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6, DECEMBER 1967 153



C. W. Gwyn, D. L. Scharfetter, J. L. Wirth

Sandia Laboratory
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Abstract the ramifications of any given approximation and

develop a detailed understanding of any semi-
A computer program has been written for conductor device characteristic of interest. In a
the prediction of transient and permanent radia- very real sense, the computer becomes a "lab-
tion damage in junction devices. This program oratory tool" with which the analyst performs
calculates thetransient solutions of Poisson's hypothetical experiments and evaluates the per-
equation and the continuity equations throughout a formance of a postulated device.
one-dimensional structure. Mobility, lifetime,
and carrier generation are described by nonlinear In this paper, a device analysis program is
functions of carrier density and current so that utilized to explore the basic mechanisms of
scatter-limiting velocity, Shockley-Read-Hall transient and permanent damage in diodes and bi-
recombination, and avalanche ionization phenom- polar transistors. Since the only significant con-
ena are described. Three examples are presented straint imposed by the program is that the devices
which illustrate the utility of such programs in can be adequately described in terms of a single
predicting both ionization and displacement dam- spatial variable, this program facilitates the pre-
age effects in a PIN diode and a bipolar transis- diction of most of the electrical and radiation
tor. characteristics of these structures. In addition,
a procedure for utilizing a one-dimensional d. c.
I. Introduction analysis to obtain an approximate solution for
three-dimensional emission-crowding effects in
During the past decade, classical analysis transistors is also presented.
techniquesis 2 3 have been used almost exclu-
sively to predict the behavior of bipolar transis- The importance of this type of device analy-
tors, diodes, and other junction devices in a sis to the understanding of radiation damage is
radiation environment. In this approach, a large shown by considering three examples: (1) the pre-
number of assumptions are made to reduce the diction of transient photocurrents in PIN diodes
complex partial differential equations describing with particular emphasis on saturation character-
carrier transport to a much simplified form which istics at high ionization levels, (2) the prediction
can be solved analytically. While this approach of primary and secondary photocurrent generation
has produced many useful results and has been in transistors, and (3) the prediction of the perma-
invaluable in developing an understanding of some nent changes in transistor characteristics which
radiation damage mechanisms, many of the clas- are caused by neutron irradiation. Although sig-
sical assumptions are not valid for modern de- nificant results are presented in each example,
vices; and, therefore, many phenomena observed these analyses are not intended to be exhaustive
in irradiated devices have not been predicted studies of a particular structure. Rather, they
theoretically. demonstrate that detailed analysis by computer
techniques provides a very effective means for
One method for eliminating most of the developing greater insight into permanent and
approximations required to solve the nonlinear transient radiation damage in devices.
partial differential equations describing device
behavior is to use numerical solution methods The remainder of the paper is organized in
and the digital computer. In this approach, the two independent sections. Section II considers the
degree of approximation is determined only by mathematical models used to describe carrier
the availability of material parameter information transport in devices and the numerical methods
and by the capacity, speed, and cost of the avail- used to obtain the solutions. Section III discusses
able computer. Except for these constraints, the the predicted results of the transient and d. c.
device analyst is free to investigate theoretically analyses of the PIN diode and the bipolar

This work was supported by the United States Atomic Energy Commission.

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transistor. The latter section presents quantita- Boundary conditions are imposed at the device
tive predictions of several radiation effects which contacts by introducing the appropriate restric-
have been mentioned in conjunction with experi- tions in Equations (3) through (5). For example,
mental device studies. base and collector current boundary conditions
for an NPN transistor are introduced by requiring
II. Mathematical Representation that (5) is equal to the collector current density at
and Solution Techniques the collector contact and (4) has a discontinuity
equal to the base current density at a position
The electrical characteristics of a semi- corresponding to the base contact. Voltage bound-
conductor device can be predicted theoretically ary conditions are imposed by requiring that the
by solving the equations describing the charge integral of E(x, t) over the interval between the
transport in the device subject to boundary condi- two contacts equals the applied voltage. In addi-
tions imposed by the device geometry at the elec- tion, the electric field at the two end contacts is
trical contacts. In general, the solution of the assumed to be zero. Initial values for the hole
transport equations yields the hole and electron and electron densities are either furnished by the
distributions as well as the electric field intensity analyst or are given by the quiescent zero bias
throughout the device. These distributions are solution, i.e., the solution when
then used to calculate the terminal voltages and
currents as a function of time.

Carrier Transport Equations J +J =0

n p
The distribution and motion of carriers
within a one-dimensional semiconductor device and
structure can be obtained by solving three basic
equations:4 (1) the continuity equation for holes,
(2) the continuity equation for electrons, and (3) ap dn
Poisson's equation:" At at

In general, the functions gp, gn, ,p, and

ap 1 ap (
at p q Ax'
1) /An vary at each point in the device according to
the value of n, p, and E at that point. Although
the specific functional relations discussed below

oJdn are now used in the program, almost any type of
point function could be used to approximate the
at '5n
q dx ~~~~~~~~(2 mobility and generation-recombination properties
of the material.

and Carrier Gene ration-Recombination Expressions

The carrier generation terms gn and gp are

n 3) each composed of three components: (1) carrier
ax KE +
ND -NA + Ti) generation and recombination through defects, (2)
impact or avalanche ionization, and (3) external
generation such as that produced by ionizing
where radiation.

