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Article · November 2017


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4 authors, including:

Michal Hrabovský Alena Rendeková

Comenius University in Bratislava Comenius University in Bratislava


Karol Micieta
Comenius University in Bratislava


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Acta Botanica Universitatis Comenianae Vol. 52, 2017



Michal Hrabovský •, Zuzana Randáková, Alena Rendeková, Karol Mičieta

Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Botany,

Révová 39, 81102 Bratislava, Slovakia

Received 23 August 2017; Received in revised form 08 November 2017; Accepted 13 November 2017


Changes in the systematic classification of fruits could call for new equivalents in regional languages. The
changes bring new terminology. We took over absenting terms of schizocarpous, aggregate and compound fruits
into the Slovak morphological terminology. Since between alien morphological terminology and our national are
traditional differences, we set strict borders in terminology of fruits. The new systematic treatment includes
a description of almost 90 fruit types.

Key words: plant morphology, fruit terminology, schizocarps, aggregates

The systematic classification of fruits has undergone many changes during the last 250 years. The
main fruit types have remained almost unchanged, but there are great differences in the classification
of schizocarps, aggregates and compound fruits.
The most merited authors in the systematic treatment of fruits, as Linné (1751), Gaertner (1788, 1790,
1791, 1792), de Candolle (1813), de Mirbel (1813), Desvaux (1813), Lindley (1832), Beck (1913) or
Barroso et al. (1999), were representatives of the descriptive morphology. The new trends in the
morphology of fruits try to merge the descriptive morphology with phylogenetic and ontogenetic
findings (Spjut 1994, Stuppy 2004).
There are great differences in the classification of fruits by European and American authors (cf. Spjut
1994). Slovak morphological nomenclature is based on Dostál concept (Futák 1966). This concept has
stricter borders in the terminology of simple fruits, but the absence of the terminology for schizocarps,
aggregates and compound fruits is noticeable, especially as new fruits of exotic plants become more
popular. On the other side, the alien concepts with vague bondaries among simple fruits bring sufficient
terminology for schizocarps, aggregates and compound fruits (Spjut 1994).
The aim of our study is: 1. to take over the absenting terms into Slovak morphological system; 2. to
propose new Slovak equivalents to taken terms; 3. to set strict borders in the terminology of schizocarps,
aggregates and compound fruits.

Material and Methods

We based our extended fruit classification on morphological system published in Flora Slovenska I.
(Futák 1966). The new terms have been taken over from terminology of Spjut (1994) and Stuppy (2004).
Slovak equivalents for fruit types were proposed following and keeping the traditional morphological

Corresponding author: Michal Hrabovský; e-mail:

concept of Flóra Slovenska I. The fruit types were illustred according to chosen examples – live material
or photos from the internet.

Results and Discusion

Using the phylogenetic point of view, the fruits can be divided into two main groups: fruits of
gymnosperms, Spermatocarpia – pseudo-fruits or naked seeds not originating from conjoined carpels
– and from angiosperms, Eucarpia – true fruits originating from a pistil.

1. S P E R M A T O C A R P I A (semenné plody)

The noticeable homoplasy can be observed between pseudo-fruits of gymnosperms and angiosperms.
The fruits of primitive gymnosperms were protected by a cupule of megasporophyllous origin. Later,
when the megasporophylls were arranged into a strobilus, the cupule was replaced by modified
sporophylls, bracts or seeds scales.

