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based upon this belief.

The similarity of the morphological

(1897); Life and Letters of Paul, (1898); The Life that

candidate belongs and of medical officers. Every officer

Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, the Corpus Inscriptionum

paid in advance are lost, and the shipowner is liable for their

(q.v.), but also a name given to any very hard substance. The

in all parts of the empire; to one of them the life of the

all by reason of its striking movement. ``Phidias and the

on land which would have produced a good crop of English

and the Italian sphere, and contained the following article:--

apace. The finding, in 1869, of rich diamond fields in

England was the court of the deputy or lieutenant of the

staff. Shortly after this event he returned to England on

establishment of the ``Institute of Actuaries of Great

the campaign of 1815, took part in the siege of the Ardenne

tons, by 1900 to 8,394,275 tons, and by 1905 to 11,866,069

discharge. The percentage of PbO2 and the density here

Curious developments of the Hegelian conception are to be

potash and then treating the phenol with fuming nitric acid.

ACNE, a skin eruption produced by inflammation of the sebaceous

received from Albert Edward Nyanza snd, by checking the

after subjection to it for a few or many seasons, it may

the Madeira receives the drainage of the northeastern slopes

peninsula of Gallipoli ( Thracian Chersonese); Euboea, the

in November of that year was sent on a special mission to the

St Mary's Abbey, York (Benedictine).--Churton's Monnastic Ruins.

acres), where there has been a subdivision of farms following

martyrdom. Ali is described as a bold, noble and generous

AMBIGUITY (Fr. ambiguite, med. Lat. ambiguitas, from

Lake of Como, at its northern end, and mainly forms that

including } with Ama-Tonga

was taken over by one Brooks, and established as Brooks's

bears its own sexual organs as well as monospores. To the

redditus veteri possessori. Sometimes it was found that such

gives on hydrolysis acetic acid and veratrylpseudaconine, the

English sounds so described are really produced not against

rate of demurrage (if any) will generally be accepted as the

1727, and on the 15th of August was named chancellor for the

schooling at Cuneo and Turin, he was sent to the Military

SCEPTICISM). For the immediate successors of Aenesidemus

of mechanics to agriculture. Improvements in the plough,

Gaul, found a pretext for war in the Arianism of Alaric.

In 1264 he was sent to England to mediate between Henry III.

more historical than the oath of Santa Gadea, tells of how

Cologne in 1834. In the following year he accepted the

by a treaty concluded with a British and Egyptian mission

attended by such narratives of adventure or by accounts

which culminate in Sljeme (3396 ft.); 187 m. by rail S. of

galleries. The nodules from the ``blue earth'' have to

period, according to his computation, of 5723 years. He

the expedition of Cyrus the younger against his brother,

more than pure coralline material for their growth. Writing

organization of the American Bar Association in 1878. Of the

He came of a long line of Airys who traced their descent

the Shat-el-Gharbi or Western Shat, the Shat-el-Shergui or

the mountainous districts, and retired to the valleys to

ALEXANDER, SIR JAMES EDWARD (1803-1885), British soldier and

viz. 35% of ``available'' chlorine. The finished product is

II. of Pergamum about 150 B.C., became one of the ``Seven

throwing-stick, or shot from a bow. Their weapons were all

that his house was a kind of well-ordered court, where as

Aden, and the crew and passengers grievously maltreated by the

Throughout the rest of the Sudan is found Semitic culture

15th and 16th centuries and carries on the manufacture of

Power is also given to hear appeals from vice-admirals; also

directs its operations in accordance with the views of the

which his father had concluded with the Franks, whose king

agreement. It was obvious that the lease to the Congo Free

two different ways, barium hydroxide or dilute sodium

du Congres botan. internat. de Florence (1875); Chodat

Introduction to the Study of Latin Inscriptions, p. 16.

The flora of Algeria consists of about 3000 species, of which

the material may be useless except for varnish-making, whence

FIG. 4.--Siemens Electrodynamometer. F, Fixed

known as Ottawa. The French missionaries at work among the

aesthetic activity and play, he seeks to make it the starting-point

COMMUNITIES) may be taken as the starting-point of English

Dent d'Herens . . . . . . . 13,715 Aiguille de Tour . . . . . . . . 11,615

west of the 30th meridian, together with access to a port on

while Philip is a Christian martyr, and Alexander himself a

Germany access by her own territory to the upper waters of the

from the north end.) The hillside was recessed to form the

defeat. Montgomery was killed and many of his men taken

of Theodorus II. Lascaris of Nicaea. While a prisoner

and afterwards served in the siege of Paris. He received

of the injurious properties which are popularly but falsely

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