Hole and electron generation and recombina-

tion through defects are represented by two forms
J =qppE
- ap
kTpppoxa 4) of Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) models:4 (1) single-
level models5 which characterize defects with
neutral and single charge states, and (2) two-level
models6 which permit donor, acceptor, and neu-
nE + kT n a.x 5) tral charge states. The generation-recombination
rates through a single level center are given by
two equations describing the rate of hole and
electron capture from the valance and conduction
*The symbolic notation is described in the bands,
list of symbols contained in Appendix I.

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-Vtt (N - PA NT)
gpdl = vt c(PNNT P1 NT) (6)

gndl vtncn\NT NT) (7) vto-(nNT - NT 1A) (12)

and a third equation describing the net rate at and the net trapped charge q(NT - NT) is used in
which electronic charge accumulates on the center Poisson's equation.

Unlike carrier generation through a defect

level, generation by impaction ionization (gpj and
gnI) or by ionizing radiation (gpR and gnR) produces

+ g
gpdl*() ~~~~~~~(8)holes and electrons at equal rates. In the latter
case, the generation rates in silicon are related
to the absorbed energy by the relation
If the center is an acceptor (i. e., it can capture
an electron and become negatively charged), the
charge density -qNt is entered in Poisson's equa-
tion to account for the space charge of the trapped gpR = gnR = 4.03 x 10 [rad(Si) - cm /s]
carriers. However, if the center is a donor,
then the net positive charge q(Nt - Nt) is entered
in (3). The impact ionization rates are strongly depend-
ent upon the electric field intensity and the hole
and electron current densities. These generation
terms4 are given by
Similarly, the equations for the two-level
model are
I g= qn (E)Jn + a (E)J] (cm 3/s)
g pd2 =
-vtPp(cNT + CT NT) where an(E) and ap(E) are given by the relations

+vt( N+ plD + T N2plA) v (9)

a (E)= 1.8x10 exp(-3.2x10 /E), (13)

gnd2 =
-Vtn (NT n T)
an (E) = 2.4 x 10 exp (-1.6 x 10 /E) . (14)
+vtnIonNn + a Nn 1) (10)
vtn\ nTlD n T1A; These expressions were synthesized to fit the
impact ionization data obtained by Lee, 7
Chynoweth, 8 and Moll and Van Overstraeten. 9
dE -vtnf(nNT nlD T) Mobility Expressions
In most analysis work, the mobility of holes
and electrons is considered to be constant. How-
+v °(pN N)
N+ p (11)

ever, in order to predict accurately the carrier

transport rates in devices where large electric
fields or large doping variations exist, it is neces-
and sary to include in the analysis the variations of
mobility with the electric field and the ionized
impurities density.

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For small electric fields and ionized im - Laboratories for the analysis of the IMPATT
purity densities, lattice scattering is the domin- diode15' 16 and subsequently modified to treat the
ant mobility-limiting mechanism. 10 However, if three-terminal device case.
an appreciable density of ionized impurities
exists, electrons and holes can be scattered by The structure to be analyzed is first sub-
the coulomb potential surrounding the impuri- divided into a number of small increments. The
ties. 11 This additional scattering mechanism equations are then normalized to reduce redund-
causes the effective mobility to decrease with ant coefficient calculations, and standard differ-
increasing impurity density. Furthermore, the ence approximations are used to approximate the
hole and electron mobilities are strongly depend- spatial derivatives in Poisson's equation and the
ent upon the electric field intensity. 12 For high continuity equations for each increment or mesh
field intensities the carriers can gain sufficient point:
energy between scattering events to appreciably
increase their average energy or temperature. [1J JT
At this higher energy, interactions with the lattice
(N) (M ) (M l)j/A (17)
become more probable and the mobility is reduced
in such a way that the carrier drift velocity
approaches a limiting value.. dn(N) g(N) [J(M)
1)lkx, (18)

dt n [n n ; P0
The experimental mobility data given by
Backenstoss, 13 Prince, 14 and Prior can be
approximated by the following expressions: E(M) - E(M - 1) KF(N' - N)+ N)
x LPn1 D

u n [* 81 NDt Dt + 3. 24 x 1018)
n gnoL N (N) +ENi (N)]
(1 9)

2 5 1/2 where the Mth mesh point is located midway

+3. 0 x 10- 4 ](E+.3x10 (15) between the major mesh points N + 1 and N. It is
(E + 9. 6 x 10 ) customary next to employ the standard difference
approximations in the current density expressions
(4) and (5) and substitute these results in (17) and
1 (18). However, it can be shown that this proce-
[°.o + 3 Dt/(NDt +1. 05)x 10
dure leads to numerical instability whenever the
voltage change between mesh points exceeds
2 kT/q. Rather, (4) and (5) are treated as differ-
ential equations in p and n with Jn, JA,up, 4un,
2 5112 and E assumed constant between m esh points.
+3 3 10-4 E (E + 1.35 x 10 (16) The solution of these differential equations then
relates Jn and Jp to the other variables:
(E+ 9.0x 10 )

Although these expressions approximate the exper- F p(N)"I (N)

imental data reasonably well, the continued use of J (M) = E(M) p
this analysis program would warrant a more de- = '10 exp [-E(M)Ax
tailed investigation of the mobility function with
special attention given to the manner in which the p(N + 1)i (N +) 1
impurity and electric field dependent terms are (20)
combined. (1.0

exp [E(M)Ax]
Solution Procedures
n(N+ 1) (Nl+1)
Because of the nonlinearities in the equations J(M) = E(M)110
describing the hole, electron, and field distribu-
tions, obtaining a transient or even a steady-state
d. c. solution poses a very difficult numerical
problem. The solution techniques used here were, n(N)pn (N) 1

for the most part, developed at Bell Telephone 1. 0 - exp [E (M)Ax] . (21)