1.1. M o n o s p e r m a t o c a r p i a (jednoduché semenné plody) – single pseudo-fruits from one

megasporophyll or from its segments.
1.1.1. Dry pseudo-fruits, s p e r m a t o c a r p i a s i c c i (suché semenné plody):
– c u p u l a (semenná čiaška) – an open multi-seeded cupule with many unitegmic ovules (Calatho-
spermum †, Peltaspermum †).
– s p e r m a c h e n i u m (semenná nažka) – an open cupule with one unitegmic ovule (Lyginopteris
†, Umkomasia †).
– s p e r m o c a p s u l a (semenná tobolka) – pseudo-fruit from two and many cupules aggregated
into one closed unit (Leptostrobus †, Cardiolepis †).
1.1.2. Fleshy pseudo-fruits, s p e r m a t o c a r p i a c a r n o s i (dužinaté semenné plody):
– s p e r m i d i u m, s p e r m o d r u p a (semenná kôstkovica) – drupe-like pseudo-fruit derived from
unitegmic ovule, where the outer layer of integument forms a sarcotesta and the inner layer a sclerotesta
(Cycas, Ginkgo, Cycadoidea †, Cephalotaxus).
– a r i l l o c a r p i u m, s p e r m o b a c c a (semenná bobuľa) – berry-like one or more seeded pseudo-
fruit derived from fleshy cupule (Caytonia †), or from cupule-like bracts (Torreya) incl. c h l a m y s
(plášťovitý obal) (Gnetum) or their rudiment (Taxus), or from seed scale – e p i m a t i u m
(epimácium) (in this case the pseudo-fruit can be called e p i s p e r m a t i u m, epismermácium
[1/1], Podocarpus).

1.2. P o l y s p e r m a t o c a r p i a (zložené semenné plody) – compound pseudo-fruits.

– s t r o b i l u s (strobilus) – seeds or single pseudo-fruits are arranged on frondlike sporophylls in
a cylindrical cone-like arrangement (Gigantopteris †, Cycas)
– c o n u s s i m p l e x (jednoduchá šiška) – seeds are on woody scale-like sporophylls in a cylindrical
arrangement (Palissya †, Zamia)
– c o n u s d e c o m p o s i t u s (zložená šiška) – double compound unit with one rachis and lateral
strobili or seed scales (modified phylloclade-like strobili) arranged around the rachis and subtended
by bracts (Larix, Picea).
– g a l b u l u s (zrastená šiška) – compound cone, where the seed scales (modified strobili) are fused
with bracts (Araucaria, Cupressus).
– a r c e s t h i d a (šišková bobuľa) – the fleshy cone-like pseudo-fruit originating from fleshy scales
and bracts (Juniperus) or modified scales (Phyllocladus) or bracts (Ephedra).

Fig. 1. Spermatocarpia and simple fruits. 1 – epispermatium (Podocarpus); 2 – tryma (Juglans); 3 – pseu-
dodrupa (Elaeagnus); 4 – acrosarcum (Hylocereus); 5 – balaustium (Punica); 6 – peponium (Carica);
7 – amphisarcum (Theobroma); 8 – glandispermidium (Anacardium); 9 – folliculus (Connarus); 10 – coccum
(Myristica); 11 – utriculus (Lemna); 12 – capsula (Durio); 13 – camara (Posidonia); 14 – achenium (Najas);
15 – cypsela (Taraxacum); 16 – caryopsis (Triticum); 17 – perigynium (Carex); 18 – samara (Ulmus); 19 –
pseudosamara (Rumex); 20 – nux (Ceratophyllum); 21 – diclesium (Coryllus); 22 – glans (Quercus). (Del. Z.
Randáková, except 12: A. Rendeková.)

2. E U C A R P I A (pravé plody)

The true fruits are fruits of all known angiosperms. They are derivated from the tissues of pistil
(conjoined carpel/carpels) or from accessory tissues of receptacle or hypanthium. They can be divided
according to their origin into fruits of one flower, thus simple fruits; Monanthocarpia, and fruits from
one inflorescence, thus compound fruits; Polyanthocarpia. The simple fruits can originate from
monocarpous, syncarpous and apocarpous gynoecium. Some monocarpous and syncarpous fruits are
merged into one category (e.g. drupe, berry). The syncarpous fruits can be classified into two groups:
entire or non-schizocarpous fruits and schizocarpous fruits dividing in maturity into mericarps
(fruitlets). Based on pericarpium consistency, the simple fruits are divided into fleshy fruits and dry
(non-fleshy) fruits. The main difference between these groups is in the presence of mesocarp (or
ostensible mesocarp) in fleshy fruits and its absence in dry fruits, since a dry fruit can also contain a
pulp. Dry fruits are divided into three subgroups: indihescent, dehiscent and lomentaceous fruits. The
main difference between lomentaceous fruits and schizocarpous fruits is the division of mericarps. If
the syncarpous fruit is divided into mericarps according to adhesions of carpels, the fruit is called

schizocarpous. If one carpel of monocarpous or syncarpous fruit is divided into one- or few-seed
mericarps transversely to the adhesions, the fruit is classified as dry lomentaceous fruit.

