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Subject : English for IKM

Class : A 1, A2
D.D : October 18, 2022
Time : 13.00 – 18.00
Lecturer : Dr. Maizufri, MS

Direction : 1. You have to answer on the online answer-sheet given

2. You may use dictionary and module text book

NAME : Attahyattul septa

NIM :2211212034
I. Read the passage carefully and answers its questions

Low standards of hygiene, both personal and public, are responsible for a vast
amount of disease everywhere in the word and particularly in the trophies where poor
living conditions are so common. In the diseases considered here, man is either the
sole or principle host of the parasites, and transmission results from contamination of
the environment by his excreta or body discharges. These diseases include such
important infections as cholera, anclystomiasis, schistosomiasis, the enteric fevers and
dysentery, and also many other less striking infection which are responsible for a
great deal of ill health, disability and even mortality, especially among children. In
some diseases unhygienic food habits play as great or even a greater part in
transmission than insanitary disposal of human excreta.
These infections present a particularly difficult problem of control-the control
of man himself. Their prevalence can be reduced by the provision and use of such
sanitary facilities as hygienic system of excreta disposal and supply of water,
preferably to each home, an adequate quantity being probably more important than
quality. The elimination of fecal contamination of the surface of the soil, of flies and
of snails in schistosomiasis areas, will reduce transmission, and this will be further
lowered by the provision of sufficient living space in houses and improved food
hygiene. These measures demand the active co-operation of the people themselves,
which can only be about by a process of education over a long period of ime.
Elimation of these diseases will ultimately depend on raising economic and social
These infections can be divided into four groups : (A) viral, bacterial and
protozoa diseases resulting from ingestion of water or food which has been
contaminated directly or indirectly with infected human faces or urine; (B) worm
infections in which transmission follows ingestion of either the egg or larval forms of
the parasite; (C) worm infections resulting from penetration of the skin by immature
stages of the parasite; (D) bacterial diseases due to the consumption of foodstuffs
infected from human or animal sources and commonly referred to as food poisoning.
The diseases of the four groups are limited to man and are maintained in the
human community by insanitary living habits. The causative organism leaves the
human body in the excreta and the new host is parasitized by ingestion of infected
faces conveyed to its mouth in a number of ways, the most common vehicles of
transmission being contaminated hands, food, and water. The epidemiological
patterns of these diseases are thus broadly similar. This is an acute specific infection
of the alimentary tract caused by Vibrio Cholera and characterized by sudden onset,
toxemia, vomiting and frequent copious water evacuations from the bowel, resulting
in rapid and extreme dehydration. In children fluid is often kept in the paralyzed ileus
and little may be evacuated.
Vibrio Cholera, or commas bacillus, is a minute, motile curved organism,
flagellated, and gram-negative on staining. It is identified by culture, serological
methods, and phage typing. The El Tor biotype, the principal organism, as isolated in
the present epidemic, produces infections clinically and epidemiologically
indistinguishable from that of the type strain. It is, however, resistant to group IV
cholera phage, is less affected by environmental conditions, and may give rise to a
chronic carrier state. The type strains rarely persist in the intestine for as long as three
Man is the only reservoir of infection and is thus solely responsible for its
maintenance in a community. The diseases persists in the endemic areas where
sporadic cases of cholera occur almost continually throughout the year, associated
with a low mortality possibly as a result of immunity acquired by repeated mild

Immediately after the diseases is suspected, the patient should be is isolated in

a treatment center where the diagnosis can be confirmed within minutes by the dark
ground, agglutinating serum technique. Treatment should be started at once by
replacing fluid and electrolytes. With this should be given eight oral doses of 500 mg
of tetracycline which will reduce diarrhea and eliminate the vibrio. This treatment will
shorten the duration of the convalescent carrier state, reduce transmission, and speed
the flow of patients through the center.