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These equations provide numerically stable esti- unity is used for d. c. solutions where large time
mates of the current density under all conditions; steps and rapid convergence are required.
if the intermesh point voltage is small, these
equations approach the standard difference rela- Emission Crowding Analysis
tions, whereas when the voltage change is large,
they approach the drift current density at either In a realistic transistor structure, the base
mesh point N or N + 1. current originating in the transition and bulk base
regions flows laterally under the emitter and pro-
Both steady-state and transient solutions duces a gradient in the emitter junction voltage.
are obtained by employing a standard implicit At high bias levels, this voltage gradient is large,
integration method. 17 By recursively substitut- and therefore, the emitter current density at the
ing (19) into (20) and (21), and then substituting emitter perimeter is much larger than the density
these expressions into (17) and (18), the field at the center of the emitter. Thus, most of the
variable at each mesh point can be eliminated. emitter current flows through a small fraction of
The continuity equations for each mesh point can the total emitter area, and high injection phenom-
then be written symbolically in the matrix form ena become important even though the average
emitter current density is relatively low.

p(l) Although the analysis present here is gen-

n(l) r p1 n11 P2' 2' erally restricted to the one-dimensional case,
the effects of three-dimensional emission crowd-
ing can be predicted from this one-dimensional
dt analysis if the lateral carrier gradients are neg-
p(L) ligible compared to the gradients in the major
n(L) nL(PL-l NL-l' PLI nL t) dimension. Under this condition, the three-
dimensional device can be viewed as a collection
of one-dimensional structures with common emit-
F(Z, t) 422) ter and collector contacts and with base contacts
interconnected by a resistive network which simu-
lates the base spreading resistance.
The change in Z over a time interval At is the n
determined by using a first-order difference In the limiting case, the lumped parameter
expression for the derivative terms and evalula - approach discussed above can be written in the
ting F at some point between the initial value Zo form of a differential equation relating the lateral
and the value to be attained at t + At. base voltage drop to the base current density ver-
sus base-emitter voltage characteristic of the
one-dimensional structure. For the ring-dot
iNz structure, this equation has the form18
-\t F(Z + aAZ, t + aAt)

av (r) r
(23 b) Lbe bL be (r)127rdr
F(Z o , t) + aFAz+ aaFAt+ S)r
277r J
P[v(r)I [v
1Trr (25)
0 8Z aSt

If the higher order terms in the Taylor series where the base sheet resistivity is assumed to be
are negligible, (23) can be solved for AZ to dependent upon the injection level or vbe(r).
After the emitter voltage distribution vbe(r)
has been calculated, the total base and collector
current can be determined from the equations
AZ=/At- aF
) z +a
a t
(2 4)

For linear equations it can be shown that maxi- Ib Ib [vb(r)l2Trdr , (2 6)

mum accuracy is achieved when a is 1/2. How-
ever, improved numerical stability generally
results when a is in the range 1/2 < a < 1. The
transient analyses reported here use an a of 1/2, and
while the improved stability afforded by an a of

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c c vbe rh) (27)

Clearly, similar equations could be developed for

almost any emitter shape.
III. Device Analysis

The mathematical models and numerical

solution techniques discussed in the previous sec-
tions have been used to predict both ionization
and displacement effects in semiconductor junc-
tion devices. All of these analyses include the
impurity and field dependent mobility expressions,
as well as the impact ionization terms. The car-
rier generation and recombination models used DISTANCE, MICRONS
are specified for each case.
Figure 1. Impurity Doping Profile for PIN Diode
PIN Diode Analysis
The response of a reverse-biased PIN

diode to steady state and transient ionizing radia- id r I

tion has been analyzed by a number of investiga- 1'7
tors. 19, 20 However, because of the assumptions r
required for closed-form analytical solutions, 2 i's
these analyses have been restricted to low ioni- rr 1
zation levels where the space charge produced 15
(,a 10 C r 1
by the radiation-induced carriers does not signi- I- I
ficantly alter the electric field within the device. 0 r
In the analysis presented in this section, this
assumption is not imposed and steady state as I & r

well as transient solutions have been obtained for 10 r 100O

the general one-dimensional case.
r00 05 10.0 50.0 Ioao 25

The doping profile assumed for this analy- 10 Ia.1 I

sis is shown in Figure 1. The diode has heavily .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0
doped N+ and P+ regions diffused into the two FRACTIONAL DISTANCE
faces of a 300-micron wafer of nearly intrinsic
(6000 ohm-cm P-type or 7T-type) silicon. Since Figure 2A. Hole Distribution in a PIN Diode as a

the transit time for these devices is relatively Function of Reverse Bias Voltage
short compared to the carrier lifetimes normally
found in noncompensated high resistivity mate-
rials, recombination does not play a major role
in determining the radiation response and is
frequently neglected. However, for complete-
ness, a hole lifetime of about 100 us was intro-
duced in the x7 region by including a density of
1013/cm3 gold centers. Trapping was not
When the PIN diode is reverse biased, a
depletion region forms at the N+77 junction and
extends into the Tn region. By solving Poisson's
equation and the continuity equations throughout . .R .O .D
. .T

this device, the variation of the electric field and FRACTIONAL DISTANCE
hole density with position and applied bias voltage Figure 2B. Electric Field Distribution in a PIN
can be obtained. These solutions, which are Diode as a Function of Reverse Bias
shown in Figures 2A and 2B, indicate that the Voltage