2.1. M o n a n t h o c a r p i a (plody)
2.1.1. Monocarpous and syncarpous simple fruits (jednoduché plody) Non-schizocarpous fruits (nerozpadavé plody) Fleshy fruits (dužinaté plody) Drupaceous fruits (kôstkovité plody)
– d r u p a (kôstkovica) – pericarpium is mostly fleshy except for the endocarp. The endocarp or
a part of placentation tissue enclosing the seed contains coherent sclerenchymatic cells (Prunus)
It is one of the most common fruit types. If the pericarpium is partly or entirely dry, the drupe is
called n u c u l a n i u m (vysychavá kôstkovica). If the part of pericarpium or anthocarp is dehiscent,
the drupe is called t r y m a (pukavá kôstkovica) [1/2] (Astrocaryum, Juglans, Caryocar).
P s e u d o d r u p a (nepravá kôstkovica) [1/3], nut in a fleshy hypanthium, is sometimes classified
as drupe (Elaeagnus), but it is homologous with d i c l e s i u m (diklézium) (see and we
recommend to use the term nut instead of pseudo-drupe. Baccate fruits (bobuľovité plody)
– b a c c a (bobuľa) – pericarpium (Actinidia), placentation tissue (Garcinia) or sarcotesta is fleshy
without sclerenchymatic cells in the endocarp. There are few special types of berries: a c r o s a r c u m
(akrosarka) [1/4] – berry with seeds embedded in fleshy pulpe without distinct mesocarp and
endocarp (Hylocereus, Opuntia); b a l a u s t i u m (balausta) [1/5] – berry with fused anthocarp,
thin exocarp and mesocarp, the endocarp is membranous and seeds have sarcotesta (Punica);
h e s p e r i d i u m (hesperídium) – berry with coriaceous exocarp and membranous endocarp with
fleshy trichomes (Citrus); p e p o n i u m (pepónium) [1/6] – berry derived from the parietal
placentation, seeds have sarcotesta (Cucurbita, Passiflora); a m p h i s a r c u m (amfisarka) [1/7] –
berry with a woody outer layer of pericarp (Theobroma, Adansonia). In some plant families
(Lauraceae, Arecaceae, Araliaceae), the fleshy fruits with membranous or rigid endocarp called
berry-like drupes or drupe-like berries occur (kôstkovitá bobuľa) (Persea, Phoenix, Hedera), with
a great disunity in differentiation.
– p o m u m (malvica) – sensu lato trivial name for all berry-like (Amelanchier) or drupe-like (Mespilus)
fruits of the family Rosaceae; sensu stricto a berry with coriaceous endocarp (Malus) or scattered
sclerenchymatic cells (Pyrus).
If the drupe or berry grows from a swollen peduncle, the drupe is known as g l a n d i s p e r m i d i u m
[1/8] (Anacardium, Callophyllum, Ophiopogon), but we recommend to use the terms drupe or berry. Dry fruits (suché plody) Dehiscent fruits (pukavé plody)
– f o l l i c u l u s (mechúrik) [1/9] – dehiscent fruit of one carpel opening along one suture (Consolida).
The undifferentiated pericarp can be thin or carnous. Sometimes fleshy pulp occurs around the seeds.
The special follicle in the family Fabaceae, l e g u m e n (struk), is opening along two sutures often
of equal length (Vicia). Sometimes (Dialium, Detarium), the legume is fleshy or with a stony tissue
around the seeds, nevertheless we recommend to use the term legume. Transition between legume
and follicle is observable in many families as c o c c u m (strukovitý mechúrik) (Myristica) [1/10],
opening along two sutures of unequal length. U t r i c u l u s (vrecko) [1/11] is easily crushed,
irregularly opening follicle (Lemna).
– c a p s u l a (tobolka) [1/12] – dehiscent fruit of two and more carpels. There are many types of
capsules (septicidal, loculicidal, denticidal, septifragal...). S i l i q u a (šešuľa) is capsule, longer
than wider, consisting of two carpels with parietal seeds attached to a replum that has a partition;
s i l i c u l a (šešuľka) is similar to silique, but long less than one third as long as broad. Both of
them occur in Brassicaceae and Cleomaceae. Sometimes (Isatis), the silique is achene-like, not
dehiscent, nevertheless we recommend to use this term. In a few plant families (Papaveraceae,

