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John T. Boyle, MD

ACUTE ABDOMINAL PAIN generally perceived in one of three regions: the periumbil-
ical, epigastric, or suprapubic midline area. Unfortunately,
Acute abdominal pain is a popular descriptor that has pain and tenderness are not always felt immediately over
evolved from the seminal definition by Sir Zachary Cope of the site of disease. For example, the initial pain of appen-
abdominal pain of recent onset that triggers an urgent need dicitis is usually felt in the periumbilical or epigastric
for prompt diagnosis and active treatment.1 The nature of areas, whereas pain caused by obstruction of the transverse
the pain is usually such that the parent seeks immediate colon is usually felt in the suprapubic midline area.
medical evaluation by a general pediatrician or emergency Somatic pain, in contrast, is usually well localized and
room physician. An acute complaint of abdominal pain intense (often sharp) in character. An intra-abdominal
precipitates at least 5% of unscheduled pediatric visits.2 process will manifest somatic pain if an inflammatory
Although most children with acute abdominal pain have process affecting a viscus touches a somatic organ (ie, the
self-limiting conditions, the pain may herald a serious anterior parietal peritoneum or abdominal wall). The clas-
medical or surgical emergency. The diverse etiologies sic example of referred abdominal pain is the shared cen-
include acute surgical emergencies, disorders that will or tral projections of the parietal pleura of the lung and the
may require surgical intervention, and specific intra- abdominal wall, such that abdominal pain may be the ini-
abdominal, extraintestinal, or systemic medical disorders. tial presentation of pneumonia. All three types of pain may
Severe acute pain may also present against a background be modified by a child’s level of tolerance. Psychogenic and
of chronic illness. Most often, the child appears well at environmental factors augment or inhibit the perception of
presentation, and the abdominal pain is accompanied by pain to varying degrees in different individuals.
multiple complaints and is usually associated with a self- Pain arising from the small intestine, regardless of the
limited disease. The major challenge is to make a timely etiology, is always felt first and chiefly in the periumbilical
diagnosis of the acute surgical abdomen. In patients who or midepigastric area of the abdomen. Because the appen-
present with acute abdominal pain to a primary care prac- dicular nerves are derived from the same thoracic nerves
tice or community emergency room, the frequency of dis- that supply the small intestine, it is not surprising that the
eases requiring surgical intervention may be as low as 1%.2 pain at the onset of appendicitis is usually felt in the epi-
A physician can easily become complacent when dealing gastric or umbilical area of the abdomen. The pain of disor-
with a child with acute pain. It is important to have a con- ders affecting the cecum, ascending colon, and descending
sistent approach that addresses key diagnostic categories colon are characteristically first felt at the actual site of the
and gives parents guidelines to recognize warning signs lesion because of the corresponding short mesocecum or
that require re-evaluation. The primary care physician or mesocolon. An evolving change in localization of abdom-
emergency physician will most often call on the pediatric inal pain is often significant. Localization of pain in the
or general surgeon for consultation when concerned about right iliac fossa some hours after acute epigastric or peri-
a particular presentation of acute abdominal pain. There umbilical pain is usually due to appendicitis, although,
are, however, occasions when, with indefinite symptoms, rarely, the same sequence is seen with perforated pyloric
there may be a tendency to wait for evolution of an acute or duodenal ulcer or in cases of acute pancreatitis. Radia-
process, in which case, the pediatric gastroenterologist tion of the pain is also frequently helpful in diagnosis. In
may become involved in diagnosis and management. biliary colic, the pain is frequently referred to the region
just under the inferior angle of the right scapula, whereas
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF ABDOMINAL PAIN renal colic may be felt in the testicle on the same side. Tes-
Abdominal pain can be perceived by autonomic sensory ticular pain may also occur with appendicitis. A pelvic
pathways from the abdominal viscera; somatic sensory abscess, which lies close to the bladder, or an inflamed
pathways from the parietal peritoneum, abdominal wall, or appendix that irritates the right ureter frequently causes
retroperitoneal skeletal muscles; or somatic sensory path- pain on micturition. In many cases of peritonitis,
ways from extra-abdominal sites that share central projec- intraperitoneal abscess, or abdominal distention owing to
tions with sensory pathways from the abdominal wall intestinal obstruction, abdominal pain will be caused or
(referred pain).3,4 Visceral pain is a dull or aching sensation increased on inspiration.
226 Clinical Presentation of Disease

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS limited within a particular range of years (Table 14-1). Fig-
Figure 14-1 divides the differential diagnosis of acute ure 14-2 presents an algorithm for sequential evaluation of
abdominal pain into three categories: (1) conditions a patient with acute abdominal pain. By thinking and
requiring acute surgical intervention, (2) conditions that working up selected key diagnoses, rare conditions will
may initially be managed conservatively but will or may not be missed.
eventually require surgical intervention, and (3) specific
intra-abdominal, extra-abdominal, and systemic conditions IS THERE EVIDENCE OF A CATASTROPHIC EVENT
that require medical management. Detailed descriptions of REQUIRING EMERGENCY SURGERY?
the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and management of the Catastrophic events include acute generalized peritonitis,
specific disorders associated with acute abdomen are dis- intestinal infarction, or infarction of the ovaries or testes.
cussed in other chapters. The age of the patient is particu- Such complications may follow blunt or penetrating
larly helpful because the incidence of certain conditions is abdominal injury, high-grade acute intraluminal intestinal

Closed loop intestinal obstruction

!Volvulus (gastric, midgut, sigmoid)
! Incarcerated hernia (inguinal, internal, external)
Acute High-grade bowel obstruction
Surgical Abdomen
! Nonreducible intussusception
! Malrotation with Ladd bands
Ovarian torsion
Testicular torsion
Acute appendicitis
Perforated viscus with diffuse peritonitis or toxicity
Ruptured tumor
Ectopic pregnancy

Partial small bowel obstruction

!Postsurgical adhesions
!Crohn disease
Combined Medical !Lymphoma
and Surgical Management
Periappendiceal abscess
Abdominal abscess
Gallbladder hydrops
Pancreatic pseudocyst
Toxic megacolon/typhlitis

Upper respiratory infection, pharyngitis

Viral gastroenteritis (mesenteric adenitis)
Medical Partial bowel obstruction
!Paralytic ileus
!Fecal impaction
!Meconium ileus equivalent in cystic fibrosis
Bacterial enterocolitis
Acute gastritis/peptic ulcer
Acute constipation
Flare of functional abdominal pain
Acute hepatitis
Perihepatitis (Fitz-Hugh–Curtis)
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn disease and ulcerative
Henoch-Schönlein purpura
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Collagen vascular disease
Hereditary angioedema
Renal calculi
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Sickle cell crisis
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Intestinal gas pain

FIGURE 14-1 Differential diagnosis of acute abdominal pain.

Chapter 14 • Abdominal Pain 227

TABLE 14-1 PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF ACUTE examination. Rebound tenderness may or may not be a
ABDOMINAL PAIN BASED ON AGE sign of a surgical abdomen. Rebound has also been
NEONATE reported in association with severe gastroenteritis, pneu-
Necrotizing enterocolitis monia, lead poisoning, and Henoch-Schönlein purpura.1
Spontaneous gastric perforation There is no reliable clinical, laboratory, or radiologic
Hirschsprung disease test that can distinguish between simple and strangulation
Meconium ileus
obstruction of the small intestine.5 Abdominal upright or
Intestinal atresia or stenosis
Peritonitis owing to gastroschisis or ruptured omphalocele decubitus plain films may show the presence of free air in
Traumatic perforation of viscus (difficult birth) the peritoneal cavity. A gasless abdomen is not uncommon
INFANT (< 2 YR) in closed-loop or strangulating obstruction in which the
Colic (< 3 mo) obstructed loops are fluid filled.6 Computed tomographic
Acute gastroenteritis or “viral syndrome” (CT) signs of strangulation include bowel wall thickening
Traumatic perforation of viscus (child abuse)
with or without target sign, pneumatosis, portal venous
Incarcerated hernia gas, mesenteric haziness, fluid, or hemorrhage often asso-
Volvulus (malrotation) ciated with ascites and abnormal bowel wall enhancement
Sickling syndromes patterns following intravenous contrast.7 CT may be over-
SCHOOL AGE (2–13 YR) sensitive in diagnosing strangulation because bowel wall
Acute gastroenteritis or “viral syndrome” thickening, mesenteric haziness, fluid, and ascites are non-
Urinary tract infection specific findings that may also accompany other inflamma-
tory processes, including appendicitis or Crohn disease.7
Acute gastroenteritis or “viral syndrome” An acute viral syndrome is the most common cause of acute
Urinary tract infection
abdominal pain in any age group beyond the neonatal
Trauma period.2 Think viral syndrome when multiple symptoms,
Constipation including fever, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite,
Pelvic inflammatory disease headache, cough, sore throat, and rhinorrhea, occur simul-
Pneumonia taneously with onset of crampy, diffuse abdominal pain. The
abdomen is soft and nondistended in most cases. Although
the child may perceive palpation as uncomfortable, this
maneuver does not elicit localized or rebound tenderness.
obstruction (intussusception), closed-loop intestinal Bowel sounds are normal or hyperactive. Gastroenteritis
obstruction (volvulus or incarcerated hernia), torsion of may present with predominant upper gastrointestinal tract
the ovaries or testes, and perforation secondary to peptic symptoms, including epigastric pain, nausea, and variable
ulcer, intestinal foreign body, gallbladder hydrops, or acute vomiting. The pain most often occurs during eating or in the
cholecystitis. An obvious “sick” general appearance of a immediate postprandial period. Alternatively, gastroenteritis
child who presents with acute abdominal pain suggests a may present with predominant lower tract symptoms with
late stage of all varieties of acute abdominal disease. A pale, generalized, periumbilical, or lower abdominal pain associ-
ashen, diaphoretic facial appearance leaves little doubt ated with diarrhea. The key to diagnosis is that the pain is
about a serious abdominal disorder. The signs and symp- self-limiting and does not progress or localize.
toms of a catastrophic event can vary according to the time The differential diagnosis of acute viral syndrome
that has elapsed since the acute event has occurred. High includes bacterial enterocolitis, food poisoning, acute infec-
fever is unusual in the early stages. An initial stage of gen- tion with Helicobacter pylori, acute pneumonia,
eralized, continuous abdominal pain accompanied by pros- pyelonephritis, diabetic ketoacidosis, Henoch-Schönlein
tration, hypothermia, retching, and vomiting is followed purpura, hemolytic uremic syndrome, and angioedema.
by a period in which abdominal pain lessens, vomiting Bacterial enterocolitis should be suspected by the abrupt
ceases, and temperature and pulse return to normal. Send- onset of fever and diffuse abdominal pain, followed shortly
ing patients home or admitting them to a general hospital by diarrhea. Small-volume, frequent stools, blood and
ward during this “honeymoon phase” can have disastrous mucus in the stool, fever greater than 102.5°F, and poly-
consequences because this stage is soon followed by a morphonuclear leukocytes in the stool suggest a bacterial
shock-like picture accompanied by high fever, abdominal rather than a viral etiology. Although the severity of the
distention, gastrointestinal bleeding, and generalized peri- abdominal pain may simulate appendicitis, palpation of the
toneal signs. Well-known features of peritonitis include abdomen elicits diffuse tenderness and no evidence of peri-
abdominal wall rigidity, involuntary guarding, cutaneous toneal irritation. Common bacterial food poisoning may
hyperesthesia, rebound tenderness, absent bowel sounds, present with generalized abdominal pain associated with
positive psoas or obturator signs, and tenderness on palpa- profuse watery diarrhea (Clostridium perfringens), or pro-
tion of the anterior or right lateral rectal wall during rectal fuse vomiting and generalized abdominal pain, followed by
228 Clinical Presentation of Disease

