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Silence. The only noise that ran through the small taverns of Daggerfall's streets.

The night was

as empty as any other, not a cloud in the sky, nor a drop of rain for the fields. As the sun snuck
below the horizon, a young Oswald hung up his apron and set about to clean around his tavern,
The Golden Tricorn. Scatterings of meat and fat lay on the ground, evidence of the earlier feast
done by Urtua and her pirate gang. Typically, Oswald would have chased them onto the streets,
but he had a soft spot for the orc leader, although he would never admit it.

As Oswald began to clean down the tables and stools of ale and meat, he began to hum a tune
to himself. The crackling of the fire and the creaking of the stairs were the only noises Oswald
had for company, but he made do with it. As Oswald finished wiping down his 2nd table, he
noticed something shift out of the corner of his eye. Swiftly taking out a dagger, the elf spun
around to face whatever he felt, only to see open ait before him. The hand on his shoulder
confirmed that whatever he felt enter the tavern, was indeed real. The figure, with all the grace
of the wind itself, leant forward towards Oswalds ear, and whispered something to him. The
young elf didn't want to listen, but his worst fears soon came to a realistion.

"I know who you are, Oswald"

Without so much as a touch, Oswald was frozen with shock, before the hand released its grip
on his shoulder. Turning around, Oswald saw that the figure was now sat at the bar, supping
what was left from a half drank mug of ale. Approaching cautiously, Oswald stepped behind the
bar to speak with him, face to face.
Oswalds words were calm, and collected. "......Malkor. who sent you?"
The old man chuckled from his seat
"You know I only work for royalty"
Malkor took another swig of ale, before Oswald snatched it out of his hand.
".....look, you know I don't do that stuff anymore. That was a long time ago, before everything
that happened with-"
"The king needs your assistance." Malkor snapped. "I don't need to hear your life story, I'm only
here to give you something from him."
Without saying another word, Malkor pulled a small coin out of his pocket, with a silver chain
running through it. Oswald immediately snatched it up
"W-where did you get this?? I swear I threw this into the river-"
"My dear Oswald, you know how powerful my magic is. Retrieving this was childishly easy."
Malford tone turned darker, filled with more malice than ever
"Me and you both know you can't outrun your guilt, not after what you did. The king wants this
final task of you, and he shall leave you be."

Oswald sighed, looking at the coin in his hand. Memories start to fill his head, each one more
shameful than the last. He placed the coin around his neck, before turning back to Malkor
".....fine, I'll do whatever he asks, but on one condition. I want to bring a friend."
Malkor laughs, before taking a final swig of ale and standing up
"You? Friends?? After what you did, you don't deserve to even walk the same earth as them.
But fine, his majesty won't stop you from bringing that pirate girl along with you. Maybe she can
be of use."
Malkor turned his back on Oswald, and as he headed towards the door, he looked back at the
"...this is a nice place, Oswald. Its a shame that it's built on lies-"
Oswald threw the knife towards Malkor, with it landing Inches away from his face. The old man
chuckles, leaving Oswald with his parting words, and disappearing into the night.
"your job is to get rid of a caravan outside of the castle walls tomorrow. Be there."

Oswald stood there for a long time, thinking about what had just occurred. Sighing, he walked
over to the entrance to the tavern, retrieving the knife from the wall and placing it back in its
sheeth. Looking around, Oswald let his mind run rampant with old memories, before he grabs
his cloak and heads out into the night, in search of his friend, Urtua.

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