Bignoniaceae), the capsules similar to silique are common, but without a partition or not from the
parietal placentation – c e r a t i u m (šešuľovitá tobolka). Indehiscent fruits (nepukavé plody)
– c a m a r a (nažka) [1/13] – indehiscent fruit of one carpel, morphogenetically close to follicle.
– a c h e n i u m (viacplodolistová nažka, achéna) [1/14] – indehiscent polycarpellate fruit, morpho-
genetically close to one or few seeded capsule. There are few special achenes: c y p s e l a (pod-
kvetná viacplodolistová nažka, cypsela) [1/15] – achene from inferior ovary with a modified calyx
(some campanulids: Asteraceae, Loniceraceae); c a r y o p s i s (zrno) [1/16] – achene with a very
thin, hyaline pericarp, indistinct from testa (Poaceae); p e r i g y n i u m – (pamechúrik) [1/17] –
achene coated by anthocarp dehiscent at maturation; s a m a r a (krídlatá viacplodolistová nažka,
samara) [1/18] – achene with pericarp or anthocarp (then sometimes called p s e u d o s a m a r a)
[1/19] extended into a wing.
Camara or achene with a sclerocarpous pericarp is called n u x (oriešok) [1/20] (Trapa, Zelkova).
If a fruit, most often nut, is subtended by bracts, hypanthium, cupule or anthocarp, it is sometimes
called d i c l e s i u m (diklézium) [1/21] (Corylus, Combretus, Physalis). If an achene-like fruit is
basally subtended by accrescent floral parts (receptacle, peduncle), it can be called g l a n s (žaľuď)
[1/22] (Quercus). C a r c e r u l u s (karcerulus) is an achene with one fertile and a few sterile ovules
(Tilia). We recommend to use the terms nut, achene or else instead of diclesium, glans or carcerulus. Lomentaceous fruits (delené plody)
– l o m e n t u m (pastruk) [2/1] – pericarpium of one carpel with a complete disarticulation (Styphno-
lobium). If the disarticulation is not complete and the replum is persistent, the fruit is called
c r a s p e d i u m (rámikový pastruk) [2/2] (Mimosa).
– b i l o m e n t u m (pašešuľa) [2/3] – disarticulating fruit of two and more carpels (Raphanus). Schizocarpous fruits (rozpadavé plody) Fleshy schizocarpous fruits (dužinaté rozpadavé plody)
– d r u p a r i u m (plod rozdelený na kôstkovičky) [2/4] – the schizocarpous fruit of drupaceous
mericarps (Brackenridgea, Rubia). In descriptive morphology the druparium of two mericarps is
called b i d r u p a (dvojkôstkovica). G l a n d a r i u m (rozpadavý plod na zdužnatenom kvetnom
lôžku) [2/5] is druparium with accrescent receptacle (Ouratea).
– b a c c a r i u m (plod rozdelený na bobule) [2/6] – the schizocarpous fruit of baccate mericarps
(Hunteria). Dry schizocarpous fruits (suché rozpadavé plody) Dehiscent schizocarpous fruits (pukavé rozpadavé plody)
– f o l l i c a r i u m (plod rozdelený na mechúriky) [2/7] – the schizocarpous fruit of follicular
mericarps (Asclepias). If the mericarps are cocci and the follicles are opening along two sutures
of unequal length, the fruit is called c o c c a r i u m (plod rozdelený na strukovité mechúriky)
[2/8] (Quillaja). Similarly to the schizocarpous capsule of Euphorbiaceae, it can be identified as
coccarium. Indehiscent schizocarpous fruits (nepukavé rozpadavé plody)
– a c h e n a r i u m (plod rozdelený na nažky) [2/9] – the schizocarpous fruit of indehiscent mericarps
(Tropaeolum). If the pericarp is free from seed/seeds, the achenarium can be called c a m a r i u m
(plod rozdelený na nažky s voľným oplodím) [2/10]. If mericarps hang from the carpofor, the fruit
is know as p o l a c h e n a r i u m (plod rozdelený na visiace nažky) (Geranium). In descriptive
morphology, polachenarium of two mericarps is known as c r e m o c a r p i u m (visiaca dvojnažka)
(Apiaceae) [2/11]. If the mericarps consist of samaras, achenarium is called s a m a r i um (plod
rozdelený na krídlaté nažky) [2/12] (Banisteriopsis). In descriptive morphology, samarium of two
mericarps is known as c r e m o c a r p i u m a l a t u m (krídlatá visiaca dvojnažka) (Acer). We
recommend to use only the terms achenarium and samarium.