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assumed structure fully depletes at a bias level

of about 100 volts; i.e., the hole density is
essentially zero over the entire iT region, and at
the nominal operating voltage of 1000 volts, the
electric field approaches a uniform value of
40, 000 volts/cm. It should be noted that with
this large electric field, the carriers are ap- iC-,.

proaching their scatter-limiting velocities, and -J

the use of field-dependent mobility terms is
required for meaningful solutions. -

Steady-State Analysis. In a low-level z
steady-state ionization field, the holes and elec-
trons produced by radiation are rapidly swept
across the 17 region by the large electric field. -J
Consequently, the density of free carriers is
kept small and the net space charge produced by i-L
these carriers does not appreciably alter the ()

field intensity. However, as the radiation inten- w

sity is increased, the space charge introduced w
by the separation of the hole-electron pairs sig-
nificantly reduces the field in the interior of the
7T region. Figures 3A and 3B, which show the FRACTIONAL DISTANCE
steady-state electric field and hole distributions
for energy deposition rates of 2. 5 x 107, 2. 5 x
108, 5. 0 x 108, and 5. 7 x 108 rad(Si)/s indicate Figure 3A. Steady-State Electric Field
that a rate of only 2. 5 x 108 rad(Si)/s produces a Distribution in a PIN Diode
measurable change in the electric field distribu- for Several Ionization Rates
tion while a rate of 5. 7 x 108 rad(Si)/s produces
a factor of seven decrease in the central portion
of the 77 region. Note also that as the field in the
center decreases, there is a corresponding in-
crease at both edges of the n region. As a re-
sult of this change in the electric field distribu-
tion, holes from the left side of the ir region are
quickly swept into the low field region where the
drift velocity is much smaller. Consequently,
the hole and, similarly, the electron densities
in the central portion of the 77 region increase I-
above the values obtained elsewhere in the n
region. This crowding effect, which is clearly
evidenced by the difference between the 5 x 108 w
and 5. 7 x 108 rad(Si)Is curves in Figure 3B, w
increases rapidly with carrier generation until -J
the carrier density in the center of the device is I
so large that recombination becomes significant
and the collection efficiency of the diode is

At the time this analysis was performed,

lifetime information for this device was not
available. Therefore, a detailed investigation
of the saturation characteristics was not war-
ranted. However, based upon the rapid growth
of carrier density with dose rate, it is reason-
ably certain that energy deposition rates of the
order of 109 rad(Si)/s would produce a signifi- Figure 3B. Steady-State Hole Distribution
cant reduction in the collection efficiency of this in a PIN Diode for Several
diode. Ionization Rates

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Transient Analysis. When a fully depleted 1.C":)


PIN diode is exposed to a short (.10-10 s) pulse

of ionizing radiation, carriers generated in the 77 .9
region drift at essentially scatter-limited veloc-
ity to the N+ and P+ regions. Brownl9 has shown .8
that for small doses the current waveform associ- z
ated with each carrier current has a sawtooth .71.
shape which decays linearly from the peak ampli-
tude achieved at the end of the ionization pulse to 0 .6
zero within the transit time for the carrier. The 0 '\ ELECTRON
total photocurrent is the sum of the hole and elec- 0
tron current waveforms as shown in Figure 4. w
The transient analysis of the PIN structure .3 HOLE \ \
under conditions of intense ionization is compli- cr
cated by the buildup of a space charge inside the z .21
device. This charge buildup produces a very
complex response, and therefore, it is instruc- .1

tive to examine this case and its implications in

some detail.
I -

0 2 3 4 5
TIME (ns)
When the assumed structure is exposed to
a 0. 5 ns, 6. 25 rad(Si) radiation pulse, the com-
puted time evolution of the hole, electron, and Figure 4. Ideal Transient Photocurrent Response
electric field distributions in the 77 region is as for a 3004 Fully Depleted PIN Diode
shown in Figures 5A, 5B, and 5C, respectively.

10 I I1016
109 SEC
.......6 x 10-9 SEC 109 SEC
-I x 10-9 SECC_ IT SEC
-2 x104 SEC 109 SEC
-__-5 x I0" SEC |I

'10F 10 ''- - '- ' _

.6 x

10-9 SEC
x 10-9 SEC

d4 j*14 |77
A. .. .1.

z ~~~~~~~~~~~z
a ~~~~~~~~0

10 Ii


2 .4 .6 .8 .4 .6 .8

Figure 5A. Hole Distribution Figure 5B. Electron Distribu- Figure 5C. Electric Field Dis-
in a PIN Diode at tion in a PIN Diode tribution in a PIN
Several Times at Several Times Diode at Several