1. Very sick appearance, prostrated 1. KUB (flat plate, upright

2. Hypothermia or cross table lateral)
Is there evidence
3. Generalized continuous pain 2. Urgent surgical consult
of catastrophic event
4. Retching, vomiting 3. ? Abdominal CT
requiring emergency
5. Peritoneal signs 4. ? Diagnostic paracentesis
5. ? Emergency laparotomy


1. No acute distress 1. ? CBC, electrolytes, glucose,

2. Multiple simultaneous complaints in urinalysis, stool guaiac, stool
addition to generalized, periumbilical, culture, C. difficile toxin, chest
Does a viral syndrome or epigastric pain including radiography
(URI or gastroenteritis) a. History of fever at onset 2. Reassurance
make sense? 3. Education regarding
b. Vomiting coincident with pain
c. Decreased appetite a. assessment of
d. Diarrhea hydration status
e. Cough b. alarm signal of
f. Headache progressive pain
g. Sore throat becoming localized
h. Rhinorrhea
3. Pain is self-limited, nonprogressive

1. Afebrile 1. KUB (flat plate, upright

2. Initial symptom is severe, dull, colicky, or cross table lateral)
Should a workup of epigastric, or generalized pain 2. Surgical consult
intestinal obstruction be 3. ? Ultrasonography of RLQ if
pursued? 3. Nausea progressing to vomiting
4. Bilious vomiting suspect intussusception
5. Feculent vomitus 4. ? Abdominal CT

1. CBC with differential

2. Urinalysis
1. Sudden onset of epigastric or
3. Pregnancy test if indicated
periumbilical pain
Should appendicitis be 4. Surgical consultation
2. Pain preceeds the onset of vomiting
considered? 5. ? Ultrasonography of RLQ
and fever by several hours
6. ? Abdominal CT
3. Pain shifts location to the RLQ
7. ? Pelvic examination
8. Exploratory laparotomy

1. RUQ pain, epigastric pain, or

epigastric pain localizing to RUQ 1. Serum transaminases
2. Radiation of pain to right scapula 2. Alkaline phosphatase, GGT
Does pain presentation 3. Epigastric, periumbilical pain
suggest hepatobiliary 3. Amylase, lipase
disorder or radiating to midback 4. Abdominal ultrasonography
pancreatitis? 4. Nausea, vomiting 5. ? Hepatobiliary scintography
5. Hepatomegaly
6. RUQ mass
7. Jaundice

Acute constipation
Infantile colic
Is the pain a manifestation Intestinal gas pain
of a functional bowel Abdominal migraine
disorder? Functional abdominal pain
Irritable bowel syndrome

FIGURE 14-2 Approach to the patient with acute abdominal pain. CBC = complete blood count; C. difficile =
Clostridium difficile; CT = computed tomography; GGT = γ-glutamyltransferase; KUB = flat plate of abdomen; RLQ =
right lower quadrant; RUQ = right upper quadrant; URI = upper respiratory infection.

diarrhea (Staphylococcus aureus). Acute infection with accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms suggestive of
H. pylori results in a neutrophilic gastritis with transient viral gastroenteritis, is frequent in the infant with urinary
hypochlorhydria associated with epigastric abdominal pain tract infection or pyelonephritis. In older children, fever
and nausea. Pain is rarely severe enough to seek acute eval- accompanied by diffuse abdominal or flank pain may be the
uation. As a general rule, serologic or stool antigen testing presenting symptom of pyelonephritis. Frequency, urgency,
for evidence of H. pylori is not indicated in a child present- and dysuria, symptoms of cystitis, may be absent. Abdomi-
ing with symptoms of viral gastroenteritis. Symptoms and nal pain accompanied by vomiting may herald the onset of
signs of pneumonia are invariably present, including tachyp- ketoacidosis in diabetes mellitus. There is usually an
nea out of proportion to fever, grunting respiration, cough, antecedent history of polydypsia, polyuria, and weight loss.
decreased breath sounds, and inspiratory rales. Fever, often There may be exquisite abdominal tenderness with guarding
Chapter 14 • Abdominal Pain 229

and rigidity that may mimic peritonitis. The smell of ketones Causes of intestinal obstruction requiring surgery
on the breath and the presence of deep sighing (Kussmaul include intussusception, postoperative adhesions, and
breathing) reflect the ketoacidosis. In Henoch-Schönlein incarcerated hernia (inguinal, internal, or external). Intus-
purpura, diffuse abdominal pain and vomiting with or with- susception occurs most often in infants aged 6 to 18
out hematochezia may precede skin involvement by 1 week months and is usually ileocolic and idiopathic. Intussus-
or occur 1 week after skin involvement. Diagnosis is sus- ception is heralded by episodic crampy abdominal pain
pected by evidence of other organ involvement, including often following signs of viral gastroenteritis or upper respi-
joint pain, hematuria, and proteinuria. Intussusception ratory illness. Prior abdominal surgery or peritonitis places
occurs in 4 to 5% of children with abdominal pain. In a child at risk for intestinal obstruction from adhesions.
hemolytic uremic syndrome, diffuse abdominal pain, vomit- Adhesions can occur relatively early in the postoperative
ing, and hematochezia precede the onset of thrombocytope- course or months or even years later. Small incarcerated
nia, coagulopathy, and oliguric renal failure by up to several indirect inguinal hernia can easily escape detection if the
weeks. At times, peritoneal signs may be prominent. Hered- whole abdomen is not observed and palpated, especially in
itary angioedema occurs in persons born without the ability obese patients. A firm, discrete mass can be palpated at the
to synthesize a normally functioning C1 inhibitor. Patients internal inguinal ring and may or may not extend into the
usually present with episodic, localized, nonpitting subcuta- scrotum. The testes may appear dark because of pressure on
neous edema without urticaria, pruritus, or redness. the spermatic cord causing congestion.
Swelling of the intestinal wall without concurrent subcuta- Small bowel obstruction can be diagnosed on an
neous edema can lead to intense abdominal pain, sometimes abdominal plain film with the demonstration of dilated
with vomiting or diarrhea. loops of small intestine with air-fluid levels and no or little
Acute abdominal pain secondary to acute infection is colonic gas, whereas colonic obstruction appears as
usually a clinical diagnosis that requires no confirmatory colonic distention. Typically, in intussusception, no stool
testing. Decision to do tests such as the complete blood or air-fluid levels are seen in the cecum. In suspected
count (CBC) with differential, electrolytes, blood urea obstruction, serial abdominal radiographs reveal progres-
nitrogen, creatinine, blood glucose, stool guaiac, stool cul- sive bowel distention and disappearance of gas from the
ture, stool for Clostridium difficile toxin, urinalysis, or distal bowel. Unfortunately, the plain film is diagnostic in
chest radiography should be based on clinical suspicion. only 46 to 80% of cases of small bowel obstruction.5 The
The key to management is reassurance and education of lower percentage probably reflects the radiographic find-
the parents about the signs and symptoms of dehydration ings at the patient’s initial presentation, whereas the higher
and the need for re-evaluation if pain progresses or local- percentage includes patients who received follow-up stud-
izes in the following 24 to 36 hours. ies. Ultrasonography can readily detect distended fluid-
filled bowel loops, which certainly suggests the possibility
SHOULD A DIAGNOSIS OF of obstruction, but defining the location, type, and cause of
INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION BE ENTERTAINED? the obstruction is extremely operator dependent. Also,
The differential diagnosis of intestinal obstruction includes where gaseous distention predominates or if the child
closed-loop obstruction (volvulus, incarcerated hernia), resists abdominal compression because of pain, ultra-
high-grade or complete intraluminal obstruction (intussus- sonography may be technically limited. If the question is to
ception), partial obstruction (incomplete intussusception, rule out ileocolic intussusception, the sensitivity of
postoperative adhesions, Crohn disease, fecal impaction), abdominal ultrasonography has been reported to be close
and paralytic ileus. Early diagnosis of closed-loop and to 100%, even in relatively inexperienced hands.8,9 The
high-grade intraluminal obstruction is essential to avoid position of the leading edge can be determined, the pres-
intestinal ischemia. Intestinal obstruction is suggested by a ence or absence of a lead point can be ascertained, and the
history of episodic, crampy visceral pain and vomiting and presence or absence of blood flow within the intussuscep-
is supported by physical signs of abdominal distention, dif- tion can be identified with Doppler examination. The pres-
fuse pressure tenderness, visible peristalsis, and absent or ence of flow on Doppler interrogation has been shown to
high-pitched bowel sounds. In acute intestinal obstruction, predict radiographic reducibility by barium or air and
the temperature, as a rule, is normal. Visceral pain is usu- diminish the danger of perforation during reduction.
ally present from the onset and frequently comes in bouts Abdominal CT has significantly advanced the evaluation of
and spasms. Frequent bilious emesis, beginning soon after small and large bowel obstruction, especially in the acute
the onset of epigastric pain, suggests high intestinal situation in which high-grade or possibly strangulating
obstruction (malrotation with Ladd bands). If the obstruc- obstruction is being encountered.7 The abdominal CT
tion is in the distal small bowel or colon, nausea is constant diagnosis of small bowel obstruction requires a dilated
from the onset, but vomiting is usually a late symptom. In proximal small bowel and collapsed distal bowel. Although
most cases, the character of the vomiting changes with CT may miss low-grade partial small bowel obstruction
time. First, the stomach contents are expelled, and then (eg, secondary to Crohn disease), incomplete obstruction
yellow-green bilious material appears. The color of the rarely results in strangulation and, therefore, can be man-
emesis gradually changes to greenish-brown and becomes aged conservatively, at least initially. The diagnosis of
“feculent” (foul smelling). Feculent vomiting is diagnostic closed-loop obstruction (volvulus or incarcerated hernia)
of distal intestinal obstruction. by CT may be difficult to ascertain.
230 Clinical Presentation of Disease