75 Lomentaceous schizocarpous fruits (delené rozpadavé plody)
– m i c r o b a s a r i u m (plod rozdelený na tvrdky) – the schizocarpous fruit of two carpels dividing
into four nutlets (Lamiaceae, Boraginaceae) [2/13]. The microbasarium developing within an accrescent
perianth is known as t r y m a r i u m (rozpadavý plod v pukajúcich vytrvalých kvetných obaloch)
(Salazaria) [2/14]. If the microbasarium is developing within a splitting periant, it can be called
d i c l e s a r i u m (rozpadavý plod v nafúknutých vytrvalých kvetných obaloch) (Scutellaria) [2/15].
We recommend to use only the term microbasarium.
– l o m e n t a r i u m (plod rozdelený na pastruky) [2/16] – the schizocarpous fruit of lomentaceous
mericarps (Alyxia).

Fig. 2. Lomentaceous and schizocarpous fruits. 1 – lomentum (Styphnolobium); 2 – craspedium (Mimosa);

3 – bilomentum (Raphanus); 4 – druparium (Rubia); 5 – glandarium (Ouratea); 6 – baccarium (Hunteria);
7 – follicarium (Asclepias); 8 – coccarium (Hevea); 9 – achenarium (Dialyceras); 10 – camarium (Litchi);
11 – cremocarpium (Foeniculum); 12 – samarium (Acer); 13 – microbasarium (Lamium); 14 – trymarium
(Scutellaria); 15 – diclesarium (Salazaria); 16 – lomentarium (Alyxia). (Del. Z. Randáková.)

2.1.2. Apocarpous simple fruits in aggregate, c o n c a r p i a (plodstvá) incertae sedis
– d i c l e s t u m (plodstvo vo vytrvalých kvetných obaloch) [3/1] – fleshy or dry mericarps (apocarps)
in aggregate often covered by fleshy or coloured perianth (Coriaria, Dillenia). Fleshy aggregate fruits (plodstvá dužinatých plôdikov) Drupaceous aggregate fruits (plodstvá kôstkovitých plôdikov)
– d r u p e t u m (plodstvo kôstkovičiek) [3/2] – mericarps in aggregate are drupaceous (Amborella,
Rubus, Hydrastis). Baccate aggregate fruits (plodstvá bobúľ)
– b a c c e t u m (voľnoplodové plodstvo bobúľ) [3/3] – free mericarps of the aggregate are baccate
(Schisandra, Asimina).
– s y n c a r p i u m (spojené plodstvo bobúľ) [3/4] – baccate mericarps of the aggregate are secondarily
fused into one berry (Annona).

Fig. 3. Aggregate fruits. 1 – diclestum (Dillenia); 2 – drupetum (Rubus); 3 – baccetum (Asimina); 4 – syn-
carpium (Annona); 5 – follicetum (Paeonia); 6 – coccetum (Tetracera); 7 – achenetum (Ranunculus);
8 – pometum (Rosa); 9 – trymetum (Siparuna); 10 – pomarium (Nelumbo); 11 – camaretum (Damasonia);
12 – samaretum (Liriodendron); 13 – glandetum (Fragaria); 14 – lomentetum (Monanthotaxis). (Del. Z.