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Immediately after the pulse, the excess carrier swept from the 7i region is becoming smaller. At
density and the electric field are essentially uni- about 5 ns, the carrier peaks shown in Figures
form throughout the 77 region. However, as time 5A and 5B are established and contain a stored
evolves, the holes drift to the right, depleting the charge which is proportional to the area between
region near the N+ contact of holes and producing the two transient waveforms in Figure 6. Note
the observed decrease in the hole density at the that the "tail" or delayed photocurrent resulting
7TN+ junction. Similarly, the motion of electrons from the collection of the carriers which form
away from the P+ region produces a correspond- these peaks is now quite large and is decaying
ing decrease in the electron density at the 7IP+ very slowly. For the case shown here, this de-
junction. As the carriers are swept out of the 7T layed component contains approximately one-
region near the junctions, a space charge region fourth of the total charge collected; however, both
forms and alters the electric field distribution as the relative magnitude and the collection time of
indicated in Figure 5C; i. e., the field in the cen- this component increase with increasing dose or
tral portion of the 17 region decreases while the dose rate.
field at each junction increases in order to main-
tain a constant voltage across the device. As a From the above analysis, it can be seen that
result of the change in the field distribution, the the general characteristics of PIN diodes can be
drift velocity of carriers in the center of the 77 predicted readily with the analysis program.
region is decreased markedly while the velocity Although no experimental data are presented,
of carriers near the junctions is increased. Thus, experience with devices of the type analyzed con-
the carrier densities near the junctions decrease firms the depletion characteristics shown in Fig-
with time while the density near the center re- ure 2 and the predicted collection efficiency.
mains virtually unchanged. After 5. 0 ns, a time Furthermore, the transient waveform predicted
which exceeds the normal carrier transit times, for small doses agrees very well with the pulse
approximately one-quarter of the carriers pro- shape expected from classical analysis.
duced by the radiation pulse has not been collect-
ed. Ultimately, recombination, diffusion, and The most significant result presented in this
the small field still remaining in the central section is the prediction that significant field col-
region erode the peak in the carrier distribution, lapse occurs at steady-state dose rates of 109
and the carrier densities return to their depleted rad(Si)/s (Figure 3) and for prompt doses of only
value s. 6 rad(Si) (see Figures 5 and 6). Although this pre-
diction has not been verified experimentally, it
The effect of the transient electric field col- casts serious doubt on the utility of diodes of this
lapse on the photocurrent waveform can be infer- thickness as high-intensity, fast-response radia-
red from the above discussion. In contrast to the tion detectors. Certainly the presence of the long
low dose case, the hole and electron distributions delayed photocurrent component shown in Figure 6
indicate that a significant fraction of the radiation- and the fact that the relative amplitude of this
induced carriers remain at times longer than a component increases with increasing dose rate
normal transit time. It is clear therefore that the detracts significantly from the 4 ns time resolution
photocurrent during the first few nanoseconds expected on the basis of classical analysis.
after an intense radiation pulse must be propor-
tionately less than in the low dose case and a
change in waveform must exist. This difference
in photocurrent waveform is shown in Figure 6
which is a plot of normalized photocurrent versus
time for the ionization pulse shape shown in the
insert and peak ionization rates of (a) 2. 5 x 108
and (b) 2.5 x 1010 rad(Si)/s. Note that in case (a)
the current waveform is essentially triangular, as
predicted by Brown, and in addition, a small
'itail" exists for at least 10 ns. This delayed cur-
rent is caused by the collection of minority car-
riers from the N+ and P+ regions and can be mini-
mized by reducing the depth of these regions. In
contrast, however, the waveform for case (b)
shows a more rapid decay in the 1 to 2 ns region TIME (ns)
because in this time domain the electric field in
the center of the device is decreasing rapidly; and, Figure 6. Transient Photocurrent Response of a
therefore, the rate at which free carriers are PIN Diode at Two Ionization Levels

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Transistor Transient Response

The classical analysis of photocurrent pro-

duction in transistors has been considered in 02o
several papers.1'21 These analyses are basically
restricted to low ionization levels where conduc-
I- 10
tivity modulation, saturation, and other high- 10
injection phenomena are unimportant. By remov- z
ing these restrictions, however, considerable in-
sight can be obtained concerning the mechanisms
of photoresponse which are important in different lo'X
modes of operation.

In order to demonstrate thevarious response K)4 n p n n+

mechanisms, a device having the doping profile
shown in Figure 7 was assumed. Since this device 0 2 3 4 5 6 58 59 60 61 62
has a high resistivity (-10 Q-cm) collector region DISTANCE ( MICRONS)
and a reasonably narrow base, it is representative
of the high-voltage medium-frequency class of Figure 7. Impurity Doping Profile for Transient
transistor. Although no particular effort was Transistor Calculations
made to describe a commercial device, it would
be roughly equivalent to the nonepitaxial 2N914 or
the 2N1051. It was further assumed that carrier
lifetimes were determined by a concentration of
5 x 1013 gold impurities per cm3. This concen-
tration predicts a collector lifetime of approxi-
mately 0. 1 ps and a base lifetime of 0. 3 ,us, val-
ues which are typical for high gain nonswitching
transistors of the type shown.

