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Eastern Province – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


CHAPTER -7 Civilising the “Native” Educating the Nation

Q1.Answer the following

1. Which Indian nationalists opposed the western education?
Ans-Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore opposed the western education.
2. Who was the founder of Shantiniketan?
Ans-Rabindranath Tagore in 1901.
3. Why did Mahatma Gandhi think that the English Education has enslaved Indians?
Ans-He thought because
a. It created a sense of inferiority in the minds of Indians.
b. It made them Stranger in their own land.
c. It valued text books rather than live experiences and practical knowledge.
4. Write few things that are associated with the system of education in Patshalas.
Ans- a. The system of education was flexible.
b. No fixed fee.
c. No printed books.
d. No separate buildings.
e. No benches.
f. No blackboards.
g. No system of separate classes.
h. No annual exam.
i. No regular timetable.
j. No roll call.
k. In some places, classes were held under a banyan tree, in other places in a
corner of a village or at guru’s home.
l. Fee depended on the income of parents.The rich had to pay more than the poor.
5. Why did Mahatma Gandhi want to teach children handicrafts?
Ans-According to Mahatma Gandhi, literacy in itself was not education. He argued that
education ought to develop a person’s mind and soul. Simply learning to read and write by
itself did not count as education. He thought that the child’s education should begin by
teaching useful handicrafts and enabling them to create something from the moment they
begin training. Learning handicrafts would develop their minds and capacity to understand.

›InstructIons Provided Links

≥ Students read the chapter carefully.
≥follow the notes.

≥Google the given links to clarify your doubts

≥Any difficulty please note it down and later clarify it.

≥Copy down the following notes neatly in your notebooks.

Note: Page 81 To 86 Excluded{TB}

Prepared and verified by : Mrs .Shabana Anis (Coordinator GS)

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