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Volume 7 • Application Funnels

The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide

To Building Your Application Funnels

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Legal Disclaimer

This guide was designed for your educational enjoyment. No part of this
guide may be reproduced, printed, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted,
copied, re-sold, or otherwise used for public or private benefit.

This guide provides valuable funnel building strategies and tactics that are
based on our own rigorous testing. ClickFunnels, which is referenced at
times in this guide, is a website and funnel builder company that helps
existing businesses sell their products and services online. ClickFunnels
makes no claims or representation that by using this guide, participating in
a Virtual Hackathon, or subscribing to ClickFunnels you will earn money or
make your money back.

While this guide and our programs may depict real experiences from
paying users of ClickFunnels, their business’s results are not typical, and
your business’s experience and funnel success will vary based upon the
effort and education of your business’s employees and management,
the business model that is implemented, and market forces beyond any-
one’s control.

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Funnel Guides

These Virtual Hackathon Funnel Guides are meant to be used as a

checklist while you are building your funnels. It is important to know that
not everyone builds their funnels exactly the same and the beautiful thing
about ClickFunnels is you are free to customize your funnels however you’d
like. The format and steps used may not be EXACTLY the same for every
single funnel you build. These guides will help give you a great idea on how
you might build your funnel, but you are always able to customize them for
your own needs.

These guides are created by the Virtual Hackathon Team. The Virtual
Hackathon Team does live “Hackathons” every single Day (Twice a day M-F)
and are available to all ClickFunnels Platinum Members.

To get the most out these guides make sure you attend the live Virtual
Hackathons to get a full run through of how to build these funnels, get
any of your questions answered and learn all about the AMAZING
features included in ClickFunnels Platinum.

Sign up for the next Virtual Funnel Hackathon at: https://virtualhackathons.

If you aren’t a ClickFunnels Platinum member, test out the platinum
features for FREE for a week by going to:

Set a reminder for yourself so that you don’t miss out on all the AMAZING
Virtual Hackathon Action! (Set one on your phone and your computer!)

We can’t wait to see you in the next Virtual Hackathon!

Copyright 2020 - ClickFunnels - All Rights Reserved

Application Funnels

Application Funnels are the perfect way to sell your High Ticket Offers.
Whether it’s a coaching program or a custom quote, sometimes it just
makes more sense to get your prospective customers on the phone to have
yourself or your sales team close the deal!

Application Funnels make it easier for you to show your prospective cus-
tomers what it’s like to work with you and the results you can bring to the
table, while also allowing them to apply to get the opportunity to work
with you as well.

1. The Front End Funnel

2. The Lists
3. The Follow Up Funnel Sequence

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Application Funnel

Copyright 2020 - ClickFunnels - All Rights Reserved

The Front End Funnel

The Front End piece to this funnel is a simple 3 step Funnel. It starts with a
Success Story or Case Study Page which highlights the stories others have
had working with you. Then it leads to an application form where the visitor
can apply to work with you and then on the final page, they are taken to
a homework page where the applicants can find everything they need to
prepare for their intro call with you/your sales team.

Once You choose a template to start with (Check out Funnel Hacking Se-
crets in FunnelFlix), you will want to complete the following steps:

Funnel Settings
• Update Funnel Name
• Update Domain
• Update SMTP
• Update Favicon

Things to do on every page

• Check ending path that shows up in browser (gear under page preview)
• Create and Save a Header/Footer to apply to each page (huge time saver)
• Update design and copy of the page
• Update SEO Meta Data
• Check Settings>>General>> Search Engines
• Double Check Automation tab of funnel steps

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The Success Story/Case
Study Page

This is the page you will drive all of your traffic to. This page will promi-
nently display a success story or case study video from someone who has
previously worked with you. This Page has 3 goals. 1. Have the visitor watch
your video. 2. Allows the visitor to start the application process to work
with you and 3. Collect an email address so you can follow up with anyone
that doesn’t finish the application form on the next page.

To do list:
• Complete everything listed in “Things to do on Every Page”
• Add your video(s) to the page
• Set Call To Action Buttons to “Open Pop up”
• Setup Pop-Up with Input set to Email and Button set to “Submit Form”
* Connect Pre-Application List to this step (Do this after you’ve created your

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The Application Page

The Application Page usually has a video that will set even more expecta-
tions of what it is like to work with you and has the entire application form
built out for applicants to fill in and apply to work with you.

