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How much do you know about …

In about how many countries English is officially Which countries were not
is English an official spoken in many countries British colonies but
language? because… English is an official
a) 8. a) it’s an easy language. a) Madagascar and Rwanda.
b) 16. b) people like it. b) Pakistan and India.
c) 53. c) they were British colonies . c) Kenya and Namibia.

Which of these is an In which country is English is not the most

independent country? English one of the 11 spoken language in…
official languages?
a) Guam. a) South Africa. a) The Bahamas.
b) Bermuda. b) India. b) Singapore.
c) Seychelles. c) India.
c) Sri Lanka.

In which areas is English a How many people speak Which of these countries
dominant language? English as a first was once a U.S.
language? dependent territory?
a) In no areas. a) About 30 million. a) The Philippines.
b) In science. b) About 100 million. b) Puerto Rico.
c) In all areas. c) About 400 million. c) Bermuda.

Which of these English Nairobi is the capital of Which of these islands is

speaking countries is in which of these countries? not in Oceania?
America? a) Rwanda.
a) Cameroon. b) Kenya. a) Fiji.
b) Malta. c) Nigeria. b) Nauru.
c) Jamaica. c) Santa Lucia.

Lake Victoria is not a part of How many countries are Who is the head of the
which of these countries? members of the Commonwealth of
Commonwealth of Nations?
a) Uganda. Nations?
b) Tanzania. a) 24. a) Queen Elizabeth II.
c) Zambia. b) 53. b) Gordon Brown.
c) 62. c) Barak Obama.

Which of these non- Modern English is What is “Received

sovereign entities is not in sometimes described as Pronunciation”?
Europe? a…
a) Gibraltar. a) difficult language. a) Standard English accent.
b) Isle of Man. b) lingua franca. b) English-American accent.
c) Christmas Island. c) roman language. c) Scottish accent.
1- 53.

2- Because they were British colonies.

3- Madagascar and Rwanda.

4- Seychelles.

5- South Africa.

6- India.

7- In all areas.

8- About 400 million.

9- The Philippines.

10- Jamaica.

11- Kenya.

12- Santa Lucia.

13- Zambia.

14- 53.

15- Queen Elizabeth II.

16- Christmas Island.

17- Lingua franca.

18- Standard English accent.

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