By T.H. Davey and T. Wilson


1. What is the appropriate title for this passage?

Diseases Associated With Low Standards Of Personal Hygiene

2. What is the responsible for a vast amount of disease in the tropics?

Low standards of hygiene, both personal and public, are responsible for a vast
amount of disease

3. What disease are caused by the contamination of the environment by man’s

These diseases are the cause of environmental pollution by human waste such as
cholera, anklistomiasis, schistosomiasis, enteric fever and dysentery,

4. Explain briefly what cholera is and how the infection is transferred to man.
Cholera is an infectious disease in a very fast time, the cause of this disease is
the infection of the human body from the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. preventive
measures can only be carried out after clinical diagnosis. For basic prevention can be
done by early detection, isolation and treatment of cases, suspected cases and their
contacts, as well as control of the contaminated environment. After a suspected
disease, the patient must be isolated in a treatment center. This treatment will shorten
duration of the recovery state, reduces discharge, and supports patient flow through
the centre.

5. Name some characteristics of cholera.

Cholera caused by the bacterium Vibrio Cholera is characterized by sudden
attacks, toxemia, vomiting and frequent expulsion of water from the intestines,
resulting in rapid and extreme dehydration. In children, fluid is often stored in the
paralytic ileus and little can be evacuated.

6. In the past how did cholera spread from endemic centers in Asia to the rest of the
This first cholera pandemic began in the same way, as an outbreak which is
thought to have started in 1817 in the small town of Jessore.Some epidemic experts
and medical historians suggest that this pandemic started globally from a Hindu
worship ritual called Kumbh Mela which was performed at the top of the Ganges
River.Outbreaks of cholera have occurred before near Purnia in Bihar, but scientists
are assessing them as separate events. In 1817, cholera began to spread beyond the
Ganges delta. In September 1817, this plague reached the city of Kolkata on the Bay
of Bengal and spread rapidly throughout India. In 1818, a cholera epidemic broke out
in Bombai, on the west coast. The first cholera pandemic (1817-24), also known as
the first Asiatic cholera pandemic or Asiatic cholera, began near the city of Kolkata.
and spread rapidly through Southeast Asia to the Middle East, eastern Africa and the
coastlines of the Mediterranean Sea.

7. How can an explosive epidemic of cholera occur?

Corella can occur because of bad habits from the community such as not
washing hands before eating, not eating healthy food and nutrition and environmental
contamination by human waste.causing several infections that will become a disease,
namely cholera

8. What are the preliminary treatments as soon a patient is diagnosed as having

Treatment immediately after diagnosis is isolation of the patient. The patient
should be isolated in a treatment center where the diagnosis can be confirmed within
minutes by the dark serum agglutination technique. Treatment should be started
immediately with fluid and electrolyte replacement. With this should be given eight
oral doses of 500 mg of tetracycline which will reduce diarrhea and eliminate vibrio.

9. What measures are usually taken when cholera appears to be endemic in a certain
Make a clinical diagnosis if the results suspect disease, early detection,
isolation, and treatment of cases, suspected cases and their contacts, as well as control
of the contaminated environment. This method can shorten the duration of the carrier
state of recovery, reduce transmission, and speed up the flow of patients through the

10. Do you know where the endemic centers of cholera are in your place and how to
help preventions of it?

I know, where the area that I know has a causal factor for being infected with
correlation, namely the lack of education in consuming nutritious food and still using
river water in all needs, such as bathing, consuming water for drinking.
the solution is to provide good education so that people can accept that these habits
must be changed so that they are far from disease. And provide water needs according
to each, for example bath water and drinking water are distinguished

II. Make the summary of the text above and please chose the suitable methods for it.

Low standards of hygiene, both personal and public, are responsible for a vast
amount of disease everywhere in the word and particularly in the trophies where poor
living conditions are so common. These diseases include cholera, anklistomiasis,
schistosomiasis, enteric fever and dysentery, as well as many other infections. These
infections present a particularly difficult problem of control-the control of man
himself. These infections can be divided into four groups. The diseases of the four
groups are limited to man and are maintained in the human community by insanitary
living habits. Vibrio Cholera, or commas bacillus, is a minute, motile curved
organism, flagellated, and gram-negative on staining. Man is the only reservoir of
infection and is thus solely responsible for its maintenance in a community. Cholera is
a serious disease that spreads rapidly, and preventive action must be taken upon
clinical diagnosis. Immediately after the diseases is suspected, the patient should be is
isolated in a treatment center where the diagnosis can be confirmed within minutes by
the dark ground, agglutinating serum technique. This treatment will shorten the
duration of the convalescent carrier state, reduce transmission, and speed the flow of
patients through the center.