Causes of intestinal obstruction requiring surgery must gests an acute bacterial infection or intra-abdominal
be distinguished from paralytic ileus, which generally pre- abscess.11 The plain abdominal radiograph is most often
sents with increasing abdominal distention, minimal normal in children with appendicitis. Conversly, patients
abdominal pain and tenderness, nausea, and increased fre- with a right lower quadrant process of any etiology, includ-
quency of flatus and loose stools. Vomiting is uncommon. ing appendicitis or gastroenteritis, may present with air-
Bowel sounds are characteristically diminished or absent. fluid levels in the right lower quadrant, indicative of a
Paralytic ileus may be seen in a number of clinical settings, localized ileus. Unless the conventional abdominal radi-
including hypokalemia, uremia, lead poisoning, drug ther- ograph reveals a calcified appendicolith (seen in 10% of
apy that interferes with gastrointestinal motor function, patients with appendicitis), it is too nonspecific to help in
postsurgical period, posttraumatic shock, and viral gas- the diagnosis of appendicitis.12
troenteritis. Radiographs in a child with paralytic ileus Many surgeons now advocate imaging studies to
demonstrate multiple, small air-fluid levels throughout the improve diagnostic accuracy and decrease the need for hos-
abdomen, but serial films show either no worsening or pital admission to observe patients with suspicion but a
gradual improvement of the bowel gas pattern. The lower probability of appendicitis. High-resolution graded
abdominal CT finding that suggests paralytic ileus is small compression ultrasonography is an excellent test for detec-
bowel dilatation associated with a colon that is distended tion of acute nonperforated appendicitis.13 Appendicitis is
by gas and fluid.7 Although fecal impaction is a frequent suspected by visualization of a rigid, noncompressible,
complication of chronic fecal retention, complete obstruc- aperistaltic, tubular structure in the appropriate location. In
tion is rare. Partial obstruction from fecal retention children, the sensitivity and specificity of sonography as
responds to a combination of serial enemas and a large vol- applied to the diagnosis of appendicitis are very high,
ume of polyethylene glycol (PEG) electrolyte solution reported at 94% and 89%, respectively, with an overall accu-
given by nasogastric tube with or without manual evacua- racy of 91%.14 Ultrasound visualization of the appendix
tion of the distal rectum under general anesthesia. Distal must be interpreted in light of the clinical findings. False-
ileal obstruction syndrome is a complication of cystic negative results may occur for a number of reasons, includ-
fibrosis that may result in partial small bowel obstruction ing a lack of patient cooperation, inadequate compression to
from inspissation of intestinal contents in the distal ileum. displace bowel gas, and operator inexperience. Abdominal
The obstruction usually responds to a large volume of PEG CT can also be performed quickly, does not require graded
electrolyte solution given by nasogastric tube or Gastro- compression, requires less initial experience in interpreta-
grafin enemas. tion, and is highly accurate in both the diagnosis and exclu-
sion of appendicitis.15 On CT, an inflamed appendix is fluid
SHOULD APPENDICITIS BE CONSIDERED? filled, often contains a fecolith, and shows “stranding” or
The first symptom of appendicitis is characteristically epi- inflammatory changes in the periappendiceal fat.12
gastric or periumbilical pain. The awakening out of sleep by Many cases of appendicitis progress to perforation
acute abdominal pain in a previously well child is a com- without the occurrence of vomiting. A large percentage of
mon presentation of acute appendicitis. The temperature at very young children will have perforated by the time of
the onset of acute appendicitis is usually normal but may presentation. Immediately following perforation, abdomi-
rise to 100 or 100.5°F within a few hours. Similarly, vomit- nal pain may improve, and the temperature may become
ing usually begins a few hours after the onset of abdominal normal or even subnormal. Within 1 to 2 hours, however,
pain. Frequent vomiting may occur at the onset of acute there are usually signs of generalized rather than localized
appendicitis if the distal tip of the appendix distends peritonitis accompanied by frequent vomiting, pallor,
acutely behind a proximal appendiceal concretion. Diarrhea tachycardia, and fever of 101°F or greater. Secretory diar-
is not a common symptom associated with uncomplicated rhea may be a predominant symptom following a perfo-
appendicitis. Characteristically, over time, the pain shifts to rated appendix if the inflammatory mass lays against the
the right lower quadrant. The most reliable sign of acute sigmoid colon. Following appendiceal perforation, the
appendicitis is localized tenderness in the right lower quad- child characteristically prefers to lie still. Any movement
rant. In fact, the localization of pain and tenderness on usually evokes pain and irritability. Bowel sounds are
physical examination depends on the anatomic position of absent. Following perforation, the diagnostic accuracy of
the appendix. In the case of the retrocecal appendix, pain ultrasonography decreases because of guarding and focal
may be localized to the lateral abdomen or flank. Alterna- ileus. Perforation may be suspected by visualization of
tively, pain associated with retrocecal appendicitis may asymmetric mural thickening, areas of increased intra-
never localize. An appendix pointing to the left lower quad- mural echogenicity, and fluid in the right paracolic gutter
rant may present with suprapubic tenderness. with adjacent atonic bowel loops. Abdominal CT is more
An elevated total white blood cell count (WBC) in the sensitive, more specific, and less operator dependent for
range of 11,000 to 17,000/mm3 is seen in approximately assessing a perforated appendix. CT signs of perforation
80% of patients, but the specificity of leukocytosis for include periappendiceal phlegmon or abscess.15
acute appendicitis is poor.10 It is important to note that a The differential of right lower quadrant abdominal pain
normal WBC and differential should not delay surgical includes Crohn disease, small bowel obstruction,
exploration in a child with localized right lower quadrant pyelonephritis, renal colic, acute salpingitis (pelvic inflam-
tenderness. A WBC that is higher than 20,000 mm3 sug- matory disease), ovarian torsion, dysmenorrhea, ruptured
Chapter 14 • Abdominal Pain 231

ovarian cyst, mittelschmerz, typhlitis, ectopic pregnancy, fever, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, malaise, and fatigability
and mesenteric adenitis. Acute onset of Crohn disease associated with palpation of tender hepatomegaly. Clinical
should be suspected if there is right lower quadrant mass manifestations of gallstone disease include biliary colic,
and diarrhea. Children with urolithiasis rarely present with acute cholecystitis, and cholangitis. Biliary colic is trig-
the excruciating pain of stone passage seen in adults. Col- gered by a gallstone(s) obstructing the cystic duct. The
icky pain in the abdomen or flank is more common. Hema- pain of biliary colic frequently follows a meal and can be
turia, either microscopic or macroscopic, occurs in the vast localized to the right upper quadrant or epigastric areas.
majority of children. The presence of fever greater than Sustained pain rises to a plateau of intensity over 5 to
101°F suggests pyelonephritis and salpingitis in addition 20 minutes and gradually resolves over a 1- to 6-hour
to a perforated appendix. Urinalysis should be performed period. The patient tends to be restless, and the position
in all patients with right lower quadrant abdominal pain, does not help the pain. Pain lasting longer than 6 hours
flank pain, or pain radiating into the groin. Pelvic exami- suggests acute cholecystitis. Cholecystitis implies an
nation with appropriate examinations for sexually trans- chemical inflammatory process within the gallbladder trig-
mitted diseases is indicated in an adolescent female who has gered by prolonged obstruction of the cystic duct. Referred
just completed a menstrual period and presents with lower pain to the dorsal lumbar back near the right scapula, nau-
abdominal pain and fever. The patient may report an sea with some vomiting, and low-grade fever (< 101°F) are
increased vaginal discharge or irregular bleeding. A compli- common. As inflammation worsens, the pain becomes
cation of salpingitis that evokes clinical signs of peritonitis more generalized in the upper abdomen and is increased
and shock is a ruptured tubo-ovarian abscess. Typical pri- by deep inspiration (Murphy sign: production of pain by
mary dysmenorrhea consists of crampy, dull, midline, or deep inspiration or cough while the physician’s fingers are
generalized lower abdominal pain at the onset of the men- compressing the abdomen below the right costal margin in
strual period. The pain may coincide with the start of the midclavicular line) and jarring movements. A common
bleeding or precede the bleeding by several hours. Associ- bile duct stone should be considered if the patient is jaun-
ated symptoms include backache, thigh pain, diarrhea, diced. Cholangitis should be suspected in a patient who
nausea, vomiting, and headache. Endometriosis must be has right upper quadrant pain, shaking chills, and a spik-
considered when there is chronic, cyclic, undiagnosed ing fever greater than 102.5°F. A rigid abdomen or rebound
pelvic pain in teenagers. Unilateral abdominal pain at the tenderness suggests local perforation or gangrene of the
midpoint of the menstrual cycle (time of ovulation), with gallbladder. Acute acalculous cholecystitis is acute inflam-
or without spotty bleeding for 24 hours, is characteristic of mation of the gallbladder in the absence of stones. It is rare
mittelschmerz. Typhlitis should be considered in a neu- in children but has been associated with systemic illness or
tropenic patient receiving antineoplastic drugs who pre- enteric infections. Acalculous cholecystitis should be
sents with right lower quadrant abdominal pain, fever, included in the differential of a patient with the simultane-
diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Localized tenderness may ous onset of high fever and pain symptoms suggesting bil-
progress rapidly to diffuse signs of peritonitis as a result of iary colic. Gallbladder hydrops, or acute noncalculous,
intestinal perforation. Urine or serum pregnancy testing noninflammatory distention of the gallbladder, has been
should be performed in adolescent females of reproductive associated with Kawasaki disease, Henoch-Schönlein pur-
age with lower abdominal pain. Mesenteric adenitis is a pura, and scarlet fever. In addition to right upper quadrant
commonly used term to describe clustering of inflamed pain, the distended gallbladder may be palpated. Perihep-
lymph nodes in the region of the terminal ileum in patients atitis is a complication of pelvic inflammatory disease in
undergoing appendectomy. Mesenteric adenitis should not adolescent females that presents with severe right upper
be considered a separate diagnosis but rather a sequela of quadrant pain and tenderness produced by inflammation
viral or bacterial gastroenteritis. of the liver capsule. Fever may or may not be present. The
syndrome has been associated with both Neisseria gonor-
DOES THE PAIN PRESENTATION SUGGEST rhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis.
AHEPATOBILIARY DISORDER OR PANCREATITIS? In pancreatitis, onset of pain is usually insidious over
Epigastric, right upper quadrant, or initial epigastric pain several hours. Constant epigastric or upper quadrant pain
localizing to the right upper quadrant should suggest hepa- with or without radiation to the back, which is aggravated
tobiliary disease, pancreatitis, or, rarely, acute peptic ulcer when the patient lies down, is an indication to check pan-
disease. Screening tests include serum transaminases, alka- creatic enzymes. The pain may be referred to the left
line phosphatase, γ-glutamyltransferase, amylase, and scapula or be generalized in both upper abdominal quad-
lipase, as well as possible abdominal ultrasonography and rants. Vomiting may be severe and protracted. A low-grade
hepatobiliary scintography. fever (< 101°F) may be present. The abdomen may be dis-
Hepatobiliary disorders that may present with acute tended but is rarely rigid. Rebound tenderness is rare.
abdominal pain include viral hepatitis, biliary colic, acute Bowel sounds may be decreased.
calculous cholecystitis, cholangitis, acalculous cholecysti-
tis, gallbladder hydrops, and perihepatitis (Fitz- IS THE ACUTE ABDOMINAL PAIN A MANIFESTATION
Hugh–Curtis syndrome). Acute hepatitis is suspected if OF A FUNCTIONAL BOWEL DISORDER?
epigastric or right upper quadrant abdominal pain is The three main considerations are acute constipation,
accompanied by flu-like symptoms, including low-grade aerophagia, and flare of functional abdominal pain. Acute
232 Clinical Presentation of Disease

