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NMIMS Global Access

School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Strategic Management
Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2021 Examination

Ans 1. The answer to your question is provided in the image:

Ans 2. When two pairs travel in a similar path, there is a favorable relationship; when they travel in
opposing directions, there is a negative correlation; and when they move arbitrarily with no discernible
link, there is no correlation. A negative correlation, also known as an inverted connection, is a
relationship that exists between two variables.

Calculating your correlation pairs of persons is the most distinctive approach to stay current on their
trend and power. This may appear to be a challenging task, but it is pretty straightforward. Correlations
for a significant range of variables may be easily computed using technology.

Ans 3. a) P(150 <X< 175)

= (175-150)/(175-110)
= 25/65
= 0.385

Ans3 b)
P(120 <X< 160)
= (160-120)/(175-110)
= 40/65
= 0.615

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