Before calculating the transient photo-

response of the transistor, it is necessary to cal-
culate the quiescent carrier and field distribu-
tions so that no portion of the predicted transient
waveforms is caused by the application of the volt-
age and current bias. For this case, a collector-
to-emitter voltage bias of 5.0 volts and a base
TI ME (ns)
current density bias of 1. 35 x 10-2 A/cm2 were
chosen. These bias conditions predict a base-
emitter voltage of 0. 66 volt and a collector cur- Figure 8A. Secondary Photocurrent Versus Time
rent density of 6.4 A/ cm2. for a Dose of 0. 05 rad(Si)
The primary and secondary photocurrent 2.5 1 I
waveforms were predicted for the case of a rec-
tangular pulse of ionizing radiation having a dura- E
tion of 10 ns and doses of 0. 05, 0. 5, and 5.0 j20 COLLECTOR PHOTOCURRENT
rad(Si). The time and dose parameters were cho-
sen so that the ionization occurred in a time which 1.5
was short compared to the device response time
and the resulting secondary photocurrent density o

was (a) much less than, (b) somewhat greater

8 .0
than, and (c) very much greater than the quiescent
collector current density. 45 f
The secondary and primary photocurrent
waveforms for the 0.05 rad(Si) case are shown in
Figures 8A and 8B, respectively. The secondary
photocurrent waveform for this case is very simi-
lar to those predicted by classical analysis; the Figure 8B. Primary Photocurrent Response for
collector current reaches a maximum shortly a Dose of 0. 05 rad(Si)

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after the ionization pulse terminates and then de- The effect discussed above is very evident
cays exponentially with time. The calculated in Figures 9A and 9B which show the secondary
emitter and collector contributions to primary and primary photocurrent waveforms for the 0. 5
photocurrent are shown in Figure 8B. The mag- rad(Si) case. Figure 9B shows that as the collec-
nitude and waveshape of the collector component tor current increases (e.g., at 60 ns) there is a
are again consistent with classical predictions. corresponding increase in the collector primary
Note also that the emitter component amplitude is photocurrent. The instability discussed above is
only one-quarter that of the collector component evidenced by the fact that in the time interval prior
and tends to zero very rapidly. Consequently, the to the collector current peak, the collector cur-
frequently used assumption that this component is rent increases at an increasing rate; i.e., the col-
negligibly small is valid for this case. lector current waveform is concave upward.
After 90 ns, a large fraction of the excess collec-
When the dose is increased from 0.05 to tor minority carriers have either recombined or
0. 5 rad(Si), however, many of the common as- been swept into the base region and the unstable
sumptions, such as the charge neutrality of the buildup can no longer be sustained. Consequently,
collector and base regions, are no longer valid the primary current and, subsequently, the col-
and substantial deviations from the classical lector current begin to decay toward their quies-
waveforms are observed. For prompt doses of cent values.
the order of 0. 5 rad(Si), the collector photocurrent
is many times larger than the quiescent bias cur- Typically, the transient radiation models
rent and substantial electric fields are produced used in large scale circuit analysis programs do
in the bulk collector region. These fields are in not consider this regenerative mechanism and
the direction to cause minority collector carriers simply assume that the collector primary photo-
to drift toward the collector junction where they current waveform is constant. A comparison of
contribute to the primary photocurrent. Thus, as Figures 8B and 9B shows very clearly that this
the collector current increases toward its peak assumption is not necessarily valid since the pri-
value, there is a corresponding increase in the mary photocurrent waveform changes radically as
electric field and, therefore, the collector com- the dose is increased. Moreover, the secondary
ponent of primary photocurrent. Since the pri- photocurrent data indicate that a dose change of a
mary photocurrent is a majority current in the factor of 10 causes the peak secondary photocur-
base, this increase in primary photocurrent fur- rent to increase by a factor of 20. This super-
ther increases the collector current, the electric linear dependence of peak collector current on
field, primary photocurrent, etc.; that is, the dose is a direct result of the collector regenera-
coupling between the primary and secondary tion process, and therefore, it is not predicted by
photo current is regenerative. This regenerative the usual Ebers-Moll22 or charge control23 device
process gives rise to an unstable buildup of col- model. In order to predict this effect, it is neces-
lector current which is ultimately quenched by sary to employ a more exact model which includes
recombination or depletion of excess minority coupling between the primary and secondary
carriers from the collector region. photocurrents. This refinement can be obtained


e 24


2 l l l
"0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
TIME (ns)

Figure 9A. Secondary Photocurrent Versus Figure 9B. Primary and Secondary Photocurrent
Time for a Dose of 0. 5 rad(Si) Versus Time for a Dose of 0. 5
rad (Si)

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either by using a multilump Linvill model24 or progress has been made toward modeling the elec-
by adding the appropriate corrections to the trical properties of point defects and, to a lesser
Ebers-Moll model. degree, cluster defects in silicon and germanium.
Although it would be premature to claim that the
The response of the assumed transistor to accuracy of these recombination and trapping
a large (5. 0 rad(Si)) dose of ionizing radiation is models is sufficient for accurate device analysis,
shown in Figure 10. In this case, the photocur- some of the important bulk properties of the semi-
rents are very large and the device is driven into conductor, e.g., lifetime, have been successfully
a saturated condition. In the saturated state, the described in terms of single- and double-level
collector current density is limited primarily by Shockley-Hall-Read models, and therefore, it is
the bias voltage to collector bulk resistivity ratio appropriate to determine which, if any, of the
and is essentially constant throughout the satura- observed properties of irradiated semiconductor
tion period. After approximately 0. 6 s45, the devices can be predicted directly from such
primary photocurrent decays to a value where it models.
can no longer hold the transistor in the saturated
state and the secondary photocurrent decays to its
quiescent value.