constipation may complicate a viral illness that causes movements. The differential diagnosis of each subcategory
decreased bowel motility and results in dietary changes. of chronic pain includes a heterogeneous group of
Rectal pain produced by anal fissure may be a cause of con- anatomic, infectious, noninfectious inflammatory, and bio-
stipation. Abdominal pain is usually left-sided or suprapu- chemical organic disorders. Yet, although the exact preva-
bic, antedated by decreased frequency or volume of usual lence figures are unknown, the most common cause in
bowel movements for several days. Acute constipation may each subcategory is functional abdominal pain. The modi-
be accompanied by sensations of urgency, tenesmus, and fier “functional” is used in gastroenterology if no specific
rectal pain. Abdominal examination may reveal distention structural, infectious, inflammatory, or biochemical cause
or hard feces in a palpable colon. for the abdominal pain can be determined. The vast major-
In emergency rooms, acute constipation is frequently ity of children classified by Apley as having “recurrent
given as a cause of acute abdominal pain after abdominal abdominal pain” had functional abdominal pain.
plain film performed to screen for obstruction is inter-
preted by the radiologist as showing a moderate or large PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF FUNCTIONAL ABDOMINAL PAIN
amount of stool. In fact, abdominal plain film has a low There is general agreement that functional pain is genuine
specificity for diagnosing constipation. In the absence of a and not simply social modeling or imitation of parental
confirming history and digital rectal examination showing pain or a means to avoid an unwanted experience (eg,
a rectum full of stool, a child with acute abdominal pain school phobia or malingering). The etiology and patho-
should not be treated for acute constipation based on an genesis of the pain are unknown. Many physicians con-
abdominal radiograph. ceptualize functional pain as “nonorganic.” Yet there is a
Intestinal gas is also overplayed as a cause of acute growing body of evidence that the pain is the result of dis-
abdominal pain. In the absence of a history of excessive air ordered brain-gut communication involving both the effer-
swallowing and distention, parents should not be told that ent and afferent pathways by which the enteric and central
acute abdominal pain is the result of intestinal gas. As with nervous systems communicate. It is not clear whether the
constipation, the abdominal plain film has a low specificity different subcategories of functional abdominal pain result
for diagnosing excessive intraluminal gas. from a heterogeneous group of disorders or represent vari-
A significant percentage of children who present to able expressions of the same disorder. The frequent occur-
emergency rooms with acute abdominal pain have a flare of rence of upper and lower bowel symptoms in the same
chronic functional abdominal pain, described below. A his- patient (particularly nonulcer dyspepsia and irritable
tory of chronic pain, a normal abdominal examination, and bowel in an adolescent) suggests that the latter scenario
the absence of alarm signals suggest a flare of functional may indeed be the case. Although there is no evidence that
abdominal pain. Emergency physicians should reassure the the etiology of functional pain in children differs from
patient and parents regarding normal examination and functional pain in adults, the tendency of children to out-
resist initiating further workup that might confuse man- grow functional pain suggests that self-limiting develop-
agement initiated by the patient’s primary caregiver or mental factors may be involved in the pathophysiology of
pediatric gastroenterologist. pain in children.
The prevailing viewpoint is that the pathogenesis of the
CHRONIC ABDOMINAL PAIN functional pain involves the interrelationship between
altered gastrointestinal motility and visceral hypersensitiv-
Chronic abdominal pain is one of the most commonly ity.21 Motility disturbances have been described in children,
encountered symptoms in childhood and adolescence. The including altered intestinal transit, enhanced rectal contrac-
definition of “chronic” has evolved from the seminal defi- tility to cholinergic agonists, clusters of jejunal pressure
nition by Apley of recurrent paroxysmal abdominal pain in activity that coincide with pain, lower rectal compliance,
children between the ages of 4 and 16 years that persists and altered rectal contractile response to a meal.22–24 Vis-
for greater than 3 months duration and affects normal ceral hypersensitivity in children with functional abdomi-
activity.16 Chronic abdominal pain has been reported to nal pain is supported by reports of enhanced awareness of
occur in 10 to 15% of children.17–19 At least as many chil- balloon distention in the rectum and pain associated with
dren experience chronic pain but maintain normal activity physiologic stimuli such as the intestinal migrating motor
and rarely come to the attention of the physician.17–19 complex.25,26 A common link among these various motor
The Pediatric Rome group has proposed that chronic and sensory phenomena is the autonomic nervous system.
abdominal pain can be subcategorized based on clinical In some patients, associated symptoms including headache,
presentation: (1) isolated paroxysmal abdominal pain, (2) dizziness, motion sickness, pallor, temperature intolerance,
abdominal pain associated with symptoms of dyspepsia, and nausea suggest a generalized dysfunction of the auto-
(3) abdominal pain associated with altered bowel pattern, nomic nervous system. In fact, abnormalities of sympa-
and (4) abdominal migraine.20 Symptoms of dyspepsia thetic cardiac, vasomotor, and sudomotor function by
include pain associated with eating, epigastric location of autonomic testing have been described in patients with
pain, nausea, episodic vomiting, early satiety, occasional functional pain.27 In adult studies, there is growing evi-
heartburn and acid regurgitation, and excessive belching. dence that the initiating factors for autonomic dysfunction
Symptoms of altered bowel pattern include diarrhea, con- are found in the central nervous system, namely, the limbic
stipation, or a sense of incomplete evacuation with bowel system and the thalamus. Furthermore, there is increasing
Chapter 14 • Abdominal Pain 233