77 Dry aggregate fruits (plodstvá suchých plôdikov) Dehiscent aggregate fruits (plodstvá pukavých plôdikov)
– f o l l i c e t u m (plodstvo mechúrikov) [3/5] – aggregate with apocarpous dehiscent carpels opening
along one suture (Lardizabala, Paeonia). C o c c e t u m (plodstvo strukovitých mechúrikov) [3/6]
is follicetum with carpels opening along two sutures (Tetracera). Indehiscent aggregate fruits (plodstvá nepukavých plôdikov)
– a c h e n e t u m (plodstvo nažiek) [3/7] – aggregate with apocarpous indehiscent carpels (Ranunculus,
Geum). Achenetum in hypanthium, sometimes fleshy, is called p o m e t u m (plodstvo nažiek
v kvetnej čiaške) [3/8] (Agrimonia, Rosa); if the hypanthium is dehiscent, the agreggate is known
as t r y m e t u m (plodstvo nažiek v pukavej kvetnej čiaške) (Siparuna) [3/9]. The seeds in genus
Nelumbo are immersed in a receptacle divided into many cavities. It was considered that the fruit is
schizocarp and it was called p o m a r i u m (plodstvo nažiek v miskovitom kvetnom lôžku) [3/10].
From a morphogenetic point of view, the fruit of Nelumbo is pometum, but we recommend to
preserve the term pomarium as a trivial name for planar pometum. If the mericarps of achenetum are
many seeded, it could be called c a m a r e t u m (plodstvo viacsemenných nažiek) [3/11] (Damaso-
nium), neverthenless we recommend to use the term achenetum. S a m a r e t u m (plodstvo krídla-
tých nažiek) [3/12] – achenetum with winged mericarps (Euptelea, Liriodendron). G l a n d e t u m
(plodstvo nažiek na vypuklom kvetnom lôžku) [3/13] – achenetum with an accrescent receptacle
(Fragaria). Lomentaceous aggregate fruits (plodstvá delených plôdikov)
– l o m e n t e t u m (plodstvo pastrukov) [3/14] – mericarps are lomentaceous, constricted between
seeds (Monanthotaxis).

2.2. P o l y a n t h o c a r p i a (súplodia)
2.2.1. Fleshy compound fruits (dužinaté súplodia)
– f r u c t u s c o n g r e g a t i d r u p a c e u m (súplodie kôstkovíc) – compound fruits of free drupes.
– f r u c t u s c o n g r e g a t i b a c c a r u m (súplodie bobúľ) – compound fruits of free berries.
– b i b a c c a (dvojitá bobuľa) [4/1] – compound fruit of two partially fused fruits (Lonicera).
– s o r o s u s (moruša) [4/2] – compound fruit of many (more than two) fused fruits – achenes in fleshy
anthocarp (Morus), drupes (Morinda) or berries (Ananas).
– s y c o n i u m (sykónium) [4/3,4] – fruits (drupes or achenes) are enclosed in a receptacle (Dorstenia,
2.2.2. Dry compound fruits (suché súplodia)
– f r u c t u s c o n g r e g a t i f o l l i c u l o r u m (súplodia mechúrikov) – compound fruit of free
– f r u c t u s c o n g r e g a t i c a p s i c o r u m (súplodia toboliek) [4/5] – compound fruit of free
– a c h e n o s u m (súplodie nažiek) [4/6] – achenes or camaras in a compound fruit, not enclosed or
subtended by bracts (Platanus). If the achenes are on a swollen base of inflorescence, the fruit is
known as g l a n d o s u m (súplodie nažiek na zväčšenom vretene) [4/7] (Procris).
– c a t o c l e s i u m (katoklézium) [4/8] – fruits enclosed in an indehiscent receptacle or covered by
compact bracts (Coix, Xanthium).
– t r y m o s u m (súplodie v stonkovej čiaške) [4/9] – fruits enclosed in a dehiscent receptacle or bracts
(Castanea, Fagus).
– t r y m o c o n u m (pukavá šiška nažiek) [4/10] – achenes in cone-like or strobile-like structures,
enclosed by accrescent bracts, dehiscent at maturation (Casuarina).
– a c h e n o c o n u m (šiška nažiek) [4/11] – achenes in cone-like or strobile-like structures,
subtended by free bracts (Alnus, Betula, Humulus).