In addition to the normal saturation phenom-

ena discussed above, earlyportions of the wave-
form shown in Figure 10 illustrate another effect;
conductivity modulation of the collector region.
Since the carriers produced by ionizing radiation
are free to take part in the conduction process in
exactly the same manner as those carriers intro-
duced intentionally by impurities, ionization can
temporarily increase the conductivity of the col-
lector region. TIME (SEC)

In the saturated case, this increased con-

ductivity is evidenced by the temporary collector Figure 10. Secondary Photocurrent as a Function
current overshoot shown in the first 30 ns of the of Time for a Dose of 5. 0 rad(Si)
collector current waveform. The magnitude of
this overshoot typically scales as about the one-
half power of the dose. 107

Additional insight into the adequacy of con-

temporary device models can be obtained by j0
examining the distribution of collector minority
carriers at various times after the ionizing ex- _ 12 ns
posure. Figure 11 shows the hole distributions
which correspond to the saturated collector cur- 103 1\8.5ns
rent waveform shown in Figure 10. Immediately ~24.8ns
after the ionization pulse, the hole density in the
collector is essentially uniform and equal to the
density generated. As time increases, the elec-
tric field rapidly moves the holes toward the col- 102 3\8ns
lector junction, and after only 60 ns, it has col-
lected nearly all of the carriers generated in the 0
entire collector region. This result is further
evidence of the general need to include the influ-
ence of the collector electric field in the models
used for circuit and system analysis.

Displacement Damage 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
In addition to transient analyses, a second
major use of the device analysis program is for Figure 11. Hole Discrimination at Several Times
the prediction of displacement damage effects in After a Prompt Exposure of 5. 0
devices. During the last few years, significant rad(Si)

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The device used for this analysis is a sili- The emission-crowding correction discussed ear-
con NPN double-diffused epitaxial transistor with lier was applied to predict collector and base cur-
the doping profile shown in Figure 12. The doping rent density versus base emitter voltage charac-
profile has been selected to match the junction teristics for the case when the base-collector
depths, base sheet resistivity, and collector voltage is zero.
resistivity of the epitaxial 2N914 device. The
general shape of the doping profile was determined The experimental and predicted data for a
from the theoretical shape of the diffusion proces- typical 2N914 device are shown in Figures 13 and
ses used in the device fabrication. 14, respectively. A comparison between these
figures indicates reasonable correlation between
Recombination in the unirradiated device is experiment and theory. The predicted collector
modeled by a two-level SRH model. Since the current curve has the proper slope and emission-
experimental devices used in the study were gold crowding bendaway. However, the predicted val-
doped, a background density of 2. 5 x 1014 gold ues are approximately a factor of two less than
centers per cm3 was assumed. Donor and accept- the measured values, presumably because of un-
or energy levelsof 0.54 and 0.35 eV above the certainties in the emitter and/or base-doping
valence band and capture cross-sections of 1. 7 x levels. The predicted preirradiation base current
10-16, 1.1 x 10-14, 6.3 x 10-15, and 2.4 x 10-15 is consistent with the predicted collector current
cm2 for electron and hole capture on the donor in that it has the correct curve shape but it also is
and acceptor levels25 were used to determine the low by a factor of two. This agreement is about
recombination properties of the gold center. as expected because of uncertainties in the doping
26 profile, the gold cross-section and density para-
Messenger has described recombination meters, and the possible errors introduced by
in neutron-irradiated materials by using two neglecting the emitter-base space charge recom-
single-level SRH models: an acceptor level loca- bination at or near the surface.
ted 0. 41 eV above the valence band and a donor
level located 0. 31 eV below the conduction band. After neutron irradiation, there is again
These centers have hole and electron capture general agreement in the curve shapes. Except
rates of 0.68 x 10-5 and 0.76 x 10-6 and 0. 37 x for the enhanced emission-crowding deviations,
10-6 and 0.40 x 10-5 s-l per incident neutron/ both predicted and experimental collector current
cm2 (E > 0.01 MeV). curves are essentially the same as in the

Using the recombination models discussed

above, the characteristics of the 2N914 were pre-
dicted for two cases: (a) no neutron-induced de-
fects, and (b) a neutron fluence of 5 x 1013 cm 2. lo-,


2 10-4




3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.15 0.25 0.35 045 0.55 0.65 0.75 085

Figure 12. Impurity Doping Profile for the Figure 13. Base and Collector Current as a
2N914 Transistor Function of Base-Emitter Voltage

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preirradiated case. The predicted base current Since these data indicate general agreement
curve has the same general shape as the experi- between theory and experiment, there is reason
mental curve and approximately the correct to look more closely at the calculated behavior
amplitude. The predicted change in base current and draw tentative conclusions concerning the
density at a base-emitter voltage of 0. 5 volt and relative importance of specific damage mechan-
a neutron fluence of 5 x 1013/cm-2 is about 5 x isms. Rather than examine the total base cur-
10-3 mA/cm2. This value is almost exactly the rent, it is instructive to examine the recombina-
same as the value obtained by Goben and Smits27 tion current in each major region of the device.
and agrees reasonably with the value of 3 x 10-3 For the discussion here, four base current com-
mA/cm2 obtained from Figure 13. Also note that ponents are considered: (1) the back injection of
in the low current regime, the neutron-induced holes into the emitter region, (2) recombination
change in base current predicted on the basis of in the emitter transition region, (3) recombina-
the Messenger model is approximately character- tion in the bulk base region, and (4) recombina-
ized by an expression of the form tion in the collector transition or Kirk region2 8 2 9
The latter component becomes important at high
injection levels where the carriers in transit
AIb(Vbe)= K exp (
Vbb) through the collector transition region become
more dense than the net impurity concentration
and the effective collector junction moves into the
where K is approximately 1. 3 x 10o22a and is '
collector region.
1. 4. It should be noted that these values are also
in agreement with the values of 3. 3 x 10-22a and The predicted magnitude and bias dependence
1. 5 measured by Goben and Smits. 27 of these four components in the case of a 5. 0 x
1013 cm-2 fluence are shown in Figure 15. As
At the higher current levels, the predicted postulated by Goben and Smits, recombination in
and measured data both evidence similar "bendaway" the emitter transition region dominates at low
characteristics which result from high injection current levels and has a voltage dependence of
and emission-crowding effects. The relative im- approximately exp (qVbe/l. 4 kT) over most of the
portance of these two effects is shown in Figure
14 by the comparison of the predicted character-
istic prior to the emission-crowding correction
(the dotted curves) and the fully corrected curve.