evidence that serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [HT]) and profound changes in enteric neural function. The main
its receptors (particularly the 5-HT3 and 5-HT4 receptors) symptoms of postinfective irritable bowel (ie, diarrhea and
play a major role in the pathogenesis of functional pain.28 loose stools) may reflect the prokinetic and secretory effect
In a child with visceral hypersensitivity, painful sensa- of 5-HT and inflammatory mediators derived from ente-
tions may be provoked by physiologic phenomena or con- rochromaffin cells and lymphocytes.30 The possibility that
current physical and psychological stressful life events. some aspect of personality, behavior, coping style, or emo-
Examples of physiologic phenomena that may trigger pain tional state influences immune responses may also have
include postprandial gastric or intestinal distention, gastric implications in functional abdominal pain. The enteric or
emptying, intestinal contractions or the migrating motor central nervous system may also modulate intestinal
complex, intestinal gas, or gastroesophageal reflux. Intra- immune responses. Activation of the sympathetic nervous
luminal physical stress factors that may trigger pain system causes leukocytosis, sequestration of lymphocytes,
include aerophagia, simple constipation, lactose intoler- and inhibition of natural killer cell activity.33 Sensory neu-
ance, minor noxious irritants such as spicy foods, H. pylori rons also contain a variety of neurotransmitters and neu-
gastritis, celiac disease, or drug therapy. Systemic physical ropeptides that can affect lymphocyte function, including
or psychological stress factors may also provoke or rein- substance P, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, angiotensin
force the pain behavior by altering the conscious threshold II, calcitonin gene–related peptide, and somatostatin.
of gastrointestinal sensory input in the central nervous sys- There also appears to be a genetic vulnerability because
tem. Acute or chronic physical illness may unmask func- of the high frequency of pain complaints in family mem-
tional pain. Psychological stress factors may include death bers.16 Recent studies suggest that patients with functional
or separation of a significant family member, physical ill- abdominal pain who make their way to a subspecialty set-
ness or chronic handicap in parents or a sibling, school ting commonly exhibit “internalizing” behavior character-
problems, altered peer relationships, family financial prob- ized by anxiety, mild depression, withdrawal, and low
lems, or a recent geographic move. self-esteem.34,35 Such a behavior profile may be primary and
The concept of visceral hypersensitivity can be better part of the genetic vulnerability of such patients. Alterna-
understood by examining the role of lactose intolerance as tively, it has been postulated that such internalizing behav-
a trigger of functional abdominal pain. There does not ior is fostered within a family structure characterized by
appear to be a difference in the incidence of lactose intoler- maternal depression, enmeshment, overprotectiveness,
ance between patients with functional abdominal pain and rigidity, and a lack of conflict resolution.36 A third possibil-
age-matched patients without pain. Yet Barr and colleagues ity is that the internalizing behavior is a common psycho-
have reported a qualitative improvement in pain symptoms logical adaptation to both organic and nonorganic chronic
in 70% of intolerant children treated with a lactose-free conditions.35 Whether primary or secondary, the behavior
diet.29 They observed that such children lack an awareness pattern of the child and the family structure may both influ-
of intolerance to lactose because there is no temporal rela- ence how the disorder is experienced and acted on.
tionship between lactose ingestion and abdominal discom- The morbidity associated with recurrent abdominal pain
fort. These results suggest that lactose intolerance is not is not physical but results from interference in normal
directly the cause of the pain but the trigger that unmasks school attendance and performance, peer relationships, par-
visceral hypersensitivity (perhaps by luminal distention) in ticipation in organizations and sports, and personal and fam-
susceptible patients. That lactose is but one provocative ily activities. Liebman found that only 1 of 10 children with
stimulus in such patients is supported by observations that functional abdominal pain attended school regularly and
a lactose-free diet does not induce complete resolution of that absenteeism was greater than 1 day in 10 in 28% of
the pain or alter the natural history of the condition.29 patients.37 A common misconception is that pain is the
Recently, there has been progress in defining a sub- direct cause of the morbidity. In fact, the environmental con-
group of adults with symptoms of irritable bowel syn- sequences of the pain probably contribute significantly to
drome (IBS) developing after an episode of infective gas- the morbidity. Fordyce and colleagues observed that
troenteritis.30 The role of inflammation in the pathogenesis although pain does not originate from its consequences,
of functional abdominal pain must also be considered in much pain behavior is accounted for and modified by its
view of the frequent finding of mild nonspecific histologic consequences.38 As described below, the usual parental,
inflammatory changes at all levels of the gastrointestinal school, and medical management of recurrent abdominal
tract in patients with functional abdominal pain.31,32 It may pain is focused on symptom relief, which reinforces the pain
be speculated that such mild inflammatory changes that behavior with attention, rest, and medication. This approach
persist after gastroenteritis may be the cause of visceral fails to reinforce nonpain responses such as normal activity.
hypersensitivity or altered intestinal motility. Immune
responses alter neural and endocrine function, and, in turn, DIAGNOSIS OF CHRONIC ABDOMINAL PAIN
neural and endocrine activity modifies immunologic func- Because the exact etiology and pathogenesis of the pain are
tion.33 Activated immunocompetent cells such as mono- unknown and no specific diagnostic markers exist for any
cytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, serotonin-containing group, functional abdominal pain is too often perceived as
enterochromaffin cells, and mast cells that take up resi- a diagnosis of exclusion. Yet it is the clinical presentation,
dence in the intestinal tract may secrete a repertoire of together with a well-structured medical history and physi-
cytokines and inflammatory mediators that can lead to cal examination, that usually indicates that functional
234 Clinical Presentation of Disease

abdominal pain is the likely diagnosis in an individual may facilitate the choice of testing by narrowing the differ-
child presenting with chronic abdominal pain. Rather than ential diagnosis (Figure 14-3). Children with abdominal
a shotgun approach to rule out all potential infectious, pain may be subclassified by one of four clinical presenta-
inflammatory, structural, and biochemical causes of a par- tions: (1) abdominal pain associated with symptoms of
ticular pain presentation, diagnostic evaluation should be upper abdominal distress, (2) abdominal pain associated
driven by an index of suspicion based on pertinent alarm with altered bowel pattern, (3) isolated paroxysmal
signals in the history and physical examination. In clinical abdominal pain alone, and (4) cyclical pain syndrome.
practice, functional abdominal pain should not be a diag- Cyclical pain refers to episodes of intense acute midline
nosis of exclusion. Primary care physicians should be able pain lasting several hours to a few days with intervening
to make a primary diagnosis of functional abdominal pain symptom-free intervals lasting weeks to months. Func-
without resorting to a large battery of biochemical or radi- tional abdominal pain should be presented as the most
ography tests. Management of functional pain is facilitated common cause of all four clinical presentations. The fre-
by early diagnosis, parental education and reassurance, quent occurrence of upper and lower bowel symptoms in
and clear delineation of goals of therapy. The major out- the same patient is not uncommon.
come variable in the management of functional abdominal
pain in children is lifestyle, not cure of the pain. ESTABLISHING A WORKING DIAGNOSIS
One reason why primary care physicians have difficulty OF FUNCTIONAL ABDOMINAL PAIN
making a positive diagnosis of a functional abdominal pain The key variables that point toward a functional diagnosis
is that there is rarely a clear distinction between acute and are a normal physical examination, other than abdominal
chronic abdominal pain. A parent’s decision to consult a pressure tenderness, and absence of alarm signals for an
physician is usually based on the age of the child, the organic disorder. Even with a normal physical examina-
severity of the pain, and the effects of pain on the child’s tion, further diagnostic testing is definitely indicated in the
lifestyle. Primary caregivers must often deal with the evo- presence of the following alarm signals: involuntary weight
lution of pain from the initial acute presentation to a loss, growth retardation, significant vomiting, significant
chronic or recurring problem. A stepwise series of diag- diarrhea, gastrointestinal blood loss, associated fever,
nostic studies is often initiated during early stages of the arthritis, rash, symptoms of a psychiatric disorder, or a
pain when an organic etiology is considered to be more family history of inflammatory bowel disease. Alarm sig-
likely. Empiric therapy with nonopioid analgesic med- nals in the physical examination include evidence of linear
ications, antispasmodic and anticholinergic agents, and growth deceleration, localized tenderness in the right
gastric acid–reducing agents may be tried before time cri- upper or lower quadrants, localized fullness or mass effect,
teria for functional abdominal pain are met. Parents tend to hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, spine or costovertebral angle
become more frustrated and anxious, particularly if they tenderness, perianal fissure, perianal fistula, visible soiling,
perceive that a serious disorder is being missed or if the and guaiac-positive stools. Although a family history of
physician implies that the primary factors that influence patients with functional pain who consult physicians is
the perception of pain are cognitive and emotional. more likely to be positive for parental health complaints,
Parental uncertainty only increases the stressful environ- including marital discord, psychiatric illness, and past
ment that provokes or reinforces the pain behavior. surgery, this cannot be used to discriminate between func-
Thus, the concept of functional abdominal pain must tional and organic pain.
be introduced into the differential diagnosis of abdominal Diagnostic testing is indicated when alarm signals or
pain in children before the 3-month time criteria for dura- abnormal physical findings suggest a possibility of an
tion of pain are met. Functional abdominal pain lacks a organic disorder. No studies have evaluated the value of
symptom-based diagnostic marker. None of the following common laboratory tests (CBC, erythrocyte sedimentation
have been shown to help the physician discriminate rate [ESR], comprehensive metabolic panel, urinalysis, stool
between organic, psychosomatic, and functional abdomi- parasite analysis) to distinguish between organic and func-
nal pain: frequency of pain; character of pain; location of tional pain. Diagnostic testing may also be considered to
pain; pain awakening patient at night; associated gastroin- reassure the parent, patient, or physician that the most likely
testinal symptoms, including anorexia, nausea, episodic diagnosis is functional pain. The physician may also need to
vomiting, increased gas, or altered bowel pattern; or asso- do testing to rule out organic disease in the patient in whom
ciated extraintestinal symptoms, including fatigue, pallor, pain continues to severely affect lifestyle despite a functional
headache, and arthralgia. Similarly, there is no evidence diagnosis. Clinical experience suggests that subclassifying
that anxiety, depression, behavior problems, or recent neg- pain presentations may facilitate the choice of testing by nar-
ative life events discriminate between organic, psychoso- rowing the differential diagnosis (see Figure 14-3).
matic, and functional abdominal pain. Because there are no Establishing a working diagnosis of functional pain and
prospective studies on natural history or incidence, it can- initiating conservative therapy before time criteria are
not be stated that the duration of pain itself, beyond 3 achieved does not preclude an ongoing, focused, diagnos-
months without an organic diagnosis, supports a diagnosis tic workup. Synonyms of functional pain that may be use-
of functional pain. ful for individualizing diagnosis in a given patient are func-
Although there are no evidence-based data, clinical tional dyspepsia for pain with upper abdominal symptoms,
experience suggests that subclassifying pain presentations IBS for pain associated with altered bowel pattern, func-
Chapter 14 • Abdominal Pain 235

Chronic abdominal pain

History and Physical

Proceed with algorithm but

cannot make diagnosis of Pain > 3
functional abdominal pain No months
until patient fulfills time criteria


Categorize pain

With With Cyclical

Dyspepsia altered bowel Pain alone pain
1. Diarrhea 1. Constipation
1. Epigastric location 2. Diarrhea 2. Sense of incomplete
2. Associated with eating + constipation evacuation
3. Nausea
4. Episodic vomiting
5. Occ heartburn/oral regurgitation
6. Bloating/indigestion 1. Involuntary weight loss
7. Early satiety 2. Growth retardation
3. Significant vomiting
4. Significant diarrhea
5. GI blood loss
ALL PATIENTS 6. Extraintestinal symptoms
1. CBC with differential 7. Psychiatric disorder
2. ESR 8. FH of IBD
3. CMET panel 9. Consistent RUQ or RLQ
4. Stool hemocult abdominal pain Presence of
alarm signals Yes Evaluate further
10. Abnormal physical
1. Stool O&P
2. Giardia ELISA No
3. C. difficile toxin
4. Celiac panel Screening labs based on Working diagnosis of
5. Lactose breath test presentation functional abdominal pain

DYSPEPSIA 1. Anemia/low MCV

1. Pain alone: call functional abdominal pain
1. H. pylori serology 2. Peripheral eosinophilia 2. Pain + dyspepsia: call functional dyspepsia
3. Elevated ESR 3. Pain + altered bowel: call irritable
4. Elevated transaminases bowel syndrome
5. Elevated BUN/creatinine 4. Cyclical pain: call abdominal migraine.
RUQ, RLQ, cyclical pain
6. Hypoalbuminemia
1. Consider abdominal 7. Low C4
ultrasonography 8. Intestinal infection
2. Consider UGI-SBFT 9. Abnormal radiography
3. Consider serum C4