– f o l l i c o n u m (šiška mechúrikov) [4/12] – one carpelled follicles in cone-like or strobile-like
structures (Banksia).
– c a p s i c o n u m (šiška toboliek) [4/13] – two and more carpelled capsules in cone-like or strobile-
like structures (Liquidambar).
– a n t h e c o c a r p i (súplodia zŕn) – the compound fruit derived from a spikelet.

Fig. 4. Compound fruits. 1 – bibacca (Lonicera); 2 – sorosus (Ananas); 3 – syconium (Ficus); 4 – syconium
planum (Dorstenia); 5 – fructus conregati capsicorum (Salix); 6 – achenosum (Sparganium); 7 – glandu-
losum (Procris); 8 – catoclesium (Xanthium); 9 – trymosum (Fagus); 10 – trymoconum (Casuarina); 11 –
achenoconum (Alnus); 12 – folliconum (Banksia); 13 – capsiconum (Anemopsis). (Del. Z. Randáková.)

Apendix 1. Classification of fruits – Systém plodov

Spermatocarpia – "semenné plody"

Monospermatocarpia "jednoduché semenné plody"
Dry pseudo-fruits – "suché semenné plody"
Cupula – "semenná čiaška"
Spermachenium – "semenná nažka"
Spermocapsula – "semenná tobolka"
Fleshy pseudo-fruits – "dužinaté semenné plody"
Spermidium – "semenná kôstkovica"
Arillocarpium – "semenná bobuľa"
Epispermatium – "epismermácium"
Polyspermatocarpia "zložené semenné plody"
Strobilus – "strobilus"
Conus simplex – "jednoduchá šiška"
Conus decompositus – "zložená šiška"
Galbulus – "zrastená šiška"
Arcesthida – "šišková bobuľa"

Eucarpia – "pravé plody"
Monanthocarpia (Simple fruits) – "plody"
Monocarpous and Syncarpous – "jednoduché plody"
Not schizocarpous – "nerozpadavé plody"
Fleshy fruits – "dužinaté plody"
Drupaceous (Drupe-like) – "kôstkovité plody"
Drupa – "kôstkovica“
Nuculanium – "vysychavá kôstkovica"
Tryma – "pukavá kôstkovica"
Baccate (Berry-like) – "bobuľovité plody"
Bacca – "bobuľa"
Arcosarcum – "arkosarka"
Balaustium – "balausta"
Hesperidium – "hesperídium"
Peponium – "pepónium"
Amphisarcum – "amfisarka"
Pomum – "malvica"
Dry fruits – "suché plody"
Dehiscent – "pukavé plody"
Folliculus – "mechúrik"
Coccum – "strukovitý mechúrik"
Utriculus – "vrecko"
Legumen – "struk"
Capsula – "tobolka"
Siliqua – "šešuľa"
Silicula – "šešuľka"
Indehiscent – "nepukavé plody"
Camara – "nažka"
Achenium – "viacplodolistová nažka","achéna"
Cypsela – "podkvetná viacplodolistová nažka"
Caryopsis – "zrno"
Perigynium – "pamechúrik"
Samara – "krídlatá viacplodolistová nažka"
Nux – "oriešok"
Lomentaceous fruits – "delené plody"
Lomentum – "pastruk"
Craspedium – "rámikový pastruk"
Bilomentum – "pašešuľa"
Schizocarpous – "rozpadavé plody"

