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Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________

My Mask

Have you ever felt like you needed to wear several masks to fit in? We all hide "parts of ourselves" because we
fear rejection. They are normal parts of life, but not the best ones. How would your mask look if you had to show
people who you are? Make a mask using the template.

01 Worksheet 2 *Property of STI

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1. Describe the image that you want to portray in your mask?

2. How would you describe what people typically know about what you do or about your life?

3. Explain how your personality is really like (what you really love to do that not everyone knows or what your
life is really like)?

4. Are there any similarities or differences between your own descriptions as compared to that of the others
about you??

01 Worksheet 2 *Property of STI

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