typical socialism economic regime. Therefore china could not help but to
be poor.

So Deng Xiaoping who was a president of china implemented Chinese economic

reform. He thought that economic growth is the most important thing as the
urgent problem. So he insisted Black Cat White Cat Theory. This theory is the
basis of china economic reformation.

He said “It doesn’t matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it catches

In this quotation, black cat means socialism, white cat means capitalism, and
mouse means economic growth of china. So we can interpret this quotation to “It
doesn’t matter whether a regime is socialism or capitalism, as long as it catches
economic growth.” Therefore he shifted economic regime to capitalism in order to
catch economic growth.

Therefore the market-based economic reform was implemented by Deng

Xiaoping. This reform was composed of reformation and opening up. A
representative reformation is household responsibility system. It is farm
privatization. So peasant could possess extra produces and sell it. As a result,
agricultural output increased by 8.2% a year despite a decrease in the area of
land used. And a representative open-up policy was establishment of special
economic zone. These regions received legal benefits that are financially
libertarian policies in order to attract foreign capital. These five regions are
special economic zone. By marketizing monopolized foreign trade system, more
foreign direct investment flew to china. This graph shows the scale of Foreign
Direct Investment to China from 1979 to 2008. As you see in this graph the scale
of FDI was almost zero at 1979. But after implement of the economic reform, the
scale of FDI increased appreciably.

This graph shows Chinese GDP growth between 1952 and 2005. As you can see,
after the market-based economic reform including farm privatization,
establishment of special economic zones, Chinese GDP increased remarkably.
Therefore current Chinese GDP is 2nd place as about 11triliion dollars. It is
stunning growth.

Currently China leads Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank and New Silk Road.
Like this influence of china to the world is on the increase. And Chinese economic
reform is still in progress. Thus I think China economic power can continue for a
long time.

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