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Lysaro Rogare

Stablehand - Militia
Age 24

Lysaro Rogare is a young man born of Lyseni heritage in a small village on the
Stepstones, the small islands between the Narrow Sea and the Summer Sea. This
island was one of the largest in the chain of lands, lush forests and rich lands grew
bountiful upon the peninsula surrounded by large cliffs and beautiful beaches. He
mastered the art of stablehanding with his father. Every mid day they both went through the
forest to search for animals with special food in their hands to what specific animal likes.
They would get close these animals so they would trust them. Being trained by his father on
how to make the animals like you Lysaro learned how to breed the animals to get the finest
breeding line, because having the best and strongest of animals earns great coin for the
Rogare Bank. After months of training one night Lysaro woke up with a letter in his hand:

''Lysaro it's time for you to move on by yourself. You have fulfilled your training in becoming
a great stablehand. Now you must head to the Free City. Love Father''

Without thinking Lysaro jumped out of the bed, took his bow and ran in the forest screaming
for his father. After hours of searching he found a trail of footprints. Following the footprints
for some time it brought him to a tree where he saw his own father hanged. Lysaro burst
into tears and started screaming. Lysaro had no clue on what to do he has no questions or
answers to his father's death. Lysaro cut his father down from the tree so he could bury him,
he wanted his father's body and soul to be able to peacefully move on. He did what his
father asked him to do and set off for the free city in Lys. After days of walking he reached
water where he managed to make a boat and set sail for Lys. After arriving at the city Lysaro
left his bow on the boat that he sailed with lighted up with torches as a memory to his father
he decided for something new to become stronger he trained each day within the city
moving rocks climb the tree’s run for many miles on the beaches anything to make him
faster and stronger to start of as a footman and to find somebody where he could train with
to become a well talented knight. Lysaro travelled to the Rogare bank where he would claim
fathers coin to set sail afterwards west to westeros and to find a place to call home.

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