I 0 9 FE


5_ x _ Otnvt , --
/ ,-

-§ 10-
-5 //

z~ _




to - I 1 1
0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.05

Figure 14. Predicted Base and Collector Current Figure 15. Predicted Base Current Components
as a Function of Base-Emitter Versus Base-Emitter Voltage

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bias range. Components 1 and 3, which are due displacement damage calculations predict that in
to recombination in the bulk emitter and base the 2N914 device both transition region recom-
regions, have an ideal Boltman voltage dependence bination and Kirk effect are the dominant gain
of exp (qVbe/kT) and, although small at low cur- degradation mechanisms. Naturally this result
rent levels, become significant for base-emitter is based upon the lifetime model assumed and is
voltages of the order of 0. 7 volt. Note also that subject to considerable error. However, the
the component due to recombination in the Kirk agreement between the experimental and calcula-
region, component 4, increases very rapidly at ted device characteristics is very good and lends
high current levels and is dominant for currents a measure of credibility to the predictions.
in excess of about 70 mA. The magnitude of this
component is enhanced by having a collector-base There are clearly many additional applica-
voltage of zero volts, but even for nominal bias tions for analysis programs of this type. The
levels this component is significant at current radiation characteristics of the silicon-controlled
densities of the order of 1000 A/cm2. Although rectifier, the silicon-controlled switch, and the
devices do not normally operate at this high level, standard diode could be predicted with no altera-
emission crowding is greatly enhanced by dis- tions of the program. The junction FET could
placement damage, and after irradiation such also be analyzed by using the program to predict
densities are achieved around the emitter peri- the depletion characteristic of a section of the
phery at reasonably low bias levels. channel. In addition, the program computes the
small signal parameters and can be used direct-
On the basis of these calculations, one would ly to predict junction capacitance and other para-
conclude that recombination in the emitter transi- meters required for the more approximate de-
tion region and the Kirk region are the dominant vice models used in circuit analysis applications.
damage mechanisms, while bulk base recombina-
tion and emitter efficiency play secondary roles.
However, it should be recognized that these con-
clusions are strongly dependent upon the lifetime Appendix I
models assumed. These models are based upon
the characteristics of bulk silicon and could be Definition of Symbols
grossly in error in space charge regions where
p, n Hole and electron concentration (cm )
there are large fields and small carrier densi-
ties. This possibility could easily account for the E Electric field intensity (volts/cm)
small discrepancies found in this analysis. q Electronic charge (1.602 x 10 coulombs)

IV. Conclusion J p ,Ji n Hole and electron current densities (amperes/cm )

Hole and electron generation-recombination rates

This paper describes a device analysis pro-
9p' gn (carriers/cm3-s)
gram which automatically solves Poisson's equa- gRI R Ionization generation rates for holes and electrons
tion and the continuity equations over a one- (carriers/cm3-s)
dimensional region. The program automatically gpI' 9gI Impact ionization generation rate for holes and electrons
includes nonlinear mobility, impact ionization, (carriers/cm3 -s)
and SRH recombination models and should predict gpdl' gndl Hole and electron generation-recombination rates through
the electrical properties of devices with consider- -a single level trapping center (carriers/cm3-s)
able accuracy. gpd2' 9nd2 Hole and electron generation-recombination rates through
a two-level trapping center (carriers/cm3-s)
The utility of the program is demonstrated K Relative dielectric constant for silicon (11. 5)
by the results obtained from three examples.
c0 Permittivity of free space (8.85 x 10-14 farads/cm)
First, the transient analysis of the PIN diode
indicates that field collapse occurs at relatively k Boltzman constant (1.38044 x 10 Joules/OK)
low radiation levels, e.g., 6 rad(Si). Although T Absolute temperature (OK)
this prediction has not been confirmed experi-
NDt Total ionized impurity concentration (cm-3)
mentally, it indicates that this device should not
be used indiscriminately as a radiation detector, ND. NA Concentration of donor and acceptor impurity atoms
especially in applications demanding nanosecond (cm-3)
time resolution at high (>109 rad/s) dose rates. mp' Mn
Hole and electron mobilities (cm2/volts-s)
Second, the predicted transient response ofPthe Low-field, low-doping hole mobility in silicon
transistor emphasized the role of the collector (480 cm2/volt-s)
electric field and indicated the shortcomings of u Low-field, low-doping electron mobility in silicon
several models now used in circuit analysis no
(1350 cm2/volt-s)
applications. In addition, the effect of conduc- vp ,vn Drift velocity for holes and electrons (cm/s)
tivity modulation was predicted. Finally, the

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a (E), a (E) Ionization coefficients for holes and electrons

p n (carriers/carrier-cm) References
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