Evaluate further Initiate treatment


ABDOMINAL PAIN 1. Education 1. Education 1. Education 1. Education
1. Education 2. Modify triggers 2. Modify triggers 2. Modify triggers 2. Modify triggers
2. Modify triggers 3. Empiric H2RA 3. Adequate fiber diet 3. Adequate fiber diet 3. Adequate fiber diet
3. Adequate fiber diet 4. Anticholinergic 4. Anticholinergic 4. Anticholinergic 4. Periactin
4. Anticholinergic treatment treatment treatment 5. Consider TCA
treatment 5. Treatment of H. pylori 5. Nonstimulating laxative 5. PRN Imodium
if positive serology

Clinical response
1. Relay laboratory results 2. Associated symptoms
2. Assess clinical response 3. Lifestyle
3. Reinforce diagnosis/plan


FIGURE 14-3 The author’s algorithm for the evaluation and management of chronic abdominal pain. BUN = blood urea
nitrogen; CBC = complete blood count; C. difficile = Clostridium difficile; CMET = comprehensive metabolic panel (Chem
12); ELISA = enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate; FH = family history; GI = gas-
trointestinal; H. pylori = Helicobacter pylori; H2RA= histamine2 receptor antagonist; IBD = inflammatory bowel disease; MCV
= mean corpuscular volume; O&P = ovum parasite examination; PRN = as needed; RLQ = right lower quadrant; RUQ = right
upper quadrant; TCA = tricyclic antidepressant; UGI-SBFT = upper gastrointestinal small bowel follow-through .
236 Clinical Presentation of Disease

tional abdominal pain for patients with isolated paroxys- of the history. Gastroparesis following a viral infection may
mal abdominal pain alone, and abdominal migraine for begin within 7 days following resolution of acute viral ill-
cyclical acute pain episodes. Two of the following features ness (especially post rotavirus) and lead to chronic epigas-
are required for diagnosis of abdominal migraine: (1) a tric pain associated with persistent nausea and episodic
headache during episodes, (2) photophobia during vomiting.41,42 Diagnosis is confirmed by demonstrating
episodes, (3) associated classic unilateral migraine delayed gastric emptying by scintigraphy. Recurrent epigas-
headaches that may or may not be associated with abdom- tric or right upper quadrant pain associated with tender
inal pain, (4) a family history of migraine, and (5) visual, hepatomegaly suggests chronic hepatitis. Biliary colic is
sensory, or motor aura antedating acute pain.39,40 episodic, severe, constant pain in the right upper quadrant
or epigastrium that persists for 20 minutes to 2 hours and
DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION BASED ON that is usually triggered by eating. Choledocholithiasis is
SUBCATEGORIES OF CHRONIC ABDOMINAL PAIN confirmed by abdominal ultrasonography. Gallbladder
dyskinesia remains a controversial primary diagnosis to
Chronic Abdominal Pain Associated with Symptoms of explain chronic dyspepsia. Diagnosis should be suspected
Dyspepsia. Table 14-2 lists the differential diagnosis in in patients with protracted symptoms suggesting biliary
patients with chronic abdominal pain and upper gastroin- colic, a positive family history of gallstones, normal abdom-
testinal symptoms. The key to deciding on the extent of inal ultrasonography, and hepatobiliary scintigraphy with
initial workup is the presence or absence of significant delayed ejection fraction after cholecystokinin infusion.43
vomiting. A reasonable focused laboratory evaluation in all Dramatic improvement has been reported in children after
patients includes a CBC with differential, ESR, H. pylori elective cholecystectomy.44,45 Experience in adults has been
serology and/or stool antigen, hepatic panel, and pancre- less dramatic, with only 47% of patients becoming com-
atic enzyme measurement. In cases in which recurrent pletely asymptomatic.46 Adult norms for ejection fraction
vomiting is a significant part of the history, an upper gas- have been used to assess pediatric patients. In relapsing
trointestinal series with small bowel follow-through and pancreatitis, recurrent severe epigastric pain persists for
abdominal ultrasonography should be considered to rule days and may radiate to the back. Endoscopic retrograde
out gastric outlet disorder, malrotation, partial small bowel cholangiopancreatography is indicated only if there is bio-
obstruction, small bowel Crohn disease, gallstones, pan- chemical or radiologic evidence of recurrent pancreatitis or
creatic pseudocyst, hydronephrosis secondary to uretero- biliary-type abdominal pain following cholecystectomy.
pelvic junction obstruction, and retroperitoneal mass. Continuous pain, especially in the context of multisystem
Gastroesophageal reflux disease should be suspected complaints, is an alarm signal for possible psychiatric dis-
when heartburn and acid regurgitation are prominent parts ease. Eating disorder should also be considered in any
young patient with significant weight loss.
H. pylori gastritis and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
TABLE 14-2 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF drugs (NSAIDs) are the most important exogenous factors
RECURRENT ABDOMINAL PAIN associated with peptic ulcer in adults. However, in chil-
ASSOCIATED WITH SYMPTOMS dren, clinically significant ulceration occurs infrequently
with NSAID use or H. pylori gastritis.31,47 The pathogenic
ASSOCIATED WITH UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL INFLAMMATION mechanisms distinguishing those individuals at risk have
Gastroesophageal reflux disease not been identified. A careful history is required to ensure
Peptic ulcer that NSAID consumption is detected in any patient being
Helicobacter pylori gastritis
evaluated for recurrent abdominal pain with dyspepsia.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug ulcer
Crohn disease The incidence of H. pylori infection in children increases
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis with age, is inversely related to socioeconomic class, and
Ménétrier disease increases in families in which an adult has had either an
Cytomegalovirus gastritis ulcer or documented H. pylori infection.48 In the absence of
Parasitic infection (Giardia, Blastocystis hominis)
peptic ulcer disease, the relationship between H. pylori
Varioliform gastritis
Lymphocytic gastritis/celiac disease infection and abdominal pain remains unclear. Although
Henoch-Schönlein purpura there are no evidence-based data to establish a clear link
MOTILITY DISORDERS between H. pylori gastritis without ulcer and abdominal
Idiopathic gastroparesis pain associated with symptoms of upper abdominal dis-
Biliary dyskinesia tress,47 most gastroenterologists will treat a symptomatic
Intestinal pseudo-obstruction child who has been identified as H. pylori positive. The
OTHER DISORDERS rationale is that H. pylori may act as a physical trigger of
Obstructive disorders from Table 14-1
functional dyspepsia in selected patients. Some authors
Chronic pancreatitis
Chronic hepatitis have concluded that the most cost-effective approach is to
Chronic cholecystitis test serologically for H. pylori and to treat all infected cases.
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction However, many investigators have pointed out that com-
Abdominal migraine mercially available serologic assays do not appear to have
Psychiatric disorders
the necessary sensitivity or specificity to screen pediatric
Chapter 14 • Abdominal Pain 237

patient populations.47 Empiric treatment of H. pylori TABLE 14-3 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF

should be considered only in patients with an elevated RECURRENT ABDOMINAL PAIN
immunoglobulin (Ig)G antibody and is not recommended BOWEL PATTERN
for patients with a positive IgM or IgA antibody. It is not
unreasonable to avoid antibody testing altogether and con- IDIOPATHIC INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISORDERS
sider treatment only in patients with endoscopically Ulcerative colitis
Crohn disease
proven infection who have not responded to treatment of
Microscopic colitis with crypt distortion
functional dyspepsia. Lymphocytic colitis
Upper endoscopy should be considered in untreated Collagenous colitis
patients with alarm signals, patients who fail to respond INFECTIOUS DISORDERS
to time-limited gastric acid reduction therapy for func- Parasitic (Giardia, Blastocystis hominis, Dientamoeba fragilis)
tional dyspepsia, and patients in whom symptoms recur Bacterial (Clostridium difficile, Yersinia, Campylobacter, tuberculosis)
after attempting to step off seemingly effective therapy. LACTOSE INTOLERANCE
Upper endoscopy is the gold standard to rule out infec- COMPLICATION OF CONSTIPATION (MEGACOLON, ENCOPRESIS, INTERMITTENT
tious and inflammatory disorders in the upper gastroin- DRUG-INDUCED DIARRHEA, CONSTIPATION
testinal tract. Recognizable objective findings by gross GYNECOLOGIC DISORDERS
endoscopic examination include superficial erosions, NEOPLASIA (LYMPHOMA, CARCINOMA)
ulcer, stricture, antral nodularity associated with H. pylori PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS
gastritis, gastric rugal hypertrophy associated with
Ménétrier disease and cytomegalovirus gastritis, and the
small, heaped up, volcanic-like mounds, pocked with a should be considered as a potential primary etiology of
central crater, associated with chronic varioliform gastritis. chronic abdominal pain in the presence of diarrhea. A trial
Objective histologic findings may help to diagnose reflux of a lactose-free diet or performance of a lactose breath
esophagitis, eosinophilic gastroenteritis, cytomegalovirus hydrogen test is prudent in children with pain associated
gastritis, H. pylori gastritis, Crohn disease, and celiac dis- with loose bowels, bloating, and increased flatulence. Diar-
ease. In the absence of gross ulcer or histologic evidence of rhea associated with encopresis suggests chronic fecal
H. pylori, superficial antral gastritis or duodenitis is of retention and megacolon. Serologic testing for celiac dis-
questionable clinical significance and should not dissuade ease should be considered in patients with pain and an
a diagnosis of functional dyspepsia. There is no evidence in altered bowel pattern, especially in patients with iron defi-
children that nonspecific superficial antral gastritis or duo- ciency anemia or secondary amenorrhea. Large-volume
denitis progresses to peptic ulcer. A diagnosis of postviral diarrhea is also an indication to pursue colonoscopy to rule
gastroparesis or gallbladder dyskinesia should not be out microscopic inflammation, which may alter colonic
entertained without first ruling out upper gastrointestinal motility and absorptive function, including lymphocytic,
tract inflammation and infection by upper endoscopy. collagenous, or eosinophilic colitis.49–51
Table 14-4 lists the indications for colonoscopy in chil-
Chronic Abdominal Pain Associated with Symptoms of dren with chronic abdominal pain and an altered bowel
Altered Bowel Pattern. Altered bowel pattern may pattern. The accuracy of colonoscopy in diagnosing
include a change in the frequency and/or consistency of inflammatory conditions of the colon is superior to barium
stools (diarrhea or constipation), pain relieved with defe- enema because of the direct visualization of the mucosal
cation, straining or urgency, a feeling of incomplete evac- surface and the ability to obtain biopsy and culture speci-
uation, passage of mucus, or a feeling of bloating or mens. Intubation of the terminal ileum can also aid in the
abdominal distention. Table 14-3 lists the major differen- diagnosis of Crohn disease. Recognizable objective find-
tial of chronic abdominal pain associated with an altered ings by gross examination with a flexible endoscope
bowel pattern. The key to deciding on the extent of initial include edema, erosions, ulceration, pseudomembranes
workup is the volume of diarrhea, evidence of gross or (discrete yellow plaques on the colonic mucosa), and
occult blood in the stool, and the presence of encopresis. polyps. Subjective gross endoscopic findings, including
In patients with diarrhea, a focused laboratory evaluation erythema, increased vascularity, and spontaneous friability,
should include a CBC with differential, ESR, stool for
Giardia antigen, stool for ovum parasites, and stool for
C. difficile toxin. Alarm signals, including evidence of gas- PATIENTS WITH RECURRENT
trointestinal bleeding, tenesmus, pain or diarrhea repeat- ABDOMINAL PAIN AND
edly wakening the patient from a sound sleep, involuntary ALTERED BOWEL PATTERN
weight loss, linear growth deceleration, extraintestinal
Evidence of gastrointestinal bleeding
symptoms (fever, rash, joint pain, recurrent aphthous
Profuse diarrhea
ulcers), a positive family history of inflammatory bowel dis- Involuntary weight loss or growth deceleration
ease, iron deficiency anemia, and an elevated ESR are indi- Iron deficiency anemia
cations to pursue a diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease Elevated acute-phase reactants (sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein)
by colonoscopy and barium contrast upper gastrointestinal Extraintestinal symptoms suggestive of inflammatory bowel disease
(fever, rash, joint pains, recurrent aphthous ulceration)
series with small bowel follow-through. Lactose intolerance
238 Clinical Presentation of Disease