Methode: topic discution

III. Look at the illustration below and (1) Find out the suitable title for this
picture,(2) Describe the possible content by short essays.
Poverty threatens all
Poverty is an economic condition where people experience certain scarcity or
deficiencies that are needed for human life such as money and goods. Therefore,
poverty is a multifaceted concept that includes social, economic,healthy and political

IV. Could you make a planning for your You Tube Video (in 75 – 100 words)
(If you have plan it)

he design concept of our youtube video is to promote the public health faculty of
Andalas University, which later we will explain that this public health faculty consists
of two majors, namely nutrition and public health sciences, in our video concept we
discuss more about the department of public health sciences, majors This course
studies health and also various aspects of society. In this department, we study disease
prevention, aspects that affect disease, and how to provide good health education to
the community so that they are accepted. , health policy administration, K3kl,
epidemiology, and reproductive health. Graduates of public health graduates have
very broad job prospects, with these various specializations, people with public health
degrees are able to contribute to wide employment opportunities. And l FKM
graduates from Andalas University have also been proven to have abilities and
achievements both on campus and outside campus.

V. Would you please make in Indonesian language (chose one of them)

a. The ways of previewing a book
b. Some clues in Reading Speed

1. Pasang target
Memasang target berapa banyak lembar dan halaman yang akan dibaca.

2. Preview buku
Melakukan pratinjau buku,ini sangat membantu membaca dan memahami
secara cepat,karena sebelum kita membaca kita sudah mengetahui inti
pembahasan buku tersebut.

3. Jangan membaca setiap kata

Membaca dengan melihat satu kalimat secar lansung bukan kata demi
kata ,ini juga akan dapat mebantu cepat dalam memahami dan membaca
sebuah buku.

4. Jangan membaca setiap bagian teks

Menurut Dartmouth College’s Academic Skills Center, membaca setiap
bagian dari teks atau buku adalah kebiasaan yang sudah kuno. Maka dari itu,
kita harus memilah dan fokus pada informasi yang dianggap relevan saja.

5. Jangan mengulang bacaan

Membaca cepat butuh konsentrasi. Minimalkan gangguan suara, interupsi dan
jaga fokus pikiran hanya pada teks. Jika kita stay focus pada teks, maka
kebiasaan membaca ulang kata atau kalimat dapat terhindarkan. Jadilah
pembaca aktif yang selalu fokus pada teks dan berusaha untuk memahaminya.

6. Pasang timer
Membaca cepat perlu latihan untuk mencapai hasil secara bertahap. Coba
record berapa waktu yang kamu habiskan untuk membaca satu halaman
secara normal, lalu coba eliminasi menit demi menit setiap kali kamu
membaca ulang halaman tersebut.

7. Pasang marker
Pasang marker atau penanda sebelum berhenti membaca teks atau buku. Ini
untuk memastikan bahwa kamu melanjutkan bacaan yang tepat ketika
memulai membaca kembali, sehingga alur cerita dari buku dapat
tersampaikan dengan baik.

8. Tambah perbendaharaan kosa kata

Ini sangat membantu kita dalam membaca jika menemukan kosa kata yang
baru kita dengar.dan kita tidak perlu mencari makna tersebut dan
menghabiskan waktu,karena kita sudah mngetahui maknanya terlebih dahulu.

NOTE. Please send your answer sheet to WAG and CC to

Good Luck

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