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Équipe n° 1 Noms 


mOP_EEM_PBLX Synthèse de la phase aller

Nom du PBL En équipe PBL

Equipe n°1
1. animateur  Rubens Barthelemy 5. Manon Damery
2. scribe Maxime Albrecht 6. Iris Breton
3. secrétaire Abigaëlle Corvoisier 7. Alois Colin
4. timekeeper Amaury Berthion 8.
Lexiques des termes :

Termes à Clarifier Définition rapide

team group of people who have tasks
grant budget given by the BDE (for this situation)
promotion student joining a school in the same year
a classe representative a representative in a group of people
bout-en-train student who puts a good mood
BDE student office : it manages the student associations of the school

Définition du problème:

Résumé de la situation After having created a BDP, Martin, the president of the BDE wonders about
the internal functioning of the team (composition of the team, promotion,...).
He wonders about the seriousness and commitment of this association. He
also wonders how the budget will be managed.
Problème principal How to make an effective team?

N° Problèmes secondaires
1 How to allocate roles according to everyone’s skills?
2 What is the role of the BDP?
3 How to achieve the objectives of the association?
4 How to manage the budget given by the EDB (use + organisation)
5 What projects are in place?
6 Should Quentin be in the team? How do you choose your teammate?
7 What are the differences with other associations (BDE, BDA,...)?
8 What is the notion of efficient?


Hypothèses collectives sans documentation:

Question Hypothèse de réponse

Principale To make an effective team, you need: well-defined roles, participation of everyone, poles

to assign roles, interview the president of the BOP to find out what each person prefers, what
skills they have and what role would suit them best. to shape the team well => commitment,
respect, autonomy

manages the evenings as well as the prom weekend, student development, cohesion and links
2 within the class
> The team is versatile, close-knit and motivated, with excellent cohesion
divide the association into different divisions, e.g. treasurer, secretary, president, communication,
appoint a treasurer and manage the budget on excel to link the budget with the events on the
4 same table.
> installation of helloasso application and excel
The projects put in place are the promotional evenings and week-end and another project on
the side to win money (raffle).
to test Quentin because his motivation is still uncertain, but to recruit him to have a more
efficient BDP.
>The notion of versatility is important because if someone is not there they can be replaced,
speed, commitment, values

Plan d’étude:

Ce que je dois apprendre (et donc étudier) pour valider ou modifier mes hypothèses.
Identification des savoirs à acquérir – Liste des objectifs de recherche 🡪un plan d’action

Ordre de Savoir à Acquérir –

Ressources à consulter
priorité Objectif de recherche documentaire
methodology for building an association Tips/ Testimonials of others

to do a search for team (BDP, BDE)


creation of themes, activities, logo, names



Les compétences visées: A la fin de ce PBL, je serai capable de :

Skills :
● to understand how student association works with its different roles

● to know how manage the budget of an association in an organized and intelligent way

● to learn to manage community life within a promotion

● to learn to identify the behavior of the people present in a team

● to know how to form a team

● to know how to organize events




>Introduction (What is the BDP? What is the definition of team?)

>members presentation and explanation of the different departments:

>president Iris

>treasury Manon

>animation department: Rubens, Alois/ Pool party and wastewater treatment plant

>Secretary: Abigaelle

>Communication department: Amaury, Maxime/ t-shirt

>slide to talk about financial help.


For our BDP, we are 7 students and one more that we had to recruit to form our BDP team. to
show martin that we were the best BDP we had to prove our motivations, our different skills and our
dedication so that he trusted us.
First of all, we will determine what a BPD is, then we will study what a team is for us and finally
we will talk concretely about our association.

- What is a BDP?
The BDP (promotions office) is an association that takes care of all the students of a promotion
during a whole school year. Each year a team is re-elected. The BDP team must have concrete objectives
such as creating a link between students and teachers, creating a healthy atmosphere within the promotion
and many others that will be developed during our project. But that's not all, the students representing the
BDP must have imagination in order to come up with good ideas for activities that are both fun and
rewarding for the promotion. Finally, this team must be invested because being BDP means having a lot
of responsibilities for a whole year, encountering difficulties and keeping commitments.



(Here is the diagram with all the members of the association)
→ Iris’s text:

I will introduce you to my role as president, I have to manage the different poles of the BDP like the
treasurer or the communication pole. Among the roles I have, I have to make sure that all the members of
the BDP receive the information and ensure the communication between the teachers/management and
the promotion.

To assign roles, I used Moreno's sociogram. This method makes it possible to determine the affective
relationships that exist between the different individuals in a group by means of 4 questions. The purpose
of this questionnaire is to ask all members to indicate in decreasing order of preference the people with
whom they would like to perform a specific task.

→ Abi’s text:
I’m the administratif secretary and executive assistant. Our role is very important because we are at the
heart of the organization of the team .
We organize:
>the group’agenda: for example, it’s a presentation of an activity, created by the animation department.
>Receiving and writing letters: On this document, this is a letter for Miss.Chiche and Mister. JB. We can
see at the top left, a list of our first names like [...]. Besides, here it’s a text to talk about another project.
There are the date, our objectives, and agreement of the teachers.
>We have to organize meetings with team, and take some notes
>It’s possible filing files
>seeking sponsors: with the mail like GreenPeace
For our skills, we have to be polyvalent, and to act more fast and organize, to able to manage
relationships and stress
> drafting of the PBL return phase in English

→ Manon’s text:
I will now introduce you to the treasury part. My role in this BDP is very important. Indeed, I will be the
one who manages the association’s money for the year. Having already been part of an association, I
decided to use excel to note the expenses and the money received. We also decided to use the helloasso
application to facilitate the organization of our BDP. My role is therefore to pay attention to the money
you will give us if we become the BDP of our class this year. I also manage the quotes and reserve the
infrastructures that the BDP wants to request. I have to be very careful with the association’s account and
I have to monitor the expenses in order to distribute the money for the whole year.