become meaningful only in the context of histology gastrointestinal tract can be involved. Angioneurotic
because they are subject to more interobserver variation in edema can be heralded by recurrent episodes of pain in the
interpretation. Objective histologic findings include (1) absence of cutaneous or oropharyngeal edema.54 The fam-
cryptitis, crypt abscesses, and crypt distortion with ily history is usually positive for allergy. Recurrent fever
branching and dropout, suggesting ulcerative colitis or associated with generalized abdominal pain and peritoneal
Crohn disease; (2) noncaseating granuloma specific for signs suggests the possibility of familial Mediterranean
Crohn disease; (3) fibrosis and histiocyte proliferation in fever. Appendiceal colic is a controversial cause of chronic
the submucosa suggesting Crohn disease; and (4) epithe- abdominal pain.55,56 Appendiceal spasm has been postu-
lial and intraepithelial lymphocytes or eosinophils with or lated to be caused by inspissated casts of fecal material
without subepithelial collagen thickening in lymphocytic within the appendix. A number of anecdotal surgical
colitis, eosinophilic colitis, and collagenous colitis, respec- reports have described complete resolution of pain symp-
tively. Mild superficial increases in interstitial lymphocytes toms following elective appendectomy. Appendiceal colic
or eosinophils in the absence of crypt distortion or signifi- should be suspected in patients with recurrent acute
cant diarrhea are nonspecific and should not dissuade the episodes of well-localized abdominal pain and tenderness,
physician from making a positive diagnosis of irritable most commonly in the right lower quadrant, demonstrated
bowel syndrome. on several examinations. Ureteropelvic junction obstruc-
tion is well known to present with recurrent episodes of
Chronic Isolated Paroxysmal Abdominal Pain. Table crampy periumbilical pain, but in all cases reported in the
14-5 lists the major differential of recurrent paroxysmal literature to date, the pain has been associated with vomit-
periumbilical abdominal pain in children. It is often ing.57 Dull, midline, or generalized lower abdominal pain at
important to try to see the patient during an attack of pain. the onset of a menstrual period suggests dysmenorrhea.
The Carnett test may help to determine whether pain is The pain may coincide with the start of bleeding or precede
arising from the abdominal wall or has an intra-abdominal the bleeding by several hours. Gynecologic disorders associ-
origin.52 The site of maximum tenderness is found through ated with secondary dysmenorrhea include endometriosis,
palpation. The patient is then asked to cross arms and partially obstructed genital duplications, ectopic pregnancy,
assume a partial sitting position (crunch), which results in and adhesions following pelvic inflammatory disease. Cys-
tension of the abdominal wall. If there is greater tenderness tic teratoma has been described in prepubertal patients pre-
on repeat palpation in this position, abdominal wall disor- senting with right or left lower quadrant pain. The vast
ders such as cutaneous nerve entrapment syndromes, majority of such patients have a palpable abdominal mass.
abdominal wall hernia, myofascial pain syndromes, rectus Benign ovarian cysts in adolescent females do not cause
sheath hematoma, or costochondritis should be suspected. recurrent abdominal pain. Acute intermittent porphyria is
Discitis, which is an osteomyelitis of the vertebral end a rare disorder characterized by the temporal association
plate, may present as a combination of back and abdomi- of paroxysmal abdominal pain and a wide variety of cen-
nal pain.53 The condition is usually associated with inter- tral nervous system symptoms, including headache, dizzi-
mittent fever, an elevated peripheral WBC, and an elevated ness, weakness, syncope, confusion, memory loss, hallu-
ESR. Unrecognized constipation should be suspected if a cinations, seizures, and transient blindness.58 Acute
left lower quadrant or suprapubic fullness or mass effect is
appreciated on abdominal examination and rectal exami-
nation reveals evidence of firm stool in the rectal vault or ABDOMINAL PAIN PRESENTING
soft stool in a dilated rectal vault with evidence of perianal AS ISOLATED PAROXYSMAL
soiling. Often a history of constipation or encopresis is ABDOMINAL PAIN
unknown to the parent. Parasitic infections, particularly
Giardia lamblia, Blastocystis hominis, and Dientamoeba Crohn disease
fragilis, may present with chronic pain in children in the Malrotation with or without volvulus
absence of altered bowel pattern. Alarm signals are also Intussusception with lead point
indications to evaluate for Crohn disease or rare disorders Postsurgical adhesions
such as polyarteritis nodosa, intestinal ischemia, and Small bowel lymphoma
eosinophilic gastroenteritis, and angioneurotic edema can Infection (tuberculosis, Yersinia)
be indistinguishable from Crohn disease on clinical Vascular disorders
grounds. Suspicion of polyarteritis nodosa rests on evi- Eosinophilic gastroenteritis
dence of extraintestinal disease, particularly renal involve- Angioneurotic edema
ment. Mesenteric vein obstruction should be considered in APPENDICEAL COLIC
adolescents using oral contraceptives. Clinically, it can pre- DYSMENORRHEA
sent gradually with progressive abdominal pain over a
period of weeks. Pneumatosis is usually a late finding. The ABDOMINAL MIGRAINE
clinical presentation of eosinophilic gastroenteritis ACUTE INTERMITTENT PORPHYRIA
depends on the depth of the infiltration by the eosinophilic MENTAL DISORDERS (FACTITIOUS DISORDER, CONVERSION REACTION,
process. Submucosal disease can become manifest with SOMATIZATION DISORDER, SCHOOL PHOBIA)
abdominal pain and signs of obstruction. Any region of the
Chapter 14 • Abdominal Pain 239

intermittent porphyria is often precipitated by a low include regular school attendance, school performance to
intake of carbohydrate or by specific drugs such as barbi- the child’s ability, participation in desired extracurricular
turates or sulfonamides. activities, normal weight gain and growth, and a normal
Focused laboratory evaluation might include CBC with sleep pattern. Reassurance that functional pain disorders
differential and ESR to screen for occult systemic inflam- will not affect future health can have positive therapeutic
matory condition. Decision to do stool ovum parasite effects. Many patients lose their symptoms spontaneously
examination is dependent on the incidence of G. lamblia, after a positive diagnosis, suggesting that allaying the
B. hominis, and D. fragilis within the community. The most patient’s and/or parents’ fears may remove a significant
valuable diagnostic test in a patient with symptoms sug- stress factor triggering symptoms.
gesting obstruction is an upper gastrointestinal series and
small bowel follow-through. Rare conditions such as lym- Modify Triggers of Pain. The first goal is to identify,
phoma, angioneurotic edema, mesenteric vein thrombosis clarify, and possibly reverse physical and psychological
with ischemia, eosinophilic gastroenteritis, and pseudo- stress factors (see above) that may have an important role
obstruction will also be suggested by barium contrast radi- in the onset, severity, exacerbations, or maintenance of
ography. Abdominal ultrasonography and abdominal CT pain. In some cases, painful sensations may be provoked
have low diagnostic yield for picking up appendiceal by physiologic phenomena, including postprandial gastric
abnormalities with recurrent right lower abdominal pain. or intestinal distention, gastric emptying, intestinal con-
Colonoscopy and ileoscopy should be performed to rule tractions or the migrating motor complex, intestinal gas, or
out Crohn disease in such patients if bloodwork or upper gastroesophageal reflux. Concurrent physical and psycho-
gastrointestinal small bowel follow-through suggests the logical stressful life events may also trigger flares of pain.
possibility of inflammatory disease. Elective laparoscopy Intraluminal physical stress factors that may trigger pain
with planned appendectomy should be considered in include aerophagia, simple constipation, lactose intoler-
patients with chronic right lower quadrant pain and nega- ance, minor noxious irritants such as spicy foods, H. pylori
tive infectious, inflammatory, and anatomic evaluation. gastritis, celiac disease, or drug therapy. Systemic physical
Head CT to rule out intracranial space-occupying lesions or psychological stress factors may also provoke or rein-
should be considered in patients with recurrent abdominal force the pain behavior by altering the conscious threshold
pain and headache. of gastrointestinal sensory input in the central nervous sys-
tem. Acute or chronic physical illness may unmask func-
TREATMENT OF FUNCTIONAL ABDOMINAL PAIN tional pain. Psychological stress factors may include death
Management of all four presentations of functional abdom- or separation of a significant family member, physical ill-
inal pain begins with a positive diagnosis and explanation ness or chronic handicap in parents or a sibling, school
of suspected pathophysiology and goals of therapy. Specific problems, altered peer relationships, family financial prob-
treatments include identification and modification of phys- lems, or a recent geographic move.
ical and psychological stress factors, dietary modification, Equally important is to reverse environmental rein-
drug therapy, and active psychological support. Hospital- forcement of the pain behavior. Parents and teachers must
ization is rarely indicated for patients with functional be engaged to support the child rather than the pain. Reg-
abdominal pain. ular school attendance is essential regardless of the contin-
ued presence of pain. In many cases, it is helpful for the
Positive Diagnosis, Explanation of Suspected Patho- physician to communicate directly to school officials to
physiology, and Goals of Therapy. A positive diagno- explain the nature of the problem. School officials must be
sis is based on normal physical examination and absence of encouraged to be responsive to the pain behavior but not
alarm signals in the history, as described above. Focused to let it disrupt attendance, class activity, or performance
laboratory and/or radiograph evaluations are based on sub- expectations. Within the family, less social attention
categorizing pain presentation. It is important to empha- should be directed toward the symptoms. Consultation
size that functional pain is the most common etiology of with a child psychiatrist or psychologist may be indicated
chronic abdominal pain in children and that the pain is real. when there is concern about maladaptive family coping
Although the exact etiology and pathogenesis of functional mechanisms or if attempts at environmental modification
abdominal pain in children are unknown, a substantial do not result in return to a normalized lifestyle.
body of evidence suggests that it is caused by a disturbance It is important to address symptoms of mental disor-
of the autonomic nervous system, which results in altered ders that may contribute to the pathogenesis of pain symp-
communication between the gut and the brain. The pre- toms. Failure to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity, anxi-
vailing viewpoint is that the pathogenesis of the pain ety, or depression will adversely affect pain management.
involves visceral hypersensitivity and altered conscious Anxiety may be primary, part of adjustment to an identifi-
awareness of gastrointestinal sensory input, with or with- able stress, or associated with panic disorder. Symptoms of
out disordered gastrointestinal motility. Many parents and anxiety include irritability, exaggerated startle response,
children can conceptualize the pain as a “headache” within poor concentration, worry, hypervigilance, motor restless-
the abdomen. Parents and child must be told that the pri- ness, nervousness, difficulty sleeping, school phobia, fear
mary goal of treatment is resumption of a normal lifestyle, of separation, and being easily fatigued. Depressive mood
not eradication of abdominal pain. Goals of treatment is suggested by insomnia, hypersomnia, anorexia, overeat-
240 Clinical Presentation of Disease