Fleshy fruits – "dužinaté plody"
Druparium – "plod rozdelený na kôstkovičky"
Glandarium – "rozpadavý plod na zdužnatenom kvetnom lôžku"
Baccarium – "plod rozdelený na bobule"
Dry fruits – "suché plody"
Dehiscent – "pukavé plody"
Follicarium – "plod rozdelený na mechúriky"
Coccarium (incl. Coccocarpium p.p. – "diskovitý plod") – "plod rozdelený na strukovité
Indehiscent – "nepukavé plody"
Achenarium – "plod rozdelený na nažky"
Camarium – "plod rozdelený na nažky s voľným oplodím"
Polachenarium (incl. Cremocarpium) – "plod rozdelený na visiace nažky", "visiaca
Samarium (incl. Cremocarpium alatum) – "plod rozdelený na krídlaté nažky", "krídlatá
visiaca dvojnažka“
Lomentaceous – "delené plody"
Microbasarium – "plod rozdelený na tvrdky"
Trymarium – " rozpadavý plod v pukajúcich vytrvalých kvetných obaloch"
Diclesarium – "rozpadavý plod v nafúknutých vytrvalých kvetných obaloch"
Lomentarium – "plod rozdelený na pastruky"
Apocarpous (Aggregate) – "plodstvá"
Fleshy fruits – "plodstvá dužinatých plôdikov"
Drupaceous (Drupe-like) – "plodstvá kôstkovitých plôdikov"
Drupetum (incl. Bidrupa – "dvôjkôstkovica") – "plodstvo kôstkovičiek"
Baccate (Berry-like) – "plodstvá bobúľ"
Baccetum – "voľnoplodové plodstvo bobúľ"
Syncarpium – "spojené plodstvo bobúľ"
Dry fruits – "plodstvá suchých plôdikov"
Dehiscent – "plodstvá pukavých plôdikov"
Follicetum – "plodstvo mechúrikov"
Coccetum – "plodstvo strukovitých mechúrikov"
Indehiscent – "plodstvá nepukavých plôdikov"
Achenetum (incl. Coccocarpium p.p. – "diskovitý plod") – "plodstvo nažiek"
Pometum – "plodstvo nažiek v kvetnej čiaške"
Trymetum – "plodstvo nažiek v pukavej kvetnej čiaške"
Pomarium – "plodstvo nažiek v miskovitom kvetnom lôžku"
Camaretum – "plodstvo viacsemenných nažiek"
Samaretum – "plodstvo krídlatých nažiek"
Glandetum – "plodstvo nažiek na vypuklom kvetnom lôžku"

Lomentaceous – "plodstvá delených plôdikov"
Lomentetum – "plodstvo pastrukov"
Diclestum – "plodstvo vo vytrvalých kvetných obaloch"
Polyanthocarpia (Compound fruits) – "súplodia"
Fleshy – "dužinaté súplodia"
Bibacca – "dvojitá bobuľa"
Sorosus – "moruša"
Syconium – "sykónium"
Dry – "suché súplodia"
Achenosum – "súplodie nažiek"
Catoclesium – "katoklézium"
Trymosum – "súplodie v stonkovej čiaške"
Trymoconum – "pukavá šiška nažiek"
Achenoconum – "šiška nažiek"
Folliconum – "spojené súplodie mechúrikov"
Capsiconum – "súplodie toboliek"
Anthecocarpi – "súplodia zŕn"

The study was financially supported by the Scientific Grant Agency VEGA 1/0885/16.

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Zmeny v systematickej klasifikácii plodov môžu viesť k požiadavke na zavedenie nových ekviva-
lentov v regionálnych jazykoch. Takéto zmeny prinášajú so sebou novú terminológiu. Preto sme do
slovenskej morfologickej terminológie prebrali chýbajúce termíny pre rozpadavé plody, plodstvá
a súplodia Keďže medzi zahraničnou a našou národnou terminológiou sú tradičné rozdiely, navrhli
sme striktné hranice v terminológii plodov. Nová klasifikácia zahŕňa takmer 90 typov plodov.

Michal Hrabovský, Zuzana Randáková, Alena Rendeková, Karol Mičieta: Klasifikácia plodov
cievnatých rastlín – novinky v morfológii a slovenskom názvosloví


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