→ Aloïs et Rubens’s text:

With Aloïs we are the animation pole :
We already have many ideas of projects that will take place all year round as a ventri-glide, a kayak race
and an ice rink for Christmas.
Our role with Rubens is to find ideas to animate and to know if they are or not feasible. Then it is
necessary to manage the material rental, the journeys by bus, the food in cooperation with Manon who
manages the budget.

Now we invite you to scan the QR code for the rest of our presentation
→Aloïs :
Our main project is a pool party as you can see on the QR flyers . it will take place between June and July
at près du hem 30 minutes from lille. We organize a swim and a battle with water guns. We take care of
the snack. We made the bus ride. I contacted several companies that have not yet answered me but if we
receive additional information we will share them on the instagram account, for budgets, if everyone
takes his swimsuit, we turn around 100€ for snacks and water guns. It will last about 1/2 days. it’s 40
personnes maximum so you must register by sending a number to the number on the flyers

→Amaury and Maxime’s text:

Hello Martin, I’m Amaury and I’m in the communication department. My role is to advertize all the
person in the school about the projects and the news of the BD’Pool, the activities etc. For that, we did
some posters, some tracts for students and other people. My job in this department was to create a cool,
attractive and beautiful logo.With the team we chose the name of the BD’Pool because its sounds good
and because the protection of marine fauna is important to us. I create an information booklet too where
are all the informations of the BD’Pool: the dates of events, the projects, our partners, our sponsors…

→Martin: Me, it's Maxime, as you could see I’m working with Amaury in the communication pole of
our bdp but also of course with the whole team we are all related ! Personally I handle the official
instagram account of our bdp, (besides do not hesitate to subscribe, it’s free ;)). My goal is to give as
much information as possible to all our students to keep them informed easily for each activity. To do our
advertising we also decided to make a sale of t-shirts and "eco-cup" to our credit with the famous bdpool
logo. In addition, it will also allow us to raise some additional funds that may give us the opportunity to
invest a little more in our projects to give our teammates the best possible experience in the promotion.
But that’s not all, because we all decided together that all the money that we will not have used at the end
of the year will be donated to an association that is close to our heart and that is related to our theme
around water because it’s the association named “the ocean cleanup” which cleans the sea of human
waste. Because we all agree that first and foremost our goal is to create as many activities as possible,
etc... to allow students to flourish, but it is also important to think about our planet in any situation. I
know it’s not the funniest part, but it’s with these kinds of small actions that we will advance, we are the


students of tomorrow and whatever the job we will work in later will always be related to the
environment so yes I think it’s important


We have to visit a wastewater treatment plant, next to Lille. It’s allowing the depollution of domestic
urban wastewater. It would be organized around discovery workshops for the waste treatment plant.
Through this activity, students will be made aware of the protection and recycling of wastewater and also,
to learn about the industrial machines that are there.


The BDP grants will enable us to sustain our promotion, they are essential for the proper development of
life at ICAM, to create activities during the year for new students in order to, from the start, create links
between the students.
Activities such as raffles promo sweatshirts sales and candy sales will be set up to raise as much money as
possible which will allow us to do more activities. The financial aid will be used to prepare special
occasions such as meals, the visit of the wastewater treatment plant or our famous pool party.
At the end of the year we want to donate the money we have left to the association the ocean cleanup
which cleans the sea of ​human waste.

Our team is committed and we will be diligent throughout the year. In the same way, our motivation will
be conducive to the achievement of our goals. Indeed, we are not short of ideas and our complete team
will be able to meet the challenges it has imposed on itself while respecting the budget. We will do our
best to satisfy your skills. We will be happy to be able to live this experience together, but for that, you
have to vote for the BDPool !

Ideas for projects that the BDP wishes to carry out during its mandate:
- tombola
- collection of cigarette butts
- foam party
- system of support between students
- promotional sweater
- meals organized every month for students: BBQ, Raclette,...(at the expense of the students)



-Iris (Président) -President elected by the promotion. He is involved throughout the year to represent the prom

- He coordinates the actions of the BDP.

-Creator of the PDP

-Communicates with teachers and management

-Abigaëlle (Vice-président) -Class delegate many times, captain of a basketball team

-Shoulder the president

-Also links teachers and promotion

-Manon (treasurer) -Serious and organized

-Likes math

-Responsible for the 2000€ budget and how it is used

-Manages the estimates and reserve/phone the infrastructures that the BDP wants to solicit

-Amaury and Maxime -Serious and organized

(Communication) -Oversees sharing the information that the BDP wants to relay via platforms like Instagram...

-Can also take care of the promo drive or their messaging

-Relaunch the students and teachers on the events that the BDP organizes/ upcoming

-Aloïs and Rubens (animation) -Promotion campaign

-Loves the company to read and motivated

-Are responsible for relaying ideas and organizing promotional activities

is there to entertain the promotion


Mex’Icam : Design of the instagram account is very cool, we can easily understand all the different roles
of everyone. Maybe that could be more dynamic in the presentation but all the ideas were really
interessant. The fact that they talk about the link between them and the different office it’s also very

Car’Icam : Maybe the video it’s not the best idea because that can be long sometimes, there were also few
inconsistencies, so it’s a shame. However, I liked the editing of the video, everyone had its own part. The
good thing is that they took the names from the original pbl’s bdp

Ciné’Icam : The video was very attractive and dynamic so it was very funny to watch it. The editing of
the video was also incredible and it helps to easily understand all their roles. Some good ideas (ex:
collecting money). Maybe the money they want to use just for the sweat is a bit too high.


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