ing, low energy, poor concentration, tearfulness, low self- motility agent available in the United States, has not been
esteem, poor concentration, feelings of hopelessness, and studied in pediatric patients and has only limited testing in
recurrent thoughts of death. adults with functional dyspepsia. It is not unreasonable to
treat dysmotility-like dyspepsia (strong component of nau-
Dietary Modification. The role of dietary modifications sea, early satiety, and bloating) with a time-limited course of
in the management of functional pain disorders is not estab- metoclopramide, but the high incidence of adverse central
lished. Postprandial symptoms in functional dyspepsia may nervous system side effects and extrapyramidal symptoms
be improved by eating low-fat meals or by ingesting more associated with metoclopramide makes it risky for long-
frequent but smaller meals throughout the day. A high-fiber term use. As stated above, although H. pylori–eradication
diet is recommended for both diarrhea-predominant and therapy is not established to be effective in adults with
constipation-predominant irritable bowel and isolated functional dyspepsia, the available data clearly do not rule
functional pain. The goal for fiber intake in grams is cal- out the possibility. Thus, most pediatric gastroenterologists
culated by adding the patient’s age + 5. Excessive fiber in still will treat documented H. pylori in functional dyspepsia.
the diet may result in increased gas and distention and actu- There are no evidence-based data to support the use of anti-
ally provoke pain. Malabsorption of dietary carbohydrates spasmodic or antinauseant drugs to treat dyspepsia.
may act as provocative stimuli in functional abdominal There are also no evidence-based data on the effects of
pain. Most often, the patient does not perceive a temporal pharmacologic therapy in pediatric patients with IBS. Syn-
association between ingestion of a particular sugar and the thetic opioids such as loperamide and diphenoxylate or the
abdominal pain. Avoidance of excessive intake of milk bile salt binding agent cholestyramine may be helpful in
products (lactose), carbonated beverages (fructose), dietary treating diarrhea associated with IBS. Loperamide is pre-
starches (corn, potatoes, wheat, oats), or sorbitol-contain- ferred over diphenoxylate because it does not traverse the
ing products (vehicle for oral medication, sugar substitute blood-brain barrier. Fiber supplements such as psyllium,
in gum and candy, ingredient in toothpaste, and a plasti- methycellulose, or polycarbophil are effective in treating
cizer in gelatin capsules) is not unreasonable. Confirmation both constipation and diarrhea, but their value in relief of
of lactose intolerance by a lactose breath hydrogen test abdominal pain associated with IBS is controversial. Non-
should be considered before recommending prolonged lac- stimulating laxatives such as PEG powder, mineral oil,
tase enzyme replacement therapy or commercial milk prod- milk of magnesia, and lactulose are effective adjuncts in
ucts that have been pretreated with lactase enzyme. Excessive treating constipation-predominant IBS. Antispasmodic or
gas in patients with irritable bowel syndrome can be man- anticholinergic agents are commonly used in clinical prac-
aged by advising the patient to eat slowly, to avoid chewing tice to treat visceral abdominal pain, although efficacy is
gum, and to avoid excessive intake of carbonated beverages, controversial. Only enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules
legumes, foods of the cabbage family, and foods or bever- (with possible smooth muscle–relaxing properties) have
ages sweetened with aspartame. been shown to be superior to placebo for reducing func-
tional pain by a randomized, double-blinded control
Medications. There are no evidence-based data to sup- study.60 The duration of therapy at which time pain
port antisecretory therapy in pediatric patients with func- response was assessed, however, was only 2 weeks. Exces-
tional dyspepsia. Response rates in controlled clinical trials sive gas can be managed by advising the patient to eat
using antisecretory agents, both H2 receptor antagonists slowly, to avoid chewing gum, and to avoid excessive
and proton pump inhibitors, in adults with functional dys- intake of carbonated beverages, legumes, foods of the cab-
pepsia range from 35 to 80% compared with placebo bage family, and foods or beverages sweetened with fruc-
response rates of 30 to 60%.49 Meta-analyses of these trials tose or sorbitol. Simethicone or activated charcoal may
suggest that acid reduction therapy is 10 to 30% more effec- help individual patients.
tive than placebo in relieving symptoms of ulcer-like (pre- In uncontrolled, retrospective case series, prophylactic
dominant abdominal pain) dyspepsia.59 Conversely, there is cyproheptadine and propranolol have been reported to
no evidence that symptoms of nausea or bloating are reduce the frequency of attacks of abdominal migraine.61,62
relieved by antisecretory therapy. Given that acid reduction Although there is a lack of formal randomized,
therapy may be beneficial in a subset of patients, it is not placebo-controlled trials, there has been a recent surge in
unreasonable to treat pediatric patients with ulcer-like dys- using antidepressant and psychotropic agents to treat both
pepsia with 4 to 6 weeks of an H2 receptor antagonist. diarrhea-predominant IBS and functional dyspepsia in
Patients who fail to respond or who relapse with step-down adults.63 Anecdotally, this class of drugs appears to be
therapy should have upper endoscopy to establish a firm effective in adults with or without psychiatric abnormali-
diagnosis of functional dyspepsia. If a firm diagnosis of ties, especially low-dose tricyclic antidepressants. These
functional dyspepsia is established by upper endoscopy, it is drugs may act as “central analgesics” to raise the percep-
not unreasonable to continue acid inhibition therapy in tion threshold for abdominal pain or down-regulate pain
patients who initially responded to shot-term empiric treat- receptors in the intestine. There are as yet no data on treat-
ment but had recurrence of pain symptoms with attempts at ment of pediatric patients.
step-down therapy. Short-term step-up to a proton pump There has been a recent surge in the development of
inhibitor may be tried in patients who previously did not novel drugs for IBS in adults, such as 5-HT3 receptor
respond to an H2 blocker. Metoclopramide, the only pro- antagonists and 5-HT4 agonists aimed at modifying gas-
Chapter 14 • Abdominal Pain 241

trointestinal motor activity and restoring normal visceral follow-up rarely identifies an occult organic disorder. Inter-
sensation. A significant beneficial effect of the 5-HT3 estingly, pain resolves completely in 30 to 50% of patients
antagonist alosetron has been reported in diarrhea-pre- by 2 to 6 weeks after diagnosis. This high incidence of early
dominant adult women with IBS.64 A significant beneficial resolution suggests that the child and parent accept reas-
effect of the 5-HT4 agonist tegaserod has been reported in surance that the pain is not organic and that environmental
constipation-predominant adult women with IBS.65 modification is effective treatment. Nevertheless, more
long-term studies suggest that 30 to 50% of children with
Direct Psychological Support. Consultation with a functional abdominal pain in childhood experience pain as
child psychiatrist or psychologist may be indicated when adults, although in 70% of such individuals, the pain does
there is concern about maladaptive family coping mecha- not limit normal activity.69–71 Thirty percent of patients with
nisms or if attempts at environmental modification do not functional abdominal pain develop other chronic com-
result in return to a normalized lifestyle. Referral for psy- plaints as adults, including headaches, backaches, and men-
chological treatment can be proposed as part of a multi- strual irregularities. Based on a small number of patients,
specialty treatment package to help the patient manage the Apley and Hale have described several factors that adversely
pain symptoms better. It is critical that the psychologist or influence prognosis for a lasting resolution of pain symp-
psychiatrist initially focus on illness behavior and expand toms during childhood, including male sex, age at onset
psychotherapeutic treatments as indicated only as the less than 6 years, a strong history of a “painful family,” and
patient or parents begin to see the benefits of referral. greater than 6 months elapsed time from the onset of pain
Cognitive behavioral therapies add strategies such as symptoms to an established functional diagnosis.72
cognitive restructuring to behavioral interventions such as
teaching relaxation and behavior management techniques.
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