To do list:
• Complete everything listed in “Things to do on Every Page.”
• Add your Video
• Add all your custom input elements needed for your form
• Add Order Select Element to Order form
• Add Button Element with Action set to “Submit Order/Submit Form

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The Homework Page

Once they apply, they will be taken to the Homework Page. On the Home-
work Page, you can add in a video to create a connection between you and
your new Applicants. Give them some next steps to follow and set expec-
tations of what is going to happen next after they have applied. You can
also get them to initiate an inbound call to you or your sales team.

To do list:
• Complete everything listed in “Things to do on Every Page.”
• Add your video
• List everything they need to prepare for your call
• Add a phone link to your inbound phone number
* Connect Post-Application List to this step (Do this after you’ve created
your list)

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The Lists

When visitors in your funnel take certain actions on the pages in your fun-
nel, you can automatically add them to different lists inside your ClickFun-
nels account. Once you have them on lists you can run all those contacts
through different automation sequences.

For this funnel, we recommend creating at least a “Pre-Application List”

and a “Post Application List”

Pre - Application List

To do list:
• Create the Pre-Application List. (As a Static List)
• Connect the List to the Success Story/Cast Study Page.

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The Lists

Post - Application List

To do list:
• Create the Post-Application List. (As a Static List)
• Connect the List to the Homework Page.

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The Follow Up Funnels

Once you have your Front End Funnel Built, your list(s) created and the two
connected to each other. You can then connect your list(s) to a Follow Up
Funnel to automate emails to every contact in each of your different lists.

Pre-Application List Sequence

The Buyers List Follow Up Funnel Sequence is a series of automations that you
will run everyone who purchases through. Since everyone who attempts to
purchase on the order form ends up on the Non-Buyers list right away, you
need your first automation set up to remove them from the non-buyers list
and then you can also send them an confirmation email right away! You can
then drip out any other emails or actions you want to take place for the con-
tacts in the future.

To do list:
• Create a new FUF Sequence
• Connect Your Buyers List to the Buyers List FUF
• Add a Remove From List ClickFunnels Internal Step
• Add a Email Messenger Steps
• Make each FUF steps live.

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The Follow Up Funnels

Once you have your Front End Funnel Built, your list(s) created and the two
connected to each other. You can then connect your list(s) to a Follow Up
Funnel to automate emails to every contact in each of your different lists.

Post-Application List Sequence

The Non-Buyers List Follow Up Funnel Sequence is a series of automations that
we will run to everyone who attempted to purchase on the Order Form. If they
successfully complete a purchase, the Buyerst List FUF will remove them from
here, but if they go 24 hours without completing a purchase, you are going to
send them some reminder emails to get them back onto the order form to fin-
ish what they started

To do list:
• Create a new FUF Sequence
• Connect Your Non-Buyers List to the Non-Buyers List FUF
• Add a Email Messenger Steps
• Make each FUF steps live.

Copyright 2020 - ClickFunnels - All Rights Reserved

Funnel Guides
Don’t forget to sign up for the next Virtual Hackathon so that you can go
through this live with our team and get any questions you have answered!

These guides are created by the Virtual Hackathon Team. The Virtual
Hackathon Team does live “Hackathons” every single Day (Twice a day M-F)
and are available to all ClickFunnels Platinum Members.

To get the most out these guides make sure you attend the live Virtual
Hackathons to get a full run through of how to build these funnels, get
any of your questions answered and learn all about the AMAZING features
included in ClickFunnels Platinum.

Sign up for the next Virtual Funnel Hackathon at: https://virtualhackathons.

If you aren’t a ClickFunnels Platinum member, test out the platinum
features for FREE for a week by going to:

Set a reminder for yourself so that you don’t miss out on all the AMAZING
Virtual Hackathon Action! (Set one on your phone and your computer!)

We can’t wait to see you in the next Virtual Hackathon!

-The Virtual Hackathon Team

Copyright 2020 - ClickFunnels - All Rights Reserved

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